Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown's wedding. Whitney Houston: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo

Modern man cannot help but know who Whitney Houston is (biography further). After all, it's worldwide famous singer and a film actress, a legend, about whose life there were constantly a wide variety of rumors and speculations. Her music, film roles and video clips became masterpieces on which several generations of people who were partial to the work of the famous performer grew up. Whitney's life was not sweet, it was filled with all those "charms" that are characteristic of the rich and outstanding personalities: drugs, alcohol. In the prime of her life, in a hotel room, where no one close or dear was nearby, death took her. Everything happened quietly, the woman did not feel pain. But half the world's population suffered a painful shock! And it is still so difficult to come to terms with such a tangible and terrible loss...

Prerequisites for a musical career

Whitney Houston (Whitney Houston is a singer whose biography is replete with scandals) was supposed to become an artist, this was destined for her from birth. This simply could not have happened. To understand why, you should get to know the family into which she was born.

So, Emily Drinkard, the mother of the future superstar, as a girl was a member of a family gospel group called the Drinkard Sisters. Emily performed with Dionne Warwick's band. Later, this couple created a group, which consisted of four people. Throughout the 1970s, she worked in this ensemble and studied solo career simultaneously. Sissy (Emily) recorded three records and performed with such figures as Elvis Presley and Aretha Franklin.

John Houston, the father of Whitney Houston (her biography is described in our article), was his wife’s manager. But when Whitney was born, John left his career and became a housewife. Emily continued to tour.

Naturally, being someone else other than a singer was not possible in this family. Moreover, Whitney’s family encouraged and inspired her, contributing in every possible way to the development of her talent. The family supported their daughter in everything and, as best they could, helped her ascend to the Olympus of world musical art.

Early years

Whitney Elizabeth Houston came into this world on August 9, 1963. She was born in New Jersey, Newark. Her family was quiet, loving, and believing. In a word, ideal, where everyone understood and supported each other. Therefore, when 15-year-old Houston's parents announced their divorce, it was a real shock for her. The girl stopped smiling, she lost faith in people.

Houston Whitney's solo singing, biography, life story, whose work is incredibly interesting, people first heard when she was only 11 years old. It happened at New Hope Baptist Church, which the Houston family attended and where Emily held a position. music director. That day, the young singer performed the song Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah. Whitney remembered the audience's reaction for the rest of her life.

At the end of the performance, everyone present began to applaud and cry furiously. The girl’s voice and singing were so impressive and incomparable. Now Whitney simply had to become a world pop star. After all, God gave her an amazing talent, for which she must thank him.

The beginning of a solo career and modeling business

Whitney Houston's biography is not only about concerts and tours. This is also work in slightly different areas. But first things first. WITH musical career the girl was helped by her older brothers - Gary and Michael. Mike was the tour manager. He did absolutely all the work, from installing equipment to organizing the team. Gary, along with his sister, appeared on stage as a backing vocalist. Whitney felt the support of her family; she felt comfortable and warm with them. And at the same time she was not overcome star fever, and she did not become arrogant, as often happens.

In addition to everything, the charming Whitney had every chance of making a career in the modeling business. Whitney Houston's biography also contains this fact. The girl was spotted in the following American publications: Seventeen, Cosmopolitan, Glamor and Young Miss. The girl ended up filming for these magazines absolutely by accident, without planning such a turn in her destiny. Modeling career gave the woman the opportunity to try herself as a film actress. But all this did not stop her from making music and giving solo concerts.

Clive Davis in the Life of Whitney

The biography and episodes of Whitney Houston's life are closely connected with the name of Clive Davis. This man was once the president of the recording company Arista Records. In 1983, he heard Houston sing for the first time and signed a contract with her without any hesitation. He completely took the star under his patronage and wrote a clause in the contract that if it happens that he has to leave the company, then Whitney must also do this. Davis protected his ward from the evil intentions of competitors and began to lay the foundation successful career performers. But recognition did not come immediately.

The cooperation of the partners was extremely successful due to the fact that Clive truly believed in the singer’s talent. Whitney worked tirelessly, but her producer was not idle: he was looking for best poets, who would write only the most hit compositions for her. Singer Whitney Houston, whose biography is incredibly interesting, worked with such songwriters as Linda Creed, Peter McCann and other world-famous authors. The songs of these people were included in Whitney's first album, which she released in active collaboration with Davis.

First album

Whitney Houston's first album (her biography is described by many authors) was released on February 14, 1985. The album was produced by Michael Masser, George Benson-Kashif and Narad Michael Walden. It took Davis two years and $250 thousand to create this brainchild.

The success of the album was stunning. The record, called Whitney Houston, sold 14 million copies. In America, this album became the best-selling debut disc in history. Among all the solo albums that have been released by African-American female singers, this one has greatest success. It spent 14 weeks at number one on the charts and whole year was a member of Tor-40.

In 1986, Whitney's disc surpassed Madonna's records in terms of sales.

Chronology of creativity

In 1987, Whitney Houston, a biography whose years of life might still have continued if not for a fatal incident, released her second record. She saw a world called Whitney. This disc achieved no less success than its predecessor. Some songs from the collection took first place in various charts.

The third disc, released in 1990, was called I'm Your Baby Tonight. It sold eight million copies.

In 1992, Whitney Houston made her acting debut. Her biography says that the star starred in the film “Bodyguard” in the title role. In this famous film she appeared with Kevin Costner. Main song from the film I Will Always Love You brought the artist even greater popularity.

The period from 1992 to 1998 was the highlight of Houston's career. Then the singer continues to work hard on creating soundtracks, records, videos and actively tours.

Personal life

One cannot ignore the star’s personal relationships, without which Whitney Houston’s biography would be incomplete, short, like her life, but rich and vibrant. Her life has never been perfect, especially in her relationships with men. Before the girl turned 25, she had only a few fleeting romances. The engagement with the famous Eddie Murphy became the largest love adventure During this time. But Murphy was too respectable for Whitney, and she decided to break off her relationship with him. Houston wanted a passionate, bold man next to her, perhaps one who would show his strength towards her.

That guy turned out to be Bobby Charles Brown. Regular scandals, a career as a gigolo, hooligan antics and the name of his wife Whitney Houston brought him worldwide fame. No one could understand how a woman like her could throw in her lot with this klutz. Houston met her future husband at the age of thirty, when he was 25 at the time.

Whitney Houston: biography. Children, husband

The day Houston married Brown, her mother cried. Nobody approved of this marriage. But this is not the worst thing. The terrible thing was that Bobby beat his wife incredibly. The first time he raised his hand to her was after she filmed with Kevin Costner. Later, he threw her out of the car at night along with their three-year-old daughter Christina. The family was going to a concert. The couple had another fight, and Brown, in a rage, kicked his wife and child out into the street. At night, the young mother had to “vote” in order to catch a car and still get to the performance.

Whitney, who had an only daughter, Christina, seemed to enjoy regular fights and enjoyed them. Otherwise, how to explain what is so successful woman Have you endured this tyrant all your life? During their marriage, Whitney had many problems with drugs, health, and voice; her career either declined or rose to the top again. And also beatings, many severe and terrible beatings...

Whitney Houston: biography. Cause of death

The actress sometimes broke up with Bobby Brown, then got back together. And it is unknown how everything would have turned out further if not for Whitney’s death. Official reason- drowning, the diva died in all alone. This happened in one of the rooms at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. The cause of death was a combination of drugs and alcohol. This is exactly the cocktail the singer drank the day before. On the day of her death, she took a hot bath, fell asleep or lost consciousness (probably her heart could not stand it) and choked on water.

Mary Jones, Whitney's aunt, was the first to discover the star's body. Whitney Houston's biography (farewell to the legend took place in her native Newark) ended as quickly as her career began.

To see off a star on its final journey

Everyone was able to see off the superstar in last way on her small homeland. The farewell ceremony took place in the Baptist church, where young Whitney once performed. Among those present were only the artist’s closest friends and relatives. A week after her death, Houston's funeral took place. The diva was buried next to her father's grave. But in the minds of millions of people, the star continues to live, remaining just as young, beautiful, talented and cheerful, just as alive. And most importantly, her songs still delight people all over the world, which means that Houston continues to live.

In mother's footsteps

It seems that Whitney Houston's daughter, whose biography is described above, almost repeated the fate of her mother. The unconscious girl was found by her boyfriend, Nick Gordon. Bobbi Kristina lay in a filled bathtub and did not breathe. Upon arrival at the call, doctors performed artificial respiration on her and took her to the hospital, where they were forced to put her into an artificial coma.

There were many rumors about why this happened to the Whitney heiress. Some claimed that the attack was provoked by Nick's regular beatings. Other versions are related to the fact that shortly before the tragedy the girl got into a car accident, received many bruises, and in the end what happened happened.

These days, the world is mourning Whitney Houston - judging by the number of awards, the most successful singer of all time and perhaps the most beloved. We say “hardly” because no units of measurement of love have yet been invented. What is clear is that Whitney was loved by millions. And it’s even worse that she was so unhappy and lonely...

Fans suspected something was wrong and feared just such an outcome five years ago. And then it seemed that everything in Whitney’s life would get better!

After a prolonged silence (she did not appear anywhere for several years, did not perform, there was not a word about her at all - except for the news of a divorce, as well as vague and unclear conversations that the singer had depression and problems with drugs) Whitney I suddenly wrote it down new album"I Look to You" On this occasion, she was invited to her studio by Oprah Winfrey, the number one American television journalist, famous for her ability to make anyone talk! However, no one expected any special frankness on Whitney’s part. She always talked about herself very sparingly. At the same time, it could hardly be called closed. Wow, closed if she once literally turned her life inside out in all its unsightly form for the reality show “Being Bobby Brown” as the wife of the main character (cameras impartially recorded her and Bobby’s every step).

No, this is not closed! It was just hard for Whitney to talk about herself. Her life has turned out to be such that you can’t really tell anyone about it... And yet this interview was eagerly awaited. Everyone was wondering: what does Whitney Houston look like now? (IN last time she appeared on the screens on that same show “Being Bobby Brown” and made a rather painful impression.)

And now - September 14, 2009. Whitney enters Oprah Winfrey's studio. And at the same moment, the fans, glued to the screens, exhale with relief: the singer looks absolutely healthy, energetic, and perked up. Unless she’s gotten older... “Where have you been for so long? - asks Oprah Winfrey. “You haven’t released a single album in the last seven years.” The answer Whitney gave does not fit the logic by which superstars usually live.

She said: “At first I just wasn’t into it. Why pursue a career if you already have enough? I had money. I had houses, cars. I had a husband. And a child. Is anything else needed? I was just happy - for a while. And then I again had no time for a career, because problems began.” How is it that “there was no time for a career”? How is this - “is anything else needed”?! Can pop divas talk like that? Well, let's say fame is not needed (although this is amazing!), But what about her unique, magnificent voice, universally recognized as the best in the entire pop industry? Who buries SUCH talent into the ground? The answer seemed absurd to many, but it was difficult to doubt Whitney’s sincerity. She was generally very frank that day and, contrary to expectations, she told a lot of things that she had always kept quiet about (it’s not for nothing that this program was later called the best in Oprah Winfrey’s entire practice!).


But the most striking thing was that Whitney’s story revolved exclusively around Bobby Brown, although two years had already passed since their official divorce, and the spouses separated even earlier. During this time, the singer managed to acquire a new boyfriend, and new big problems with this new boyfriend, but she never even mentioned him in an interview - she only talked about Bobby. As if nothing else had ever mattered to her special significance... Just Bobby and quite a bit - singing!

Her triumphant year was 1992. It was then that the film “The Bodyguard” was released, and the whole world cried and was touched by the love story of Whitney Houston with Kevin Costner.

Alexander KOPTEV

In the still waters

Whitney Elizabeth Houston was born on August 9, 1963 in East Orange, New Jersey, USA. Her mother, Kissy Houston, was once a famous gospel singer, and her cousin, Dionne Warwick, is also a professional singer. Around the world, the Houston couple were known as quiet, even a little sleepy. In general, it’s like an average American family. But in still waters there are devils. John Huston and Emily Drinkard actually lived in complete marital harmony for many years. There was never a time in Whitney's memory when the parents quarreled or at least disagreed on any issue. All Whitney heard from them was: “You’re right, honey, do as you want!” - “I’ll do it as you want, honey!” They unanimously made... the decision to divorce. But 15-year-old Whitney lost the ability to smile for a long time. She perceived her parents' divorce as a personal tragedy. It seemed to her that they had an ideal family, but in fact her parents were connected by nothing more than a friendly feeling, and a common love for children. It turned out that the mother did not waste time on tour and had novel after novel. That the father managed to visit his mistress...

For young Whitney, it was a fantastic deception; her whole life went downhill, turned upside down. Houston's quiet and meek disposition began to cause horror, mixed with disgust. It seemed to her that behind every such person there was a real devil. From now on, she likes people who are strong and open, albeit negative, but who do not hide their vices under the guise of goodness. There were no such people in the church choir where she performed as a child, but on the stage...

Very strong and beautiful voice helped Whitney quickly gain popularity in musical environment. Soon we see her working as a backup singer for various artists. And in 1981, Whitney signed a contract with the famous manager Jim Harvey. In 1985, success was secured by an agreement with Arista Records. It was here that the singer polished her talent. We must pay tribute - they fussed with her like no one else, indulged all her whims. And here is the result: Whitney Houston's first full-length album sold 13 and a half million copies. This debut album sales record was broken only in 1996 by Alanis Morrisett.

The next work became even more legendary. Whitney is the first album recorded by a woman to reach the top of the charts, simultaneously occupying seven number one spots. Thus, the record itself The Beatles was successfully beaten.

Such was Whitney's meteoric rise. However, while dizzying successes succeeded each other, her heart lived a completely different life. And the temperature of this life was close to the boiling point.

Until she was 25, she had several meaningless affairs. The biggest among them is his engagement to Eddie Murphy, who is charming, rich, talented, famous, and most importantly, behaves very decently towards her, Whitney... Too, too decent - with this he pushed her away. Whitney needed real passion. She needed a devil who would bite into her heart, entangle it with vice, and take it by force. And such a person found her. Bobby Charles Brown became and still is.

Brown Bobby

In his black family, Bob was only child, caressed to such an extent that when he turned 16, he never wanted to work. His father got him a job at an auto repair shop, where he worked himself, but the guy would happily run away from work every afternoon and go get drunk with his friends. He was kicked out of work several times, but after a day or two he appeared there again thanks to his father. This continued until, in front of the auto repair shop where Bobby worked, the limousine of the nice guys from the rap team “Kris Kross” stalled.

The group was then at the height of its fame, and their leader Chris was thinking about producing. He liked the rude black guy. Of course, the plastic surgery was not so great, but the look! Oh, it was the look of a real sun of a bitch, a notorious scoundrel, a look on which one could make a name and money. He was offered to try, he agreed...

So “Brown” Bobby became a little black star in the rap sky. His first video with the eloquent title Bobby’s Gonna Kill You got on MTV, and Brown immediately gained fame, small, but his own. Along with it came money, not that much, but noticeable. Bobby walks left and right, not forgetting to appear in the studio every two months to record a new song. In a word, a real devil. He likes this kind of life. In addition, he starred in several Hollywood tertiary films. He is a very mediocre singer and actor. Although he would probably have his face bleeding for these words, nevertheless, it is so. In order to become the first, he lacked talent and will. All that remained in the asset was a bad character, the character of an animal, the disposition of a beast. Oh, this character was in demand at all times. And he did not let him down. Bobby meets Whitney...

They met on tour. Everything looked too classic for such an occasion: he burst into the dressing room with a huge bouquet of flowers. "For the most best voice in the world!" – he shouted and immediately went to kiss. Beside herself with indignation, Whitney sent him away. However, he came again. She sent him again. He made a circle and came again, this time presenting a diamond ring - the money for this gift, as it turned out later, he simply stole. Men, this is how to woo, at least a woman like Whitney Houston. That evening they had dinner at a restaurant. And then Bobby distinguished himself for the first time. The waiter, who was serving the next dish, awkwardly stepped on the long tablecloth, and the hodgepodge, which was standing on the edge of the table, fell into Whitney’s lap. The waiter immediately grabbed a napkin and began brushing the salt off the woman’s dress. Brown could not stand this. He stood up and in front of everyone began to make a cutlet out of the waiter. Oddly enough, Bobby's prank pleased Whitney. And although Bobby himself was severely beaten by the guards, he completed his task - the heart of the black singer was won.

Bobby Brown was 25 when they met. Whitney is thirty. He was five years younger than her. Boy!.. But what a boy! He looked least like the calm and reasonable man that seemed so disgusting to Whitney. A very bad reputation: alcoholism, countless arrests for hooliganism, and finally, three illegitimate children from different women... And here is love. Moreover, less than a year after the first date, Whitney and Brown signed. By choosing Brown as her life partner, Whitney challenged everyone. “Bobby is good because he has no secret vices,” Whitney joked in response to her friends’ warnings. Houston justified her choice in a very strange way. Does he like to let his hands go? He's a man, damn it! You never know whether Bobby will come home today or not? But you won’t get bored with him! Well, what does it matter if Bobby is not famous and talented like herself? She herself would stand up for Bobby Brown with her fists if he could not stand up for himself.


Their marriage in 1992 was called the “wedding of the decade.” Eight hundred guests, ten thousand roses, a three-meter train on the bride's dress... Parents were only on Whitney's side. Mom cried and asked to leave the rogue at all costs. The sister pointedly did not show up. Father appeared, but kept to himself all evening, trying not to meet his ex-wife, whom he did not love, and also with Bobby, whom he despised. And Whitney’s mother said, “Remember, you’re repeating my mistake.”

Immediately after the wedding, Bobby said that Whitney was not very popular and in order for people to talk about her, she needed to star in a film. Moreover, Houston was invited. The film should be called "Bodyguard". Whitney really didn’t want to act. Costner, who acted among other things as a producer, had to use all his tact to convince Whitney to sign the contract. Houston made an excuse by saying that she didn’t like the heroine at all: “a capricious, stupid prima donna”! In fact, Whitney simply did not want to part with Bobby for a minute, because filming is a grueling and long process... But Brown continued to get on her brain. “Why don’t you try? The guys will go crazy that I managed to pick up such a cool girl!” - he said, selecting “irrefutable” arguments.

Shots from “The Bodyguard” come to mind - another one classic painting about a man and a woman. If Whitney and Kevin did get married, colorful couple it would work, right? For young Houston, Costner became a real teacher acting. She played simply wonderful, demonstrating how multifaceted talent can be. The film grossed $400 million. And the soundtrack to the film became the best-selling in the history of cinema: 33 million copies. Whitney was noticed as an actress. It turned out that she can also generate income in the cinema. Filming followed in two more films – “Waiting to Exhale” and “Preacher’s wife”. And although the success of these films cannot be compared with the explosive popularity of “Bodyguard,” each of them had soundtracks that stood out in their own way. The compositions written for “Waiting to Exhale” sold 9 million copies. And the “Preacher’s wife” soundtrack became the best-selling gospel album.

Blatant masochism

However, Kevin and Whitney were together for too long film set. It was rumored that a spark ran between them mutual sympathy. In any case, towards the end of filming they were seen together in a restaurant. Whitney decides to take such a step, knowing that Bobby is sitting at home and waiting for her from filming. Bobby was indeed waiting for her, every now and then pouring whiskey into his glass. And when Whitney showed up home in the morning, she saw her husband in real anger for the first time. Later she would see this almost every day. The curtains were torn, the dishes were broken, there was a whiskey stain on the wall - Bobby threw a glass there... Brown's jealousy finally found a way out. And after he watched the film and realized that the most interesting scenes of “The Bodyguard” were almost transferred to life, Bobby completely went crazy. Envy was added to jealousy - after all, Whitney became one of the most famous women planets. Who is he, Bobby? A small singer, a small actor, a small hooligan.

The birth of his daughter Christina changed little. Bobby refused to settle down and was still more often seen at the police station than at home with his family. Once he beat up a tourist who started talking to a stranger whom Bobby himself had his eye on. Another time, he attacked with his fists a security officer at one of the Los Angeles hotels, who dared to ask Mr. Brown not to make so much noise - there was deep night, and a wild party continued in Bobby's apartment. This is exactly how Bobby compensated for his unluckiness - with noisy scandals.

Whitney herself constantly experienced her husband’s violent temper. Here they are on their way to Bobby's concert in Salt Lake City. Three-year-old Christina was sitting in Whitney's arms when suddenly another quarrel broke out between her parents. The father of the family demanded that the driver stop the bus, and in front of the astonished musicians, he threw his wife and child out the door. The concert bus moved on, and Whitney and the girl were left to “vote” - at night on a deserted highway!

But Houston, the ultimate masochist, seemed to enjoy being bullied. In any case, if Bobby had been a little less hot-tempered, a little more quiet, they would not have even met. Every time Bobby gave her a resounding slap in the face, she cried in pain, but in her heart she rejoiced and squealed with joy. However, serious scandals gave way to weeks and even months of quiet family joy, when Bobby did not row. Whitney soon got tired of this Bobby. He felt it and took it upon himself. After another such “honeymoon,” Whitney went to the clinic... with a laceration on her face. She and Bobby went on a yacht ride Mediterranean Sea. Houston tried to make an excuse by saying that she had cut herself on the rocks while diving, but it was clear to everyone that the wound that left an ugly scar on her face was the work of Bobby. It turned out that he threatened her with a knife, almost taking her life. But what is life, dull, boring, in comparison with the secret of unbridled, animal love? Brown was condemned by everyone except Whitney herself. The Russian wisdom turned out to be unexpectedly close to her passionate soul: “If he hits, it means he loves.”

Five years of married life were spent in endless showdowns, quarrels, fights and altercations. Whitney didn’t even have time to pursue her own career: during this time she didn’t release a single album! She forgave her husband everything, even the three miscarriages that happened on nervous soil. She tried to justify and protect him, no matter what he did. I tried to prove to myself that this is how crazy love should be, unique and for life, not similar to the feelings and lives of boring and indifferent people...

Mixed with this was a feeling of security. Bobby had everything real woman can expect from a real man. Paradoxically, for all Bobby's immorality, he was a real fortress for Whitney. The singer likes to repeat, and this is not disingenuous: “Bobby is a real man. He is kind and affectionate, constantly takes care of me, I feel completely safe with him. He will kick anyone who even dares to touch me.”

However, one day the singer’s patience ran out. Whitney told Bobby that it was over between them. This was in 1997. A year later, Whitney releases a new solo album- this is after an eight-year break! The voice problems that had constantly plagued her since her wedding stopped. Music critics claimed that Whitney had never been in such good shape as she was now. But the plot goes further. Everything is like in a melodrama.

The restless Brown realized that the world without Whitney was not pleasant to him. He resigned to all his girlfriends, underwent treatment at an anti-alcohol clinic, and most importantly, he again began to touchingly look after Whitney: he invited her on dates, gave her flowers. And Houston's heart melted again...

Again, hour and a half delays to rehearsals began, filming was disrupted, concerts were canceled under the pretext of sudden illness... Cocaine was added to this. In August of this year, in Concord, California, literally 15 minutes before the start, Houston announced that she would not go on stage and did not care about a penalty of 100 thousand dollars... She again began to have problems with her voice. More and more often, she discovers that she is not able to normally sing more than one song, and instead of the famous five octaves, she can barely manage two. Her concerts are often saved only by backing vocals...

In 2000, at a concert in Los Angeles, Whitney took the stage pretty nervous. The day before, she had quarreled again with her husband - Bobby came home very tipsy, and he again smelled of someone else's perfume... And most importantly, the slap in the face that he gave her in response to the question: “Where have you been, dear?”... In a word. , Whitney had no time for singing. However, from auditorium Thousands of eyes were looking at her, and she had to pull herself together. The superstar worked through the program without any inspiration, all that remained was to perform it in the final famous hit from “The Bodyguard” - I Will Always Love You... The audience was anticipating Whitney’s “signature” five-octave chant, but at the most crucial moment, requiring special vocal virtuosity, Houston suddenly fell silent. Thank God, brother Harry Houston (he worked for Whitney in the team of backing vocalists for a long time) came to his senses in time. The chorus began to sing at full blast... Backstage, Harry flew up to his sister: “What happened, Whitney?” “I don’t know,” she barely whispered. The reason is chronic stress, drugs,” said the medical verdict.

From the tenacious paws of "drags"

She wasn't going to give up. Houston took her health seriously and a couple of months later she went to a nervous clinic to get rid of her voice problems once and for all. But all this time she stayed with Bobby. And he slowly began to return to his old ways. While Whitney was being treated, his car was shot at by an unknown person. It turned out that there was a certain charming blonde in the salon, the wife was very jealous husband... Whitney learned about all this from the newspapers, and this did not add to her either joy or health. The singer was faced with a choice: keep her crazy love and stop being Whitney Houston, a superstar and idol of millions, or, having parted with Bobby, take octave after octave, without fear of again being a fish on stage with her mouth silently open...

She could not fully decide on either one or the other, continuing to hang over the abyss, pulled apart by two passions. She was forced to call for help from her old 80-year-old father, who from now on looked after her daughter, monitored financial affairs, and, in general, ran Whitney’s “business.” But most importantly, he decided to pull the singer out of the tenacious clutches of drag. And strange as it may seem - what kind of alliances life throws up! – Bobby Brown was now at the same time with him.

He himself was not a little afraid for his wife’s health. On July 31, 2000, he returned from prison, where he was imprisoned for two months for breaking the finger of a policeman who was trying to detain him. Bobby caught Whitney in the bathroom. She lay on the cold tiled floor without any signs of consciousness. And then Brown, insensitive Brown, suddenly realized that his wife would not last long: the “stupidity” would devour her without a trace. He felt sorry for his wife. He carried her onto the bed. Whitney slowly came to her senses. She started having convulsions. And then Bobby began to cry, perhaps for the first time in his life. He realized that his precious wife, whom he beat but loved, without whom he could not imagine his life, could die in one night.

The next day, Bobby tried to persuade Whitney to get treatment, but all arguments were defeated by her stubbornness. And then help came from above. Houston was weeks away from her trial for a marijuana arrest at a Hawaii airport. She faced 30 days in prison. It is unknown what frightened Whitney more: the shame of prison or the fear of being behind bars without drugs. The lawyers informed her that it was possible to avoid punishment, but she had to pay a fine and pass a test for the presence of narcotic substances in her blood, which, of course, had to be negative.

Bobby immediately took charge of the detoxification. He searched the whole house and threw out all the “stupid”. Whitney suffered from withdrawal symptoms, and every day, every hour, her suffering became more and more unbearable. She called out to Bobby, demanding to sprinkle it on the mirror. But Bobby was adamant. He only allowed her to smoke regular cigarettes. And he sat next to her, wiping the sweat from her forehead, kissing her tenderly and whispering words of tenderness. And she scolded him last words and cursed at the world. In response, Bobby cried, prayed and indulged her every whim.

At night she woke up from nightmares in a cold sweat, but Bobby was always there. The detoxification process was difficult. Whitney had seizures panic horror, stomach cramps, insomnia and vomiting. Every cell in her craved cocaine. But, in the end, Whitney Houston took the test and received a negative result: no traces of drugs were found. A decade of pleasure from dabbling in cocaine cost the singer 750 thousand dollars, not counting her poor health.

Little by little, Whitney's life returned to normal. This was followed by a contract concluded between Arista Studios and Whitney Houston for one hundred million dollars. Would such money be paid for a missing person? Of course not. Whitney is still quite young, so perhaps she is in her prime creative career just ahead. There were and are happy moments in her life: applause, flowers, interviews, photo shoots, royal receptions, in a word, recognition. There were and are joint projects with Ricky Martin, Enrique Iglesias, and other wonderful musicians, you can’t count them all. Despite, or perhaps despite, a complicated personal life, alcohol, drugs and nervous breakdowns, Whitney continues to remain a great singer, pop diva, who has sold more than 140 million records to date. It seems that this expensive, cracked vase was appreciated.

A source of information:

Academy Magazine, November, 2001.

It is generally accepted that the future of children in star families has already been established in advance: big name parents opens all doors and promises well-being and prosperity. And children become problematic when they fall under bad influence. But it can be provided not only by poorly educated friends, but also by their own parents.

Bobbi Kristina's parents were the most talented people who deserved their star status, - Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown. But it was from them that the girl inherited the most destructive habits.

Brown was famous not only for his popular musical compositions, but also for his addiction to drugs.


Whitney had a similar situation: her addiction to drugs and alcohol addiction was no secret to anyone (however, she adopted these habits from her beloved husband, who made Whitney not only have fun, but also suffer, regularly raising his hand against his wife).

Mom and dad could hardly serve as role models for the minor Christina. A bad example is contagious, so Whitney and Bobby's daughter did not perceive smoking and drinking as something forbidden and inappropriate.

Troubled teenager

Much of Christina’s personal life became public: information spread online that cigarettes could be seen in her hands from the age of 14, and as soon as she turned 18, a scandal broke out regarding drug use. Christina's ex-boyfriend published a photo of Christina using cocaine. The girl hastened to announce that the picture had been edited and that she considered her ex-boyfriend’s act to be vile revenge. Gossipers then said in unison that the daughter decided to follow in the footsteps of her mother. The truth, of course, is known only to herself, but Christina’s justification was still not heard: her reputation has since been considerably damaged, and Bobbi Kristina has not been able to regain her good name.

Death of Whitney Houston

Fotodom / Rex Features

On February 11, 2012, Houston suffered cardiac arrest. On the eve of the 54th Grammy Awards, the singer was found unconscious in her room at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills. The cause of death was the use of a cocktail of cocaine, marijuana and a sedative, as a result of which Whitney’s heart gave out and she drowned unconscious in the bathroom. For Bobbi Kristina, this was an unbearable blow, which immediately had a severe impact on her mental state. The girl ended up in one of the local Los Angeles hospitals with a nervous breakdown, which occurred immediately after the police did not allow her to see her mother’s body while searching for evidence. Janet Jackson later tried to help her with advice, but Christina still had to endure the pain of loss herself, alone.

Christina's strange love


Breakdown Christina attracted the public's attention to her even more. It soon became known that Christina was in a loving relationship with her half-brother, Whitney's adopted son Nick Gordon. Therefore, a barrage of accusations fell on the girl again. Her grandmother also spoke out against it, but Bobbi Kristina flatly refused to listen to outside opinions, even if it belonged to a close relative. As a result, the girl decided to become the creator of her own happiness and, not paying attention to gossip, arranged her life with Nick - they planned to get married, contrary to the statements of all ill-wishers.

Beginning of the End

On January 31 of this year, 22-year-old Bobbi Kristina was found unconscious at home, after which doctors, in an attempt to save the girl, put her into an artificial coma. The main versions of what happened are an accident or a suicide attempt. At the end of April, Bobbi Kristina woke up, but, according to her grandmother Cece Houston, the girl’s brain was left “irreparably damaged” and her condition was extremely unstable. While relatives prayed for the life of the youngest Houston, unpleasant details of her personal life became known. Nick Gordon, Bobbi Kristina's half-brother and boyfriend, has been formally charged with beating her and stealing money from the girl's bank card. The Superior Court of Fulton County, Georgia, received a claim from Bobbi Kristina's representatives that Nick Gordon caused her "substantial bodily harm" and then withdrew $11,000 from her bank card. The altercation reportedly took place the day before tragic event. The young man was the first to find the unconscious girl and call an ambulance. Nick Gordon himself has not yet commented on the Houston family's accusations.

Goodbye Bobbi Kristina

“She finally found peace in the hands of the Lord. We want to thank everyone again for great amount love and support over the past few months,” the girl’s relatives told reporters a few hours after her death on July 26. Nothing is still known about what happened six months ago between Bobbi Kristina and her boyfriend in her house on the eve of the tragedy.

Whitney Houston is a singer who, without a doubt, can be called one of the greatest performers in the history of the world. music industry. The total circulation of her albums has exceeded 170 million copies.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the total number of her awards and titles is the largest among all performers on our planet.

Many of her compositions have long received cult status and were recognized as one of the brightest musical works in the history of our planet. Probably today there is not a person in the world who has not heard the songs of this great performer at least once.

Everyone knows her. That is why in our article today we will try to talk about that Whitney Houston who was rarely captured by camera lenses. About that woman who was simply herself - charming and terrible, changeable and contradictory. Leaving Whitney the singer out of the picture, today we will try to talk about her as the most an ordinary person. After all, it is this facet of our soul that has always been more important than everything else.

Whitney Houston's early years, childhood and family

Whitney Houston was born on August 9, 1963 in the American city of Newark (New Jersey). She was the youngest of three children, and therefore early childhood the girl was always surrounded by love and care.

Her parents were representatives of the Baptist church, and therefore from the first years of her life the church musical art played important role in the fate of the young singer.

The girl was a soloist in a gospel choir and studied singing from local masters. In addition, the fact that her mother Cece, as well as her cousin Dionne Warwick, were real stars in the black areas of Newark played a huge role in the fate of our today’s heroine. Black listeners literally carried them in their arms. Therefore, from childhood, Whitney Houston had a clear idea of ​​what life was like. pop star and the mysterious world behind the scenes.

In her youth, she began to travel frequently with her mother, and also periodically perform at her concerts. Some time later, the young singer also began working as a backing vocalist for the famous artist Chaka Khan. Moving from step to step, Whitney Houston systematically made her way into the world of American show business. She performed in bars and clubs, and therefore by the early eighties she had two lucrative contracts with record companies.

However real success came to our today's heroine only in 1983. During this period, the girl signed a contract with the Arista Records label and began work on her solo album.

Whitney Houston's success on the music stage and in films

The performer’s first album, laconicly titled “Whitney Houston,” was released in 1985. The album became quite successful. The singer's singles were played on all radio stations in the country. Therefore, already two years later on the shelves music stores The singer’s second album, “Whitney,” appeared in North America.

From that moment on, her career began to gradually gain momentum. Prestigious awards appeared in the performer’s personal collection one after another. The geography of concert tours was constantly growing and expanding. A striking achievement in the singer’s career was also her performance before the final match of the FNL (American Football League). This episode colorfully shows the level of popularity that the singer had during the period under review.

Whitney Houston – I Will Always Love You

In 1990, Whitney released her third album, and two years later she made her film debut, playing main role V legendary film"Bodyguard". The film received international success, and therefore, already in 1992, the performer’s work reached a fundamentally new level. As a global superstar, Whitney Houston has traveled the world. Her composition “I will always love you" became a super hit, and many years later was even recognized as one of the most striking songs in the history of mankind.

Subsequently, as an established superstar, the singer recorded four more albums, the last of which was released in 2009. Almost all of it music life flowed at some stratospheric heights, and already in the mid-90s Whitney Houston managed to become one of the most commercially successful singers in the history of the music industry.

Success accompanied the singer’s other projects. She starred in five popular films, and also played in several television series. In addition, in the world of cinema, Whitney also worked as a producer. That is why many said that great singer magnificent in all creative forms.

Whitney Houston's personal life and accompanying scandals

...Only in the singer’s personal life everything was not so rosy. IN different years she had an affair with football player Randall Cunningham, famous actor Eddie Murphy, as well as her longtime friend Robin Crawford, who worked as her assistant. The singer has repeatedly denied the fact of having a love and sexual relationship with the girl, but the paparazzi have repeatedly proven the opposite with many scandalous photographs.

In 1989, Houston began dating singer Bobby Brown, and this affair, in fact, became the beginning of the end for her. In 1992, the couple announced their marriage, and some time later rumors about the singer’s problems with alcohol and drugs began to appear in the press. The reason for discussions was also often her unnatural thinness and the presence of beatings on the artist’s body. During this period, she often ended up in hospitals and prisons. Some time later, it became known that Whitney Houston had two miscarriages one after another.

Despite the obvious problems in family life, in 1993, the singer finally managed to give birth to a child. Her daughter Christina was born in early March. However, the idyll in family relationships Whitney and Bobby didn't last long.

The singer's problems with alcohol and drugs have not gone away. Moreover, her husband also had similar difficulties. The couple's relationship developed in leaps and bounds during that period. Periods of calm were followed by high-profile litigation, high-profile scandals, mutual accusations of treason and

What did Whitney Houston die from?

The singer legalized her long-overdue divorce from Bobby Brown only in 2007. After this, the singer underwent a successful course of treatment for drug addiction. But decisive steps, as it turned out, were taken too late. Five years later, the singer died in the bathroom of a Los Angeles hotel due to sudden cardiac arrest. After tests were carried out, cocaine was again found in the singer’s blood.