Summary of a lesson on composing a coherent text from these paragraphs. Story B

Subject: V. Veresaeva “Brother”.

Target: form conscious, correct reading; ability to explain the title of a text; the ability to answer teacher questions about the content of what was read; ability to distinguish between types of stories and poems.

Lesson steps

During the classes

Formation of UUD, TOUU

Ι. Updating knowledge.



What do we learn in literary reading lessons? Where can this be useful?

Use a cloud and a sun to show in what mood you are starting work in class.

Making a lesson plan.

Warm-up (work on tongue twister).

Why are we doing this work? What is "expressiveness"?

Reading tongue twisters, highlighting sounds, working on spelling patterns.

Repetition. 3 1 7 2

Today we are going on a trip to the Literary Town and visiting.

1. Aibolit's house.

What kind of hero is this? He loves to learn something new. What works would you recommend him to read? (Educational, examples.)

2. Dunno's house.

What kind of hero is this? He doesn't know how to behave. What works would you recommend him to read? (Instructive examples.)

3. Matroskin's house.

What kind of hero is this? He loves fun. What works would you recommend him to read? (Humorous examples.)

4.Leopold's house.

What kind of hero is this? He loves listening to poetry. What can you offer him? (Read the poemY. Moritz “Crow”. 1 7 1 2 2 1 )

Questions after reading:

What is this poem about?

Why did Mitya stroke the crow's legs? How did the crow react to this? Did Mitya offend the crow?

In the park, Mitya meets a cat and a dog. What is the cat asking Mitya for? Why?

Do you think the cat understands that Mitya is not looking for her? (Yes, she understands, and she agrees to help Mitya find the crow. But at the same time, the cat’s paw will be in Mitya’s hand!)

Will Mitya and the cat be able to climb the cloud?

To better understand this poem, let's read it again.

How does the poetess Yunna Moritz relate to the heroes of her poem?

Why did she want Mitya to stroke the paws of the timid crow? (Mitya was walking alone, and the crow was alone...)

Why didn't the two heroes become friends? (They were too different and did not understand each other.)

Who understood Mitino’s condition? (The cat, she offered Mitya her paw, affectionately called him “baby”, comforted him as best she could.)

Teacher's reasoning. Guys, we can only guess what made Yuna Moritz write this poem. Maybe she was walking in the park one day and saw a boy sitting alone on a bench, and next to him a crow. An impression arose and the poet’s imagination began to work. She wanted to make friends between two lonely creatures - a boy and a crow. But her desire alone was not enough...

There are a lot of important ideas in this poem. You won’t see them right away when reading the lines, because these thoughts are hidden somewhere behind the lines. But we can understand them if we read carefully and think about what we read. In adults, this is called “being able to read between the lines.” Let's try to read between the lines of this poem.

How did you feel when you read this poem?

How does the boy make you feel? And the crow? And the cat?

What do you think is the most important line in this poem? (“The path is more merrily with two.” This poem is about loneliness.)

And now it's time to go back.


Cognitive UUD:

1) we develop ability to extract information from diagrams, illustrations, texts;

2) present information in the form of a diagram;

3 ) identify the essence and features of objects;

4) draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects;

5) generalize and classify according to characteristics;

6) navigate the spread of the textbook;

7) find answers to questions in the illustration.

Regulatory UUD:

1) We develop the ability to express our assumptions based on working with the textbook material;

2) evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task;

3 ) predict upcoming work (make a plan);

4) carry out cognitive and personal reflection.

Communication UUD:

1) develop the ability to listen and understand others;

2) construct a speech utterance in accordance with the assigned tasks;

3 ) express your thoughts orally;

4) ability to work in pairs and in groups.

ΙΙ. Collaborative discovery of knowledge.


- Today we will get acquainted with another, in my opinion, very meaningful work.

Independent work by reading a biography.

Work in pairs - retelling with each other's addition. (check 1 pair, listen.)

V. Veresaev “Brother”. 1 7 1 2 2 1

Working with text before reading.

Look at the illustration (p. 161).

Does the illustration correspond to the title of the story – “Brother”?

Why do you think so?

Of course, to answer this question, we need to read the entire work, and we will see how accurate our assumptions were.

What genre does this work belong to? (story)

Listening to the text (audio recording).

Did you like it? Why?

What do you think attracted the writer V. Veresaev to two common sparrows?

Why did he decide to write a story about them?

Brotherly love is stronger than stone walls.

Discuss with children the meaning of this proverb.

Vocabulary work is being done along the way

1 part.

(Elderberry, side by side, tub, through, sinuses.)

Where does the event take place?

Part 2 (briskly, with a ringing tongue, glancing cautiously)

What new did you learn about our heroes?

Why do you think the smaller sparrow wanted to drink, but did not sit on the edge of the tub?

Part 3 (encouraging)

Why did the first sparrow behave this way?

Part 4 (fluttered, fluttering its wings)

Why did my little brother flutter into the elderberry tree in fear?

What was he afraid of?

Did the older sparrow manage to persuade his little brother to drink water from the tub?

What do you think attracted the writer V. Veresaev to two common sparrows? Why did he decide to write about them?

What can you tell us about the older sparrow? What is he like? What's his brother like?

senior junior

caring timid

attentive indecisive




Discussion of the main idea.

Now do you understand why the story is called “Brother”? Explain.

Is it possible to tell from this description how the writer relates to living nature?

“There is a hut in the forest...”

Personal results:

1) We develop the ability to show our attitude towards the characters and express our emotions;

2) evaluate actions in accordance with a specific situation;

3) we formmotivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity.

Spiritual and moral development and education:

1) education of moral sense, ethical consciousness and readiness to perform positive actions, including speech;

2) civic-patriotic education;

3) education of hard work and ability to learn;

4) education healthy image life;

5) environmental education;

6) aesthetic education.

ΙΙΙ. Application of new knowledge.

Work in groups. Distribute the pictures in the correct sequence according to the plot, read out the sentences for them.

Work in pairs. Titles of parts.

Ι V. Bottom line.

Show how you feel at the end of the lesson.

Complete the given phrases.

Our lesson has come to an end. I thank you for Good work, complete answers.

Literary reading 2nd grade

Veresaev Vikenty Vikentievich “Brother”

    Academic subject: Literary reading. (2nd grade)

    UMK: "Rhythm."

    Lesson topic: V.V.Veresaev “Brother”

    Lesson type: a lesson in discovering new knowledge.

The purpose of the teacher's activity: create conditions for familiarization with works about native nature. Forming the ability to thoughtfully read a work and reflect with the author.


Educational: continue to get acquainted with works that are 100 years old or more; teach awareness expressive reading, include students in emotionally - creative activity; improve skills in working with text; expand lexicon children, develop reading skills (compare works of different genres, complete tasks on the topic of reading).

Educational: create conditions for development creative imagination And creative activity children, the ability to express their thoughts and argue them.

Educational: create in the classroom an atmosphere of love and interest in living nature, the world around us, compassion for our “little brothers,” and cultivate a caring attitude towards nature; cultivate a communicative orientation of the individual, a respectful attitude towards the answers of comrades; solution moral problems based on text analysis works of art.

    Expected results(subject; meta-subject: cognitive, communicative, regulatory; personal)

Universal learning activities:

personal(self-determination, meaning formation,):

Recognize the importance of reading;

Show emotional responsiveness to what you read;

Express your point of view and respect the opinion of your interlocutor;


regulatory(management of one’s activities, control and correction,

initiative and independence):

Maintain the goal of an activity until its result is obtained;

Make changes to the process taking into account difficulties and errors encountered;

educational(working with information, working with training models, performing logical operations):

Reproduce from memory the information necessary for the solution educational task.

Carry out processes of analysis, synthesis, generalization, build reasoning, give examples;

communicative (speech activity, collaboration skills):

Perceive the text taking into account the assigned educational task;

Find in the text the information necessary to solve it;

Work in pairs;


Learn to distinguish between genres of works;

Find information about the work and the book (author's name, genre, topic).


1. Textbook Literary reading (part two).

2. Multimedia projector with a presentation for the lesson.

    The initial level of knowledge and skills of students to study this topic: students can read syllables and whole words; perceive and understand available works, distinguish them by main themes and genres; read short fables by heart expressively; under the guidance of the teacher, students tried to compose poems, fairy tales, riddles, stories;

Lesson stages.

    Motivational stage

Guys, please look out the window. What's the weather like? (cloudy, a little sad)

What mood does this weather evoke? (probably sad)

What do you think needs to be done to improve our mood in our class, to make our souls lighter and warmer?

Have some fun.

To have fun we just need to smile. Let's smile at each other, give each other good mood. I hope that our lesson will bring a lot positive points. I believe in you.


You smile, like splashing sunshine,

Leaving the gate in the morning.

You know, in everyone's life

There are plenty of troubles and worries.

Are we really loved? gloomy faces

Or someone's angry speech?

And ignite a response spark

Give each other a smile.

Slide 1

And now, let’s give our smiles to the guests, thereby wishing them goodness and happiness. Let's keep this mood until the end of the working day, I hope the good mood will not leave us.

Updating knowledge.

And today in class I invite you on a journey to the magical fairy world poetry. And a ticket to this fairyland will be the cards that lie on this map. Please take one at a time.


Lines from what work are you familiar with on your cards?

(story "Sparrow")

slide 2

Your task is to divide into groups. slide 3

The guys who have the lines from the first part of the story will sit at the first table.

The guys whose lines are from the second part of the story will sit at the second table.

Those who have the third part of the story will sit at the third table.

You have joined groups.

Let's immediately remember the rules of working in groups. Who knows the rules for working in groups?

(work together, together)

Let me help you (slide)

Choose someone responsible.

Please choose the person responsible in your groups and wear badges.

And now you have in your hands lines from the story “Sparrow” by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

Connect them so that you get excerpts from a story you know.

We will read them expressively, thereby checking whether you have taken your places in the groups correctly.

If the group is ready, join your hands over the table, house, show me that your group is ready.

The first group reads in a chain, 1 part of the story, the rest all listen carefully. The second group reads the responsible one, the 3rd group reads paragraph by paragraph.

Well done! Thus, you and I repeated I.S. Turgenev’s story “The Sparrow” and we saw that you took your places correctly in the group.

We evaluate. You have score sheets on your desks. We give marks for 1 task

slide 4

Group work

slide 5

Group 1 - you will biologists. I suggest you fill out a writer's passport. slide 6

Group 2 - you historians. At the last lesson, the whole class was given the task of finding information about the benefits of the sparrow, about the sparrow, why it was called that.

Team 3- writers.

You must answer the questions that lie before you.

You have received the tasks, work. If the group is ready, raise your hands above the table and show me that your group is ready.

Well, let's present our research.

Please, biographers who go to tell, show the passport of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

Come out together and show what you did, one holds, the other tells.

Did they fill out the entire passport? (Yes). They completed the task. Well done!

Group 2 historians. Present the results of your research.

Who is responsible for you? And the children from our class watched the sparrows and made a video about the sparrows. Suleiman is a good observer, he made a film about sparrows. Let's get a look.

(in it time is running video about sparrows)

Sparrows are very friendly birds. Although they are said to be thieves, as Muslim told us, they are very friendly, they jump near the man’s feet, but it is difficult to catch them. They can be divided into two groups (urban - house, rural - field) urban ones live next to our houses, and rural ones live in fields, gardens, parks, villages

Who else watched the sparrows? Akhmedkhanov answers.

We watched sparrows not only at home, but also in the environment lesson. slide 7

In winter they have a hard time, we need to help them, make them feeders.

(the group of historians did a good job. It was interesting to listen to them. Well done!)

And now the writers present their research. Who is responsible for you?

1)What moment in the work was the most tense? (read from the book - my dog ​​was slowly approaching a small sparrow, when an old sparrow flew from a tree and obscured its baby. When the author compares the sizes of a sparrow and a dog.

2) Describe the old sparrow.

(an old black-breasted sparrow fell like a stone in front of her face - and all disheveled, distorted, with a desperate and

3) How do you understand “fell like a stone”? (here I.S. Turgenev uses a comparison. Fell like a stone - quickly flew away, fell quickly, fell quickly).

Well done guys did a good job.

Biologists evaluate.

We evaluate. You have score sheets on your desks. We give marks for task 2.

Who is Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev? (he's a writer)

A writer is a person who deals literary work, writes fiction literary works. What do we call people who write with paints? (artists)

There are also children in our class who draw well. They can also be called artists. slide 8

Drawing competition.


I see you are tired, let's rest. During the lesson, do not forget to take care of your health. slide 9

A flock of birds flies south
The sky is blue all around.
To arrive sooner,
We must flap our wings.
The birds began to descend
Everyone sits down in the clearing.
They have a long way to go
The birds need to rest. (Children sit in a deep squat and sit for a few seconds)
And it's time to hit the road again,
We have a lot to fly. (Children stand up and flap their “wings”)
Here comes the south. Hooray! Hooray!
It's time for us to land. (Children sit at tables)

Collaborative discovery of knowledge

Introductory conversation .

They calmly took their places. We continue our journey.

What was the physical education session about?

What was common in all the tasks we performed? (about birds)

Let's try to formulate the topic of our lesson.

What will we talk about in class? (I think we will study a story about birds, about birds, birds are our friends, bird watching)

Well done! Absolutely right. I will clarify the topic of our lesson Vikenty Vikentyevich Veresaev, story “Brother” slide 10

Well, if we know the topic of our lesson, then we must set the goals of the lesson. What will we do in class, what will we explore, learn.

1 - Read the story “Brother”

2 - Let's learn to watch birds.

What else can we do guys?

3 -We will observe the life and habits of these animals. Anwser the questions. Let's get acquainted with the life of the author. slide 11

Who knows who Veresaev is? (writer). The information was prepared for us by Kamila and Pakizat. slide 12

In addition to these stories, he has interesting story“Brother” opened all page 108 Vikenty Veresaev “Brother” slide 13

Please think about what the story “Brother” might be about.

Can you guess by the name, by the illustration? What thoughts does the title of the work and the illustration suggest to you? Can you guess who the main character of the story will be?

We have listened to all the assumptions, do you want to check who was right?

Of course, to answer this question, we need to get acquainted with the work and we will see how accurate our assumptions are.

During the lesson I invite you to answer problematic issue: “Does the illustration correspond to the title of the story “Brother”

Discovery of new knowledge. Work with text

Exemplary Reading teacher.

Let's listen to a sample story reading. (audio material)

Sit up straight, remember the rules of listening. Let's respect them.

(The second paragraph is read by the teacher, then the children continue).

Did you like the story? I suggest you work on it and complete one task in teams.

Group work

1 team of biographers (photo from the book) to come up with a story based on this beginning

Team 2 historians - unfamiliar words were encountered in the story.

Write out the meaning of unfamiliar words from the dictionary and explain them.

Team 3 - writers - collectively continue the text, come up with 2 sentences. I will allow two minutes for this. If the team is ready, join your hands over the table in a house.

Consider who will be responsible for the group.

1 team answers.

Team 2 answers

Tub- a small wooden barrel in which you can pickle cucumbers.

Sinus- the space between the chest and the clothing adjacent to it.

Elder- deciduous shrub, perennial woody plant.

( dangerous for animals and people, but useful for joint pain and treats nerves.) slides 13-15

Team 3 answers.

One student from each group answers at the board.

We evaluate.

We read the text with our eyes and lips.

slide 16

After reading the story, what is the main moral of the story?

(Friendship between sparrows, little ones must be respected and helped. Friendship and mutual understanding exist among animals.

What about your feelings? How did you feel?

(worried about little sparrow, we’re glad that he was able to drink from the barrel.)


We continue our journey. I propose the following task in groups.

And now guys, I suggest you do the work that you really like.

like. Write a simulation in the form of a syncwine based on this poem. Algorithm for writing a syncwine on a blackboard on a slide. slide 17.

Each team has its own keyword. Teams 1-3 have the keyword BIGGER BROTHER, team 2 have the keyword YOUNGER BROTHER. (Each group makes up its own syncwine)


    Older brother.

    Caring and attentive.

    He fluttered, glanced, called to each other

    Two sparrows were sitting on a tub.


    Younger brother.

    Wary, indecisive.

    He fluttered, flew over, got drunk.

    Frightened, he fluttered back onto the elderberry tree.



    Older brother.

    Patient, confident.

    Drunk, encourages, shows.

    The older brother takes care of the younger one.

Who reads from the group?

Thank you very much for such a result. I am very glad that you all highlighted mainly the older sparrow and the younger sparrow. And most importantly, you understand the idea of ​​​​this work.

We evaluate. We give marks for task 3.

Game "Tree of Wisdom"

slide 18

Let's continue our journey, let's play the game "Tree of Wisdom"

I also want to play with you, so today it’s not you, but I, who will be filming

1 -Come up with another title for the story (Sparrows)

2 -How many sparrows were there? (2)

3 -How many sentences are there in the first paragraph? (3)

4 -How did the brave and lively sparrow behave? (he behaved boldly, confidently fluttered to the edge of the tub and looked at his brother, calling him to

In his own language, He is caring, attentive, patient, lively, confident.)

5 -What was your brother like? (he behaved insecurely and looked at his brother warily, timid, indecisive)

6 -What other works about animals do you remember? (sparrow)

The first piece talks about mother's love, and this work is about brotherly love. A mother's heart can do a lot: it can rejoice, it can suffer, it can accept the insults of its children. It can always warm you up and help protect you. slide 19

And in the second work there is brotherly love. Brotherly love is stronger than stone walls.(Both stone wall it won’t blow you, the rain won’t get you wet, the enemy won’t reach you, so your brother can protect you. Love is stronger than fear.)

Thank you for answering the questions of the wise tree correctly. Well done!

We evaluate. We give marks for task 4. slide 20

Lesson summary

What story did we meet today? (V.V. Veresaev “Brother”)

What does V.V. Veresaev teach us?

(His works serve as an example careful attitude to nature. He teaches us to love and see the beauty of nature. Observe nature. He teaches us how to care for birds, feed birds, make bird feeders)

Try to answer the question we asked at the beginning of the lesson. Does the illustration correspond to the title of the story “Brother”?


Complete the sentences. slide 21

1. I realized that...

2.I managed...

3. I was in class...

4.In the future I want...

5. It was difficult for me...


slide 22

    Prepare detailed retelling text (to the whole class)

    Prepare information about the story you read about birds (Butaeva F. Velagaeva K.)

    Prepare information about I.A. Krylov (Nadzhafavoy P. and Tagirbekova Z.)


The teacher collects the assessment sheets.

Our guests

Self-analysis of the lesson

The introduction of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard is based on a system-activity approach. During development this lesson I took into account the main pedagogical task - the creation and organization of conditions that initiate children's action. The activity approach is a teaching method in which the child does not acquire knowledge in finished form, but produces them himself in the process of his own educational and cognitive activity. The main result is the development of the child’s personality based on universal educational activities. Based on this, I built a model of a literary reading lesson in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard

Municipal government educational institution

"Novoselkovaya Secondary School"

Plan - outline

open seminar lesson

By literary reading carried out

in 2nd grade

MKOU "Novoposelkovaya Secondary School"

teacher primary classes Tsmikhanov Uspakhi Mirzekhanovna.

Kasumkent village 2017

V. Veresaev. Brother



Formation of the type of correct reading activity

V. Veresaev. Brother

Literary reading lesson 3rd grade

1. Motivation (self-determination) for educational activities

Today teachers from the city of Lipetsk came to our literary reading lesson. They are interested in seeing how our lessons go and listening to the students’ answers.

I, in turn, hope that today will be beneficial for all of us. Everyone is in a good mood. Everyone is beautiful and healthy. Let's start our lesson!

2. Updating knowledge.

Five Minute Reading art books(before each lesson, wearing diffraction glasses, with and without articulation)

Thank you! I'm glad everyone reads differently interesting books and remember: “Whoever reads a lot, he..., because “Reading is the best...” (the proverbs continue, sl. No. 1)

3. Formulating the topic of the lesson. Designing a Lesson Plan

Look at the screen. What can you say about these names? (on the screen different names works by one author: Vanka, On the Stage, Competition, A Dog's Smile, Without a Road, Notes from a Doctor - s. No. 2)

Yes, you correctly noted that all these works have the same author - Vikenty Veresaev. So we can formulate the topic of today’s lesson.

(formulate the topic: Study of Veresaev’s work.)

Plan further work at the lesson. (Students’ answers: “Today in class we will read, answer questions, think, reason, and look after our health.”)

Did I understand you correctly: “In class we get acquainted with and analyze Veresaev’s new work, work on developing the type of correct reading activity, develop speech, Creative skills and don’t forget to look after your health.” (nod in agreement)

4. Discovery of new knowledge. Working with text before reading

Read the title of the work by V Veresaev. (“Brother”, lyrics No. 3)

Try to guess what the work will be about?

Now look at the illustration for the work. Has it become even clearer?

Can you guess who the heroes of the work are? (birds, author)

Later, in the lesson, we will learn more about V. Veresaev.

5. Introduction of new knowledge into the knowledge system. Working with text while reading

Let's read the work. Take a pencil to help you. Mark questions literary devices, favorite passages and everything you pay attention to. (teacher reads)

What do you say? Express yours general impressions about the work you read. (Students’ statements: liked the work, worried about the main characters, spring, happy ending, etc.)

What did you notice while reading? Are there such places? Read it out loud. Selective reading (read excerpts, explain why they liked it, what interested them)

Repeated reading. Let’s conduct a dialogue with the author (read, enter into dialogue with the author, the teacher comments along the way unclear words and expressions: elderberry, tub, bosom, fluttering - verse No. 4)

Were we right at the beginning of the lesson in our assumptions that one of the main characters is the author? Explain. (-Yes, we had a dialogue with him!)

Read the sentence:

“He continuously jumped along the edge of the tub, lowering his beak, grabbing water, and immediately dropped it from his beak, and looked at his brother, and called him.” (sl. No. 5)

Explain the meaning of this sentence. (statements from students)

Yes, in this sentence we feel active movement, excitement, and trepidation with indifference. What a meaningful expression from the author! And we got it!

(They read, convey intonation the excitement, anxiety, and feelings of the characters, talk about repeated words: young, very young sparrow)

We don’t forget to take care of our health during lessons. Exercise for the eyes (sl. No. 6)

(A student physical education instructor is doing the exercises:

We blink our eyes, we close our eyes, we open our eyes, we blink

Looked up, down, right, left, in a circle right side, in a circle to the left

Put forefinger in front of. We look at the finger and move it towards the nose, away from the nose

We move the hand to the right, to the left, watch the hand

Let's close our eyes, cover our palms, cross our fingers on our foreheads - palming

Open your eyes, look at green color, on plants, on an aquarium with fish - this is how we soothe the eyes

Charging is complete!)

6. Working with text after reading

What is the main theme of the story that V. Veresaev wanted to convey to us? (Friendship and mutual understanding exist among animals!)

Remember the proverbs about brotherhood, friendship, camaraderie, remember? (they say a lot of proverbs)

What are the feelings of sparrows? (apprehension, persistence, fear of unknown action)

What about our feelings? (we were worried about the little sparrow, glad that he was able to drink from the barrel)

That's right, V. Veresaev managed to convey his thoughts and feelings to us. We understood it. Author a true master words!

Look at the screen. Some information about Vikenty Veresaev (autobiography, incidents from life, creativity, lyrics No. 7-No. 8)

Everyone loves creative tasks. According to our work, there are two games for you today (sl. No. 9-No. 10). Let's check how we understood the content of Veresaev's story.

Game: "0 or 1". To perform it correctly, you need to look through the text carefully again! (read for three minutes in a buzzing manner). Close the text!

I say a phrase from a story. If the phrase is correct, then put -1, and if it is not entirely correct, put 0.

(write numbers on pieces of paper)

Two young sparrows sat next to each other on a rowan tree - 0 (on an elder tree)

The beak was agape from the heat - 1

He continuously jumped along the bottom of the tub, lowered his beak, grabbed water - 0 (along the edge)

But he just touched the damp, blackened edge of the tub with his paws - and immediately fluttered back - 0 (turned green)

The little brother flew onto the tub, sat down uncertainly and got drunk - 1

Both flew away - 1

Correct key: 010-011. Stand next to someone like that?

Game: "Tree of Wisdom".

You already remember the text of the work well. Ask any questions about the text, including interdisciplinary ones. Write them down on the same piece of paper and attach them to the tree (a cardboard tree is attached to the board, run out and attach questions in the form of leaves to the tree with magnets).

I also want to play, so today, not you, but I will take questions, read them, and you answer without mistakes.

(Questions from students: How many sentences are there in the first paragraph? Find 2 declension nouns in the 2nd sentence. Come up with another title for the story. What other works about animals do you remember? How many sparrows were there? Etc.)

Thank you, you answered the questions of the wise tree correctly. Well done!

7. Reflection. Self-esteem

Our lesson is coming to an end. Everyone must learn to sum up the lesson. We will find the main thing now in the lesson! (Students’ statements: studied a new work, developed speech, reading technique, looked after their health, thought, listened, played)

Yes, I completely agree with you! Today in class we not only got acquainted with Veresaev’s new work, developed speech and reading, not only learned new facts from the life of birds in nature, but also managed to understand the thoughts and feelings of the main characters and the author. And this is the most important and valuable!

Let's conduct a self-assessment of work in class.

(The student conducts a self-assessment out loud, dictates sentences, students put a plus or minus on the table, try to be objective, sl. No. 11)

  1. I tried and completed tasks without errors (+, -)
  2. Worked actively, raised his hand
  3. Listened carefully to your classmates' answers
  4. Learned something new for myself
  5. Monitored my health

Stand up, whoever has five pluses, four pluses. Why did you give yourself a minus? What needs to be tightened up, what needs to be worked on? (Students’ answers: “I need to be more active in class.” “I need to be more attentive.”)

Vikenty Vikentievich Veresaev - Russian writer ( real name Smidovich), (1867-1945) - Russian and Soviet writer. Laureate Stalin Prize first degree (1943), outstanding prose writer and literary historian. He wrote a number of novels in which he described the fate of the Russian intelligentsia.

The beginning literary activity Veresaev should be considered the end of 1885, when he published the poem “Meditation” in the Fashion Magazine. The writer emerged on the verge of two eras: he began to write when the ideals of populism crashed and lost their charming power, and the Marxist worldview began to be persistently introduced into life, when the bourgeois-urban culture was opposed to the noble-peasant culture, when the city was opposed to the countryside, and workers to the peasantry.
Closer to 1905, revolutionary romanticism gripped society and literature and a song began to be sung about the “madness of the brave”; Veresaev was not carried away by the “exalting deception”; he was not afraid of the “darkness of low truths.” In the name of life, he values ​​the truth and, without any romanticism, draws the paths and paths followed by the democratic intelligentsia, associated with progressive democratic thought.
That’s why Veresaev is called an artist-historian of the Russian intelligentsia. His work truly reflects the stage by stage development of the Russian intelligentsia. These stages are noted even in the very title of his works.
In his writing style, Veresaev is a realist. What is especially valuable in the writer’s work is his deep truthfulness in depicting the environment, faces, as well as his love for everyone who rebelliously seeks permission social issue. His heroes are presented not so much in the process of struggle and work, but in search of ways of life.

V. Veresaev
(inc. fairy tale)

There was a tub at the corner of my dacha, full of water. Nearby is an elderberry bush. On an elder tree sat side by side two young sparrows, still very young, with down showing through their feathers, with bright yellow sinuses along the edges of their beaks. One boldly and confidently fluttered onto the edge of the tub and began to drink. He drank and kept glancing at the other and talking to him in his ringing language.

Another - a little smaller - sat on a branch with a serious look and cautiously glanced sideways at the tub. And apparently he was thirsty - his beak was agape from the heat.

And suddenly I saw clearly: the first one - he had been drunk for a long time and was simply encouraging the other with his example, showing that there was nothing terrible here. He continuously jumped along the edge of the tub, lowered his beak, grabbed the water and immediately dropped it from his beak, and looked at his brother and called him. The little brother on the branch made up his mind and flew to the tub. But as soon as he touched the damp, green edge with his paws, he immediately fluttered back into the elderberry tree in fear. And he started calling him again.

And finally achieved it. The little brother flew onto the tub, sat down uncertainly, fluttering his wings all the time, and drank. Both flew away...

Target lesson: Formation of the ability to thoughtfully read a work, reflect with the author.

Tasks lesson:

– Introduce the work of V. Veresaev, his story “Brother”;
– learn to work on the genre of a story using different types and working methods;
– develop the student’s oral speech and communication skills;
- cultivate moral qualities.

1. An epigraph is written on the board

Brotherly love is stronger than stone walls.

Discuss with children the meaning of this proverb.

2. Checking homework.

Yesterday, while working on the poem “The Crow” by Yu. Moritz, we learned to read between the lines. It is this understanding that helps you read the poem expressively, convey the feelings and thoughts of the author, his attitude towards the characters and events.

Or maybe someone learned it by heart?

When reading, were the children able to show that they read this poem between the lines?

Address to the exhibition of drawings. Did the guys manage to show this in their drawings? (Exhibition of children's drawings)

This is a poem about loneliness. Mitya was walking alone, and the crow was alone, but they were too different and did not understand each other.

The poetess wanted to make friends between two lonely creatures, but her desire was not enough. And that’s why the cat “Two is more fun” came to the rescue.

3. And today we got acquainted with another, in my opinion, very meaningful work.

This is V.V. Veresaev, because:

  1. Other poets.
  2. Veresaev lived and worked in the 19th – 20th centuries, and D. Kharms – in the 20th century, N. Tokmakova – modern author, still alive, she is 81 years old. (Remove extra names)
  3. The surname Veresaev begins with a voiced consonant, and the rest - with a voiceless consonant.

Vikenty Vikentievich Veresaev (Smidovich) - Russian prose writer, literary critic, poet-translator. Born January 4 (16), 1867 in the family of a doctor. His father founded a city hospital in Tula. Mother opened the first one at home kindergarten in Tula

Veresaev graduated from high school with a silver medal, then graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the University in St. Petersburg, and then studied to become a doctor.

He started writing at the age of 14. In my works I tried to show spiritual development their characters, the victory of the forces of good over the forces of evil.

2) Referring to the textbook p.161

Does the illustration correspond to the title of the story “Brother”

(Children's statements).

Of course, to answer this question, we need to read the entire work and we will see how accurate our assumptions are.

3) Reading the story “Brother” Pictures)

Children read in parts. Reading - search, vocabulary work is carried out along the way

(Elderberry + side by side) (Cadushka + through, sinuses) (Cadushka elderberry.)

– Where does the event take place?

– Have we met the heroes?

Part 2 (briskly, with a ringing tongue, glancing cautiously)

– What new did you learn about our heroes?

- Why do you think the smaller sparrow was thirsty?

but did not sink to the edge of the tub?

Part 3 (encouraging)

- Why did the first sparrow behave this way?

Part 4 (fluttering wings)

- Why did my little brother flutter into the elderberry tree in fear?

-What was he afraid of?

– Did the elder sparrow manage to persuade his little brother to drink water from the tub?

– What do you think attracted the writer V. Veresaev to two common sparrows? Why did he decide to write about them? (Children's statements).


  • Attention game “Day-Night”.
  • For eyes.

4) Repeated reading.

Reading “with eyes, lips”, in a whisper.

Find a description of sparrows. Read it.

What can you tell us about the older sparrow? What is he like?

(As the children answer, cards are posted on the board)

What's his brother like?

5) Work in pairs (cards)

Titles of parts.

6) Conversation about genre, plot.

What genre does this work belong to? (story)

Read the name of the part that is introduction(Part 1) (story feature card)

Plot poster on the board

Read the titles of the part that are the main part,

Where does the development of events take place? (2-3 parts)

Read the name of the part that contains ending(part 4)

Can this whole part be called an ending? (no) Read the ending.

7) Work in a notebook on reading p. 43 No. 4.

(Choose the most precise wording that expresses the main idea


4. Homework.

  • Complete task 3 on page 43 in your notebook.
  • Choose proverbs for the story.

5. Final reflection.

Our lesson has come to an end. I thank you for your good work, complete answers.

If anyone is interested in the work of V. Veresaev, or liked the lesson itself, show me the cheerful sun. And whoever didn’t understand something was a sad sun.