Why do you dream of a rainbow in the sky? “Why do you see a rainbow in a dream? If you see a Rainbow in a dream, what does it mean?

Why do you dream of a colored rainbow in the sky? A rainbow appears after a thunderstorm and rain as a symbol of the end of bad weather. In most dream books, the interpretation of a dream has a direct analogy with earthly events - the end of bad weather, adversity and disasters. However, you should carefully consider all the details of the dream - under what circumstances did you see a rainbow?

Seeing a rainbow in a dream means happy changes in fate. If you are haunted by failures, they will leave your life. If you have been haunted by a bad streak in life, it will end. You are entering a new life cycle, marked by favorable events and the successful implementation of your plans. Remember what events accompanied the vision of a rainbow in a dream:

  • have you seen a rainbow in the sky;
  • you saw two/three rainbows at once;
  • the vision disappeared or became barely visible;
  • the rainbow was over trees or water;
  • you sat on a rainbow or walked on it.

Watch a celestial phenomenon in a dream— a bright life awaits you, full of emotional colors and impressions. Enjoy a period of prosperity, don’t worry about anything - everything will work out for you.

Double rainbow or two side by side- you have to make a difficult choice between two options for the development of events. Both options are good for you, however, you should choose only one.

For lovers a celestial phenomenon portends great happiness. The union of two hearts is blessed by heaven and will be very successful.

Pregnant woman a celestial phenomenon predicts the birth of an unusually happy and successful child, who will be a reward for the parents.

If a patient sees a rainbow in a dream, this portends quick healing and long life until old age.

A barely visible rainbow in the distance portends receiving good news that will change the dreamer's fate.

The appearance of the celestial arc after rain predicts new love in the life of the dreamer or a new friend. If the rainbow loses its colors and dissolves in the sky, this indicates a fear of loneliness.

Rainbow in an unexpected plot

Why do you dream of sitting on a rainbow? Sometimes fantastic stories come into dreams that are impossible in real life. What do they mean?

  • Walking along the celestial arc or sitting on it in a dream- to fulfill your cherished dream. What seemed difficult to achieve will be easily accomplished. And without your participation.
  • Moving in a dream towards a celestial phenomenon- a sign of heaven's blessing. You are under the protection of higher powers, so feel free to carry out your plans. You will succeed.
  • Bright sky arc directly overhead- to the implementation of all plans and unprecedented success. All your secret dreams will come true.
  • The appearance of a celestial arc in a house or room- to family happiness and prosperity. Every day in your home will be filled with new joy.

Interpretation from dream books

Dream book for the whole family divides the interpretation of the vision of the celestial arc by day of the week:

  • on Wednesday night - to the successful resolution of work conflicts;
  • on Thursday night - to resolve family conflicts, fulfillment of desires;
  • on Friday night - a romantic adventure, receiving a gift;
  • on Sunday night - to reconciliation with friends, receiving the protection of a strong person.

Seeing a heavenly sign in a dream foreshadows a change in life for the better. The appearance of a rainbow above your head means you are able to cope with any life task with the help of higher powers.

Vanga's Dream Book defines the vision of a rainbow as a sign from above. Heaven protects you, all your endeavors will be successful. If the rainbow goes out in a dream, this foreshadows a quarrel with loved ones. Be sensitive to your family. Also, the disappearance of a rainbow can predict an imminent separation from a loved one.

Freud interprets the vision of a celestial phenomenon as the activity of sexual life. You can enjoy a love affair that will last a long time. All colors of love and happiness will be available to you.

Modern dream book sees in this plot unnecessary worries and worries. All your fears are far-fetched, and all your worries are empty. For lovers, a rainbow is a symbol of unprecedented happiness in love. For spouses, this symbol means a happy family life in complete mutual understanding.

You should not associate the vision of a celestial multi-colored arc with the symbol of sexual minorities and be scared about this. Since ancient times, the symbol of the rainbow has been associated with heavenly forces that bring good and light into human life. A new stage of life awaits you, marked by success and prosperity.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Dream Interpretation from A to Z Rainbow

Dreamed of a rainbow over the river:
means a long trip, which will result in a good acquaintance and a successful acquisition.

Rainbow over the field:
a sign of mutual love and strong marriage bonds, over the forest

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman Rainbow

in a dream, this image symbolizes a divine sign, predestination from above, forgiveness, reunion.

In general, to see a rainbow in a dream:
a harbinger of unprecedented happiness. You will receive full support in your business, and your efforts will result in excellent results.

If a rainbow appeared in the sky immediately after rain:
this means that something beautiful and amazing will soon appear in your life.

Rainbow spreading low over the green treetops:
portends unconditional success in all endeavors.

For lovers to see a rainbow in a dream: to an unusually happy union.

To see in a dream how a rainbow goes out: a harbinger of separation from a loved one or loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter Rainbow

Seeing a bright rainbow in a dream: a sign of the end of troubles and changes for the better.

If in reality you find yourself in some difficult situation or are experiencing difficulties:
the dream encourages you not to lose hope, soon there will be a holiday on your street.

Eastern dream book Rainbow

divine sign, predestination from above, forgiveness, reunion, sign of the presence of the Mother of God.

A dream in which you saw a rainbow appear in the sky after rain:
means: something beautiful and amazing will appear in your life.

Newest dream book Rainbow

Rainbow: the presence of paranormal abilities (prophetic dream). Lucky case.

Dream Interpreter Rainbow

Rainbow seen on the eastern side:
means: contentment, wealth, restoration of impaired health

rainbow from the west side: there is a good sign for the rich and a bad sign for the poor

see a rainbow next to you or directly above your head:
marks a change of fortune, illness, and sometimes death

also means a breakdown of family and friendly ties.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn Rainbow

There's a rainbow all over the world:
is the most universal symbol of blessing. The rainbow blesses our endeavors, our relationships and us. This is the message that the spirit sends you that you are going in the right direction and your business is blessed. This powerful symbol relates to joy, celebration and accomplishment.

If you are experiencing difficulties:
it is a symbol of their overcoming. This is a sign of hope, which means that despair is behind us.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation Rainbow

Rainbow: empty fears, good news / bad weather

in the east: change of happiness, wealth

in the West: good (rich) / bad (poor)

above your head, next to you: illness, death, loss of friendship, change of fortune.

Rainbow, multicolor:
abundance, fun, wedding, guests, health. Moreover, deception, empty dreams.

Dream Interpretation 2015 Rainbow

a reflection of approval from higher powers, the higher “I,” the subconscious. A reminder of the diversity of life and the need to rejoice.

Explanatory dictionary of dreams Rainbow

Rainbow: sadness, deception.

Gypsy dream book Rainbow

According to gypsy beliefs, a rainbow in a dream:
promises unexpected happiness, especially in love relationships.

Erotic dream book Rainbow

If you dream of a rainbow that shines in the sky and shimmers with all colors:
the dream promises that your life will soon become just as bright and interesting. You will not be bored in the company of a boring lover; on the contrary, you will meet a person with a rich imagination and a good sense of humor. He will become not only an excellent friend, but also a wonderful lover, able to amaze you with his ability to give pleasure in bed, to be a true altruist in love.

Modern dream book Rainbow

Seeing a rainbow in a dream:
a sign of unusual events. Things will take a promising turn, and the harvest will be generous and plentiful.

For lovers to see a rainbow in a dream: a prediction of their happy union.

Rainbow hanging low over green trees:
predicting unusual success in any endeavor.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita Rainbow

Rainbow: false fear

ABC of dream interpretation Rainbow

Rainbow: symbolizes hope for happiness and success.

Dream with a rainbow: portends happy changes.

Slavic dream book Rainbow

Rainbow: to wealth, but if it's right over your head

Children's dream book Rainbow

Rainbow: multi-colored stripes in the sky mean hope for the best.

If the rainbow is also double: this indicates that all your wishes will come true.

Esoteric dream book Rainbow

to diversity. There will be many positive impressions from extraordinary events, such as a premiere, presentation, travel.

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras Rainbow

If in a dream you see a rainbow in the sky and clearly distinguish all seven colors in it:
this means that some stage of your life has come to its logical conclusion. You are standing on the threshold of a new life, be brave and don’t listen to anyone, let your main advisor be your heart and mind! And try not to decide anything serious next Sunday; any decision you make on this day will not be the best.

American dream book Rainbow

a very powerful sign, a symbol of joy, celebration, accomplishment. You have gone through difficulties and this is the end.

Universal dream book Rainbow

symbol of enlightenment. Do you want people to see the real you? Do you want to see the world or anyone else in their true light?

Seeing a rainbow in a dream:
also a sign of the end of a dark, difficult period and the beginning of a calm and sunny one.

Rainbow can be: a bridge between what was and what is.

The rainbow also symbolizes:
award. Do you hope to receive a good reward for your work?

A rainbow can symbolize: Promise

if you reach the end, you will receive a reward.

The rainbow also symbolizes:
dreams. Does the dream reflect your dream of being in a quiet and peaceful place where your wildest wishes come true?

Family dream book Rainbow

I dream about a rainbow: to unprecedented happiness.

If lovers see a rainbow in a dream: their union will be unusually happy.

Rainbow over the trees: promises success in all endeavors.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya Rainbow

Rainbow in a dream:
always means unprecedented happiness. All your love affairs will turn out well. The union will be happy.

Azar's Dream Interpretation Rainbow

Rainbow: false dreams, waste of time

Lunar dream book Rainbow

Rainbow: in the eastern sky: change of happiness

in the west: misfortune.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation Rainbow

Rainbow in a dream:
this image symbolizes a divine sign, predestination from above, forgiveness, reunification.

A dream in which you saw a rainbow appear in the sky after rain:
means that something beautiful and amazing will appear in your life.

If in a dream you saw an extinguished rainbow:
this dream foretells you separation from loved ones or a loved one.

English dream book Rainbow

this is a good sign. It portends significant changes, but these changes are for the better!

New dream book 1918 Rainbow

Rainbow: good news, false fear.

Dream book for the whole family Rainbow

Seeing a rainbow in a dream: establishing rapport with people.

If you see a rainbow in your dream:
your quarrels and disagreements with others will soon come to an end.

If you dream of a rainbow from Tuesday to Wednesday:
this indicates that you will be able to successfully resolve a conflict situation in the service.

If you dream of a rainbow from Wednesday to Thursday:
you will be able to overcome all family differences.

Rainbow, which I dreamed about from Thursday to Friday: indicates a love affair.

If you see a rainbow in a dream from Saturday to Sunday:
you will clear up all misunderstandings with your friends.

Seeing a rainbow in a dream:
This means that a happy event must happen to you in life, which will have a significant impact on your life.

If in a dream you see a rainbow standing over your house:
this indicates that peace and happiness reign in your home, everything is fine in your family life.

If you see that the rainbow is gradually disappearing:
you need to become more attentive to your loved ones and friends, since their period of well-being may be replaced by a time of anxiety and doubt.

If you see a rainbow above you:
your dream means that you will be able to resolve even very difficult issues, provide support to your friends, and even reconcile with old rivals or enemies.

If in a dream the rainbow above you disappears:
someone close to you is greatly offended by your indifference and you will need to make efforts to restore the relationship.

If you see a rainbow in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday: your dreams will come true soon.

If you are single: this could mean a happy marriage.

Seeing a rainbow in a dream from Thursday to Friday: unexpectedly receive a gift.

And if you dream of a rainbow from Saturday to Sunday:
this indicates that you are under the protection of a powerful person.

Love dream book Rainbow

Rainbow seen in a dream:
portends you a successful marriage. So start preparing.

Signs and symbols, secret messages and encrypted advice - all this fills our dreams to the brim. And sometimes the signs are so obvious and bright that it is impossible to ignore them.

This is especially true for various natural phenomena - rain, snow, hurricanes, and so on - they do not just happen in dreams, creating the scenery of events in which the dreamer participates.

This especially applies to the amazing, magical phenomenon of the rainbow. It delights everyone - and even the most pragmatic and callous person, at the sight of a multi-colored sparkling arc in the sky, freezes with surprise and joy.

This unique phenomenon occurs after rain, and promises improvement in the weather, and always affects people in a special way. The mood invariably improves, hopes for the best appear, the heart beats more often and more cheerfully.

You don’t see a rainbow every day; it is invariably present in all cartoons and pictures associated with magic and kindness. It never evokes negative associations or emotions in anyone, and has at all times been identified with great happiness, blessing and boundless joy.

Before interpreting what a rainbow means in dreams, it is worth understanding in advance that it is always, invariably a happy sign. If you dreamed of this wonderful arc in your dreams, you should know that this is a rare and incredibly successful dream.

There are relatively few options for such “rainbow” dreams, but they are all good. For example:

  • You just saw a rainbow in the sky in your dream.
  • You saw two rainbows at once in a dream.
  • She was in the distance, barely visible.
  • She towered above the treetops.
  • The rainbow in the dream had a red tint.
  • Appeared right after the rain.
  • Has gone out or lost its brightness.
  • Opposite is a bright rainbow, with seven distinct colors.
  • Appeared above the water.
  • You were walking in a dream and saw a rainbow ahead.
  • We sat on the rainbow.
  • We looked at the rainbow right above our heads.
  • It originated in your home.

It is also important who exactly dreams of a rainbow - a woman, lovers, a young girl, and so on. Dreams with a rainbow are pleasant and bright, leaving in the soul hope for happiness - and believe me, these hopes are not unfounded. Find out why you dream about a rainbow, and what joyful event awaits you in reality?

See the rainbow arc

Beautiful, majestic, magical - it shimmers with all imaginable colors and delights. If in your dream a rainbow appeared from the side - this is, in fact, what happens in life - and you saw it, what does this promise? Depends on what she was like, where and when.

1. As the dream book says, a rainbow seen in dreams is the happiest sign. All the difficulties are behind you, the difficult period is over - and finally, unconditional and enormous happiness awaits you in all areas of life.

Dreams will come true, hopes will be justified, and life will become cloudless, bright, pleasant and interesting. Don't doubt it!

2. A rare double rainbow in the sky you dreamed of is a hint that you have to make a difficult and very serious choice. Surprisingly, both options from which you have to choose are very good and will bring happiness, but you still have to choose.

Listen to your heart - its quiet whisper is as important as the voice of your mind. So don’t ignore your intuition - and don’t regret your choice, it will be the only right one.

3. Young people in love dream of a rainbow to portend great happiness in love. Your union is incredibly successful, it is made in heaven - have no doubt, together you will be very harmonious and happy.

If you are about to walk down the aisle, a rainbow promises you a happy family life and the joy of marriage. You are being blessed by higher powers.

4. A pregnant woman dreams of a rainbow to assure that an amazing baby will be born, with rare qualities. He will become a source of happiness for the rest of his life for his dear parents.

5. If a sick person dreams of a rainbow in the blue sky, it is worth knowing that complete relief from any ailments will soon come. And ahead of the dreamer lies a happy, healthy life until old age.

6. If in a dream the rainbow was in the distance, barely noticeable, this means that in reality the dreamer will receive good and happy news that can change his life for the better.

7. A rainbow, which in a dream spreads out in all its splendor over the green crowns of trees, is a clear sign that the dreamer will experience complete success in absolutely all your endeavors, no matter what you undertake.

You can boldly and without fear take on new projects, everything will work out - good luck is yours, and for a long time. Take advantage of this rare chance and act boldly!

8. Such a dream, in which you saw a rare, fabulous rainbow with a red tint or a scarlet glow, foreshadows something new, unexpected and very joyful.

Something, or even someone, will soon appear in your everyday reality, but this appearance will change your destiny - of course, for the better. Something truly amazing awaits you!

9. As the dream book says, a rainbow after rain in dreams foreshadows the appearance of a new friend or new love in the dreamer’s destiny. In both cases, your destiny will become happier.

Thanks to this person, no matter who he is, new joyful colors will appear in life. And you will be immensely happy and endlessly grateful to fate.

10. If the rainbow in your dream goes out, loses its bright colors, and dissolves in the sky, the dream book indicates your fear of being alone.

It is this fear, oddly enough, that distances you from people - and new acquaintances appear less often than it would be if you were bolder and not afraid of loneliness. Be more positive and believe in yourself, and trust your fate - you will not be alone!

11. A beautiful dream in which there was a bright, large rainbow, and you could clearly distinguish all the shades in it, foreshadows an equally bright and colorful life without clouds and adversity. New interesting events, meetings, pleasant surprises from fate and joy await you every day!

12. As the dream book says, a rainbow over water in a dream - no matter over a river, sea, or even over a fountain in a city park - is a hint that the dreamer is about to fall in love! Don’t resist, love is already on the threshold, and it will make you dizzy, happy and intoxicated!

Sit on a rainbow

Dreams are magical and can be fantastic; in them we sometimes have to do and see incredible things. If you not only saw a rainbow in your dreams, but also did something, what do such dreams promise?

1. Walking forward in a dream towards a rainbow is a very good sign. Higher powers bless you, you have chosen the right thing, you are following the right path. Do not deviate from it for anything, even if it is difficult for you - this path will lead you to the happiness destined for you by fate, so believe in yourself!

2. If the dream was completely fabulous, and you were lucky enough to sit on a rainbow in it, you yourself can guess that this is a good omen. Your old dream will soon come true, even if you have stopped believing in it.

This will happen suddenly and unexpectedly, without your participation and stress. It will be simply a gift of fate, and it will bring you unprecedented happiness and joy.

3. A bright rainbow that hangs right above your head in a dream, and you look at it, is also a sign of unprecedented happiness that you don’t even dream of. Everything you secretly and reverently dreamed of will come true.

4. A rainbow that appeared in a dream right in your apartment, kitchen or room is a bright sign that a period of complete harmony will soon come in your family life and in your home. And every day you and your family will receive new joy.

“Rainbow” dreams are so happy that sometimes you can’t even believe it – will all this really come true? Believe by all means, because it depends on your faith whether happiness will come to your doorstep or not.

Happy dreams are rare, and know for sure that a rainbow will bring you a generous gift. Author: Vasilina Serova

Interpretation of the Rainbow from your dream

Rainbow - Grace; unclear, muddy - news that will not be confirmed or will not manifest itself in the best way; in the next interpreter you can find out what this dream means.

What does it mean when you dream of Rainbow, (multicolor) - Reflects a “rainbow”, optimistic, but, more often, deceptive mood, illusions; collapse of hopes.

Rainbow - To communicate with those you love, to genuine joy.

Arc - For the wedding.

Children's dream book

Rainbow in a dream, what does it mean

Rainbow – Multi-colored stripes in the sky mean hope for the best. If the rainbow is also double, this indicates that all your wishes will come true - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about Rainbow?

Rainbow - In a dream, this image symbolizes a divine sign, predestination from above, forgiveness, reunion. In general, seeing a rainbow is a harbinger of unprecedented happiness. You will receive full support in your business, and your efforts will result in excellent results. If a rainbow appeared in the sky immediately after the rain, it means that something beautiful and amazing will soon appear in your life. A rainbow, spread low over the green crowns of trees, portends unconditional success in all endeavors. For lovers, seeing a rainbow in a dream means an unusually happy union. Dreaming of a rainbow going out is a harbinger of separation from a loved one or loved one.

Rainbow according to Maly Velesov's dream book

Rainbow, multicolored - Abundance, fun, wedding, guests, health. Moreover - deception, empty dreams.

Rainbow - Empty fears, good news // bad weather; in the east - change in happiness, wealth; in the west – good (for the rich) // misfortune (for the poor); above your head, next to you - illness, death, loss of friendship, change of fortune.

The meaning of a dream about a meteorological phenomenon (Gypsy dream book)

Rainbow - Seen on the eastern side, means: contentment, wealth, restoration of impaired health; a rainbow on the western side is a good sign for the rich and a bad sign for the poor; seeing a rainbow near you or directly above your head marks a change in condition, illness, and sometimes death; also means a breakdown of family and friendly ties, this is how what you are dreaming about is deciphered.

Seeing a Rainbow, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

Rainbow – Seeing a rainbow in a dream means establishing rapport with people. If you see a rainbow, then your quarrels and disagreements with others will soon come to an end. If you dream of a rainbow from Tuesday to Wednesday, then this indicates that you will be able to successfully resolve a conflict situation at work. If you dream of a rainbow from Wednesday to Thursday, then you will be able to overcome all family disagreements. A rainbow that appears from Thursday to Friday indicates a love affair. If you see a rainbow in a dream from Saturday to Sunday, then you will settle all misunderstandings with your friends, this is how the meaning of your dream is deciphered.

Intimate dream book

If you had a dream about a Rainbow

Rainbow - If you dream of a rainbow that shines in the sky and shimmers with all colors, the dream promises that your life will soon become just as bright and interesting. You will not be bored in the company of a boring lover; on the contrary, you will meet a person with a rich imagination and a good sense of humor. He will become not only an excellent friend, but also a wonderful lover, able to amaze you with his ability to give pleasure in bed, to be a true altruist in love. Spill If you dream of a river flooding or overflowing its banks, such a dream foretells that a very funny love adventure will happen to you. Your feelings for your new lover will truly be endless, you will strive to amaze him with your sexual prowess. To do this, you will have to take care of creating an unusual and exciting atmosphere that will allow your partner to forget everything in the world and devote himself only to you. But, unfortunately, the passions of love will subside, and the affair with this person will end very quickly.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does it mean if you dream about a Rainbow?

Seeing a Rainbow - Seeing a rainbow in a dream means a happy event is about to happen to you in life, which will have a significant impact on your life. You see that a rainbow is standing over your house - this indicates that peace and happiness reign in your home, everything is fine in your family life. If you see that the rainbow is gradually disappearing, you need to become more attentive to your loved ones and friends, since their period of well-being may be replaced by a time of anxiety and doubt. If you see a rainbow above you, then your dream means that you will be able to resolve even very difficult issues, provide support to friends, and even reconcile with old rivals or enemies. If in a dream the rainbow above you disappears, then one of your loved ones is greatly offended by your indifference and you will need to make an effort to restore the relationship. If you see a rainbow in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, then your dreams will soon come true. If you are not married, then this means a happy marriage. Seeing a rainbow in a dream from Thursday to Friday means unexpectedly receiving a gift. And if you dream of a rainbow from Saturday to Sunday, then this indicates that you are under the protection of a powerful person.

Rainbow – If you see a red rainbow. - Fortunately. The sky and rainbow are black. - Unfortunately.

Dream book of the 21st century

What does a dreamer dream about about a rainbow in a dream?

Rainbow - Seeing a rainbow in a dream means change, hopes for happiness, consolation. This dream also symbolizes good weather. For young people, a dream about a rainbow foreshadows the fullness of feelings, the happiness of mutual love.

Ancient French dream book

Seeing a rainbow in a dream

Rainbow – If you dreamed of a bright rainbow overhead, this is a happy omen.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the image from the Big Dream Book

Rainbow - Good news, false fear.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a Rainbow, what does it mean?

To dream with the colors of the Rainbow - Symbolizes hope for happiness and success. A dream with a rainbow portends happy changes.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Rainbow in a dream?

Rainbow - Seeing a rainbow is a forecast of unprecedented happiness. Your affairs will receive promising support, and the harvest will bring a bountiful harvest. If lovers see a rainbow in a dream, their union will be unusually happy. A rainbow, spread low over the green crowns of trees, promises unconditional success in all endeavors.

The meaning of a dream about Colors (Love dream book)

Rainbow - When seen, a rainbow foretells a successful marriage for you. So start preparing, this is how what you dream about is deciphered.

The meaning of a dream about Rainbows (Modern dream book)

Rainbow - False fear.

If you dreamed about a Rainbow according to spiritual sources (Biblical dream book of Azar)

Rainbow - False dreams, a waste of time.

The meaning of the dream about Seven Flowers (Vanga’s Dream Book)

Dreaming of a Rainbow - in a dream, this image symbolizes a divine sign, predestination from above, forgiveness, reunion. If you saw a rainbow appear in the sky after rain, it means that something beautiful and amazing will appear in your life. You saw an extinguished rainbow - this dream foretells separation from your loved ones or loved one.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing a rainbow in a dream

Rainbow - Towards diversity. There will be many positive impressions from extraordinary events, such as a premiere, presentation, travel.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why do you dream of a Rainbow in a dream?

Rainbow - False fear.

The meaning of the dream about Seven colors (Numerological dream book)

Rainbow - You saw a rainbow in the sky in a dream and clearly distinguished all seven colors in it, this means that some stage of your life has come to its logical conclusion. You are standing on the threshold of a new life, be brave and don’t listen to anyone - let your heart and mind be your main advisor! And try not to decide anything serious next Sunday; any decision you make on this day will not be the best.

Intelligent dream book

What to Expect If You've Seen a Rainbow

dream about a Rainbow - Sadness, deception.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with a Rainbow mean, taking into account your date of birth?

In the spring, why dream of a rainbow - you will experience joy in a love relationship.

If in the summer you dreamed of seeing the arc of a rainbow over a river, it means good weather.

In the fall, what does a rainbow mean in dreams - pleasure, followed by disappointment.

In winter, why do you dream of a rainbow? - to the collapse of your aspirations.

Dreaming of a rainbow brings unprecedented happiness.

If lovers see a rainbow in a dream, then their union will be unusually happy.

A rainbow spread over the trees promises success in all endeavors.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga said that the image of a rainbow symbolizes a divine sign, predestination from above, forgiveness, and reunification.

If in a dream you saw an extinguished rainbow, then you face separation from your loved ones or a loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

What do Rainbow dreams mean?

Seeing a rainbow in a dream means establishing mutual understanding with people.

If you see a rainbow in a dream, then your quarrels and disagreements with others will soon come to an end. If you dream of a rainbow from Tuesday to Wednesday, then this indicates that you will be able to successfully resolve a conflict situation at work. If you dream of a rainbow from Wednesday to Thursday, then you will be able to overcome all family disagreements. A rainbow that appears from Thursday to Friday indicates a love affair. If you see a rainbow in a dream from Saturday to Sunday, then you will settle all misunderstandings with your friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of men

What does Rainbow mean in a dream?

In a dream, this image symbolizes a divine sign, predestination from above, forgiveness, and reunion. In general, seeing a rainbow in a dream is a harbinger of unprecedented happiness. You will receive full support in your business, and your efforts will result in excellent results. If a rainbow appeared in the sky immediately after the rain, this means that something beautiful and amazing will soon appear in your life. A rainbow, spread low over the green crowns of trees, portends unconditional success in all endeavors. For lovers, seeing a rainbow in a dream means an unusually happy union.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Rainbow Dream Meaning

If you dreamed that you were sitting on a rainbow, then your old wish will soon come true.

To do this, sprinkle yourself with salt when you see a rainbow.

If you dreamed of two rainbows, then in the near future you will need to make an unpleasant choice. To avoid this situation, draw 7 multi-colored circles on your stomach and do not wash it off for a week.

Interpretation of dreams from the Mayan Dream Book

Rainbow dream meaning

Rainbow - Towards diversity. There will be many positive impressions from extraordinary events, such as a premiere, presentation, travel.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Interpretation of the dream Rainbow

Rainbow - multi-colored stripes in the sky mean hope for the best. If the rainbow is also double, this indicates that all your wishes will come true.

Interpretation of dreams from the Children's Dream Book

What does it mean to see a rainbow in a dream

A rainbow in a dream means unprecedented happiness.

For lovers - fidelity.

Do you know how to remember the order of the color stripes of the rainbow? You know, of course, but just in case, let’s repeat: “every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.”

Capital letters define colors: red, orange, etc. And one more thing: “how once Jacques the city bell-ringer broke a lantern.” Check it out!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for girls

What does the Rainbow dream predict?

A dream of a rainbow over a river means a long trip, which will result in a good acquaintance and a successful acquisition. A rainbow over a field is a sign of mutual love and strong marriage bonds, over a forest - you will be incredibly lucky.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Meaning of the dream Rainbow

I dreamed of a rainbow - according to the Otavalo Indians. this is a bad sign.

If a rainbow is in the middle of a high-mountain steppe (“paramo”), then this means heavy rains, downpours, or even an earthquake.

If you dreamed of the moon in the sky, which is located inside the semicircle of the rainbow, difficulties and problems await the white man.

Interpretation of dreams from the Shaman's dream book

Seeing a rainbow in a dream

If you dream of a rainbow that shines in the sky and shimmers with all colors, the dream promises that your life will soon become just as bright and interesting. You will not be bored in the company of a boring lover; on the contrary, you will meet a person with a rich imagination and a good sense of humor. He will become not only an excellent friend, but also a wonderful lover, able to amaze you with his ability to give pleasure in bed, to be a true altruist in love.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

What does the dream Rainbow mean?

Seeing a rainbow in a dream is a forecast of unprecedented happiness. Your affairs will receive promising support, and the harvest will bring a bountiful harvest.

If lovers see a rainbow in a dream, it means that their union will be unusually happy.

A rainbow, spread low over the green crowns of trees, promises unconditional success in all endeavors.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What do Rainbow dreams mean?

Empty fears, good news // bad weather; in the east - change in happiness, wealth; in the west – good (for the rich) // misfortune (for the poor); above your head, next to you - illness, death, loss of friendship, change of fortune.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

What does a Rainbow mean in a dream?

Rainbow is great happiness.

Seeing a rainbow high in the sky means a very happy and successful marriage, prosperity and profitable business.

A low rainbow over the field - the work started will be successful.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for a bitch

What does a Rainbow predict in a dream?

Seeing a bright rainbow: a sign of the end of troubles and changes for the better.

If in reality you find yourself in some difficult situation or are experiencing difficulties: the dream encourages you not to lose hope, soon there will be a holiday on your street.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Interpretation of the dream Rainbow

In a dream, this image symbolizes a divine sign, predestination from above, forgiveness, and reunion.

A dream in which you saw a rainbow appear in the sky after rain means that something beautiful and amazing will appear in your life.

If in a dream you saw an extinguished rainbow, this dream foretells separation from your loved ones or loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from Vanga's Dream Book

What does the Rainbow dream predict?

A married man sees a rainbow - to happiness and well-being in the family.

A married woman means a long separation from her husband.

For an unmarried man, such a dream foreshadows an imminent wedding.

For an unmarried girl, marriage to an intelligent man who loves her.

A person in a long separation from his family sees a rainbow - a sign of a quick return and meeting with relatives.

The patient - to recovery.

Criminal - to deterioration of health.

Soldier - to be sent to the front soon.

A peasant sees a rainbow - to a good harvest.

For a merchant, a rainbow is a symbol of trouble and unprofitable contracts.

A tourist sees a rainbow in a dream - to a successful arrival at the destination.

An emigrant sees a whole rainbow - a sign of returning to his homeland.

Seeing half a rainbow is unfortunate.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Feng Shui

Meaning of the dream Rainbow

An atmospheric phenomenon that heralds improved weather. The symbol indicates circumstances favorable to analysis, investments, changes, decisions that can lead to improvement, to earnings, to finding ways out of the situation. A development opportunity that requires detailed analysis.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

Seeing a rainbow in a dream

Seen on the eastern side means: contentment, wealth, restoration of impaired health.

A rainbow on the western side is a good sign for the rich and a bad sign for the poor.

Seeing a rainbow near you or directly above your head marks a change in fortune, illness, and sometimes death.

It also means a breakdown of family and friendly ties.

Interpretation of dreams from