What is literature, the art of words. Fiction as an art form


Literature ( lat. lit(t)eratura, literally - written, from lit(t)era - letter) - V in a broad sense This is a collection of any written texts.

The material embodiment of literary works is the totality different images and concepts recorded by the author in words and phrases. Literature is one of the subject arts in which the word is the main means figurative reflection life and fantasy. With the help of images, fiction recreates entire eras.

Such “participation” is necessary for a complete and deeper understanding of what is written: for example, the reader worries about Tatyana in “Eugene Onegin”, tries to understand the reasons for Katerina’s actions in “The Thunderstorm” and the complex spiritual world Natasha Rostova in “War and Peace”, the tragedy of Grigory Melekhov in “Quiet Don”.

It is our perception and experience of the destinies of the heroes that indicates that literature is an art, the art of words.

One of the challenges that society faces modern system education is upbringing cultural personality, the formation of not only material, but also spiritual needs. This task became relevant in connection with the revision in modern society. The formation of cultural needs of the new generation is carried out through familiarization with the best examples, With artistic values, accumulated by human civilization throughout its existence. In addition, children need to be introduced to the history of culture.

Literature is interested in natural and social phenomena, social issues, psychological and spiritual problems of the individual and much more that exists in real world. The system of genres reflects certain aspects of reality through dramatization, epic storytelling or lyrical immersion.

The classification of literature can be carried out by dividing it into fiction, scientific, educational, historical and reference. In addition to those listed, there are many other types of literature and new ones are constantly emerging.

In turn, fiction as an art form is divided into the following genres: epic, lyricism and drama. The epic includes such genres as epic, novel, short story, story, short story, etc. Lyrics include poem, ballad, rhyme, etc. Drama - tragedy, comedy, etc.

The epic is one of the three main literary families, reflecting real life through narration, description and reasoning.

Lyrics are the main type of fiction, reflecting reality through a variety of personal experiences. The main form of lyrics is poetic.

Drama, along with epic and lyric poetry, is the main type of literature, which is represented by works created in the form of dialogues and intended, as a rule, for performance on stage.

Literature as an art form is a historical phenomenon, all its components and individual elements are in constant interaction. Literature is a living and moving process, art system images, which sensitively responds to everything, even the slightest changes, occurring in real life.

Target: give the concept of literature as an art form in which the main means of figurative reflection of life is the word.

Material for the lesson:

  • A.P. Chekhov “At Home”.
  • V.V.Veresaev “Competition”.
  • R. Bradbury “Fahrenheit 451◦”.
  • Music series:
  • ♪ I. Krutoy. Music from the film “ Long road in the dunes."
  • ♪ G. Sviridov. "Time forward!".
  • ♪ Beethoven “Moonlight Sonata”.

Visual range:

  • Slides on the topic “WE” (Slides can be obtained from the author).
  • “Portrait of Ginevra de Benci” by Leonardo da Vinci.

Lesson summary


  • "The beautiful awakens the good." D.S. Likhachev.
  • Beauty captivates forever.
    You don't get cold feet towards him. Never
    He will not fall into insignificance...
    S. Narovchatov.

Prologue:<♪ Звучит инструментальная композиция И.Крутого из к/ф “Долгая дорога в дюнах”>.

− Huge Universe. Cosmic winds blow in it, cosmic blizzards rage, centuries fly by in it like one day. In this vast cold Universe there is a blue planet called Earth. Forests rustle here and rivers flow. Winter gives way to autumn, and after spring always comes summer. And after day comes night, and after night invariably comes day.

There is one day on this huge blue planet. On this day you were born. And loving women's eyes shed tears of happiness. And your mother's heart wished you Bon Voyage. And your mother’s hands blessed your first steps on this earth. And they wished on a star with your name. And at that very second a new star lit up in the sky. Your star. She shines for you all your life, even if you don’t know about it. This is the star of your love, your happiness, your life. You didn't choose her. It was given to you from birth, like life. And you choose everything else in your life yourself. It's your right. Human right. And if you choose the right path, your star will illuminate it. And it’s up to you whether it doesn’t go out ahead of time.

May your star burn for a long time, you can and should do this!

Formulation of the problem:

<♪ Г. Свиридов “Время, вперед!”; слайдовый ряд “МЫ”>

XXI Century. Beginning of the century. We live in an age when one dictator threatens: “I will drown you in blood!” When another politician promises: “I will raise Russia from its knees!”

And somewhere there, in the Siberian wilderness, the district children's doctor writes out a prescription. He writes out a prescription... for an apple, for milk. It was. That's it. Will it be like this?!

The 21st century is called the century of science and technology. Progress creates the illusion that it is science and technology, the level of their development, that have become the measure human values. Is it so? What is our attitude towards culture? Art? Literature?

Development I. Input.

Yes, books are disappearing from the lives of modern schoolchildren. And it’s scary to imagine the implementation of the situation that was modeled in the fantastic dystopia of the American writer Ray Douglas Bradbury “Fahrenheit 451◦”. This dystopia depicts a city where reading and possessing books is a terrible crime. All the books there have long been destroyed. And now, if even one book is found on someone, it is burned along with the house, and the owner is put to death. You can't save books there without dying yourself. Firefighters in this city don't exist to put out fires. And in order to burn books and the houses in which they are found. The hero of the novel, Guy Montag, is a fireman. For ten years he conscientiously and even enjoyed his terrible work. But then one day while on duty he came to the house old woman, which. Not wanting to part with her books, she burned down with them. From that day on, everything changed in Montag's life. The question began to torment him: what was written in these books. If because of them people go to their deaths? And to get an answer, he starts reading...

Express questionnaire:

  1. Who would you be with if you were in this fantastic city:
  • with those who can easily do without books;
  • with those who secretly read books and kept them in memory;
  • with those who destroyed books.
  1. Admit it to yourself honestly, do you need books when you have television, cinema, or a computer?

(Processing the results of the express questionnaire and summing up).

Development 1I. Literature as a form of art.

Literature is not just an academic subject that provides a certain amount of knowledge, but, first of all, literature is a type of art.

Dictionary of literary terms:

Literature (from the Latin litera - letter, writing) is a type of art in which the main means of figurative reflection of life is the word.

Fiction- a type of art that is capable of revealing the phenomena of life in the most multifaceted and wide manner, showing them in movement and development.

(Write definitions in a dictionary)

As an art of words, fiction arose in oral folk art. Its sources were songs and folk epic tales. The word is an inexhaustible source of knowledge and an amazing means for creating artistic images. In words, in the language of any people, their history, their character, the nature of the Motherland are captured, the wisdom of centuries is concentrated. The living word is rich and generous. It has many shades. It can be menacing and gentle, instill horror and give hope. No wonder the poet Vadim Shefner said this about the word:

A word can kill, a word can save,
With a word you can lead the shelves with you.
In a word you can sell and betray and buy,
The word can be poured into striking lead.

Development III. “Literature is a textbook of life.”

But words in human speech and in fiction do not live separately. They are united and coordinated by thought, the idea of ​​a work, and animated by human speech. Simple familiar human word. But with the power of his talent, like a magic wand, a writer or poet turns the word to us in an unexpected way, forcing us to feel, think, and empathize.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov has a story: it’s called “At Home.” Here is its summary: “To Evgeniy Pavlovich Bykovsky, the prosecutor of the district court, who had just returned from the hearing, the governess of his seven-year-old son complained that Seryozha smoked and that he took tobacco from desk father.

“Send him to me,” said Evgeniy Petrovich.
“I’m angry with you, and I don’t love you anymore,” the father cut off the boy’s greeting. – Now Natalia Semyonovna complained to me that you smoke. This is true?
- Yes, I smoked once, that’s true.
“You see, you’re lying on top of that,” said the prosecutor. – Natalia Semyonovna saw you smoke twice. This means that you have been convicted of three bad actions: smoking, taking someone else’s tobacco from the table and lying. Three faults!
“Oh, yes,” Seryozha remembered. And his eyes smiled. - That's true, that's true! I smoked twice: today and before.

Evgeniy Petrovich began to explain to his son that it is impossible to take someone else’s property, that a person has the right to use only his own property. He began to explain to him what property means, about the dangers of tobacco, that tobacco smoke produces consumption and other diseases, from which people die.

Evgeny Petrovich was painfully thinking about what else to say to his son in order to capture his attention. He saw that Seryozha was not listening to him. The boy first picked a hole in the cloth upholstery of the table with his finger, and then climbed onto a chair standing on the side of the table and began to draw.

And it seemed strange and funny to Evgeniy Petrovich that he, an experienced lawyer who had spent half his life practicing all kinds of suppressions, warnings and punishments, could not convince the boy that he had acted badly. Ten o'clock struck. Evgeny Petrovich tiredly sank into a chair. And Seryozha, sitting comfortably on his father’s lap, asked: “Daddy, tell me a story.”

Like most business people, Bykovsky did not remember a single fairy tale, so every time he had to improvise.

“Listen,” the father began, raising his eyes to the ceiling. - In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived an old, aged king... He lived in a glass palace that shone and sparkled in the sun like a big piece pure ice. The palace stood in a huge garden where oranges and cherries grew, tulips and roses bloomed, and colorful birds sang. There were glass bells hanging on the trees, which, when the wind blew, sounded so softly that you could listen...

The old king had his only son and heir to the kingdom, a boy as small as you. But this prince began to smoke, fell ill and died when he was 20 years old.

The decrepit and sickly old man was left without any help. Enemies came, killed the king, destroyed the palace, and there were no cherries, no birds, no bells in the garden.

Seryozha listened intently. His eyes were filled with sadness and something like fear; For a minute he looked thoughtfully at the dark window, shuddered and said in a fallen voice: “I won’t smoke anymore...”

Conversation with students:

− What happened? Why in A.P.’s story? Did Chekhov's fairy tale turn out to be a better educator than all the logic of facts and beliefs?


- Now sit down more comfortably. Close your eyes. Your hands lie calm and free... (sounds instrumental music"Waterfall").

“Away with worries and worries. Lose yourself in thought: the music and sounds of the sorceress of nature will take you to a sparkling mountain stream. You will not find such peace and tranquility anywhere - only here, near the cool, clean waters., easily running down the green velvet of mossy stones. The banks of the stream are covered with a multi-colored carpet the brightest colors, A easy breath the breeze carries their delicious aromas. A variety of birds sing in the foliage of tall trees. You are lying on the shore, looking at the sky, where lush clouds of various shapes float by. This wonderful moment can only be repeated by the Sparkling Time of Spring...”

- Open your eyes. Smile at yourself, your neighbor. You feel good and calm. You are in a good mood. So, you're ready to listen further.

Development IV. “The world will be saved by beauty”

What is beauty?
And why do people deify her?
Is she a vessel in which there is emptiness?
Or a fire flickering in a vessel? -

The answer to these questions is in V. Veresaev’s story “Competition”.

Teacher's retelling with selective reading of the end of the story against the background of music<♪ Бетховен “Лунная соната”>and reproductions of paintings by Leonardo da Vinci.


Art is a great wizard and a kind of time machine. Any writer, observing, studying life, embodies with the help of words everything that he saw, felt, and understood. Literature has the special power of educating humanity in a person. It enriches us with very special knowledge - knowledge about people, about their inner world. Literature as the art of words has an amazing ability to influence the minds and hearts of people and helps to reveal the true beauty of the human soul.


<♪ Инструментальная музыка>

You enter life as if through the doors of a workshop.
At your disposal from now on
Wonderful world beautiful, human
Built by tragedy in the desert.
And his brand burns on you
Responsibility, actions and words.
It contains a lot of new old,
And the old is significant and new.
Enter it as a master boldly!
He is waiting for you and demands an answer.
Warm him up its tragedy,
Add more love and light to him!

− Today in class you opened the art world literature, heard the works of great writers, felt loving attention and respect for living life and man, nature, and the world as a whole.

Religious dogmas say: “In the beginning was the word.” And now there is no point in arguing about whether this is really so. Words are an integral part of Everyday life each person. Thanks to them, we are able to receive or transmit important information, learn something new. Words are perceived as something ordinary, but only in skilled minds can they become a real work of art, which everyone is accustomed to calling literature.

From the depths of history

Literature as the art of words arose in ancient times. Then science and the arts were intertwined, and scientists were both philosophers and writers. If we turn to mythology Ancient Greece, then in it one can clearly see the unity of art and science. Myths about the muses, the daughters of Zeus, say that these goddesses patronized poetry, science and art.

If a person does not have knowledge of literature, it will be difficult for him to study other sciences. After all, only those who master the word can learn the countless information that humanity has accumulated over the centuries.

What is art?

Before answering the question of why literature is called the art of words, it is necessary to understand what art is.

In a broad sense, art refers to craftsmanship, the resulting product of which causes aesthetic pleasure among consumers. Art is a figurative representation of reality, a way to show the world in an artistic context in such a way that it interests not only its creator, but also consumers. Also? like science, art is one of the ways to understand the world in all its aspects.

Art has many concepts, but its main purpose is to satisfy the aesthetic needs of the individual and instill a love for the world of beauty.

Based on this, we can confidently say that literature is an art. And fiction, as the art of words, has every right to create its own niche among all varieties of art.

Literature as an art form

The word in literature is the main material for creating a masterpiece. With the help of lacy intricacies of verbal turns, the author draws the reader into his world. Makes him worry, sympathize, rejoice and be sad. The written text becomes like virtual reality. The imagination draws another world, which is created through verbal images, and the person is transported to another dimension, from which one can exit only by turning the last page of the book.

Literature as the art of words originates from the origins of oral folk art, echoes of which can be found in many works of art. Today literature is the basis for the development of many cultural spheres of human activity.


Fiction as the art of words became the fundamental basis for the creation of theater. After all, based on the works of great writers, many theatrical performances. Thanks to literature, opera was also created.

Today, films are made based on text scripts. Some films adapt famous works of art. Particularly popular ones are “The Master and Margarita”, “Anna Karenina”, “War and Peace”, “Eragon” and others.

Part of society and leader of the arts

Literature is an integral part of society. It is here that the social, historical and personal experience in exploring the world. Thanks to literature, a person maintains contact with previous generations, has the opportunity to adopt their values ​​and better understand the structure of the universe.

Literature can rightfully be called a leader among other forms of art, because it has a huge influence not only on the development of an individual, but also on humanity as a whole. Based on all of the above, literature, as the art of words, became the object of study in lessons in the 9th grade. Lessons of this kind should have a certain structure. Students should not only learn the information easily, but also be interested throughout the lesson.

Literature - the art of words

The purpose of such a lesson: to make the student understand that literature is a unique form of art, the main instrument of which is the word. Accordingly, the topic: “Literature as the art of words.”

One of the best curricula The lesson may have the following structure:

  1. Epigraph. You can choose from quotes famous people about art or beauty.
  2. Formulation of the problem. Alternatively, you can provide examples from modern life, where a lot of attention is paid to politics, technology and science, while forgetting about ordinary human needs and art in general.
  3. Introduction. It would be logical to continue to develop the problem. It is worth mentioning that fiction no longer takes up so much space in school life, as it was before. It was replaced by computers, televisions, the Internet and telephones. To interest students, you can retell summary Ray Bradbury's book Fahrenheit 451. This dystopia tells the story of a city where reading is strictly prohibited. People who keep books are sentenced to death penalty and their houses are burned. And what seems interesting about these books? But since people are ready to die for them, it means there really is something there.
  4. Survey. Based on the material presented, you can create an express questionnaire in which students would write how they would behave in the city of Ray Bradbury.
  5. Literature is art. A little theory about what art is and how literature arose will not hurt.
  6. Fiction as a guide to life. You can cite several excerpts from the books of classics, where books appear. For example, A.P. Chekhov’s story “At Home”.
  7. Conversation with students. Define what literature means as the art of words and its role in human life. In a particular case, it is necessary to analyze why a fairy tale has become a better educator than logical arguments and beliefs.
  8. conclusions. Students must answer the question: “How do you understand literature - the art of words?”
  9. Epilogue.


After teaching the lesson “Literature as the Art of Words,” 9th graders often wonder whether writing is really so difficult, since words are accessible to everyone. Perhaps it’s all due to teenage maximalism, but that’s not the point.

If we talk about the difficulty of writing works of art, we can draw an analogy with drawing. Let's say there are two people: one likes to draw, the other prefers to sing. None of them have a special art education, no one became famous as an artist and did not attend special courses. For the purpose of the experiment, they are given a sheet of paper, a simple pencil and asked to draw something that will cause aesthetic pleasure.

As with words, they have the same resources, but the result is different for each. Best drawing It came from a person who loves to draw. Perhaps he doesn't have special talent, But the world he personifies with drawings.

Also with literature, the secret is not that words are accessible to everyone, but in being able to use them correctly.

Simple example

Literature as the art of words emerges from simple, everyday words. Some will definitely say that this is all nonsense. You can't create a masterpiece out of nothing. But from this “nothing” you can create emotions, open the door to a new Universe and show that the world around you has no boundaries.

The art of words is born deep in the soul of a writer or poet. He strives not only to tell a story, but to make the reader experience certain emotions. Draw him into your world and talk about something important. A simple person will write: “It was raining outside the window.” The writer will say the following: “Drops autumn rain, like funeral tears, flowed down the glass.”

This is how art is born

Essentially, these two sentences say that it is simply raining outside. But once you “dress” a sentence with additional nouns, adjectives and definitions, it turns into art. And this art catches, fascinates and makes you plunge deeper and deeper into the abyss of words. And emerging from them, each reader holds in his hands priceless treasures and unforgettable memories of a conversation with a writer who has been gone for a long time.