Drawing geometric bodies. How to draw three-dimensional figures and bodies with a pencil Draw from geometric shapes

Can you make animals from geometric shapes?

Never tried it?

Then it’s worth looking at the pictures on the website, where various animals are made from geometric shapes. Offer these drawings to your children: they will surely appreciate their originality.

Geometric world

In everything that surrounds us, we can find elements of geometry.

A table can be round or square, our houses are parallelepipeds, etc. Haven't you watched how artists paint? They first outline the contours of an object with a base of geometric shapes, and only then draw smooth lines around them. They see the world as geometric, and smooth or soft lines only hide the real essence of things.

In pedagogy for preschool children, there is even a whole direction where children are taught to see pure geometric shapes in everything. This is Mary's pedagogy. She believed that pure geometric shapes contributed to children's better development and orientation in the world. This is not to say that this system is ideal, but it has found its supporters.

Now let's remember the works of artists of the era of modernism and postmodernism. Pictures appear before your eyes, filled with squares, triangles, circles, trapezoids and all kinds of shapes, painted in different colors. This is how the painters of the new era saw the world, and there had to be a basis for this. They tried to convey this world untouched by human hands. Their desire was to show that we all and all objects around us are composed of geometric shapes. Our whole world, if you look closely, is solid geometry.

How to use pictures when working with children

It is quite clear that the question arises: artists are one thing, but why do children need such a vision of the world?

Of course, pictures with animals made from geometric shapes do not aim to impose on the child an extraordinary vision of the world. However, why not show that such an interpretation of everything that surrounds us is possible.

Using the pictures you can learn the names of geometric shapes in an interesting and exciting way. From simple demonstration and repetition, the child quickly gets tired and begins to refuse classes, even if they are taught by the mother at home. It’s another matter if figures need to be found in animals. This is where genuine curiosity awakens.

When you have fully explored with your child the names of the shapes and their appearance, ask the child to show his vision of the world. Let us take an animal or any object as an example.

Ask: what geometric figure does it resemble?

Such exercises:

  1. - develop observation skills;
  2. — improve logical and spatial thinking;
  3. - contribute to the vision of an object hidden behind the outer shell.

The baby learns to see and observe what others cannot or do not know how to see. Isn't this the education of an artist and a creative person?

Or you can play the reverse game. Imagine that you are abstract artists. Have one of you draw something consisting of geometric shapes, and the other try to guess what is drawn. Postmodernist painters often encrypted their drawings on a canvas filled with squares, rectangles, trapezoids... the same puzzles were previously offered in children's magazines.

You can create such a puzzle yourself: you just need a little imagination and a look at the world through the prism of geometry.

Click on the picture to download this workbook with tasks for children for free.
Examples of notebook pages with applications for children from 1 to 3 years old.

Applications for children from 4 to 7 years old. Click on the picture to download this book.

/ Still life

1 pic. We outline the horizon - the line of the table. We compose a still life using straight lines. The result is the shape of a house, with a slight tilt to the left side. We find the center and draw a vertical axis, and then a horizontal one. We did a great job composing the still life composition.

2 fig. Next, we must arrange the objects themselves into a composition. We will use the shape of a circle and an oval in the layout. Pay attention to how the shapes are located between the lines, where they go beyond the lines, and what slope they have.

3 fig. Here our task is to build 3 volumetric geometric figures (cube, ball and cylinder). Ball - find the center and draw two axes, measure equal sides from the center and make a symmetrical shape.

Cube - find the points of the front square, make sure that the lines are parallel, then from points “A”, “B” and “C” draw diagonals parallel to each other, find the points on them using a ruler and measure the same length. Connect the dots. Cylinder - draw along the length direction (with an inclination) the central axis, and find points for the cross axes of the cylinder. We measure equal distances from the center of the axes using a ruler (as we did the ball).

4 fig. Now we need to show shadow, light and falling shadow from objects on objects. The direction of the light rays shows where there will be shadow and light on objects. By applying a stroke to the form we show the main gradations. Look carefully at the drawing.

5 fig. Great! Now it is important for you to know what a reflex is. Reflex is the reflection of light. As a rule, it is depicted on the shadow side (see figure). And there are such concepts as penumbra and half-light - this is a smooth transition from shadow to light. Here we need to show the density with a stroke. It is necessary to deepen the shadow, penumbra, half-light, reflex and falling shadow from objects.

Identification of individual typological differences.

Test instructions

“You need to draw a human figure made up of 10 elements, which may include triangles, circles, and squares. You can increase or decrease these elements (geometric shapes) in size and overlap each other as needed. It is important that all these three elements are present in the image of a person, and the sum of the total number of figures used is equal to ten. If you used a larger number of shapes when drawing, then you need to cross out the extra ones, but if you used fewer than ten shapes, you need to complete the missing ones. Carry out the drawing according to these instructions."

Material: subjects are offered three sheets of paper measuring 10x10 cm, each sheet is numbered and signed. On sheet No. 1 the first test drawing is made; further, respectively, on sheet No. 2 - the second, on sheet No. 3 - the third. After three drawings are completed, the data is processed. If the instructions are violated, the material is not processed.

Processing test results

Data processing is carried out as follows: the number of triangles, circles and squares spent in the image of a man is calculated (for each picture separately), and the result is written in the form of three-digit numbers, where

  • hundreds indicate quantity triangles,
  • tens- quantity circles,
  • units-quantity squares.

These three-digit numbers make up the so-called “drawing formula”, according to which those drawing are assigned to the corresponding types and subtypes, which are presented in the table.

Interpretation of test results

The interpretation of the test is based on the fact that the geometric shapes used in the drawings differ in semantics. Triangle usually referred to as a “sharp”, “offensive” figure associated with the masculine principle. Circle– a streamlined figure, more in tune with sympathy, softness, roundness, femininity. It is easier to build something from square-shaped elements than from others, therefore square, the rectangle is interpreted as a specifically technical structural figure, a “technical module”.

Personality types

Type I – “ supervisor" Usually these are people with a penchant for leadership and organizational activities. They are oriented towards socially significant norms of behavior and may have the gift of good storytellers, based on a high level of speech development. They have good adaptation in the social sphere and maintain dominance over others within certain limits.

Drawing formulas: 901, 910, 802, 811, 820, 703, 712, 721, 730, 604, 613, 622, 631, 640.

  • Most severe dominance over others expressed in subtypes 901, 910, 802, 811, 820;
  • situationally-у 703, 712, 721, 730;
  • when influencing people with speech - verbal leader or “teaching subtype” – 604, 613, 622, 631, 640.

It must be remembered that the manifestation of these qualities depends on the level of mental development. At a high level of development, individual traits are developed, realizable, and quite well understood. At a low level of development, they may not be detected in professional activities, but may be present situationally, worse if they are inadequate to the situation. This applies to all characteristics.

Type II – “ responsible executive“possesses many of the traits of the “leader” type, however, there is often hesitation in making responsible decisions.

This type of people is more focused on “the ability to get things done”, high professionalism, has a high sense of responsibility and demands on themselves and others, highly values ​​being right, i.e. characterized by increased sensitivity to truthfulness. They often suffer from somatic diseases of nervous origin as a result of overexertion.

Drawing formulas: 505, 514, 523, 532, 541, 550.

III type – “ anxious and suspicious“-characterized by a variety of abilities and talents - from fine manual skills to literary talent. Usually, people of this type are cramped within one profession, they can change it to a completely opposite and unexpected one, and also have a hobby, which is essentially a second profession. Physically they cannot stand disorder and dirt. They usually conflict with other people because of this. They are characterized by increased vulnerability and often doubt themselves. They need gentle reassurance.

Drawing formulas: 406, 415, 424, 433, 442, 451, 460.

  • 415 – “poetic subtype” – usually people who have this drawing formula have poetic talent;
  • 424 – a subtype of people recognized by the phrase: “How can you work poorly? I can’t imagine how it could work poorly.” People of this type are particularly careful in their work.

IV type – “ scientist" These people easily abstract from reality, have a “conceptual mind,” and are distinguished by the ability to develop their own theories “for everything.” They usually have peace of mind and rationally think through their behavior.

Drawing formulas: 307, 316, 325, 334, 343, 352, 361, 370.

  • 316 is characterized by the ability to create theories, mostly global, or carry out large and complex coordination work;
  • 325 – a subtype characterized by a great passion for knowledge of life, health, biological disciplines, and medicine.

Representatives of this type are often found among people involved in synthetic arts: cinema, circus, theatrical and entertainment directing, animation, etc.

V type – “ intuitive" People of this type have a strong sensitivity of the nervous system and high fatigue.

They work more easily by switching from one activity to another; they usually act as “minority lawyers”, behind whom lie new opportunities. They have increased sensitivity to novelty. They are altruistic, often show concern for others, have good manual skills and imaginative imagination, which makes it possible to engage in technical types of creativity.

They usually develop their own moral standards and have internal self-control, i.e. prefer self-control, reacting negatively to attacks on their freedom.

Drawing formulas: 208, 217, 226, 235, 244, 253, 262, 271, 280.

  • 235 – often found among professional psychologists or people with an increased interest in human psychology;
  • 244 – has the ability of literary creativity,
  • 217 – has the ability for inventive activity;
  • 226 – great need for novelty, usually sets very high standards of achievement for himself.

VI type – “ inventor, designer, artist" Often found among people with a “technical streak.” These are people with a rich imagination, spatial vision, and are often engaged in various types of technical, artistic and intellectual creativity. More often they are introverted, just like the intuitive type, they live by their own moral standards, and do not accept any outside influences other than self-control.

Emotional, obsessed with their own original ideas.

Drawing formulas: 109, 118, 127, 136, 145, 019, 028, 037, 046.

  • 019 – found among people who have good command of the audience;
  • 118 is the type with the most pronounced design capabilities and ability to invent.

VII type – “ emotive" They have increased empathy towards other people, have a hard time dealing with cruel scenes of the film, and can be unsettled for a long time and shocked by cruel events. The pains and worries of other people find their participation, empathy and sympathy, on which they spend a lot of their own energy, as a result it becomes difficult to realize their own abilities.

Drawing formulas: 550, 451, 460, 352, 361, 370, 253, 262, 271, 280, 154, 163, 172, 181, 190, 055, 064, 073, 082, 091.

VIII type – “ insensitive to the feelings of others" Has the opposite tendency to the emotive type. Usually does not feel the experiences of other people or treats them with inattention and even increases pressure on people.

If he is a good specialist, then he can force others to do what he considers necessary. Sometimes it is characterized by “callousness,” which arises situationally when, for some reason, a person becomes isolated in the circle of his own problems.

Drawing formulas: 901, 802, 703, 604, 505, 406, 307, 208, 109.

Applique is an ancient method of developing children of all ages, which includes a huge number of varieties: from geometric shapes, from fabric, from natural materials, object-based, plot, decorative, and so on.

Benefits of applique classes for children of all ages

Application classes will make an extremely positive contribution to the development of the child:

Preparing the workplace and materials

Whether it's a simple application of geometric shapes or gluing a long story, using the data provided, Due attention must, first of all, be paid to organizing the child’s workplace:

  • scissors (light, small, comfortable for a child’s hand, always with blunt ends);
  • a base that will become the base for the appliqué (for example, a white sheet of paper, cardboard, a wooden block);
  • glue (preferably glue - a pencil that will not spread, spill or stain, unlike the usual liquid type);
  • working material (what the applique will be made from: colored paper, fabric, cereals, foil, flowers, and so on).

Working with Templates

To properly organize appliqué lessons with children, it is important to work out every little detail, in particular the templates. Applications for the youngest (3-5 years old), for example, from geometric shapes, leave no questions regarding the creation of templates for them. In this case, you need to create a drawing, indicating on it the places where the baby should glue the pre-cut elements.

In situations with preparing for appliqués for older children, certain difficulties may arise if the organizer does not have good drawing skills. The described situation is due to the need to create more complex sketches, by tracing and independently cutting out which children will be able to obtain the necessary components of a future craft.

The algorithm for working with templates is identical for each type of application:

  • create a sketch in color;
  • copy the original drawing;
  • cut (for children 3-5 years old) or divide with bright lines (for children over 5 years old) the image copied in color into the constituent parts of the future work;
  • glue the elements onto the prepared base.

Figure templates for the younger group of kindergarten

Applications from geometric shapes - the most suitable a way to develop fine motor skills and creative thinking of children in the younger group of kindergarten:

Figure templates for the senior group of kindergarten

Application of geometric shapes, adding to the plot of a picture, “composing” pictures of animals, birds by gluing eyes, paws, wings, etc. main types of applicative activities with children 4-5 years old:

Templates of figures for the preparatory group of kindergarten

As a rule, tasks for children over 5 years old This involves not only cutting and gluing, but also preparing a template for the applique yourself:

Figure templates for 1st grade

An applique of geometric shapes will certainly be suitable for schoolchildren who know how to handle scissors carefully.

Students are given complicated tasks with a large number of templates - circles, polygons, cutting out which will require strength, perseverance, and accuracy.


Figure templates for grade 2


Shape templates for 3rd grade


Shape templates for 4th grade


Application on the theme “Summer”

Applications of forest, sun, mushrooms, trees, grass, made from geometric shapes of various materials, will perfectly reveal the theme of summer in a child’s work:

As a result of the work, the child receives an image of a sunny day with all the components of the summer period.

Application on the theme “Autumn”

When working on “autumn” applications, you can, as an option, use natural materials:

As a result of simple manipulations, the child will receive an application illustrating the details of the autumn season.

Application on the theme “Winter”

Work with a winter theme can be made from a variety of materials: cotton wool, paper, fabric and so on. The most useful from the point of view of developing fine motor skills in children is an applique consisting of small pieces of paper. The child should not cut out these components, but tear the paper as small as possible. It is better to use a dark blue sheet of colored cardboard as a base.


  1. First, children need to prepare templates of houses and trees, consisting of geometric shapes. (rectangles - houses; squares - windows of houses; elongated rectangles - tree trunks; triangles - roofs of houses).
  2. Having glued the resulting appliqué parts into place, you can begin the process of tearing the paper.
  3. Small pieces of white paper obtained as a result of the work done are randomly attached to the roof, branches, and ground, depicting snowfall or snowdrifts.

As a result of creativity, an image of a winter city is obtained on a sheet of paper.

Application on the theme “Space”

When working on a “space” application, you can invite your child to “make” constellations:

As a result of creativity, you should get a variety of constellations of the night sky: Ursa Major/Little Bear, Gemini, Canis Major, and so on.

Making patterns from geometric shapes

Making a pattern of geometric shapes helps children master or consolidate knowledge about their names, develops fine motor skills, creative thinking, and imagination. This type of activity consists of gluing simple shapes in a chaotic order to obtain a pattern or classifying components by size, shape, color, and so on.

To spark a child’s interest in this type of appliqué, an adult invites him to decorate a napkin.

Having provided the student with the templates, it is necessary to show him a sample, a copy of which should become the result of the work. An alternative to the model can be cooperation with the teacher, where, hearing the name (color, size) of a geometric figure previously cut out according to a template, the child must choose the same one and stick it to the indicated place.

It is important for the organizer of application classes to remember the need to:

  • properly equip the “student’s” workplace: remove unnecessary things, prepare what is necessary;
  • in classes, resort to playful techniques to keep the child’s interest;
  • use a variety of materials for applications in order to best develop children’s tactile sensations;
  • choose a topic that suits the interests of a particular age group;
  • ask the child to express his personal opinion after the work done for further analysis of errors in organizing the process;
  • do not limit the child’s imagination and allow him to refine the appliqué lesson plan as he works.

Applications made in the style of the simplest gluing together of pictures from geometric shapes, along with more complex options, should, first of all, bring joy to children.

Definitely, the “teacher” must interest the children before formulating the task, praise them during the process, and evaluate the merits of the work already completed. By enjoying the activities, the child will not only develop, but also have a pleasant time in the company of peers or parents, which means that appliqué classes will take root in his life for a long time.

Video: application of geometric shapes

Applications from geometric shapes in the video:

Find out how to create an applique with animals in the video: