Reading fiction in 1st junior group. Long-term plan for the first junior group

Description of material: I offer a summary of direct educational activities for children of the first junior group on the topic: reading the poem “Ball” by A. Barto. The summary will be useful to teachers of the 1st junior group. This is a summary of a lesson on speech development with elements of experimentation aimed at developing speech and enriching vocabulary on the topic “Water Sorceress”.

Summary of educational activities for speech development for children in the 1st junior group. Reading the poem “Ball” by A. Barto

Target: help children remember A. Barto's poem.


Educational: learn to recite a poem with the help of a teacher.

Expand your active vocabulary: light, heavy, wet, dry, floats, sinks.

Developmental: develop memory, attention, thinking, fine motor skills.

Educational: accuracy.

Integration of educational areas."Cognition". "Communication". "Socialization". "Reading".

Equipment: doll, ball, bath of water, pebbles, twigs, towel.

Methodical techniques: game situation, conversation-dialogue, outdoor game, experiment.


Game - greeting: “Hello, friend”. (Establishing emotional contact.)

Come to me, my friend.

Let's all gather in a circle.

We will all join hands.

And let's smile at each other.

Hello Friend. Hello Friend.

Hello, our entire friendly circle!

Teacher: “Do you hear someone crying? What's happened?

(Bring it to a basin of water. A doll sits next to the basin. A ball floats in the basin.)

Our Tanya is crying loudly.

She dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, Tanya, don't cry.

The ball will not drown in the river.

What is our Tanya doing? (crying loudly)

Why is she crying? (Dropped a ball into the river.)

Let's calm Tanya down, say: “Hush, Tanya, don't cry. The ball won’t drown in the river.”

(Invite the children to recite a poem about Tanya and the ball.)

Look, does the ball float, or does it sink? (He is swimming)

Let's get him. (Catches the ball with a net.)

What was Tanya's ball doing in the water? (He was swimming.)

What's dripping from the ball? (Water droplets.)

How does the ball feel to the touch? (Wet.)

Why is he wet? (Swimmed in the water.)

What do you think needs to be done to make the ball dry? (Wipe it off.)

(The teacher wipes the ball with a towel)

How does the ball feel now? (Dry.) Let's play with him.

Game "My funny, ringing ball."

At the end of the game, the ball “accidentally” falls into a bowl of water.

Educator:“The ball fell into the water again. Does he float or sink? Why do you think he floats? (It's lightweight.)

Do you think if you throw a stone into water, will it float or will it drown?

Let's check. (Hands out pebbles to children.) Throw the pebbles into the water. Look what happened? (The stone sank.)

Why did he drown? (It's heavy.)

And if you throw twigs into water, what will happen to the twigs? Will they drown or will they float? (Children express their guesses.)

Let's check.

(Hands out twigs. Children throw them into the water.)

Why do you think the twigs float? (They are light.)

What objects float? (Light objects float.)

What objects sink? (Heavy objects sink.)

Let's fish all the things out of the water."

Children catch pebbles and twigs with a net.

Educator. “What did the pebbles and twigs become? (Wet)

What needs to be done to make them dry? (Wipe)

Children wipe away pebbles and twigs with napkins.

Educator: “Did you like playing with water? Tell me what we did today."

Long-term planning “Reading fiction in 1st junior group”
List of fiction
Learning by heart
1. “Hello, kindergarten” September I. Gurina “Pre-school children”
A. Vishnevskaya “I work as a child”
N. Kalinina “How Sasha and Alyosha came to kindergarten” (from the book “About the Snowball”)
S. Privarskaya “Farewell to Mom”;
V. Gerbova “About the girl Masha and Bunny Long Ear”
Z. Aleksandrova: “In the morning”, “Delicious porridge”, “Topotushki” (from the book “Topotushki”).
Z. Alexandrova “Katya in the manger” (excerpt)
“Everyone clapped their hands” by A. Anufriev
2. “My Home” September S. Kaputikyan “Masha is having lunch”
N. Kalinin “How the guys built a house” (from the book “About a Snowball”);

“Mitten” Ukrainian folk tale (arranged by E. Blaginina)
“Katya, little Katya...” Russian folk nursery rhyme
“Give me some milk, Burenushka...” Czech folk song
3. “Harvest” September Y. Tuwim “Vegetables”
V. Suteev “Apple”

T. Shorygina “Generous Harvest”
T. Bokova “Harvest Festival”
"Cucumber" Russian folk nursery rhyme
“After the warm rain...” Russian folk nursery rhyme
4. “Our Life” September V. Oseeva “Good Hostess”
L. Voronkova “Masha the Confused”
"Kolobok" Russian folk tale
D. Shidlovskaya “Offended toys”
N. Pavlova “Whose shoes?”
“Sick doll” V. Berestov
"Pussy" Russian folk nursery rhyme
1. “Animal World” October S. Kaputikyan “Everyone is Sleeping”;
E. Charushin “Cat” (“In our yard”)
“Cockerel, cockerel” Russian folk song;
"The Cockerel and the Bean Seed" Russian folk tale
“You, little dog, don’t bark” (translation from Moldavian, I. Tokmakova);
E. Charushin “Dog” (“In our yard”)
4. “We are early in the morning” Russian folk nursery rhyme;
E. Charushin “Cow” (“In our yard”)
5. “The horned goat is coming” Russian folk nursery rhyme;

"Elephant" by A. Barto
"Teddy bear" Russian folk nursery rhyme
2. “I am a man” October “The cat went to the market” Russian folk nursery rhyme;
"Masha and the Bear" Russian folk tale
S. Prokofiev “Masha and Oika”,
“The Tale of Yoku the Crybaby” (from the book “Masha and Oika”)
S. Prokofiev “The Tale of the Tongue Sticking Out” (from the book “Masha and Oika”)
S. Prokofiev “The Tale of Naughty Hands and Legs” (from the book “Masha and Oika”)

“Who will help” M. Evensen
“Legs” Russian folk nursery rhyme
3. Folk culture and traditions in the game October 1. “Rabushechka Hen” Russian folk nursery rhyme;
“The Golden Egg” Russian folk tale (design by K. Ushinsky);
2. “Ladushki-ladushki” Russian folk nursery rhyme;
“Turnip” Russian folk tale (arranged by K. Ushinsky)
3. “Ay, dudu-dudu-dudu” Russian folk nursery rhyme;
“Teremok” Russian folk tale (arranged by K. Ushinsky)
“Bayu-bayushki-bayu” is a Russian folk nursery rhyme;
“The Little Goats and the Wolf” Russian folk tale
“I’ll tie the goat” is a Russian folk nursery rhyme;
“How a goat built a hut” Russian folk tale
“Egorka the Bunny…” Russian folk nursery rhyme
“Because of the forest, because of the mountains” Russian folk nursery rhyme
4. Musical lounge “Colors of Autumn” October M. Evensen “Autumn”;
A. Vishnevskaya “Autumn”
A. Pleshcheev “Autumn has come”;
N. Kalinina “In the forest”
“The red sun has set” Russian folk song;
O. Vysotskaya “Herringbone”
5. A. Block “Bunny”
“In Autumn” by A. Pleshcheev (excerpt)
“The wind blows in our faces” Russian folk nursery rhyme
1. I am in the world of people “Friendship” November
L.N. Tolstoy. Stories “Petya and Misha Had a Horse”
V. Oseeva “The Good Hostess”
S. Prokofiev “The Tale of the Greatest Friend” (from the book “Masha and Oika”
S. Prokofiev “The Tale about the rude word “go away”” (from the book “Masha and Oika”)
S. Prokofiev “The Tale of a Hammer and Nails” (from the book “Masha and Oika”)
“Two Hands” G. Sapgir
“There are three hens on the street” Russian folk nursery rhyme
2. Transport November N. Pavlova “By car”
2. S. Bernikov “The Tale of the Tu-Tu Engine” (from the book “Tales of the Tu-Tu Engine and His Friends”)
3. E. Bendrysheva “What does it sound like?”
S. Bernikov “Tu-Tu the Engine and the Moon” (from the book “Tales of the Tu-Tu Engine and His Friends”)
4. T. Kryukova “Preface” and “Accident” (from the book “Avtomobilchik BIP”)
5. T. Kryukova “Sick” (from the book “Avtomobilchik BIP”)
“Truck” by A. Barto
“The locomotive hummed” by T. Volgin
3. Health school “Zdoroveyka” November S. Prokofiev “The Tale of the Crow’s Nest” (from the book “Masha and Oika”)
S. Prokofiev “The Tale of the Pacifier” (from the book “Masha and Oika”)
A. Metzger “Magic curd”
D. Shidlovskaya “Little Doctor”

“Ay, okay, okay, we are not afraid of water” Russian folk nursery rhyme
“Let’s put new boots on our feet” Russian folk nursery rhyme
4. “Who is preparing for winter” November Kabardino-Balkarian song “Hare”;
I. Pivovarova “Hare”
A. Block “Bunny”.
E. Charushin (“Who Lives How?”) “Hare”
E. Charushin (“Who Lives How?”)
N. Kalinina “In the Forest”;
A. Vishnevskaya “Winter Forest”
A. Paroshin “Birds fly away to the south”;
D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak “Grey Neck” (abbreviated)
“Cold” O. Vysotskaya
“Our Little Masha” Russian folk nursery rhyme
5. “Mom’s Week” November S. Prokofiev “A Tale about Mom” (from the book “Masha and Oika”)
A. Metzger “Good deeds”
A. Metzger “Bunny Long Ear”
A. Metzger “We are loved as we were born”
A. Metzger “So that mothers don’t get sick”
“Horse” by A. Barto
"Ladushki" Russian folk nursery rhyme
1. Hello, winter-winter December “Bai-bai, bainki...”
A. Vishnevskaya “Winter in the yard”, “Mittens”
Z. Aleksandrova “New Snow”;
A. Prokofiev “Like on a hill, on a mountain”
V. Orlov “It’s getting angrier, angrier, angrier, it’s frosty outside”;
P. Voronko “Santa Claus carries a bag”
N. Nikitin “The bad weather has become noisy and cleared up in the field...”, “The moon is shining merrily over the village”, “The biting frost is biting...”
V. Orlov “Evening Song”
“You, winter-winter” Russian folk nursery rhyme
“Where is my finger?” N. Saxony
2. City of Masters December S. Prokofiev. “The Tale of the Cuckoo Clock” (from the book “Masha and Oika”)
S. Prokofiev. “The Tale of the Magic Basket” (from the book “Masha and Oika”)
B. Zakhoder “Builders”
“Teremok” Russian folk tale (arranged by K. Ushinsky);
A. Metzger “How the Bunny looked for his talent”
“Bunny, bunny, dance” G. Lagzdyn
“New things” by P. Voronko
3. Winter the Sorceress December A. Pushkin “Here the clouds are catching up with the north” (from the novel “Eugene Onegin”)
A. Metzger “Winter Song”
O. Vysotskaya “Cold”;
V. Khorol “Bunny”;
3. Z. Aleksandrova “Katya in the manger”
4. S. Bogdan “For a walk... Winter”;
A. Paroshin “Mittens”
V. Stepanov (from “The ABC of the Seasons”) “Winter”; "December"; "January"
“Bittering frost, crackling” I. Nikitin
“Snow, snow is spinning” by A. Barto
4. New Year's kaleidoscope December A. Vishnevskaya “Christmas tree”, “New Year in kindergarten”;
V. Gerbova “The Story of the Adventures of a Green Christmas Tree”
A. Metzger “How the animals divided the Christmas trees”
Ch. Yancharsky “The Big Bear’s Christmas Tree” (chapter from the book “The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik”), trans. from Polish V. Prikhodko.
V. Suteev “Christmas tree”
N. Mayer “Santa Claus – Red Nose”
“Grandfather Frost is walking on the street” S. Drozhzhin
“Our Christmas tree” Y. Akim
1. “Visiting a fairy tale” January M. Plyatskovsky “Daisies in January”
S. Prokofiev “The Tale of Honest Ears” (from the book “Masha and Oika”)
A. Metzger “Good Snowman”
A. Barto “It was in January”
I. Gurina “Snowman”
“Chiki, chiki, kichki” Russian folk nursery rhyme
“The tower stands” Russian folk joke
2. “Winter Fun” January S. Bernikov. “Tu-Tu the Engine and the Snowman” (from the book “Tales of the Tu-Tu Engine and His Friends”)
I. Gurina “Snowfight”
Y. Tayts “Train”
V. Suteev “Snow Bunny”
5. N. Kalinina “Snowball” (from the book “About the Snowball”)
“Lots of snow, no place to run…”
“Katya is lucky with her sleigh” 3. Alexandrova
3. Etiquette January N. Kalinina “Is this how they play?” (from the book “About the Snowball”)
S. Prokofiev “The Tale of an Ill-mannered Mouse” (from the book “Masha and Oika”)
A. Metzger “About the Greedy Bear”
Ch. Yancharsky “Everyone eats what he likes”, “Guest” (from the book “The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik”), trans. from Polish V. Prikhodko.
A. Barto, P. Barto “Roarer Girl”
"Bunny" by A. Barto
"Bear" by A. Barto
4. Birds are cold in winter January 1. M. Biryukova. "Cheerful Tit";
V. Sukhomlinsky “What the titmouse is crying about.”
2. A. Barkov “Bird of Joy” (Fairy Tales) 3. S. Bernikov “Tu-Tu the Engine and Sparrows” (from the book “Tales of the Tu-Tu Engine and His Friends”)
4. V. Zvyagin “Sparrows”;
M. Gorky “Sparrow”.
5. A. Prokofiev “Bullfinches” “Bird” A. Barto
"Snegirek" German folk song
1. “Little Explorers” February I. Darensky “Pie”
S. Mullabaev “Footprints in the snow”
M. Lapisova “This will be a cat’s house”
A. Barto “I know what I need to come up with”
D. Kharms “I walked along a swamp in winter...”
“Pie” by P. Voronko

“The cat was inflating the balloon” by N. Pikulev
2. Travels and discoveries February S. Bernikov. “The Tu-Tu Engine Goes to Africa” (from the book “Tales of the Tu-Tu Engine and His Friends”)
V. Suteev “Who said “meow”?”
"The Journey of a Little Mouse" Eskimo folk tale
B. Potter. "Ukhti-Tukhti", trans. from English O. Obraztsova
B. Potter. "Ukhti-Tukhti", trans. from English O. Obraztsova (continued)
“The whole earth is covered in snow” by A. Vvedensky
“Three cats walked on the roof” V. Levin
3. Week of Courage “Our Defenders” February R. Bykov “Man”
K. Avdeenko “Little Officer”
V. Rudenko “Men’s Holiday”;
I. Gurina “February 23”
A. Vishnevskaya “Airplane”, “My Dream”
T. Bokova “Time to go to work”
"Airplane" by A. Barto
"Congratulations dad"
4. “My Family” February A. Vishnevskaya “I love my grandmother”;
“We lived with grandma...” in Ukrainian. n. song
2. S. Cherny “About Katyusha”; M. Skrebtsova “Mom is with us”
3. “Lazy Brucholina” is an Italian folk tale.
4.E. Ranneva “Lovers”; M. Skrebtsova “My grandfather”
I. Vekshegonova “Our friendly family”;
O. Bundur “I’m taking care of mom and dad”
“Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, grandfather caught the cat...” Russian folk nursery rhyme
“Friendly Family” Russian folk nursery rhyme
1. Meeting of spring “Women’s Day” March
1. S. Bogdan “For a walk... Spring”;
Spring-Wizard A. Barkov
L. Dyakonov “We ​​rode on a sleigh”;
V. Suteev. "How Winter Ended"
3. S. Marshak “Poems about spring”;
“How they woke up the bear” A. Barkov
4. E. Blaginina “Let’s sit in silence”;
S.Ya. Marshak "Gloves"
“My Mother” by G. Roussou
“Come out into the garden quickly” Russian folk nursery rhyme
2. Kindness rules the world March “Zayushkina’s hut” Russian folk tale
E. Bekhlerova “Cabbage leaf” Trans. from Polish G. Lukina
S. Prokofiev. “The Tale of How a Little Mouse Got into Trouble” (from the book “Masha and Oika”)
A. Metzger “Teddy Bear’s Birthday”
A. Metzger “How a little squirrel found friends”
“Sun” by G. Boyko
“Kiskino grief” B. Zakhoder
3. Me and my friends in the world of the game Mart S. Prokofiev. “The Tale of the First Berries” (from the book “Masha and Oika”)
S. Prokofiev. “The Tale of Magic Feathers” (from the book “Masha and Oika”)
V. Suteev “Boat”
Ch. Yancharsky. “In the toy store”, “Friends” (from the book “The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik”), trans. from Polish V. Prikhodko.
Ch. Yancharsky. “Games”, “Scooter” (from the book “The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik”), trans. from Polish V. Prikhodko.
“Ball” by A. Barto
“We are working” by S. Semenov
4. “April Fool’s Day”, “Circus”, “Theater” Mart V. Morozova “Puppet Theater”
“Shadow, shadow, shadow” r.n. song
Ch. Yancharsky “In the Circus” (chapter from the book “The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik”), trans. from Polish V. Prikhodko.
K. Chukovsky. "Confusion"
S. Marshak “Circus tent”
“There is a stump in the swamp” Russian folk nursery rhyme
“The cat went under the bridge” Russian folk nursery rhyme
1. “We want to be healthy” April A. Vishnevskaya “To grow big”
Poem about health
A. Barto and P. Barto “Dirty Girl”
K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”
“So that your teeth don’t hurt”;
I. Gurina “The Tale of Bad Teeth”
“I wash my hands clean with warm water” Russian folk nursery rhyme
“My advice to the guys is this” L. Grzhibovskaya.
2. “Spring is walking across the planet” April I. Kosyakov “Chick-chirp!”;
S. Bogdan “Summer is coming”
“The Sun Visits” Slovak folk tale
A. Pleshcheev. "Spring" (abbr.);
I. Solovyov-Mikitov “Hello, spring!”
A. Metzger “Droplet”
P. Solovyov “Snowdrop”;
Z. Alexandrova “Snowdrop” “Rural Song” A. Pleshcheev
E. Blaginina “Streams are ringing, singing...” (excerpt)
3. “Meeting the Birds” April A. Paroshin “Birdhouse”,
N.V. Kuznetsov “Skvorushka”
“The Finch Sings”, trans. from Bulgarian I. Tokmakova;
T. Shapiro “The Nightingale”
A. Pleshcheev “Rural Song”;
G. Ladonshchikov “The Singers Are Returning”
E. Blaginina “Crane”;
Ch. Yancharsky (chapter from the book “The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik”) “Letter from a Stork”
Ch. Yancharsky (chapter from the book “The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik”) “Bananas”
“Clouds are moving faster” S. Marshak
“Sparrow, what are you waiting for?” A. Taraskin
4. “Water Sorceress” April 1. S. Prokofiev. “The Tale of Cold Water” (from the book “Masha and Oika”)
I. Gurina “April Wandered Through the Forests”;
M. Plyatskovsky “Cloud in a Trough”
S. Bernikov. “Tu-Tu the Engine and the Cloud” (from the book “Tales of the Tu-Tu Engine and His Friends”)
A. Metzger “The Wind and the Cloud”
A. Lukshin “A Tale of Rain”
“Water, water, wash my face...” Russian folk nursery rhyme
“The sun laughs tenderly” Y. Kolas
1. Week of Spring and Memory May S. Kaputikyan “May”; N. Ivanova “Spring”;
I. Zakharova “Here is the glorious month of May!”;
S. Prokofiev. “The Tale of the Biggest Hare in the World” (from the book “Masha and Oika”)
T. Agibalova “My Dad”
A. Usachev “What is Victory Day”;
I. Tokmakova “This is a holiday”
“Wears a dandelion...” E. Serova
“Sun-Bell” Russian folk nursery rhyme
2. Safe childhood May S. Prokofiev. “The Tale of a Cunning Trap” (from the book “Masha and Oika”)
A. Metzger “Like a bunny pricked its long ear”
A. Metzger “How the animals put out the fire”
“Bull” by A. Barto
“To cross the road” by O. Emelyanov
3. Friendship Week
with nature May S. Prokofiev. “The Tale of the Gray Cloud” (from the book “Masha and Oika”)
S. Prokofiev. “The Tale of the Little Oak Tree” (from the book “Masha and Oika”)
A. Metzger “Good Dwarf”
A. Metzger “How Dawn didn’t want to get up”
A. Metzger “Why was the bug offended?”
“An ant found a blade of grass” by Z. Alexandrov
"Bee, Bee" Yugoslav folk song
4. “We’ve become so big” by May S. Prokofiev. “A Tale about a Toy Town” (from the book “Masha and Oika”)
S. Prokofiev. “The Tale of the Shoes” (from the book “Masha and Oika”)
S. Prokofiev. “The Tale of the Red Lantern” (from the book “Masha and Oika”)
S. Prokofiev. “The Tale of Lazy Legs” (from the book “Masha and Oika”)
S. Prokofiev. “The Tale of a Hollow Pocket” (from the book “Masha and Oika”) “Magpie, magpie, white-sided ...” Russian folk nursery rhyme

“Strong little kids” ... Russian folk nursery rhyme
5. “Hello, summer!” May 1. A. Metzger “How Mishutka and Long Ear Bunny rode a motorcycle”
2. A. Metzger “The Braggart Bunny”
3. “Pykh”, Belarusian folk tale, arr. N. Myalika “Musical guys” P. Zolotov
“A fox with a box ran through the forest” Russian folk nursery rhyme

Evstolia Petrova
Summary of a lesson on reading fiction. G. Ball's story "Yellow Boy"

Lesson in 1st junior group

Communication. Reading fiction.

Type: Complex : communication + experimental - research activities.

Topic: Story by G. Balla "Yellow", egg.

Types of children's activities: Gaming, communicative, experimental and research, productive, perceptionfiction.

Goals :

1. Educational task – Learn to listen to a piece without visual accompaniment, answer questions, understand that animal names depend on external signs.

2. Developmental task – Develop the ability to act together, according to the rules. Activate children's vocabulary, consolidate knowledge about yellow color . Develop attention and sensory abilities of children.

3. Educational task – To cultivate interest in Russian traditions, to develop an understanding of the beauty and fragility of the colored egg. Cultivate interest in experimental activities.

Educator : Petrova Evstolia Anatolyevna

MKDOU d\s "Beryozka" P. Listvenichny 2015

Progress of the lesson:

Educator : Guys, let's say hello.

Children sing a greeting and perform the movements.

Hello, palms! Clap-clap-clap.

Hello legs! Top-top-top.

Hello sponges! Smack-smack-smack.

Hello, teeth! Chok-chok-chok.

Hello cheeks! Plop-plop-plop.

Hello, my nose! Pim-pim-pim.

Hello, guests! Hi all!

So we said hello, sit down on the chairs. Guys, we forgot to say hello to one of our guests. Who came to visit us?(in the basket in front of the teacher there is a chicken, a chick and an egg). That's right, a mother chicken and her chicken son came to us. Why is there another egg here, do you know? Then listen to one interesting story.

Educator: Reads G.'s story. Balla "Yellow" (text appendix 1)


1. Where did the chicken come from?(from egg)

2. What was his name? Why?(Yellow because he is yellow)

3. How you knocked Yolk in an eggshell? How did he squeak?

4. Who was the chicken afraid of?(ray)

5. Who else was woken up by the sun?(chicken-Ryzhukha, dog-Shustrika and cow)

6. How did the chicken cackle? How did the dog bark? How did the cow moo?(showing pictures by work).

The chicken was so glad that he got out of the egg and saw this beautiful world that he kept squealing with joy like (, and when it’s fun, they always sing and dance, let’s turn into little chickens, and I’ll be a mother chicken and Let's dance a funny dance.

Educator : Physical education minute

The chicken went out for a walk, the children followed the teacher, flapping their wings.

Pinch some fresh grass.

And behind her are the boys.

Yellow chickens.

Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, threatening with a finger

Don't go far!

Row your paws, stomp your feet

Look for the grain, -

Ate a fat beetle

An earthworm.

Drank some water. Bend forward, arms straight. Squats.

A complete mess.

Educator : Guys, Klushi’s mother only got one chicken, butYellowfly will be bored alone, we need to help him. Where did it come from? Zheltyachok ? Yes, from eggs, look how many eggs are houses for chickens, only they are all the same, white, let's make them beautiful, bright. Look what decorations I have prepared for our houses. The egg is very fragile and can break, so hold it gently in the palm of your hand, like this (show, place on a soft napkin and carefully put on the decoration (thermal adhesives so that it is in the middle of the egg, like this(show) . Children complete the task. Sit down on a safe distance from the teacher's desk.

Educator : And now I’ll show you the magic that our decorations held tight. This cup contains very hot water, so you do not go to the table, but look through the wall of the cup. (the teacher lowers the eggs into the water one by one with a spoon when the stickers"will grab" transfer them to cold water, remove hot water from the table). (music sounds"Easter" ) Children come up, find their egg, admire its beauty and arrange they are placed on a special stand or placed in a basket with the mother hen).


When planning this classes I tried to take into account the age, individual characteristics of children, as well as the requirements of the program and the regional component available to children of this age, i.e. Easter traditions of painting and decorating eggs, Easter games and songs.

Lesson structure selected taking into account the assigned tasks, so the main part reading classes works and questions on the text; becausecomplex lesson, then the second part is actually a creative experiment. In the middlerelaxation activitiesand switching children, physical education minutes are also used, combined with the general meaning of everything classes .

During the lesson tried to use a variety methods : gaming, verbal, visual. Techniques : repetition, negotiation, showing, presenting new things based on the knowledge and experience of children, the colorfulness of visual material, its diversity, musical accompaniment. I tried to make my speech emotional and colorful, my explanations accessible and complete.

Tried to comply with hygiene requirements(use of napkins, timing)and the safety of children when working with hot water.

I consider the tasks assigned tocompleted. The children's cognitive and emotional interest remained throughout the entire classes . A differentiated approach to children was carried out duringreading a work(answers to questions, individual work while decorating eggs. Children’s behavior is active and interested, which shows their interest and orientation to the zone of proximal development.


Card index of fiction in the younger group

Topic: “Repetition of poems by A. Barto from the cycle “Toys””

Goal: creating conditions for memorizing A. Barto’s poems through independent pronunciation.

Topic: “Looking at favorite books (at the request of children)”

Goal: to create conditions for attentive listening to a fairy tale through looking at the illustrations.

Topic: Title: “V. Dragunsky "What I love"

Goal: Creating conditions for

Topic: "K. Chukovsky "Fedorino's grief"

Goal: Creating conditions for the development of speech activity by introducing children to the work of K. Chukovsky.

Topic: N. Nosov “Screw, Tine and Vacuum Cleaner”

Goal: Creating conditions for

familiarize yourself with the content of the fairy tale by looking at the illustrations.

Topic: “Car and subway” N. Nosov

Goal: Creating conditions for

formation of the ability to listen to a literary text through the development of speech culture.

Topic: “Uncle Styopa” S. Mikhalkov

Goal: Creating conditions for stimulating speech activity by introducing children to the work of S. Mikhalkov.

Topic: “Pchelnikova A. - Birdie”

Goal: Creating conditions for the development of attention through musical accompaniment.

Subject:V. Golyavkin

Goal: Creating conditions for stimulating speech activity by familiarizing children with the work of V. Golyavkin.

Topic: “Tales of the Peoples of the World”

Goal: Creating conditions for stimulating speech activity by introducing children to fairy tales of the peoples of the world.

Topic: Russian folk tale “The Cockerel and the Hen”

Goal: Creating conditions for the development of attention by introducing children to Russian folk tales.

Topic: Olesya Emelyanova “Doctor”

Goal: Creating conditions for the development of attention and perseverance by familiarizing children with O. Emelyanova’s work “The Doctor.”

Topic: Andrey Oshnurov “Our Army”

Goal: Creating conditions for the development of attention by familiarizing children with the work of A. Oshnurov.

Topic: Poem by A. and P. Barto “The Roaring Girl”

Goal: Creating conditions for the development of attention by introducing children to the work of A. Barto.

Topic: Russian folk chant “Bucket Sun”

Goal: Creating conditions for the development of attention and perseverance by introducing children to Russian folk chants.

Topic: A. Barto “At the Theater”

Goal: Creating conditions for the development of attention and perseverance by introducing children to the work of A. Barto.

Topic: V.G. Kvashin “How the sea became populated”

Goal: Creating conditions for the development of attention and perseverance by familiarizing children with the work of V.G. Kvashin.

Topic: “Seven-flowered flower” V. Kataev

Goal: Creating conditions for the development of attention and perseverance by introducing children to the work of V. Kataev.

Topic: Vitaly Bianchi “Like an ant hurried home”

Goal: Creating conditions for stimulating speech activity through familiarization with the work of V. Bianchi.

Topic: K. Ushinsky “Summer”

Goal: Creating conditions for developing interest in the poetic word, through familiarization with the work of K. Ushinsky.

Natalia Grinko
Abstract of the GCD “Reading fiction in the first junior group. Berestov "Kitten"

MBDOU Kindergarten "Snowflake"

Methodological development

Direct educational activities

Area of ​​activity: “Cognitive and speech development”

Educational area: « Reading fiction» .

Subject: “Poem by V. Berestova« Kitty» .

Age group: 1 younger

Prepared by Akhmedyanova

Larisa Maratovna

Teacher 1st qualification

P. Tulgan 2014

Subject: Poem by V. Berestova« Kitty» .

Target: Familiarization of children with the content of V.’s work. Berestova« Kitty» .


Educational: learn to identify an animal by description. Enrich your vocabulary stock: « kitty» , "meow", "jumping gallop", "scratch-scratch".

Developmental: develop the ability to understand the content of a poem.

Educational: cultivate curiosity and interest in animals.

Planned results: knows how to guess an animal based on an adult’s verbal description, shows emotional responsiveness to V.’s poem. Berestova« Kitty» , activity during song performance "Cat", answers simple questions.

Materials and equipment: illustration for a poem, toy kitty, handkerchief.

Types of children's activities: gaming, communication, cognitive-research, musical, perception fiction.

OO integration: cognition, music, communication, health, reading fiction.

Techniques for managing activities children:

1. Techniques for setting goals and motivating children’s activities, a surprise moment.

2. Techniques for enhancing children’s activities in the process GCD: creating a developmental environment, creating a problematic situation.

3. Techniques for maintaining interest children: physical education, singing a song, alternating activities.

4. Assessment techniques: encouragement.

GCD move

1. Introductory part.

(Children take their places. There is a toy on the table, covered with a scarf).

Educator: Who is it hiding under our handkerchief? He has a soft fur coat, sharp claws, a fluffy tail and a long mustache. Don't you recognize it? Our guest can also purr and mew: “Purr... meow...” Who is he? (Children's answers). So who are we going to talk about today? (Children's answers). Yes it kitty. (Takes the scarf off the toy). Small kitten, he has no name. Let's come up with a name for him.


2. Main part.

Educator: Kitty Fluff is the baby of a mother cat. Like any little child, he loves to run, jump, and sometimes he doesn’t mind having fun.

(Show illustration).

Listen to a poem about kitten.

If someone moves from their place,

On him the kitten will rush.

If anything goes wrong,

For him the kitten will grab,

Jumping gallop. Scratch-scratch!

You will not escape from our clutches!

Who is the poem talking about? (Children's answers).

How it jumps kitten Fluff? (Jumping gallop.)

How it catches kitten Fluff ball? (Scratch-scratch).

How kitten meows? (Meow).

(Children's answers in chorus and individually).

Educator: And now you, my boys, will become kittens.

(Children stood near the chairs).

Physical education minute

All the kittens washed their paws

That's it, that's it!

Wash your ears, wash your belly

That's it, that's it!

And then they played

Like this, like this (jumping)

And then they got tired

Sweet-sweetly fell asleep

That's it, that's it!

Educator: Well done, guys!

Let's our kitten Let's sing a song to the gun "Pussy".

(Children sing along with onomatopoeic words).

3. Reflection

Who was our guest today? (Kitty) .

What's his name (Fuzz).

Show me how Fluffy jumps?

Educator: Listen to what Fluffy tells you (Meow meow meow), that's what he's telling you


Duration 8 minutes.