Franka Potente and Elijah Wood. Behind seven seals

Many people know the charming guy from the Lord of the Rings trilogy, who played the beloved character - the hobbit Frodo. But not everyone knows how his star journey began.

early years

On January 28, 1982, little Elijah Jordan Wood was born into a Catholic family. He was the second long-awaited son. He spent his childhood in Iowa, in the city of Cedar Rapids. I had a friendly, trusting relationship with my brother, although the age difference was seven years. And a couple of years later it appeared younger sister Hannah.

Relatives from early years They noticed that their son was cheerful and energetic and never gave in to despondency. Because of this, he was nicknamed "Little Monkey". And when the boy went to school, his acting nature slowly began to emerge.

At the age of seven youngest child brought to the local choir, where he performed well. And at the age of eight I received theatrical role, which the boy coped with brilliantly, which could not but please his parents and teachers. As a result, the mother decided to send the child to a modeling agency. And after a short period of time, he received an invitation from Los Angeles, where a meeting of young talents was taking place.

There, the future star copes well with the task, and as a result, there is a conversation about further advancement along the acting path. When the guy read Geri Skazlo’s monologue, he asked if he had a desire to devote his life to cinema, to which he received a positive answer. Since then actor career the young man began to quickly rise up. In addition, he continued to play the piano.

Promotion in a professional environment

As soon as possible, the family council decided to move to Los Angeles in order to seriously take up the future life of their youngest son. And they were right. Already in 1989, the young man was given a small role in the film “Back to the Future 2”. Then numerous castings begin, and luck does not keep itself waiting. Approval for filming in the film “Internal Investigation” comes.

Thanks to the movie "Avalon" rising star The producers noticed and invited him to be the main character in the film “Paradise”. And 1992 brought good luck to the boy New film– “Forever Young” with Mel Gibson.

In 1993, the young guy had an unsuccessful role together with Macaulay Culkin in the drama “The Good Son.” In the film "War", film critic Roger Ebart praised the young man as the most capable actor in his age group for the entire existence of Hollywood.

1996 was not a particularly favorable time for young man. His parents decided to separate and his father left them, which caused a lot of stress for the children. Today, Elijah has a strained relationship with his father, as he had a negative attitude towards his activities. In cinematography they have also overtaken bad times. Two films in which the artist took part failed, but this did not affect his performance. During a difficult period, the artist’s mother and sister were his support. Later in his interviews, he repeatedly said that he was very lucky with his family. Subsequently, the star’s affairs went uphill after the release of the film “The Icy Wind”. But real success brought the films “The Faculty” and “Deep Impact” after their premiere young actor began to be recognized not only in home country, but also beyond its borders.

The well-known Trilogy

The talented actor gained worldwide fame after the release of The Lord of the Rings, where he played Frodo. And not in vain, he coped with this task perfectly. Nowadays it is very difficult to imagine someone else in this image. Wood worked on this film from 1999 to 2003. Thanks to the trilogy, the ambitious young man's career quickly gained momentum.

The most successful films in which the guy has recently starred are “Sin City”, “Hooligans”, “Oxford Murders”. At the moment he is listed in more than forty-three films. Of course, his work does not end there, and he will be seen on screens in the near future.

Personal life

Today, little is known about Elijah's personal life. The man hides it carefully. Only a few novels reached the public eye. The first was with model Bijou Phillips. His second love was Frank Potente, who was eight years older than him. But soon the couple broke up. The next passion was drummer Pomella Reis. They dated for about five years, after which they broke up. The reason for the separation was the actor’s reluctance to legitimize the relationship.

At the moment, the sought-after film actor is officially a single man. But this is not a reason to be sad. After all, he does not feel lonely, since his mother is almost always nearby and will provide support at any time. Also, having a job he adores, two dogs and a book will never let him get bored.

Elijah Wood today

Elijah Wood can confidently be called a true rock fan. Proof can be his four-thousand-strong collection of CDs from various musical groups. In addition, he works for his own record company called Simian Records.

The man admits that after filming “The Lord of the Rings,” he became that hobbit in his heart, because he is also similar to his hero. For example, the artist also likes to eat well, is very friendly, respects friendship, and loves his life.

Very interesting facts from the life of a TV star:

  1. Elijah is convinced that his best role is Frodo. When the casting for this character was announced, the guy immediately recorded and sent a video to Peter Jackson, where he was dressed as that character. A month later the approval came.
  2. The artist has no piercings, but has one tattoo - the number nine in Elvish.
  3. The sought-after artist is not known for his good eyesight. Because of this, he has to wear contact lenses or glasses.
  4. The character from “The Hobbit” has excellent handwriting, which is why he took seventh place in the “Best Signature” category.
  5. The star is a philanthropist.
  6. One of bad habits celebrities - biting their nails and smoking.
  7. The man believes that the best place to satisfy his hunger is Spain, namely the La Champagneria restaurant, which is located in Barcelona.

Text: Maria Melnikova

Photo: Getty/Fotobank, Rex/Fotodom

On January 28, one of the shortest Hollywood actors, Elijah Wood, turned 33 years old. Well, not all star handsome men can boast of the height of basketball players, but that makes us love them no less! the site presents 7 more famous “thumb boys” who prove by their example that men vertically challenged sometimes they reach heights that their taller colleagues are unable to conquer.

Elijah Wood

Height: 168 cm

It is no secret that the young actor Elijah Wood became the hobbit Frodo in the film epic “The Lord of the Rings” thanks to his small stature for a man - only 168 centimeters. Many journalists who interviewed Elijah during his visit to Moscow last year note that behind his fragile appearance lies a kind nature, devoid of even a hint of ambition, arrogance and the whims of the stars. Wood readily talks about his favorite character - Frodo Baggins - and even admits that he still cannot “get out of character”, although no less than 8 years have passed since the end of filming of “The Lord of the Rings”!

“Little hobbits are also distinguished by their incredible love of life, the ability to make friends, they adore good food and a nice conversation,” Elijah Wood said in an interview with “ Rossiyskaya newspaper" – These are the most wonderful things in our lives. I felt a little like a hobbit before filming because of my short stature, but now I have truly become one in the depths of my heart. I never shy away from talking about Frodo and my amazing experience filming Overlord. And I’m not offended if they recognize me as a hobbit and treat me as if I really were Frodo. With such a role it couldn’t be otherwise!”

IN still waters, as they say, there are devils - Elijah is no exception. The actor, despite all his love for the image of Frodo Baggins, did not “get hung up” on the role of a cute, brave kid and decided to star in more “hard” films. So, last year in Moscow he presented the new thriller “Maniac” directed by Frank Khalfoun, and his future creative plans include filming in the action-packed action film “ Open windows"and the horror film "Contagion".

With such a “load”, small and distant Elijah has no time left for his personal life - Wood’s last known sweetheart was the actress Franka Potente. It turns out that now the heart of the actor with big blue eyes and wild curls is free - which cannot but please the large army of Elijah Wood’s fans.

Tom Cruise

Height: 170 cm

When the Oblivion star signed autographs at the Moscow Oktyabr cinema at the premiere in April 2013, he was completely invisible in the sea of ​​admiring fans. However, Tom has long ceased to have a complex because of his “offensive” height of 170 centimeters for a Hollywood sex symbol, although gossips they claim that he specially sews his own shoes to order - the heels of such shoes are thicker than standard ones.

Tom was truly worried in his childhood: according to American biographers, at school he tried to communicate with “smaller” kids in order to look taller, and in order to increase a centimeter or two, he actively worked out various types sports When he met the red-haired beauty Nicole Kidman and the couple began to often go out together, photographers had to hide their smile - Nicole is 10 centimeters taller than her ex-husband!

“You can imagine the ‘diplomatic’ problems that arose whenever I went out in public with my ex-husband,” Nicole Kidman admitted in an interview with Australian magazine VOX. “Believe me, the difference in our heights never made him smile!”

Throughout his life, Tom Cruise was accompanied by recognized Hollywood divas, as a rule, taller than him: Nicole Kidman, Penelope Cruz and his ex-wife Katie Holmes. Even Cameron Diaz, who worked with the actor on the set of the comedy “Wichita,” could barely resist his charm. It must be that after breaking up with Kidman, Cruise finally got rid of his complexes - especially since in the eyes of the world community this short man has long been no longer Tom the “dwarf”, but the most real Tom Cruise, “weighty” and respectable even for Hollywood overcrowded with stars.

Dustin Hoffman

Height: 166 cm

“It’s rare to see an Oscar winner shorter than the statue itself,” colleagues joke about “Rain Man” Dustin Hoffman. But talent, confirmed by five Golden Globes and two Oscars, does not depend in any way on height. However, even at school, the ugly and short boy was bullied so much that it is difficult to imagine how he even survived!

“For my classmates, I was not just a “dwarf” or “short,” the actor later recalled in an interview with the American magazine Vanity Fair. – I was a “human stump...”

The star of the film “The Graduate,” Hoffman told a Vanity Fair journalist that the persecution continued after he starred in the excellent comedy directed by Mike Nichols and became famous throughout the world: “On the first day of filming, I heard the cameramen openly deciding what angle will shorten my nose in the frame, and in general – what to do with me. And when I was leaving and accidentally dropped a one-cent coin from my pocket, someone picked it up and pitifully handed it to me: “Take it, kid, I’m afraid you might need it.”

However, Dustin has always enjoyed enormous popularity among women - the actor was happily married twice and has six children: two from his first marriage and four from his second.

Gael Garcia Bernal

Height: 168 cm

“Little Mook” from the films “Bad Education,” “The Motorcycle Diaries” and “The Science of Sleep,” 35-year-old Gael Garcia Bernal has been leading the ratings of “the sexiest Latin American actors on the planet” for several years now. In order to earn such a reputation, Gael did not need to seduce models and actresses in real life. Bernal's charm was formed thanks to his roles, in each of which he found a piece of his personality - a little Mexican, ready to do absolutely anything for the sake of success with women.

And the girls willingly reciprocate Bernal’s feelings - the restrained Natalie Portman, with whom the actor had a long-term affair, could not contain her emotions in one of the interviews. “This guy is just a green-eyed demon,” Natalie told American Cosmopolitan magazine.

Indeed, previously “small but distant” (by the way, absolutely not embarrassed by his short stature) Gael Garcia Bernal was famous for his frivolity and carelessness. The handsome actor has broken a lot women's hearts until in 2009 he married the Mexican actress Dolores Fonzi and became the father of two charming children - son Lazaro and daughter Libertad.

Ben Stiller

Height: 169 cm

Today, “the main comedian of Hollywood,” 48-year-old Ben Stiller (who is a whole centimeter shorter than the famous “short” Tom Cruise) is raising two kids with actress Christina Taylor, and six years ago his Don Juan list was replenished with a new trophy almost every week. According to rumors, Calista Flockhart and Amanda Peet could not resist the crazy charm of the “funny baby” Ben.

Ben himself is not at all embarrassed by his small stature and jokes about this in an interview with Vanity Fair magazine: “All I need on set is a taller girl who hugs me passionately, and my sense of humor!”

By the way, Stiller is considered one of the most dedicated actors, which is why directors love him so much. He must have been inspired by another “little” famous artist - Dustin Hoffman, whom Ben met on the set of the sparkling comedy Meet the Fockers. Hard work eventually led Stiller to the director’s chair: this year, the wonderful comedy of his author “The Incredible Life of Walter Mitty” (Ben also starred) was released.

Daniel Radcliffe

Height: 165 cm

The little wizard Harry Potter (played by Daniel Radcliffe) in touching glasses matured, but... never grew up. It was impossible to predict this, because when filming of the seven-part children's film franchise began, Radcliffe was still just a child, like his colleagues and best friends - Emma Watson and Rupert Grint. And when the guys grew up, Dan couldn’t “catch up” with them and at first he was very worried.

“Actually, filming took a long time, and for a while Emma and Rupert grew up as slowly as I did. We all looked about the same, so at first everything was great,” Radcliffe said in an interview with the American magazine Empire. “But I was still worried because I always wanted to be a little taller than I am.” Now I've come to terms with it. Not long ago I came to the conclusion that you can suffer about this, or you can laugh and joke. Besides, I'm Harry Potter! Now when people see me and say, “Oh my God! You are much smaller than I thought!” - I usually calmly answer: “No, I’m just much further from you than you thought.”

Since then, Daniel has chosen older women (self-affirmation?), and more serious roles (for example, in the thriller “The Woman in Black,” which Radcliffe presented in Moscow in February 2012). The “mini-groom’s” fortune is already estimated at more than £30 million – so hurry up, girls, to win the heart of a Briton, otherwise another lucky girl may take your place!

Jack Black

Height: 168 cm

Virtuoso game on acoustic and electric guitar, as well as an inimitable sense of humor, help the Hollywood “little man”, 44-year-old Jack Black, to charm Kate Winslet (in the melodrama “Exchange Holiday”) and Gwyneth Paltrow (in the comedy “Love Is Evil”) on the screen. To many viewers and fans of Jack Black's talent, he resembles a good-natured panda (Black voiced this bear named Po in the cartoon "Kung Fu Panda"), and film critics make fun of his short stature - however, also good-naturedly.

At the 2011 Cannes Film Festival, when Jack and Angelina Jolie presented the next part of the cartoon about the adventures of a fighting panda, Afisha magazine described the following funny incident: “Stanislav Zelvensky (Russian film critic - website note) passed by. Having learned what was happening, he immediately shouted “Angelina!” jumped over the heads of the guards and photographers, and upon landing, he was pleased to announce that Jack Black (who, in fact, is the Panda) is even shorter than Jolie, that is, he is a complete dwarf! Tall people, it turns out, attach great importance to such things.”

Jack himself doesn’t seem to have any complexes about his height. The feeling of loneliness is unfamiliar to him - he has been happily married to actress Tanya Hayden for 7 years. According to the impressions of the editor of the American men's magazine FHM, which interviewed Black last year, “isn't just un-Hollywood, he's positively anti-Hollywood. Among the crowds of perfect Californian "beach bodies" with Botoxed lips and bronzed faces, this 200-pound short man unashamedly makes triumphant runs down the street in Beverly Hills in the morning sun. It was Jack who, without breaking himself, managed to become one of the brightest stars of this city.”

Danny DeVito

Height: 155 cm

“Shorty,” any woman will snort to herself if she notices me from the height of her heels ...,” the star of the films “Batman Returns” and “Big Fish”, 69-year-old Danny DeVito, sadly noted at the dawn of his career. The great comedian was always critical of his own appearance. But his height is tiny - only 155 centimeters! - became for him a kind of pass to the cinema.

“It was such a shame to always stand last in physical education classes at school! What’s it like to run a cross-country race and, drenched in sweat, drag at the very tail, because your short legs refuse to cover such distances?” – DeVito later recalled in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter magazine.

One day, one of the Hollywood agents told the future world cinema star that DeVito was not tall enough to play in films. How wrong he was! After graduating from the American Academy dramatic arts in New York, in 1966, the aspiring actor finally found work at the summer theater of the Eugene O'Neill Center in Connecticut. There he met Michael Douglas, and their long-term friendship turned out to be very fruitful. Together they starred in several unforgettable films - “Romance with stone", "Pearl of the Nile".

Since then, the “pocket man” managed to take lessons in playing love scenes with Sophia Loren herself (in the film “Lady Liberty”) and proved to Hollywood that real feelings exist - his marriage to actress Rhea Perlman lasted 30 years (the couple had three children), although the lovers separated in 2012, remaining best friends. But DeVito, who presented the cartoon “The Lorax” in Moscow in the same 2012 (Danny voiced the main character), does not lack self-confidence - it is enough for a dozen Hollywood stars. It is she who allows this cheerful, legendary actor, director and producer to give us, the audience, so much joy and warmth.

8 chosen

He will blush, blush and smile stupidly, responding to numerous congratulations. After all, today he turned... 34. He calls himself “too romantic” and is waiting for someone to come his way who will make him feel special...

They... Words about love do not often leave his lips, even in the movies. Although large open Blue eyes quite conducive to the image romantic hero. Moreover, he himself always talked about it...


Elijah Jordan became the second of three children of the couple Warren and Debra Wood. Born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, he has a cocktail of German, Danish, English and Austrian heritage running through his blood. From early childhood, Elijah served big hopes for an acting future - in primary school He participated in amateur performances (including “The Sound of Music” and “The Wizard of Oz”), starred in small episodes on television, and also “worked” as a fashion model.

Actually, his parents decided on his future early - for the sake of their son’s career, the whole family moved to Los Angeles, and Elijah himself was transferred to home schooling, because due to filming, he simply did not have the physical opportunity to attend school as usual (which he later, by the way, regretted more than once: " I needed friends, communication... But filming determined my time").

Sunny California, with its proximity to the Dream Factory (and parental insistence), kept offering various options: TV series, films, videos... One of the notable projects of its time was comedy Back to the Future II(1989) and music video for the song Paula AbdulForever Your Girl (1989).

Gradually, not only extras, but also episodes and nominations began to appear in the “piggy bank.” Directors spoke of him as a hardworking, thoughtful actor, critics wrote positive reviews, audiences remembered him and recognized him on the streets.

And after them, paparazzi became a constant part of Elijah’s life, watching him everywhere, trying to get a “scandalous/provocative/well, or at least some kind of compromising, “yellow” picture!

At first, “paired” photos of the actor with his old friend, a luxurious blonde, and muse often appeared in the press. Woody Allen, the "face" of a feminine fragrance Dolce & Gabbana actress Scarlett Johansson... Especially after she stated in one of her interviews that she and Elijah constantly confess their love to each other... However, hunters of “hot” news waited in vain for a sensation: “ Yes, we adore each other and talk about it often, Scarlett explained later. - But it's just friendship. We've known each other too long and well".

Until very recently, Elijah lived with his parents - simply because renting an apartment did not make much sense: because of his work, he would not always have the opportunity to spend the night there.

Your own great love the actor considers... Music. He is a true music lover - his collection includes more than 4,000 vinyl records and CD, and in addition - its own record company Simian Records, several albums, as well as DJing experience (under the pseudonym DJ Frodo). Elijah jealously guards his personal life from prying eyes. But sometimes I don’t mind talking and being a little frank...

A few quotes:

...What primarily attracts me to women is their sophistication, tenderness, and femininity. Their softness and warmth. And if they are also brunettes..!..

...I'm quite old-fashioned. I never force myself to make acquaintances - I immediately start to stutter, become confused, and cannot start a conversation. I prefer that my friends introduce me to the girl they like - then no problems!..

...In a world without love there is nothing to fight for...

...I prefer to have a stable relationship rather than go on dates...

...I'm ready to fall in love, but I'm waiting for that magical moment when someone comes along who makes me feel truly special...

Leokadia Korshunova ,


Often the main character of the tabloids is the famous blue-eyed actor and eligible bachelor Elijah Wood. Height, weight, personal life and plans for the future - these and other aspects of the young man’s life are interesting to his fans. Today he is known for his roles in large-scale films with multimillion-dollar box office receipts. But things weren't always smooth sailing for him. Not many people know how it started creative path Hollywood star.

short biography

The future actor was born on January 28, 1981. He was the second child in the family. A couple of years later he had a younger sister. The actor has an older brother who develops video games.

Parents note that Wood has always been an optimistic child. He had inexhaustible energy and was always cheerful and cheerful. The family gave him cute nickname"little monkey".

In 1987, Elijah goes to a local school. Already there they began to notice the makings of an actor in the boy. At the age of seven, Elijah tries to sing in a local choir. And a year later he made his debut in one of school plays as an actor. Both teachers and parents were pleased with Elijah's performance.

It was after this that the boy’s mother had the idea to send him to a modeling agency. After a few months of classes, Wood is already sent to Los Angeles for a conference of young talents. At the age of eight, Elijah set a clear goal for himself - to become an actor. Soon the parents moved to Los Angeles, which naturally had a positive impact on the development of the young boy’s career.


In 1989, a boy with a bright, original appearance was offered a cameo role in cult film"Back to the Future 2". After his debut in the world of cinema, he began to actively attend various castings. The guy even agreed to tiny, few-minute roles, doing everything to be noticed. Already in 1991, Wood received his first leading role in the film “Paradise,” thanks to which he attracted the attention of critics and producers.

“Forever Young” is a picture in which young talent starred with Mel Gibson. 1993 was a disastrous year for the actor, as he and Makalay Culkin participated in the psychological thriller “The Good Son.” The audience, unfortunately, did not appreciate the film.

Fame fell on the young man after the release of the film “The Lord of the Rings”. Elijah Wood played the role of the main character, Frodo. Short stature, by the way, was not the main criterion for choosing an actor.

The young man amazingly played one of the main characters, and today it is impossible to imagine anyone else in his place. Filming continued from 1999 to 2003. After working in the cult trilogy, Elijah Wood's career began to develop by leaps and bounds.

Personal life

Elijah tries to hide his relationship from prying eyes. Perhaps the reason for this is the difficult relationships in his own family. He never showed off his lovers.

In 2003, on the set of the film “Seventeen,” Wood met Franka Potente. They carefully hid their relationship, so the details of their relationship are not known to the media.

In 2005, again on the set, Elijah met actress and drummer of the group Gogol Bordello Pamela Racine. Wood also does not comment on their personal relationship, but on social events they appear together and look happy.

Five years later, the young people separated. Elijah was not ready to make the girl his wife. Pamela took the breakup very hard. After 2008, nothing is known about Elijah Wood's personal life. Perhaps because he carefully hides his beloved from prying eyes and paparazzi lenses.

How tall is actor Elijah Wood?

During the filming of The Lord of the Rings, various computer techniques were clearly used to create the image of the hobbit. Therefore, it is really interesting what parameters Elijah Wood actually has.

Height ex-lover his, for example, is 170 centimeters. And the actor is much shorter than her. Elijah Wood's height, he claims, is 168 centimeters and his weight is seventy-four kilograms. Turning to the photographs showing the actor with Pamela, we see that the girl is much taller.

Therefore, Elijah Wood’s height cannot be equal to the declared one, because the photographs clearly show that the difference between them is clearly not two centimeters. Most likely, Elijah Wood is slightly disingenuous when voicing his parameters.

Elijah Wood spent a long time preparing for the role of Frodo. small, that’s true, but this parameter alone would hardly be enough to play the main role in such a large-scale film.

In general, to prepare for this work, Wood dressed up in a Frodo costume and, wandering through the forest, spoke dialogues. Afterwards he sent these videos to the director. It was largely thanks to these homemade videos that Elijah got the main role.

After breaking up with Pamela Racine, various rumors circulated, starting with information about gay Elijah, ending with gossip that he will soon become the father of his unknown lover's child. But confirmation this information I didn't receive it.

Elijah Jordan Wood(Elijah Jordan Wood, born January 28, 1981) is an American film actor, best known for his role as Frodo Baggins in the director's trilogy Peter Jackson(Peter Jackson) " Lord of the Rings"(Lord of the Rings, 2001-2003).

Elijah Wood- winner of several film awards and prizes at various film festivals. Besides acting, Elijah Wood is involved in music; in 2005, Elijah Wood founded his own record company Simian Records.

Elijah Wood's childhood

Elijah Wood born in 1981 in Cedar Rapids(Cedar Rapids), second largest city American state Iowa. Elijah has a brother Zechariah(Zach) Wood(Zachariah (Zach) Wood), who is 7 years older than him, and a sister Hannah Wood(Hannah Wood), two years younger. Elijah's parents Warren Wood(Warren Wood) and Debbie Wood(Debby Wood), have Austrian, English, German and Danish roots.

As a child, Elijah Wood received the nickname “little monkey” from his mother because he loved performing in public. Later the boy was found to have musical abilities: When he was 7 years old, Elijah Wood performed with a local choir, and a year later he also played in theatrical productions.

Acting career of Elijah Wood / Elijah Wood

In 1988, looking at his son’s talents, Debbie Wood decided to send him to a modeling agency, and within six months Elijah Wood conquered Los Angeles at the conference International Association models and young talents. He was noticed and began to be invited to appear in commercials and small roles in films. This is how Elijah Wood found himself in an attractive, but difficult and sometimes cruel world show business. Elijah Wood later recalled that during this difficult time he received great support from his family, in particular from his mother and sister.

Elijah Wood: "This is very complex world, it’s not so easy to survive in it if you don’t have reliable support behind your back. My mother always wanted me to have normal childhood so that I grow like ordinary child. I have rarely met families that were as close as we were. I'm really lucky."

Starting small episodic roles, Elijah Wood gradually matured for large and serious characters, receiving rave reviews from critics. His appearance in the film " Paradise"(Paradise, 1991), where he played with Melanie Griffith(Melanie Griffith) and Don Johnson(Don Johnson), had great success, and some even called the young actor one of the best in this movie. This was followed by roles in a number of commercially successful films, the most important of which was the film “ War"(The War, 1994), in which Elijah Wood was a partner Kevin Costner(Kevin Costner). After the film was released, the famous American film critic Roger Ebert(Roger Ebert) called Wood "the most talented actor in his age category in the history of Hollywood."

1999 brought Elijah Wood role Frodo Baggins in the film " Lord of the Rings"(Lord of the Rings), which forever inscribed his name in the history of world cinema. Elijah Wood learned that Peter Jackson is going to film the work Tolkien, and persuaded his friend, the director John Hong(John Hong), do a screen test with him in the role Frodo Baggins. The test was a success, and Elijah Wood sent the video to Jackson himself, who was pleased to note that the young actor fully corresponded to the description of this character. During filming, Wood had to move to New Zealand, whose beauty immediately captivated him. Work on " Lord of the Rings“was long and hard, but the reward for the work was worldwide recognition and a high fee.

Personal life of Elijah Wood / Elijah Wood

Elijah Wood prefers not to make his personal life public.

Gossip about his romantic adventures rarely gets into the press.

It is known that the actor is involved in charity work, supporting a fund to fight AIDS among young people. Elijah Wood is passionate about music, and his record collection numbers more than four thousand CDs.

Elijah Wood / Elijah Wood - filmography

  • Saturday evening at live/ Saturday Night Live (1975)
  • Back to the Future Part II (1989)
  • Avalon (1990)
  • Internal Investigation / Internal Affairs (1990)
  • Child in the Night (1990)
  • Paradise (1991)
  • Forever Young (1992)
  • Day-O / Day-O (1992)
  • Radio Flyer (1992)
  • Witness (1992)
  • Late Night with Conan O'Brien (1993)
  • Adventures of Huck Finn (1993)
  • Good Son (1993)
  • War (1994)
  • North / North (1994)
  • Flipper (1996)
  • Ice Wind / Ice Storm (1997)
  • Oliver Twist (1997)
  • Deep Impact (1998)
  • Faculty (1998)
  • Black and White / Black and White (1999)
  • Bumblebee Flies Anyway (1999)
  • Chain of Fools (2000)
  • Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
  • Lord of the Rings: Two Towers (2002)
  • Ash Wednesday (2002)
  • Adventures of Tom Thumb & Thumbelina (2002)
  • Try Seventeen (2002)
  • Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (2003)
  • Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003)
  • Eternal Sunshine pure reason/ Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
  • Sin City (2005)
  • Everything Is Illuminated (2005)
  • Hooligans (2005)
  • Bobby / Bobby (2006)
  • Happy Feet (2006)
  • Day Zero / Day Zero (2006)
  • Paris, I love you / Paris, je t"aime (2006)
  • Up Close with Carrie Keagan (2007)
  • Oxford Murders (2008)
  • Nine/9 (2009)
  • Dragon Spyro / Legend of Spyro (2009)
  • Romantics (2010)
  • Happy Feet 2 in 3D (2011)