International festival of solo performances “SOLO”: facts. International festival of solo performances Solo announced the program International theater festival of solo performances solo position

From October 1 to October 10, 2017, the Theater Center of the Russian Theater Union "On Strastnom" and the Union of Theater Workers of Russia are holding the Moscow International Festival of Solo Performances SOLO for the 10th time.

Over 10 days, 18 theaters will be presented on the stage of the Theater Center of the STD of the Russian Federation and in the Boyar Chambers of the STD. The X SOLO program includes not just the strongest acting works from all over the world, but productions demonstrating multi-genres in mono form. Poetry and documentary theatre, fiction and exploitation cinema, new drama and prose dramatization - Solo claims: a one-man show has no boundaries.

The anniversary festival will be a theatrical study of the problem areas of European and Russian modern theater, revealed in mono form. In the collision and contact between East and West, the main theme of the festival program is revealed - gender perversion as a social catastrophe. Be it a killer mother, a prison psychologist, a female warden or a transvestite from an abandoned slum. 7 performances of the foreign program “shout” about this - Italy, France, Poland, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Georgia. Theater Russia - St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Tomsk, Skopin - is thinking about this. The capital is represented at the festival by the Taganka Theater and the Malaya Bronnaya Theater.

The X SOLO program will open with the most controversial and provocative event of the festival - a production by the Italian theater Elledieffe-Teatro Elicantropo. The play from Naples is a tragedy of a sexless man, performed in the rare Neapolitan dialect. Not only is the gender of the creature stuck in the intergender gap uncertain, but the fate of the entire Naples, experiencing social and ethical decline after the 1980 earthquake, is uncertain.

Another headliner of this year's festival will be a performance from Krakow. Actress Katarzyna Chlebny takes on one of the most pressing topics in world drama – a woman’s ability to commit violence against her own children. In an unconventional interweaving of monologues between murderous mothers Medea and Magda Goebbels, the actress explores the darkest territories of the human personality.

An important theme of SOLO 2017 will be the experience of national archetypes by the bearers of culture themselves. Thus, a theater from France will present a production based on Hugo’s novel “The Man Who Laughs,” and “Odysseus” will come from Athens. Red Rhapsody X,” and the actress from Germany will introduce viewers to her own play about a ruthless female doctor in a concentration camp.

The new drama at this year's festival will be presented by two authors and three performances. In the rank of master is the play by the Moscow poet and writer Elena Isaeva “Prison Psychologist”, staged by the London theater 274 Theater Productions. And two interpretations of playwright Oleg Mikhailov’s play “The True Story of Freken Bock” about the unknown details of the life of the famous “housewife” will be performed on the same day by actress Natalya Kuznetsova (Nizhny Novgorod) and Honored Artist of Russia Ekaterina Durova (Moscow).

X SOLO will not only clash East-West, but will also demonstrate the confrontation between the capital and the province. While the aesthetic heroes of performances from Moscow (“Life is a takeaway product”) and Tbilisi (“I am Nikolai Gumilyov!”) live in the lofty matters of the poetry of Brodsky and Gumilyov, actors from the city of Skopin and the Moscow Lianozovsky Theater represent the colorful characters of the outback, in their everyday life on the brink of survival. And one of the most unexpected events of the anniversary show will be the Kolyada Theater. The one-woman show by actress Vera Tsvitkis, based on the novel “Dolores Kleinborn,” is the only stage version of King’s book in Russia and the world.

The festival of solo performances SOLO has no analogues in Russia, it is loved by the capital's public, is held to constant full houses and occupies its niche among the largest international festivals in the country. Every year, SOLO pays special attention to stage experiments, and also brings together on one stage outstanding masters of the one-man show genre from around the world, including such iconic names of modern theater as Robert Wilson, Romeo Castellucci, Pipo Delbono, Rosa Khairullina, Angelica Liddell and many others.

MOSCOW, August 20 - RIA Novosti. A one-man show based on the Bible from the star of the Italian stage Roberto Latini, a passion for Dostoevsky from the Bolshoi Drama Theater. Tovstonogov, a play based on Brecht by the legendary German theater Berliner Ensemble was included in the program of the eleventh Solo festival, which will be held in Moscow from October 1 to 11.

As RIA Novosti was told by the press service of the festival organizer, the Na Strastnom Theater Center, the current Solo program is equally divided between the largest European theaters and prominent representatives of avant-garde theater youth. Theaters from France, Germany, Italy and Luxembourg will show their best works in the genre of one-man performances, and the Russian program will be presented by groups from Yekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg and Moscow. A total of 11 performances will be shown as part of the theatrical show.

The festival will begin with a high-profile event - the one-man show "The Tin Drum" by the Berliner Ensemble, a world-famous theater whose creator was Bertolt Brecht.

A student of the famous clown Polunin - actor, director, choreographer Anton Adasinsky will present the production "The Last Clown on Earth", combining pantomime, clowning, dance and video installation. This work will be shown in Moscow at the Solo festival after the world premiere, which took place in Dresden.

Among the celebrity guests are Roberto Latini and Evgeny Grishkovets. The Italian actor and director, a fan of stage metamorphoses, will present the play “Song of Songs” based on the greatest and most mysterious material of world literature, the Bible. Grishkovets, whose every new work becomes an event of the festival and, according to established tradition, ends with an informal meeting with the audience, this time will present an unexpected premiere - a performance in the genre of a preface to a novel, which is called “Preface”.

Bolshoi Drama Theater named after. Tovstonogova will come with a one-woman show "The Meek One" based on Dostoevsky, performed by People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine Valery Ivchenko.

A surprise for Moscow theatergoers will be the arrival of National Theaters from Rouen and Luxembourg to Moscow, whose performances cannot be found on the posters of numerous festivals in the Russian capital. The National Drama Center of Normandy and the City of Rouen will present the award-winning one-man show "Repairing the Living" based on the novel by Meilis de Kerangal about a heart transplant. The National Theater of Luxembourg will present a one-man show "Lenz" based on the story by Georg Büchner.

Responsible for the theatrical avant-garde at the festival are Brusnikin Workshop graduate Vasily Butkevich and actor and director Anton Mozgalev, who performed his productions in Edinburgh, London and Paris at the invitation of Pierre Cardin. Butkevich will present his first solo work, “The Host,” and Mozgalev, a modern author’s version of Shakespeare’s “Macbeth.”

From October 1 to October 11, 2018, the Theater Center of the Russian Theater Union "On Strastnoy" will host one of the most conceptual theatrical events of this fall - the festival of solo performances "SOLO". The best works in the genre of one-man performances will be shown by theaters from France, Germany, Italy and Luxembourg, and the Russian program will be presented by groups from Yekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg and Moscow.

This year, the Solo festival poster is equally divided between the largest European theaters and the most prominent representatives of avant-garde theater youth.

The festival will begin with a high-profile event - the one-man show "The Tin Drum" by the most famous German theater Berliner Ensemble - a theater that has received worldwide recognition thanks to its creator Bertolt Brecht. Another outstanding event of the festival is the Bolshoi Drama Theater. G.A. Tovstonogov (the well-known BDT) with the play “The Meek” by People’s Artist of Russia and Ukraine Valery Ivchenko. An unexpected and eccentric development of the festival promises to be the arrival in Moscow of Anton Adasinsky - actor, director, choreographer, one of the most outstanding students of Vyacheslav Polunin. The production “The Last Clown on Earth,” which combines pantomime, clowning, dance and video installation, will be shown for the first time in Moscow at the Solo festival after the world premiere in Dresden.

Among the star names of the festival are Evgeniy Grishkovets and Roberto Latini. Each new work by Grishkovets becomes a unique event of the Solo festival of solo performances and, according to established tradition, ends with an informal meeting between the author and the audience. This time, Solo will present a premiere that is unexpected for both the theatrical and literary worlds - a new performance by Evgeniy Grishkovets made in the genre of a preface to a novel. But the star of the Italian stage, theatrical esthete, fan of stage metamorphoses, director and actor Roberto Latini takes on the oldest and most mysterious material of world literature - he stages the Bible. In the one-man show “Song of Songs,” Latini challenges the world history of theater and turns one of the most sophisticated books of the Old Testament in language and style into a daring and sensual fantasy, into a one-man show full of oneiric forebodings.

In addition, a truly unique event of the festival will be the arrival of National Theaters from Rouen and Luxembourg to Moscow for the Solo Festival, whose performances are extremely difficult to find in numerous festival posters in Moscow and Russia.

Young actors from the Brusnikin Workshop, well known to the capital's public, are responsible for the daring theatrical avant-garde in the Solo festival poster. The one-man show “The Host” is the first solo work of Vasily Butkevich, one of the most notable “Brusnikites” of the new generation. With the actor's natural charm and stunning energy, a bold theatrical attempt is made to explore the technology of evil alone. But Shakespearean passions in a modern interpretation are promised by actor and director Anton Mozgalev, who performed in front of Pierre Cardin himself. Mysteries of otherworldly reality in his one-man show “Macbeth. Reconstruction” are framed by light and sound effects, and the subconscious of Shakespeare’s image, torn by terrible questions, is revealed through the eccentric design embodiment of the hero’s costume and makeup.

On October 1, the Moscow International Festival of Performances will open for the eleventh time at the Theater Center "On Strastnom" with the only performer on stage - SOLO. The festival's serial number prompted the organizers to include exactly eleven performances in its program, maximally revealing the variety of styles in this special format. Performances from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Berlin, Luxembourg, Dresden, Bologna, Kaliningrad and Rouen will again allow the actor and the audience to meet one on one.

Evgeniy Grishkovets is a regular participant in the SOLO festival. Photo: Press service of the Theater "On Strastnom"

Over the past decade, the SOLO festival has become one of the favorite adventures of the Moscow theater autumn, invariably being sold out and gathering on its stage such outstanding representatives of modern theater as Robert Wilson, Romeo Castellucci, Konstantin Raikin, Pippo Delbono, Denis Lavant, Rosa Khairullina, Evgeny Grishkovets and many others.

The festival will begin with a high-profile theatrical event - a one-man show "The Tin Drum" by perhaps the most famous German theater "Berliner Ensemble" based on the novel by Nobel laureate Günter Grass. Director Oliver Rese adapted the original text, showing the story of the eternal drummer through the eyes of only one hero of the novel, played by Niko Holonics.

Among the equally famous participants of the festival is the Bolshoi Drama Theater named after G.A. Tovstonogov with the play "The Meek" staged and performed by the outstanding actor of this illustrious troupe, People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine Valery Ivchenko.

Biblical reminiscences became the basis for the play by actor and director Roberto Latini, a star of the Italian stage. In the one-man show “Song of Songs,” which will be presented at SOLO, Latini turns one of the most sophisticated books of the Old Testament in language and style into a daring and sensual fantasy.

Among the equally high-profile events of the festival is the visit to Moscow of Anton Adasinsky, a brilliant artist, director and choreographer. The production “The Last Clown on Earth” represents his favorite genre, combining pantomime, dance, clowning and video installation. The traditional name for this festival poster is Evgeniy Grishkovets. His new play "Preface" is made in the genre... of a preface to a novel that appeared on bookshelves this summer. “I want to tell and show on stage what happens to a person who is passing into the past...” says Grishkovets.

The SOLO festival poster also includes Vasily Butkevich, a graduate of the Brusnikin Workshop, well known to the capital’s public. The one-man show "Host" is his first solo work. With the actor's natural charm and stunning energy, a bold theatrical attempt is made to explore the technology of evil alone. But Shakespearean passions in a modern interpretation are promised at SOLO by actor and director Anton Mozgalev, who performed his productions before Pierre Cardin himself. The mysteries of otherworldly reality in his one-man show "Macbeth. Reconstruction" are framed by light and sound effects, and the character's subconscious, torn by terrible questions, is revealed through the eccentric design embodiment of the hero's costume and makeup.

How Russian psychological theater is refracted today can be seen in one-man performances from Yekaterinburg and St. Petersburg. Its creators call the play “Homo Chudicus” a tragicomedy. The image of an eccentric “with a mysterious Russian soul” helps Anton Zolnikov create a rich subject world of the play.

From October 1 to October 10, the Union of Theater Workers of Russia and the Theater Center of the Russian Theater Union "On Strastnom" will hold the VIII Moscow International Theater Festival of One-Man Performances "SOLO".
“SOLO” is a unique annual project that allows Muscovites to see the best one-man shows from all over the world on one capital stage. Over the years, Romeo Castellucci, Robert Wilson, Wajdi Mouawad, Jan Fabre, Pippo Delbono, Denis Lavant, Theodoros Terzopoulos, Daniele Finzi Pasca, Konstantin Raikin, Rosa Khairullina, Angelica Liddell, Polina Agureeva, Peter presented their solo performances in Moscow at SOLO Mamonov and many others. The first stars of the world and European stage who visited the festival allowed “SOLO” to occupy its unique niche in the list of the most anticipated theatrical events in Russia.
Chairman of the Russian Theater Theater A.A. Kalyagin: “A one-man show is like the Unified State Exam for applicants; if you pass it with an “excellent” mark, then the doors are open to you on any stage, which means you can play any of the most complex texts. Not everyone decides to do this, as a rule, only the bravest. Whenever possible, I watch all one-man performances - in each of them the actor is shown in all the power of his talent. And in the theater, it seems to me, there is nothing more interesting than the art of acting. And it’s wonderful that every year our Theater Center “On Strastnoy” hosts the “SOLO” festival, which brings together solo performances created by talented artists from all over the world. I am sure that this year the audience will also have bright meetings with great masters, that “SOLO” in each performance will sound virtuoso, as a solo should sound!”
Out of two hundred applications received for consideration, the 15 best solo performances from Russia, Italy, France, Estonia and Israel were selected for the 2015 SOLO program. Thus, the current poster contains the best examples of one-man performances by truly outstanding stage masters, mastering a wide variety of genres of modern stage art. A festival is always a zone of experimentation. SOLO 2015 takes risks.
The poster presents three Russian premieres at once, two of which are just being prepared for production and will be shown for the first time at the festival. Director Pavel Safonov and actor Evgeny Stychkin are preparing a one-man show “The Meek One” based on the story by Fyodor Dostoevsky. And the director and playwright, laureate of the national theater award “Golden Mask” KLIM (Vladimir Klimenko) is rehearsing for “SOLO” the premiere of “Pushkin: Fairy Tales for Adults...”. The third premiere will be presented by the favorite of the Moscow public, actor, director, writer Evgeny Grishkovets. He will close the festival with his newest performance, “Whisper of the Heart.”
In addition, “SOLO” will feature solo performances by Moscow and St. Petersburg actors and directors Alexei Yankovsky and Elena Spirina, Alexandra Konnikova and Albert Albert, Vladimir Tumanov and Svetlana Shchedrina, Ruslan Katsagadzhiev and Svetlana Smirnova, Sofia Vilenchik and Natalia Dmitrieva. On October 1, the festival will open with a unique video screening!
For the first time in Russia, a video version of the most iconic performance of the 20th century will be presented - “The Dead Class” by Tadeusz Kantor. The Italian company Change Performing Arts collected a unique video series and supplemented it with a live actor's commentary, compiled from quotes, recordings, fragments of letters and director's diaries of Tadeusz Kantor. At the SOLO festival this text will be performed by director Konstantin Bogomolov. Read more about the project below.
The foreign program of the festival will be presented by solo performances from Italy, France, Israel and Estonia. Italian actress, director and performer Elena Bucci will bring to Moscow the production “Don’t Feel the Pain,” dedicated to the memory of the outstanding actress Eleonora Duse. The avant-garde direction of Italian art will be presented by the Motus Theater and Silvia Calderoni. Director Mikhail Kayt brings to the festival the play “Everything, Finally,” performed by Israeli actor Gera Sandler, who worked for many years at the Gesher and Yiddishpil theaters. Popular Estonian actor Hendrik Toompere will perform his one-man show in Russian especially for the SOLO festival, and France will show two productions in Moscow with the participation of one of the most famous young actors, Stanislas Roquette.
All events of the festival program will take place on the main stage of the Theater Center of the STD of the Russian Federation "On Strastnoy", as well as in the Boyar Chambers of the STD, adjacent to the theater.