Folk signs. Folk signs and superstitions (miscellaneous)

The mystery and incomprehensibility of life situations and coincidences interests any sane person. Many people, laughing at superstitions, say that they do not believe in omens. And at the same time, having spilled salt, they automatically throw grains of it over their shoulder or go around the place where a black cat recently ran. It is believed that a sign does not work if a person does not know about its existence. And sometimes it happens that you need to attract money to yourself or learn about tomorrow.

Superstitions and signs arose from the desire for a calm, prosperous life and the desire to protect your home, your loved ones and yourself from unknown and unexpected troubles. In all countries there are various signs and the human perception of magical powers differs significantly. Superstitions most clearly show people's attitudes towards the supernatural and show how these fears and fears developed in accordance with historical events.

A simple listing of the most popular superstitions already gives an idea of ​​the strangeness and incomprehensibility of the use of some observations of the behavior of animals and people:
1. Do nothing on Friday the 13th
2. Do not pass anything over the threshold,
3. Do not return halfway,
4. Do not give a watch as a gift,
5. Don't celebrate your birthday at forty years old
6. Before a long or difficult road, sit down,
7. Don't eat from a knife
8. Do not lift anything at an intersection,
9. Don’t walk in one shoe,
10. Do not take out the trash in the evening,

Here is a short list of the most common superstitions and signs. If we look at each sign separately, it turns out that they are not so absurdly explained and each has a full explanation and justification.

For example, believing that on Friday the 13th one should expect troubles and misfortunes, superstitious people remember and relatively freely interpret the Old Testament, according to which it is believed that it was on this day that Cain killed Abel. In addition to this misfortune, the Gospel speaks for the first time about the betrayal of Judas in chapter 13. And at the Last Supper, 13 participants feasted. It was probably with these events that the number 13 became a terrible sign of all kinds of misfortunes. Sometimes belief in the impact of a fatal figure reaches the point of absurdity. In hospitals they try not to have room number 13; in some hotels there is no 13th floor and no 13th room. It is believed that if thirteen children are born in a family, then one of them will definitely go down the criminal path. Even famous people believed in omens. Franklin Roosevelt, for example, never started his trip on the 13th.

The prohibition to pass anything across the threshold or say hello also did not arise out of nowhere. The fact is that in ancient times, the ashes of their ancestors were kept under the threshold of the house and disturbing them in the afterlife was considered very dangerous. Another unpleasant superstitious prohibition is associated with the threshold. You cannot sit on the threshold, since the threshold is a kind of border between two worlds. This is where the divide between the afterlife and the world of the living takes place.

It is highly recommended not to return if you have already left home. This superstition continues the fear of bringing the afterlife across the threshold into the house. A person who is not completely confident in his abilities returns halfway home and, weakened by the lost goal of the hike, crossing the threshold-border may let the worried spirits of his ancestors pass with him. If you had to return unexpectedly, you should definitely look in the mirror before leaving. The intrigues of the other world are neutralized and strength and energy are doubled.

Why can’t you give a watch, but you must take a nominal fee for it? This recent superstition has spread from China to European countries. In the east, it is believed that a person who receives a watch as a gift is invited to the funeral. In Europe, the ticking clock counts down the remaining life. Or they slowly remind you of the end of your friendship with this person. Also, the clock hands have sharp ends, and this is completely unacceptable for a heartfelt gift, because then the time of resentment and quarrels will certainly come.

It is strongly recommended not to celebrate a birthday at the age of forty. Gifts and congratulations of any kind are considered inappropriate. This superstition shows a clear connection between the number “forty” and the other world and death. During the times of Kievan Rus, the dead were checked for incorruptibility and kept for forty days without burial. Hence the connection between the number forty and funerals. There is also a reminder of the fortieth memorial day. In addition, this number is considered to be the number associated with death in many religions. Only the brave will dare to celebrate their own birthday at this time. Indeed, according to superstitious traditions, it is believed that showing disrespect for death and the dead attracts illness, life problems, or even death.

Why is it recommended to sit down before a long journey? This is done in order to deceive the good spirits of the home, who are worried when they notice that a person is going on a long and distant journey. And they plot all sorts of intrigues, trying to interfere with the plans of the leaving tenant. By sitting down before leaving the house, people try to deceive these spirits and go on their way without their delays and control. If you happen to return halfway, then the house spirits may be upset that they were deceived and do even more dirty tricks and troubles on the way. In practice, it turned out that it is always useful to sit down before a long journey and remember whether everything you need is put in your suitcases.

The sign prohibiting eating from a knife speaks of the danger of taking the path of anger and quarrels. It is for fear of becoming evil that people try not to eat from a knife. Here again it’s a matter of a long and ancient tradition. The knife is one of the first weapons for defense and attack that appeared in the history of human development. The main task of manipulating a knife is to obtain food and protect against enemies, including imaginary ones. An object that drove away all evil spirits required respectful treatment and was used only after special ritual ceremonies. Eating from an object of sacred significance means angering the spirits. The anger of the spirits will immediately be transferred to the person who abuses their trust. The person will become angry and warlike. Perhaps all these passions are based only on the possibility of cutting yourself on a sharp blade.

It is strictly forbidden to pick up money or any item found useful for the household at an intersection. The mystical properties of the crossroads have long been known, although invisible. After all, it is here that several worlds intersect and it is from this place that you can expect a lot of all sorts of troubles and surprises. According to legend, you should not pick up anything at a crossroads, so as not to attract upon yourself all the troubles and problems of others that were left at this crossroads. And it should be taken into account that the better and more expensive the thing found at the crossroads, the more serious the misfortune caused by this item may be.

Walking in one shoe in search of a second was not welcomed at any time. If a person appears wearing only one shoe, it is believed that he may soon become an orphan. The biblical postulate “There is a pair for every creature” is clearly felt here. Two shoes are an inseparable pair. The separation of this couple can lead to a separation between the parents or even the death of one of them. After all, if parents love each other, then only death can separate them.

You can't take dirty trash out of the house after sunset. This ban is due to the fact that all the neighbors will think that there are secrets in your house that need to be hidden from prying eyes. And, of course, perfume. The dispute between evil and good spirits is eternal. For good spirits to enter the house, it is necessary to clear the home of debris in advance, and under the cover of darkness it is absolutely not necessary to do this. There is also a belief that by taking out the trash from the house in the evening, good luck and money are thereby taken out of the house.

Objects and symbols that evoke superstitious fear or give hope:
1. Black cat
2. Evil eye or evil eye,
3. Salt,
4. Mirror,
5. Horseshoe,
6. Bucket,
7. Moon,
8. Money.

A small list of concepts and symbols that give rise to the most popular superstitions necessarily includes the traditional attitude towards the unfortunate black cat. If, while going on a journey, a person on his way meets a black cat crossing the road, then he should refrain from traveling and return back. It turned out that such a superstitious attitude towards poor black cats arose in ancient Rus'. In those distant times, people valued cats and considered them members of their family, so cats were almost never seen on the street. A cat running around the village meant that the owner had died and there was no one to look after the animal. Over time, the number of stray animals increased and only black cats were considered harbingers of bad luck. Since then, the poor black cat has been associated with the other world.

In addition to looking at the behavior of a black cat, Russian people are incredibly afraid of the evil eye. They especially protect newborns and small children from the evil eye. The main weapon against the evil eye is tapping your knuckles on a wooden object. And it is believed that in this case the trouble will pass by.

Anyone can believe in omens if they begin to come true. Trying to put up protection and protect themselves from the influence of an incomprehensible world, people naively assume that everything in the world is predetermined. For example, signs associated with ordinary table salt. There is a belief that if you spill salt, you will soon quarrel with your loved ones. But just throw three small pinches over your left shoulder and the spell is lifted. It is clear that such a belief is associated with the exorbitantly expensive price of salt in ancient times and with obvious quarrels with family members.

There are superstitions that even have a scientific basis. For example, a mirror that has even a crack or has been broken is considered a harbinger of death or a serious quarrel. There are theoretical arguments by scientists that negative energy is taken from a person through a mirror. So they say that when looking in a broken mirror, a person begins to experience outbursts of anger, poor health, irritation and a bad mood.

Not every superstition inspired fear and brought danger into the house. There are superstitions that bring good luck and joy. For example, any horse shoe. Nailed upside down to the door, it protects the house from evil spirits and is capable of stopping even the devil. It is believed that Satan walks in circles between the ends of the horseshoe and is unable to come down. Thus, a nailed horseshoe stops evil spirits and protects the home from all evil spirits. A lot of superstitions are associated with such a simple object as a bucket. You definitely need to go around a woman walking towards a meeting with an empty bucket and give way to a person carrying a full bucket, so as not to miss your own luck.

The moon has long attracted lovers of believing in the unexpected and unknown with its mystery and constant cycles. It is believed that by handing her a wallet with money or a large banknote, a person thereby attracts monetary luck and multiplies his savings.

If you hold one coin in your hand and, looking at the young, newly erupted month, make a wish, then the moon will provide cash flow for the whole month. If the new moon appears on the right side, then the month will be profitable and will be able to ensure financial well-being for the whole family for a year. If the month is on the left hand, then nothing good can happen. Only serious expenses are foreseen. It is recommended to borrow money only for the new month, and it should be repaid at the end of the month on the flawed moon. And in this case the debt should be repaid only in small money.

There is a whole culture of superstition associated with money in general. In villages, of course, people remember much more signs than city residents. This is explained by the opportunity to discuss with neighbors while being in a closer social circle than city residents living in separate families.

You can make a whole list of ancient and modern superstitions about money, and not all of them come true, but they all attract people with their ease and accessibility to the desired enrichment.

Money that was lent on Sunday will never be returned.
You should also not lend on Monday.
You should not repay debts on Monday, you will never have money.
If you borrow money on Tuesday, you have a chance to remain in debt for life.
To be sure that you will always have money, you should not give it away in the evening.
To keep money, you should not put a hat, keys and gloves on the table.
Empty bottles on the table also lead to lack of money.
The broom must stand with the whisk facing up, otherwise it will sweep all the money out of the house.
Money increases where it already exists.
Faulty plumbing drains wealth from your home along with the water.
You can’t whistle in the house, you’ll whistle your own income.
Small change scattered in the corners attracts other money into the house.
They don't sweep with different brooms in the same house.
The money tree-crassula improves the financial situation of the owner well.
In the evening you cannot clean the apartment, especially sweeping.
You can't throw anything out the window. You can throw away your own well-being.
Do not pick up small change at an intersection, as many diseases are attributed to small change.
You cannot raise money found on an empty stomach.
If it so happens that you still have money in your hand, then you should spend it on good deeds.

Many good money omens also accompany a person throughout his life. For example, in order not to be left without money, you should not cut your hair yourself. The left palm usually itches for money and should be scratched with raking movements. When repaying a debt, you must try to give the creditor money in smaller bills than they were taken.

There is also such a sign as throwing rice on the bride and groom. Rice, as a symbol of fertility, should protect newlyweds from evil spirits. There are a lot of good omens and superstitions. Ants that appear in the house, broken dishes or a mole in an invisible place have such a strong attraction of happiness that they sometimes cover up several negative signs.

Why are signs and superstitions needed?

Good or evil signs that bring disappointment or hope owe their creation to extreme antiquity and darkness. It was precisely when there was absolutely no hope of salvation left that people were forced to resort to prayers or superstitions. The hope for a favorable outcome of suffering instilled confidence and sometimes even naturally helped to resolve issues in a positive sense.

Even in our advanced modern times, a person sometimes looks with hope at a broken cup and hopes that the minor loss will be made up for by happy moments. After all, it often happens that nothing can return the former positive attitude in life and sadness settles in the human heart for a long time. This is where good omens can sometimes come in handy.

Often, out of nowhere, a whole series of difficult problems arise, and when you begin to comprehend and compare what happened, you realize that several times you have already received a warning in the form of bad omens and failed to adequately prepare and take appropriate measures. The fulfillment of many desires is closely related to signs and superstitions. Since a person, having paid attention to the sign, begins to act and thereby attracts good luck by relieving internal tension and increasing peace of mind. This explains the positive influence of amulets on a person who trusts their magical effects.

Naturally, even the most inveterate skeptic will not be able to ignore superstitions that portend trouble. After all, even if you doubt the effectiveness of folk wisdom, it is always easier to do what is required than to reproach yourself for a long time for not doing it. People who believe in God are strongly opposed to superstitions and believe that only atheists and heretics can believe in omens. But if, having more positive intentions and pure dreams, a person lives with dignity and does not particularly bother with the negative influence of omens, then there is nothing wrong with this entertainment. Because the more faith there is in negative aspects, the more often they occur. It should be remembered that human life is built independently and no otherworldly forces, light or dark, can influence the creation of a full and developed life. Not only his life, but also the lives of his loved ones, relatives and acquaintances will depend on how a person builds his future.

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Folk signs and beliefs

For a long time, people have been observing the environment, some unusual phenomena that could affect their mood, the fertility of the earth, or changes in the weather. They usually analyzed, systematized what they saw and drew appropriate conclusions.
Phenomena and typical signs that were repeated from time to time, highlighted and remembered. Then they used them, warning others from possible undesirable consequences, or vice versa - comforting them with a joyful prediction that was soon to come true.
This is exactly how, grain by grain, our customs, signs, beliefs and superstitions were born. They covered all spheres of human activity, the entire life course - from birth to death, as well as the entire animal and plant world.

We learned to spiritualize phenomena and objects, seeing in them the existence of mystical spirits: good ones who helped a person in life, and evil ones who did harm in every possible way, causing misfortune.
The spirits themselves and their inherent signs of good and evil, faith in their supernatural abilities and capabilities, gradually formed among the people their understanding of the world and life wisdom. This is how the culture of our people was created, which was passed on to our descendants.
A sign, in the popular understanding, is a characteristic sign of someone or something by which one can recognize or predict what may soon happen, occur, or befall someone.
Belief is a kind of faith (belief) in someone or something, which is perceived unquestioningly and passed on from generation to generation - according to tradition. Most often this refers to those phenomena and objects that go beyond ordinary life, giving the impression of some kind of incomprehensible mystery and mystery.
We can conditionally divide signs and beliefs into two parts - those that bring happiness, and those that portend troubles or grief. Many people, for example, are frightened by the cry of an owl, the howl of a dog, a cat crossing the road, or an encounter with a priest or monk on the street.
In addition, there are many specific things with which many signs and beliefs are associated. We will look at the most famous beliefs and signs and try to understand them by giving a logical explanation.

Sign - a broken mirror

Today it is fashionable to talk about human energy, which we hear about almost every day. As you know, energy can be taken from a person not only by people, but also by things. Probably the most popular belief among people is associated with the mirror. On the corresponding religious holidays, girls used a mirror to tell fortunes, and they still do this today.

It is also known that you should not look into a broken mirror, a mirror with a pattern, mirror tiles or other surfaces that seem to break or crush the surface. All this destroys energy, which affects, first of all, health.

But a mirror in your pocket will protect you from the enemy, because it reflects all the bad thoughts and intentions, and, consequently, all the negative energy directed against you.

An accidentally broken mirror is considered an extremely bad omen. Breaking a mirror means seven years of poverty or not seeing your husband (not getting married). In addition, it is believed that it can cause the death of relatives. There were all sorts of rumors about this sign, although it can be explained.
The root of this superstition dates back to the Middle Ages, when the first glass mirrors began to be made in Venice. Of course, they were very expensive. And in order to force the maid to handle the expensive thing with care, the owners came up with this sign: whoever breaks the mirror will face misfortune.

Then, in mirror manufacturing technology, a thin layer of mercury was used to cover the back of the product, instead of silver amalgam. Therefore, one should not be surprised that a broken mirror brought misfortune, because mercury, evaporating, poisoned people. Hence the illness and even death of everyone who lived in the house.

Why you shouldn't sit on the corner of the table

Everyone knows that, according to superstition, you should not sit on the corner of the table. It is believed that the angle drains energy from a person. This can lead to certain troubles in your personal life and harm your health and material well-being. This is why mothers always warn their daughters against sitting on the corner, lest they remain unmarried.

Sign - to pass through the threshold

It is a well-known belief that nothing should be passed across the threshold. The threshold is an energy barrier that separates two worlds. An invisible border prevents establishing contact: things, energy transferred from one world to another are considered lost for both worlds.

Therefore, the energetic connection between two people is destroyed.

This may explain the belief that one should not return if a person has already left the house. After all, crossing a threshold is a transition to another world, on which you need to spend energy, that is, a person loses strength.

If you had to return, you need to sit down (borrow power from your home), look in the mirror (return the energy), and then move on.

Sign - sprinkle salt

Regarding food, the most superstitions are associated with salt, which in importance can be compared to bread. In particular, guests are greeted with bread and salt at various celebrations. And, for example, spilling salt means a quarrel.
Sprinkling salt on the table means a small quarrel, on the floor means a big one. The belief was born from the life experiences of our ancestors. Once upon a time, salt was very expensive. It is clear that in poor families its loss led to serious discord: eating without salt is not tasty, and there is no extra money.

There is even a proverb among the people: “Food, although fatty, is lean without salt.” But it’s a paradox: from a fallen salt shaker, you had to immediately take three more pinches and throw them over your left shoulder, saying: “May a quarrel befall me then when someone collects this salt.”

According to another version, this is a kind of offering to the brownie: after all, he keeps order in the house, including ensuring that family members do not quarrel. And if a woman oversalts her food, they say that she has fallen in love. Obviously, during the period of love, a woman’s body feels a lack of salt - that’s why she oversalts.

Salt cannot be purchased on Monday or Saturday. The salt shaker should be closed at night - this will help you achieve success the next day and make your sleep more restful.

Sign - empty bucket

There are many superstitions regarding things that are used daily in the home. One of these things is a bucket. It is impossible for someone to cross the road with an empty bucket. But a full bucket is good. You cannot eat food from a pan or from a knife. It is known that you cannot hit a person with a broom, because she will become as thin as a broom.

Signs - money

There are quite a lot of popular sayings associated with money. For example, finding a penny is a sign of happiness and money. There is also a belief that you should not take other people’s found money, because there may be so-called extortions or slander on it.

They say that you should not give alms directly to the beggars, because in this way you are giving away your energy. You need to throw it into a vessel or a hat.

Folk signs about animals

The beliefs and superstitions associated with various animals are also well known. The most dangerous among them, undoubtedly, are cats. It is believed that a cat senses a person best, can read his thoughts, and is a very cunning creature.

Cats have become the main characters of many horror films. There are stories in almost every village about cats that caused the death of their owners. And the most popular sign is rightly considered to be a black cat that crossed a person’s path.

It is also known that black birds foretell misfortune. Unfortunately, so do the birds that accidentally flew into the house. If a dog howls with its head raised, it means a change in the weather; if it howls with its head down, it means someone’s death.

Signs - itchy hand

Many signs are associated with different parts of the human body. If the left hand itches, then the person will count money. If the right hand - will greet acquaintances or friends.

There is an opinion that the most terrible human disease - cancer - is a consequence of human worldview. We can often hear: “He’s already sitting in the liver.” Such a person may get liver cancer. If a woman is very angry with a man, she will probably have cancer of the female organs.

Signs and embroidery

There are no less signs associated with human actions. Previously, almost every woman knew how to embroider. Obviously, this is where many signs regarding this are connected. You can’t embroider from top to bottom, only from bottom to top: embroidery will be easier and you won’t get stuck with a needle.

You cannot embroider water (waterfalls, rivers, lakes) and then keep such paintings in the house, because money will flow out of the house like water. You cannot embroider a crucifix - it is unfortunate and a big disaster. You cannot embroider in pairs of needles, because someone will die.

Wedding and omens

Signs of family rituals are a separate cycle. Many of them are associated with weddings, births, and funerals. It is well known that the groom should not see the bride before the wedding.

You cannot go to the registry office or church along a straight road, you need to choose difficult paths, try to confuse the evil spirits. You should also avoid cemeteries. But loud car horns scare away evil spirits.

Signs that we took from foreign films have become fashionable today. For example, the bride's clothing should include old, new, borrowed and blue. Rain is a good omen on your wedding day.

If a strong wind blows, the life of the young will be windy. Snowy weather means a prosperous, prosperous life. And if you want clear, sunny weather on your wedding day, invite cats to the wedding: your own and those you meet.

Wedding rings are made smooth, without notches, carvings, or stones, so that the bride and groom have a smooth life. Massive wedding rings - to prosperity and wealth. To marry with your parents' wedding rings is to repeat their fate. A wedding ring falls during a wedding to betrayal. The bride's bouquet should not fall - this is unfortunate.

Try not to tear your wedding dress at the party, but if this has already happened, there is no need to sew it up. After the wedding, the dress is not sold, because you will sell your happiness. And the most important condition for a happy marriage is to create a family with a loved one.

A large number of superstitions are associated with pregnant women and newborn babies. For example, an unborn child cannot buy things or clothes.

Numbers and superstitions

People associate many beliefs with numbers. We all know the numbers 13 or 666. If a person’s age is divided by three, then you can start a new business, if by seven, you can radically change your life. Read more in the article “The meaning of numbers in human life”

Signs and funerals

You should not place a glass of water (or vodka) covered with a piece of bread near the portrait of the deceased. According to legend, the soul of the deceased will never come to this glass, but only demons.

While the deceased is in the house, there is no need to do laundry. This is considered a bad omen. Also, you should not allow someone to sit on the bed of the deceased while the coffin with him is in the house.

The coffin with the deceased, as well as the lid from the coffin, cannot be carried to the relatives of the deceased.

When nailing the coffin lid, you need to make sure that the shadow of a living person does not “get into the coffin.”

You can't take anything from the cemetery! Including scarves and towels that are removed from the cross or wreaths.

Over many hundreds of years, our wise people have accumulated a huge number of signs associated with various areas of life. There are weather signs, there are everyday signs, love signs, and everyday signs. And also children's, women's, men's. Signs associated with animals, with the seasons, with holidays and with sorrows.

Some signs have long lost their relevance, so to speak, for “technical reasons.” And some continue to operate successfully to this day...

But first, let’s say: to believe or not to believe in omens is everyone’s personal choice. However, for folk signs It is not superstition that is hidden, but the centuries-old experience of our ancestors. And the signs did not arise out of nowhere; they are the fruit of the observations and conclusions of a huge number of people.


Folk signs

Each season has its own signs. They allow us to predict the weather, tell us what awaits us the next day, and what the harvest will be like. And, by the way, the largest number of folk superstitions are devoted to the weather and seasons.


  • Summer is dry and hot – winter is little snow and frosty.
  • If there is a lot of field sow thistle in the summer, the winter will be cold; if there is a lot of sorrel, the winter will be warm.
  • An abundance of berries in summer foreshadows a cold winter.
  • Big mushroom harvest during the summer foreshadows a long winter.
  • If the sun rises in the fog, the day will be quiet and stuffy.
  • During sunrise it is stuffy - a sign of bad weather.
  • The rays of the sun darken - towards a thunderstorm.
  • The weather will be hot and sunny:
  • if at sunset the sky is blue, golden or hot pink,
  • if dew falls before sunrise
  • if at sunrise the sun is white.
  • From a distance, visible objects seem unusually large - you can expect north wind and rain.
  • If in clear weather distant objects are unclear, as if in fog, it will rain.
  • If the air above the forest turns blue, it will be warm.
  • The greenish color of the moon means severe drought.
  • Rainbow in the morning - for rain.
  • The greener the rainbow, the more rain there will be.
  • If a rainbow is visible in the evening, then the weather will be good, and in the morning it will rain.
  • Rainbow in the west - there will be rain, in the east - warm, clear, dry weather (bucket).
  • A rainbow across the river means the weather will be good, a rainbow along the river means there will be heavy rain.
  • The rainbow stands from north to south - for rain, from east to west - for good weather.
  • A double (triple) rainbow is a sign of rainy weather.
  • The water in the river foams for the rain.
  • There was no dew at night, there will be rain during the day.
  • Fog spreads across the water early in the morning - the weather will be sunny.
  • There is fog over the forest - mushrooms will come when it rains.
  • Clouds spread across the sky in stripes - predicting rain.
  • Red clouds before sunrise mean wind, clouds mean rain.
  • Wind from the east in summer means drought.
  • If earthworms crawl to the surface, lizards bask in the sun, sparrows chirp loudly, bathe in dust or puddles, at sunset the red sun sets into a cloud, then there will be rain and wind.
  • Sparrows sit puffed up - it means rain.
  • If a seagull lands on the water, wait for good weather.
  • Geese wash themselves before the rain.
  • Swallows touch the surface of the water with their wings - it means rain.
  • Swallows bathe and anxiously fly in and out of the nest - before the rain.
  • Swifts fly low and scream - to the rain.
  • The cuckoo crows - the weather will be good.
  • Fish jumping out of the water means rain.
  • Mosquitoes and midges in a column - good weather.
  • Flies buzz animatedly - to the warmth.
  • If a lot of spiders are visible, the weather is good.
  • The spider intensively weaves webs - for dry weather.
  • Flowers smell strong - predicts rain.


  • Wet summer and warm autumn mean a long winter.
  • Snow will fall early in the fall, and spring will be early.
  • The first snow falling on dry ground promises a good summer.
  • The first snow fell on wet ground - it will remain, on dry ground - it will soon go away.
  • The first snow falls forty days before winter.
  • Migratory birds fly high in the fall, there will be a lot of snow, and little snow low.
  • The appearance of mosquitoes in late autumn means a mild winter.
  • Late leaf fall means a harsh and long winter.
  • If the leaves, falling off, lie inside out - for a harvest and a warm winter, with the front side up - for a cold winter.

Folk signs about the weather (seasons)


  • In winter it is dry and cold, in summer it is dry and hot.
  • Warm winter leads to cold summer.
  • Winter is snowy - summer is rainy.
  • If the stars shine brightly, summer will be sultry.
  • Frost in winter - dew in summer.
  • In winter, a lot of large icicles mean a harvest of vegetables.
  • Large frost, mounds of snow, deeply frozen ground - for the harvest.
  • Few stars in the sky means bad weather. If the stars shine brightly, it means cold weather.
  • Dawn is coming soon - there will certainly be snow.
  • A whitish circle near the sun means there is a storm.
  • If the sunset is purple, it means there will be a lot of snow or a snowstorm with frost.
  • The pale color of the moon foretells heavy snowfall.
  • If the moon is dazzlingly white, it means cold; if the moon is red, expect wind, heat and snow tomorrow.
  • If reddish rings appear around the moon, there will be very severe frost.
  • A foggy circle near the moon means there may be a blizzard.
  • A clear, steep-horned moon means cold weather.
  • The air above the forest has turned blue - it will be warm.
  • The sky is overcast - it will get warmer.
  • The clouds go against the wind - towards the snow.
  • The clouds are floating low - it will be cold.
  • Frost on the trees means frost, fog means thaw.
  • Snow sticks to trees - to warmth.
  • The ice is cracking - the frost will last a long time.
  • The cat lies down in a ball somewhere higher, on something soft - to the frost.
  • Cats and dogs hide your face - to the frost.
  • The cat lies belly up - for warmth.
  • A cat rubs against something - it will be warm.
  • If a cat runs around the room in winter, it will be frosty.
  • The indoor birds are silent - the cold will remain for a long time.
  • Crows and jackdaws hover in the air in front of the snow, sit on the snow - to thaw, sit on the tops of trees - to frost, and if on the lower branches - to the wind.
  • A crow walks along the road - towards warmth.
  • The tits are squeaking in the morning - it will be frosty at night.
  • Birds are tufting - a sign of bad weather.

Folk signs


  • If lightning flashes in early spring, but thunder is not heard, then the summer will be dry.
  • In spring, the snow melts quickly, and the water runs together - leading to a wet summer.
  • Long icicles - for a long spring.
  • If dry March is followed by rainy April and cold May, there will be a good harvest.
  • If in the spring the snow melts from the sun, there will be a fruitful year; if from the rain, there will be a drought.
  • In the spring there are a lot of tadpoles in puddles - for a fruitful summer.
  • Birds build nests on the sunny side - for a cold summer.
  • If there are a lot of cobwebs flying in the spring, the summer will be hot.
  • If the clouds move quickly in one direction, it will be hot.
  • Birds sit on the ground - towards warmth, sit on the lower branches of trees - towards the wind.
  • The cuckoo crows loudly and often in the spring - warm weather is just around the corner.

Female and male signs

Folk signs

Signs also affect the private, personal lives of men and women. True, there are not as many of them as weather or household signs, but they still have a place to be. And, in general, they turn out to be quite accurate.

  • If a girl hides a bride's needle or pin from her wedding dress, then will get married this year.
  • If a girl pricks herself with a needle, she will hear praise.
  • If a thread sticks to the dress, it foretells a gentleman, a white thread - a blond, a black thread - a brunette.
  • A man should not try on beads, otherwise he will have as many debts as there were beads on the string.
  • If a husband and wife dry themselves with the same towel, they will certainly quarrel.
  • A stranger cannot sit on the marital bed, otherwise the wife and husband will separate.
  • Whichever of the young people in the church holds the candle higher will dominate the family.
  • During a difficult birth, to ease the pain of the woman in labor, you need to remove the earrings from her ears.
  • You can’t sit on the corner of the table, otherwise you won’t get married for seven years.
  • If you finish eating or drinking after someone else, you can find out all his thoughts.
  • Don't smooth the mess - the groom will be bald.
  • No one likes anyone who eats without salt.
  • He who eats salty food is in love.
  • The mustache itches before a gift or before a kiss.
  • Four people say hello crosswise - for the wedding.
  • Whoever has long fingers will have a small bride.
  • Whoever has short fingers will have a tall bride.
  • He who is afraid of tickling is jealous.
  • A pregnant woman should not step over the rope, otherwise baby gets tangled in the umbilical cord , and the birth will be difficult.
  • If two girlfriends or two friends look in the mirror together, they will fall in love with the same person.

Household signs

We can say that everyday signs are ready-made instructions for living safely and in harmony with others. Literally every everyday action has its own sign.

  • Giving someone a pin means a quarrel. But if they really ask, then you need to inject this person or take money from him, then there will be no quarrel.
  • You cannot keep a pin open in the house, this can lead to a quarrel between household members.
  • To prevent anyone from jinxing it, you should put a pin on the inside of the dress so that no one can see it.
  • To meet a woman with empty buckets is unfortunately bad news, but with full ones is fortunately good news.
  • Meeting a man with empty buckets, on the contrary, is fortunate, and meeting a man with full ones is unlucky.
  • If a guest choked while eating, it means that the owner regretted his treat.
  • You can’t scratch yourself at a party – there will be trouble.
  • Cutting your nails at a party means a quarrel.
  • If a brownie strokes you with a soft and warm hand at night, this means happiness and wealth; if it is cold and bristly, it means disaster.
  • While eating, looking in the mirror is a sign of beauty.
  • If you lift a mirror above your head so that the new moon is reflected in it, you can see as many moons as the moon is days old.
  • The mirror will crack - unfortunately.
  • Keys on the table - to a quarrel.
  • If you leave a book open, you can lose your memory.
  • Sprinkling salt means a quarrel. In order not to quarrel, you need to throw the scattered salt over your left shoulder three times and smile.
  • An extra spoon on the table for lunch or dinner is a guest.
  • You can’t knock spoons while clearing them from the table - the neighbors will talk about it.
  • You cannot cut bread with two different knives while eating - a quarrel will certainly occur.
  • If instead of a fork and a knife they serve two knives, it means you will have to marry twice.
  • Don't play with a knife - there will be a quarrel.
  • You cannot scrape the table with a knife, as this portends a quarrel.
  • You can't eat from a knife - your tongue will be evil.
  • A girl cannot eat from a knife - her husband will be as sharp as a knife.
  • If the knife is dull, the owner is stupid; if the tablecloth is black, the hostess is stupid.
  • In reality, of course, it will accept much more. And if our readers are interested, we will definitely return to this topic.

    Nadezhda POPOVA

    “Knock on wood! Don't whistle at home! - grandmothers have been telling us since childhood. And how they intimidate us with all kinds of evil spirits, brownies and black cats! The tradition of superstitions is firmly entrenched in the subcortex of the Russian consciousness, combining the remnants of pagan heresy with folk wisdom.

    And despite the fact that today few people are afraid of brownies and goblin, Russian people still always “sit down on the path” and prefer not to spill the salt.

    Spilling salt means shedding tears

    Probably, almost each of us, when we spill salt, in one way or another remember one of the most common signs that it promises quarrels and misfortune. Salt in world culture is already quite an interesting and multifaceted symbol, but Russian folk tradition has always given it, first of all, everyday meaning. It is believed that this sign appeared during the times of riots and uprisings in Rus' in the middle of the 17th century, when salt was literally worth its weight in gold. Hence the meaning - wasting such a precious thing inevitably leads to a quarrel in the house. But the resourceful Russian people quickly found a way to avoid trouble. So, if you believe in omens and still spilled salt, it’s okay. It is enough to simply laugh, or allow yourself to be hit on the forehead, or sprinkle scattered salt on your head. Later they began to joke that if the food was too salty, it meant the cook was in love with someone.

    If you whistle at home, you'll miss the money

    Everyone knows this sign, even the most distant Russian person from superstitions. In addition to the fact that whistling in the house may simply be impolite, whistling, according to popular beliefs, could attract various evil spirits into the house. And it was possible to offend the brownie. Then he will run away, taking with him not only the goods he has acquired, but also peace. The wind comes whistling into the house, which can also carry all the wealth out of the house. It is not surprising that sailors have always been afraid to whistle a storm. In addition, if you whistle in the house, you can “whistle” not only money, but also memory. In fact, to whistle means to turn away the face of the Mother of God, and to whistle in the house, one way or another, leads to devastation.

    Clothes inside out - to a squabble

    Contrary to other nations, in the Russian tradition, clothes worn inside out do not promise a person good luck. Popular wisdom formulates this clearly and clearly: “If your dress is inside out, you’re either drunk or you’ll be beaten,” and “to spit on your dress by accident is to tolerate falsehoods.” It’s not surprising, because people used to treat clothes much more carefully and carefully than modern people. In ancient times, clothing also performed a certain security function. It is not for nothing that special amulets patterns were sometimes depicted on clothes. In addition, it was almost always very expensive and only a careless person could dress it inappropriately. Sometimes they actually gave this a good, even funny, meaning. For example, people said that if a married woman’s skirt turns up when getting dressed, it means she will give birth soon.

    If you sew on yourself, you will sew up a memory

    Another sign related to clothing warns that you should not sew clothes directly on yourself, as you can sew up a memory. This is not only physically dangerous, but also has some mystical overtones. However, it is not known for certain why this sign is associated with memory. Most likely, there is a strong pagan overtone here. One can only assume that the answer is that in the old days, when there were no antibiotics or antiseptics, and the needles were large, crooked and, therefore, uncomfortable, if you pricked yourself with a needle, you could get serious blood poisoning or tetanus. However, even for this sign, people came up with a countermeasure: to protect your memory from mysterious processes, you just need to put a thread in your mouth. So this superstition should be treated with humor.

    If you step on the threshold, you will wake up your ancestors

    There are a lot of signs associated with the threshold, and not only in our culture. The most famous Russian variations on this theme are, perhaps, that you cannot say hello or pass things across the threshold, so that the devils do not separate you or so that the children do not become mute. The threshold is the border area between external and internal space, the territory where spirits live. And we are not talking about any evil spirits here, but about spirits. The fact is that for the ancients the threshold of the house had some sacred meaning. This is the place where the spirits of the ancestors lived, who were supposed to protect their living relatives from all kinds of evil. Indeed, in the old days, the ashes of the dead were often buried under the threshold. Hence the special attitude towards this part of the house.