Ukrainian singer Yaremchuk. "Nazariy would be proud of his daughter"


With Nazariy Yaremchuk, our Ukrainian songs flew around the world - “Chervona Ruta”, “Vodograi”, “Smerekova Khata”, “Stozhari”, “Gai, Green Guy”, “Motherland”, “I will go to the distant mountains”, “The song will help us”, “I will never forget you”, “Hey, you little Cossacks”, “I haven’t told you everything yet”... His voice and manner of performance are impossible not to recognize. And this one still sounds, recorded on tape. magic voice. “He slept so much that he developed calluses on his throat. He sang so much that his voice became like wings,” wrote the poet Andrei Demidenko. In one of his last interviews, Yaremchuk said: “Each of us must constantly be in flight - through fate, above vanity. And at the same time, do not leave the ground. Remember sacred things - why you live, where you come from, what you strive for, what you tell people, what well you drink from living water. I'm past the age when you pay attention to little things - autographs, popularity. I'm worried about something else: what will happen to our song garden tomorrow? When I listen to young singers who are called popular, famous, I am surprised: where did this come from? Why do they copy someone else and not look for their own? By what criteria are our charts compiled? Where are these hits? The programs contain the same names. I have nothing against them, but is this really the top? Is it really imaginary, feigned, fictitious, artificial, created by someone for their own self-satisfaction that is the upper limit of our modern song art? Sad words. But Nazariy Nazarovich had the right to say so. For it was he - together with Vladimir Ivasyuk, Sofia Rotaru, Vasily Zinkevich and Levk Dutkivsky - who stood at the origins of the formation of the very concept of Ukrainian pop song. One can only envy the fantastic popularity of his songs newest stars our show business. Although the path to the heights of N. Yaremchuk’s recognition was quite thorny.


He was born in the village. Rivnya Vyzhnytsia district, Chernivtsi region in peasant family. Your fourth child his parents named him Nazarius (this name means “dedicated to God”). The birth of his son was a real holiday for the 64-year-old father. The whole Yaremchuk family was very musical: my father had a wonderful tenor, he sang in the church choir; mother except beautiful voice, played the mandolin well, she also had acting talent - she performed in the local folk theater. As a small boy, Nazariy also began to sing.

He did not talk much about his family due to the existence of family secrets, which for decades they preferred not to disclose. The fact is that Nazariy’s father had a son from his first marriage - Dmitry, a lawyer by profession, 27 years older than the future singer. In the 40s, when various nationalist groups were active in Bukovina, Dmitry joined the Melnikites. Soviet power he did not accept and left for Canada under a false name. Subsequently, getting back on his feet, he helped his relatives, because he knew how difficult life was for the family. The brothers met many years later, when Nazariy became famous singer and toured abroad. He dedicated the famous song “Leleka from Ukraine” to Dmitry and all the emigrants scattered by fate around the world.

His father died when Nazariy was still in fourth grade, and the family found itself in a very difficult situation. There was only one way out - to give youngest child to study at a boarding school. After graduating from school, dreaming of becoming a traveler, like Jacques Yves Cousteau, Nazariy applied to the Chernivtsi University for the Faculty of Geography, but did not pass the competition. I had to work as a seismologist in the Western Ukrainian Geological Exploration Party and complete driver courses. Only on his second attempt did Nazariy manage to enter the university.

In the fall of 1969, Nazariy began performing in the amateur vocal and instrumental ensemble “Smerichka” at the Vyzhnytsia House of Culture. “One day I came to a rehearsal, and during the break I went on stage and sang Pokladov’s “Kokhana,” recalled N. Yaremchuk. - The founder of Smerichka, Levko Dutkivsky, heard me and suggested preparing “The Incomparable World of Beauty” and “I’ll Go to the Distant Mountains.” He liked my singing, and I received an invitation to join the team.”

“Giryanka” brought Nazariy his first recognition. He and Zinkevich became laureates of the All-Union competition “Hello, we are looking for talents.” Yaroslav Zhupansky, today a professor at the Department of Geography of Ukraine and Cartology, recalls those times: “Nazar was a polite, modest and sociable guy. Not an excellent student, but he studied hard. Not a single evening at the university was complete without his singing. After the participation of “Smerichka” in the competitions “Song-71” and “Song-72”, Ivasyukov’s “Chervona Ruta” and “Vodograi” will begin to be sung in all corners of our country. But fame will not change Yaremchuk’s character. He never had star fever. He worked at the department as a laboratory assistant for almost a year, then as a senior engineer, until he realized that singing came first for him. And then he turned professional - he became a soloist of the Chernivtsi Philharmonic.”

And soon Vladimir Ivasyuk will write songs that will bring both him and the performers worldwide recognition. After filming the film “Chervona Ruta”, Sofia Rotaru, Vasily Zinkevich and Nazariy Yaremchuk will become idols of the public. By the way, the famous “Vodograi” is sung by Maria Isak and Nazariy Yaremchuk in the film, and the audience sees the duet Rotaru - Zinkevich. But Nazariya’s mother could not be happy for her son; she died during filming.

Nazariy is active concert life. Now it’s even hard to believe that you can hold 46 concerts in 23 days. And the halls were full everywhere, and listeners were even ready to hang from the chandeliers to hear their favorites. It won’t be long before the Smerichka ensemble will be called the Ukrainian Beatles.

In the mid-70s, the Zinkevich-Yaremchuk duo broke up. For where there is glory, there are many pitfalls that interfere creative process. There were ambitions on both sides, and the slander of false friends did their job. And everyone went their own way in art: Vasily Ivanovich moved to Lutsk and became a soloist of the Svityaz ensemble, and Nazariy Nazarovich remained in Smerichka. But the singers managed to preserve friendly relations, and when Nazariy’s daughter was born, Vasily became her godfather.


According to the poet Vadim Krischenko, Nazariy was a delicate person. I didn’t know how to refuse requests from friends. This was sometimes taken advantage of by overly persistent and, unfortunately, not very capable individuals who constantly bothered him. With his talent, he created long-remembered creations from rather mediocre songs. Colleagues claim that Nazariy had absolute pitch, and he could pick up the notes and start singing right away, always in great shape and ready to go.

“Yaremchuk and I released about two dozen songs into the world,” says Krischenko, “written together with Alexander Zlotnik and Gennady Tatarchenko. Ostap Gavrish, Vladimir Shabashev, Alexander Pushkarenko. I really liked the way he performed the song “Lonely Leader.” I consider Nazariy a leader, a leader in the Ukrainian song community. He mesmerized with his singing. For example, when they recorded “Smile at Me,” everyone who was nearby came into the studio and listened with bated breath to his wonderful voice.

In the late 70s, at the Crimean Dawns festival, the singer met with composer Alexander Zlotnik, which developed into a creative and personal friendship. Their first common song became “Guy, green guy” to the words of Yuri Rybchinsky. “I learned the songs quickly, immediately memorized the melody and made the first, so to speak, “rough” recording,” says Zlotnik. - Then I worked on these works live at concerts, and during the performance I felt the reaction of the listeners, saw how it should be done - one way or another - in one melodic turn or another. Only after two or three months I again “overdubbed” my voice onto the soundtrack of the song. And this was truly a creation. One day, after a successful recording, he came up and said: “Come on, I’ll only sing your songs.” I understand that in this way he wanted to thank me for working together, but answered: “There are many more composers in the world besides me. Each of them will give you new intonations and images. And yours best works I’ll give it to you anyway.”

One of the gifts for his 40th birthday was the song “Motherland,” written together with Vadim Krischenko. I remember how fun we celebrated the anniversary in the Cheremosh hotel restaurant in Chernivtsi. Nazariy had just married Darina and was in awe of his charming wife, so inspired. Could I then imagine that there would never be another anniversary... For some reason he was in no hurry to record the song “Motherland”, as if he felt that it would be the last in his life. It was this song that he performed in a concert at the National Opera of Ukraine on June 7, 1995. This concert became Nazariy Yaremchuk’s swan song.”

It should be noted that for a long time on the stage Yaremchuk had a role lyrical hero, but he said that he likes to perform songs that combine lyrics and a civic sound. In the 70-80s, Nazariy Yaremchuk was a singer of love, or, as they say today, “ sex symbol Ukrainian stage" The handsome man “from the blue mountains”, who brought “wonderful justice to Rosemary”; when he sang: “Ask me your dream,” every girl believed that he was addressing only her. The album “The Unsurpassed World of Beauty” is one of the best in the Ukrainian discography of that period.

Nazarius was idolized by millions, but he was unhappy in his personal life. In marriage to Elena Shevchenko, two sons were born, but the children were unable to unite their parents. Divorce. The boys began to live with their grandparents in Mezhyhirya. Elena got married for the second time, moved to Kyiv, and Nazariy could not find a partner for a long time. He traveled around the world, and found his second wife in the village. Tyudiv. They were neighbors, lived nearby, but did not know each other personally. When they met, Nazariy had been divorced for a long time, and Darina had been a widow for four years and was raising her daughter Verochka herself.

“It seemed to me that I had known Nazariy all my life,” Darina Yaremchuk recalls her first impressions, “I communicated with him so easily. He is such a famous singer - and so simple and soulful person. We didn't even notice how we talked all night. Nobody made any promises to anyone. But I realized that that day became special in my life and, apparently, it’s not in vain that I live in the world. Already when Nazariy left, my brother Ivan, who introduced us, admitted that the singer told him: “Apparently, we will soon become a family.”

They got married on February 2, 1991. We got married in the Church of John the Baptist in Kosiv. There were many people in the temple. The priest was very happy to be crowning such a famous artist. After the marriage, the Yaremchuks began to live big family and did not divide the children into “yours” and “mine”. Nazariy loved to walk with his sons and stepdaughter, proud that he had such beautiful children. Soon they bought a house on Internatsionalnaya Street in Chernivtsi (now it bears the name of Yaremchuk - T.P.). It is old, built back in the 20s - it was in terrible condition: fungus on the walls, the roof was leaking. We had to redo everything to get normal housing. Slowly, the singer’s life began to improve.

On March 2, 1993, the Yaremchuks gave birth to a girl, who was named after Nazariy’s mother Marichka. Darina says that the older children immediately fell in love with the baby and played with her as if with a living doll. And Nazariy took his daughter’s little pillow with him on tour, which he considered his talisman. The singer said that he felt as if he had grown wings. Everything was fine both at home and in creativity. But suddenly trouble... A serious illness - cancer.

“It seems to me that the past is one endless colorful motley ribbon,” Nazariy writes in his diary. - There was a barefoot, corn-haired youth, where “hobli-hobli, be good.” There was a certain unity with nature, the universe, the symbol - Cheremosh and a craving for the river, for a living, unique eternity, conquering mountains, and knowing the greatness of the creator. I was a touchy kid, I hid somewhere on the edge in the grass and felt so sorry for myself. If I leave the house somewhere, if I hide, they won’t find me...

But the life limit is 43. I am in the hospital after stomach surgery. Everything was like a dream: doctors, communication, the feeling of an abyss. The execution took five hours. The Hairte doctor said there was no more cancer.”


Nazarius's friends helped him travel to Canada, hoping that Western medicine could help. The singer was examined and knew his terrible diagnosis. The operation was done too late and it did not help. But even when seriously ill, Yaremchuk continued to perform. After returning from abroad, Nazariy appeared at Yuri Rybchinsky’s party, and everyone noted how thin he had become - only his eyes were like flames. The poet Vadim Krischenko sadly recalls how he went behind the scenes of the Spivochny Pole stage, where the concert was taking place, dedicated to the Day Kyiv, and saw Nazariy, who was waiting for his turn. He apologized, put up several chairs and lay down on them, but quickly got up and smiled through force: “It’s okay, it will pass, when I sing, it’s easier for me.” He came on stage quickly and sang easily. But when he waved his hand to the audience, he sounded somehow hesitant, his movements became sluggish, as if the singer was saying goodbye to his listeners.

Yaremchuk quickly faded away, suffering from terrible pain. He was very worried that the children would remain orphans. A week before his death, he wrote in his diary: “It’s the 20th century, is there really nothing that can be done?” Darina says that Nazariy was worried that he didn’t have time to do much. He dreamed of writing the history of his region and the origins of the Yaremchuk family, he even compiled family tree up to the fifth knee.

On June 30, 1995, Nazariy Yaremchuk died. He lay in an embroidered shirt, and a sea of ​​people stood in sadness around the coffin... The singer was buried in the central cemetery of Chernivtsi. Yaremchuk was posthumously awarded the Shevchenko Prize.

There is an opinion that there are no irreplaceable people. It is not true. The singer with his talent, colossal efficiency, great love for Ukraine cannot be replaced by anyone. Yaremchuk remains in history forever new Ukraine, our culture as an artist and citizen. Vasily Zinkevich, speaking about his friend, emphasizes: “With his singing he rose to the stars. Served his muse faithfully. And that’s why it was so natural and understandable for us, like our Ukrainian song. They say that the star of Nazariya has gone out. Yes, it went out, but his amazing music and his song will never go out.”

However, unpleasant facts cannot be silenced. After the artist’s death, a black cat ran through the relationship between Nazarius’s widow and his sons. There were even trials regarding inheritance. For example, the house that all the Yaremchuks were proud of remained with Darina. And composer Zlotnik helped Dmitry and Nazariy get housing in Kyiv. Alexander Iosifovich still takes care of the children whom he has known since childhood, because he considers himself not just a friend of their father, but also responsible for their fate. Now Dmitry is a final year student at the National Music Academy of Ukraine. P. Tchaikovsky in the vocal department, he is a laureate of many competitions and festivals. Nazariy Jr. is a graduate student in the composition department. “The father wanted them to have higher professional education, and did not take the easy path of superficial knowledge of their business, says A. Zlotnik. - After all, he himself was an exemplary student when he studied at the Kiev Institute of Culture. I remember his words: “I must be the best, know everything that is taught to me, set an example for the young students who study with me. After all, I am a People’s Artist of Ukraine.” Marichka is also involved in music and singing. The girl is now eight years old, but she already has several diplomas for participating in local competitions.

According to Darina Yaremchuk, it will definitely open in the near future memorial museum singer in Chernivtsi. Now the widow is putting in order the library and archives of Nazariy. One of these days an exhibition will open in his father's house.


The singer lived unfairly short, but managed to become a legend of Ukrainian and Soviet stage. With him, the songs “Chervona Ruta”, “Gai, Green Guy”, “Vodograi”, “Stozhari”, “Smerekova Khata”, “I will go to the distant mountains” and others spread all over the world. One poet said about Nazarie, that from such soulful singing, calluses appeared in his throat, and his voice became wings for him.

Love for the song

Born in the village of Rivnya, Chernivtsi region in 1951 into an ordinary peasant family. He was born when his father was 64 years old, his wife was 33 years younger. Despite this age difference, the family raised four children, instilling in them a love of native land and culture. Everyone loved music Yaremchuk– my father had a wonderful tenor, which he demonstrated in the church choir, good voice My mother also had one; in addition, she played the mandolin and performed in the local folk theater. That's why Nazariy started singing while still a child.

The boy's carefree childhood ended when his father died. Then Nazariy was only 12 years old. The mother received a meager salary as a nurse and was forced to send her son to a boarding school. To this sharp turn he was not ready, but resignedly submitted to the will of his adored mother. Yaremchuk He studied well, participated in clubs, and especially liked to sing in the choir.

After school, the young man applied to the Faculty of Geography of Chernivtsi University; he dreamed of becoming a traveler, like Jacques Cousteau, but the young man did not pass the competition. He had to get a job as a seismologist in geological exploration. I managed to get into university on my second try.

Notable young man Nazariy Yaremchuk

Rehearsals of the VIA “Smerichka” were held in the Vyzhnytskyi House of Culture, to which Nazariy liked to come after classes. The leader of the group, Levko Dutkovsky, noticed the guy and invited him to perform something. He chose the song “Kohana” by Igor Poklad. Dutkovsky liked Nazariy’s voice so much, that he immediately invited him to join the team. So, in the fall of 1969, Yaremchuk became a member of the ensemble.

A huge role in the life of the singer and the entire ensemble was played by his acquaintance with a medical student, and at the same time with a young composer, Vladimir Ivasyuk. Thanks to his talent, the world heard the song “Chervona Ruta”, and then many other hits. Two colorful soloists and Vasily Zinkevich became popular favorites after their release in 1971 musical film"Chervona Ruta" During the filming of this domestic musical, a misfortune occurred in Nazariy’s life - his mother Maria Daryevna, whose love and respect he carried throughout his life, passed away.

We are looking for talents

For performing songs by Ivasyuk and Dutkovsky, the ensemble “Smerichka” became the laureate of “Song of the Year” and the “Hello, we are looking for talents” competition, but fame did not change Nazariy in any way, star fever he was not threatened. During this time, he managed to work both as a simple laboratory assistant and as a senior engineer, until he realized that he could not live without singing. Soon the ensemble was invited to work on the professional stage in Chernivtsi regional philharmonic society. Nazariy began to study by correspondence and plunged headlong into pop song. The band's performance schedule was so tight that they had to work 2-3 concerts a day, which is incredible workload by today's standards. Concert halls and the cultural centers could not accommodate everyone who came to listen to popular young performers. Then between Yaremchuk and the lead singer of “Smerichka” Elena Shevchenko began an affair and over time they got married. The family had two sons - Dmitry and Nazar.

True friend

In the mid-1970s, the super-popular duet of Zinkevich and Yaremchuk broke up; the leadership of both performers clearly interfered with the creative process. Each of the singers found their own path in art: Vasily Zinkevich became the soloist of the Lutsk ensemble “Svityaz”, and remained in “Smerichtsi”. However, the singers managed to maintain friendly relations. He did not tolerate any scandals or showdowns, always telling his loved ones that not a minute of his life should be wasted on this fuss.

When the murder of Vladimir Ivasyuk occurred, they, together with Levk Dutkovsky, contrary to the prohibitions of the authorities, went to the funeral in Lviv and led the funeral procession. They were not afraid to risk their careers, reputations, peace of mind and families. Don't take a friend to last way the musicians simply couldn't.

Singer of Love

On the stage for Nazariy Yaremchuk the role of a lyrical performer was established. In the 1980s he was a love singer, now he would be called a “sex symbol”. When this handsome man “from the blue mountains” sang “Invite me into your dreams,” all the girls believed that this request was addressed to her. International recognition came to Yaremchuk when the ensemble represented the country at the Bratislava Lyre competition, of which the Ukrainian soloist became a laureate. Then there were the Nikolai Ostrovsky Prizes, a diploma from the All-Union Competition and Review thematic programs And World Festival youth and students in Moscow.

During the hostilities in Afghanistan, in which Ukrainian soldiers also died, Nazariy went there with concerts to remind them of native land. And when a tragedy occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Yaremchuk did not stand aside and was one of the first to go to the exclusion zone, where he repeatedly sang in front of the liquidators terrible accident. At the age of 36, Nazariy was awarded the title people's artist Ukraine as a sign of his incredible popularity and popular love. There was not a person in the former Soviet Union who had not heard Yaremchuk’s song at least once.

New happiness of Nazariy Yaremchuk

He toured all the union republics, visited all the popular song festivals, participated with the ensemble in the cultural program of the Moscow Olympics and international forums, filming musical films. Such varied work required vocational training, therefore Nazariy additionally graduated from the stage direction department of the Kyiv Institute of Culture.

Saturated concert activity and the adoration of a million-strong public, unfortunately, did not strengthen the singer’s family happiness. After 15 years, their union with Elena broke up. This came as a real shock to the couple's friends and relatives. After the parents’ breakup, the sons were taken to Elena’s parents in Transcarpathia.

For a long time Nazariy could not establish personal life, although he knew the most enviable brides, and found his happiness in a neighboring village. Although they lived nearby, they did not know each other personally. By that time, the singer was divorced, and the woman was raising her little daughter alone after the death of her husband. Darina later recalled that during their acquaintance she was very surprised by the simplicity and sincerity of a singer of such status and popularity. Even then she realized that this day would become special in her life. Even the brother who introduced them, after leaving Nazariy Yaremchuk suggested that most likely they would become a family. And so it happened, the wedding took place in February 1991. It was freezing outside, but Nazariy insisted that they go to the city of Kosov and get married in the local church. A lot of people gathered in the temple, the priest was very happy to marry such a celebrity. Yaremchuks bought a lot an old house, over time they repaired it, equipped it and began to live as one big family. Nazariy adored all the children and was proud of their achievements.

Family secret

For three years, the singer performed in the USA, Brazil and Canada. He introduced foreign viewers to Ukrainian songs who were imbued with love for their homeland, its nature, the unique people of the amazing Bukovina region. In Canada, his long-awaited meeting with his older half-brother took place. This family secret They hid it at home to avoid problems with the authorities. From his first marriage, Nazariy’s father had a son, Dmitry. In the 1940s, he joined one of the Bukovinian groups of the Organization Ukrainian nationalists. Dmitry did not accept the ideas of Soviet power and moved to Canada under a false name. Having found a job there, he began to help his relatives, sending them parcels and money, he knew how hard it was to earn money in the village. The brothers first met when the singer was already famous. Dmitry and other emigrants whom fate threw into different corners world, dedicated the song “Leleka from Ukraine”. Dmitry bequeathed to bury him in his homeland, so after his death his ashes were transported to Bukovina.

Burnt Wings

In 1993, there was an addition to the Yaremchuk family - a girl was born, who was named after her grandmother Marichka. The singer admitted that at that time he was the most happy man, he felt as if he had grown wings. Everything was the way he wanted - a strong family and favorite job. But suddenly, It was as if the diagnosis of cancer sounded like a death sentence. Brother Dmitry insisted that Nazariy come to Canada for examination, and he underwent surgery there, but it was too late, it did not save the singer. Until the last moment he believed that he would recover; he continued to record songs and give concerts. The disease did not spare him, the singer died in 1995. Thousands of fans came to say goodbye to him in Chernivtsi.

They say that no one is irreplaceable. In case of Nazariy Yaremchuk One can argue with this statement, because a singer with such talent, incredible performance and inexhaustible love for Ukraine cannot be replaced by anyone. He went down in history forever Ukrainian culture, rising with his songs to the very stars, as Vasily Zinkevich said about him, and his music will never fade away in this firmament.


In one of his latest interviews noted that every person should be in constant flight, rising above the bustle, but not leaving the ground. He believed that people should remember holy concepts - where we come from, why we live, what we strive for, What will we tell people and from which well will we drink living water? In the memory of his fans, Nazariy remained this way - open, honest, sincere and always smiling.

updated: September 24, 2017 by: Elena

Nazariy Nazarievich Yaremchuk(Ukrainian Nazariy Nazarovich Yaremchuk; November 30, 1951 - June 30, 1995) - Ukrainian singer (tenor), People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR (1987). Father of singer and composer Nazariy Yaremchuk Jr. and singer Dmitry Yaremchuk, as well as singer Maria Yaremchuk.

Known primarily for the performance of Ukrainian songs - (Ukrainian) “The Unseen World of Beauty”, “Chuesh, Mamo”, “Yakscho Mine Love”, “Enchant”, “A Matioli Tsvet”, “Chervona Ruta”, “Vodograi”, “Smerekova” hut”, “Stozhari”, “Guy, green guy”, “Motherland”, “I’ll go to the distant mountains”, “The song will be with us”, “Pysanka”, “Hey you, little Cossacks”, “I’m not all you yet saying”, “Father and Mother” and many others. In addition, together with his fellow singers, Nazariy starred in the musical film “Chervona Ruta” and performed in the “Smerichka” ensemble under the direction of Lev Dutkovsky.


Nazariy Yaremchuk was born on November 30, 1951 in the village of Rivnya (now the southwestern outskirts of Vyzhnytsia), Vyzhnytsia district, Chernivtsi region, Ukrainian SSR in the Ukrainian peasant family of Nazariy and Maria Yaremchuk. He had brothers Stepan, Bogdan and sister Katerina. The parents named their fourth child Nazarius (this name means “dedicated to God”). He was born when his father was already 64 years old. The family was musical: the father was a tenor, he sang in the church choir, the mother, in addition to singing, played the mandolin and performed in the local folk theater. As a little boy, Nazariy also began to sing.


On September 1, 1959, Nazariy went to school in his native village. At the age of twelve, Nazariy experienced his first hard blow - his father died. The mother was forced to send her son to the Vyzhnitsa boarding school. He was conscientious about his studies, participated in clubs, and sang in the choir. After finishing eight classes at a boarding school, Nazariy continued his studies in Vyzhnytskyi high school No. 1, which he completed in 1969.

After graduating from school, Nazariy applied to the Faculty of Geography at Chernivtsi University, but did not pass the competition. He worked in a detachment of seismologists of the Western Ukrainian Geological Exploration Party. In the direction of the military registration and enlistment office, he studied at a driving school and took a driver's course. In 1970, on the second attempt, already a soloist of Smerichka, he entered the Faculty of Geography at Chernivtsi University. Since 1973, he studied in the correspondence department, working at the regional philharmonic society. In 1975, he completed his studies at the university and defended his diploma. I worked at the Department of Economic Geography for almost a year as a laboratory assistant and senior engineer. But the love for the song turned out to be stronger and Yaremchuk, on the advice of Lev Dutkovsky, returned to the Philharmonic.

Professional stage performance required professional training. In 1988, Yaremchuk graduated from the Faculty of Stage Directing at Kyiv state institute culture named after Karpenko-Kary.


IN school years, after classes, Nazariy stayed to listen to the rehearsals of the VIA “Smerichka” of the Vizhnytsia House of Culture, which was led by Levko Dutkovsky. The leader of the ensemble noticed a regular visitor and offered to sing a song of his choice. It was Igor Poklad’s song “Favorite”. Voice young singer The director really liked it, and in the fall of 1969 Nazariy began singing in Smerichka.

The acquaintance with the young Bukovinian composer, medical student Vladimir Ivasyuk played a significant role big role in the life of Nazarius. The audience heard “Chervona Ruta” and many other songs young author. In the summer of 1971, Nazariy took part in the filming of the musical film “Chervona Ruta” with the songs of L. Dutkovsky: “The Incomparable World of Beauty” and “If Love Passes By.” This film made Nazariy Yaremchuk and Vasily Zinkevich people's favorites. But after filming, a second tragedy occurred in Nazariy’s life - his mother Maria Darievna, for whom Nazariy carried his great love throughout his entire life, died.

The first artistic recognition came from the songs “Chervona Ruta” and “Vodograi” by Vladimir Ivasyuk, “Goryanka” and “The Incomparable World of Beauty” by Lev Dutkovsky. For the performance of these works, the ensemble “Smerichka” and its soloists Nazariy Yaremchuk and Vasily Zinkevich were awarded the title of laureates of the All-Union competition “Hello, we are looking for talents”, as well as “Song of the Year-71/72”, at which they confirmed their high artistic skill.

, “Smerekova’s Hut”, “Stozhary”, “Gai, Green Guy”, “Motherland”, “I will go to the distant mountains”, “The song will be among us”, “Pysanka”, “Hey you Cossacks”, “I have not yet others told you everything too. In addition, together with his singer friends, Nazariy starred in the musical films “Chervona Ruta”, “The Spruce Sings”, “The Song Starts”, “You Plus Me - Spring” and “Chervona Ruta”. 10 years ago ".

1. Biography

1.1. Family

Nazariy Yaremchuk was born into a peasant family of Nazariy and Maria Yaremchuk. He had brothers Stepan, Bogdan and sister Katerina. The parents named their fourth child Nazariya (this name means “dedicated to God”). He was born when his father was already 64 years old. The family itself was musical: the father was a tenor, sang in the church choir, the mother, in addition to singing, played the mandolin and performed in the local folk theater. As a small boy, Nazariy also began to sing.

1.2. Education

After graduating from school, Nazariy applied to the Faculty of Geography at Chernivtsi University, but did not pass the competition. I had to go work as a seismologist in the Western Ukrainian Geological Exploration Party. In the direction of the military registration and enlistment office, I attended driver courses. It was only on his second attempt that year that Nazariy managed to enter the university.

1.3. Creation

After classes, I stayed to listen to the rehearsals of the VIA "Smerichki" of the Vizhnytsia House of Culture, which was led by Levko Dutkovsky. The leader of the ensemble noticed a regular visitor and offered to sing a song of his choice. It was Igor Poklad's song "Favorite". The director liked the voice of the young singer, and in the fall of the year Nazariy began singing in “Eli”.

Acquaintance with the young Bukovinian composer, medical student Vladimir Ivasyuk played a big role in Nazariy’s life. The audience heard “Chervona Ruta” and many other songs by the young author, and the guys became friends for life. In the summer of the year, the shooting of the musical film "Chervona Ruta" took place. This film made soloists Nazariy Yaremchuk and Vasily Zinkevich people's favorites. But during filming, the second tragedy occurred in Nazariy’s life - his mother Maria Darievna, for whom he carried great love throughout his entire life, died.

Singing: N. Yaremchuk and V. Zinkevich

The first artistic recognition came from the songs “Chervona Ruta” and “Vodograi” by Vladimir Ivasyuk, “Mountain Woman” and “The Incomparable World of Beauty” by Levk Dutkovsky. When performing these works, the ensemble “Yel” and its soloists Nazariy Yaremchuk and Vasily Zinkevich were awarded the title of laureates of the All-Union Allo Competition , we are looking for talents”, as well as “Roku Song-71/72”, in which they confirmed their high artistic skill.

But fame did not change Yaremchuk’s character. For almost a year he worked at the department as a laboratory assistant and senior engineer, until he realized that singing came first for him. This year the ensemble is invited to the professional stage in Chernivtsi. From that time on, Nazariy, completely devoted to pop songs, switched to correspondence form studying at the university. At the Philharmonic, Nazariy leads an active concert life, holding, in particular, 46 concerts in 23 days, which were invariably accompanied by full audiences.

Nazariy falls in love with the lead singer of "Eli" Elena Shevchenko, and they get married the same year. The first-born was named Dmitry, and later Nazariy was born. But this marriage did not bring him happiness and Yaremchuk divorced. The boys began to live with their grandparents in Mezhgorye. Elena remarried, moved to Kyiv, and Nazariy could not find a partner for a long time.

When another tragedy occurred - the murder of Vladimir Ivasyuk - Nazariy was one of the first who, despite the authorities’ ban, came to the funeral in Lviv. Then it could cost everything: career, peace, reputation. The funeral column began with a large wreath of white flowers, which Yaremchuk carried with Lev Dutkovsky. This was very dangerous at that time, and Vladimir was their great friend, and they were not interested in the consequences.

It should be noted that for a long time on the stage in Yaremchuk the role of a lyrical hero was played, but he said that he loves to perform songs that combine lyrics and civil sound. In the 80s, Nazariy Yaremchuk was a romantic singer, singing the song “Invite me into your dreams.” Nazariy’s first giant disc, The Incomparable World of Beauty (1980), is one of best records in the Ukrainian discography of that period.

Professional stage performance required professional training. Yaremchuk graduated from the Faculty of Stage Directing this year.

Behind artistic life the artist toured all the republics of the former Soviet Union and many foreign countries, was repeatedly a participant in the then song festivals - “Kiev Spring”, “Moscow Stars”, “Crimean Dawns”, “Belarusian Autumn”, “White Nights”, “Mertisor”, “Lights of Highway-77” and some others. Together with VIA "El" he was a participant in the cultural program of the XXII Olympic Games in Moscow, the First International festival political songs and all the outstanding forums of that time held in the state.

Nazariy found his second wife, Daria, in the village of Tyudov. They were neighbors, lived nearby, but did not know each other personally. When they met, Nazariy had been divorced for a long time, and Daria had been raising her daughter herself for four years after the death of her husband.

In one of his last interviews, Yaremchuk said: “Each of us must constantly be in flight - through fate, above the bustle. And at the same time, however, not leave the ground. Remember sacred things - why you live, where you come from, what you strive for, what you tell people, from which well you drink living water. I'm past the age when you pay attention to little things - autographs, popularity. I'm worried about something else: what will happen to our song garden tomorrow? "

2. Prizes, awards

3. Memory

  • A memorial plaque to Nazariy Yaremchuk was installed on the building of the Chernivtsi Regional Philharmonic.

Nazariy Yaremchuk was born on November 30 1951 year in the village of Rivnya, Vyzhnytsia district, Chernivtsi region, in the peasant family of Nazariya and Maria Yaremchukov. Was the fourth and most youngest child. He had brothers Stepan, Bogdan and sister Ekaterina.

September 1 1959 year I went to school in my native village. IN at a young age life seemed carefree, but at the age of twelve Nazariy suffered the first severe blow when his father died. The mother was forced to send her son to the Vyzhnitsa boarding school. He treated his studies conscientiously, studied in clubs, paying more attention to choir. After finishing eight classes at a boarding school, Nazariy continued his studies at Vyzhnytsia Secondary School No. 1, which he graduated from 1969 year.

After unsuccessful attempt To enter the Faculty of Geography of Chernivtsi University in the direction of the military registration and enlistment office, I studied drivers courses. After classes, I stayed to listen to the rehearsals of the VIA “Smerichki”, which was led by Levko Dutkovsky. The leader of the ensemble noticed a regular visitor and offered to sing a song of his choice. It was Igor Poklad’s song “Kokhana”. I liked the voice, and Nazariy was accepted into the ensemble. So since autumn 1969 year, the guy started singing in Smerichka.

Acquaintance with the young Bukovinian composer, medical student Vladimir Ivasyuk played a big role in the life of “Smerichka”. The audience heard the unique “Chervona Ruta”, “Vodograi”, “My Darling”. And then - great amount other songs by the young author. The guys became friends for life. In summer 1971 The shooting of the musical film “Chervona Ruta” took place. This film made soloists Nazariy Yaremchuk and Vasily Zinkevich people's favorites. But during filming, a second tragedy occurred - his mother Maria Daryevna died.

Then there were victories at the “Song-71” and “Song-72” competitions. IN 1972 year, for their performance of the song “Goryanka”, the soloists of VIA “Smerichka” were awarded the title of laureates of the All-Union competition “Hello, we are looking for talents”. IN 1973 year the ensemble is invited to the professional stage in Chernivtsi. Yaremchuk also goes to sing at the Philharmonic. Nazariy falls in love with Elena Shevchenko, and they get married that same year. The first-born was named Dmitry, and over time Nazariy was born. But this marriage did not bring him happiness - a divorce. IN 1978 Yaremchuk was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine. He was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

When another tragedy occurred - the murder of Vladimir Ivasyuk - Nazariy was one of the first who, despite the government ban, came to the funeral in Lviv. Then it could cost everything: career, peace, reputation. The funeral column began with a large wreath of white flowers, which Yaremchuk carried with Levk Dutkovsky. It was very dangerous at that time, but Vladimir was their great friend, and no one was interested in the consequences. IN 1980 year, the singer first performed the song “The Violin Is Playing”, then “Song of Memory”, dedicated to Vladimir.

1981 year became for Nazariy the path to international recognition. The ensemble represents the state at international competition"Bratislava Lyre". Soloist Yaremchuk became its laureate.

IN 1982 Nazariy is a laureate of the Republican Prize named after. Nikolai Ostrovsky. IN 1985 - Diploma winner of the XII World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow.

IN 1987 Nazariy was awarded the title of People's Artist of Ukraine. A year later he graduated from the stage direction department of the Kyiv State Institute of Culture. Karpenko-Kary. February 2 1991 Yaremchuk married for the second time. Marriage to Darina 1993 year gave the singer a daughter, Marichka.

1991 1993 - years of travel to Canada, the USA, Brazil... His songs were heard in many countries around the world. A long-awaited meeting with my brother took place abroad. Nazariy's father had a son from his first marriage, Dmitry, 27 years older than the future singer. In the 40s, he took part in one of the nationalist groups. After the war, he did not accept Soviet power and fled to Canada.

IN 1995 year, the singer goes to Canada for treatment, but the operation did not help. He returns to Ukraine to finish singing his last songs. 30 June 1995 years, a long illness took the life of Nazariy Yaremchuk. He lay in a white embroidered shirt, a sea of ​​people stood around the coffin in sadness... The singer was buried in the central cemetery of Chernivtsi. Nazariy Yaremchuk was posthumously awarded the Shevchenko Prize.