Congratulations on Agricultural Workers' Day in prose. “Bow to you, agricultural worker” concert program for Agricultural Worker Day

Congratulations on Agricultural Workers' Day


Today people live more and more in cities, but there is no escape from the land-breadwinner! Happy Agricultural Workers Day! Let your achievements grow like meadow grass in the spring, let grain fall like gold, and rivers of milk flow! The well-being of the entire country is in your hands!

Working near the land is the most ancient and natural labor of man. And let big cities grow, agricultural workers will always be held in high esteem on Earth! Happy Agricultural Workers Day! Set new records, increase the wealth of our lands!

Today, science is rushing forward, inventing food additives... But you won’t get enough of them! A person cannot live without the fruits of the earth, fresh, natural products... To agricultural workers, our breadwinners, on their professional holiday, I address the warmest, like warm bread, congratulations and wishes for a fruitful and happy life!

It seems to us that everything on our table comes from stores... But this is only a small transit point. The main source of abundance is agriculture! Without him, the history of mankind would not have been possible, and therefore today, on Agricultural Workers’ Day, its workers deserve especially high praise and best wishes!

And bread and milk, and a pile of ruddy apples and a hearty piece of meat... All these are agricultural products. On Agricultural Workers' Day, I want to say thank you, to those who work tirelessly for the good and well-being of the entire Motherland! Be happy!

Agricultural science is not at all easy; in order for work in your native open spaces to bear fruit, you need both knowledge and love for the land... To you, agricultural workers, on your holiday, low bow from the entire country, which feeds on your labors! Let your work go easily, and its fruits be the most generous!

For food to appear on our tables, be it simple or delicious, many hands must put their efforts into it, and how wonderful it is that in the vastness of our Motherland, despite rapid urbanization, there are many people who choose noble agricultural work! Happy holiday, agricultural workers!

Happy Agricultural Workers Day! Your work does not stop all year round, and every day it feeds many people in our country, and even beyond its borders, delighting people with the success of our agriculture! So empty your life will be as fruitful for love, luck and happiness as your work is fruitful for the gifts of the earth!

Agriculture has many branches, and each of them is often inseparable from the others. If we put everything together, it will easily become clear that we simply cannot survive by working on the land! Happy Agricultural Workers Day! Let your achievements grow and bloom like young wheat!

Work in the agricultural field is the most ancient way to feed yourself and the entire people, and today, despite the fact that science is flourishing in many areas of our lives, agriculture still requires strong hands and following past traditions... On Agricultural Workers Day, I congratulate you , thank you for your noble, honest work and wish you to always know only achievements in your business!


Or New Year. It seems natural and normal. But we sometimes forget about saying a few nice words at a time when representatives of certain professions are being honored. Take, for example, congratulations on Agricultural Worker's Day. Who remembers them? People don’t even know how to congratulate on such a day; they are lost and cannot find the words. Let's prepare in advance, in case it comes in handy.

Let's prepare mentally

Some reasoning will help us come up with congratulations on Agricultural Worker's Day.

How do you personally, for example, feel about the people on whom your life depends? You may ask, what does rural workers have to do with it? Yes, everything is very simple. They work so that everyone else can live a comfortable and problem-free life. After all, no one will deny that without food we will simply die out in a few days. And they are the ones who create it. Do you think such people deserve congratulations? On Agricultural Worker's Day, it is recommended to honor people respectfully, recognizing the high social utility of such work. This means that words need to be chosen specially. Congratulations on Agricultural Worker's Day in prose or poetry should express gratitude to workers for their constant, hard, intense work. After all, it is the seller or accountant who can afford a vacation. And rural workers do not know days off. They are on watch all the time.

Choosing the right tone

It is also important to take into account the circumstances under which your congratulations will be delivered.

Is it official or is it done “for our own people”. Congratulations on Agricultural Worker's Day, depending on the situation, can be solemn or comic. It is advisable to adhere to this rule. You understand that excessive officialdom, for example, among friends can be perceived incorrectly. On the other hand, people at the enterprise will be offended by excessive familiarity. Therefore, it is advisable to measure the words according to where they will be heard. Especially if you plan to send them in writing. Memorable addresses are often stored for a long time and re-read by many people. An incorrectly chosen tone will be conspicuous and cause criticism against the author. We don't need this, do we?

Examples of congratulations

Now you can safely move on to practice. Let's try to compose congratulations on Agricultural Worker's Day in prose.

You need to start with the addressee. That is, you should name the one to whom they are addressed. This could be a team or an individual. The address is expressed in a respectful manner. Next comes the text itself. Like this: “Dear workers of the gardening team! We bring you sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your professional day! Your constant selfless work makes this world a more beautiful place! We are grateful to you for its fruits, which delight us all year round. We wish you Siberian health, patience and endurance! Let gardens bloom on your lands and in your souls! Happy holiday!” Next, as you understand, comes the signature. That is, it is necessary to indicate from whom the kind words came.

Congratulations on Agricultural Worker's Day in verse

Unprepared people are not particularly good at rhyming. Therefore, we can recommend taking ready-made poems. A lot of them. It is just undesirable to use them in their original form. After all, other “smart guys” can use the same source. In order to give the text originality, it is recommended to play with words. Replace some, rearrange others. Try it, it's not difficult. Example: “Dear grain growers! We wish you health and successful work! So that they work with love, so that the quinoa does not give birth! Let the earth-nurse generously share with you! Let the weather not let you down, the sun and rain will come! On this day I wish you a harvest of more than a hundred grams!” Or this: “May fate be kind and kind to you on Village Worker’s Day! You, dear farmers, are great jacks of all trades! We wish you great luck. So that bread is born and offspring appear. May your work, the most important on earth, allow you to live in prosperity and warmth!”

Funny congratulations on Agricultural Worker's Day

Of course, for loved ones, you can choose more playful and interesting words. Some people will like funny congratulations. Example: “For the workers of farms and fields, nature, do not regret your blessings! We wish you clear sunshine, timely rain, safe pests, and rich and wonderful harvests! Let your work be as easy as a holiday!” It is recommended that the jokes themselves be based on the problematic aspects of the workers of the earth themselves. You can always wish them good weather. The results of their difficult work sometimes depend on it. Example: “We wish that science would invent for you a culture that will sow, grow and harvest itself. All you have to do is sell it and calculate the profit! Good luck and good luck!” Rural workers also often suffer from the fact that their crops or offspring get sick and die. This can also be used in congratulations. Like this: “On this bright day, we wish that not a single pest remains on earth. Let them all move to Mars and there they devour alien cabbage and rutabaga with pleasure and rapture. Let our harvest no longer suffer from losses!”

Words for a cohesive team

Most often, colleagues who have worked side by side for many years do not mince words. Moreover, each enterprise develops its own traditions and characteristics. The above congratulations on Agricultural Worker's Day in prose can be taken as a basis. Colleagues, naturally, want to diversify them. Come up with a few phrases that would characterize the work in your team. People, for example, respond well to personal appeals. For example, identify who was the “source” of a new idea that led to success this year. Like this: “Congratulations... I wish each of you to be as talented and successful as Ivan Sergeevich, whose ideas tripled the harvest! May the Angel of Agriculture overshadow you all with his wings!”

Thank you, village!

Agricultural Workers' Day.

The celebration takes place in a hall equipped with a screen. The invitees are seated at tables.

A video about agricultural production is shown to music.

Speaker. Since ancient times, people have demanded bread and circuses. Food is the first thing a person needs from birth. “Give us this day our daily bread...” This is the beginning of a prayer, an appeal to God for our daily bread... And bread comes from Mother Earth, from the farmer - a great worker. For many centuries, people have composed epics, songs, and proverbs about food and the peasant: “The hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies,” “Bread is the head of everything,” “Without cabbage, cabbage soup is not thick,” “Whose land is the bread,” “Bread on the table, and the table is the throne! But the work that creates this throne is not easy. And we already remember other wise words: “Patience and labor will grind everything down,” “The work is bitter, but the bread is sweet,” “Lie on the floor and never see a piece,” “Hold on to the plow: she is the nurse.”
Today in the hall gathered exactly those people who hold on to the breadwinner, the best farmers, livestock breeders and processors of agricultural products. Breadwinners of the people. Breadwinners of a village, district, region, Russia. Today, dear peasants, is your holiday. A holiday of wonderful and hardworking people. Simple and wise. And wisdom comes from the land on which you work. Today is Agricultural Workers' Day. Happy holiday, our dear workers! Low bow to you from young to old!

An image of an abundant table is projected onto the backdrop. Choreographic number. A march sounds.

At the celebration there are... (represents a mix of district leaders, eminent agricultural workers, and production veterans).

During the performance, the named workers are presented with flowers. On the screen is a video about the harvest.

Harvest... It used to be called the “battle for the harvest.” It may be pathos, but the tension in the harvest is high. Timing and climate dictate their conditions. And people work without regard for time or effort. This is heroism. And the country should know its heroes. A word from the head of the district...

Congratulations on the holiday. Rewarding field farmers, heroes of the harvest. A song about bread is sung, during which photographs of the heroes of the harvest appear on the screen. While the song is playing, the guests of the holiday are presented with bread and salt. The nature of music is changing. Video series - slides about livestock farming, photos of the best milkmaids in the area.

The most modern supermarkets have an abundance of products. Beautiful! Delicious! Delicious... Where does all this come from? Yes, of course, from our area. The townspeople's eyes widen. And the livestock farmers are “to blame” for everything. Your wonderful products are ruining the townspeople, but they don’t mind. So, dear livestock breeders, the city is waiting for your products.

Words of greetings and congratulations. Rewarding livestock breeders. Concert number. A video about farmers and farms is shown to music.

The most difficult and difficult work is on subsidiary farms. There is a cow - make hay. Villagers often mow the grass with a scythe, or a scythe. They dig with rakes and pitchforks. Anyone who has held these simple instruments in their hands knows the value of milk and butter. And, of course, villagers want to receive appropriate compensation for their work. Farmers also talk about this. And there are them in the area... (quantity). Every village worker expects a fair assessment of his hard work. And then the country will not need either imported wheat or “Bush legs”! Many, many are fed by farmers and subsidiary farms in our area.

Word to the deputy and rewarding of farmers and owners of the best subsidiary plots. Concert number. On the screen there is a video series dedicated to the processing of agricultural products.

One kilogram of wheat, if sold well, costs... (quantity) rubles And bread baked from the same kilogram already costs... (quantity) rubles A kilogram of meat costs... (quantity) rubles, and sausage made from the same amount of meat - (quantity) rubles This means that you need to process your own products yourself - the economics here are simple. And the more such processing enterprises there are in the area, the richer the village will be.

Welcoming speech and awarding of the best processors of agricultural products. Concert number.

Today is a glorious holiday for all villagers. And according to ancient tradition, a good glass was always served for the holiday. Charku in the hall for the best workers of the village!

The waiters serve alcoholic drinks to the tables. The wine can be carried by girls dressed in tunics and wreaths of ears of corn.

When we talked about the harvest, about animal husbandry, we talked about great tension, as in a battle. And companies and regiments must be led into any battle by brave, strong and intelligent commanders. These are heads of farms, partnerships, directors of enterprises, heads of rural settlements and other generals. He talks about the village commanders...

Greeting. Awarding of district farm managers. Leaders' response. Concert number. Videos about tasty and healthy food - filming in restaurants, slides of reproductions of cookbooks.

Does the village produce many types of products? Wheat, rye, potatoes, meat, milk... Maybe a hundred or one and a half hundred. And how much of this can be made into tasty and healthy food?.. Millions of dishes! From one potato there are thousands! And how they sound! Borsch! French fries! Lula kebab! Shashlik! Dumplings! Yes, you see everything on the screen.

Video sequence of different dishes. The Presenter enters the stage.

Leading. Hello, dear village workers! On this holiday, everyone thanks you for your work, including the townspeople. Attention to the screen.

Video interviews with city residents with grateful words to the villagers.

Congratulations continue. A word from a city resident...

A toast from a citizen. He gives a loaf of salami as a gift.

There won't be enough for everyone. No problem, let's play it. A question for ordinary workers. Who has tried salami? You? Go to the site. And for the rest, I suggest you remember the types of sausages.

Options: boiled, liver, half-smoked, raw smoked, ham, etc. Five to six more people are invited.

First question to our players. Name a sausage wrapper.

Options: cellophane, animal intestine. The first two to answer remain on the court. The rest are given prizes and escorted to their seats.

You are in the finals. Let's get acquainted… (Having learned about the profession.) That's right, livestock farmers. (Or: “Field farmers, how well they understand sausage!”) I'll ask you five questions. There are three answer options for each question. You choose one option. And whoever gives the most correct answers will receive salami.

On a big poster (five lines of three cells) All cells are sealed. When both participants answer, the corresponding cells open. If the letter “C” is revealed, the player receives a point. The letter is written in the cell corresponding to the correct answer.

Which of the following sausages is semi-smoked?
a) Doctoral;
b) Tallinn;
c) sausages.
The composition of the sausage may include...
a) bacon;
b) potatoes;
c) toilet paper.
What is not advisable to do with sausages?
a) Fry;
b) cook;
c) marinate.
Why doesn't a cat eat boiled sausage?
a) There is little meat in the sausage;
b) there is a lot of meat in sausage;
c) they don’t give it.
Here's a loaf of salami. What kind of sausage is this?
a) Boiled;
b) raw smoked;
c) steamed.
Salami gets... (To the loser.) And you - an incentive prize.

Hands over a package of sausages. If the same number of points is scored, then the salami loaf is given to the players to be divided equally. The winner makes a toast. Concert number.

Dear workers of fields and farms, children have come to greet you!

Children go up to the stage to the music.

1st. The kids came out proudly
Congratulations to you from the bottom of my heart
And say thank you to everyone,
A short verse to tell.
2nd. About cows, livestock breeders,
And also about field farmers.
We need to remember everything
And say “thank you” together!
3rd. For hard work
And take care of all the children
Thank you for the poem...
1st. Here's to delicious dumplings!
4th. For fresh milk!
Milk flows like a river!
2nd. For potatoes! Here's to the jam!
1st. And once again for the dumplings!
3rd. White bread, bagels, cereals
And croutons for soup.
We sweep up different porridges!
4th. We even eat semolina...
2nd. You cut the wool for suits,
You sell tons of meat!
You deserve respect!
1st. Better yet, dumplings.
4th. Here are some fried eggs for Alena,
For Andryusha - pasta.
And there is a cutlet for Zhenya...
1st. A bucket of dumplings for me!
2nd. I eat sausage willingly...
3rd. I feel comfortable with sour cream...
4th. I eat potatoes without laziness...
1st. And then there are dumplings...
2nd. Now I'm talking about dumplings!
You're ruining the whole poem!
You will eat a lot of dumplings,
There will be indigestion soon!
1st. If there was indigestion -
There would be no poem.
Just half an hour ago
I ate a whole basin of dumplings!
4th. Children love to eat very much
The pancake will be savored immediately,
The pie is crushed with cabbage,
Cucumbers in the garden will crunch.
3rd. And especially cheesecakes
And other tricks!
How good are they...
1st. Whites after school!
2nd. All of you are working hard!
3rd. Thank you for this!
4th. So that the country sings about you,
May the village grow rich!
1st. I wish you prosperity and luck...
All. And a ton of dumplings for everyone! (They leave.)

Concert number performed by children.

Leading. And now gratitude to the village workers from foreigners. Yes, yes, and your wonderful products reach them! Meet the Japanese.

A characteristic Japanese melody. Actors dressed as Japanese appear on stage.

1st. Hello.
2nd. Make autumn very bright.
1st. My name is Kusai Sam.
2nd. And in exchange - Uze Bitten.
1st. The bread is good!
2nd. Sausage is... good!
1st. We have our own gift for you.
2nd. Nasa of bread is this nasa of rice. (Shows 1 kg of rice in good packaging.)
1st. Baby of the month, bite and bite!
Leading. A month is not a month, but it’s enough for our family once. Who will we give it to?
2nd. Whoever sits here has lost so many grains of rice.
Leading. How much?

The Japanese whispers in the Leader's ear.

It's clear. Let's guess.

The one who guesses correctly is given rice.

1st. Thank you for the bread.
2nd. For the salt.

Music. The "Japanese" bow and leave.

Leading. India congratulates and thanks you!

Concert number. At the end of the dance, the dancers carry packets of Indian tea into the hall and hand them to several spectators.

South America. Brazil, Mexico thank the village for cheese and butter! They give you a fiery rumba and coffee.

After the concert number, the milkmaid is invited from the audience and given coffee. A toast from the village workers.

Judging by the gratitude, you are not only an asset to the district, region, Russia, but also an asset on an international scale! I congratulate you with all my heart! But it's time to dance. What's a holiday without dancing? (After a dance break.) I ask everyone to take a seat. Getting ready for a toast. And he makes a toast... (After the toast.) Friends, fellow countrymen, villagers! There is an opinion that it is better to live in the city than in the countryside. We asked 100 village residents why, in their opinion, living in the city is better. And we received answers that are located in this table.

A table is brought into the hall in which there are three columns (the first is the numbers in order; the second is a list of differences (warm toilet, bath, asphalt, heating, no cow), the third is the number of respondents (25, 21, 18, 15, 12), the cells of the middle column are sealed.

Which one of you guesses the answers located in the table will receive a prize. And whoever guesses the most popular answer will receive two prizes! Please name the options.

Those who named the options correctly are invited by the Presenter to go on stage. A total of 6 people should come out.

We begin to check the correctness of the answers. Open the sixth line. "Entertainment"!

The presenter meets the guesser.

Since there is no theater in the village, we are giving you a compensation prize - a collection of Ostrovsky's plays!
Fifth line."No cow." The compensation prize is a whole set: a carton of milk, a jar of sour cream, a stick of butter. So that everything is like in the city. Try it and find out the difference.
Fourth line."Heating". What kind of heating do you have? Gas? It's better than in the city! The prize is sent to the city, and you get an incentive. (If the heating is stove.) Prize-compensation - a package of matches. Enough warmth for a year! Next year we will add the same amount.
Third line."Asphalt". Prize compensation - deep galoshes. And no asphalt is needed!
Second line."Bath". The compensation prize is a mini-bath, that is, a basin.
First line."Warm toilet." The compensation prize is a bunch of toilet paper rolls. And we promised two prizes for the first line. Another bunch!

Those who received prizes leave the stage.

You say that there is more entertainment in the city. No problem. Now we will play a game of city entertainment - bowling. What is bowling?

Poll in the hall and improvisation by the Presenter regarding the answers. Several people who participated in the survey are invited to the stage.

Our bowling alley will be cheaper and more interesting.

Instead of skittles, one and a half pins with beer are used, and instead of a bowling ball, a volleyball or other ball is used. Knocked out the “one and a half” - take it! The “pins” are arranged in a wedge, but in such a way that it is more difficult to knock down two or three “pins”. The distance from the throwing line to the “one and a half” is at least 10 m. Instead of beer, there can be gas water or empty “one and a half”, slightly filled with water for greater stability. These are neutral pins. And in this case, the winner is the one who knocks down the most pins in five attempts. After the game, the floor is given to the bowling sponsor, who introduces the next artist. Concert number.

The city also has entertainment such as a casino and the gambling game Roulette. Shall we play roulette? Bid… (small, for example, 10 rubles), and the winnings are 1000 rubles. Anyone want to get a thousand for 10 rubles? Come out.

If vacationers do not want to part with their money, the Host announces that in honor of the holiday they can play for free. Invites up to 10 participants.

(Placing the players.) You have number one, you have number two... Stand in a circle. You know that in roulette everything is decided by a small ball. Let's choose a ball. The ball, by the way, will also work, and not bad. Who wants to earn big money in 1 minute?.. (Invites one of the guests.) Do you remember that the ball falls out at random? Let’s put our “ball” in the center of the circle and blindfold it. Spin, our lucky “ball”!

To the music, the “ball” rotates in one direction, then in the other.

And now we need to choose the owner of the winnings... (The blindfolded player takes a step forward.) Here it is, the owner of the roulette winnings! A thousand rubles are yours! We give your ten to the “ball”. Thanks to all!

The game can be played several times. A toast from the winner. Concert number.

Dances are announced! No, disco! Just like in the city. There's a DJ at the controls... (After a dance break.) We've already discussed what's good about the city. What's bad about the city?

Options: poor environment, noise, overcrowding, high rent, no housing, cottage far away, stress, crowding on buses, crime, etc.

Let’s start the guessing game “It’s better in the village.” We surveyed 100 city residents and asked them the same question: “What is better in the village?” We have placed the most popular answers from citizens in this table.

Middle column: nature, garden nearby, fresh meat and milk, bathhouse, fishing, mushrooms, berries), last column - 31, 20, 16, 14, 12, 7.

Let's try to guess what's good in the village? I'm asking for options. Whoever guesses the most popular answer will receive a city prize.

All those who named the options that are in the table are invited to the stage. The game is played in the same way. Further in the program there may be a competition of ditties, games “Milk the Cow”, “Fishing”, etc.

I Block - congratulatory.

– Good afternoon, workers of the agricultural sector and honored guests!
Today is your day, your holiday! You rightfully, after righteous labors, deserve this long-awaited rest. We cordially congratulate you on your professional holiday - Agricultural and Processing Industry Worker's Day.
We wish you this holiday with special excitement
Finding true happiness
Inspiration and daring
On the peasant's difficult path.
May health remain with you,
So as not to borrow from doctors
And nature with its gifts
Will decorate the path of life!
Happy holiday to you, dear friends!


- Bow to you, farm worker
Who grows bread, is a cattleman on a farm,
Raises sheep, pigs, calves...
They talk about you with hope,
The country is counting on you
After all, you feed us, village.
And a piece of fresh butter.
A sip of fresh milk,
A piece of bread that's like honey
The village gives us all this.
Agricultural worker
With soul, without any arrogance
Works until you sweat all day
Feeding us is his concern!
– And on their professional holiday they deserve praise and well-deserved awards.
– We invite to the stage a person who has devoted many years to agriculture and knows all the intricacies of this industry - this is the head of the district _______________________________________________________

We join all the congratulations addressed to you and also want to say: Dear workers of the agro-industrial complex!
- We wish you success,
Win a victory over bad weather.
May everything in your work be successful
And the land will give a rich harvest!
And on holiday the table is overflowing with food
Shine all your smiles happily.
To you, agricultural workers
We say our heartfelt thanks!
– And accept a song from us as a gift

– Working in agriculture means giving the earth the warmth of your hands, care, putting your soul and talent into your favorite business, which has become the meaning of your life. There are many such people in our area. They are the pride of our region. On the eve and today they are presented with awards.
– We congratulate you and dedicate the song


– Dear heads of agricultural enterprises! You, like grass, have grown with your heart into the nurse - the earth, and have become attached to your native places forever. You have great patience and perseverance, a wise approach and an inexhaustible love for the earth. Your faith and hope for a better future for the agricultural sector will grow stronger.
– Let smile, light and love
Your hearts are always full
I wish you strong strength, energy, health,
Good luck and joy for many years to come.
The following musical composition plays for you.


– Today we sincerely congratulate the heads of farms and heads of subsidiary plots on the holiday, because they also make their invaluable contribution to the development of the agricultural sector and the region.
So let the worries and anxieties of everyday life
On your way they meet less often
And let it be with a good, good song
Every day begins for you!

– There are such places in vast Russia
Sometimes you can’t find them on the map -
In a special way, the sky there seems blue,
The cherries there have a special smell.
Yes, the aroma of orchards and vineyards beckons on a summer day, and in the golden autumn they reward you with a generous harvest.
To obtain it without spoilage and in large quantities, you need a lot of knowledge and hard work, and our winegrowers and gardeners fully possess these qualities. Happy holiday to you!


– Russia is not Russia without peasants! You are not only our breadwinners, but also the guardians of the national spirit. Thank you for continuing with pride and dignity not only the labor, but also the moral traditions of the Russian peasantry.
There is no better song in the world
She's good for everyone!
The song flies like a free wind,
And your soul sings.


– Dear heroes of the occasion!
Let me once again express my heartfelt gratitude for your daily work, enthusiasm, and inexhaustible love for your native land.
And may every day of yours
It will be the most cherished
Let it be filled
He is a scattering of stars.
And life is only happiness,
Warmed by love
Full of sun and light
Warmth and generosity.
– We wish that your work on earth will always be a joy to you, and that a good song will become a faithful companion in your destiny.


- Dear friends! Have fun, sing, dance, and we, the workers of the Municipal Institution “MPCD MO”, share the joy of today with you.
The following people took part in the concert program “Bow to you, farm worker”: ____________________________________________________________


II Block - Disco

Prepared by: Deputy Director for MR Protasenko L.V.

Dear agricultural workers! Thank you for everything you do! Without you, there can be no talk about people’s lives, much less about state security! High harvests, good weather, kindness and love in families. Happy holiday! On the Day of Agricultural Workers of Ukraine, we congratulate everyone who works on the land. Your work is valued both in every family and at the level of the entire state. Thanks to your work, the economy of our country is developing. On this professional holiday, I would like to wish you a full life and a good harvest, happiness in the family and success in work. Congratulations on your professional holiday to everyone involved in Ukrainian agriculture. The wealth of some countries is in oil and gas, while others are in grain, milk and meat. You are the creators of wealth, may luck smile on you always and in everything, and may the weather and nature help in your work. Please accept congratulations on Agriculture Day! I sincerely want to wish you good, abundant harvests, so that weather conditions always contribute to this! Let agriculture develop at a rapid pace, and let your field of activity bring you pleasure and prosperity! Good luck, health and success in business! On Agriculture Day, I congratulate you, a diligent and hardworking person who gives us healthy food! Your work is incredibly hard, but you have chosen this path, giving people a wonderful life filled with a variety of different products. I want to wish you prosperity, good health and good luck! Let your work bring you only joy and triple your strength! On Agriculture Day, I want to congratulate you and wish you success in your business. Humanity cannot live without agriculture - you feed us, treat us and clothe us. Thank you for this and low bow to the ground! I wish you happiness, may your work always bring joy. Health, harmony in the family and enough money to be enough for everything you want! Agriculture is the basis. In fact, this is the basis of all life. Without it, there would be no normal existence not only in the rural environment, but also in the urban one. An agricultural worker is the king and god of the country’s entire food supply! I wish you excellent health, high performance, material well-being. Let everything you grow in the fields bring joy to people and give them food. I wish you happiness, prosperity, an easy life! Happy Agriculture Day! Dear agricultural worker, I congratulate you on your professional holiday. Let me thank you for your important work and wish you favorable weather, fertile soil, high yields and decent profits. May your hands never tire, and may your eyes always rejoice at the earing fields! Happy Agriculture Day! No one will argue that we cannot live without agriculture! Bread, milk, meat and others - only the most natural and fresh products are given to us by agricultural workers. For this, I bow to you and have the most wonderful wishes on Agriculture Day - your professional holiday! Let your health not fail you, your plans come true and your dreams come true! Thanks for your hard work! Dear farmers! Dear agricultural workers! I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday! I wish you, who have dedicated your life to your native land, to work as hard and selflessly, without giving up, and to sincerely enjoy the fruits of your labor as we enjoy them. May your efforts always be crowned with impressive results, may droughts and rains pass your lands, and may the harvest exceed your wildest dreams. Thank you for the hard work that we all need! Happy Agriculture Day! Wheat cannot be grown on concrete, apples cannot be picked from a lamppost... No matter what scientific and technological progress sweeps the planet, even the most modern person cannot live without agriculture. Thank you, workers of the earth, for your noble hard work! We wish you bright prospects, high yields and every success! Be healthy, happy and loved! Happy holiday! Today people live more and more in cities, but there is no escape from the land-breadwinner! Happy Agricultural Workers Day! Let your achievements grow like meadow grass in the spring, let grain fall like gold, and rivers of milk flow! The well-being of the entire country is in your hands!