Biggest winnings in the lottery. Big jackpot: the biggest lottery wins in history

Jackpot and won $758.7 million - the largest prize ever awarded to one lottery ticket. The largest winnings paid to lottery participants are in the RBC photo gallery.

Biggest jackpot in history

In January 2016, the American Powerball lottery had the largest jackpot in history worth more than $1.5 billion. Guess winning combination The winners of three tickets succeeded, each of whom decided to receive the prize immediately, and not over the course of 30 years. For this reason, the payment amounted to $327.8 million each. This lottery caused a serious stir in the country - the organizers expected that revenue from ticket sales would reach $1.3 million per minute in evening hours peak.

Biggest winnings on one ticket up to today

In July 2016, participants in another popular American lottery Mega millions were able to hit a jackpot worth $536 million. The winners, who bought a ticket in Indiana, chose not to reveal their identities so as not to endanger their children. They also preferred to receive their winnings in one payment - it amounted to about $378 million.

Most big win in Powerball until today

To date, the biggest Powerball win on a single ticket was in 2013. Then $590.5 million was won in the same lottery, and the winner of the lucky ticket was an 84-year-old American woman from Florida. The winner chose to receive her winnings in one payment, its size amounted to $370.8 million.

$487 million jackpot

The winner of another big Powerball win in July 2016 was married couple from New Hampshire. The lottery jackpot was $487 million. The winners also decided to receive their winnings in one payment of $341.7 million. They immediately spent part of this amount on charity.

Real shock

Two months earlier, a Powerball jackpot of $429.6 million was won. The winners were a 70-year-old New Jersey woman and her seven daughters, one of whom called the incident “God’s intervention” and “a real shock.” According to her, the family decided to pay off the mortgage and student loans first. They also decided not to extend the payments over 30 years, so they received $284 million.

European record

Photo: Simon Jacobs/Zuma/Global Look Press

In Europe's most popular lottery, EuroMillions, the winning amounts are also huge. The largest jackpot here is €190 million and has been won twice since the lottery's inception in 2004. In 2012, the winners of this amount were Adrian and Gillian Bayford from the UK, and in 2014, the winning combination was guessed by a resident of Portugal.

Two months before the record

In June 2017, two months before the current record, Powerball hit another major jackpot of $447.8 million ($279.1 in a lump sum). The winner bought the ticket in California, at a small store that sells alcohol. The lottery organizers decided to reward the sellers, who received a check for $1 million.

Russian record

Photo: Sergey Kiselev / Kommersant

The largest win in the history of Russian lotteries in May 2017 went to a Sochi resident who bought a Gosloto “6 out of 45” ticket. The winnings amounted to 364.686 million rubles. The record came in the 2943rd circulation. The previous record win for Russia (358 million) took place in 2016, and was won by a resident of Novosibirsk.

Who hasn’t dreamed of getting a cash trophy without really straining? But someone, as in that joke, asks God to win without bothering to buy a lottery ticket, and someone takes risks with the hope of luck and as a result becomes the owner of a large sum.

As a rule, newly-minted rich people prefer to remain anonymous and spend money on sales own desires or to help loved ones (most often for the purchase of cars, apartments, business promotion). Money makes some people happy, while others are upset that they couldn’t make good use of their chance.

How to spend 29 million rubles in 5 years?

As an example of the fact that big money is an obvious way to quickly become poor (the idea belongs to Veselin Georgiev), we can cite a family from Ufa. The unemployed Mukhametzyanov spouses were lucky.

Having made a spontaneous bet in the Bingo Show lottery in 2001, Nadezhda and Rustem instantly became millionaires. It seemed that here was a chance to make life better. However, the editors of uznayvsyo.rf sadly report that in 5 years, from 29 million, except for the purchased apartment, there was nothing left. Nadezhda fell ill and died. The tragedy was preceded by long-term alcohol abuse.

The money “catch” was invested in fishing

Muscovite Evgeniy Sidorov decided to spend the 35 million rubles he won in Gosloto on fish farming - carp breeding. In 2009, the former mechanic went with his family to implement his plans. countryside. The happy transformation of a mechanic into a goldfish maker took place thanks to a bet of 560 rubles.

47 million – for the dreams of loved ones

The 42-year-old Voronezh resident, whose bet of 120 rubles in Stoloto made him a millionaire, for the most part He shared his winnings with his relatives and spent the rest on home renovations and solving other everyday issues. The man hopes that he will be lucky again.

Instead of moving overseas - debts

In 2009, fortune brought fortune on a “golden platter” to a 36-year-old resident Leningrad region 100 million rubles. Having successfully guessed 6 numbers out of 45 in the Gosloto game, Albert Begrakyan began to change his life. I bought several apartments and expensive cars in St. Petersburg, and bought a plot for the construction of a hotel.

He lent an impressive amount - 12 million - to friends, who, however, were in no hurry to return what they had borrowed. As a result, after two years, the money won evaporated, and the debt to the state amounted to 4.5 million rubles. for not paying on time the tax on the winnings remained. According to Albert, if he had another chance, he would spend the money on traveling overseas.

Housing on the Mediterranean Sea

The super prize - 121.8 million rubles - was shared in June 2013 by Volgograd resident Olga, who received 61.5 million rubles, the rest of the amount went to Valery from Perm. Both lucky people decided to spend the money on buying real estate.

A childhood dream come true

In May 2015, the fortune of a 37-year-old resident of the Kaliningrad region increased by 126.9 million rubles. An engineer by profession became rich thanks to a ticket for 800 rubles, purchased at a mobile phone store. The winner said that he had played the lottery since childhood and dreamed of gaining fame thanks to a “lucky” ticket.

To warmer climes

184 million rubles - this lottery prize went to a builder from Omsk. The winning ticket cost the 48-year-old father of three children 810 rubles. The editors of the site clarify that a man named Valery decided to spend the acquired capital on buying a home by the sea.

Months of shock

A 45-year-old resident became rich by 202.4 million rubles in August 2014 Nizhny Novgorod Mikhail F. The father of two children received the cash prize a month after the drawing, because all this time he was in a state of shock. Its owner decided not to share his plans for spending his million-dollar fortune with the public.

Build a business in Moscow

A resident of Novosibirsk, who took second place in the ranking of the site in terms of amount cash prize, guessed 6 numbers out of 45 in Gosloto. This happened in February 2016. The lucky one did not immediately apply for his 358 million rubles. Having read the news about the super prize, the man at first did not understand that he himself had become the hero of these messages.

He compared the number combination on his ticket with the winning one several times before he was sure that fortune was on his side. A 47-year-old doctor made a lucky bet at a local retail point, cost 1800 rubles. He took part in the lottery for two years in a row. The winner said that the money will be used to buy a house in the capital and develop a business.

Contribution to the party treasury

The “palm” in terms of lottery winnings is held by a resident of Sochi named Hasmik. She became the lucky winner of the record prize in May 2017. A fabulous 364 million rubles was brought to her by a bet of 700 rubles, paid with the help of mobile application, in the Gosloto lottery. The newly-made millionaire, who worked in the cultural sector, planned to contribute a third of the winnings to the election fund of one of the Russian political parties.

The largest lottery win in Russian history

In the fall of 2017 it was registered biggest win to the Stoloto lottery in Russia - in the amount of 506 million rubles. It is noteworthy that the winner is a 63-year-old resident Voronezh region named Natalya Petrovna - at first she did not believe in her luck, and the organizers of the draw had to look for the owner of the huge money for two weeks. After the lucky girl finally came to Moscow to receive the certificate, she said that she was going to give part of the money to charity.

In any case, money is a temptation, but a very pleasant and desirable one. And, perhaps, we should agree with the opinion of Robert Orben, who believed that the phrase “money can’t buy happiness” is most often uttered by those who have neither happiness nor money. Often, rich people - especially the children of businessmen, who inherited luxury by birthright - believe that everything is allowed to them and that the law is not written. We invite you to read stories about rich young criminals.
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In the USA, the largest jackpot in the world was won in the popular Powerball lottery - the amount was $1.5 billion! The name of the winner is not yet known, but lottery officials said the winning ticket was purchased in a suburb of Los Angeles, California.

The lottery is held in 44 states across the country, and winning Powerball is always a sensation. The coveted prize goes to the one who correctly indicates the numbers of five white balls and one red, which is called Powerball.

In the meantime, while the name of the lucky winner is being revealed, let's look at other darlings of fortune who won the largest Powerball lottery jackpots, find out how much money they won and what they spent it on.

(Total 12 photos)

In 2014, 75-year-old Emma Duvall won $2 million. She chose numbers that she found in a fortune cookie in a New York store.

A 19-year-old construction worker named Jonathan Vargas won $35 million in 2008. Jonathan chose the numbers using his family's birth dates and ages. He later created the women's wrestling channel Wrestlicious.

In 2001, ex-con David Edwards (who was convicted of armed robbery) won $41 million. David bought a mansion in Florida and a private jet. In just five years, he spent all his winnings and died at the age of 58 in a hospice.

In 2009, 27-year-old Jeffrey Wilson won $88 million. Jeffrey says that after winning, little has changed in his life, except that he began to live in a bigger house. He donated part of the money to a children's hospital.

In 2005, 34-year-old Brad Duke won $220 million. However, after winning, Brad continued to drive his old car and work for another two and a half years. The fitness center instructor used his money wisely - he hired a team of financial advisors and invested his winnings.

In 2009, retired government employee Solomon Jackson won $259 million. Mr. Jackson donated generous sums of money to various educational purposes, including Morris College, from which he graduated.

The Hill family won $293 million. A modest and pious family plans to spend money on the education of their children (three sons and one foster girl), grandchildren and nephews.

In 2002, the contracting firm's 55-year-old president, Andrew Whittaker, won $314 million. Andrew donated 10% of his winnings to Christian charities, and he spent the other 14 million to open a fund to help families in need in West Virginia. Unfortunately, life after winning did not work out for the former businessman - he was persecuted by people who wanted to cash in on his luck, and two daughters died of drug overdoses.

In 2013, Pedro Quezada from New Jersey won $338 million. Former owner The store spent part of its winnings to pay alimony to its family.

ConAgra Foods employees won $365 million. The lucky ones managed their money in different ways - some built a house in Vietnam, some quit their jobs and live on the interest from their investments, some simply enjoy life and do what they love, and two of the winners even got married.

In 2013, 16 employees of a machine maintenance company shared a $448 million winnings. The reaction of the winners was different - some were incredibly happy about the money, especially after the destruction caused by Hurricane Sandy, and some expressed dissatisfaction due to the increased attention from the media.

In 2013, 84-year-old Gloria McKenzie of Florida, a retired teacher, won $590 million. We can say that it was the will of fate: an elderly woman was missed in line for lottery tickets and she bought a ticket with the numbers already selected.

TASS DOSSIER. November 5, 2017 official website of the Russian distribution company state lotteries"Stoloto" reported that a resident of the Voronezh region won the 1204th lottery draw. Russian lotto"506 million rubles. This is the largest jackpot in the history of lotteries in the Russian Federation. The lottery organizer is the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, the operator is State Sports Lotteries JSC.

The previous Russian record was set on May 21, 2017. Then the organizers of the Stoloto lottery reported that the prize was 364 million 685 thousand 787 rubles. went to a resident of Sochi ( Krasnodar region). According to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the winner had to pay 13% of this amount to the treasury. Thus, the winner of the winnings received 317 million 277 thousand rubles. Happy ticket was purchased for 700 rubles. The prize was drawn in the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery, which is also organized by the Russian Ministry of Sports.

In third place is the winning of a doctor from Novosibirsk. On February 29, 2016, he won 358 million 358 thousand rubles in Gosloto 6 out of 45. (after taxes - 311.7 million rubles). According to the winner, he regularly participated in this lottery for two years. The lucky bet cost him 1 thousand 800 rubles.

Fourth place goes to another resident of Novosibirsk. On May 30, 2017, he won a super prize of 300 million rubles in Gosloto 4 out of 20. (after taxes - 261 million rubles), played for the first time in the history of this lottery. He purchased his ticket on the lottery website for only 100 rubles.

In fifth place is the winnings of a resident of Nizhny Novgorod, who in August 2014 took the jackpot in the amount of 202 million 441 thousand rubles. in "Gosloto 6 out of 45". After deducting taxes, he should have had 175.7 million rubles left in his hands.

The biggest jackpot in the world

On January 13, 2016, the organizers of the popular US lottery Powerball announced that three winning tickets for a jackpot of $1 billion 586.4 million. This is the most big jackpot in the world in the history of lotteries, but not the largest single winnings taking into account taxes. There were two winners married couples from the cities of Munford (Tennessee) and Chino Hills (California), as well as a retiree from Melbourne Beach (Florida).

According to Powerball rules, the winner can receive the jackpot in installments over 29 years or become its owner immediately. In the latter case, the winning amount becomes approximately half as much, without taking into account taxes, which vary from state to state. Thus, if all three winners decided to take the winnings in their hands at once, each of them would receive $327.4 million, and taking into account taxes, only about 40-50% of this amount.

Before the Powerball draw in January 2016, the largest jackpot was won in the Spanish Christmas Lottery (Sorteo Extraordinario de Navidad) - it amounted to €720 million with a total prize fund more than €2.5 billion. However, then the jackpot was divided among 180 winners.

Largest single lottery win

However, the January 2016 record is not absolute in terms of the amount of winnings for an individual winner. The largest winnings on a single ticket in US history was $758.8 million. This amount was won in the Powerball lottery on August 23, 2017 by 53-year-old Mavis Wonchik from Chicopee (Massachusetts).

In May 2013, a resident of Zephyrhills, Florida, USA, became the only winner of the $590.5 million Powerball lottery jackpot. She chose a lump sum prize, receiving $370.9 million before taxes.

Including taxes, the biggest single win (£148.7 million or €190 million) was won in the EuroMillions lottery in August 2012 by Adrian and Gillian Bayford from Haverhill in Suffolk, UK. A resident of the Portuguese city of Castelo Branco won the same amount in euros in October 2014, but in accordance with the law adopted in 2013, he had to pay 20% of taxes on this amount, i.e. he received only €152 million.

Hello, friends. Today in this article we will introduce you to popular foreign lotteries and tell you how to play them :)

Regardless of our belief or complete disbelief in luck, almost each of us has bought a lottery ticket at least once in our lives. Perhaps some of you brought coupons as an addition to the main gift to your family and friends and, together with them, rejoiced at small wins and hoped for big ones.

But a big win in rubles is not the same as a big win in euros or dollars. Therefore, for now we will not touch domestic lottery operators, but will discuss in great detail the world lotteries that Russians can play. After all, a lot of players want to know for sure whether they can spend quite a large amount on a ticket and be sure that if you win, the prize will be received.

We will also consider foreign lotteries for the possibility of our compatriots participating in them and for their low popularity in Russia. Let's discuss the reasons for such a cool attitude.

And here’s another important thing: it’s worth considering foreign lotteries in terms of the honesty and integrity of intermediaries. After all, tickets for most of the world's lotteries cannot be purchased in our country - the player must contact a reseller. But where is the guarantee that as a result he will receive not some piece of paper, but a real ticket? real draw and will be able to take part in it. If you win, there is also no guarantee that the reward will find a winner.

In general, you need to keep your eyes open with foreign lotteries - Lucky case loves attentive, focused and vigilant people. And note: I am not discouraging you from trying your luck in a foreign game, but I urge you to carefully study the conditions and be picky in choosing intermediaries.

We are sure that this question interests many visitors to our site, so we will give it a separate subheading.

Reason 1. Reluctance to attract foreign players

The first and main reason why little is known about foreign lotteries in our country is that the organizers of the lotteries themselves do not have the most ardent desire to encourage foreign citizens to participate in the lottery.

There are plenty of their own contenders for the Jackpot, and then - lottery operators are accustomed to listening to the opinion of the people, who are not always happy with the fact that the funds (sometimes especially large sizes) flow abroad.

Reason 2. Minimum information about world lotteries

Not all official sites have a Russian-language version, and if there is one, the game is described there very succinctly, if not sparingly. And some resources are blocked for free access.

Nevertheless, foreign lotteries for Russians they are becoming more and more attractive due to high winnings and transparency of the drawing process. Players who have long paved the way for themselves into the world of foreign lotteries claim that that lottery world is somewhat different from ours: even third category prizes in international lotteries are much higher than in domestic ones. Some have developed own systems, allowing you to win a little, but consistently.

But the most important thing when participating in a foreign lottery is not even to place a bet, but to find a bona fide intermediary through whom you can purchase tickets for world lotteries and receive winnings. People who managed to contact official and honest intermediaries (also a kind of lottery) have only positive opinions about foreign lotteries and reviews about them.

Which lottery can you really win: Gosloto VS Foreign?

Buying a ticket and guessing the numbers is far from the only criterion necessary to win the lottery.

First of all, you should pay attention to the honesty and transparency of the organizers. Therefore, let's try to clarify which lotteries are more honest with their players: ours or foreign ones?

Should we trust our organizers?

The issue is controversial and we will not draw any specific conclusions, but we will name the reasons why one can still doubt the honesty.

Let's start with a simple video made by the REN TV channel:

Let's summarize the information from the video:

  • State lotteries are not really “state” at all. They belong to only one founder;
  • TV broadcasts are shown in recording;
  • the organizers have information about the selected combinations, which means they can dispose of it as they wish, for example, in the results they show numbers that were not chosen by anyone.

And that’s not all, there are several more reasons not to trust the government. lotto:

  • drawings on the official website of most lotteries are not broadcast live. Instead, use a "generator" random numbers", and this is a very dubious decision;
  • over the past few years, participants have received great amount complaints and even more reviews on the Internet;
  • the Stoloto website has taken over almost all popular lotteries, thus completely monopolizing itself;
  • the lack of information about the lucky winners also makes us wonder who gets the main prizes.

Actually, many of these reasons can be further commented on and tried to be justified. Here's how to look at it. For example, the same bad reviews are normal for anyone gambling, and some lotteries are held live.

But let's watch another video with the revelation:

Should you trust foreign organizers?

We don’t think it’s entirely correct to evaluate all foreign lotteries at once, since there are quite a lot of them in the world and they all have their own rules. But if you choose the most popular ones, compared to ours, they look much more honest and transparent:

  • Most of them donate most of their proceeds to the state and charities;
  • Each of them conducts drawings only live;

Just two simple things, and immediately all suspicions and unnecessary questions disappear. Do you agree?

Foreign lotteries in Russia – how to buy?

The most common way to purchase a game ticket is to buy it online. Fortunately, now you can find many lotteries in the world online.

But if for some reason it is not possible to purchase a ticket via the Internet, you will have to use the services of intermediaries. But this method has its drawbacks:

  1. The intermediary may ask for an advance payment - and this is a clear signal not to get involved. You may not receive a valid ticket.
  2. Resellers can inflate the price, the difference per ticket is their earnings.
  3. Deception of the player is not uncommon among unscrupulous intermediaries. It is expressed in the first two ways, and what’s most offensive is that you can pay for a ticket and not receive winnings on it.

How to buy a ticket without risks?

We can recommend three ways to protect yourself from scammers when purchasing foreign lotteries new tickets:

  • go independently to the country where the drawing is taking place and buy a ticket there;
  • find a trusted intermediary and use his services or ask a good friend who is in another country to buy a ticket;
  • purchase world lotteries online on a special website.

There is no way to personally recommend a good intermediary - I don’t know any. But this does not mean that they do not exist. If you have friends experienced players to international lotteries, you can ask them. I don’t think they will see you as a competitor and begin to hide information - usually they find out about proven, bona fide resellers through good old word of mouth.

If buying tickets through intermediaries is not your method, then we can offer you a service that has been working as intermediaries for several years:

Agentlotto is the best intermediary of world lotteries

Agenlotto international service intermediary, allowing you to buy and receive a ticket for lotteries in the USA, Europe, Australia and Latin America for users from anywhere in the world.

If we talk about this resource more specifically, it provides a huge selection of lotteries - about 20 with different sizes of main, secondary and small winnings.

And this is very convenient for the player, since he can compare lottery conditions, jackpots and even the external design of each lottery. And this is important, many players choose their game visually: like the picture - buy a ticket - hit the jackpot.

By the way, about the main prizes: the site’s specialists have selected the world’s lotteries for Russian players with the largest jackpot and not the most “biting” price per bet.

The following lotteries are presented here:

  • American lotteries:
    • Superlotto Plus
    • Lotto Texas
    • New Jersey Pick-6
  • From pan-European
    • EuroJackpot
  • From Spanish:
    • La Primitiva;
    • El Gordo;
    • BonoLoto
  • From Italian:
    • SuperEnalotto
  • From the British:
    • UK Lotto.

As you can see, world lotteries without intermediaries can be purchased on one of the popular resources, although this is also a kind of intermediary, but we believe that it is much more reasonable to use the services of time-tested resources rather than strangers.

Moreover, you can buy one ticket for a lottery that you have long liked, or test your luck in several draws different countries and continents.

It works like this:

  1. Register on the site
  2. Choose the lottery you want to play
  3. Buy tickets
  4. In a few hours you will receive scanned copies in your personal account
  5. Waiting for the draw
  6. In case of victory:
    • if the amount is small: you will receive money in electronic wallets
    • if the amount is large: you receive the original ticket and go to collect the winnings in the country where the drawing took place or issue a power of attorney to a service employee and he receives the winnings for you and then sends it to you.

Video instruction:

Should you trust intermediaries?

Even if you don’t study these sites very carefully, what catches your eye is the column report on the winners:

Each person's name is written under the flag of the country where he lives, and the amount of winnings is indicated opposite. The people are real. Most of the lucky ones are Poles and Germans, there are even two Belarusians and a Kyrgyz. What is not proof that a foreign lottery for Russians can be successful and super successful?

Is the report not enough?

Then take an interest in reviews of resources, for example, Agentlotto began its work in 2012 and during this period it has collected more positive opinions about its activities than negative ones. The same can be said about the pioneer of such services: TheLotter, only he started working in

And the most important argument: when purchasing a ticket, the player receives a scanned copy of it and has something to show to the lottery organizers if he wins.

World lotteries in Russia - reviews. Why doesn't anyone win?

Judging by the feedback from players, not many people from Russia and the CIS countries take part in the draws of the most popular lotteries in the world. And the smaller the percentage of players, the smaller the percentage of winners - everything is logical. Therefore, you should not frighten yourself with the thought that it is impossible to win in these foreign lotteries.

Those who regularly buy tickets for foreign lotteries claim that there is a chance of winning. Our fellow citizens cannot boast of huge prizes, but small cash rewards in the amount of 20 to 600 dollars (euros) periodically “smile” at them.

To the question why so few of our fellow citizens buy international lottery tickets, there is a completely logical answer. And not even one:

  1. Not everyone knows about the opportunity to play foreign lotteries in Russia and other post-Soviet countries
  2. Those who have heard about this possibility do not believe in the honesty of the method of purchasing lottery tickets.
  3. Those few who believe (or believed) got burned by dishonest intermediaries and stopped believing
  4. Those who haven’t been burned play it quietly and are not very willing to talk about this topic

If there is little reliable information about the lottery, then there are correspondingly few people willing to play. Here comes a completely objective explanation of why we have so few winners of foreign lotteries.

We do not insist that the Agentlotto website is an ideal place to purchase tickets for international lotteries in Russia, because the price tags there are inflated somewhere by 2 times, and somewhere by three. But on this moment– this is the best option to play without cheating.

There are other methods too, but they are suitable for people who often travel abroad:

  • buy a ticket directly in the country of the draw
  • wait for the circulation
  • receive your winnings, if they happen, directly at the lottery office

World lotteries without intermediaries - how to win the Jackpot?

There is no universal recipe for how to win the jackpot in the lottery (no matter through intermediaries or without them). The decisive role in the game is usually assigned to faith in one’s luck. Well, it has also been noticed that those who buy tickets regularly win more often. It seems that these people are subconsciously tuned to the wave of the game and the wave of victory. Perhaps this really is true.

Foreign lotteries in Russia have not yet found their main winner. But there are a great many “true” stories with hidden names about Euromillions who hit the jackpot on the Internet. And they are all in two lines and somewhat vague.

For example, this option: “Mr. L. from Russia became a millionaire in the Euro lottery “Millions” (conditional name). One could attribute such secrecy to the reluctance of the newly minted rich man to “shine” to the whole world, but the matter is often completely different: the same unscrupulous intermediary sites are trying to attract as many buyers as possible to their resource.

For the sake of objectivity, I will give you several examples of huge winnings that brought ordinary ordinary people among the dollar multimillionaires and billionaires.

  1. American lottery Powerball. On January 16, 2016, a jackpot of $1.5 billion was won. It was divided among three players; the lucky one from California was the first to “notice” his winnings and shamelessly posted a photo with the ticket on Instagram.
  2. Mega Millions is also a lottery from the USA. In 2012, the jackpot hit $640 million. Also three winners, of which only the Butler spouses dared to reveal themselves. They acted very wisely with their portion of the winnings ($110.5 million) by hiring a financial advisor to increase their funds.
  3. Mega Millions again - 2007, $390 million up for grabs. Two main winners, one of whom, a truck driver, bought a ticket in a small establishment where he usually bought coffee on the road.

Our review of foreign lotteries

It is not difficult to navigate the rules of foreign lotteries - they are in many ways similar to ours: place a bet, wait for the draw. But if you doubt that you understand in what order to cross out the numbers, or how to pay for the purchase of a ticket, find the official website of world lotteries, perhaps you will find the necessary information there.

We tried to use the services of intermediaries as testing to find out in more detail how it all works. As a result, from three tickets in three different lotteries we even managed to win $10 and withdraw it safely. We also made sure that a scanned copy of the purchased ticket is indeed provided to the players.

We didn't try our luck anymore.


It is possible to play foreign lotto from Russia through intermediary sites. It’s also possible to receive winnings – now within a few hours via electronic wallets or online banking. The ticket price is a little high, but this is our fee for the service.

Actually, this is where our article comes to an end. We hope the material was useful to you.