The most accurate horoscope for the year of Capricorn.

At the beginning of the year, Capricorn women will be full of energy. Everything will work out, no matter what you undertake. People around you will not ignore your success and will even envy it.

The horoscope for 2017 advises the Capricorn woman to reconsider her social circle. Perhaps those who smile in your face will turn out to be real enemies. Just cut off all ties with such people and you will feel relief.

In the Year of the Rooster, everything planned will work out, and things will go smoothly. Perhaps you are planning a joint project with your close friend or boyfriend. The stars foretell that he will be successful.

Friendship at work will have a beneficial effect on your work life. Joint projects will bring benefits to the company and, accordingly, to you, in monetary terms.
Astrologers predict a flow of useful information for the fair sex during this period. But don’t let this scare you, it will be absorbed and perceived very easily, and will definitely come in handy in the future.

Love horoscope

Your charm and attractiveness will literally knock you off your feet. The 2017 love horoscope for women born under the sign of Capricorn promises that life during this period will be filled with romanticism. Men will want to give you flowers and gifts, even just like that, for no reason and without demanding anything in return. For those who have long dreamed of meeting their soulmate, this is a very favorable time, the main thing is not to miss out on your prince.

The Capricorn love horoscope advises a married woman not to test her husband’s strength. Attacks of jealousy will not lead to anything good. Try not to give reasons. In turn, take the initiative into your own hands and organize a romantic dinner by candlelight or a walk under the moonlight. This will strengthen your family even more and breathe freshness, and maybe even passion, into your relationship.

There is a possibility that at the end of the year you will be drawn to love affairs on the side, but you should always remember the consequences.

Family horoscope

Everything will be smooth in relations with relatives. You will understand each other without words. Married women with children also have nothing to worry about. Children will delight you and complete mutual understanding will reign in the family.

You should not show your child your importance and authority; try to be on an equal footing with him. This is the only way you can become a true friend to your child. In the warm season, try to organize “outings” into nature.

The main condition is the presence of all family members. In the fall, it's time to start arranging your home. If it is not possible to change the furniture or carry out repairs, at least make a rearrangement.

Financial horoscope

The first half of the year for the Capricorn woman will be stable financially, without any special jumps. You should not plan large expenses. In the second half of the year the situation will change slightly. There is a possibility of receiving a bonus or a significant amount of money.
No additional income is expected. Therefore, try to be more economical and avoid pointless sales. Don’t get involved in adventures; the pursuit of “easy money” will not lead to anything good. You will only lose more.
Stability will come at the moment when, as strange as it may sound, you stop taking risks. There will be expenses in 2017, but they will go mainly to family needs and will only bring joy to your household.


Career for a Capricorn woman in 2017 will come first. You will begin to realize that frequently changing jobs only brings disappointment and losses. Moreover, your family does not approve of this. You will look at your work with different eyes and begin to appreciate it.

Moreover, during the period of 2017, you and your actions will be closely watched by your superiors. Show your best side and you will definitely receive a reward in the form of a bonus or a new position. There is a possibility that your colleagues will let you down by not completing some very important task. Therefore, astrologers advise, if possible, to do all the work yourself, and not shift it to others.

In 2017, the Capricorn girl will have to think about her self-education. Read more books, and perhaps you will want to take advanced training courses or a second degree. The Year of the Rooster is very favorable for learning.

Health horoscope

No deviations in health are predicted. But you shouldn't rely on it. Be sure to carry out prevention. Walking in the fresh air and eating right will further strengthen our immunity.

You should not buy vitamins at the pharmacy; it is better to eat more vegetables, fruits, nuts and dairy products. Try to limit yourself to alcohol, fatty and salty foods.

Horoscope by month

Thus, for the Capricorn woman, the year of the Rooster will be quite successful.

Already With January you will leave full of strength and energy.

February will pass in troubles with children.

March will bring a new acquaintance.

In April If you want to change, don’t deny yourself this pleasure, go to a beauty salon.

May And June great time for a vacation.

In July It will be a big waste.

AugustSeptember will go through the work.

A in October cash reward awaits.

In November wait for guests.

December A business trip or short trip is possible.

In 2017, you should seriously think about advancing in your profession. Everything this year will be conducive to this, even your environment will involuntarily push you towards professional development. Make the most of all the information that comes to you from the outside: you may really need some of it in communicating with people and in your work.

In January, you may have new, interesting plans that are unusual for you. February may bring “winter depression,” but try not to be sad: already in March you will feel a surge of energy and unprecedented activity. In April, you should not overload yourself with work, otherwise you risk harming your health.

At the end of May - June, try to deal with all unfinished business, but in mid-July it’s time to take a vacation and have a good rest. At the end of August - beginning of September, the workload at work may increase several times, but do not be alarmed - the more effort you spend now, the greater your reward will be later. October and November can bring a lot of creative ideas and energy for their implementation. In December, you will be in a festive mood that will not let you get bored until the holiday itself.

Love horoscope 2017 Capricorn

Not a very calm and smooth year for Capricorns. Changes in personal life that began a long time ago will continue. Many representatives of the sign will have to face a serious problem in the family. If family relationships are unstable, then there is a possibility of divorce or, at best, drastic changes in family life. The second half of 2017 is preparing a lot of problems with children for Capricorns. Such troubles will most likely result not only in grief, but also in large financial expenses.

If the first half of the year is unfavorable for married couples, then in the second half of the year troubles await most lovers.

In these situations, it should be remembered that the successful outcome of all matters of the heart and family, first of all, depends on sincerity and mutual desire to meet each other halfway. Focus less on the opinions and advice of other people, listen more to your heart, which will tell you a way out of the current situation. In November-December, personal relationships will hang almost by a thread. It takes a lot of effort not to break this hair. Otherwise, the consequences can be very disappointing. This year, personal life will most likely be closely connected with work and business.

No matter how strange it may seem, it is worth paying attention to people you have known for a long time. At first it will be an easy, non-binding connection, which will later develop into a serious relationship. So serious that there is a possibility that the first month of autumn will become your honeymoon.

As the 2017 love horoscope for Capricorn predicts, you can meet your honeymoon partner on the 4th and 22nd of any month. It is advisable that the initials of a new acquaintance begin with the letters “D” or “M”.

Career horoscope for 2017 Capricorn

From the very beginning of the year, Capricorns will be very active in the business field. You will be pleased to notice how the projects you worked hard on last year are beginning to be implemented and generate income. This period is good for starting work on something completely new; you will have many ideas about how to become more successful and advance in your career or business. It must be said that these considerations need to be quickly implemented, because there is a high probability that what is planned will bring positive changes to your professional life in the very near future. You will be lucky in business, you will work with a bang, and you will gain significant authority.

In the spring, expect some complications during business. They will be related to the fact that your professional growth will be noticed by colleagues and, most importantly, by superiors; and the demands placed on professionals are too high. Don't panic and take these small troubles as a kind of professional recognition. You know how to make decisions even in the most extreme situations - this skill will save you this time too. You can cope with failures and criticism quite easily, eventually achieving even greater success in business.

Summer is the peak period for your working form. Now you will work without raising your head, and, moreover, of your own free will - so you will be captured by the work process. You will achieve more and more success and push yourself more and more. Representatives of the sign will demand the same high level of work ability from their subordinates, if any. This will not lead to any good, because not everyone knows how to work so hard and productively. Do not put pressure on your subordinates, otherwise a revolution in the team cannot be avoided. If you can treat your colleagues with understanding and respect, summer will become as productive and successful a period for business as the first half of the year.

In autumn, your pace of life will noticeably speed up. Both at work and at home there will be many things that need to be resolved without delay. However, this will not stress you out: you will feel at ease, life will be filled with colors - and even in the endless bustle you will see it in its full palette. By the end of the year, expect a final career leap: a promotion or a significant increase in salary.

Health horoscope for 2017 Capricorn

The beginning of 2017 will give Capricorns enviable health. During this period, your immune system and endurance are stronger than ever: neither seasonal illness nor weather changes can undermine your excellent health. Don’t miss the opportunity: now that you feel so good, you can lead an active lifestyle, managing to be at your best in any area.

In the spring, the pace of work will have to slow down and a new routine will be created. Only by wisely alternating hours of work with hours of rest, and at the same time getting full rest, will you remain in the same great shape as in previous months. If you intend to work beyond the norm, know: your body will not share this zeal with you and will quickly give up, then both colds and unprecedented weather sensitivity will become your constant companions. So, tune in to a healthy lifestyle and give preference to rest and self-discipline for a while.

Provided that you took care of your health in the spring, in the summer you will feel on top of the world. Lightness, energy and positive mood will literally overwhelm you. Most likely, during this period you will be drawn to engage in sports, maybe even extreme ones, which will bring your figure to ideal condition. True, in August you should still give up extreme sports in favor of some safer hobby: during this month there is a very high probability of getting injured.

By the end of the year, you may feel tired, more mentally than physically. Treat this feeling carefully: don't work overtime, get more rest, take a vacation or an extra day off if possible. By the winter holidays, you will feel healthy and full of energy for another equally active and interesting year.

Capricorn - annual horoscope

According to the Capricorn horoscope, 2017 is extremely important for your career and ambitions. Now you can look back and appreciate how far you've come and how much support there is for your cause.

People born under the sign of Capricorn are under the protection of Saturn - the planet of asceticism, restrictions and order. The ruler endows them with tenacity, perseverance and conservatism. The energies of Saturn, when properly processed, result in vitality, spiritual insight and steadfastness of faith.

2017, the year of the Fire Rooster, is one of the most favorable periods for developing Saturn’s strong side. He will be in the 12th house all year, which is responsible for spiritual growth, limitation in worldly pleasures, and at the same time – for the zone of deep happiness. Capricorns are not very inclined towards religion, but in 2017, the events taking place will certainly turn your thoughts to the Higher Powers.

The stars do not promise Capricorns a cloudless horoscope for 2017. To achieve meaningful results and reap the rewards you deserve, you will need to put in the effort. Numerous problems will have to be resolved quickly and decisively this year. Moreover, despite the fact that the Fire Rooster is a conservative, he will require a fundamentally different approach from you. You will have to look beyond your own interests and pay attention to the world around you, otherwise the world will stop paying attention to you.

2017 may be a year for Capricorns to find a balance between the personal and social aspects of life. Rethinking values, new ideas and perspectives - the time has come for big changes for you. You will remember this year as extremely eventful, sometimes difficult, but overall very successful.

For the first 8 months of 2017, Jupiter will be in the sign of Libra and will form a favorable aspect to Saturn. This “planet of great happiness” will help Capricorns improve their social status. But the horoscope warns that it is necessary to exclude any manifestation of pride. The ability to control yourself and accept everything that happens with gratitude is the main condition for success in the year of the Fire Rooster. Otherwise, if you take victory for granted, and not as a gift from higher powers, it may turn into defeat. Also, hurry to take advantage of the blessings of strong Jupiter in the 10th house, expand your horizons and be fair in your actions.

The Capricorn woman has a secretive, capricious character. She is like the Snow Queen, frightening and attractive at the same time. According to the horoscope for 2017, you will need to trust your inner voice and give free rein to your emotions. The family-oriented and loving Rooster will help you soften the severity of your character and choose the right degree in relationships with loved ones.

The Capricorn man is hardworking and pragmatic. The main traits of his character are calmness, thoroughness and prudence. Surprisingly, he is prone to frequent depression and only the “maturity” of the sign and internal work on oneself help Capricorns overcome their gloomy outlook. But, the Fire Rooster - the owner of the year - in 2017 will fill their lives with confidence and optimism.

For business, the first months of the year are a difficult period; from the end of February to May, objective conditions can create difficulties, delays in the implementation of projects and will require focused efforts to get results. At this time, there will be a tendency to overestimate one’s strengths and take on dubious projects. Therefore, it is important to take into account the economic context and correlate desires and opportunities. Don't get carried away by ideas that promise mountains of gold. If circumstances are not in your favor, be patient. From the beginning of May, the period of instability will be replaced by a more constructive time and you will have a good chance to succeed.

February 11 and August 07, and August 21 falls in your area of ​​finance and makes this a key topic throughout the year. In February, as well as from the last ten days of July to mid-September, your attention may require material issues, financial relations with partners in marriage or business, distribution of joint profits, issues of taxes, insurance, inheritance, income and profit, money that you receive from others. You will have to resolve issues of financial dependence on others or dependence of others on your help; reconsider your approaches to financial matters and develop a more rational financial policy that will allow you to be more independent. This is also the topic of important acquisitions, resolving pressing issues with real estate or relocation.

From October 10, Jupiter will move into the astropolis of plans, hopes, joint projects, social activities and friendships, and will be sextile to your sign until November 8, 2018. This is a favorable period. It will be easier for you to settle matters, new business opportunities will appear, for the development of joint projects, contacts with public organizations that can bring you new opportunities. At this time, joint projects will be more successful than individual efforts. Friends and like-minded people can provide you with the support you need. Through contacts with them, you can reach people who will provide you with protection in important matters.

Read more about some aspects of the year.

From January to early March, Saturn's sextile to Jupiter promotes social activities, solving issues of education, studying abroad, and provides an opportunity to receive support from influential people, management, official organizations, and career advancement. Do not neglect the friendship and advice of those older than you in age or position. In business at this time, a compromise is needed between optimism and caution in business, since until May the general economic climate can create a slowdown in the development of business. At this time, until mid-April, Jupiter will be in a tau square with Uranus and Pluto in your sign. From the end of February to the beginning of May is an unfavorable time to take out a loan, make investments, or start a new business.

January 28-March 09 Mars in square to your sign will create tension, the need to prove the validity of your actions, overcome obstacles in business and solving current issues. In negotiations, be persistent, but do not be led by irritation, then you will be able to reach an agreement without giving up your main positions. February 03-20 is a favorable period for advancement in business, career; issues related to finances and important purchases can be successfully resolved.

February 11 at 22°28" Leo is associated with budget issues, financial relationships with partners in marriage or business, with the settlement of property issues. Situations of this period may remind you of your responsibility to someone, both financial and emotional.Other people's opinions will influence you more than usual.There are likely to be situations in which you have to figure out what really belongs to you and what belongs to your partners. This is a time of revaluation of values, and if you have difficulties with this, take the advice of Eckhart Tolle:« Do you want to understand what is really yours?let go of everything, and yours will remain with you.»

From the second half of February to the beginning of April, your attention may be required by relationships with relatives, their affairs or problems, housing issues, household troubles, the need for repairs or issues of real estate, rent.

February 26 at 08°12" Pisces ends situations of the previous year that caused trouble, anxiety or created problems. You have gained certain experience from communication and interaction in family and business contacts, and now you have to part with misconceptions, erroneous approaches regarding some people and projects, and you need to build a new communication strategy that will be more effective. This could be the time of travel, a new course of study, solving problems with registration of property documents and other important papers. For some of Capricorns, there will be a need to deal with real estate issues or. moving.

From February 22 to March 6, be attentive to information, this is the time of revealing secrets, news that may be key in understanding situations or problems of the past year and the beginning of this year. But be careful yourself, do not reveal your secrets, choose who and what to say. This time provokes rumors and gossip that can affect your personal affairs and relationships for a long period. Therefore, it is important to take into account that at this time, delusions, deception, losses, fraud, intrigue, and connections with unreliable or dishonest people are possible. At this time, it is better not to make important decisions.

At the end of February and beginning of March, at the end of March, in mid-April, an unexpected repeat in business can change plans. In business, there may be termination of contracts, topics of real estate, rent, may require discussion and be the cause of conflicts.

March 04-April 15 Venus will be retrograde in the third and fourth astropolis. Venus focuses on the need to reconsider your relationships with your immediate environment, with relatives. At this time, new opportunities will appear to solve old problems, but to do this you will need to change your usual attitude and perception of the position of your loved ones. The end of March and the first half of April is a difficult period, probably obstacles in business, the need to find a balance between household chores and work tasks. In April, the causes of obstacles that were not previously taken into account may become apparent in the work and work will be required to correct or eliminate them.

From April 9 to May 3 it will move from the fifth to the fourth astropolis. Your attention may be required by relationships with children, loved ones, solving issues of everyday life, real estate and home life, or finalizing creative projects in order to begin their implementation after In work, there may be tasks associated with additional responsibility, but in the long term this will lead to career advancement and salary increases. In the second half of April, information will appear that will allow us to take a fresh look at the problems of late February-April and come to a solution after May 3.

From the beginning of May, the period of instability in the first months of the year will gradually give way to a more constructive time, you will have a good chance to succeed and start new topics and projects. The most suitable time for beginnings is from May 4 to early August.

June 06-20 is a favorable period for romantic acquaintances, the implementation of creative ideas, and relationships with children.

From the end of June to the last week of July is a crisis period for relationships. From June 24 to July 11 and July 16-21, contradictions may worsen in relationships with partners in marriage or business, conflicts and legal problems are likely, and in weak unions there may be talk of divorce. Actions or undertakings of the recent past can cause disagreements and disputes. At this time, competitors and rivals may become more active. Be diplomatic, not everything depends on you now, focus on dialogue and compromise, so you can “resolve” the situation without painful consequences. This is the time when some projects, endeavors or relationships will come to an end or require significant changes to be able to continue.

From August to early October, Jupiter sextile Saturn provides a favorable period for advancement in career and business, but in August there will be influences that need to be taken into account.

August 07 at 15°25" Aquarius in the field of finance brings material issues to the fore. But it is also your skills, talents, your ability to do something that you can convert into money as payment for your skills. Likely questions: " how to get more? or “how to spend what you have?” At this time, someone else may reveal your new talent or indicate the possibility of a new way of earning money. It may be the end of some financial relationship due to the fact that it has become obsolete or has lost trust.

From August 13 to September 5 it will be in your ninth astropolis in opposition to Neptune. If earlier, in February and early March, there were mistakes and miscalculations, now the situation will need to be corrected. At this time, new ideas will be unrealistic and new relationships will be unfavorable; it is better to rely on old connections and not start new projects.

August 21 at 28°52" in the sector of joint finances, taxes, money you receive from others, as well as inheritance issues. This period may be associated with the completion of some financial obligations or with involvement in them. However, it does not contribute to true assessment of circumstances, and financial decisions at this time will be erroneous due to miscalculations or untimeliness. Remember this to avoid subsequent problems.

From September 7 to the end of November is the time when you will be able to carry out your undertakings, plans and planned changes. In September, issues of paperwork and relationships with relatives may cause difficulties, but you will be able to resolve everything in your favor, just pay attention to the following periods:

September 19-20 and 23-25 ​​are unfavorable days for important negotiations, important purchases, contracts. At this time, you need to be careful with new information and new people; there is a risk of mistakes and deception.

From October 10, Jupiter moves into Scorpio and sextiles your sign. This is a period of favorable changes in life, work and business. Until the end of November, you will have a good time to start a new course of study, travel, important purchases, including transport and real estate. This is a favorable period for starting a new business, partnership, participation in public organizations, communities, political movements, for new business and romantic acquaintances, for making new friends.

December 03-23 ​​in your twelfth astropolis and from the end of November you will feel a slowdown in business. This is not a good time for new initiatives and undertakings. Now you need to listen carefully to your inner voice, catch changing trends, analyze information, but not make important decisions. This is a good period for systematizing documents, archives, knowledge, for editing texts, for working in solitude, for secret meetings and relaxation. Pay attention to health, spiritual practices, prepare new projects and initiatives to begin after December 23.

Now some clarification on the deans.

In the first half of the year, you will be working on projects started earlier, solving current tasks and old problems, and also preparing initiatives that you can begin to implement in the fall. February 26 at 08°12" Pisces is related to your decan first of all, so read the recommendations for this period in the main part of the forecast. From October 10 to November 27, Jupiter will be in sextile to your decan - this is the most favorable period of the year for implementation plans, job change, career advancement, starting a new business, new collaboration, starting joint projects, important purchases and promising acquaintances. Plan and prepare new initiatives for this time to make the most of this time.

From December 20, Saturn enters Capricorn and you are the first to meet this honorable guest. Although his visit cannot be called a guest visit in the literal sense, Saturn does not just visit, he comes with inspection and testing. Saturn will be conjunct your decan from December 2017 to December 2018. In professional matters, an increase in workload may be accompanied by a narrowing of your sphere of influence and a feeling of fatigue. Don't rush things. Nowadays, to keep up with the times, you need to take your time. This will help you face reality calmly. Focus your efforts on the main thing and don’t get scattered on unimportant tasks. This period is associated with taking responsibility for past decisions with a plus or minus sign, depending on your previous steps. If your work was previously objectionable, there may be problems with your work now. If you have been responsible and consistent in your work and relationships in the past, you may now be recognized for your efforts, promoted, or set new long-term business goals. This may be the time when you come to take on responsibilities towards older family members, parents. Women may have difficulties with the men of the family or in relationships with the men of the family. Pay attention to your health; if you feel unwell, take care of yourself, as careless treatment of your body can lead to long-term problems.

Capricorns born 01.12-10.01 (Sun 11°-20°, II decan of Capricorn)

2017 will be a dynamic year, sometimes difficult, but filled with interesting events and chances. From March 25 to August 26, Jupiter gives you the opportunity to succeed in business and career, get a promotion or find a new job. For new business starts, the most productive periods of the first months are: until mid-February and from May 4 to early August. However, until mid-April, Jupiter will be in a tau square with Uranus and Pluto in your decan. I wrote about this period in the main part of the forecast - the warnings and recommendations on business and finance given there are directly related to your dean. I will only add that at this time a lot will depend on your ability to control yourself, emotions and momentary impulses - this is how you can maintain control over the situation. This year, your relationship in marriage or business may be experiencing a crisis, which can improve the relationship or put an end to it. If you are interested in an alliance, you will need to reconsider your position on the roles and style of interaction in the relationship, take into account the wishes of your partner or find the necessary arguments to explain your position, but you will have to give up something to restore balance. The most important periods in this regard will be February 21-26 and June 24 to July 11. During the periods of May 17-26 and August 14-17, complications, quarrels, jealousy are likely in relationships; refrain from emotional decisions so as not to spoil the relationship.

From November 25 to January 24, 2018, Jupiter’s sextile provides new opportunities in business and relationships, in joint projects, and helps in solving current problems. New business and romantic acquaintances are favorable in the last week of November and after December 23rd. From November 22 to December 26, Jupiter and Neptune will be bisextile to your dean - this time is favorable for resolving issues that were previously postponed, restoring interrupted business connections, which can now be very useful. This is a time of romanticism, increased feelings, it is favorable for achieving harmony in relationships that are important to you, for conception, and communication with children.

Capricorns born 11.01-20.01 (Sun 21°-30°, III decan of Capricorn)

In 2017, you will have to decide on new goals and objectives in the professional sphere, in working relationships, and undergo a restructuring in partnerships. Until the end of March, the opposition of Jupiter and Uranus in tau square to your decan gives a tense period, changes in work or home circumstances are possible. During this time, unexpected events may give you new job opportunities, promotions, or a change to a new job. But sometimes you will need to balance between family and professional responsibilities. Possible disruptions to the usual way of life. There may be a need to move or resolve real estate issues. In business, the first months of the year can yield results from previous efforts, but from the end of February to the beginning of May, caution is needed with the start of new directions and finances. During the year, Uranus will be squaring and until the end of April, Uranus will be in a rigid configuration. From late February to mid-April, late September and early October, sudden changes can unsettle you and you will need to adapt to new circumstances. I gave more detailed recommendations about this period in the main part of the forecast, and they are directly relevant to you. This year may be difficult for marriage; the desire for freedom of one of the partners will not combine well with family responsibilities. This applies to both marriage and business. For relationships, difficult times will be the end of February, the last week of March, mid-April, early June, August 22-26, September 22-October 7, November 1-5, November 29-December 4. On July 16-21, quarrels with partners, breaking of contracts, termination of relationships are likely; in weak unions, there may be talk of divorce. These are bad days for implementing plans and projects. Impulsivity and irritability can lead to poor decisions or injury. You need to be careful while driving.

Capricorn birth dates: 22.12 - 20.01

Ruling planet of Capricorn: Saturn.

Element of Capricorn: Earth.

Capricorn symbols: goat, ladder, tower clock.

Happy days for Capricorn: Saturday, Tuesday.

Bad days for Capricorn: Monday Thursday.

Metal for Capricorn: lead.

Capricorn gemstone: diamond.

Capricorn plant: Apple tree.

Numerology of Capricorn: number 4.

The most inspiring color of Capricorn: black and brown.

Opposite sign of Capricorn: Cancer

Capricorns will have to live a rather emotional and bright year, life will be eventful, things will be going well, starting as if with someone’s light hand. The vitality of the representatives of the sign in 2017 will be so high that they will not even be able to take into account troubles and minor problems.

The planets will endow Capricorns with high efficiency and activity in the year of Fire. Representatives of the sign will also be able to easily engage in matters that require the use of logic and careful analysis. Here, representatives of the sign will be on a pedestal; thanks to the right approach to the current situation, they will be able to restore order in all areas of life within a year.

In general, 2017 will be an interesting period for Capricorns, especially in its first half. Representatives of the sign will throw themselves into business, they will not sit and wait for the weather, they will do it themselves. Tempting and exciting projects will come your way, promising to give very good results. In the second half of the year, Capricorns will calm down a little, they will find time to relax and do household chores.

Typically conservative representatives of the Capricorn sign, in 2017 they will often use non-standard solutions and moves, some of them will be so original that they can shock others, others will evoke respect and envy.

An important point will be a thorough analysis of your surroundings, connections, and new acquaintances.

they should take a close look at the people who surround them; it is quite possible that among them there are envious people and ill-wishers. From the position of internal sensation and perception, it is better to diplomatically ignore alien people.

Once Capricorns believe in themselves, they will be able to move mountains. Representatives of the sign should try to give their best, because it is the things that were started and implemented during this period that will warm the soul for a long time. It is likely that Capricorns will need to make an important, fateful decision in 2017, when they will have to weigh all the pros and cons, analyze all words and actions, so as not to act rashly.

One of the priority areas in 2017 for representatives of the sign will be work, which is the most prudent and expedient to put in first place during this period. The authorities will be demanding of Capricorns, so they will have to make appropriate efforts. They will be given professional tasks that can safely be called a challenge. Probably, management will decide to test Capricorns for professional suitability and objectively assess their chances of promotion. The energy and activity of the representatives of the sign will help them cope with all complex tasks and problems. Even those decisions that seemed too difficult will succumb to the stubborn Capricorns, their sharp mind and determination.

At the beginning of the year, your performance will be at a good level, and problems in planning will be avoided. All projects that you decide to start in the year of the Rooster will be successful, but you should not count on quick results. Many representatives of the sign will have to be patient until they are fully satisfied with the fruit of their labors.

The business horoscope for Capricorns prioritizes a healthy degree of pragmatism and the desire to receive a decent reward for their work. This attitude of the representatives of the sign will contribute to the fact that they will consistently move step by step towards their intended goal, build a career brick by brick and develop their own business. The stars will provide them with every chance to become successful in the professional field.

Also, 2017 will be a good period for self-development for people born under the constellation Capricorn; this time will be suitable for going to study and improving their skill level. The acquired knowledge and skills will help representatives of this horoscope sign take a big step up the career ladder.

Financial horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn

In the second half of the year, Capricorns can expect several financial receipts, which they will accept as a worthy reward for their efforts in the first half of the year. The profits should be used wisely and not spent all at once. Don't give in to the temptation to brag about your income and waste money. Funds will need to be distributed to matters that require investment, to implement important plans. It is worth noting that almost all the financial profit that Capricorns will receive in 2017 will be related to their professional activities and business activities. Representatives of the sign should not hope for unexpected gifts from fate; the stars have not prepared such a surprise for them; moreover, the heavenly bodies warn Capricorns not to make any attempts to get easy money that is not deserved by their work. If you are tempted by dubious events and adventures, there is a risk of losing more than you expected to gain.

The good financial situation of the representatives of the sign can not only become a reason for the envy of others, but also attract dishonest people. The risk of deception or theft will be especially relevant at the beginning of November and at the end of October. It is better to plan large expenses for mid-December, the first days of April and the end of May; all purchases and investments made during these periods will be successful.

Household affairs may require unexpected expenses and investments; such investments will bring benefits and positive emotions. It is quite possible that you will have to spend some of the money to lend to friends or relatives. In general, 2017 will be successful for Capricorns; representatives of the sign will be satisfied with their successes, and their overall financial status will be quite decent.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn

Suspicion and negative experiences in the past can become some kind of stumbling block on Capricorns’ path to happiness and harmony in their personal lives. The Fire Rooster recommends that representatives of the sign go forward without looking back, without returning to the past even mentally. The stars advise star stubborn people to learn to show more trust in the people around them, then life will sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow, and the feeling of loneliness will leave once and for all.

The stars will help you achieve mutual understanding in your relationships with your loved ones in March and April; you don’t need to be shy about talking about your feelings and showing emotions. Capricorns should expect romantic confessions, the sincerity of which should not even be questioned, in May. At the beginning of the golden autumn, young married couples will experience a new honeymoon, the passion between them will flare up with renewed vigor and will be completely compatible with marital duty.

Fate will give Capricorns who are still single a fateful meeting in 2017, so you should be more careful not to miss your soulmate in the second half of May, June and mid-August. The relationships that Capricorn will establish during these periods promise to be trusting, and therefore strong. November will be a good time for marriage; the stars will provide Capricorns with all possible help and support in this important decision.

In general, the horoscope for 2017 provides Capricorns with a lot of opportunities to improve their relationships with their loved ones. This is a good time to strengthen relationships, get to know each other deeply, decide to take a serious step, and start arranging a love nest.

The motto for Capricorns for the year of the Rooster is “movement is life,” so you will need to actively take on the implementation of bold ideas and grandiose plans. It is important not to be afraid of the first difficulties, to show perseverance and perseverance, then the stars will be on your side.


Rating 5

Now the time has come to talk about the horoscope for Capricorns for 2017. The reader can read what the fiery bird has prepared for him from this article. As expected, the East greets the coming year a little earlier than the rest of the world. So they will know much earlier about when the kingdom of the next zodiac animal on the list will begin. All 2017..

Summary 5.0 excellent

Now it's time to talk about horoscope for 2017. The reader can read what the fiery bird has prepared for him from this article.

As expected, the East greets the coming year a little earlier than the rest of the world. So they will know much earlier about when the kingdom of the next zodiac animal on the list will begin.

The whole world will be ruled by the Fire Rooster. A lot of interesting things will happen to Capricorn at this time, so you should keep your eyes peeled and not miss even the smallest details.

General horoscope for 2017

Before moving on directly for 2017 year, it is necessary to tell you that the noble Saturn will have a huge influence on all spheres of life of this zodiac sign. This celestial body, according to the opinion, is distinguished by its orderliness in affairs and many restrictions. Also, everyone who falls under the influence of this celestial body begins to receive qualities such as perseverance, conservatism and perseverance.

However, if you approach this planet from the right side, you can get a positive influence from the energy of Saturn, you can get an unshakable faith that everything will be fine, spiritual insight, and even peace.

The Year of the Fire Rooster is a very favorable period for representatives of this zodiac sign to say goodbye to multiple weaknesses and abandon unsuitable and unprofitable projects. Throughout 2017, Saturn the Ruler will reside in the twelfth house, which is directly responsible for spiritual disposition, personal growth and, of course, worldly pleasures.

Despite the fact that all representatives of the zodiac sign Capricorn do not have a very good attitude towards religion, in the year 2017 they seem to see the light and find faith in a Higher Power.

Career growth, work and money

Throughout the entire period, the career growth of representatives of the zodiac sign Capricorn will be carried out by the fertile Venus and powerful Jupiter.

According to psychics of the popular television project “”, your career will develop smoothly and without jumps.

However, you shouldn’t trust your colleagues too much; some of them, fighting for a place under , they will want to put a spoke in Capricorn’s wheels.

Otherwise, throughout the coming year, Capricorn will be basking in bonuses and incentives from his superiors.

There is also a huge opportunity to seriously improve the capital in Capricorn’s hands. The main thing is not to chase easy money and not to run forward without looking at old acquaintances. They are the ones who will give Capricorns such an unrealistic opportunity.

Love horoscope for 2017 Capricorn

Psychics and clairvoyants who previously worked in the popular television project “” claim that all representatives of the zodiac sign Capricorn cannot be called romantic in nature. However, it is safe to note that the feelings of this sign always remain unchanged, and as for courting the opposite sex, Capricorn will certainly give his object of adoration all kinds of luxurious gifts. The house behind number five is the house love, loving Venus is engaged in 2017.

Earthly Venus promises Capricorns in 2017 happy relationships with the opposite sex and, of course, reciprocity. The planet of beauty and love interacting with Saturn will influence the age of falling in love. So, in 2017 people will only fall in love adult Capricorns. After all, it is in adulthood that people of this zodiac sign are prone to constancy and affection. Only an accomplished Capricorn will be able to truly enjoy a long-term partnership with the opposite sex.

But you shouldn’t assume that the horoscope for 2017 will be easy for Capricorns. It goes without saying that in the domain of the sensual and warm Fire Rooster, the zodiac sign will feel as comfortable and cozy as possible.

Capricorns will have many pleasant moments in 2017. Since Venus will be exalted at the very beginning of January, Capricorns will experience many personal changes. In mid-June, Venus will be in its own sign, the zodiac Taurus. She will give him new impetus in the relationships that Capricorn created last year.

As for the representatives of this zodiac sign, who are still alone, they will be inflamed with love for a person who will very soon enter their circle of friends.

The horoscope for 2017 promises a serious relationship for Capricorns in the month of October. It is during this time period that Saturn will have a huge influence on the Capricorn person.

Just before the New Year there will be a conjunction between loving Venus and Saturn. If the energy of these celestial bodies was used correctly, Capricorns will experience personal happiness. There will be harmony and peace in the relationship.

Those who are not ready for serious feelings will find themselves in a trap. The fate of mistresses and lovers awaits them. How else? Without giving anything in return, you will not get anything good.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn: Family and relationships

In 2017, Capricorn will have absolutely no opportunity to change anything in this regard. As they say, everything was decided for him. Since Saturn will be in the family house - in the twelfth house, throughout the year Capricorn will be driven into a corner every now and then by various circumstances. Moreover, representatives of this sign will definitely not be able to somehow change the state of affairs on their own.

Attention! By horoscope for 2017 Only self-control and generosity of the horned sign can maintain harmony in relationships.

However, you also need to keep in mind that Jupiter will remain in the tenth house of Capricorn all year. Only through this will it be possible to maintain an idyll in your relationship with your partner. The background in the family will be smooth and calm, the main thing is not to succumb to provocations from the outside and pay attention to your family and friends.

As for holding events at home, it is recommended to postpone them until the month of January. As for the period from February until June, it is better not to do anything serious. Due to retrograde movement, Jupiter will confuse the chart for representatives zodiac sign Capricorn and will delay events.

In mid-autumn 2017, Jupiter will change. He will go to the eleventh house and friends and distant relatives will begin to appear on the horizon asking for help.

However, this position of the celestial body guarantees people born under the sign of Capricorn an addition to the family.

The luckiest month for in 2017 December is considered the year. It is during this time period that Mars, together with Jupiter, will rule the house of family well-being; the harsh and constant Saturn, as well as the loving Venus, will oppose the two representatives of warring and harmful planets. It is precisely due to the fact that the last two celestial bodies will be paired and will have a huge impact on the state of the two previously mentioned planets that the marriage union of Capricorn will be protected. Representatives of this zodiac sign will not need to worry about betrayal and changes in relationships, everything will go as usual. Just as the year requires.

Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn. Health

As expected, each representative of the solar system has a huge influence on one or another area of ​​human life. Thus, according to the horoscope, the mobile and light Mercury will be responsible for the health of Capricorn in 2017. Often this celestial body moves in the opposite direction. It is for this reason that it is recommended to pay as much attention as possible to the physical and psychological state of everyone involved in this zodiac sign. During the months of December, August and April, Mercury's retrograde motion will be normal. It is for this reason that psychics in the city of St. Petersburg ask Capricorns to avoid unnecessary communication.

Throughout the year of the Red Rooster, the sixth house, the house of health, will be in a disadvantaged position. Saturn will have a special influence on him. It is worth paying maximum attention to your body. Be calm and confident in your actions.

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