Spring is coming - painting with paints. accompanied by the sounds of the spring forest)

Spring time is a time of renewal and new beginnings. Nature is waking up from hibernation, snowdrifts are melting, spring rain can be heard from the roofs outside the window, buds are blooming on the trees.

I would like to capture all this beauty in my memory, so that later I can remember it with rapture and admiration. Wonderful time- she turns out beautiful literally at every time.

Desktop pictures are now very popular, where you can see the beauty of spring in the photo. Or, for example, download a high-quality picture to your phone. You can also use the services of an artist and hang drawings and paintings on the theme of spring in your home.

High-quality photos about spring on your desktop

Beautiful spring photos for your desktop can be downloaded from our website. Nowadays there are many photographers who photograph landscapes and the nature around us. Beautiful photos on the theme of spring can be downloaded for free and set as spring wallpaper on your desktop.

Thanks to high resolution And large sizes, such an image will look great on a computer or tablet screen.

Pictures about spring often include small details, for example, drops, small buds, snowdrops peeking out from under the snow, and the first small berries. All this tenderness and beauty can be conveyed by a photograph on your desktop.

Beautiful images of spring on your phone

You can admire the spring season not only on your computer or tablet screen, but also on your phone. Various images, even of small resolution, are suitable for this. Even small pictures of spring on your phone will look impressive and advantageous.

There can be both city landscapes with houses with drop-dropping icicles hanging from the roofs, and pictures of wide, outstretched fields and forests with trees shedding a blanket of snow from their branches.

Also an excellent solution would be to opt for images small parts, for example, such as small rivers formed from melting snow covers, peeping buds or the first emerging birch leaf.

Spring, pictures for your phone: they make you wake up and come out of hibernation, start acting, fulfill your plans, make your dreams come true.

Drawn beautiful spring in pictures

Many artists glorify this time and depict it in their paintings. The beginning of a new era, the renewal of the earth, inspires them to create something new, affectionate and bright.

The variety of landscapes gives wide scope for ideas and fantasies. Artists who were born in places far from noisy cities love to depict in their paintings how spring comes to the village.

These rivers, melting glaciers on them, symbolize a thaw, the release of accumulated negativity and the beginning of a new life in a new channel. Houses decorated with melting icicles look like they were from old good fairy tales that our grandmothers told us before going to bed.

Spring in the forest is no less beautiful! These mighty trees awaken from sleep and shed the snow from their branches, like people who throw off the burden of the old and are ready for everything new.

It’s nice to hang such paintings on the wall at home and admire them while enjoying the nature of the world around us.

A beautiful spring, pictures and photos of which will always lift your spirits and push you to new beginnings and the embodiment of old ideas, is worth capturing it and enjoying these views in rare moments of sadness and sadness, lifting your spirits.

Unconventional drawing technique " Early spring" V senior group.

Description of material: I offer you a direct summary educational activities for children of the senior group in drawing on the theme “Early Spring”.
Goals: to consolidate children’s ideas about spring and the signs of the onset of spring (the day is getting longer, the sun is getting hotter, the snow is melting, streams are flowing, grass is growing; migratory birds are returning);
1 developing:
develop logical thinking(teach children to carefully look at pictures and analyze them);
using non-traditional drawing techniques to develop children's interest in visual arts;
2 training:
improve color perception (choose shades of a given theme - cold, joyful).
introduce the children preschool age With unconventional technology drawing - monotype;
continue to teach children to work with paints, develop creative imagination, thinking, fantasy.
3 educational:
cultivate interest in creativity.
Equipment: reproductions of paintings, album sheet, paints, brushes, sponge.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, for our lesson to be successful, we need to “call” good mood. The sun is smiling at us from the window, let us also smile at him and smile at each other. Well done! We are starting a lesson in visual arts, and you will tell me the topic when you guess the riddle:
The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life,
the day comes, when does it happen? (Spring)
Educator: Right! You and I will draw “Early Spring”. We will draw it using a special non-traditional drawing technique - landscape monotype.
To draw it correctly, we need to talk: find out, remember the signs of the onset of spring.
(Showing reproductions of paintings famous artists)

A. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”
Educator: This is A. Savrasov’s painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”. What do you see on it?
Educator: Children, tell us what colors the artists used in these paintings. What mood appears when looking at these works of art?

Early spring (Kuindzhi)
Educator: Guys, this is a painting by the artist Kuindzhi “Early Spring”. What does it show? What colors did the artist use? Why did you call it “Early Spring”?

Educator: This painting was painted by Levitan and is called “Spring. Big water" Describe her.
What colors are there in the artist’s painting? Look closely at the melt water in the picture, what can you see there? What sky? (blue) why? Yes, that’s right, it’s spring, the sun has become more in the sky, so the sky is blue-blue, as if the sun is illuminating the sky and light clouds are floating.
Educator: As you already know, we will paint early spring using the monotype landscape type.
Monotype is a technique of freedom and Divine intervention!
Monotype: Two words: “mono” and “type.” Monotype (from “mono” - one and the Greek “typos;” - imprint, imprint, touch, image...) - type printed graphics.
Educator: Take a landscape sheet and place it vertically. Bend it in half.

Educator: We will paint on the top half album sheet, and the lower part will be a reflection of your drawing. For this we will use paints and brushes.
Educator: draw the sky, trees, melting snow, thawed patches, rooks, etc. Draw in free form how you imagine the coming of spring.
While you are drawing, I will read you “Spring Tale” by D. N. Sadovnikov, to give you a hint what landscape elements and signs of spring can be drawn.
Children, spring is just around the corner!
Ice on a frozen window
A fairy tale about sweet spring
She reminded me this morning.
In the kingdom of harsh winter
There's no fuss
Only cruel frost
He walks everywhere with a stick.
(While reading a fairy tale, the teacher adds strokes to the children’s drawings to make it more expressive).

Sees if the ice is reliable
Is the fallen snow dense?
Are the wolves in the forest fed up?
Is the woodcutter alive in the hut?
Everyone left Frost,
Everyone to whom life is dear,
Only the trees stand:
They were crushed by snow...
There is nowhere for the forest to go:
Its roots have grown into the ground...
Walks around and knocks
White Frost with a stick.

The streams run loudly,
The ice rushes noisily:
Where Spring passes
In the brilliance of its beauty,
Dressed in green meadows
And flowers run out.
The forest is covered with leaves,
Everything in him grows and sings...
Near Merry Spring
Motley wove a round dance.
“Honey, sing, tell me,
What did you see in your dream?” -
Frisky children scream
Noisily running towards Spring.
I heard Frost about Spring,
He thinks: “Let me see,
I'll look at people myself,
I will show myself to people.
Why am I not Vesna's groom?
(Thoughts come to him.)

If he doesn't want to, then
I will take you as a wife by force!
I'm old, what's the big deal?
Still, in the area I am the king.
I'm all over these places
All creation obeys..."
I got ready and went on my way,
Having abandoned my friend Blizzard,
The one that cold winter
The bed is made of snow.
Everyone's favorite Spring
A messenger brings news,
Motley comrade of people -
Our homely starling.
This morning I saw Frost...
We all have a big problem:
He got angry again
Wants the cold back.

I saw it myself: in the fields
It became white and white,
Saw on calm water
Ice blue glass.
He himself has a big beard,
White and austere in appearance...
We don't let him in, but he:
“I’m going to get married!” - speaks.
It’s stuffy for the frost to go...
Will the journey end soon?
He thinks where to lie down,
Where should he rest?
He sees a deep ravine,
There is a forest hidden in it...
How did you reach the birch tree?
He curled up and lay down next to him.
Is he a lot or a little?
I slept in this ravine,
I just woke up when -
Became surprisingly small.
They ran into the forest in a crowd
Children pick bird cherry...
This is how the ice lies -
We took it to show Vesna.
Children! Have you been to the forest?
Didn't you get Frost?
They just found an icicle!
Here he is! I brought it in my pocket!
Hearing these words
Everyone around laughed:
Birds, flowers and streams,
Lake, grove and meadow.
So, the queen herself
I laughed until I cried...
Made her laugh a lot
Grandfather White Frost!

Educator: Take a sponge to wet the sheet clean water, and wet the bottom half of the sheet. Well, can't wait to see what happens in the end?


Kind of activity:Fine.

Form of organization of activity: Workshop.

GCD theme: "Spring has come."

Target: Formation of children's ideas about the genre of painting - landscape.


1. Learn to create landscape composition, depicting nature in spring.

2. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the seasons, about changes in nature in the spring.

3. Develop visually – creative thinking, attention, speech, creativity.

4. Educate careful attitude to nature.

Equipment: magnetic board, blanks (sun, tree, flowers, stream, birds) for landscape modeling, slides depicting landscapes, still life, book by K. Ushinsky, watercolor paints, brushes, sippy cups, sheets of white paper, oilcloth lining, napkins.

Progress of the lesson.


Welcome ritual:

Extend your hands to a friend (children stand in a circle),

Hold hands tightly (hold hands).

On the right is a friend and on the left is a friend (turn and look at each other),

It turned out to be a friendly circle (raise their hands up).

Good afternoon to you, kids,

Glad to see you always!

- The sun not only stays in the sky longer, but also warms up noticeably more every day. At first, thawed patches appear in the fields, but soon the ground, wet, saturated with water, appears everywhere from under the snow.Another week will pass, then another, and the snow will only remain somewhere in a deep ravine where the sun does not shine. The trees also awaken from winter sleep and, warmed by the sun, are filled with juices. The sky is getting bluer and the air is getting warmer.

What time of year is the author talking about? (about spring).

Is it spring in all countries now?

But it’s not like ours everywhere. Who knows what spring is like, for example, in Africa? (It’s hot all year round and there is no snow, and in the spring it doesn’t melt, they don’t even have the first flowers).

How can we make sure that the children living there know what spring is like in Siberia? (You can tell this passage that the author wrote, or you can draw a picture and send it by letter).

And if the picture depicts forests, fields, seas, rivers, lakes, mountains, a city, a village - what is the name of such a picture? (scenery)

2. Goal setting.

Today you and I will draw watercolor paints beautiful spring landscape. And then we’ll put it in an envelope and send it to the kids from Africa and Antarctica!

3. Joint activities of the teacher and children.

Now... will read us a poem:

If you see in the picture
A river is drawn
Or spruce and white frost,
Or a garden and clouds,
Or a snowy plain
Or a field and a hut, -
Required picture
It's called…..(landscape).

Let's say this word together (say it).

Now look carefully at the slides. Think about which picture is the odd one out? (Slide No. 1: landscapes: winter, spring, summer, autumn and portrait).

Why this particular picture? (This is not a landscape).

Tell me, what time of year is depicted in each picture? (Slide No. 2: landscapes: winter, spring, summer, autumn).

How can you say it differently, knowing that a picture of nature is a landscape? (winter landscape, spring, summer, autumn).

Tell me, please, did the artists beautifully depict nature in these paintings?

What needs to be done so that it always remains as beautiful? (Treat it with care: do not cut down trees, do not light fires in the forests, do not break branches, etc.)

Of course, nature needs to be loved and protected!

Show a picture of a spring landscape (slide No. 3: spring landscape).

Why did they decide that spring was depicted? (children’s answers).

What else happens in nature in spring? (the sun heats up more, thawed patches appear, the day becomes longer, the buds swell, the first grass and flowers appear).

And now I propose to compose (model) your spring landscape.

What will definitely be in the picture if it’s spring and it’s getting warmer every day? (children choose the sun from three proposed blanks: without rays, with short rays, with long rays).

What else can you draw if the landscape is a picture of nature? (children choose a tree from the three proposed: autumn, spring and New Year's tree).

What else? When the snow has only melted in places, what is it called? (thawed patches)

The snow melts and turns into what? (into streams)

Can we draw flowers in our picture? Choose which ones (children choose the one they need from three: tulip, snowdrop, chamomile).

What else can you draw? Who comes to us in the spring? (The children are offered a rook and a bullfinch).

This is the landscape we got.

Well, now let's warm up.


The sun began to warm up, (hands up, stretched)
The droplets began to knock. (Fists are knocking)
Drop - one, drop - two, (hands alternately forward, palm up)
Drops slowly at first (clap hands)
And then, and then, (jumping)

Everybody run, run, run (slow running in place)
Faster, faster, faster (fast running in place)
A small stream is running! (squat)

Now I invite you to go to our workshop and paint your landscape.

4. Independent activity children.

Let's remember how to sit and hold a brush. How to draw with a brush to get a thin line? (draw a line with the tip of the brush).

And if I need grey colour, but it’s not there, how can I get it?

And if you have worked with one paint and need another, what should you do? (rinse the brush well).

And for your landscapes to turn out beautiful, you need to work carefully and not smear the paint on the sheet of paper with your hands.

(The guys do work on music, the teacher provides help in case of difficulties).

Please take your drawings and stand in a circle.

4. Reflection.

What did we draw today? (nature or landscape)

What is the name of the painting that depicts nature? or What is landscape?

Why did we paint the landscape?

If children from Africa look at our paintings, will they understand that we painted spring? By what signs can we determine that we were painting a spring landscape?

Did we manage it?

Tell me, did everyone finish their drawings or did any of you want to finish drawing something else? We will rest and definitely finish your work.

Well done! Thank you for your work!

The spring awakening of nature leaves no one indifferent. The first timid blades of grass, the gentle spring sun, chirping birds, the sky that has acquired color after the winter grayness - all this just begs to be captured. And for our children who go to kindergarten or primary classes schools, give the task to depict spring on paper in pencil or paint. Unfortunately, not everyone has the skills to do this without problems. What do we associate spring with: green grass, first spring: snowdrops, daffodils, tulips, first sticky leaves and flowering trees, singing birds. Let's try to learn how to draw these elements, and then find out how to draw spring step by step.

How to draw spring for children.

For the little ones, if it is still difficult for them to draw a composition on their own, you can first ask them to color the printed drawings. You can color with anything: pencils, felt-tip pens, and if the drawing has large enough clear details, then with plasticine. It would be quite appropriate unconventional techniques: You can also fill in the drawing with fingerprints by dipping them in paint. Coloring pages will help children hold a pencil more confidently and give them an idea of ​​how easy it is to depict birds and insects.

And to make it easier to understand, how to draw spring, photo step by step image flowers and birds, tree crowns will help the child cope with this easily. In the pictures we see how easy and simple it is to depict a snowdrop, daffodil and tulip. The technique of painting with paints is more complex, and the child does not always get everything right right away. To avoid fear of paints, there are several simple techniques, which will help the child get comfortable, and they are accessible even to the smallest, because the instrument in this case is his own palms or fingers.

Another simple option for kids is drawing with a stamp. The tool you will need for this is very simple - a 0.5 liter plastic bottle will do just fine. By dipping its bottom in paint and making impressions on paper, the baby will receive beautiful flowers. You can help him draw the branch immediately or later, adapting to the impressions made. A variety of objects can be used as a stamp: fingers, a cut of a potato, crumpled paper, and also make your own stamps, for example, from plasticine. The latter are also good because their shape is very easy to change. Excellent stamps for images are made from leaves, and you can use not only tree leaves, but also leaves indoor plants. Don’t skimp on paints; let them be clean, bright, joyful colors. Then even the very first imperfect pictures will look beautiful and attractive.

How to paint spring with paints and tassels, it will become clear from the following material. This is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance. To depict a flowering branch, we will need blue cardboard. If you don't have one, it's okay. It is very easy to make a background of the desired color on plain white drawing paper using a small paint roller, which are sold in hardware stores. With its help, the process will take very little time, and the background will turn out the way you need: either smooth with uniform coloring, or textured if the roller is not wetted with paint too much so that it is semi-dry. Paints can be used acrylic or gouache. If we paint the background by hand, let it dry after painting.

To depict a branch, we will need brushes of two different sizes: thicker for the branch itself and thinner for depicting shoots and leaves. The next stage is to draw a branch by mixing white, yellow and brown paints. Using darker brown paint, we add volume to the branch, applying paint here and there from the bottom of the branch itself. Using the same paint we paint several thin young branches. Next, with thin strokes of yellow-green paint, we draw young shoots, and then leaves.

To depict the petals, choose white paint. You can mix it with a small amount of red and give the petals a pinkish tint. It is convenient to paint with the end of the brush. Leaves and flower petals can be painted not only with a brush, but also with your fingers. Next, select yellow paint and, using light brush strokes, paint the flower cores. All that remains is to paint the petals with white or pinkish paint, and flowering branch ready. The finishing touch You can do a light spray of white paint to depict falling petals.

How to draw a spring landscape

You can choose a variety of techniques for depicting a spring landscape. And a pencil drawing can look no less expressive than a watercolor or gouache painting. How to draw spring with a pencil step by step: first we divide the sheet vertically into about 3 parts, mentally separate the upper third and draw a horizontal line - this is the horizon line. Then at the bottom we draw two converging wavy lines - this will be a river. We mark vertical tree trunks along the banks of the river. We draw those closer to us larger, and as we move away the trunks become thinner. We outline a riffle on the river bed with strokes. Next, we outline the tree crowns on the trunks and add another riffle on the river bed. When all the main details of the drawing are applied, we do shading and remove the excess with an eraser.

If you prefer colors, then take a look at how to draw a spring landscape step by step watercolor. First, take watercolor paper, prepare paints, a pencil, an eraser, a glass of water and brushes. We make a pencil sketch of our future landscape. Let's depict a forest, a river, and individual trees. We wipe the finished sketch with an eraser so that the contours are only slightly noticeable. Then we gradually begin to apply paint from the lightest to darkest tones. We paint the spring sky and the surface of the river blue. Part of the forest in the distance is depicted as blurry spots of delicate pastel shades. Then we apply a dark woodland stain. Next, we draw the crowns of isolated trees, reflections in river water and colored spots of thawed patches. Change the water in the glass often so that the watercolor retains the purity of its shades and does not look dirty.

The classic watercolor technique is quite complex. You can draw a spring landscape in color using colored pencils or gouache. In any case, a pencil sketch is made first. If we draw a forest landscape, we first draw the horizon line, wavy line We depict the edge of the forest. We also draw relief lines and the river bed. As separate details, we depict a couple of ice floes in the river and several separate trees at different distances from the viewer. In the foreground, under one of the trees, draw a bush of snowdrops.

When pencil drawing ready, let's start filling in the background. We paint the forest mass with short strokes various shades lilac and violet. We paint the water with different shades of blue and blue, depicting ripples with lighter strokes. The sky is lighter shades than the water. We draw snow very well light shades beige and grayish, because in the spring it has already settled, thawed and slightly dirty, in contrast to the cold purity of winter. We paint the ice floes in the river bed with the same shades, adding more shadows where necessary. dark shades. We paint the thawed patches with different shades of brown. When all the large parts are painted, we begin the detailing. We draw the trunks and crowns of the trees, and at the very end we paint the snowdrop flowers.

How to draw spring with a pencil, if your child is having difficulty: enlarge the drawing and either print it dimly, reducing the intensity of the black color, or redraw it with a simple pencil by placing a piece of paper on the monitor. The resulting picture can then be colored with colored pencils or paints. Perhaps it will be enough for the child to have a picture in front of him to simply try to redraw it himself. But usually in children fatazia is quite well developed.

You can search for suitable paintings on the Internet, for example, wonderful ones spring landscapes Levitan has it. Read poems about spring with your child and pay attention to the signs of spring. And, of course, it’s great if you can organize a trip to nature to see with your own eyes the awakening nature, melted snow, the first spring flowers and the reflection of trees in the river. But it is not at all necessary to depict only early spring. Blooming gardens, the first butterflies, leaves blooming on trees and singing birds are quite suitable material for the image.

Very often, the seasons are associated with a woman at different stages of life. Summer is a bright blooming beauty in the prime of her life, autumn is a mature woman with rich harvest fruits in her hands, winter is an evil old woman, and spring is a young girl adorned with a wreath of delicate spring flowers. How to draw a spring girl? There are many options. You can only depict the girl's face. Decorate her loose hair with a wreath of bright spring flowers. But more often the beautiful spring is depicted in full height V long dress, moreover, the drawing is divided into two halves: on one there is a winter landscape with snow and bare trees, and on the second there is revived nature.

I hope that the material presented here how to draw spring, photo step-by-step depictions of landscapes and drawings will help you. If you are still having difficulty, then how to draw spring video you will find quite a lot of them on the Internet.

Summary of organized educational activities in the senior group on the topic:

Signs of spring. Drawing “Spring has come, the birds have arrived.”

Kindschildren's activities: gaming, visual, communicative, cognitive-research, musical, perception fiction and folklore.

Goals: clarify the signs of spring; learn to convey pictures of nature in drawing; practice beautiful arrangement of images on a sheet of paper; consolidate the ability to use expressive solutions to topics different materials; develop aesthetic perception; to form ideas about spring as a period of awakening of nature: to show the dependence of plant growth on changes in living nature associated with the arrival of spring (increasing the amount of light and heat, melting snow, feeding the earth and plant roots with water); consolidate the name of the first spring flowers.

Targets preschool education : expresses positive emotions (surprise, joy, admiration) when reading the poem by Yu. Moritz “Spring” and listening piece of music“Like spring and winter”; knows how to maintain a conversation about the signs of spring, express his point of view; is interested in children's visual arts (drawing on the theme “Spring has come. The birds have flown”).

Materials and equipment: drawings and pictures depicting spring flowers, birds; colored wax crayons, watercolor, gouache (whitewash).

1. Introductory word teacher

– Listen to Yunna Moritz’s poem “Spring.”

Ding! Don!

Ding! Don!

What is this gentle ringing?

This is a snowdrop forest

Smiling through sleep!

Whose fluffy ray is this?

It tickles so much from behind the clouds,

Forcing the kids

Smile from ear to ear?

Whose warmth is this?

Whose kindness is this?

Makes you smile

Hare, chicken, cat?

And for what reason?

Spring is coming

Around town!

And the poodle has a smile!

And there's a fish in the aquarium

Smiled from the water

Smiling bird!

– Look what a beauty Spring has come to us in kindergarten. (The teacher puts three dolls on the table, decorated with snowdrops, birds, and cherry berries.) Why did the author give spring such names: Martovna Podsnezhnikova, Aprelevna Skvoreshnikova, Mayevna Chereshnikova? (The name is the name of the spring month, and the patronymic is the name of the main feature of this month.)

– When do snowdrops bloom? (In March.)

– When do starlings fly? (In April.)

- When will the cherry tree ripe? (In May.)

- Let's meet the spring guests - Martovna Podsnezhnikova, Aprelevna Skvoreshnikova, Mayevna Chereshnikova!

2. Familiarization with the signs of spring.

- Guys, tell me what the first month of spring is called. And people called it “the morning of the year.” Why? We always celebrated the arrival of spring. Spring has been getting ready to set off for a long time, so come, come, people asked. Children called for spring by climbing higher on a fence or on the roof of a barn. Let us also call for spring.

Come to us, spring, with joy! Spring is red,

With great mercy to us! What did you bring?

Oh, oh, oh, warm sunshine,

Let's hear about spring. Red fly!

March, March - Spring is red,

Glad to see the sun! What did you come with?

April, April What did you come with?

Will open the door. On the perch

May, May, On the harrow,

Walk as much as you want! On an oatmeal,

On a wheat pie.

“But spring slowly unfolds its march. Guys, how do we know that spring is coming? Who can name the first signs of spring? (The sun is high, shining brighter; the day is getting longer; the sky is blue, clear; icicles; the snow is turning black, melting; drops are ringing.) People call March a drip. Who can say why? Guess the riddle: “White carrots grow in spring.” How did you guess that it was an icicle? There is a naughty song about an icicle. Let's sing it.

Playful icicles sat on the cornice.

The playful icicles looked down.

We sat. Things to do?

Drops began to fall.

The ringing goes on all day long:

Drip-drip, ding-dong!

- Guys, the snow will melt, and what will we see? (Earth.) What will it be like after winter, emerging from under the snow? (Black, wet.) Where's the grass? What do the trees look like? What's happening to them? (Water nourishes the earth, the roots of plants and trees, fills them with moisture and nutrients.) What can you notice? (Buds are swelling on the branches of the trees, the first spring flowers are appearing, and grass is growing here and there.) All nature seems to be awakening from a long winter sleep. What are the first spring flowers? (Snowdrops, coltsfoot, dream grass, corydalis.) Find these flowers in the illustrations.

- Guess the riddle:

It has a wonderful golden color,

He big sun small portrait.

What is this? (Dandelion.)

– Find this flower in the picture. What does a dandelion flower look like in the morning and evening? For whom is this flower useful? These flowers sparkle like little light bulbs in the clearing and seem to say to everyone: “Don’t pick me! Let the bees and flies drink my sweet nectar." Think about what would happen if everyone started picking these first spring flowers? Read a poem about it.

If I pick a flower, if you pick a flower,

If everyone: both me and you, if we pick flowers,

All the meadows will be empty and there will be no beauty.

3. Round dance “Like spring and winter.”

“Spring will come, the clearings will dry out, and the boys and girls will begin to dance in circles, glorifying spring.

How spring met winter.

Like winter saying goodbye to spring.

Ay, lyuli-lyuli, we met.

Ay, lyuli-lyuli, we said goodbye.

As spring flowed in streams,

How spring blossomed with flowers.

How early the red sun rose.

How kindly it shone for people.

Like spring we praise for its deeds.

Glory to her for giving us warmth.

4. Drawing on the theme “Spring has come. The birds have arrived."

– What poems about the coming of spring do you know?

– Let’s draw a picture on the theme: “Spring has come. The birds have arrived." Think about the composition of the drawing. How to arrange a sheet of paper and images on it? What can you depict? (Trees, thawed patches, sun, birds, nests, etc.)

The children begin to draw. The teacher helps the children come up with the composition of the drawing.

5. Reflection.

– Look at the drawings at our exhibition and choose the most expressive and neat ones. What is shown in each picture?

- Let's say goodbye to the spring guests Martovna Podsnezhnikova, Aprelevna Skvoreshnikova, Mayevna Chereshnikova!