Crossword 1 prize on the blog. PrizeWord - scanword puzzles, for solving which you can get a cash prize

10.10.2014 Vladimir Zuikov Save:

Greetings, dear readers! Today I have prepared a small competition for you with prizes. Some of our readers have long wanted to compete, especially in solving crossword puzzles. Several such applications have already been received, which means the topic is relevant.

I decided to make a crossword puzzle for you, but not just a crossword puzzle, but a thematic one. So that there is not only a spirit of competition, but also practical benefits. Meet!

Solve the crossword puzzle and win a cash prize!

Conditions: you need to collect a keyword. You don’t even have to solve all the words in the crossword itself!

Collecting a keyword is very simple: the numbers in the picture below are the order of the letters in the keyword. Anyone who has collected the word, send it to the support service (there is a link directly in the crossword puzzle).

Those who guessed and sent the keyword the fastest become winners. They receive prizes and gifts. I would like to immediately note that the number of prize places and reward amounts will be different in different crossword puzzles!

Basic crossword rules:

  • words are arranged in a natural order (horizontally - from left to right; vertically - from top to bottom);
  • all words consist only of Russian letters;
  • all words are in the nominative case;
  • checking for errors in words is carried out with a special button in the crossword itself.

If this is your first time solving a crossword puzzle, watch this short video tutorial:

Crossword No. 1

Today there will be a crossword puzzle on the topic of information needle. Whoever solves the keyword first and sends an answer receives a prize of 100 rubles.

At the end of last month, I promised to hold a small competition, namely to organize a crossword puzzle on the blog, and not an ordinary crossword puzzle, but with prizes! What are the prizes? hmmm... I don’t know yet, while I’m writing I’ll come up with something and announce them at the end of the recording))

1000! There are a thousand!

But first, I would like to congratulate the winner - the person who left the THOUSANDTH comment was Alexander! To prove it, I had to take 2 screenshots - since there were 1005 comments.

And here is the view from the main admin window:

As a prize for the one who left 1000 comments, I decided to make a banner placed above the articles for a period of one month.

Frankly, I wanted to leave the 1000th comment in response to Ruslan’s comment) But for the purity of the experiment, I didn’t do this. And I don’t really need a prize)

To clarify all technical issues, I will contact the “thousander” by mail)


The crossword will be educational and written based on materials from this site, so if you find it difficult to answer any question, you can use the Search.

To start solving just click on the button located at the very bottom of the post.

To send an answer, use , in the subject indicate: “Crossword”. And yes! Don’t forget to send the address of your blog along with your answer; if there is no blog, then write: no blog – Without this, the answer will not be counted!

The procedure for determining the winners and prizes.

There will be winners 5 .

First and last:

The person who sends the answer first and the one who manages to send the answer last receives 50 rubles on Webmoney. The deadline for sending the response has not yet been set, I’m wondering how a certain number of participants will be collected (I won’t say the number).

Three lucky ones:

Three more winners will be determined by lottery. That is, the one who answers 1 or the last can take away two prizes at once and change the number of winners!

Random lucky winners will receive 100 rubles on Webmoney!

Since such a distribution of prizes has begun, I would like to remind you about, in which it is very easy to take part - just leave a comment and you are already in the race for victory.

The author of the blog did not yawn and took first place for February! By the way, the name of the blog really caught my eye: “loser.” I began to think about what this name is connected with, and Johnny answered my question in one of his articles, so if you are interested, you can find out

Hello, dear friends!

This page contains all the competitions, crosswords and puzzles on my blog.

In order not to miss a lot of useful and interesting things, subscribe to blog updates and read all the articles carefully to master.

The “Top Commentator” competition launches in May.

Conditions of the competition: you need to write comments at the bottom of the articles on this blog and receive cash prizes at the end of the month.

Rules of the “Top Commentator” competition:

  1. 1st place -100 rubles
  2. 2nd place -70 rubles
  3. 3rd place - 50 rubles

For now the prices are like this, as the blog develops I will increase the prize money.

Cash prizes are paid to webmoney or Yandex money or to your mobile phone account if desired.

I hope you follow the rules, and I promise not to judge strictly :)

First crossword on my blog:

The first three winners for solving the first crossword puzzle:

I place - Alegik_27 ( - 300 rubles were sent to his webmoney wallet
2nd place - Alexey Ivanov (pups_08 dog - received 200 rubles in his webmoney wallet
III place - Romych (roman_i_ko92 dog - 100 rubles transferred to webmoney wallet

Second crossword puzzle, try to solve it!

Vision training competition.

I place - Alexey Ivanov (pups_08 dog - Sent the very first solved crossword puzzle in 2:56 am December 31 2016
II place - Tatiana - sent the second one at 21:22 on December 31, 2016
III place - Alegik_27 ( - sent the third at 23:30 on December 31, 2016 and completed it before the new year, well done :)

Most likely, many people still associate the word “scanwords” with some cheap colorful magazines, or even newspapers, which could be bought at any “Print” kiosk for 10-20 rubles. But time passes and everything changes. Now you can solve crossword puzzles directly on your iOS device. This already sounds amazing enough, but that’s not all. The PrizeWord application, which will be discussed in today's review, is not only available completely free of charge in the App Store, but can also make you earn money from it: after all, these are the world's first electronic scanword puzzles for which you get paid!

But, before you drop everything and start solving scanwords, you need to register or log in to the PrizeWord application using your Facebook or VKontakte account. It would probably be worthwhile to slightly expand the list of available social networks for authorization and add at least Twitter there.

New scanwords appear every month. Judging by the information from, more than 60 new scanwords are available every month. Impressive. But it is important to note that not all of them are available for free. Only five scanwords are available for free download, but the rest can be unlocked for nominal money: sets of scanwords cost from 33 to 99 rubles.

After you download everything, just click on the icon of one of the scanwords to go to the game. By clicking on one of the cells with questions on the playing field, you will see highlighted cells where you need to enter the answer word. Everything is simple, nothing unusual or complicated. In addition, for convenience, you can adjust the size of the playing field using simple gestures, known to everyone as pinch to zoom.

If you entered the word correctly, it will be highlighted with a bright background. And the sound signal, if you haven’t turned off the sound, will definitely notify you about it. If you made a mistake, the cell with the question will be highlighted in red. I would like to believe that everyone has figured out the rules, since we have been able to solve scanword puzzles for a long time.

Now let's talk about the scanword sets themselves and how to win real money. First things first. There are three sets of scanwords: “Free”, “2nd Silver”, “Silver”, “Gold” and “Diamond”. The price, as well as their complexity, in this case increases from left to right. “Diamond” scanwords are the most difficult, but they bring the most points - at least 8999 for each. “Gold” ones will bring no less than 5999 points for each, and “Silver” ones will bring no less than 3999 points for each scanword solved. By the way, if you guess the scanword faster than 15 minutes, you will receive extra points. “Free” scanword puzzles, unfortunately, do not give points, but you can practice with them or just solve them for your own pleasure.

So, on to the most interesting part – cash prizes. The size of the prize fund changes dynamically every month depending on the number of players, which is logical. Prizes will be given to the rating leaders who have scored the most points during the month. The rating is fixed on the first day of each month, when new scanwords appear. A new month brings a new rating.

As the developers themselves write, the method of paying cash prizes is discussed with the winners individually. That is why you need to log in or register in the application. By the way, one more important note: you can also get bonus points for inviting your friends to the PrizeWord game, go for it.

Publisher/Developer: Faisode Ltd.
Price: For free
In-App Purchases: Eat
Compatibility: Universal application

Hello, dear friends! Tell me, do you like solving crosswords? Personally, when I have nothing else to do, this activity gives me pleasure. Remember, when you come across a newspaper or magazine with a crossword puzzle, you involuntarily pick up a pen and, out of curiosity, start solving it. Thus, on occasion, you can pass the time. All this applies to crossword puzzles published in printed publications. There are even special issues dedicated exclusively to crossword puzzles, scanword puzzles and other brain simulators.

How do readers of the paper press differ from readers of online publications? I think not many. Therefore, a webmaster can use people’s passion for crosswords to benefit their web resource. And if you promise some kind of prize for correct answers, this will dramatically increase the number of participants (read visitors).

Free website promotion using crosswords

I don’t know who first came up with this idea, but personally, I first saw crossword competitions on Alexander Borisov’s blog. There is no doubt that he knows how to work with his audience. And since he uses this method of interaction with readers, it means that it makes sense and is one of the cogs in the well-functioning mechanism of website promotion. The great popularity and high traffic of his blog confirms this.

Later, this method, along with commentator competitions, was successfully used by other bloggers. Sometimes I also give in to temptation and do crossword puzzles. I even had to win on Sasha Bobrin’s blog. But I haven’t had the opportunity to organize such competitions myself yet. Is it even worth doing this? Let's figure it out.

What are the benefits for the blog author?

Here you can answer in a few words - improving behavioral factors on the blog. This is expressed as follows:

  • the time a visitor spends on the site and the number of pages he views increases;
  • the number of returns to the site increases (it’s interesting to check the results and find out when the next crossword puzzle will be);
  • people willingly leave comments and share their emotions from solving tasks;
  • establishing friendly connections with the reader, as a result, increasing self-confidence.

I think this is already enough to understand that the crossword puzzle method works and helps to increase the activity of visitors and the popularity of the web resource. Any movement on the blog cannot but go unnoticed by search engines. Good behavioral indicators help your blog rank better in search results. There is a clear example on the Internet.

Benefits for visitors

Believe me, the reader is not at a loss either:

  • Firstly, it’s useful to sometimes move your brain.
  • Secondly, simple interest. You don’t think about profit when you solve a crossword puzzle in a magazine.
  • Thirdly, the opportunity to make money easily.

Indeed, a few minutes of time spent can bring, on average, from 100 to 300 rubles. There are even “professional” players in this area who monitor the Internet for crossword puzzles and make money by solving them. Here you don’t need to have any super knowledge (Google can help), the main thing is speed, that is, being in the right place at the right time. Still, it’s faster and easier than trying to win commentary competitions at the end of the month.

I dare to suggest that you can earn at least several thousand rubles a month from crossword puzzles and commenting. You don’t need to invest any money and you don’t even need to have a website. In addition, tell me, what kind of traffic do you need to have in order to earn, for example, 2,000 rubles a month from contextual advertising? On average, about 1,000 uniques per day. How much time and money does it take to achieve such traffic? Therefore, whatever you say, this method of making money on the Internet without investments cannot be ignored.

What, 300 rubles for five minutes isn’t enough? No question, the organizers of crossword competitions have gone further and often hold entire marathon tournaments. That is, the winner is determined by the amount of points scored for solving, for example, 10 crossword puzzles within a month.

Of course, everything is more complicated here - you need to constantly, for a long time, monitor new articles so as not to miss the next task. But the buns are more serious. For example, the same Alexander Borisov gave the winner of his last marathon an XBOX 360 game console. I don’t know how much it costs, I’m not a fan of games, but it’s definitely not a little. How do you like these prizes?

Where to find crossword puzzle blogs and make money

I won’t post lists of such sites here, there are quite a few of them. Many regular readers of Alexander Borisov’s blog and buyers of his courses have long been using crosswords to promote blogs. But not everyone runs marathons with impressive prizes. So far, the same and the blog by Alexander Bobrin come to mind. I don’t know when there will be new tournaments, but I’ll tell you about one marathon that has started.

Crossword tournament on the blog

Evgeny Shcherbinin is holding a marathon on solving crossword puzzles on his website The tournament started on April 29, but this does not mean that it is too late to take part. There will be 6 stages, and believe me, the one who scored high at the beginning may not even get into the top ten finalists. Stability is everything here. Even if you miss several episodes, you can still count on prizes. And this time they are like this:

  • 1st place – 800 rubles and one of Alexander Borisov’s video courses;
  • 800 rubles;
  • 500 rubles.

By the way, Evgeniy has made the task much easier for the participants and promises to publish episodes only from 21:00 to 00:00. This is important, since the most important thing in such a tournament is to react in time. You can read the detailed rules and take part in the tournament using this link.

Some advice for those who will participate in similar events in the future:

  1. First of all, subscribe to the site’s newsletter so as not to miss the release of new articles with crossword puzzles;
  2. newsletters often arrive with a delay, so visit the blog often and check for updates;
  3. Over time, you can find out the schedule for the appearance of new publications;
  4. If you notice a new task late, do not refuse it, thinking that you didn’t have time - many people think so and give up, but you be more persistent.


It is worth noting that crosswords, as a way of free website promotion, are more suitable for blogs. That is, where there is feedback between readers and the author. You may ask, what kind of free promotion is this if the owner of the resource has to pay the winners money or give expensive gifts? No one owes nothing to nobody. After all, as a prize you can use not only money, but also your own or reseller information products (if any), services, or, finally, open links to the winners’ blogs from the pages of your website. Of course, the more expensive the prize, the higher the return will be.

Finally, knowing that many people are annoyed by crossword puzzles, I want to ask, how do you feel about such mini-competitions? For example, would you like to see crossword puzzles on this blog and would you solve them? Answer in the comments.