Why do you dream about a bank? Why do you dream about Glass Jars? Why do you dream about a jar of water - Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about a glass jar? The dream book often interprets this symbol as a warning about future troubles, failures, and health problems. However, sometimes such a sign in a dream promises success and new pleasant acquaintances. It is important to remember the details of the dream, which will help you interpret it correctly.

Pay attention to your health

A broken glass jar in a dream indicates that the dreamer will have a serious illness. You should be patient and gather all your strength to defeat the disease.

Why do you dream of medical glass jars? The dream book warns: a cold or infectious disease is possible. Putting them in means a speedy recovery.

You can overcome difficulties

A broken glass jar in a dream means: extremely unpleasant difficulties are possible ahead. Willpower and determination to achieve what you want will help you overcome adversity. This symbol also portends disappointment.

Giving medical glass jars to someone means resolving a personal issue promises difficulties. If they give you a choice, the dream book indicates: there is a difficult choice ahead, it will be very difficult to make it.

Did you dream about empty ones? Some obstacles will hinder the implementation of your plans. However, you are quite capable of defeating them if you have the desire.

Why do you dream of washing jars? According to the dream book, there is a period of material losses ahead that can lead to poverty. Plan your spending carefully, try to find additional sources of income.

Success and pleasant surprises are possible

A large number of empty cans in a dream promises a person to soon receive some very valuable gift.

Full, especially with blanks, they portend prosperity for the dreamer. The dream book promises: good luck awaits him in business, personal life, a favorable combination of circumstances for the implementation of his plans.

Did you dream of water in a glass jar that you drank? This is a sign of imminent fun or good news.

Why dream of glass jars with blanks if the sleeper fills them himself? According to the dream book, things are going well, and the efforts a person makes to achieve what he wants will be crowned with success.

Water in a glass jar and flowers standing there in a dream are a harbinger of buying something that the dreamer has long dreamed of.

Plan carefully

Did you dream about empty glass jars? The dream book states: such a symbol promises serious material difficulties, even need. However, don't despair. Look for a new job or at least temporary part-time work. By asking your friends, you can find a very decent place.

Also, empty glass jars promise a decline in business. You should carefully analyze your plans; perhaps there is an error somewhere that could lead to a fiasco. Before it's too late, you need to correct them.

Buying glass jars with blanks means: the success achieved by the dreamer will be fragile. When it ends, the sleeper may experience disappointment due to unfulfilled expectations. New plans must be made, taking into account your miscalculations or changed circumstances.

Dreaming of filled vessels in a dream is a sign of good luck in business, business, or work.

Love, relationships

Why do you dream of seeing something broken? According to Freud's dream book, empty is dissatisfaction with a partner, a desire to break off the relationship. When the full one breaks, it’s time to stop communicating with your sexual partner.

Seeing someone opening them in a dream means meeting a person about whom you have heard a lot from friends. To do this yourself is to visit a person who rarely visits you.

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

Why do you dream and what does the Bank mean:

Jar - If you dreamed of medical jars, trouble awaits you. To see that someone is putting cans on your stomach - beware of an accident or the machinations of enemies. I dreamed of a jar with a bouquet of flowers - expect pleasures and good news. If you dreamed of an empty glass jar, this portends you joy and good news.

If you dreamed of empty jars, this is a sign of need and unfulfilled desires. Seeing that banks have been broken is a sign of hope for the best. To see that the banks are full means that circumstances will change in your favor and you will be lucky. See what they are filled with by name.

To see that a full jar has been broken means disappointments, worries and disappointments await you, which can have a bad effect on your health. To see that someone brought you some cans means you will live with hopes for a bright future.

If you bought cans, you are in for a waste of time and effort. You should give up vain hopes and get down to something more realistic. Seeing that you are drinking from a can is a harbinger of fun and good news.

See also: why do you dream about an empty bottle, why do you dream about a lid, why do you dream about canned food.

Dream Book of G. Miller

Why do you dream about the Bank - psychological interpretation:

Bank - If you dreamed of empty jars, this means impoverishment and need. If you dreamed of jars filled with something, this portends you success.

To see that you are buying cans means that your success is fragile, and the burden of disappointment will be heavy. If you dreamed of a broken can, it promises you a serious illness or deep disappointment.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Seeing a Jar in a dream:

Jar - If you dreamed of glass jars, this means a deterioration in your financial situation. If you dreamed of empty jars, you will experience all-round success if they are filled with something.

Seeing that you are buying food preserved in jars (vegetables, juices, etc.) - this means that the success you have achieved is fragile and when it ends, you will be disappointed. To see that the can has slipped out of your hands and shattered into pieces - then illness can be added to all the troubles.

If you dreamed of medical cups or traces of them on your body, a lot of minor troubles await you. If you dreamed of jars containing flowers, this portends the purchase of something you have long dreamed of.

Dream book for girls

If you dream about a Bank, what does it mean:

Jar - If you dream of an empty jar, then such a dream serves as a warning that you should change your attitude towards friends who are tired of forgiving all your antics as quickly as possible. If you don’t do this, you will be left completely alone, because your loved ones have already begun to move away from you. Making jam means that a series of pleasant events is coming, during which you will have to fuss a lot, but the fuss and troubles will not be annoying, because they will bring a good mood.

A broken jar means you will experience great disappointment, which will soon be replaced by no less great joy. A whole series of good events awaits you that will lift your spirits.

It is fragile and the burden of disappointment will be heavy.

See a broken can- promises a serious illness or deep disappointment.

Freud's Dream Book

A jar, like any vessel- symbolizes a woman or female genital organs.

Broken empty- speaks of dissatisfaction with your partner and the desire to break up with him, but if you collect the fragments in a dustpan or sweep the floor after that, then you are afraid of a breakup.

Broken jar with some contents- speaks of the need to break up with your sexual partner as quickly as possible.

The jar is opaque, empty- to sadness; filled- return to the old; if with milk- to lung disease; canning- to deterioration of health.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Buy banks- achieve short-term success in your career, followed by failures and disappointments.

Break a jar or watch it broken- to a complex illness, disappointment in life, depression.
Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

(description by day of the week)

4. Why do you dream of condensed milk in jars?
5. Why do you dream about washing jars?
6. Why do you dream about breaking cans?
7. An anecdote in the dark.))

Greetings to the interested reader! My name is Inna, I have been interested in astrology and studying psychology for 8 years. It so happened in my life that having a higher education, I do not work, which gives me a lot of free time to study what I find interesting.

One day, before a very important event at my husband’s work, I had a dream. I dreamed of a lot of empty cans in the closet, as if I was cleaning and opened a closet that was not there before. There were several shelves filled with dusty, empty cans. Believing that any associations that the brain tells us during sleep can provide useful information, I began to search for its meaning. As it turns out, seeing an empty jar in a dream is unlucky. Not all dream books are completely similar in their opinions; some claim that failure will concern love affairs. For example:

an empty jar in a dream means an unsuccessful marriage, the wrong partner, disappointment in a relationship.

Be sure to look at the interpretation of the dream “empty glass jars” from the love dream book, because the information received will help you achieve your desired goal.

(description by day of the week)

To understand exactly what meaning fits my situation, I analyzed the dream by day:

  • From Sunday to Monday seen in a dream difficult to relate to reality in the future. It is quite possible that the association is random and will not negatively affect your life.
  • From Monday to Tuesday the meaning of sleep such is that your ambitions are directed in the wrong direction, your planned activities or ideas will disappoint you over time.
  • Tuesday - Wednesday night astrological meaning does not carry useful information at all. On this night, the images that arise in a person’s dreams are often chaotic, complex and not reflected in reality.
  • From Wednesday to Thursday to see in a dream empty banks, as in my case, mean failure in financial and material matters. Dreams that night often come true. The dream also warns that the things being done will not bring profit.
  • Prophetic dream Thursday to Friday night with empty cans seen speaks of failure in love, to great disappointment in the future, but do not lose heart! In some dream books, it is believed that seeing empty glass jars is, on the contrary, a sign of happiness and a “transparent” family life.
  • Friday-Saturday in your dreams reflects positive energy that may happen to you in the future. The details of the dream may not be as important as the overall impression of the dream; if the dream was good and you woke up in a great mood, then a lot of joy and pleasure awaits you.
  • At night from Saturday to Sunday As a rule, you dream about something that can come true on the same day, but only with positive energy. If in a dream you just saw empty cans, most likely the dream does not mean anything.

There are also many interesting things connected with dreams, for example, why do you dream about a jar of water? This is a dream for upcoming shopping, fun, and holidays. If the water in the jar is clean, then the costs will bring pleasure; if it is dirty, or something is floating in it, it will lead to troubles and debts.

See the most popular and interesting article:

Why do you dream of condensed milk in jars?

It’s very interesting, but according to the interpretations of dream books, it turns out that simply seeing condensed milk in jars means wealth, abundance, having extra money, perhaps a promotion at work. But if you eat condensed milk from a can in a dream, the dream warns of poor health. Eating carelessly, getting dirty and without utensils means a physical illness will happen due to your carelessness and irresponsibility.

Why do you dream about washing jars?

To financial difficulties. This dream especially speaks of a difficult financial situation on Tuesday and Wednesday.

If you saw jars being washed in a dream, it means that you have to or are already doing hard, exhausting work that does not generate income. On other days, there is a chance that the meaning of the dream is the opposite and promises a good, profitable job, albeit hard.

Seeing a lot of foam in jars, soap or powder - to minor worries, troublesome problems. Also beware of large groups, they may judge you behind your back and slander you.

Why do you dream about breaking cans?

Breaking a jar in a dream, as even Uncle Freud himself writes, is a sign of dissatisfaction in a relationship. Your partner will eventually disappoint you or the hopes you had for the relationship will not be met.

Broken cans warn of unexpected, painful and unpleasant sensations, most often sudden.

Don’t forget to also take a look at the project’s most popular article: because it contains interesting information about dreams and dreams that you can use for your well-being.

joke in the dark.))

It’s amazing that a beer can takes more than 100 years to decompose, but, damn it, the body of a car rots in 1-2 years!

Last night, when I went to bed, I turned off both phones (I wanted to get some sleep). And so I dreamed that I left home in the evening or at night, I don’t remember, like for some kind of party... vaguely... But already in the morning we went into some supermarket, high shelves everywhere, and at the end of the hall there were several tables, we sat down eat. We ate something, I don’t remember. And suddenly, from the next table, some girl in a black wig says to me: “At least you should put your head in order, your hair is undyed, he walks like a scarecrow.” And I have such aggression, I wanted to beat her right away (I’m a pretty peaceful person in life, I’ve gotten into women’s fights maybe 3-4 times in my entire life). I turned around and looked, and she was just a little girl, about 16 years old. I answered something, and again this word “stuffed animal”... Something else started yapping, with fair hair. Then the third (and there were only girls around). Well, I jumped up, they all rushed scattered between the shelves, I caught one, a blonde, and began hitting her right in the face with my fist, and for some reason my hands ended up in rubber household gloves. So I hit her once, twice, she’s already limp, she’s not resisting, and I’m holding her “boobs” with one hand, and with the other I’m hitting and hitting and I can’t stop until my hand is already frozen and stiff. In general, I threw it on the floor and walked between the rows, I saw the staff running up to her, a security guard, “call the police, an ambulance,” the administrator said that they broke the vodka at the window. Well, I wander between the shelves, there is flour, cereals, I sat down on one shelf, pulled off these bloody mittens, but there didn’t seem to be much blood on them, it was so smeared. She closed her eyes. And then the security guard comes up, “oh, another one wandered in after the nightclub,” and begins to send me away - “home, home, there’s no point in sleeping here.” In general, he took me outside, and there it was already morning, it was getting light. I wander down the street and remember that I still have the keys to my apartment in my outerwear pocket. And I can’t go back, the police are there. And so they will look for me, look at the cameras, and identify me. AND I ALSO TURNED BOTH PHONES OFF AND LEFT IT AT HOME. In general, I decide to go to my cousin’s sister (she lives not far from me, but our relationship is not very close), but there is nowhere else. I go into her entrance, it seems like I pressed the wrong button in the elevator, a floor or two above, I go down the stairs, and they seem to have such a renovation in the entrance, they just hung wallpaper and flowers everywhere, on the railings between the stairwells, on the windows of the entrance jars of preserved food, various types of adjika, tomatoes, seemingly decorative, but real liter jars of preserved food)). In general, somehow I didn’t find her apartment, it seemed like the floor above hers was apartment 61, I asked some people about apartment 69, no one could clearly explain anything... somehow that’s where I woke up