What events happen in a person's life. Important events

It's never too early

Anna Boldyreva(24):

“I gave birth to a daughter at 18 years old. Being a young mother is difficult: you have just entered adulthood, and immediately there is such responsibility. But the child helped set priorities. For a long time I could not decide on a specialty: I was torn between computer science, medical examination, and Chinese. Due to pregnancy, I had to take a break from my studies, and while I was staying at home with my child, I was able to understand what I was really interested in. With the advent of my daughter, I became much more feminine. As a mother of a girl, I feel enormous responsibility for my behavior and appearance. Family is great, loved ones give me a feeling of stability, confidence in tomorrow. And, of course, they make me happy."

It's never too late

Nadezhda Aksenova(39):

“I believe motherhood is the main purpose of a woman. Therefore, it is good to become a mother at any time. I gave birth at 38 years old. I wanted a child for a long time, but somehow it didn’t work out, hope gave way to despair, and vice versa. And then a daughter was born. Now it seems that my whole world revolves only around her.

Giving birth is not physically difficult. Maybe my birth went well because I prepared for it: I went to special courses and studied. Of course, pregnancy is not a project, but it does require knowledge and preparation. I'm glad I gave birth at this age. A more mature attitude helps you understand your child better, give him more attention and enjoy the time spent together.”

Find your favorite thing

It's never too early

Anna Stupenkova(23):

“I’ve been involved in journalism for almost half my life and couldn’t even imagine that I would switch to something else. But shortly before receiving my diploma, I heard from friends about the Yandex management school. At that moment, I was just managing the site and thought that it would be nice to understand Internet technologies. After training, I successfully defended my project and was offered a job. I was wildly confused. On the one hand - your favorite profession, experience, good position. On the other hand, it’s like I’m 15 years old again, and I know absolutely nothing, I’m starting from scratch. I was intimidated by the prospect of communicating with the team: incredibly smart and technically savvy people. Mostly by men older than me. And yet I decided to take a risk, because there would be no second chance.

I know that many graduates, having received a diploma and realizing that they are interested in something completely different, do not dare to throw 5 years of their lives down the drain. I’m sure: education is education, but changing profession will become more and more difficult with age. Now I am enthusiastically mastering statistics and programming, learning to understand complex terminology, and my colleagues are helping me. This company has a special atmosphere: it doesn’t matter how old you are, what gender or nationality you are. The main thing is to think and have a sense of humor. By the way, all my friends noticed that I had it when I announced my decision to change my specialty.”

It's never too late

Alla Shakhova(44):

“I was a regional representative for the sale of cosmetics, a makeup artist. But one day I got bored of painting brides.

It wasn't easy. People living in the regions, like me, value stability and do not like to take risks. But the theater inspired me so much that I wasn’t afraid of anything. And the last thing I cared about was my age.”

Meet love

It's never too early

Larisa Surkova(36):

“My husband and I met on September 1 at the university. I was 17 years old, and he was 9 older. The difference was noticeable: I was more like a teenager, and he was already a grown man. But it was love at first sight, and the following summer we got married. A year later we had a baby eldest daughter. My husband transferred to the correspondence department; he had to feed his family. Over the past 17 years, we've both earned our degrees, built solid careers, and had three more children.

My parents were skeptical about our marriage at first. Especially my mother - it seemed to her that I could find a better prince. And I was a maximalist, to whom give love immediately and for the rest of my life. It seems to me that the secret of our happiness is that my husband is older than me. He is wiser, calmer, and always supports in difficult periods. And this is very important, for example, for a pregnant woman whose mood depends on hormones.

In general, it seems to me that everything depends not on age, but on two people. From how important it is for them to be together and love each other.”

It's never too late

Ekaterina Goncharova(40):

“I got married for the first time immediately after graduating from college. You can say “it didn’t work out”, but, to tell the truth, it was a nightmare. After the divorce, I even moved to another city. I categorically did not want to repeat such an experience, so I got carried away with my work. Of course, I wanted a family, children, but somehow I didn’t believe that this was possible.

Everything would have continued like this if one day I had not seen an interesting comment on a social network under a photo of my classmate. The man left him. I went to his page, we met and started corresponding. About six months later we decided to meet on neutral territory, in St. Petersburg. The long-distance relationship lasted for about another year: we met periodically in one city or another. Until my beloved proposed. I was 38, I didn’t want to get married, but I was also afraid of losing him. He is so wise, calm, reliable. Never rushed me. I doubted for a long time and asked the Universe to give me some kind of sign. When I saw two lines on the pregnancy test, I realized that this was it. It's funny, but later my husband told me that he was also looking for signs. And I found it! We lived in different cities in apartments with one number - 26. My last name is Goncharova, and he lived in Moscow on a street with the same name. We got married and soon had a son. And now I’m sure that at 40 the most interesting things are just beginning.”

Words of gratitude

Everything we do should be rewarded with the gratitude of family, friends, employees, even passing strangers. No matter how selfish the world was, thanking people means giving them faith, opportunities, tenderness, changing them before our eyes.

With christening

Probably the very first holiday for most children is christening. This event is one of the most important in the life of every person, as he becomes closer to God, gains his protection and guardianship. On this day, the baby accepts gifts addressed to him, good wishes and congratulations on your christening.

With a pension

There's a colossal one behind life experience and long working years - now the time has come to accept congratulations on your retirement. Not everyone can easily come to terms with the idea that tomorrow they don’t have to rush to work, and the main activity they have to do will be raising a cat and discussing latest news in the company of peers on a bench at the entrance.

With work

It just so happens that having successfully gotten a job, we rush to celebrate this event properly. In the company of friends and family, we accept congratulations on yet another step in life, which we have easily overcome, since new job- this is a step forward.

With pregnancy

Perhaps, pregnancy deservedly becomes the most important component in a woman’s biology. The time when the expectant mother becomes especially beautiful, tender, caring... After all, already bearing a child under her heart, she gives him great love, and having given him life, she becomes a barrier, protecting the child.


Surely, every person at least once in his life had to accept congratulations on a housewarming - no matter whether it was moving into a room student dormitory or a luxurious three-room apartment. This event marks the beginning new era in the life of new settlers, since changing place of residence is a conscious and serious step, and in some ways, even a stressful situation.

Upon receiving a passport

The first step into adulthood is obtaining a passport. Young boys and girls are overwhelmed with pride from the fact that yesterday’s schoolchild has already become a full-fledged citizen of the country, which is why congratulations on receiving a passport are so important for young children.

With promotion

Career has always been the main incentive for most working people, so everyone strives to get a promotion or promotion. Of course, an increase in salary, and in some cases, subordination on the part of employees, has never been a burden to anyone! Such an event is always accompanied by wishes and parting words.

With the first salary

The first money earned carries more significant value than others, so the first salary is equated to some kind of special achievement! When working at an enterprise or firm, you should be prepared to receive congratulations on your first salary. However, the expenses spent on celebrating this event are often equivalent to half of this amount.

With the purchase of a car

How nice it is to receive congratulations on the purchase of a car! The euphoria from such an expensive and successful acquisition is also enhanced by the fact that someone is rejoicing with you.

Upon receipt of rights

For many, obtaining a driving license opens up new horizons and spaces. Both men and women strive to learn how to drive, buying new brands of luxury cars after receiving their license. It is always pleasant to receive congratulations on obtaining a driver's license, since achieving heights in the basics of driving is quite difficult.

To Army

The army strengthens guys, turning yesterday's boys into real men. Congratulations related to the oath are of a farewell nature. They are full of parental hopes and expectations, pride and boundless love of their beloved girl. It's no secret that army friendship is one of the strongest.

With admission

When entering a job or an educational institution, be it admission to a university, college or gymnasium, everyone experiences the same emotions, worrying about how they will be accepted in an unfamiliar team and what heights they will achieve in a new field. As a rule, congratulations on admission come from family and friends.

Happy ending

Everything ends someday, that's it academic year has come to an end and congratulations on graduating from school (or university) are addressed to graduates. It seems that just recently they were little first-graders, with huge bouquets of flowers at the ready, but today they are already adult graduates. Congratulating these children, teachers do not hide their tears, and parents do not hide their pride in their children.

Upon receipt of the diploma

Every student looks forward to that cherished day when he can accept congratulations on receiving his diploma. This is a very long-awaited moment, for the sake of which girls and boys have been “gnawing the granite of science” for five or even six years.

With protection

Reaching certain heights in science, a person becomes morally higher, more educated and wiser. So, having protected thesis, the student is filled with joy and pride in himself. On this day he certainly deserves congratulations, since such work requires enormous effort. The defense of a candidate’s thesis implies no less physical and mental expenditure.

Happy Company Day

Majority corporate evenings, which is arranged by the management of a particular enterprise, are held on the occasion of the company’s birthday, where all employees accept congratulations on the company’s day. For such events, a café or restaurant is pre-reserved and the script is discussed in advance entertainment program with the toastmaster.

Happy organization day

School Day has always been a significant event for the students and staff of this educational institution. It is customary to congratulate everyone who is in some way involved in the fate of the school on this holiday. Congratulations on this day are filled with optimism and pride for your native land. College day is celebrated in the same way as in school.

Happy kindergarten graduation

It would seem that this appeared quite recently small miracle, with whom you did not sleep at night and rejoiced at his first successes, and now - you are preparing congratulations to the graduates kindergarten, among which is your “treasure”. This significant day is very important both for parents and for the child himself, because it means that the baby will soon go to first grade.

Happy City Day

In our country great amount cities, and each of them has its own birthday. City Day is a bright, joyful holiday for all residents settlement. Warm words and congratulations will be a pleasant gift for the birthday of your beloved city.

Happy holidays

How sweet this cherished “Vacation” sounds from the boss’s lips! It’s time for complete freedom of action, a break from the office routine, inspired by new achievements, leaving the office, you relax. So that later, you can do what you love again.

With victory

Kind congratulations on your victory will make a pleasant moment even sweeter! They will inspire the newly-made hero to further achievements and will become confirmation of his merits, presented in an original form. So hurry up to please the winner with exquisite poetry and beautiful prose.

Bon Voyage

When loved ones are going on a vacation trip or an important business trip, we feel a little sad. Just like at the moment when welcome guests who have come from afar leave us. But do not show your sadness, but rather wish them a happy journey. Do it from the heart. May good wishes for the journey lift everyone's spirits.

Bon appetit

Do you want to discover new way please your loved ones and acquaintances? It turns out that you can wish them bon appetit in a rather unusual way. Do this through original authored poetry or creative, mischievous prose. Let your family's breakfast or colleagues' lunch bring them not only satiation, but also positivity.

Happy opening

Original congratulations with the opening of a business or enterprise, a cafe or beauty salon should be equally inspiring, optimistic and beautiful! These are the texts that are posted in this section. Wish fruitful work and active development of the newly created project in a creative and unique way.

Events that imply important changes or periods of transition in different aspects human life. The classification includes events such as loss of a spouse, divorce, retirement, etc. Due to the direct connection with significant changes in way of life these are often called "critical events". However general classification does not take into account subtleties individual approach. For some people, divorce is a significant milestone. life path, with extremely painful and long-lasting consequences; others perceive the death of a pet or the unfair treatment of their superiors at work much more painfully. It should be noted that life events can also be those events that did not happen - for example, if a person was not promoted or did not go to college. Psychologists who support the “life event” model view the changes that occur in adulthood and old age as the result of critical events that we experience and our attempts to adapt to these events. For example, changes in mature age are considered less gradual and long-lasting than expected in life course theory. Early models viewed life events as a source of pathology and stressors in a person's life. When tested on the Holmes and Reich Social Readjustment Scale, respondents indicate the most important events they experienced in the past twelve months. Each event is assessed according to the degree of its potential stress for the individual. As basic benchmarks, marriage is worth 50 points and death of a spouse is worth 100 points. Even Christmas is included in this list as a period of potential stress that can lead to significant financial and personal troubles. The greater the overall result, the higher the likelihood that a person will experience different psychological problems(the most common reaction is usually depression). According to more modern views on the nature of life events, they are not simply individual processes. Life events do cause an initial reaction of shock and disbelief (how would you take the news that you won 20 million in national lottery?) But then the person gets the opportunity to join new period life, accumulating positive and constructive experiences about their experiences. Life event needs to be done integral part being without allowing it to dominate everyday affairs. A widow becomes a “single woman,” and a disabled person becomes a “partially disabled person.” A person’s ability to survive such an event and develop a constructive attitude towards it is determined by his internal and external resources. They can be social (friends and relatives ready to help) and personal (health, self-esteem, psychological stability).

Life events

life events) – events that significantly change a person’s life ( schooling, marriage, acquiring a profession, serious illness, loss important values, transition from one age category to another, etc.). There is little research on children's reactions to life events. However, three stressful events: a) change of residence; b) changing schools and c) family crises (divorce, death of one of the parents) have been studied repeatedly, but have, however, given ambiguous results. It has been established, however, that children tolerate single stress or even a sequence of stress more easily than combined stress. It was also found that with age, children have more negative emotional reactions, and positive ones emotional reactions, as judged by children's reports, are associated with life events reflecting interactions with parents and peers.

Life events

life events) Researchers have long been striving to understand how a person and his environment influence each other, and, first of all, to describe and explain age characteristics behavior and individual differences. One such effort involves studying life-changing events. J. s. indicates current patterns of life specific person or the need for them significant change. These events can occur in various areas(family, health, work) and may be related to age (school, marriage, retirement), the course of history (war and economic recession) or vicissitudes of fate individual person(illness, divorce). Most of publications dedicated to life adolescents and adults, reflects the sociological tradition of assessing the impact of housing. how to change the main roles, age transitions, acquisition and loss of status, etc. When an event occurs with many people of the same age, the probability of its occurrence is high, and this may become the basis for identifying the stage of anticipatory socialization. Such normative events were classified by some researchers depending on the nature of the environment, as biological, social or physical. Dr. specialists prefer to use the stress model when classifying. J. s. and talk about social, psychological. and physiologist. reactions to phenomena that carry harm, threat or challenge. Typically, people are asked to rank a variety of life events according to the degree to which they cause stress or change behavior, and then these ratings are analyzed to identify synchronicity, order, and clustering of events. Some theorists have suggested the existence of a basic structure adult life. D. J. Levinson proposed a model of a universal sequence of periods and transitions in human development, within the framework of which Zh. have their impact. The primary task of a person in stable periods is to build a structure of life, making certain choices and directing his efforts to achieve certain goals. the main task during periods of transition - to put an end to the existing structure of life and begin to create a new one, reevaluating previously made decisions and moving towards achieving new goals. Apparently, there may be a connection between affective positivity and control over life events. When events are assessed positively, people tend to believe that they controlled these events or influenced their course. It has also been suggested that states that evoke positive emotions may increase an individual's ability to adapt to stress. In addition, the absence of negatively valenced events correlates with adjustment. Research children's reactions to J. s. are very few in number, and therefore we still do not have information about the normative patterns of such reactions. However, three stressful events in the lives of children - a change of residence, a change of school and family crises such as divorce or the death of one of the parents - have nevertheless become the subject of systematic research, giving, however, ambiguous results. It has also been shown that children experiencing single stresses or even a sequence of stresses have less harmful consequences than experiencing combined stresses; In addition, boys suffer more from family discord and family breakdown than girls. It was found that with age, negative emotional reactions increase, and positive emotional reactions, judging by reports, are associated with life history, reflecting interactions with parents and peers. See also Career Options, Development social behavior people F. Deutsch

In the life of every person, events occur that have an impact on him. special meaning, and the moments associated with them are remembered for a lifetime. I, of course, am no exception. Such events happened in my life. So, I’ll write about everything in order, starting from the earliest.

Graduation in 11th grade

By the time I graduated from 9th grade, I was thinking about the choice: to continue my studies at school or to go to college and already begin to master some specialty (I write “some” because at that time I still could not unambiguously decide what I wanted to do). be).

And, since I was not yet completely sure of my professional preferences, I decided to leave myself a couple more years to think about it and went to 10th grade. Two thirds of my classmates did the opposite and left the school.

Two years passed very quickly, I passed the unified state exam and began to prepare for the graduation party. We approached this event as responsibly as possible and attended daily rehearsals of the dance club in order to show off at the graduation, so to speak, at the tempo of a waltz).

I decided to have the dress made to order. They brought me turquoise fabric, made a full skirt and embroidered the corset with silver threads. Overall, it turned out better than I expected. Hand on heart, I can say that nowadays I would definitely prefer a different style, but when I graduated from school, dresses with a corset and a full skirt were in fashion.

They did my hair for more than 3 hours, they twisted some unimaginable flagella on my head, which I could barely untangle the next day. The poor hairdresser probably wasn’t happy herself that she took on such a complex “Hair-construction”)).

In general, everything went just fine, it was very fun and interesting. And closer to the morning we went to Resort Borovoye to meet the sunrise. Of course, I was no longer in a dress, like all my classmates. I think it’s good that I didn’t leave school after 9th grade).

My wedding

As I already wrote in one of the topics, my wedding can be called traditional - Ransom, registration at the registry office, riding around the resort area and a banquet. The holiday itself flew by in the blink of an eye, but I tried to enjoy all the moments to the maximum.

Pre-wedding chores are a completely different story. All those shopping trips in search of all sorts of little things, the choice invitation cards, decoration of the hall and cars and much, much more.

I bought the dress, one might say, the first one I came across. My mother and I walked past a wedding salon and I noticed the dress of my dreams in the window. A mannequin was wearing it and, most importantly, it had a corset with straps.

This is exactly what I dreamed of. My breast size is not minus and I would not like, like many brides, to constantly tighten a corset that is sliding down. That's why it was on the straps).

We went there, I pointed out the dress they liked, but they started offering me all sorts of new items. After the fifth dress I put on, they finally brought me what I had originally chosen. This is what suited me perfectly.

The wedding took place without any incidents, fun and not stressful. I was happy with mine appearance and entered family life with a feeling of happiness.

Birth of a daughter

Definitely, this event is the most important in my life. All mothers and future mothers will understand me now. You can spend hours describing all the ecstatic sensations when, after many hours of painful contractions and no less painful pushing, your baby is placed on your chest.

I can’t call myself very superstitious, but at the time of giving birth I bought only the essentials. My husband bought the crib without me, sending me an mms to the maternity hospital. We bought a stroller 3 weeks after the birth of our daughter.

Now our clever girl is already in her 9th month. Our baby learns something new every day, never ceases to delight and surprise us, and I think that we should definitely give her a brother or sister. And add another important event to your life.

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