The title of the poem is who lives well in Rus'. The meaning of the title “Who Lives Well in Rus'”

An essay on the topic “The meaning of the title of the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” by Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov.” 4.30 /5 (86.00%) 10 votes

The poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” was written shortly after the adoption of the reform “On the Abolition of Serfdom” in 1861. Everyone knows that Nikolai Alekseevich was an active fighter for the rights of the people. The main theme of his work was people's happiness and the struggle for justice in relation to it. The poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” was written with great experience and a huge amount of emotions. As soon as we read the title of the work, it becomes clear to us what will be discussed. I believe that the meaning of the title reflects not only the content of the text, but also the author’s attitude towards peasants in general.

The meaning of the name is to find happiness in Rus'. The author tells us about how seven wanderers from the people travel across Rus' in search of true happiness. The main task of wanderers is to find a happy person who lives well. The author wanted not only to find a happy person, but also to understand the reason for his joy, happiness and to conclude what a Russian person needs to be happy?!
While searching for a happy person, wanderers meet many people and each of them has their own opinion and idea of ​​a happy life. For example, at the very beginning, many of the wanderers thought that an official, priest, merchant, landowner or king should be happy. This opinion arose due to the fact that these people occupied a much better position than the peasants, therefore, they should have lived better. Long debates and conversations about this ended only when they met a truly happy person on the way. But before that they had to meet many images: soldiers and artisans, peasants and coachmen, drunken women and hunters. They all believe that they need means to be happy. But in each of them lives the pure “soul of the Russian people - good soil,” as Nekrasov writes.
Grigory Dobrosklonov turns out to be truly happy, who grew up in poverty and knows firsthand about the hardships of peasant life. He considers the main goal of his life to be the liberation of the people from slavery. Gregory’s words carry the true meaning of people’s happiness.
Nekrasov, asking the question about people's happiness, first of all wants to convey to people that true happiness lies not in money and status, but in the unification of peasants with the intelligentsia. For universal happiness, it is necessary to stop this division and oppression of some by others, and only then will everyone be happy.

    The reader recognizes one of the main characters of Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” - Savely - when he is already an old man who has lived a long and difficult life. The poet paints a colorful portrait of this amazing old man: With a huge gray...

    N.A. Nekrasov wrote a wonderful poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'.” Its writing began in 1863, two years after the abolition of serfdom in Russia. It is this event that is at the center of the poem. The main question of the work can be understood from...

    Nekrasov conceived the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” as a “people's book.” He began writing it in 1863 and ended up terminally ill in 1877. The poet dreamed that his book would be close to the peasantry. At the center of the poem is a collective image of the Russian...

    The changes that occur with the seven men in the process of their search are extremely important for understanding the author's intention, the central idea of ​​the entire work. Only wanderers are given in the course of gradual changes, in evolution (the rest of the characters are depicted...

    Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” was, as it were, a departure from the general idea of ​​many works of that time - revolution. In addition, in almost all works the main characters were representatives of the upper classes - the nobility, merchants, philistines...

    The Russian people are gathering strength and learning to be citizens... N. A. Nekrasov One of the most famous works of N. A. Nekrasov is the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus',” glorifying the Russian people. It can rightfully be called the pinnacle of creativity...

The very title of the poem sets us up for a truly all-Russian review of life, for the fact that this life will be examined truthfully and thoroughly, from top to bottom. It aims to find an answer to the main questions of the time, when the country was going through an era of great changes: what is the source of the people’s troubles, what has really changed in their lives, and what has remained the same, what needs to be done so that the people can truly “live well” in Russia and who can claim the title of “lucky”. The process of searching for a happy person turns into a search for happiness for everyone, and numerous meetings with those who claim to be happy make it possible to show the people's idea of ​​happiness, which is clarified, specified and at the same time enriched, acquiring a moral and philosophical meaning. Therefore, the title of the poem aims not only at the socio-historical basis of its ideological content, but is also associated with certain unchanging foundations of spiritual existence, moral values ​​developed by the people over many centuries. The title of the poem is also associated with folk epics and fairy tales, where the heroes are looking for truth and happiness, which means it orients the reader to the fact that not only the broadest panorama of the life of Russia in its present, past and future should unfold before him, but also indicates a connection with the deep origins of national life.

Essay on literature on the topic: The meaning of the title of the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”

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The meaning of the title of the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”

Nekrasov’s entire poem is a flaring up, gradually gaining strength, worldly gathering. For Nekrasov, it is important that the peasantry not only thought about the meaning of life, but also set out on a difficult and long path of truth-seeking.

The “Prologue” begins the action. Seven

Peasants argue about “who lives happily and freely in Russia.” The men do not yet understand that the question of who is happier - the priest, the landowner, the merchant, the official or the tsar - reveals the limitations of their idea of ​​​​happiness, which comes down to material security. A meeting with a priest makes men think about a lot:

Well, here's what you've praised

Starting from the chapter “Happy”, a turn is planned in the direction of the search for a happy person. On their own initiative, the “lucky ones” from the lower classes begin to approach the wanderers. Stories are heard - confessions of courtyard people, clergy, soldiers, stonemasons,

Hunters. Of course, these “lucky ones” are such that the wanderers, seeing the empty bucket, exclaim with bitter irony:

Hey, man's happiness!

Leaky with patches,

Humpbacked with calluses,

But at the end of the chapter there is a story about a happy man - Ermil Girin. The story about him begins with a description of his litigation with the merchant Altynnikov. Yermil is conscientious. Let us remember how he paid off the peasants for the debt collected in the market square:

All day with my money open

Yermil walked around, asking questions,

Whose ruble? I didn’t find it.

Throughout his life, Yermil refutes the initial ideas of wanderers about the essence of human happiness. It would seem that he has “everything that is needed for happiness: peace of mind, money, and honor.” But at a critical moment in his life, Yermil sacrifices this “happiness” for the sake of the people’s truth and ends up in prison. Gradually, the ideal of an ascetic, a fighter for the people's interests, is born in the minds of the peasants. In the part “The Landowner,” the wanderers treat the masters with obvious irony. They understand that noble “honor” is worth little.

No, you are not noble to us,

Give me your peasant's word.

Yesterday’s “slaves” took up the task of solving problems that since ancient times were considered a noble privilege. The nobility saw its historical destiny in caring about the fate of the Fatherland. And then suddenly the men took over this single mission from the nobility and became citizens of Russia:

The landowner is not without bitterness

Said: “Put on your hats,

In the last part of the poem, a new hero appears: Grisha Dobrosklonov - a Russian intellectual who knows that people's happiness can only be achieved as a result of a nationwide struggle for the “Unflogged province, Ungutted volost, Izbytkovo village.”

The strength in her will affect

The fifth chapter of the last part ends with words expressing the ideological pathos of the entire work: “Our wanderers would be under their own roof, If only they could know what was happening to Grisha.” These lines seem to answer the question posed in the title of the poem. A happy person in Rus' is one who firmly knows that he must “live for the happiness of his wretched and dark native corner.”

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