Desk according to Feng Shui. Desk: how to place it correctly in the room

Most people spend a third of their lives at work. And some devote even more of their time to this! Therefore, the workplace in general and the desk in particular are important not only for career growth, but also for overall well-being. Read a few recommendations on how to arrange your work space from a Feng Shui point of view, so that favorable Qi energy helps you in your work.

How to choose a good Feng Shui location for your workplace

Obviously, work is an active, yang activity. This means that the environment around should also be yang. This includes good sunlight and bright, light colors in the interior. If you work at home, then allocate for your office the room that is closer to the main entrance.

The place will not be very calm if you sit on a direct flow of Qi energy, that is, in a straight line from the front door to the window or other door (if there is one). This will add healthy stress, and possibly conflicts with colleagues. However, this is not always bad for work, and you can try to work in this way. But if you don’t like stress, and prefer your place to be calm, where no one will disturb you, then place your table a little diagonally from the entrance.

Position yourself so that while sitting at your workplace, you can see the entrance door to the office or your personal office. If the door is behind you, it will be difficult for you to concentrate on the task at hand, since your attention will partially move back. It may also mean that many important things and events will happen behind your back.

Also, do not sit with your back to the window, try to sit in such a way that the window can be kept in your field of vision - sideways, or with your face. But what should be behind your back is a wall or something that gives support, confidence and stability. You can also hang a picture of a majestic mountain behind you to enhance the effect.

Correct Feng Shui for your desk space

Having figured out the location workplace, now create good Feng Shui directly on your desktop. The table should be positioned so that when sitting at work, you would look in front of you in the best direction for your personal Gua number or at a favorable flying star.

If you work in a cramped office and you don’t have the opportunity to rearrange your desk, at least turn it at an angle so that your favorable side is in front of your eyes.

By the way, it is better to have a chair with a high, firm back and armrests - this will provide support, stability, and confidence.

When you sit at your desk, sharp corners of furniture should not look threatening at you, and you should absolutely not choose your workplace under overhanging beams and similar structures. If you have to sit this way, drape them with fabric or plants. Or at least stretch a thick wool fuzzy thread along the sharp corners. These measures will slightly improve the position of the desktop if it is not possible to change seats.

There should be a free approach from several sides around your table, this symbolizes perspective and a wide choice of business opportunities. Sitting facing a blank wall is not recommended both from the point of view of Feng Shui and from the point of view of psychology - this is not the best place and leads to isolation.

If this cannot be avoided, then hang a picture on this wall that depicts large flowering fields or harvest scenes. Then your luck will also blossom and “ripen”, and you will sooner reap the benefits!

To bring more beneficial energies into your personal workplace, you can also use your computer - set beautiful wallpaper on the “desktop” of your monitor screen. They will additionally attract favorable Qi energy.

If you love various Chinese souvenirs and symbols, you can also use them and adapt them to your workplace . For example, hang Chinese coins nearby that bring good luck. Another suitable souvenir is a mythical creature with the body of a turtle and the head of a dragon. You can keep it on the table, just not directly in front of you, but somewhat to the side, and then you will have prospects for rapid career growth.

However, don’t get too carried away and turn your workplace into a souvenir shop!

By following these simple rules and arranging a good Feng Shui workplace, you will ensure that favorable Qi fills you with its energy while you work. Isn’t it wonderful when work doesn’t exhaust you, but on the contrary, gives you strength for new achievements? When your workplace environment is conducive and in accordance with the basic principles of Feng Shui, it will undoubtedly ensure better work productivity and help you achieve much greater success in your career!

May you be surrounded by great Feng Shui! Have a good time on the site

Each of us at least once in our lives wants to rearrange furniture and objects, regardless of whether we are talking about a home or an office. After these manipulations are completed, many people notice that positive changes begin to occur in their lives - relationships in the family or with colleagues, bosses have improved, business has improved, and profits have increased.

Changes in your life can be replaced by placing your desktop according to Feng Shui. If you are planning to make a rearrangement, you should familiarize yourself not only with what kind of practice it is, which, with the right approach, allows you to attract prosperity, luck, money, but also with how you need to set the table in order to achieve such results.

Key Points of Feng Shui Practice

They learned about it in our latitudes relatively recently. However, over the past decades, we have heard more than once about what Feng Shui is, but everyone’s attitude towards this technique is different.

Some people practice it with pleasure, while others see in it something supernatural and therefore frightening. In fact, it is based on the interaction of the main elements. A person can “tune” it himself in order to achieve harmony and good luck.

To be more precise, Feng Shui is the practice of arranging interior items, thanks to which it is possible to attract good luck and receive the favor of all the elements.

Many of the provisions of this practice are based not only on the interaction of the elements, but also on psychological aspects. If you do not pay attention to them, a person, without realizing it, may feel uncomfortable, which often becomes a source of trouble.

As a rule, home furnishings are arranged according to Feng Shui, but it has long been noted that the furnishings in the office are no less important. The arrangement of things and furniture plays a huge role in how quickly a person’s career will develop, whether he can get along well with colleagues, and find a common language with his superiors.

The location of the table also plays a significant role in all these issues.

Some of them will seem very simple to you, however, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we do not always follow even simple rules.

Here's what you need to consider first when arranging your desk in the office:

  • You should not place it in such a way that you sit with your back to the entrance to the room. At the subconscious level, such an arrangement is perceived as potentially dangerous, and from the point of view of energy flows, such an arrangement can lead to betrayal. This is especially true when the door opens inward;
  • You should not sit with your back to the window, otherwise there is a risk that it will be difficult for you to enlist the support of not only your superiors, but also your colleagues;
  • Don't ignore the symbols of Water either. Don't position your desk so that they are behind you. Symbols of water, which include, for example, paintings of water, a fountain, an aquarium, etc., should be in front of you. Nothing bad will happen if these symbols are above you;
  • Pay attention to the top. There should be no overhanging structures above your head (air conditioners, beams, columns, shelves, etc.). When placing a desk in an office according to Feng Shui, this should be taken into account, since such designs not only create a feeling of pressure, but also block positive energies;
  • Hide the wires. Being in a visible place, they are a symbol of the outflow of finances, so telephone and computer wires should be removed behind racks or panels.

A successful table location is one in which a person sits facing the door, not directly opposite the entrance, but diagonally from it. At the same time, it is important that your place is clearly visible when entering the room and that no foreign objects block it.

Try to have a wall at the back of your workspace, and if this is not possible, hang thick curtains on the windows.

Correctly setting up a workplace in the office

Currently, in offices, places for each employee are often arranged in cubicles or behind partitions. Because of this, a person may feel that there is not enough space for him, and that interior items and equipment take up too much space. This is not a very favorable location according to Feng Shui, so in order to expand the space and make it more pleasant to perceive, you can use a painting near or above the desktop. It can depict a landscape, or better if it is some symbol of Water (lake, sea, river, etc.).

Having an item in your workplace that you really like will save you from feeling tired and routine. Looking at it, you will experience joy, and fatigue will recede. You can put a photo of someone close to you.

It is not recommended to work between racks, shelves, cabinets, and other furniture. All these office interior items limit career growth, interfere with the perception of new information and development. If there is no other option, clear out all those shelves and racks as much as possible.

According to Feng Shui of the workplace, a person needs protection. It can be provided by a large plant or other bright large object. This is especially true for those people who cannot afford to settle down anywhere other than near a large window. People who also work in an office located on high floors need even more protection.

Another recommendation on how to place your desk in an office according to Feng Shui concerns
lighting. It is advisable that, in addition to natural light, your workplace is illuminated by a lamp, which should be placed above your head or on the side opposite your working hand.

Often in offices, windows are covered with curtains or blinds, since bright sunlight can interfere with work.

You shouldn’t completely abandon natural lighting, because it is also necessary for harmony and helps attract money. When working in a room without windows, you need to place a picture in it that depicts a natural landscape. It can be replaced with a small aquarium, flowers in a vase, or a large plant on the table.

One of the main rules of this practice is that your desktop should always be clean and free of foreign objects, papers, and documents.

A cluttered environment makes it difficult for positive energy to circulate. The room must be regularly ventilated, cleaned, preventing dust from accumulating, and papers must be constantly sorted out and those that are not needed at a given time must be sent to the archive. All this is important for attracting good luck, money, and prosperity.

Feng Shui table sectors

Your desktop can be divided into three parts, each of which deserves attention.


This is the zone of luck, money, fame, aspirations and future achievements. This sector also symbolizes the successes of the past, and if you want to find incentive for achievements in the future, you can put your awards, framed certificates, cups, etc. in this part.

If there are none, it is better to leave the central part completely empty in order to open a free path to the future and bright prospects.

Left edge

It symbolizes prosperity, wealth. If you are striving for a good profit, you should place a money tree on the left corner of the table farthest from you; it is better if it is alive.

  • Availability of a flower in the workplace;
  • The presence of a symbol of wealth, good profits.

If you wish, you can replace this symbol with a three-fingered frog or a piggy bank. If you choose the latter option, you should place a red napkin on your desk under the piggy bank to attract money, since according to Feng Shui, red is a symbol of profit. You can choose another option - tie a red ribbon around the piggy bank.

Every component of our living space influences us and the events in our lives. The workspace in which we spend most of our time is no exception. A harmonious atmosphere, which will be provided by the correct flow of favorable Qi energy, will fill with energy and help in work, bring good health and satisfaction, dispel irritability and squabbles, promote fruitful interpersonal communications, recognition and career advancement.

In order for your work to be productive, bring the desired results and opportunities for growth, it is very important to properly arrange your workplace and, in particular, correctly position your desktop, which we will talk about in this article.

As you know, in Feng Shui the principle of the dominant arrangement of priority furnishings in rooms is very common. It also exists in the office and is most favorable for success in the service. The most favorable place for a desktop should meet the following principles:

  • the location of the desktop relative to the entrance door to the office is considered more important than the location in space in accordance with the cardinal directions;
  • if possible, the table should be as far away from the door as possible;
  • a person sitting at a table should be able to see the entire room;
  • the door to the office should be clearly visible in order to control the entrance to the room;
  • the desktop should not be opposite the entrance, but slightly diagonally from the door, then you will not be attacked by energy moving in a straight line, and you will be able to see everyone who enters the room.

Being in a dominant position provides an excellent overview of the entire room and especially the entrance door to the office. This arrangement symbolizes the ability to control ongoing processes and, ultimately, success. The one who has his back to the door is in a vulnerable position, which in Feng Shui symbolizes the location of the victim. This may also mean that many important things and events will happen behind your back. Positioning yourself sideways to the door is also considered unlucky, although less vulnerable.

If it is impossible to place your work desk so that you can see the door - that is, without changing your body position, or this position does not suit you, distracting you from work, you should put a small mirror on it or, even better, hang a large mirror on the opposite wall, which will allow you to It’s good to see the door and everyone entering the room. This remedy is very effective and affordable.

Also it is important to stay as far away from the door as possible- this symbolizes control over the situation in the workroom and the availability of sufficient time to react to incoming people. Compliance with this condition leads to calmness, confidence, ingenuity and, as a result, better quality of work performed.

Another desktop recommendation is maintaining freedom of access to it- this will have a beneficial effect on the work process, expand your prospects and opportunities, and on a subconscious level give you a feeling of security. Sitting at a table facing a blank wall can lead to isolation. Do not move the desktop or one of its sides towards the wall. If there is not enough space in the room to provide free space on both sides of the table, it is advisable that the passage on one side be at least 50 cm wide. You should not place furniture or stack books in this place, as this deprives its owner of the opportunity to use the passage, especially thereby weakening it energetically.

Also It is not recommended to sit down too much close with your back to the wall and put something behind the desktop. This is only acceptable if you work in a large office. It is advisable that there be a distance of at least 90-100 cm between you and the wall. If the chair touches the wall from time to time, this can cause disappointment and causeless anger.

Desk location back to the window or door creates a certain vulnerability according to feng shui, although this is not a negative factor. The positive effect of this arrangement is good lighting. If a feeling of anxiety arises in this situation, it is recommended to hang a faceted crystal sphere or bells on the ceiling at a distance of about one-third of the height of the window. If the window is too large, it is recommended to hang curtains or blinds to visually reduce it.

Much more dangerous the situation is considered to be when there is a door behind the seated person. Using the recommended bells and spheres as protection here is clearly not enough. In this situation, it is better to hang one of these products above the chair at your desk. In addition, to hide the door, you can hang a curtain, tapestry or put up a screen (the most dangerous is an external door located behind your back).

Don't clutter your office heavy and large furniture- it takes up a lot of space, and this prevents the free movement of both people and energy flows in it. This may take the form of depression or fear. Remove any unused large items or replace them with smaller items. This will solve the problem.

Success in business is a delicate thing, but as in any area of ​​life, we can provide ourselves with some support with our own hands and attract the help of favorable Qi energy, which will make the process more comfortable and open the doors to new opportunities and prospects.

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In order for things to go well at work, according to Feng Shui, the workplace should be in the Career and Success zone...

It often happens that you are a responsible employee and work as hard as you can, but there is no recognition in the team, and your colleague - an outright slacker - is in good standing with the boss. One of the reasons for this state of affairs may be... an unsuccessful workplace and office environment from the point of view of Feng Shui.

So let's try to neutralize the unfavorable energetic effects of people, objects or interiors, and also enhance the influence of positive flows of qi energy. After all, when everything around is harmonious, work goes much better!

Feng Shui workplace

So that things go well at work, According to Feng Shui, the workplace should be located in the Career and Success zone - in the north. It's even better to sit, looking in this direction, with your back to the wall.

A window behind your back has an adverse effect on your career: in this case, all your energy “flies” into the sky. An even more unfortunate position is to have your back to the door. In Feng Shui it is called a “knife in the back” (an employee can be set up, betrayed, or withdraw from the team; he gradually begins to lose energy and confidence in his abilities).

It is better not to sit with your back to an open cabinet or shelves: horizontal surfaces also symbolize “knives” (which invade your energy field and deteriorate your health).
Is your workspace in the corner? According to Feng Shui, it is better to place the table diagonally: in this case, you neutralize the negative impact of both windows and doors.

In Russian offices they like to arrange desks so that employees are opposite each other, which leads to subconscious confrontation between colleagues. This is also an unfavorable feng shui that should be avoided.

What if an unfortunate location cannot be avoided?

If you are sitting with your back to the window, you can use this technique: curtain the window with thick curtains and place clear cut crystals on the table to give space to your thoughts).

Feng Shui: table and chair in the office

Dimensions of table and office chair also matter, subconsciously signaling to others about your status and promising opportunities. Do you want to climb the corporate ladder? Use a table for work that is at least one and a half meters long and a meter wide, and a chair with a back so long that it is slightly higher than your head when sitting.

Feng Shui desk

Now - about what should be on the table, and what items are best avoided.

The table is intended for work only, and therefore only what may be needed in its process should be placed on it. Ruthlessly part with unnecessary papers and other things. It’s better to put unnecessary items in closets and bedside tables, putting them in folders of bright, rich colors.

It is better to place a green indoor plant in the right corner, which will take on all the negative energy emanating from other parts of the room. And in the far left corner - a table lamp or a shiny metal object - to attract financial success.

In the working sector, a small fountain will also serve well.- at least as a screensaver on your PC desktop (water dispels negative energy). In this case, the size of the accessories does not matter. A tiny flower and an impressive fountain will work equally well.

And don’t forget to put photos of your favorite people on your desktop- they will inspire you to even greater career success.

Feng Shui office equipment

A computer is a necessary attribute in any business, which absorbs electricity from the outlet and then generates it into the energy of creation and creativity. To direct this activity in the right direction, keep objects of bright colors on the table - blue, red, orange or a small globe - a symbol of knowledge (this will ensure an influx of creative ideas).

The phone should also have its own specific place. For right-handers - on the right, for left-handers - on the left (so that you do not have to reach for the tube with your right hand to the left, with your left - to the right, because crossing the body, the hand blocks positive energy).

According to Feng Shui, all visible pipes and wires mean an outflow of money. Therefore, it is very important to remove all telephone wires and computer cables behind panels and baseboards.

There should be free space in front of and behind the desk, which, according to Feng Shui, symbolizes opportunity and perspective. If you have difficulty squeezing your way to your workplace, difficulties await you.

It happens that the workplace is located in a cubicle(sometimes even without windows!) or there is a partition directly in front of you. You can expand your perspective with a painting of a lake or a beautiful natural landscape.

Remember - in addition to the fact that work brings money, it should also bring pleasure, and not vice versa. You must go to work in a good mood, with elation, and not under pressure, otherwise it will destroy your health and block your access to financial success.

Feng Shui for an office means a harmoniously organized workplace. It is advisable to sit with your back to a blank wall so that it is convenient to communicate with colleagues and clients entering the office. You can hang a picture of your favorite image on the wall. This will allow you to feel support coming from the rear.

If, due to insurmountable circumstances, you are forced to sit with your back to the front door, then you can fence yourself off with a closet or screen, and if there is a window behind you, place a plant on the windowsill. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a wide range of plants can be used in the office workplace, but the most common are Dieffenbachia, Croton and Chinese rose.

When you are at the table, sharp corners should not be pointed at you. Such objects, like a poisonous arrow, send you negative Sha Chi energy. This energy constantly interferes with your work, provokes various diseases and unfounded accusations directed at you.

Your desk should not be between closely spaced cabinets or in a corner of the office. Leave a clear path to your workplace. It will symbolize your perspective.

Even in a limited space, it will not be difficult to organize Feng Shui of the workplace. If you are forced to work in a cramped cubicle or there is a partition close to you, then you should expand your visual perspective. To do this, you need to hang a reproduction on the wall depicting the surface of the sea, a flowering field, etc.

Setting up your office according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui of an office is a complex but fascinating process that is built gradually. Decorate your workplace with a figurine or a symbolic image of the wise Turtle and the powerful Dragon. To implement your plans, install in the eastern part of the room, which will be illuminated by sunlight for at least three to five hours a day.

The table should not be placed under an air conditioner, bookshelf or ceiling beam. A threateningly overhanging structure is a source of disease and adversity. It is unacceptable in feng shui at work.

Choose a chair with a high back and armrests. It is a symbol of confidence, stability and support. A chair that does not completely cover your back cannot bring good luck.

Keep your work area tidy at all times. All necessary papers must be stored in special folders. Shelves, cabinets and tables should not be cluttered. Otherwise, stagnant energy will begin to accumulate in the room. You can install it in the work area. This powerful Feng Shui talisman helps attract financial flows.

Keep all necessary papers and documents at your fingertips. If you hide them somewhere far away, you will subsequently have to look for them for a long time and lose the positive energy that comes from them. Never put off cleaning until later. Start right now and get rid of everything unnecessary!

Collect the wires used to connect office equipment into one bundle. Cables lying haphazardly create erratic energy flows.

The workplace should have sufficiently bright lighting, but it is desirable that the light does not irritate the eyesight. Choose table lamps that are comfortable and well adjustable. Any metal object or table lamp standing on the left side of the table attracts material well-being.

A Feng Shui work table for money should be relatively light (so that it can be easily moved), but at the same time quite stable. Place a photograph of yourself on the table showing you during your work process. This will help attract the energy of professional success.

Office windows that open outward will promote career growth. Windows that open inward, on the contrary, will limit your prospects.

Feng Shui desktop to attract money

Many people use Feng Shui for work and career. There is a special hieroglyph that ensures well-being and activates monetary energy. This powerful amulet is suitable for any company that offers its services or products. It attracts clients like a magnet and helps you make useful connections. To make a talisman you will need two cards with its image.

You probably already noticed that in addition to the hieroglyph, the picture also shows three coins. This is a monetary symbol of wealth and material success.

A business mascot is used as follows. You need to print a couple of cards and then carefully cut out the image. On the reverse side you can write your own name and wishes. For example: “I am the best salesman.” It is recommended to print the image in the following format - width 2.82 cm, height 5.35 cm.

The resulting card should be placed in the most visible place - the desktop, so that it is always in front of your eyes and activates the positive processes of feng shui in the office. The second card should be kept with you at all times, for example, in your wallet or in any other convenient place. From now on, no matter where you are, the attention of customers will be drawn to you. Nothing more is required from you, trust the magical energy of Feng Shui!