How to draw a thunderstorm with a pencil step by step. Landscape “Spring Storm”

Today we have most interesting topic, the unfolding elements of nature lightning, thunderstorm, photo pictures, video. Lightning most often occurs during a thunderstorm in rain clouds, then it is called thunderstorm, but lightning can also occur during a volcanic eruption, dust storms or tornadoes. Of course, we have all seen this unique action of nature, when a bright electric flash cuts through the dark sky with a bright glow and rushes to the ground at breakneck speed. And then, after a while, this blow is confirmed by rolling, sometimes simply deafening thunder. The spectacle is simply amazing, especially the roar that came seconds later.

In ancient times, people were afraid of this natural phenomenon; for many peoples, lightning was associated with the punishment of the gods and punishment for sins on earth. But you and I are wise people and we understand that this is not a punishment, but only the nature of electricity, released in such a wonderful way. Moreover, there is great amount methods of protection against lightning strikes. An electric discharge coming from clouds or clouds seeks the shortest path to the ground and for this reason strikes the highest targets, in cities these can be all kinds of towers, high-rise buildings, there are tall trees in the forest. Often in the field, lonely trees are subject to these blows; for this reason, being in an open space during a thunderstorm is a very risky activity. So, let's admire this miracle of natural elements and look at the wonderful photographs of lightning, thunderstorm, pictures, photos, as well as the most amazing footage of lightning, thunderstorm videos.
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Lightning, thunderstorm


Lightning, thunderstorm video.
Amazing Lightning:

Lightning, thunderstorm video.
Beautiful lightning:

In legends and mythological tales All peoples of the world have such a mysterious and majestic natural phenomenon as a thunderstorm. The fury of nature has always frightened and delighted man with its colossal strength and wild, uncontrollable beauty.

This mixture of moisture, wind power and electricity was also sung in literary works genius poets, writers and artists. But what is this amazing event?

Scientific basis for thunderstorm phenomena

Modern meteorologists understand a thunderstorm as a natural activity in which electrical discharges called lightning occur, and sound booms are also observed.

Bad weather is accompanied by strong winds, most often precipitation occurs.

Scientists have found that such phenomena are most common over continents, but the world's oceans are subject to this weather miracle ten times less often.

Thunderstorms form in cumulus clouds that have a relatively low altitude. The base of such clouds looks like a dark lead sheet. Sometimes the cloud can combine various shades, up to yellowish, which is explained by scientists as a manifestation of different densities of the cloud layer. At the edges, such clouds have a bright white, even brilliant, sheen.

The causes of thunderstorm phenomena, according to meteorologists, are different atmospheric pressure and levels of absolute and relative humidity, as well as air vortex flows. Downdrafts can manifest themselves on the ground as gusts of squally wind, which can be of varying strength.

The increased danger of a thunderstorm lies in the frequent occurrence of electrical discharges, often connecting with the surface of the earth and high objects. The force of such discharges can ignite or melt even the most incombustible materials, as well as damage equipment.

Lightning can be presented regular form and its spherical variety. The least studied are ball lightning, the formation of which is difficult to reproduce, and the development of the situation is almost impossible to monitor. The behavior of such lightning is unpredictable, and the period of its existence in space much exceeds the lifetime of a linear discharge.

Mythological representation of thunderstorms

Ancient peoples all over the world deified such a majestic and frightening phenomenon as. In all stages of paganism, nationalities have their own thunder gods and patrons of the winds and thunder. As a rule, these are fierce and strong gods, reflecting the nature of the elemental phenomenon.

For example, the Slavs, who preferred to be afraid rather than admire their gods like the Greeks, had several patrons at once: Perun, Stribog, Svarozhich and others. Their images were truly frightening and characterized panic fear people of the past before the forces of nature.

The Greek embodiment of the thunderstorm, became great Zeus, whose weapon was lightning. The recognition of the Thunderer as the greatest among the Olympian inhabitants points to the fact that thunderstorms were the most dangerous and unpredictable phenomenon for Ancient Greece. The Greeks considered the thunderstorm an expression of God and worshiped its beauty and power. The blacksmith god Hephaestus was also involved in the fury of the elements.

The thunderer Jupiter was also held in the highest esteem by the ancient Romans. They also stood in awe and trembled in the face of the terrifying thunderstorm, giving it the place of the most powerful and terrible among inexplicable phenomena.

The Scandinavian peoples also had special respect for Thor, who controlled thunder and lightning.

Peoples all over the world endowed their powerful patrons with the power to control thunderstorms, as they believed this a natural phenomenon the most dangerous. Not understanding it true reasons, people experienced panic fear of the unpredictable, punishing elements. The Aztecs made sacrifices to appease the raging gods. However, it was not only the residents who “sinned” by sacrificing South America, this ritual was present to one degree or another among all peoples of the world.

Thunderstorm in art

The unbridled element is also reflected in works of art.

Artists not only worshiped the power and strength of the thunderstorm, but also sang its wild beauty. The revelry of raging nature was depicted on their canvases by N. Krymov, S. Sukhovo-Kobylina, Vasiliev and others.

There are descriptions of the fury of the elements in such famous literary works as Nabokov’s work of the same name. The theme of thunderstorm phenomena is touched upon in the poems of Tyutchev, Fet, Lermontov and Pushkin.

No less impressive and powerful was the display of indescribable awe before the majestic element in music. B. Asafiev's opera captivates and fascinates with its sound. Not inferior in the skill of sound combinations and depth of theme operas of the same name Dzerzhinsky, Kashperov and, of course, Trambitsky.

Contemporary art reflects the storm in film adaptations of classic works famous writers and poets. In addition, today directors present their viewers with fantastic films that colorfully describe natural indignation. Children's superheroes are given the ability to reflect or control lightning and thunder, as well as cause tornadoes and hurricanes.

Thus, today people also admire the power and grandeur of weather phenomena, despite the fact that they have long studied their nature.

Danger of thunderstorm

The outbreak of bad weather has not surprised anyone for a long time; we perceive what happened as a fact and try to hide from the bad weather. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in this, so every year statistics provide sad information about thunderstorm victims.

The frantic and uncontrollable force of the natural elements is one of the most dangerous factors for humans, therefore, while admiring the mesmerizing beauty and singing the power, one should not forget about the cruelty of thunder, lightning and wind.

This amazing phenomenon is dangerous, first of all, because it is unpredictable. If weather forecasters, with some degree of probability, can give a forecast about the occurrence of a thunderstorm front, then they can even determine approximately where the lightning strike will occur on modern stage impossible. Scientists also cannot protect us from ball lightning.

The only salvation for a person remains lightning rods and grounded objects, as well as simple rules of behavior in bad weather.

This lady's real name is Ororo Monroe. If you've watched, or read, or heard about the X-Men, you probably know her. Due to popular demand, there will now be a lesson on how to draw a Thunderstorm. Thunderstorm is the name of the mutant superheroine, one of the most popular X-Men, capable of controlling the weather. By the way, she is the first black comic book character. This is an extraordinary rarity. She owns:

  • Atmospheric kinesis is a long word denoting power over the forces of nature. Ororo can summon at will a storm, a storm, a thunderstorm that destroys everything in its path. When using this skill, Monroe's eyes glow white.
  • Buku Jitsu – flying technique;
  • Combining with the energy of substances - can quickly freeze, unfreeze, create lightning, thunder and other mischief;
  • African technique;
  • Telepathy – I don’t think there is any need to explain what it is?

Moreover, she is smart, beautiful, Komsomol member, excellent student, yes and simply good man. We look forward to continuing the stories with her participation. Until then, we can get creative:

How to draw a Thunderstorm with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's sketch something like this. Step two. Let's start drawing female figure.Step three. Let's make her a wavy coat. Step four. Let's pay a lot of attention to hair, it's not easy. Let's add shadows to the clothes. The last step. Let's add more shadows and remove the extra lines. Ready: Try drawing others too super heroes and villains.

The speed of lightning can reach 60 thousand km per second. And the discharge itself lasts only a few tenths of a second.

The average temperature of lightning is 50 thousand°F, which is 5 times higher than the surface temperature of the Sun.

The average length of lightning is 2.5 km, and maximum length reaches up to 20 km.

According to statistics, the risk of being struck by lightning is 1 in 1,000,000. But it is believed that only 5 to 30% of victims are struck by a lightning strike.

The belief that lightning does not strike the same place twice is just a myth. Lightning can strike the same place many times.

Surprisingly, in Egypt you only see a thunderstorm once every 200 years. A greatest number thunderstorm days are observed near the city of Bogor in Indonesia. Lightning flashes here on average 322 days a year, that is, almost not a single day goes by without a thunderstorm.

A rare accumulation is observed in the southern part of Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela thunder clouds. A feature of the phenomenon called Catatumbo lightning is the continuity of multiple discharges for about 10 hours a day. Here, thunderstorms can continue for up to 200 days a year and are called “Eternal Lightning.”