Drawing of why it rains. Drawing an autumn landscape

This phenomenon is easily explained, but mere mortals refuse to take scientifically proven facts on faith and come up with their own explanation of what is happening. It’s easier for them to believe that this is a magical ritual, God or aliens send rain to the sinful earth. Therefore, before drawing the rain, I will try to dot all the i's and restore the status quo. So, rain is a phenomenon noticed only on the third planet of our solar system due to the presence of Ashdvao on it. This phenomenon brings a lot of benefit and joy. For example:

  • It washes away the dirt and makes the world a little cleaner. Sometimes, on the contrary, it makes big puddles and a lot of dirt, but this also only brings a lot of fun, especially for kids;
  • He makes people feel sad and even write poetry.
  • It acts as a natural sedative. British scientists have proven that the sound of rain has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • He also inspired the writing of the legendary composition by Yuri Shevchuk called Rain. (In case anyone doesn’t know, this is the DDT group). Before writing this lesson, I listened to it myself several times. I recommend it to you too, it’s very inspiring and thought-provoking.

Even during such atmospheric phenomena, thunder and lightning are also observed, but this makes it even more mysterious and epic. They are more difficult to draw and in the future I am going to do such lessons. In the meantime, I hope this lesson will be useful to you:

How to draw rain with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's mark on paper the location of the girl and the umbrella. Step two. Let's draw the details of the umbrella and the girl's body. Step three. Let's add droplets and shading. Step four. Let's add more droplets, delete auxiliary lines and correct the contours. That's all. What else can I recommend to you? We have lessons like this, try to imitate them.

Rain is not a reason to be sad. Let's create rainy masterpieces with the kids! Our ideas will help you!


Rain is umbrellas. And umbrellas can be different...


Rain can be amazingly colorful and beautiful. You just need to take a closer look and pick up a watercolor. Rainbow smudges on the sheet - that’s IT!


Paint over the finished work with thick white paint (gouache, acrylic). Here comes the rain! Don't forget about stains on puddles.

Close your eyes and imagine rain. Draw what your imagination tells you.

Even a one-year-old toddler can draw rain this way. Take a sheet of paper folded in half and draw a cloud. Tell a story about how droplets suddenly fell from a cloud - you need to draw them with your finger on one half of the sheet. The breeze blew, the leaf folded and the rain imprinted on the other half!



Or maybe a young artist would like to draw candy rain? Or strawberry? Or maybe fly agarics are falling from the clouds? The main thing is not to interfere, anything can happen in the life of the Creator, because... HE SEES THIS!!!

Don't be afraid of dark colors. In rainy weather everything looks exactly like this. While the watercolor is still wet, spray the sheet with water or sprinkle with salt.


Rain is a great artist himself! Trust him to create a masterpiece! You can take the finished work out into the rain so that the drops themselves blur the image or...

Take the tray. Put down a sheet of paper. Sprinkle with food coloring or watercolor pencil shavings. Put everything outside and the rain will paint the picture itself!

Dear readers! Have a nice rain on your paintings! Create with your children and share your impressions and creative finds in the comments.

Summer rain brings with it the coolness that is so lacking in the heat. Many painters like to depict various weather phenomena in their paintings, including thunderstorms, snowfall and rain. It is sometimes very difficult for novice artists to learn how to depict a variety of precipitation, for example, summer rain. But if you want, you can achieve success even in this difficult task.

Before drawing a summer landscape, you need to prepare:

A sheet of thick paper;
- watercolor paints;
- pencil;
- eraser;
- watercolor pencils;
- a container filled with clean water;
- round brush with synthetic bristles No. 3;
- black gel pen.

After this you can start drawing:

4. Draw two human figures walking along the path. In the background, draw the outline of another house and trees. Draw the outlines of a cloud in the sky. In the foreground, depict a dog and a flower bed;

8. Then paint the flowerbed and grass;

11. When the painting is dry, paint over the clothes and umbrellas of the people, the dog and the flowerbed with watercolor pencils to make the colors more vibrant and expressive;

Summer landscape with rain is completely ready. If you wish, you can draw lightning, and make the clouds a little darker, and then the picture will no longer be just summer rain, but a real thunderstorm.

Children become interested in rain from a very early age - it is an unusual, exciting phenomenon that is not observed every day.

The very ritual of going outside after a summer or autumn rain is captivating: instead of taking an umbrella in your hands... And what happened in the yard is so far beyond the usual that the kids are overwhelmed with delight...

Therefore, on a rainy autumn day, when you can’t go outside, but really, really want to, try to introduce the kids to rain better and explain what is happening from a scientific point of view. Looking at everything from the outside, the child will become calmer about his imaginary imprisonment.

So, let's arm ourselves, prepare various photographs and drawings depicting rain.

First, we set the baby in the right mood: we look at photographs, pictures, and discuss what we saw. When you hold the picture of rain in your hands, it seems something more distant, but at the same time understandable. We notice the characteristic signs of rain - and puddles. If it’s a rainy day outside, you can go up to it and look for all the signs on the street.

We are thinking:

  1. How do you know if it's going to rain soon? (Clouds appear in the sky, everything gets dark. Thunder can rumble and lightning flashes - this combination with rain is called a “thunderstorm”).
  2. How do you know that it has rained? (Puddles appeared on the ground, trees and grass became bright, a rainbow could spread out in the sky).
  3. How can you tell if it's still raining? (Puddles form circles from drops falling into them, the sound of drops hitting roofs and windows is heard, people walk along the street with umbrellas, in raincoats, or quickly run to escape the rain).
  4. Why do you need to take shelter from the rain? (Because you can get wet, get hypothermic and get sick).
  5. Why should you wear rubber boots? (Because if your feet get wet, it's easy to catch a cold).
  6. Who is happy when it rains? (Plants, because rain brings moisture for them, nutrients dissolved in water and washes the leaves, which become easier to breathe). You can tell that, according to one version of its origin, the word “rain” is a relative of the word “give” - our ancestors asked their gods for rain, because without it the crops would dry up and famine would occur.
  7. Where do rain clouds come from? (Clouds saturated with moisture turn into clouds, and clouds are that part of the water that has evaporated from rivers and other bodies of water).

To keep a child busy who is tired of a lot of verbal information, we suggest that he draw a picture of rain or make one - let him reflect on them everything that he remembers from the conversation. You can draw in parallel with the discussion.

Attach the drawing depicting rain to a conspicuous area of ​​the wall or a special board for crafts - looking at it on a sunny day, the child will certainly remember how cozy it was at home when you talked about the rain and looked at it.

→ Drawing rain

This is an average difficulty lesson. It can be difficult for adults to repeat this lesson, so I don’t recommend drawing rain using this lesson for young children, but if you really want to, you can try. I also want to note the lesson “” - be sure to try it again if you still have time and desire to draw today.

What you will need

In order to draw rain we may need:

  • Graphic editor GIMP. You need to download GIMP for Windows and install it.
  • Download brushes for GIMP, they may come in handy.
  • Some add-ons may be needed (instructions on how to install them).
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Natural phenomena are quite difficult to draw. That is, drawing them is not difficult, but achieving realism is much more difficult. I always recommend looking at the original to get the most accurate copy of what you are about to draw. In the Yandex image search, just search for “rain in the photo” to get a large amount of the necessary material.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Tip: Perform different actions on different layers. The more layers you make, the easier it will be for you to manage the drawing. So the sketch can be made on the bottom layer, and the white version on the top, and when the sketch is not needed, you can simply turn off the visibility of this layer.

As you complete this tutorial, please note that due to differences in software versions, some menu items and tools may have different names or be missing altogether. This may make the tutorial a little difficult, but I think you can do it.

Hello, dear friends! Have you ever seen photographs with rain in them? Hope so. Would you like to try yourself as a “rainmaker”? I think you will not refuse to try yourself in the role of the “Lord of Rain”.

Well, let's get started! Open Gimp.

Go to the “File - Open” menu and select your picture or photo. I chose this photo:

Fill this layer with black. After that, go to Filters → Noise → RGB Noise.

Again we roughly set the following parameters.

We repeat this operation again, i.e. apply noise again. Change the layer mode to Screen (located in the layers panel, this is a drop-down list with the “Normal” option).

We have the following (very similar to the film grain effect):

Now we go to Filters → Blur → Motion Blur. Options:

For those for whom the result obtained is not enough, I advise you to repeat all the steps again. Here's my result:

Of course, there is no splashing on puddles, but this is not so important. The main thing is that you can do rainy weather in just a couple of minutes!