Subconscious programming - reality or fiction? Programming our consciousness Categories of programming consciousness and subconsciousness.

Subconscious programming is easy! This subconscious programming technique will help you implement the desired command in just 1 day!

From the moment of birth, every person has a tool with which he can influence the world around him - this is his subconscious. But you need to have access to this tool. Programming the subconscious with the “Virus” technique quickly gives results!

What is the subconscious really?

Our subconscious¹ is our personal genie, which is just waiting for our orders. But the fact is that the orders need to be translated into a language that he understands; the subconscious does not perceive ordinary requests. If you make friends with your subconscious and find an approach to it, you will create your own reality and begin to live the life you have always dreamed of.

There are several ways to influence the subconscious - these are techniques for fulfilling desires, various rituals, etc. However, these methods do not always work.

Why don't wishes always come true?

There are many reasons why our signals-desires do not reach the subconscious or are perceived incorrectly by it. One of the main factors blocking our desires is fear.

Fear prevents us from getting what we want. The strength of fear is proportional to the strength of our desire.

This is one of the most powerful emotions that can drown out any signals sent.

How to program the subconscious and get results?

The “Virus” subconscious programming technique is a kind of wish fulfillment technique, but it directly affects our subconscious.

Everything that surrounds us is our materialized thoughts, which our subconscious has processed and accepted. Our five senses transmit information to the brain, and it sends this information to the subconscious in the form of images.

The brain processes a colossal flow of information non-stop, and it is very difficult to select what is needed to begin materializing our desires. Programming the subconscious with the help of a “virus” allows us to highlight in the subconscious exactly the thought that is most important to us.

Programming the subconscious by example!

Choose any subject that you know well and can imagine in your imagination. For example, pineapple. Our task is to introduce this image into the subconscious, like a computer virus. To do this, everything that catches your eye, for example, a chair, a window, a cat, a tree, etc. need to be visually replaced with pineapple. Gradually, the pineapple will completely fill your world.

What does this give?

It is in this simple visualization that the programming of the subconscious lies. If you do the exercise during the day, then by the evening a person will begin to see pineapple everywhere. At the same time, his subconscious will process the same flow of information, but this image of the pineapple will become the main one.

ATTENTION! You don't have to want the pineapple, you don't have to worry about whether you'll get it or not. It's important to just see it.

The brain will “see” pineapple everywhere and transmit this image to the subconscious. The subconscious, analyzing the information received during the day, will “see” that the image of the pineapple was the most frequently repeated. Then he will consider that this is a priority task and will begin to attract the pineapple into real life. How?

The subconscious is our higher “I”, which is connected with the higher energies of the Universe. By processing the image, the subconscious transmits the corresponding vibrations to the Universe and attracts similar energies. As a result, the density of these energies increases, and the desired object materializes in our life. Thus, subconscious programming is the easiest and fastest way to get what we want.

Important BUT!

It is better to imagine what you want without any emotions!

Various emotions, doubts, hopes make the signal much weaker. Moreover, if the signal is accompanied by thoughts, the result may be unpredictable.

For example, you think “Pineapple, how delicious it is...” If the subconscious mind perceives the word “delicious” as the main image, then, for example, you may be presented with a box of chocolates.

If the word “joy” serves as an order, then you can experience the joy of meeting...

Therefore, programming the subconscious should not be accompanied by any thoughts or emotions. It is important to focus only on a clear object.

Where is the best place to start?

Remember that the Universe does not have a scale of values. For her, nothing is expensive or cheap. We establish this ourselves. But in order for the influence on the subconscious to be successful, masters advise you to first believe in yourself. To do this, it is better to start programming the subconscious with simple images that do not evoke any emotions.

Over time, when the technique of programming the subconscious is mastered, you can move on to more “complex” tasks or work with several images at once.

How quickly does the result come?

It has been noticed that subconscious programming usually produces results within a few days, usually no longer than a week.

Even worse than biorobots programmed for certain behavioral stereotypes are those who have already completely degraded and have lost even the ability to act freely. These are those who are popularly called “possessed” by an evil spirit or zombie. These are those who have already completely lost even the ability to control their own body and are just a puppet in the hands of dark entities from a parallel world.

However, the difference from them to an ordinary average person, subject to all weaknesses, is not very great. He is also controlled, but only more “subtly”, while giving the illusion of freedom. It seems to a person that it is his own thoughts and beliefs that force him to act during emotional outbursts and violent manifestations of feelings. In fact, he himself often cannot rationally explain the nature of his actions, because, losing his inner balance, he temporarily loses control over his body and becomes a “zombie.”

Thus, the difference between the average person and a “zombie” is that he is not a “zombie” all the time, but from time to time. In all other cases (with rare exceptions), he is a “biorobot”, possessing a certain degree of freedom, within the framework of generally accepted dogmas and restrictions imposed on him.

This illusory freedom makes us dependent on the opinions of other people and on everything that they consider right or wrong, bad or good. This is a “game” of stupidity, stupidity and limited perception, which is imposed on us from childhood and obliges us to play by someone else’s rules.

But those who set these rules are not the people around us. Most other people, no matter how great and infallible they may seem, are the same submissive and weak victims of circumstances, whom the dark entities of other worlds use as stupid and brainless “cash cows” in terms of feeding them with energy.

This is precisely why all the quarrels, squabbles, hatred, enmity, contempt and mistrust are needed - since, losing internal balance, a person “spills out” his life energy into the surrounding space, which immediately becomes food for other entities.

It was for this purpose that they “gifted” us a certain foreign device, which in fact has nothing in common with ourselves - a sense of self-importance that can be compared to a kind of “milking machine” that deprives us of vital energy. And this energy is the basis of our health, our abilities, our undistorted perception of reality and our true freedom.

And everyone is free to make their own choice: whether to be a “zombie,” remain a “biorobot,” or achieve real freedom. But only the latter will open for him the whole range of parapsychological phenomena and paranormal abilities, right down to the art of longevity and preservation of youth.

All this talk about “zombies” and “biorobots” may seem like just scary fairy tales to a mind fooled by materialistic propaganda, but modern scientific achievements indicate that these are not fairy tales at all, but a reality that has become the scourge of humanity.

Thus, studies have shown that not only psychotropic devices, but also ordinary advertising is a way of “programming” certain human behavior. After all, almost all commercials contain an obvious or hidden element of eroticism, influencing a person’s subconscious. Here's how researcher I. Shlionskaya explains it:

“Research has found that for most people, information containing certain stimuli causes subconscious tension and anxiety. Now imagine that there is an advertisement on TV in which a man and a woman drink a soft drink while making love. A vague anxiety arises in the subconscious of the audience, and the advertisement inspires them - buy this product and you will be happy! And in order to get rid of obsessive thoughts about sex, from the desire caused by advertising of the drink, they buy it.”

Films program our behavior in a similar way: action films and thrillers program for murder and cruelty, porn films for sexual promiscuity, melodramas for a certain stereotype of “suffering” love. At the same time, unbeknownst to himself, a person begins to imitate the heroes of his favorite programs, films, books, acting according to the “program” of behavior they propose.

In the same way, behavioral stereotypes are imposed on us by parents, teachers and other people around us. This can be called the first level of “programming” of a person, when he, thinking that he is free in his actions, actually subconsciously repeats the actions and mistakes of others. Therefore, he is no longer a free person.

But there is a second, stronger level of programming our behavior, which is called information coding. The essence of this method is that the human consciousness is capable of perceiving only 24 frames per second, and if you use the 25th frame for certain information, then the consciousness will no longer perceive this information. It will be perceived only by the subconscious, which takes any suggestion on faith (remember the experiments of hypnotists). In this case, not only visual information is used, but also sound information, which is also beyond the threshold of perception of consciousness.

Such tricks are widely used for advertising purposes and for quickly learning foreign languages. If in one case a person quickly masters a foreign language, then in another, for some unknown reason, he begins to trust certain goods and give preference only to them.

In the same way, you can program a person’s behavior towards certain individuals. If you are “pulled” to one person for no reason and “repulsed” away from another, if for no reason at all you trust one person and do not believe anything in another, then you have become a victim of someone’s evil machinations associated with manipulation of your subconscious. Love spells used in magic are also methods of encoding the subconscious. However, it is technical coding methods that pose the greatest danger.

A person can be coded for obesity, alcoholism, smoking. However, intelligence services in many countries use coding for less harmless purposes. Thus, while watching films, television shows or psychotherapeutic sessions, a person can be coded to self-destruct from a code phrase or word, as well as to commit murder. Moreover, after the code phrase, a person completely loses control over his mind and body. He becomes a real “zombie” and after completing the program of actions and actions laid down in the subconscious (if he remains alive) he remembers absolutely nothing about them.

According to Doctor of Medical Sciences L.P. Grimak, a hypnologist with 40 years of experience, after appropriate hypnosis sessions, a person begins to carry out any programs embedded in him, completely without realizing it. This is called mild zombification. The next level of zombification is associated with programming using strong drugs and hypnosis. In this case, the person resembles a wound-up mechanism or a wind-up toy, acting in accordance with the program embedded in it. Moreover, the number of programs embedded in one person is almost unlimited. Such programming is often used by both intelligence services and religious sects.

All this fully explains many inexplicable suicides of political figures and religious sectarians. After all, suicide is the best way to eliminate unwanted witnesses. On the other hand, intelligence agencies actively use programmed killers, in whose subconscious there may sometimes be several different “programs” with their own triggering “keys.”

It is the human subconscious that is a biological computer, and therefore subject to programming. Therefore, only through the development of our consciousness and conscious efforts can we free ourselves from all the programs and stereotypes imposed on us. To do this, it is necessary that consciousness ceases to be an appendage of the biocomputer (ego-system) and begins to manage its own biocomputer, and not vice versa, as is the case with most people. Then no one except you yourself will be able to influence the subconscious (biocomputer) and determine your behavior.

Sergey Shleiko and the “World of Reality” program are with you.

Let's consider such a concept as " programming consciousness and subconscious", some matrix approach, the algorithmic approach is formulaic, how can you relate to such concepts, how to use them to identify certain approaches to improving yourself, to correct certain manifestations of your behavior, worldview or some other aspects of existence in the so-called allegory mode, in the comparison mode here this template matrix approach as a set of certain programs and elements that fill the matrix of the so-called sample form with some specific contents and somehow this model of perception, the model of self-awareness through structuring, some ordering of ideas about oneself, contributes to the improvement of oneself.

So, let me remind you that this is still an allegory, it is a kind of simplified approach, primarily focused on the perception by consciousness of a certain logical, understandable construction of ideas about oneself as different parts in comparison with a certain computer system in order to In this image, it was possible to build a consistent or parallel path of development and improvement, without going far into some immeasurable concepts that are so metaphysical or esoteric that they can raise more questions than answers, because as you grow, develop, the scale of consciousness and readiness this consciousness to perceive vibrations, energies, some concepts expands and the transition to some true terminology, deeper, less understandable, it will be adequate. At the initial stage of studying oneself, awareness and attempts to transform oneself in some direction, unknown concepts will cause fear, rejection, doubts and unnecessary manifestations of vibrations that will not be useful. Therefore, this approach of programming yourself, programming consciousness and subconscious, the formation of a certain matrix of yourself, a certain technical approach - this is just one of the forms convenient for starting, for quick changes in your life, and then in this form you can swap some parameters, rename them, find a dozen more alternative points vision. This is just one of the convenient models that may suit you as a tool for self-development through this prism, through this focus.

Let's try to look at a person as a kind of computer, as a kind of hardware software environment. And in this sense, consciousness will be the computer screen and what is displayed on this screen, identified in the process of focus of attention, concentration, visual image, brain, some other parameters of reading, perceiving information. That is, a computer as a large complex of connecting consciousness, subconscious and superconscious. The screen is one of the parts in the form of demonstrating a certain surface part of the iceberg - this is logical and understandable, this is such a part of this image of the computer matrix approach. And, accordingly, the focus of attention also occurs through certain muscular efforts, like a mouse that clicks on some buttons on the screen, opens some folders, closes them, launches some programs. This is all the mode or modes of consciousness, that is, consciousness that interacts through the mouse, through the gaze of the structure, the software environment that exists inside some kind of computer, some kind of hard drive and opens different programs, launching them, studying, exploring - this is all modes of consciousness that highlight certain areas of your being or the programs that you have, somehow communicate and work with them.

Thus, the transition to the concept of the subconscious in this comparison is a transition to certain system folders, to certain content elements of some individual programs or software complexes, not just a finished product with which consciousness interacts, without understanding how these complexes or programs are organized , and already with each individual element, with its isolation into some definitions, characteristics, content of some interchangeable or complementary elements with the possibility of studying each of the elements separately, with the possibility of combining these elements into different systems that will be different give some results. In this sense, this is the subconscious that sleeps in us or, say, works in modes that we are not yet aware of - this is all that volume, an array of information on the hard drive in some digital codes that do not just exist in a chaotic order , but are combined according to some principles, rules into separate programs, programs are combined into some existing processes that either work autonomously or are launched as needed. That is, there is the same operating system that combines actions with the mouse, pressing a button, visualization of consciousness and internal subconscious processes, the so-called programs that are launched or already exist thanks to the click.

And we come to understand the connection of that very logic, that very consciousness with that very subconscious, with those very manifestations, one might say, of spiritual qualities, that is, with internal processes based on the spiritual origin of you as a kind of multidimensional infinite entity, and this big an array of numbers for the soul is the language it speaks, what it reads. A set of variables - for her this is not some kind of mystery and not some numbers, codes, signs, symbols, a set of variables, but clear, specific elements of existence, vibrations, energy fields, whatever. In this example, I simply use allegory with subconscious programs. Connecting these two modes of computer operation inside the operating system is actually an integration of the logic of consciousness with the soul, with the subconscious and an attempt through this connection to somehow study oneself, express oneself, interact with some other external systems, computers, connect to the Internet or connect to some local systems. That is, the Internet is in this example, in this model, all the people, the community, the Universe, which somehow through some communication channels, in this case as the image of the Internet, interacts with us according to some principles that you determine with on your side, and those program, the environment with which you connected through this cable, so to speak, Wi-Fi on the other side.

On the other hand, it turns out that this is a local connection without the Internet - these are some kind of relatives, close friends, family relationships, and so on. That is, for now we are gradually enumerating the basic concepts so that this picture of the approach more or less emerges. Thus, if we talk about programming oneself, about programming one’s consciousness, reprogramming the subconscious as a kind of model, in order to approach this process, one must study what kind of programs they are, where they live, what is generally called a program, from what elements it consists. Here everything becomes simple and clear that some of our qualities, I don’t know, joy, sadness, sadness, some other emotions or some of our elements of worldviews, ideas about ourselves, some skills, developed stereotypes of behavior - these are all these elements of programs, on the one hand, conscious parts in your personality, which are present in some folders in the form of some icons, on the other hand, in the form of some specific code, a pattern of actions not launching some internal program elements in the subconscious, which, thanks to this stimulus-reaction, triggers some other chain of internal processes, either in the head, or in energy fields, or in the chakras, or in some other systems. These are just models that represent what is happening. And from the point of view of studying changes in these programs, there are certain stages of evolution, or something, in improvement.

To begin with, we, beginners, use ordinary consciousness programs and certain stereotypes, the so-called pre-installed package. Born, raised, I don’t know, by the age of twenty he has this set of programs, because in this territory these programs are standard, typical. Then you decide where to go with your programs, preferences, and interests. You begin to improve, to change yourself, that is, to clarify in which cases certain approaches, templates, programs work, and in which they do not work. From a beginner there is a retraining into the mode of an operator who, as an experienced computer user, knows how to press buttons, somehow knows how to change his mood, attitude, demonstrate certain aspects of himself not in a reactive mode, when he does not understand what is happening to him and why he behaves this way, but with a certain choice: now I will act like this, here I will behave like this, here, for example, a program of laughter, here a program of some kind of ignoring, and here we will turn on some kind of mentoring mode. So figuratively. An operator, an experienced user of himself as a manifestation of himself in certain aspects, demonstration, protrusion of certain facets.

The next stage is a certain system administrator, who, with an experienced eye, studies the whole complex of these manifestations, programs, somehow shows a close connection with them, setting up, debugging, adjusting for each person in each situation, each association of people, trying to build an adequate set of settings, internal approaches to the manifestation of certain qualities, moods, relationships, and so on. Next comes the programmer, that is, the one who gets inside the program and can change codes somewhere superficially, somewhere deeply, can create his own programs, that is, form his own qualities, based on a deep study of processes.

We won't go much further just yet. It is clear that, in addition to the individual programmer, there is also a whole industry for creating these programs and their installation, implementation, replacement, maintenance as a certain further stage. It is clear that we need to start from the beginner phase, we need to start from the operator phase. Without going through these modes of exploiting oneself in this allegory as in some kind of systemic filling of yours, this matrices some concepts, a rearrangement that helps to detail what is happening. And the opportunity to manage this happening, to do something about it, an attempt to immediately move into the software product manufacturer industry obviously looks stupid. How can you be a software developer if you don’t know how to write these codes?

That is, yes, there are some approaches, if we take a comparison with some of our classical industries, that, having experience in systematization, you can recruit programmers, in our case some meditative techniques, some step-by-step restructuring algorithms as ready-made templates, these programmers will work inside you . That is, the software package as a set of techniques is also quite good. Some kind of disk with a collection of programs that are not written themselves, it is not clear how they work, but something integral, like some kind of operating environment that may exist, there may well be such examples too.

We can say that most of those present here have not yet reached the phase of producing programs for human existence; this is some kind of divine subtle plan of interaction with the higher world or the interaction of the higher world with us as a more advanced level of development, evolution and the ability to realize all these multifaceted processes and implement it not just on an individual person, but on some large arrays, and then these elements of manifestation through these so-called programs, it becomes just the next step in evolution. While we are not there, while we are in bodies and still cannot control ourselves, we do not fully control our consciousness, talking about the subconscious, or even more so about some models of controlling the subconscious at the next stage, is a little premature, a little presumptuous. This is just a way of thinking about where evolution is heading. And when we get there, we’ll come back to this and talk more substantively.

For now, we stop at the level of our consciousness, at the level of our subconscious, the very programs that are launched, those elements of these programs that can change and be rebuilt.

Categories of programming consciousness and subconsciousness

– There are useful programs, that is, those that give you, when you use them, with their approach some kind of necessary, expected, positive, effective result that contributes to your progress in the direction where you planned to move. So-called useful programs.

– The second option is unhelpful, that is, you do something over and over again, something doesn’t work out for you either in general or in particular, or some kind of sediment is not right, or tension arises when moving, that is, something then in that set of you as a set of some programs there is present, which, as it were, still interferes, harms. In general, the locomotive is moving, but some wheels are squeaking, something is not fully lubricated, and somewhere is breaking. The so-called standard mode of movement, in which there is no such ideal, standard, stationary mechanism that does not move until everything is brought to perfection. There are current approaches, something works, something is being rethought and getting in the way, it is present. So-called interfering, limiting programs, brakes, attachments, some energy blocks, some diseases, some negative addictions and character traits - that is, this is all about negative programs.

– And there is a third category of programs - these are the so-called experimental, unknown copyrighted or new programs. New behavior, new manifestation, something that did not exist, not identified in your or in the general conceptual apparatus.

The manifestation of these programs as something that has some clear boundaries and the possibility of demonstrations and manifestations, but does not yet have any unambiguous definition and identification to one category or another. That is, some neutral programs that just came out, you just came up with them, you just decided to play them, and it remains to be seen whether they will be useful, whether they will produce results, whether they will advance you in your life’s progress or, on the contrary, stop you. Those same experimental programs, interaction with which is carried out carefully or exploratoryly. And, in fact, the combination of these three useful, unhelpful and some neutral new programs - each time, based on the combination of these or other manifestations of yours, it always gives some new vector of something unknown. That is, useful programs are constantly changing, you are improving and a number of qualities are being rewritten, reprogrammed, removed. Negative programs take on a different form, decrease in size, transform, and new ones take their place as lessons that interest you. And this combination of the known and the unknown, useful and not, gives a certain new vector where you are interested in moving. What’s there, behind that door, and what will happen if I do this? This is the most creative process of creating something new that was not in your library, in your practice, with some clear conclusions. That is, these three categories of your programs, conscious and subconscious, are like blocks, structures, building blocks that make up matrix behavior, manifestations that I highlight.

There are two more categories that overlap these three, they are from a slightly different angle. These are your programs, the so-called author’s, there are other people’s programs, that is, something that you have developed, it is clear that through the prism of someone else’s external experience, but still, having independently gone through the steps, realized and applied, demonstrated, and you can interact with these programs and their manifestation at the level of, let’s say, a programmer. Your programs, which you wrote and created yourself, you master them perfectly. Yes, there are already programs that you, as a non-programmer, but as an operator or as a beginner, depending on the complexity of your behavior programs, simply have in your arsenal, they already exist or are sleeping, waiting for you to launch them, or on a signal Somehow they start automatically. They are strangers. They are not bad, not good, just someone’s programs, because you had them at birth, and they were installed on you, imposed on you in the process of learning and development, you somehow became familiar with them, they were simply thrown into your luggage, without understanding them yet, without disassembling them them into parts, that is, these two categories are your programs, not your programs.

And it turns out such an interesting approach within the framework of this reprogramming of oneself, reprogramming the consciousness or subconscious, which reveals the structure, levels of ideas about oneself, starting with some environment, behavior, skills, some beliefs and thoughts, points of view, continuing with worldviews , ideas about oneself, forming a so-called model of an advanced personality or parsing personality into certain levels. These levels are very similar and this approach, stage by floor, was taken into account both from the theory of logical levels of Dilts and from Maslow’s levels, that is, in principle, the chakra system is all the characteristics of the same concepts, the hierarchy of ideas about oneself, just different language: more technical, more esoteric, psychological, business. That is, these approaches are about the same thing, only created from different sides in different languages ​​for different levels of perception, aimed at different users, consumers, and it is clear that they were also formed by different authors from different worldviews.

And on these floors you have different programs of some quality, content, and quantity. These programs exist autonomously somewhere and are launched in something prescribed by you or someone else, depending on whose program mode, some are waiting for you to find and delete them, or, on the contrary, launch them, update them, and so on. That is, this is the very approach to improving oneself, to some kind of development through the prism of reprogramming at the level of some running programs. We can say that these are reflexes and some kind of behavior patterns, neural connections through which these programs, some autonomous associations of some hormonal or some other biochemical processes are launched simply by the power of thought. We thought about some process, in the process of this thinking some key thoughts, some key manifestations of you are the automatic launch of certain programs, therefore, treating yourself in this way, you can each of the stages, each of the parts of your manifestation try to understand, compare with certain reactions or with certain actions, isolate in the set of these reactions those that seem to have ceased to serve you, have ceased to help you manifest themselves. You either yourself experience some kind of dissatisfaction or negativity from this, it seems to you that this is not useful. We identified in the structure what is the triggering mechanism, reorganized ourselves, wrote down the so-called new program, that is, we found definitions of how to behave correctly, practiced some techniques, methods of expressing ourselves in this way, changed the behavior program from one to another.

Programming the consciousness and programming the subconscious in reality

And it turns out that in the process of forming your reality, you have a set of interesting programs, each of the people in your environment has a set of programs. There are those same external programs as signals that I want to lead like this, communicate with such people and manifest myself like this, have such and such income, demonstrate such and such a mood, have such and such feelings, experience emotions, that is, a certain set of basic expectations. as conditions in your computer, which in that very operating environment, if you compare it with the operating system, in startup mode every time you wake up or exist, in principle, is the basis of all those events that happen around you next. That is, certain folders in which there are files, algorithms that define you as such and such, such and such a quality of a person with such and such a set of ideas.

This is just a kind of sign, a kind of demonstration of certain sets of characteristics of these programs, which is read and somehow identified by external programs from the people around you with whom you interact. And there is also such a concept, in fact, in the formation of reality - the so-called virtual programs, that is, illusions and certain objective programs as what leads to the result. If we talk about virtual programs or about the world of illusions, then this is an artificial environment created by someone, by God the Creator, some areas, options for reflection, delusions, in which, while you are, you change your true ideas about yourself, tune in to some kind of connection with the soul , with a higher “I”, and even in this virtual environment, wandering in these illusions, you improve, and then transfer this experience of artificial reality to the objective world.

To make it simple: you can sit at the computer for a whole year without leaving or leaving to eat, go to the toilet and sleep without leaving the house. But in this year you can learn several languages, run yourself through a dozen test game programs that simulate consciousness, some strategies, some tactical, some complex heuristic logical problems to solve, some books to read. All this is on the computer, all this affects consciousness, all this expands your experience, and it seems that you have spent this entire year in a virtual environment, but this is a test virtual environment as a gaming space in which the brain, consciousness and subconsciousness are all - they really transform and reach a new level - this gives results in the process of these games of illusions. Going beyond the confines of this house, in which we spent a year, starting to communicate with new or the same people, comparing a year ago and now, it is clear that the quality of communication is different and the results from communication are different, the level of communication, your awareness, understanding that happens, another. And in fact, we come to understand that this border between illusions and reality is determined precisely by the extent to which these illusions, as a test space, transferring into objective reality, affect your manifestation, your life for the better, or do not affect it at all, or worsen.

Therefore, we can say that this is programming oneself, consciousness and subconsciousness as the formation of a certain matrix of ideas and manifestations, like a computer that is being improved, its programs themselves change, they are rebuilt, the computer acquires some new information arrays, something is launched from a flash drive, something something works only through a connection to the Internet, something is password-protected and runs in some top-secret modes only at night, while no one sees, that is, this image, an allegory of working with yourself as a certain software complex that consists of many elements , it very well and quite simply gives an idea of ​​how you can change yourself by adjusting some of your individual qualities, manifestations on certain floors of your existence.

This can be done through meditation, and through step-by-step techniques, and through some mantras, prayers, through studying some sources, passing them through awareness and reflection, or through living, feeling and turning off other processes, that is, techniques for changing oneself, there is a lot of self-improvement, and the approach to reprogramming oneself from the point of view of forming a holistic matrices, a certain system - this is also one of the models that allows you to try to collect the entire set of your some not yet conscious chaotic actions and those parts of which you are composed, but you don’t know it, into some kind of holistic picture and from this representation take separate folders, with work with them, return them back, or take a whole complex of these folders with some programs, techniques, correct them by some other means and, in parallel, interacting with other people as software systems, encountering other processes, receive confirmation of this in objective reality that this set of settings, restructuring, changes led to a change, this one did not, it is not yet clear.

And, in fact, this endless process from level of development to level simply defines new boundaries of the unknown, clarifies existing concepts, adding or subtracting from existing descriptions and characteristics some unnecessary details that no longer fit into a certain software environment of this computer as a completely working computer. We updated one program - it requires updating a dozen more. There are some programs that conflict with each other, from different manufacturers. There are some glands, relatively speaking, if we talk about glands as computer elements, like certain organs inside the human body that are serviced by a number of programs. If you serve them with the wrong programs, the wrong pills, or don’t allow them to sleep, rest, or do any kind of load, then, accordingly, these pieces of hardware, their fans, fail, fuses blow, or something else happens that requires replacements.

Unfortunately, replacing a person’s organs is a rather complicated and costly procedure, and rarely does anyone use it, thank God, so from this allegory it becomes clear that there is no need to bring the operating mode of your internal programs in the conscious and subconscious to those manifestations when everything is already smoking and falls apart. And the sooner the better, we need to start studying ourselves through the prism of this point of view, finding some other models, ideas about ourselves through some other practices - this is only welcome, because the more ideas and experiences we live through these ideas, see what works and what doesn’t, the more accurately you clarify and coordinate this set of ideas about yourself, the more synchronously you as a person, consciousness, subconscious, superconscious, work in a single holistic mode.

We can say that this study of oneself and tuning is a kind of evolutionary path that begins with the study of consciousness as a person and certain external manifestations and programs and continues, delving into the study of certain energetic, spiritual laws, modes of operation of the subconscious and the possibility of change. And this connection of spiritual, material manifestations actually forms a vertical channel of communication with the higher “I” as a connection of the body, mind, soul, heart and spirit, the higher “I”, consciousness into a single system - this is the task, the path that everyone goes through on different floors with different interaction programs, engaged in the operation of existing programs, or trying to rewrite others’ programs without the desire to deal with their own, or simply living in the same mode of those programs that were once installed and configured without much change and studying it all with corresponding consequences.

This is approximately the approach to programming, reprogramming the consciousness and subconscious, I suggest you study, see what suits you,

If the information interests you, I suggest you watch a video lesson on this topic:

What “programs” are needed, how to understand how to select their algorithm - all these are questions that easily find their answers only when the final goal is clear. Or at least the path, its meaning and the vector of development of your soul are clear. I will return to this topic periodically, as it is fundamental. I invite everyone interested in growing awareness to consider this issue in detail at my seminar “Evolution of the Soul. World of Reality".

The easiest way to succeed, become rich and get what you really want is to learn program the subconscious. In fact, subconscious programming techniques are accessible and very easy to understand for absolutely every person. And in order for this to work for you, the most important thing here is to understand the principle of operation of a subtle substance called the subconscious, not to be lazy, to be persistent and to believe in the result.

Good day, blog reader Today, as part of the “” section, we will talk a little about consciousness and subconsciousness. By whom and how our subconscious is formed. And also about how reprogram the subconscious so that as a result your life develops the way you want it.

Speaking about the subconscious, here we can safely say “Everything is in our mind”

After all, who we are in this world primarily and directly depends on what and how we think. And the result is what we do and have in the future.

If a person thinks about poverty, he will live his life in poverty and misery.

If a person thinks about wealth and success, wealth and success will eventually come into his life.

But, in order for this to be exactly the way we need it, it is necessary to understand how and by whom our subconscious and mind are programmed.

Whether you are aware of it or not is your choice, but the subconscious directly influences our desires, goals, thoughts and actions, as well as the path to achieving them.

The subconscious is a kind of program that is not conscious of us, which is located inside us.

The unconscious formation of which begins from the moment of birth and continues throughout our lives.

First, it happens in the family. The actions, deeds and words of parents are perceived by the child as truth, an axiom that does not require proof, and are recorded in our subconscious as a program for perceiving the world.

It is in very early childhood that our attitude to the surrounding reality, an optimistic or distrustful attitude towards people, our views on life, certain behavioral stereotypes, habits and actions are formed.

It is precisely at the beginning of our life that the adjustment and real unconscious programming of our subconscious takes place.

And, therefore, our further actions, actions and, in general, our way of life will depend on these attitudes.

Without fully realizing the mental processes previously created by external sources, over time begin to be embodied in our lives.

And something happens to us that we don’t want, but for some reason, we are not able to control these processes.

Why is this happening?

This is the work of our programs, so to speak, recorded by parents, kindergarten, school, etc., which manifest themselves in the image of our unconscious thoughts, actions and deeds.

It is these subconscious programs that give invisible orders and control our lives and us. They force us to act one way or another in certain situations, direct us in one direction or another in life, and are completely responsible for wealth, success and the construction of our entire life.

Here it is also worth saying that the essence lies not only in the programmed belief in our subconscious.

But whether you like it or not, there is also a flow of everyday information. We are constantly surrounded by ideas, thoughts, and words that affect our well-being, success and wealth.

After all, everything that surrounds us in our daily lives directly affects us not only consciously, but subconsciously.


If we consciously receive a stream of negative destructive information. Our subconscious will eventually translate this into our reality.


If you read good, kind books, you have happy thoughts.

If you read books about horror, nine times out of ten negative events will happen in your life.

When you focus on some news, your brain records this news as a fact. And this news will affect you, in good or bad ways.

Remember one thing.

How you live, what you have, what you do or don't do, what relationships you have, whether you are lonely or happy, every part of your existence is the result of your thoughts in the past.

And it has the most direct relation to what is recorded in your subconscious from the moment of your birth until the present moment.

This is important to understand and remember.

Our every action was programmed earlier. Every word you heard someone say, you took it and consciously placed it in your subconscious for processing. Which in turn was processed as a fact, then created a reaction, and was subsequently transferred to consciousness for subsequent execution.

Programming of the subconscious occurs every day with the flow of information that you receive.

And here it is important to realize, or ask the question, what type of program did we receive previously and continue to receive every day?

If we receive good positive thinking in early childhood, we will eventually become a good creative person, with a strong character and correct moral principles.

But, if from birth a person receives negative emotions and thinking. Such a person will have low self-esteem and will not be able to show his true abilities. As a result, as a rule, he becomes a juvenile delinquent, a drug addict, an alcoholic, and ultimately his life is completely ruined.

Let's take this scenario for example:

The child was born into a very rich and influential family.
This child will be programmed from childhood that money is the most important thing in this world.

The most important thing in life is to have a lot of money. This child is programmed to rule all the laws of life, for him it is centered only around money. Money will always play the most important role in his life.

From birth he was programmed to value, respect and use money as a means to achieve any goals in life.

He will surely look down on those who do not have money, as his family does.

As a rule, such families include those people who achieved their wealth through dirty and dishonest means.

Such a program will bring a lot of misfortune to a person, because it leads the child to the concept that rich people are better than everyone else in the world.

There can be many examples, such as this one, or completely opposite ones.

How many people, so many lives and programs.

But here it is simply important to understand that our thinking is not always OUR thinking, often it is not sown by us from birth.

Moreover, you may not even realize it, because this information is laid in such a way that we do not even know that we have received it.

Programming of our subconscious occurs at an unconscious subconscious level.

That is why it is extremely important to control your thoughts, and external information, every day.

And be able to cut off your attention from those aspects that bring irritation and discomfort into your life.

If you want to live happily in the future, take care of your reality.

It can be compared to a garden.
If you plant roses but don't take care of them and leave the garden unattended, what will happen in it?

That's right, weeds will grow among the roses in the garden, and beautiful roses will become shrubs. Weeds will grow along with the plants and perhaps even choke them out, absorbing more and more nutrients from the soil.

To prevent this from happening, the garden needs to be maintained on a regular basis. A garden that is well cared for will produce fruits and berries in abundance, and will always be fragrant with beautiful roses rather than weeds.

This applies to consciousness and subconscious.
If your conscious mind is dominated by negative thoughts, these thoughts will be processed in your subconscious mind. In turn, they will be used as a setting for further reality in order to be embodied at a certain time.

Therefore, feed your mind only with conscious, creative and good thoughts. These thoughts will be processed in the subconscious and remain in memory to bring beauty into your life.

The main thing to remember is one principle.

The subconscious mind does not know what is right or wrong.
It doesn't know what is good or bad.
It only processes what it receives.
And that's all it does.

You must be able to control all the subconscious processes of your mind.

Because it is your vigilance and control that can prevent bad thoughts from entering your mind. And save you from disappointment and pain in the future.

To reprogram the subconscious, you will have to completely change your beliefs, that is, rewrite your attitudes and habits.

Completely change negative thinking into positive, creative and productive thinking, with the help of which you will know in advance what you need to do to become who you want to be. And then wealth and prosperity will enter your life forever.

By the way, this can be done very simply. To do this, you just need to learn to work on yourself and remove all negativity from your life.

The best way to change previous already recorded programs and attitudes embedded in our subconscious is to replace, that is, to reprogram the subconscious using 3 accessible, simple and effective methods.

All that is needed for this is diligence and the desire to put your subconscious at your service.

Completely change all previously recorded programs.

Develop new habits and program your life, your worldview, according to your personal desire.

Surely you have already come across many available technologies, techniques, methods and methods with which you can reprogram your subconscious.

For the purposes of this article, I will simply list 3 methods that anyone can apply and still quickly get the desired result.

1. Visualization.

You must lose, see what you would really like to have or achieve. To do this, you just need to create various plausible, realistic and highly desirable vivid life stories or situations. And try to give this picture a positive emotion. And the stronger this emotion and your faith in the plausibility of this picture or image, the faster you will be able to make changes to the old program and write into the subconscious a program to implement this task.

2. Self-hypnosis.

This method is aimed primarily at increasing your own self-esteem. This is done by repeating the same positive qualities and statements written down earlier.


Every day, morning and evening, you say to yourself:

I am rich, successful, smart, slim, healthy, handsome, strong, etc..

In short, you really have to believe it, and speak with the affirmation that you are already what you want to be.

After 40 days, the subconscious will add these statements to its archive and enter this thought into its algorithm to complete the task.

3. Meditation.

This is the most effective way of programming the subconscious, and gives the best and fastest results.

But to complete it you will need the ability to concentrate your thoughts and a certain diligence.

The meditation technique really works wonders and, if desired, anyone can master it.

During the period of meditation, you can not only make adjustments to the program of the subconscious, but also make reality correspond to your desires.

Meditation allows you not only to rewrite the program code of the subconscious and make the necessary changes, but also helps to reveal your true talents.

Also, with the help of meditation, you can become calm, balanced, healthy, increase vital energy, and direct all mental processes in the direction you need.

Of course, these are not all methods; in fact, there are many of them. But here it is important to understand that the essence is not in the method, but in patience, perseverance, and the systematic implementation of techniques, plus time.

But I want to say whatever method you choose for reprogramming the subconscious, it will definitely bring results.

Subject to your firm determination to make these changes.

If you feel despair and reluctance, internal compulsion, or discomfort from the fact that you need to change something, or change.

This approach will lead to nowhere or produce disastrous results. It's better not to try to make changes if you don't want to change anything and make changes.

But if you firmly decide that changes are necessary, then you will begin to act right now. In this case reprogramming the subconscious will bring you the desired result, and your life will include happiness, joy, wealth, success, and everything you need to enjoy life and get everything you want from life.

I wish you success and prosperity!
Sincerely, Natalia Butenko!

Dear Ascension family,

The shift into the next harmonic universe is bringing about a gradual and lasting change in all of us that many are likely to feel. It's time to become flexible and relaxed and not expecting anything. In this transition and change, the only thing we can control is the direction and quality of our consciousness. Progressive planetary shifts are mirrored in the human lightbody and are catalyzing certain issues within our shared human family. The Controllers are deploying new forms of Artificial Intelligence in an attempt to thwart the shifts in consciousness. For some this will be a personal time of accessing what was previously inaccessible and breaking through old patterns, for others it will be a time of incredible expansion into new patterns and the embodiment of possibilities. This time of change requires all of us to exercise special care, calm and clarity as we witness bubbles of chaos emerge through the cracks of a bifurcated reality.

Recent major shifts have contributed to the beginning of the next stage of planetary bifurcation, and this has significantly impacted the collective subconscious in the lower fields forming the personal layers of the subconscious in the human energy fields of people. The collective subconscious or planetary subconscious body divided into separate parts, and directed the movement of the consciousness of the groups in different directions. As a result, unexpected deaths and accidents have become more frequent in the outside world. This event was the separation of the wheat from the chaff, the dissolution of outdated 3D subconscious programming, like an invisible hand pushing us powerfully forward towards our future destiny. In some cases, people may have woken up one day with a sudden sense of distance from other people or a sense of a wedge being driven between them, with emotional honesty that could feel harsh, uncomfortable and mystifying. The subconscious is mirrored in everything.

Thoughts are an energetic substance that influences our perception of beliefs and identity; any of our actions and deeds begin with a thought. The subconscious level of our mental body controls our thoughts, impulses and brain activity to a greater extent than the conscious level. This is especially true if we are not fully aware of how our mind works, as the subconscious mind takes over and we are unaware of the thoughts and internal dialogue we have with ourselves and others. Awakening and becoming conscious, observing how our mind works and how our heart feels what our body experiences are crucial factors in personal and spiritual development. Each person has a subconscious mind that makes up an energy field in the lightbody, which is also connected to all levels of the collective subconscious that exist in the lower dimensions of the earth plane. Until a person is awakened to a higher state of observer, having self-awareness and own responsibility, he is a puppet of his subconscious programming, impulses and instinctive reactions that support the most primitive and animalistic behavior.

The subconscious or unconscious mind is not only the repository of instinctual and primitive impulses, but also the hard drive that shapes all our events and memories into complex mental processes based on our hidden motivations, perceptions, beliefs and feelings. For people who are focused only on the outer view of the mind, which represents their ego personality, to the conscious view their own inner world remains a hidden world of subconscious decisions, prejudices and beliefs. He is unknown to them. We cannot understand the subconscious and the programming of the subconscious without plunging into ourselves, without moving into a calm and relaxed state, without observing our deeper self.

The Negative Alien Agenda (NAA) does not want the majority of humanity to ascend and achieve liberation of consciousness, and therefore uses classical processing that targets subconscious levels and forces people to think and behave based on the lowest impulses and frequencies that are possible. If we look at the spectrum of red low frequency waves used on the 1D plane for programming the subconscious, its main negative polarities are used to create victims and executioners, intimidation and threats, poverty consciousness and survival, violence and destruction, sexual suffering and gender confusion - everything that based on fear programming. An alarming trend observed in the general population is the increasing dehumanization of behavior resulting from people's violence and destruction of each other. This is achieved through unpleasant words, negative intentions, or physical methods, which are most common in 3D social environments when disagreements arise. Why do people treat each other so badly? This is intentional by design.

Subconscious programming is used to create a predatory and unstable mind by tuning the invisible levels of the subconscious to an extremely low frequency, which is an attack of fear and violence on human feelings. This mentally provokes some people and makes them feel personally insulted by anything they feel threatens their selfish sense of self.

The controllers realized that it is easier to control the consciousness of the masses by controlling the subconscious. Using various psychological warfare techniques designed to program the subconscious minds of the masses, they form negative belief systems that fit into the 3D timeline agenda. Keep in mind that they do not want humans to evolve beyond the 3D timeline in which they exercise control through artificial intelligence technology and various mind control programs targeting the three levels of ego; subconscious, instinctive and conscious mind. During the bifurcation cycle, there is an all-out attack of artificial intelligence signals and subconscious programming for the purpose of spiritual suppression and hindering the ascension of humanity, aimed mainly at the subconscious levels and the shadow self.

Attack on the human mind

Divide and Conquer works by inciting division, by deliberately creating conflicts between people's collective interests, creating mistrust, hostility and hatred, inciting violence or war between any powerful individuals or groups that may pose a threat to the Controllers. Many military tactics are psychological, designed to dehumanize, demoralize, confuse and terrorize the enemy in order to win the battle with the least amount of physical resources. Such spiritual warfare is designed to attack the human mind through the use of incredibly sophisticated subconscious programming techniques designed to dehumanize the masses so that they descend below the state of animals, into the fallen shadow of human beings who have lost contact with the light of their soul. The anti-soul agenda creates people who are unspiritually unconnected, lost and confused, who through subconscious programming can easily be used to create even darker shadows to further the enslavement agenda. Therefore, it is now extremely important to make personal efforts to develop heartfelt kindness towards other people, to focus on our heart connection with higher spiritual consciousness. The stakes are very high and the consequences of unbridled and undisciplined negative behavior that is also spiritually offensive to the human soul can be dire.

Many of the belief systems that shape our ego personality are subconsciously programmed in early childhood, before our brains have had enough time to fully develop intelligence, including logic, language, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. The human brain and nervous system goes through several phases of biospiritual development, beginning in childhood and including adulthood (ages 12-22-33-44), which are associated with expanding levels of consciousness throughout life. Thus, people are subconsciously programmed to push away and reject this natural stage of consciousness growth that could develop them into the stages of integration with soul consciousness at the early age of twelve. Manipulated mainstream media brings entertainment and news to 10-12 year olds using subconscious programming that prevents soul integration in adulthood. This creates people who are hypnotized by the mainstream media, have an emotionally stunted light body, and remain frozen in their childhood stage of development.

The NAA's control tactics rely heavily on the use of subconscious programming through various electromagnetic technologies, nanotechnology, and the use of chemicals designed to interfere with and disrupt the biospiritual development or planetary ascension of humanity. The strategy directly targets the subconscious of the collective consciousness to completely exclude everything that does not correspond to the three-dimensional history that they seek to control. Thus, they want to shut down any intellectual open dialogues in order to completely dominate and manipulate the perception of the masses on all unapproved topics, including topics related to ascension and revelation that help transition society to a state of higher consciousness through full access to truth. Recent measures taken to control the spread of free information and open sources through government restrictions on Internet access and privacy regulations show how much they involve access to information that is not approved by them.

Subconscious programming effectively promotes the creation of closed, rigid and dogmatic minds that are divided into black and white, all or nothing. Major unstated topics concern multidimensionality, alien abductions, human trafficking, the Negative Alien Agenda (NAA), Luciferianism, Satanic Ritual Abuse, the introduction of mind control, MILABS, the development of quantum technology, and the knowledge that there are non-human forms of sentient consciousness with psionic ability existing without a material body - all these topics are prohibited for open discussion.

The functioning of humanity's neural network, brain wave activity, synaptic excitation, hemispheric balance and overall symmetry of the brain are interdependent with the quality of conscious intelligence and frequency created from the accumulated memories stored during life events. Thus, artificial intelligence signals broadcasting subconscious programs are designed to distort and block access to personal conscious memories recorded on spiritual levels by previous selves and in other lives. This hijacks bioneurology to automatically trigger lower frequencies, such as the reverse or anti-life frequency associated in the subconscious area with red waves. This has recently been observed in the field as artificial red wavelengths being used to attack the bioneurology of people's bodies. This version of Artificial Intelligence began to create impulses when the 1D levels of the earth's body began to dissolve their membranes and unfold into a higher dimension.

Breaking out of the subconscious levels and lowest base frequency on the earth plane is entirely possible, but it depends on the effort put into taking control of your thoughts and choosing non-violent thoughts and behavior as a way of life. By slowing down the brainwave frequency during meditation to change the way you think, a person can clear energetic blockages in their subconscious and radically increase their overall frequency. This frequency shift occurs during periods of meditation and relaxation, which directly affect the functioning of the brain and nervous system, as well as the mental map formed by automatic thoughts created as a result of subconscious programming. To change brain chemistry and brain wave activity to achieve a healthier balance that instills a peaceful state, one must first learn to change negative thought patterns and subconscious belief systems in order to reflect the most positive personal image and find inner peace. Now more than ever on Earth, in order to effectively reflect and clear the transmissions of subconscious programs, it is important to be able to find calm, inner peace and completely relax during meditative states.

Programming the subconscious of children

Children, from infancy to six years of age, are most susceptible to environmental energies, as well as programming of the subconscious during their formation period from six years of age and older. In early childhood, mirror neurons develop reflective properties, imitating and imitating the behavior of parents and people around them. Mirror neurons are nerve cells that fire when a person observes the actions of other people. This means that the child, by looking at the behavior of his parents or caregivers, is actually paving the way for the same neural pattern of action through information carried by nerve impulses. Thus, during the biospiritual stage of a child’s development, a solid foundation is laid for his beliefs and behavior, forming his adult personality.

Infants and children naturally have slower brainwave frequencies than adults and therefore develop the right hemisphere of the brain and the perceptual abilities associated with mirror neuron firing and empathy first. There is an agenda to destroy the bond between mother and child from birth to age six, preventing the healthy formation of a bond of love, the development of empathy, caring, a sense of security and safety. The most important factor in a child's life that helps him develop resistance to unpleasant situations, adapt well and be a healthy person in society is the love and care of adults.

Children are much more open to natural higher sensory abilities, intuition, creativity and imagination before they begin to socially condition the 3D left brain through repetitive behavior in school, family, media, and a range of chemical and toxic environmental exposures. Many children close off their intuitive abilities to perceive the mental and emotional states of other people when they start going to school and realize that these abilities are not accepted by the adults around them. This is a very important issue in understanding the role of subconscious programming to form beliefs before the brain has developed enough to think critically and question the mental programming that is present.

Subconscious programming begins in very early childhood, when our brains are not yet fully developed, but are highly indoctrinated by the socially designed tactics of the death culture, which is further emphasized by negative conditions that cause toxic stress and unhappiness in people. The Negative Alien Agenda (NAA) is fully aware of the power of programming the subconscious of a young and undeveloped brain and targets children as early as possible in order to take control of a person throughout his life. In this way, they create the conditions under which adults with power in society and the media use child rearing as part of the Archontic Deception Strategy. Children are easily influenced by subconscious programming that is present in cartoons, books, films and other child-oriented media sources presented by adults as educational material. Children raised through subliminal programming are used to lower their inhibitions regarding sexual behavior, and this tactic is commonly used by predators to normalize sexual abuse and lure children into prostitution and pornography.

When children witness traumatic events such as violence, shootings, abuse and death, whether on television or on the streets, it is easy to develop levels of traumatic stress that will disrupt future brain development and program subconscious negative beliefs that can be used later. When children or adults repeatedly experience images of violence, neural pathways are formed in the brain that generate automatic reactions of fear, anxiety, impulsivity and a range of physiological and mental disturbances that rapidly increase with each exposure.

These types of negative associations are associated with a belief system that works as subconscious programming and controls our lives. This is the main reason why many adults constantly harm themselves by becoming drug addicts or acting out destructive archetypes of victimhood and learned helplessness. As long as subconscious programming puts negative thoughts or erroneous views into the mind, it effectively blocks awakening events and stunts the expansion of consciousness that would express clearer, more positive behavior. Children who are taught low self-esteem, suppressed personality, who are made to believe that they are helpless and cannot change anything, turn into easily enslaved and controlled adults. Thus, it is these groups of ignorant people who trigger their subconscious impulses, which continue to fuel broadcasts of collective subconscious programming intended for mass enslavement of consciousness.

Dispatchers know that we are afraid that we will blame others for everything, pointing our fingers at them. These are unconscious behaviors, hidden shadows and reactive impulses that we have not cleared in the depths of our selves, and therefore they tend to intensively exploit these hidden fears in the subconscious. Until we are willing to face the destructive behavior caused by our hidden fears, we can easily project our fears onto or transfer them to other people, especially through our unconscious impulses or negative ego outbursts. This creates a vicious cycle of mental and emotional stagnation, preventing change, transformation, development and transcendence of personal limitations.

Caring parents and teachers raising children must recognize that the emotional and social skills they display in their relationships set an example for young and developing minds. Children will imitate their behavior. Emotional self-management skills should be taught and discussed with children from childhood to help them cope with conflict situations and choose positive personal and social behavior and understand their own feelings and emotions. Children who, thanks to their parents, learn emotional intelligence and regulation, are much more difficult to manipulate as adults and are less susceptible to the influence of mass subconscious programs. Children in the womb, newborns and infants carry the energetic imprints of all the people and events they encounter. It is a myth that babies do not remember or have no memories of traumatic events; all childhood events, as well as those spent in the womb, are recorded in their subconscious, and this will be with them throughout their entire lives.

Consciousness Processing

When certain demographic areas rise and their frequency becomes higher, the NAA sends consciousness processing programs into those areas aimed at creating subconscious fear and perpetuating the lowest frequency possible in that area. When you experience prejudice or judgment, pay attention to the triggers that make you feel these feelings, as markers may include media frenzy or polarization of topics. Make every effort to remain neutral and not feed into rhetoric that is driven by dark forces or incited by the collective consciousness that exists in that area or situation.

Consciousness processing is carried out by both terrestrial and alien methods of psychotronic warfare of the Negative Alien Agenda (NAA), transmitting extremely low frequency (ELF), GWEN, chemtrails and radio waves directed into the planetary body and onto the surface of the earth by a number of devices, including consumer ones, in order to to influence the subconscious, the bio-neurological system and the brainwaves of the collective mind of the human race.

Tormentor archetypes are the main archetypes of consciousness control used to influence the extreme polarity of the subconscious program “Victim-Tormentor” for the purpose of controlling and manipulating the entire subconscious of the collective consciousness of people on the planet. This is intended to create artificial intelligence signals throughout the planet based on survival fear, with the goal of keeping people polarized in their three lowest energy centers and at the lowest base frequency corresponding to artificial red wave signals targeting the 1D spectrum. This is one of the Controller Programs designed to influence the subconscious and includes programming that rejects any direct spiritual connections to Divine Source, any themes regarding ascension and revelation, shifting the focus to the acceptance of False Alien Gods and their various agendas such as transhumanism and gender nullification propaganda. Certain pulses of low frequency current (ELF), designed to insert survival and sacrifice related 1D programs into the subconscious of people, are sent into the planetary body. This is especially dangerous for academic, educational and health care institutions educating children and young people who are expected to become future leaders.

Mind processing can also be used to track or monitor the level of frequency waves and insert mental slides into key areas in order to divert public attention from important events or circumstances, such as paranormal phenomena. This destructive tactic is used to create a distraction, which is why many people who sense the mental and emotional state of others may experience energetic black magic.

Mental slides are subconscious programming in which a person completely ignores unresolved words, concepts or problems, labeling them in his subconscious as unacceptable, so he does not even see them when he encounters them. Many awakening people may be confused by the fact that what they see and what is truly present is not seen by people with programmed subconscious minds. This is especially obvious during the shift to the next harmonic, which contributes to the emergence of the next stage of the bifurcation of events. Mental slides can manipulate perception and may appear unreal when observed. Mental slides are a form of mind control, and mind manipulation is sometimes performed to erase memories or insert false memories to control a person's behavior. Behavior is controlled through perception management, and this can happen differently for each person. This can be done by using radio waves that generate frequencies that transmit patterns to the subconscious levels of people's bioenergetic field in order to cause them to reject or accept certain thought forms. These hidden technologies can be measured using instruments that measure EMF, while the artificial field is transmitted mainly to a part of the human body, usually the head and neck area, in the form of implantation of mental sweets.

Bifurcation of subconscious levels

The planetary body has shifted into a higher frequency range located in the next Harmonic Universe, and this frequency shift has radically affected the level of subconsciousness in the body of each person, and the level of collective consciousness on the planet. This event created the next stage of bifurcation of the planetary field. This means dividing the subconscious body into parts that either rise to a higher frequency in an ascending pattern or descend in a descending frequency pattern. This also relates to the divisions occurring on timelines in consciousness groups and organizations moving into a future timeline, an upward or downward spiral. As many people undergo bifurcation, people with similar resonating frequencies come together, forming groups of consciousness or communities with an agreed upon frequency synchronizes. All over the world there are synchronizing frequency hubs that have ascending or descending vibration characteristics.

In a downward pattern towards entropy, the lower the quality of the overall energy, the more unstable and disjointed events occur, both personal and in the environment. In a descending pattern, the deviations of a person's 3D light body become more apparent as subconscious content, shadow form, and artificial red spectrum frequency waves distort the embodied base pattern. This is the path of a fallen or artificial tree. The destructive result of artificially directed subconscious programming designed to cause humanity to lose control over the thoughts created by their own minds is ushering in a new stage of damage to the light body. The possibility of biological regenesis will only be offered through a death exit, as prescribed by the Cosmic Law of Evolution or the Passages of Consciousness.

In an upward pattern towards negentropy or open source, the higher the quality of the overall energy, the more stable and connected everything is. In an ascending pattern, the lightbody moves to a higher base frequency of the entire embodiment, and no artificial signals or red wavelengths penetrate the aura. The morphogenetic structure of the body of light corresponds to the planetary project of the Diamond Sun for the continued development of consciousness and gradual biological regenesis in the existing state of personality. This enhancement of the Diamond Sun body is due to the Polyadorian Activations that began this year.

Some people may feel that they have suddenly moved away sharply from other people in overall frequency and lifestyle choices, which can cause confusion. For those who are on the upward spiral of time, it is impossible to communicate with rigid, mentally driven three-dimensional structures or to participate in that which has harmful artificial resonance and has switched to supporting the narrative of Archontic Deception. At a certain threshold of schism between the ascending and descending patterns, a spiral collision of anti-life and living life flows arises, defining the battle between the forces of consciousness of the Antichrist and Christ, manifesting on the material plane. At a certain point, in order to be better aligned with higher frequencies and more conscious and awakened people, so that peaceful and caring interactions allow for more productive relationships, we must leave the power structure used as a battleground for dark agendas.

Dissolving 1D membranes in the subconscious

The planetary body gradually underwent a subatomic shift in the lower fields of the particle structure, and this caused a collapse in the lower dimensions, effectively unfolding into higher dimensional space. Many people have dissolved membranes in their lower chakras. During this process, the aura again began to absorb the shadow self and what was contained in the subconscious. As a result of the bifurcation and dissolution of membranes in the lower dimensions, as well as the activation, negative forms and shadow content of the subconscious levels, they were given access to the material plane, and this shadow content is currently having a significant influence on the masses. People under stress may experience sudden personality changes or strange outbursts.

Shadow selves are also referred to as negative forms, which are a series of artificial, dead bodies of light. They were used by the Controller's forces to replicate our holographic image for the purpose of artificially recreating our timelines in a 3D loop, siphoning our energy and usurping our genetic material. Some of these distorted shadow bodies are the result of our fall history, our buried fearful and traumatic subconscious memories, and the many subsequent injuries to the astral body. Over time, distortions created a schism between the elemental levels of the physical body, the subconscious, and the lower and higher aspects of our astral personality. As a result of these splits, shadow selves and dark fragments appeared on the astral levels of the Soul matrix, which subsequently multiplied as personal and planetary miasma.

These dark aspects of negative forms are coming to the surface in the masses and the goal is to merge the extreme polarities of our simultaneous existence into neutrality and return to the zero point. In some cases, we may need to completely destroy their teams and return them as raw material for merging into the heart of God. Most of the time this will happen naturally as artificial or altered energies enter the zero point where they dissolve and cease to exist.

Although some of the low-frequency vortices on the earth have dissolved, the main thing remains that they have damaged the grounding mechanism of the light bodies of some part of the population. Essentially, this refers to the reconfiguration of the chakras containing one-dimensional waves of the red spectrum, dissolving the one-dimensional root chakra interface, governing subconscious levels and the distribution of life force throughout the body. As a result, the planetary connections that provided the grounding mechanism at the one-dimensional level and the subatomic levels of the light bodies were severed for many people. This created the problem of fragmentation of the subconscious in the lower energy centers, distorting the basic embodiment pattern.

We are subject not only to the changing forces of the ascending planet, but also to the influence of artificial, technological counterforces acting on the planet and humanity to stop the evolution of ascension and unfolding consciousness. The main spiritual barrier is created as a result of the programming of subconscious negative thoughts, behavior and actions that stem from the violence and destruction of the Antichrist. How well we will survive this time of chaos depends on how connected we are to our inner selves, how well we can adapt physically to match our ascension, and how well we can create a new grounding mechanism. The destruction of the three-dimensional grounding mechanism is directly related to the rebirth of the soul consciousness cycle. Our Christ spirit Avatar knows how to fully restore our core shield and connect our core template with the guidance of the planetary Diamond Sun template, the eternal Crystal template.

For some groups of people, it may take time for the base shield to fully regenerate into a revived personality. However, developing the spiritual practice of directly connecting with our Avatar of Christ or the Divine Self, 12D Shield meditation and creating a basic and spiritual foundation is what is most effective and what is available to every person.

Fallen tree, deviations in a three-dimensional tree network 12

New patterns of electromagnetic disturbances, breaks or distortions in the collective field are emerging that are reflected in the unmanifested levels of the underlying pattern of manifestation or what constitutes the 3D timeline affecting the Tree Grid12. Therefore, the time has come to begin to explore the path of falling into a downward spiral and the three-dimensional deviations that occur when the Tree Network 12 is embodied in the human energy field.

As we have shifted into the second harmonic universe, the basic manifestation pattern of the human body is given the opportunity to either move into higher stages of Diamond Sun embodiment, or to retreat into the fallen aspects of Tree Grid 12 and remain on the 3D artificial timeline. Deviations that appeared during the implementation of the basic pattern of Tree Network 12 are considered as the path of a fallen tree.

Since late 2015, I have observed major changes occurring within the planetary body that have significantly reconfigured the 1D and 2D stargates and all the energy branches that cross them horizontally and vertically. My personal observation of the changes occurring in the architecture of the collective field brought parts of the fallen tree pattern into my consciousness. Deviations of Tree Network 12 in the human body create some problems in the outside world that are noticeable to many of us in the community, they are felt as strong schisms that people and organizations have and resulted from bifurcation. There are groups of people who retreat into downward spiral patterns during bifurcations, and damage to the collective lightbody called a fallen tree can be found. I have observed this over the past two and a half years, however, it is difficult to describe in conventional words because there are many unique factors depending on personal choice and permission. Our choices and our personal behavior have energetic consequences that directly affect the state and health of our light body, and therefore our mood and level of consciousness.

The path of the fallen tree in its positive polarity allows one to choose the possibility of a partial path of ascension at the time of physical death. Danger zone areas are people who have been extremely harmed, survivors of severe violence and criminal acts, they are likely consubstantial with fallen angels or suffering from the Black Sun takeover of the Negative Alien Agenda (NAA).

This damage to the lightbody and Tree Network 12, as well as the implosion of the 1D main shield, affected a large number of people on earth. Ascending groups must be aware of this in order to better understand how to help restore the architecture of the earth's body, and ensure the bio-regenesis of the fallen tree. This will enable energy healers to understand that this is a phenomenon of subconscious fragments and shadow aspects being lifted into a repository located in the false navel area of ​​a person's energy field between the 2D and 3D energy centers. The cause of such a deviation could be severe trauma; constant resistance to changes necessary on the path of ascension; beliefs programmed by mind control; constant violation of natural laws; living as a false personality on artificial intelligence timelines with survival consciousness and automatic behavior based highly on red waves.

Keep in mind the overall profile of personal service to self. A person who sees only what he can get from others either takes or steals what he wants to have, usually without being willing to work patiently. Such people live for instant gratification of their immediate needs and desires, and they turn to crime and violence if they do not get what they want. What this behavior is described as is the network of a fallen tree, it is a type of negative behavior at a very deep, primitive ego level of the individual, devoid of conscience, rejecting higher learning and caring for others.

Key points noted as deviations of the three-dimensional pattern of Tree Network 12, known as a fallen tree on its falling path.

The tilt of the planetary axis provoked the tilt of the main shield, the base network of the tree is tilted to the right by about 10-15 degrees from the vertical of the physical body.

The etheric tissue and etheric levels surrounding the physical body have holes, tears, clots of static energy and chaotic fragments of collective fields, accumulations of free radicals, implantations, artificial intelligence signals, areas of excess static charges that create holes in the aura (entities and dark forces intensively use this weakness).

As the 1D center dissolves, the 2D center is forced to pull the energy of connection with the earth directly into the navel and genital area. The 2D center has shifted and acts as the root chakra and connecting interface to the earth field. If there is no main grounding shield, usually the vertical channel is damaged, very low frequency energy rises into the body, it is like a psychic sponge absorbing surrounding energies without filtering them.

The previous 1D atomic body grounding mechanism dissolves the membrane. The 1D center contains fragments of the subconscious, these shadow selves rise and settle in the false navel area, about an inch below the navel. This area can attract collective unconscious fragments from the environment.

A highly compressed grounding mechanism means that there is no root base or corrected binding interface to the earth field, there is a need to create a new chakra connection to the earth and a vertical channel to the planetary zero point field. During the crystalline core activation, some new core shield connections were created with the Galactic Suns and the Solar Disc network.

The transition to the next harmonic increased the fundamental DNA strands to 2 ¾ or 2.75, which is where the lowest basic frequency, the subconscious, should be located in the human body. The body was forced to create an unnatural repository for the content of the subconscious to reside, and this is connected with consciousness. The membrane between consciousness and subconscious has dissolved, bringing fragments of the subconscious to the surface into consciousness and the three-dimensional center of the ego.

The 2D and 3D energy centers, as well as the 4D and 5D centers, are in the wrong position. The 5D Center has lowered the frequency to that of the lower energy centers in an attempt to connect the circuit and make corrections to the placement of the energy centers.

The Negative Alien Agenda (NAA) placed artificial intelligence red wave signals by replacing the dissolved red spectrum of red waves, using subconscious storage and artificially reversing the polarities. This set in motion the Victim-Tormentor program in all the lower energy centers still functioning within the individual.

The red wave signal targeting the 7D center to create an artificial connection of the crown center with the subconscious repository intends to activate the Cross Implant on the left side and artificially reverse the polarity of the gender currents, disrupting the 6D-7D Male-Female Wings, placing them in reverse gender sequence. Transhumanism and subconscious transsexual programming are used in tandem to create psycho-emotional weak points for gender reversal.

It seems that the red pulse of artificial intelligence is connected or working with the reverse purple transmission of 7D, artificial red waves run along the Hara line from top to bottom. We have seen this technology launched in numerous groups, such as stadiums at the World Cup or rave venues with famous DJs.

Maintain love and compassion to better understand what is happening to others suffering from this level of light body damage and know that it can lead to very destructive behavior if not corrected. Damage to this level of lightbody results in loss of autonomous control and motor functions, which can be completely taken over by entities or collective energies as the individual's energetic body becomes vulnerable and weak.

Internal focus on the body and self-observation

When examining the damaged blueprint of 3D deviations in those groups of people who are frozen in programmed consciousness and who act out of the destructive thought patterns of the negative ego, we must maintain a clear perspective. All AI signals, mental body distortions and damage caused in the light body as a result can be cleared and ultimately healed through some very important and simple energetic principles leading to inner balance.

Careful introspection and the development of self-awareness are most important for understanding the direction of energy, this is necessary for purifying the subconscious and opening the possibility of inner transformation and awakening of consciousness.

Without personal attention to the internal state of the body and self-observation, people remain trapped in the disordered and undisciplined ego mind, which is filled with deception, judgment and bias that hinder emotional and spiritual growth. An unpurified subconscious creates many obstacles that clutter and scatter our minds, causing our reactions, judgment and prejudice, which most often leads to internal conflicts. Many people have hidden subconscious programming running their minds, and these subconscious beliefs interfere with and conflict with conscious beliefs, creating a type of person who is divided and insecure. A person who is internally divided is prone to doublethink and demagoguery, his behavior is not stable and balanced. Self-observation and internally focused meditations are what help us see more clearly internal and environmental patterns that were not previously noticed and restore energetic balance.

Lack of introspection and internal focus on the body leads to destructive behavior and negative consequences. Programming of the subconscious, as a result of which impulses are sent to the mind that cause destructive behavior, can be completely prevented if a person tries to change himself in a positive way. Self-observation helps us broaden our perspective and deepen our understanding of both ourselves and our environment, which leads to increased self-awareness and helps us deal with prejudices and judgments formed as a result of subconscious programming and our external perception of ourselves.

Through inner focus on the body, we are completely connected with our spirit, with God, and thus, cultivating inner life and inner peace, constantly creating conditions for inner balance lead to peace, relaxation and become our main focus.

The culture of death contributes to a society that is constantly under stress and lives with restless, polarized conscious and subconscious thoughts, while remaining focused on the external world. And as we continue to live with endless thoughts in our mind, we automatically lose touch with our body and become disconnected from our inner world. We can view the inner body as its physical and non-physical parts that we consciously connect and communicate with. When we are completely immersed in ourselves, we can sense and feel our inner world. To experience our inner body consciously, we must become completely within ourselves with the quiet and calm mind of the observer.

Let's make it a regular meditation practice, because the more we focus on the inner world with a calm and relaxed mind to restore balance, the better we can counteract the mind control and dissolve the existing subconscious programs aimed at us. Expansion of consciousness leads to a greater understanding of inner observation, and inner observation involves a lack of resistance and judgment in seeking widespread acceptance of all things, which brings about deep inner changes that lead to our transformation through personal emotional and spiritual growth.

Relaxation and fluidity

Nowadays, it is vital to learn to be unhurried and achieve a relaxed state of mind, especially when retraining and clearing our mind of subconscious programming. The simple truth is that when we rid the body and mind of destructive habits and unhelpful distractions, we increase the balance that naturally manifests as goodness and ease in our lives.

Our brain and our mental body are much more efficient when we are not in a rush, they work optimally when we are relaxed and in a calm atmosphere because this is the natural state of our spiritual being. All forms of mental restlessness, stress and intellectualization speed up the mind by having too many simultaneous thoughts and this overwhelms and clouds our insight, causing us to make poor impulsive decisions. To connect and communicate with our subconscious levels as well as our superconscious levels, we must be able to achieve a completely relaxed state of meditation and be flexible in the flow of energies. Energy bodies are like streams of water flowing into a river or ocean, and by sensing how our internal energy meets our external energy, we can float through the surrounding waters, paying attention to the energy flow. We relax and go with the flow. If we move too quickly and do not pay attention to the energy flow, we can suddenly be carried away by a current of powerful forces, causing us pain or injury.

Therefore, it is important to learn to achieve a simple meditative state in which you become an observer and are very relaxed, but at the same time, alert and not as relaxed as during sleep. Obviously, this state should not be attempted when you are physically tense, but for most of your life, when performing simple tasks or finishing work, you can be in this relaxed state of fluidity, paying attention to how the energies flow around you. By focusing on one thing at a time and staying focused on the task at hand, you naturally tune into the energies that make subtle changes in your environment. In the early stages of developing the skill of meditation, we must sit down, relax, and learn to observe our thoughts without becoming attached to them. Once we notice a thought pattern, we need to let it go and focus on the present moment. On the next stage, you need to adapt to the energies within and without. Each of us must find the most natural state in which the body feels good in the energetic flow, and not allow the mind to interfere with this natural state of calm and balance. In our natural state, the inner self is in complete alignment with the outer self to create harmony and wholeness between the inner and outer.

In addition, we must know how to remain as calm as possible even in a stressful situation. Stress causes our body to enter a state of heightened reactivity as a result of the release of hormones and neurotransmitters, and when the stress subsides, we feel depressed. Thus, remaining calm and deliberate, even during potentially stressful situations, can create a sense of silence, which will help the mind stop rushing from one thought to another.

To be effective, we must establish a peaceful mindset before focusing on anything, especially when faced with conflicts or problems. A general fluidity and relaxation of both mind and body greatly enhances the development of higher sensory perception and creates spiritual connections, helping to bring greater ease and clarity to problem solving. When a person is fluid and relaxed, their energy receptors are open and more receptive to advice and creative solutions. Listen to your body, handle it carefully, make adjustments if you feel tension, returning it to a state where the biorhythm is relaxed and open. With practice, you can discipline your mind and emotions from the overwhelming influence of your non-social environment. The more we detach ourselves from the need to manage external influences and learn to accept situations beyond our control, the better we can adapt and remain relaxed in stressful situations.

Since many of us in the spiritual community are fully aware, we must step out of the 3D condition of subconscious programming and mind control and be extremely vigilant to continually focus on a higher state of being. Unconditional love, compassion, gratitude, appreciation and the spirit of Christ are great sources of higher states. Love, warmth, unity with nature, sincerity and care are the simple keys to achieving success in restoring our lightbody. Inspire the people you interact with to know the truth about the path of unconditional love, for it is the only path to spiritual freedom!

Please accept only what is beneficial for your spiritual growth and discard everything else. Thank you for your courage and courage in seeking the truth.

I am a manifestation of the Cosmic Sovereign Law. I am God, Sovereign, Free!

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