How to place bets in the bookmaker. Complete guide on how to bet on sports

Sports betting in bookmakers is a whole science. At first glance, everything is simple - choose a match, place a bet and win or lose. This is how most players think, who become average and are content with rare wins, being in the red in the end. There are a lot of nuances in betting, the knowledge of which increases the chances of success, and in no case should you ignore these details if you want to learn how to make money on sports betting.

In betting, as in football, everything is decided by details - preparation, tactics, experience, psychology and strategy. And the better all the skills listed above are pumped, the greater the threat to bookmakers you pose. How to bet on sports correctly and count on a stable profit - we will talk about this in detail in today's article.

Test bets as a way to gain experience in betting

In the previous paragraph, it was noted that for successful game several important components are needed, one of which is experience. This moment probably confused you, and you wondered where a beginner can gain experience and how to learn to bet on sports without financial risks?

This is possible thanks to trial bets without money. The best option- these are guest accounts of bookmakers, where a player can use all the functions of a bookmaker, only betting virtual money. In addition, there are many special services that allow you to make demo sports betting. IN last resort, you can use a notepad with a pen or a text document on a computer where you will write down your bets.

It is clear that a demo game will not replace the experience of playing for real money, but nevertheless, you can get comfortable in betting, learn many nuances and test game strategies. After analyzing the results, it will be possible to understand how to win on sports betting. If the indicators are negative, you need to continue to work on yourself. There is no point in putting your hard-earned money in this case.

The Psychology of Sports Betting: Highlights

Psychology is one of the most important points in betting, which many people underestimate. In order to successfully play sports betting, you must have emotional stability, be able to remain calm and always think soberly and objectively.

Most players position the bookmaker as their main enemy, whom they want to defeat every day. Such a position, alas, is doomed to failure. A bookmaker is just an organization that allows you to bet on sports events and make money on it. your most main enemy- you yourself and your emotions come first. If you manage to beat yourself, you will have good prospects in betting.

In order to make money in sports betting, you need to defeat the main enemy - yourself.

The most difficult thing is to keep yourself in control after a loss, especially if a large amount of money is lost or it is a long losing streak. The desire to win back directs a person, emotions prevail over the mind and it is difficult to control oneself. But you need to learn, to accept losses with dignity. Understand once and for all that you won’t be able to win all the time, it’s unrealistic, losses are an integral part of the game in bookmakers.

Another problem of players in terms of the psychology of the game is sympathy for certain teams. Our psyche is so arranged that we overestimate our favorite teams, and underestimate the unloved ones, on the contrary, because we want victories for the first, and a fiasco for the second. You need to try to be as objective as possible, because subjectivity makes it difficult to correctly assess the chances of teams and make accurate predictions.

Next psychological problemgreed. After a series of wins, players want more and more, confidence in their abilities increases and the thought arises that today I am lucky and all bets come in. Alas, the inability to stop in time leads to sad consequences, there is no need to lose ground under your feet.

Game bank management in betting

Money management or game bankroll management is your tactic in betting. Football teams choose certain tactical schemes, act differently in attack and defense, change their style of play, leading in the score or losing during the match. In order to raise money on sports betting, you also need to have tactics, otherwise the game will become chaotic and the risks of draining the bank will increase significantly.

Any financial management system performs two tasks. The first is to minimize risk. The second one guarantees, well, or allows you to count on regular profits at bookmakers. There are many money management strategies, but two are considered basic:

  1. Flat. Perhaps the simplest approach to bank management, but this does not make it less effective. The point is to bet the same amount every time. A popular type of flat is the fixed percentage of the bankroll strategy.
  2. Dogon. A risky approach that allows you to gain some advantage over the bookmaker. Main principle catch-up - after each loss, increase the bet size by as much as necessary to win back the previously lost funds and make a profit. classic look catch-up - the Martingale system, when after each losing bet the size of the bet is doubled.

It is not easy to understand how best to bet on sports in order to be in the black. If someone is successful with one strategy, this does not mean that other players will be able to effectively use this tool. Need to look for your strategy, experiment. Just trial and error universal recipe does not exist.

Strategies for playing online sports betting

If you want to bet on sports online for profit and not just for fun, you must have a strategy. It will provide discipline and save you from many psychological mistakes. Note that the strategy should be understood not only as financial management, which is one of the components.

Strategy is something big, it is a player’s plan of action in certain situations and betting preferences.

Without a strategy and clear discipline, it is impossible to win in sports betting

It is not enough to know how to bet on sports on the Internet, you also need to understand how to succeed in this activity and receive a regular income. Which tournaments to bet on, which matches to avoid, what type of betting is preferable, pre-match or live, how to act after a series of losses, when to take a rest, and so on. Of course, it is impossible to plan absolutely everything, but the more details are thought out, the better. It is important to clearly understand which path to choose and how to achieve the goal.

Choosing the right bookmaker to play

In football, it often happens that a great player goes to another team and starts to regress. And the other, on the contrary, opens up in the new club and shows a fantastic level of play. It's not enough to be a good football player, you also need to find a team that fits the style. It's the same story in betting - you need not only to know how to make money on bets in bookmakers, but also to find a bookmaker where a player can show his strengths to the fullest.

First of all, it must be a reliable operator that has a good reputation and regularly pays winnings. Secondly, to have high odds that are necessary for you in sports, tournaments and types of bets. The interface and design of the betting site is also important, which should not irritate and distract. The rating of online bookmakers compiled by professionals will help in choosing a bookmaker.

Most experienced bettors recommend not limiting yourself to one bookmaker and betting on sports in several places. Thanks to this, you can always find a better odd for your chosen bet. And even if the difference is small, over a long distance, the increase will be impressive.

Analysis as a fundamental success factor

All the components described above, of course, are of great importance in the success of the player, but still a key ingredient in betting is analysis. This is the foundation of the basics. If you don’t have knowledge in some kind of sport and you don’t know how to analyze, making accurate predictions, it’s unlikely that you will be able to raise sports betting. It will not work on its own, but with the help of leading analysts, you can count on a positive outcome.

How to bet at bookmakers and win with the help of analytics? As already mentioned, you cannot do without losses, but you should always strive to keep the percentage of looses to a minimum. To do this, you need to analyze each match very carefully, pay attention to details, try to collect the maximum amount of information.

After the picture of the analyzed match becomes visible, you should try to make an accurate forecast, starting from which to choose bets in bookmakers. Wherein the priority should be the outcomes that go in the line with an overestimated coefficient.

And finally, as a bonus, we offer some useful tips for betting:

  • You can find a lot of scammers on the net who sell various win-win strategies for money, “How to make money on sports betting?” courses, information about fixed matches, and so on. Avoid these offers, no matter how tempting they are. Those who know good ways enrichment at stakes, they silently make money on it and do not share secret information with anyone, if such information can exist at all.
  • You should never bet on sports in a bad mood. As practice shows, this does not lead to anything good. Able alcohol intoxication and it is strictly forbidden to approach bookmakers.
  • You should only play with money that you can afford to lose. When nothing is pressing on the player, he is relaxed and more likely to succeed. If the burden of responsibility hangs over a person, he, as a rule, loses everything.
  • Do not get stuck on favorites, which is typical for beginners. Bets exclusively on clear favorites - fast way drain the bank. And in general, you need to be as flexible as possible in betting and adapt to the features of different tournaments, not get hung up on one game method.
  • It is very important to learn not to depend on public opinion because in most cases it is wrong. When everyone is buzzing about the victory of a certain team in a particular match, you need to be on your guard - in nine out of ten cases, the opposite is true.

To make money out of nothing, you have to take risks. If you are lucky and the bet passes, then the invested funds will pay off in double, triple or even multiple sizes. But if you are not lucky, bookmakers are bookmakers for that, in order to earn money on our gambling!

This is how people perceive sports betting. For them, sports predictions are like a lottery, in which the result depends solely on luck. And those who have already tried to bet at a bookmaker's office perceive betting quite adequately - as a source of possible profit. But in order to win regularly, you need to constantly learn and keep in mind a lot of important nuances. Today we’ll talk about how to correctly bet on sports on the Internet for beginners or those who are pursued by a series of failures.

Most beginner players have the wrong idea about good betting. Conventionally, such bookmaker clients can be divided into two groups:

  1. I will bet on clear favorites. Even if the coefficient is quite small, but I will definitely win.
  2. I will look for a win-win strategy. Surely those exist. Cappers earn a lot of money on bets, and I can do it.

And in fact, both one and the other are mistaken. Standing bets on favorites do not always work. In each round and any European championship, unexpected “upsets” happen when the leader loses or draws with a notorious outsider. One or two such punctures, especially in bets like this, and an inexperienced better loses more than the sum of the bets that have played brings him.

Win-win strategies does not exist. Of course, by complex mathematical calculations, it is possible to derive an algorithm successful bids, but it will be very far from 100% probability. And what did you think: not schoolchildren are sitting in the analytical departments of bookmakers either! Any strategy is associated with certain risks. In addition, no bookmaker will accept bets at a loss. Only such an approach guarantees profits to offices, especially in the long run.

If you want to learn how to bet and win, learn simple truth: The bookmaker will always be in the black. But that doesn't mean you don't stand a chance.

Use our tips to turn from an inexperienced BC dream player into a successful and profitable better.

How to start betting on sports at bookmakers

How the bookmaker works

Consistently profitable work of the bookmaker is ensured by competent formation, which excludes loss and brings him profit in any outcome. Each bookmaker employs analysts who evaluate the likelihood of outcomes and calculate odds based on them. The laziest simply copy the line from the sites of the world's major offices. Users choose winning outcomes, in their opinion, and place their bets. And the bookmaker remains in the black! It's all about the proper management of ratios = cash flows.

For a novice player - a dark forest. But an experienced better draws a lot from these numbers. useful information. He can see how much the real odds are underestimated, and whether there are in the line that were erroneously overestimated by analysts.

Professional bettors compare odds at different bookmakers, including by analyzing data from foreign betting sites and choosing the most profitable odds for their bets.

Low odds and margin

Not entirely correct odds are the main tool for earning a bookmaker's office. Assessing the probability of a particular outcome, the analytical department can calculate the real odds for the favorite in the amount of 1.90. If the bookmaker puts such a odd in his line, he will let all the players who bet on this favorite earn money, but at the same time he will not earn anything. That's why bookmakers deliberately underestimate real odds.

And real 1.90 in the line will look like 1.75. It is these carefully calculated figures that directly affect the income of offices. And these numbers in the long run leave the bookmaker with a profit, and the players with zero deposits. Such a scheme is not a deception of the players, although it cannot be called absolutely honest. This is a legal way to earn money for a bookmaker, which is called. Usually it is 7%. Fluctuations in one direction or another depend solely on the degree of adequacy of the bookmaker.

Why can't novice players make money on bets?

harsh reality betting grounds self-confident beginners very quickly. In the hope of hitting the jackpot on match-fixing or 100% working, but paid game schemes, they are faced with well-established “divorce” schemes or banal fraud. Before we start talking about how to bet correctly, we must tell you about such schemes.

Fixed games

One of the most common misconceptions in the betting world. Fixed Score Games Unfortunately Happen in Competitions different levels. But this information is very narrow circle of people. Not a single person who may know about the result of a future match will share it “in secret” from the pages of a sports forum. You can learn more about agreements from ours.

If you were offered a “sure thing” for a couple of hundred rubles, you can be sure that you are a scammer, who makes a similar offer to a few more gullible players. By naming a different account for each of his clients, he can in one case guess the exact result. But such a hit has nothing to do with real awareness of match-fixing. And novice players should remember: there is criminal liability for organizing match-fixing. Will the organizer of such games share information with everyone?

Bonus programs

This scheme is not a scam. Moreover, bonuses offered during registration or as part of various promotions look like a nice gift from a caring bookmaker. A two-fold increase in the deposit pleases beginners who, with great excitement, bet “donated” funds, and as a result lose their own money.

In order not to get into a mess, you need to carefully read the conditions for providing bonuses. As a rule, in order to withdraw these funds, they must be put down several times, moreover, in rates of the "Express" type and with coefficients not lower than the agreed level. For beginners, this result is almost unattainable. Remember: a bonus is not a means to earn money, but only a way to increase your gambling excitement. Perfect betting scheme!

"Catching up" lost bets

Recoiling as soon as possible after a loss is a typical tactic for an inexperienced player. Often, a novice and rather gambling better tries to apply. According to this scheme, the player bets on the result with a coefficient of at least 2.0 and constantly doubles his bet. At some point, the strategy works and the lost money (plus a little extra) is returned to the better.

A method based on simple mathematics looks convincing. But there is no guarantee that the bet will definitely play until the player runs out of money. The desired result does not drop out in any way, but there is nothing to put.

By the way, even experienced players. And in this case we are usually talking about large sums of money. Who is in the plus? As usual - bookmaker!

Paid Strategies

The so-called "gurus" of betting often want to capitalize on the gullibility of novice players by offering them to buy winning strategies. Screenshots of the output from the bookmaker are given as arguments large sums and numerous played "express trains". Perhaps some of the proposed schemes will help beginners to play at least not in the red, but this is only for the time being. Any strategy fails at some point. So don't waste your time searching. ready-made solutions, and even more so - for their purchase. It is advisable to engage in development in a bookmaker's office.

Basic principles of winning bets

The bookmaker is always in the black. But this is not a reason to despair and switch to the lottery, where nothing depends on you at all. You can really make money on bets, and not bad. The main thing is to immediately exclude all the above strategies: forget about win-win game models, martingale and fixed matches. The one who plays according to his own scheme plays well! We will introduce you to several effective ways games in bookmaker's offices.

Search for inflated odds

Competent analysis of the information seen - must have skill of a successful player. Most bettors don't see anything behind the odds numbers other than the potential winnings. And more experienced ones are able to notice the slightest mistakes of bookmaker analysts, finding the so-called value odds. - these are bets on outcomes with inflated odds. Such outcomes are rare in the lines, but with proper experience it is possible to find them.

A prerequisite for value bets is a deep study of statistical data and taking into account all the nuances that can affect the result sporting event. At a minimum, the better should be well versed in the chosen sport. Knowledge in the "materiel" will simplify the analysis of the line, as well as speed up the search for values.

Fork Arbitrage

One of the plus strategies used by many cappers.

A fork is a specially selected bet in different bookmakers, in which the gain of one overlaps the loss of another. Thus, the player remains in the black regardless of the outcome.

Exchange rates

An interesting alternative to bookmakers! Evil bookmakers cut betting limits for successful arbers, deliberately lower the odds, and do not disdain even blocking game accounts. Therefore, some bettors switch to betting exchanges. Most famous representative of this market. Such online platforms act as intermediaries, providing the necessary conditions for players who want to bet. By the way, on the territory of the Russian Federation, the activity of such sites is prohibited.

Bonus hunting

As you remember, one of the “lure” of the bookmaker is all kinds of bonus programs and promotions. Many bookmakers offer their customers free bets (freebets) to motivate their gaming activity. And especially advanced betters use these freebets to get real money. Quite tedious and difficult, but possible!

The bonus hunter works as follows:

  • Receives a free bet in the bookmaker for a new player;
  • Makes a bet according to the terms of the bonus;
  • Overrides the bet made on the Betfair Internet exchange, so as not to remain in the red for any outcome;
  • If the bet in the office has played, then the new free bet is run according to the same scheme - until the player can withdraw the bonus money.

In Russia, bonus hunters died out along with the ban on the Betfair exchange, but users still continue to earn on freebets.

For a novice player, such an abundance of information can be confusing. What surebets and value bets can we talk about if you have not yet figured out the terms and , and also don’t really know how to place a bet?

Do not worry, everything will come with experience. And our task is to make your first steps in betting as less painful for the wallet as possible. Take note of these helpful tips:

Step 1. Focus on one thing

Step 2. Learn the types of bets, understand all the notation

Every successful player knows the terminology of betting by heart. All bookmakers should be thoroughly studied by you - from "ordinary" to "express", from "handicap" to "total". If you learn to read the painting without hesitation, then it will be much easier to place bets. After all, you can tritely miss an overestimated coefficient, figuring out what “NP1” is. Good knowledge theory makes it easier to understand the essence of betting, which has a positive effect on the results of your bets.

Step 3. Learn to Understand Odds Formation and Line Movement

Behind the numbers of odds lies the potential profit of the player and the guaranteed income of the bookmaker. For this ratio to play in your favor, you need to know the key principles. After all, why bet on the correct outcome in a match between a leader and an outsider if the winnings will be meager, since the office has already underestimated the odds as much as possible?

It is wiser to look for a value and earn much more solid money on it. But without theoretical knowledge and constant practice, numbers will not become your assistants. Track the movement of the lines and bet at the right moment.

Step 4. Stick to your bidding strategy

Start with the simplest and gradually move on to more complex schemes. Don't jump from one game model to another just because you read about it on a forum and want to test it. Such experiments usually end with the loss of the deposit.

We recommend starting with the classic . This strategy allows you to keep in check the excessive excitement of a novice player and at the same time accumulate the necessary experience in betting. And later you can try more complex scheme– . This strategy helps to increase the likely profit from undervalued bets.

Step 5. Set up betting accounts with several bookmakers

The adage about not having all your eggs in one basket applies perfectly to betting. Keeping several lines in front of your eyes, you quickly find the most favorable odds and manage to place a bet before possible movement lines. In addition, if in the future the bookmaker for some reason decides to block your account or cut the betting limits, you will have “alternate airfields”.

If you are not yet confident in your abilities and do not want to play for real money, it would be wiser to practice at a bookmaker. So you can thoroughly study the interface of the betting shop, the contents of all sections and learn other useful nuances.

Step 6. Make a competent analysis and choose the first bets

Having decided on the sport and a specific event, we make our first bet. We remind you of the need to adhere to the chosen strategy - both in terms of the game scheme and in terms of the amount of bets. In order not to run into pitfalls, check out ours in addition.

Step 7. Fund your betting account at a bookmaker

If you take the risk, you must make a deposit. The bookmaker can give you a bonus: an amount for betting, similar to the size of the deposit, or free bets - depending on the conditions in a particular office. Use escrow funds as a tool to gain the necessary experience and don't worry if you lose them quickly.

Step 8. Treat every loss as a learning experience.

Even the most experienced capper is not immune from annoying blunders. But you should remember: impossible to bet and never lose!

Strive for profit in the long term. Strictly adhere to the chosen strategy, do not be led by emotions and do not spend more than planned.

And when long-term earnings become the norm for you, you can consider yourself a fairly skilled player.

Step 9. Keep statistics of your bets

Every action you take must be recorded. Make it a rule to analyze not only, but also the bets made. Summarize intermediate results: within a week, a month - in order to assess which types of bets were more likely to be successful, and which ones led to losses. Even fixing the time of the bets made will not be superfluous. Constant and competent accounting is the key to minimizing errors in the future.

Step 10. Adjust your strategy

The initially chosen scheme of the game does not have to be a permanent dogma, even if it is profitable. Sometimes a small correction of a successful strategy can lead to even more earnings on bets. But do not change anything under the influence of emotions or other people's advice. Only yours personal experience and rigorous analysis can serve as the basis for improving the strategy. Always bet wisely!

Sports betting is only part of it. gambling. Emotional beginners almost always drain the deposit, get disappointed in the rates and consider bookmakers to be the standard of evil. But for many players who are not too lazy to spend time studying the principles of betting in depth, bets become a source of stable income. As in any other business, here you need a thorough approach and a gradual movement from small to big. Each thoughtful bet is a small brick in building a solid practical experience. Play thoughtfully and you will be lucky.

We hope that with the help of our tips you will achieve significant success in the field of betting!

The most important rule for success is to make right choice, guess the outcome of the game before its final. How to bet at a bookmaker for a beginner? It all starts with simple rules.

How to bet correctly

The bookmaker should not act at random: for a winning bet, it is important to use analytical thinking, to know the little things gameplay, be able to feel and skillfully bypass the pitfalls.

If you expect to receive money from a football or hockey team, study its composition, find out all the information about the matches played over the past two years. Statistical information gives a complete picture of the strengths and weaknesses commands, which will be very useful in the future.

The choice of a bookmaker is also of great importance. Don't choose by feel, swipe detailed analysis on betting sites, study all the reviews, do not rely on positive comments alone: ​​if there is not a single bad one among them, this is an alarming sign.

It is better to choose offers with low odds- in case of loss, you will get off with minimal cash spending. For example, on the Liga Stavov website they accept bets from ten rubles, and on Parimatch from one ruble. You can also count on deposits - your account receives a certain amount of money as a gift, which is not a pity to spend.

Bets can be placed both online and in person at the game. If you are new to this business, then when you make an application, specially trained people will help you figure out all the intricacies. Do not settle for offers from the office like “we are sure that this outcome will happen today”, or “if you choose our offer, you will be credited with a bonus”. Remember - free cheese is only in a mousetrap.

Any doubt before making a decision can work to your detriment - experienced players or close friends can convince you to change the bet to the one that seems to be beneficial to them. It is very easy to succumb to assurances, especially if they have evidence and you do not feel confident in the decision. That is why it is important to study all the information about the teams. It is not at all necessary to bet only on favorites. Consider the little things: if you know that one of the players was injured on the field, or the coach has changed, draw conclusions. You must soberly assess the situation and predict who exactly will win in a certain match. Your goal is to get money.

Types of bets:

  • In real time;
  • For the upcoming moment (forecast for the future).

In real time, you can change the decision as the game progresses.

Try to divide the money into several parts so that there is enough for the whole chain. different rates. If there are more than five coupons for one bet (express bet), with one erroneous move, you remain a loser. Scattering coupons around different numbers much more chances to win. Try not to bet on the favorite - the coefficient is very small, as is the percentage of winnings. The optimal choice is a bet on the total number of goals scored (total), an individual total - when you hope for a goal from a certain player or a single bet.

  • What is a "line" - a list of options with possible game outcomes. Each option has its own coefficient;
  • Coefficient (kef) - a figure. By multiplying your bet by the number in the table, they will find out the amount of future winnings;
  • Bet - your amount of money;
  • The result (outcome) is the final of the whole game.

How to correctly mark a bet:

  • Home win - (1);
  • Away win - (2);
  • Draw game - X;
  • Home win or draw - (1X);
  • Winning another team (away) or X (draw) - (2X).

If you fail, you should not rush about and lay out money, hoping to win back as soon as possible. The best way out of the situation is to calm down, try to understand the reason for the loss, and next time make the right choice. Do not turn a way of extra income into the meaning of life.

How to bet on sports? Complex issue for beginner players. A bet based on a competent analysis can bring hundreds of percent profit in just a few minutes. The first important step is to choose the right bookmaker. Do not rush to decide on a bookmaker. First you need to familiarize yourself with the rating of bookmakers.

On the WinBetting website, based on the reviews of professional players, TOP bookmakers have been compiled. This rating is based on feedback from hundreds of players and is constantly updated. Here you can get acquainted with the odds for the duration of the matches, receive interesting offers on promotions. How to start betting on sports, we will consider further.

Where to bet on sports: basic principles

Sports betting is accepted at bookmakers. Today, many of them have an online version. Play over the Internet - great way earn real money without leaving home.

Sports betting: where to start

Before you make your first bet, you should know what they are.

Single bet

The peculiarity of this bet is to try to predict only one outcome of the event. In this case, the winnings are calculated according to the formula of the product of the amount of money by the coefficient of the bet. For example, you bet 1000 rubles on a coefficient of 2.20, which means that your winnings at the rate will be 2200 rubles (1000 * 2.20), the net winnings will be 1200 rubles (2200-1000 minus the amount of the bet).

Express rates

Placed on several events at once. An important condition for winning is winning all the indicated events in the accumulator bet. In other words, a positive outcome can be as follows: a refund or a win. However, the game for several events at the same time has its minus. If at least one event does not justify the forecast, the entire bet is considered a failure. The multiple bet margin is calculated as the sum of the bets multiplied by the odds of all outcomes.


A collection of multiple expresses. This is a kind of enumeration of several variants of express bets with a fixed set of outcomes. The number of outcomes and the amount of bets for each accumulator are the same. The profit in the system is calculated as the sum of winnings on the express, which are included in the system. Read more about the system.

Most popular species bets are considered to be bets on outcomes (1X2) and bets on total. There are also bets on painting ( additional rates) - who will score first, how many substitutions, yellow or red cards in the match, etc. . Bets on total allow you to predict less or more goals scored, pucks, balls, etc.

How professionals bet on sports

To understand how to make successful sports bets, a beginner should follow simple rules:

  1. Always specify how to bet on a specific sporting event. Explain for yourself all the incomprehensible points, and only then place bets. Different bookmakers have different rules and fees.
  2. Play small amounts at first. There is always a risk that you can confuse or misunderstand something.
  3. Don't chase high odds, it is possible that pitfalls may lurk in them. It is safer to bet on favorites who have good motivation. You can combine such bets into express bets.
  4. Determine for yourself the specific size of your bank. You will always know how much you are willing to spend, what rates will suit you, when it is worth stopping to avoid bankruptcy.
  5. Play exclusively in reliable bookmakers. The richer and larger the company, the more it values ​​its reputation. Visitor reviews are also important.
  6. Don't bet all your money on one bet. The outcome of any match can be unfavorable for you.
  7. Always know how to stop, even if you are lucky today.
  8. Be sure to follow the odds line. Rise or a sharp collapse is never accidental. Follow sports news. Remember that analysis is very important. Before you bet on a specific team, take an interest in its previous success, the number of injured players, the presence of yellow cards.

How to do sports betting analysis

How to learn to bet on sports? There are several methods for predicting the possible outcome of a sporting event. They will help even a novice player to win good amounts.

  1. Information analysis, where you collect all available information on a team.
  2. Statistical analysis. During it, the losses and victories of the teams are analyzed, certain statistics are displayed, and the probability of winning or losing is calculated.
  3. Theory of forecast probability. At this method the probability of the outcome of the match for each team is estimated. The above methods are quite effective, but laborious. Therefore, professional players often resort to help

Firstly, do not bet blindly, just hoping for an attractive odds. Luck is a very slippery thing, and counting on it is very risky! Sooner or later she will take all your money from you!

Always look at statistics, analyze past games and, if possible, news regarding the situation within both teams. Most often, rates incorrectly determine the current state of affairs on given time, but only justified by the rating, popularity or position of the club in the standings. However, the team can go into decline, it can have suspended or injured key players, etc.!

Secondly, in nature does not exist 100% winning bets, as well as 100% confidence in the result of the match!

Try to designate for yourself that the MAXIMUM that can be is 90-95% confidence in the result of the game (this is the most Great chance and often less than 50%. 100% can never be! If such a thought hovers in your head, then you need to do everything so that it disappears ... Find the prerequisites for the fact that such a result may simply not happen ... Find a weak spot that always exists!

Third, do not be lazy to find out the weather, which is expected to be on the day of the game. It plays a very important role, for example, in football and, knowing the weather conditions, we can expect an approximate course of the game for both teams.

Snow or rain are a definite advantage in defense tactics, it is much easier to destroy in such conditions than to attack ... Therefore, the result is like a regular or dry draw, when one and the opponents play for the sake of not losing - the most likely!

Repeatedly, not knowing the weather conditions, we lost very probable bets... Rain or snow should be a surprise for anyone, but not for you! If at least something hints that there will be changes in the weather for the worse, then the best way out would be to insure than just rely on lady fortune!

Fourth, get detailed information from the camps of the two rivals. Disqualifications, absenteeism, injuries - all this will help to predict the outcome as accurately as possible, and, in turn, bet your money correctly!

If there was a disqualification or injury to defensive midfielders or defenders, then this in itself indicates possible problems in defense and potential goals conceded.

If the disqualification or injury was the main attacking player or the team captain, then the question arises: will the players be able to score, what changes will they make in the tactics of the game, will they be able to implement the standard that will bring them forward.

However, if the main standards performer was injured or disqualified, then this can also make you think.

Thus, try to study the future state of the players in as much detail as possible.

Fifth, you should not bet on a dry victory of a club leaving to play on a foreign field.

One of the most common losses is when the favorite goes to the middle/underdog team and ends up taking home one point... Players on a stronger team often fail to set themselves up to take an outsider seriously. , and those, in turn, want to squeeze the maximum out of themselves in order to get even closer to the leader.

The most common situation occurs when a club from top lines table plays an away match, scores once and tries to finish the match, practically not playing and not wasting energy, and the opponent uses this slack and equalizes the score at the very end.

Therefore, a bet on the winning of the guest club, wherever the opponent is in the championship table, is always a risk, and the risk should always be minimized! Therefore, the X2 bet is one of the key options for considering this kind of deal!

At sixth, repeatedly weigh all your options and make an adequate decision before directly betting that the club will score away!

To make such a bet, you must first read and complete paragraphs 1-5 of these secret rules.

If you are really 95% sure that a club leaving to play at a foreign stadium will definitely score, then feel free to bet!

But do not forget about the home team, because their task is also to score a goal!

Seventh, you should not bet on too small and large “to win” quotes, especially when you like to play multiple bets!

Small and large odds are almost 100% loss in the accumulator bet.

It is better not to bet on:

- large (above 1.85): the outcome is unlikely! If you think that the probability is quite high, then you should carefully read such a match, and you will probably be able to understand why the bookmaker puts such a high quote! On top of that, remember about match-fixing! You probably don’t know about them, but there are people who earn huge money from this!

- small (1.09 and below): because it will not have weight in the multiple bet, and this fact alone should already dissuade you. Why an unjustified risk in one bet to the whole chain! And yet, they are often simply based on the position in the championship and ratings, since they are not able to closely monitor all championships, tournaments and cups ( this situation does not apply to the most popular championships. Everything is carefully calculated in them, and any change that may affect the result will be taken into account) ...

Eighth, no need to bet on clear WINS in friendly or pre-season, insignificant games!

The best option would be to ignore such matches altogether. However, if you still really want to bet on such a game, then keep in mind that the probability of WIN in such matches is reduced by half or three times!!! You will ask why? But because the plans of the coaching staff for these games are unknown to anyone. Maybe he wants to try a new defensive tactic, maybe he wants to test his young subjects by giving leaders a break, and so on. Or maybe the players are just not set up, which happens most often!

Ninth, do not type EXPRESS from a huge number of games! The fewer games, the more your chances of winning increase!

The best would be an accumulator of 2-3 games. Playing express bets is a very big risk, and if you decide to play 8-9 matches, then the probability of winning will sag to a large extent, which is not advisable!!! If, nevertheless, you rave about a big jackpot, take risks, but the result will be sad for you! Fortune can smile only once, but soon you will give up your money anyway! (I mean exactly the express system).

tenth, you should not include an unconsidered result or a result with a small degree of probability in an express bet ...

A fairly common mistake is when you have selected all the matches that you wanted and calculated, but the coefficient came out much less, what you expected, or it is simply not round or ugly, AND THEN you deliberately insert into the accumulator an outcome that you have not even looked at! And what, in your opinion, the result will not justify the hopes? Eleventh, do not chase for a large coefficient! Best EXPRESS- one that consists of 2 - 3 games, with a total quote of 1.5-3.5.

Don't take big odds! Do not dig yourself a financial hole!

Eleventh, if, nevertheless, the desire to score a lot of matches overcame your common sense, then it makes sense to explain to you the so-called “SYSTEM” ...

If you have looked through the bookmaker's line of matches and you are interested in the games you want to bet on, but there are more than 7-8 such matches, then the Accumulator will most likely be lost in this case ... It's better to just bet “SYSTEM”!!! The probability of winning money from "SYSTEM" is much higher, since often in such a large accumulator one or two results may not converge!