Characteristics of an Aries-Ox woman. Eastern zodiac horoscope: Ox – Aries


Some of the most important character traits of Aries born in the year of the Ox are: perseverance, determination and the desire to always be on top. They always have their own point of view on any life situation. Aries people in the year of the Ox are absolutely confident in their own rightness. There is no point in convincing them of this, because in any case they will do as they see fit.

Perseverance is especially pronounced in the character of representatives of this sign. It is aggravated by the stubbornness and straightforwardness characteristic of the Ox. It is almost impossible to convince a man, woman or child of this sign of anything. It's like trying to negotiate with a tornado. Moreover, this quality manifests itself from a very early age.

Characteristics of Aries-Bull men

The Aries guy in the year of the Ox is a purposeful, ambitious, proud and uncompromising person. Such a complex character allows people of the sign to achieve a fairly high position in every field of activity.
In any situation, he feels like an unquestioned authority and leader. He can turn any idea into reality if it really interests him
A sharp mind and perseverance play an important role in this matter. He always sets the bar high for himself and purposefully follows the plan.

Marriage for Aries men in the year of the Ox is a serious step towards which they will take a long time, but purposefully. It is not advisable to rush such people and insist on your own. If he enters into a marriage or decides on a serious relationship at the behest of his heart, he will be faithful to his girlfriend until the end of his days. Marriage of convenience for them is nonsense, this simply can never happen!

However, in love and in life, this person is looking for an exceptionally strong nature. If such a man can have many signs according to his horoscope, then in life such guys are looking for someone who will be equal to him in strength of character, temperament and intelligence. At the same time, quite often they encounter much weaker partners - submissive, meek and obedient. Only after meeting true love does such a man give himself to her completely and without reserve.

The Ox-Aries man sets the highest bar for himself and purposefully follows the plan

Disadvantages of an Aries man in the year of the Ox

Energy and the habit of achieving what you want sometimes play against the man himself. Their weakness is that they are not always realistic and go for unrealistic dreams (they set the bar high). If something doesn’t work out for a guy of this sign, he falls into a pessimistic mood and then for a long time he collects his thoughts and emotions in order to continue what he started.

Often men of this sign lose their family only because they are carried away by their own worries– work, career growth and interests that are far from family. And only when they realized that they were on the verge of breaking up with loved ones did they begin to see the light.

Characteristics of Aries-Bull women

An Aries girl, born in the year of the Ox, is a confident person with a bright appearance and amazing charisma. She is always collected and smart, her tears, sorrows or disappointments are not exposed. She will purposefully strive to achieve the set goal, while taking into account the interests of her family. She has a strong character, therefore, she is quite capable of managing men (and even more than one). Attempts to resist instructions will only lead to the severance of any relationship - family or business.
These ladies always strive for career growth and are absolutely confident that they will eventually achieve their goal
They need to be the center of attention and feel that people around them are listening to them and following all directions. It is not in her nature to submit to a man. However, in family relationships she can make compromises. The Aries-Ox woman is a clean, thrifty housewife who will do everything to make her household members comfortable and warm within the walls of the house.

The Aries-Ox woman is an insightful psychologist and analyst. She knows how to “read the minds” of others and quite often uses this gift in relation to family and friends, which often causes conflicts in the family. Ladies of this sign should control their leadership qualities, leaving them exclusively for work, and at home show all the positive character traits.

Disadvantages of Aries women in the year of the Ox

The main weakness of Aries women born in the year of the Ox is that they often abandon the work they started halfway through. Their temperament and impulsiveness often play a cruel joke on them: the lady simply does not have time to think everything over and makes a decision in the heat of the moment. This feature greatly discourages everyone around them, who gradually move away from the wayward and eccentric girl. In turn, this is a huge disadvantage for the lady herself, who is accustomed to being the center of attention and worship.

Aries-Ox women often give up on a job halfway through

Love compatibility between Aries-Bull men and women

We must pay tribute to the fact that men of this combination of signs always specific in expressing their feelings. Love or marriage relationships are comfortable for them only when they feel like the head of the family and are convinced that they are in complete control of the situation. However, his partner is always considered an object of pride and worship for him. A wife next to such a husband will be protected from any sorrows and adversities, treated kindly and supported in any situation.

Despite the fact that career and success for I will give Aries-Bulls are extremely important, home and family for these women are her refuge and protection from all troubles and adversities.
She is the embodiment of a woman-mother who is ready to shelter everyone and help anyone
In the family circle, he is a kind and affectionate person, whose partner feels absolutely confident and cared for.

Love relationships with men are not the main criterion of happiness for women of this sign. Not all Aries women born in the year of the Ox are lucky in love and marriage. She manages quite independently even without a man’s shoulder, relying only on herself. To everyone, she may seem like a weak-willed and confused person, but deep down she is a fighter with a steely character and a persistent desire to do everything according to plan. She can easily take upon herself not only her own worries, but also her husband’s immaturity, without spoiling the relationship with her man, but only helping and pushing him to the necessary steps and decisions. And these issues will be approached with full responsibility - forcing, treating, teaching, until the person himself understands what is required of him.



Minimum Compatibility

According to the eastern calendar
Rat, Ox, Cat (Rabbit), Dragon
Goat, Pig, Dog, Snake
Rooster, Tiger, Horse, Monkey

According to the Western calendar
Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn
Aquarius, Leo, Gemini, Pisces, Libra
Virgo, Taurus, Cancer

Full characteristics of an Aries child born in the year of the Ox

A child born in such a combination of stars is initially a difficult person to raise. Aries boy in the year of the Ox not very sociable, especially does not welcome new people in his environment. However, to those who managed to win his heart, he is extremely attached, kind, faithful and affectionate.

Girl of this sign always has an extremely decisive character. She is confident in herself and always knows what exactly she needs to get in a given situation. These children are distinguished by their sharp minds, ingenuity, perseverance and determination.

A girl of this sign always has an extremely decisive character.

Parents of an Aries-Ox child can count on honesty in relationships only if they themselves are honest with their children. However, excessive straightforwardness of children often leads to conflicts in the family. The main thing that mom and dad should know: from early childhood you need to teach your children of Aries and Ox signs to be clean. They don’t like to keep order too much, considering this an annoying deviation from goals rather than a necessity.

23 August 2017, 01:54

The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig promises Aries a rich life full of important events. In all areas of activity, representatives of your zodiac sign expect changes, new beginnings and acquaintances. Not everything will go smoothly, but overall 2019 will be a successful year for Aries.

What does the horoscope for 2019 portend for Aries? You need to understand that this is a bright representative of the fire element. He is energetic, active, has a strong, even domineering character, since he is ruled by the warlike planet Mars. This year will pass under the sign of the representative of the Earth element - the Yellow Pig. Its influence will extinguish the excessive emotionality and aggressiveness of Aries. Representatives of your sign will become calmer and more reasonable, which will help you rethink your life, make the right decisions and find new ways of development.

Until April 2019, Aries will be in a state of search. This is a time of experimentation and change, both in your personal life and in the professional sphere. From April to mid-summer, the astrological forecast foreshadows a period of instability for Aries. Unforeseen events and financial problems are possible. This is not the time to rest; you will have to make every effort to maintain previously won positions in business, career, and on the personal front. It is necessary to carefully consider every decision and listen to the advice of loved ones and friends.

True Aries horoscope for 2019

From the second half of July to mid-September 2019, Aries will have a stage when they can rest and relax. Problems will be left behind, harmony and stability will reign in life. This is a time when, in a calm environment, you can rethink and adjust your development paths. Intuition will suggest the right decisions; during this period you should not rely on other people’s opinions. At the same time, you should avoid hypocrisy and lies in your actions.

The end of 2019 will pass in a calm atmosphere. At this stage, Aries needs to concentrate on the family and summing up their activities. It is necessary to avoid overexertion at work, otherwise by the New Year holidays Aries will be completely exhausted and devastated.

Aries love horoscope for 2019

Like all fire signs, Aries are amorous and have special sexual energy and magnetism. They have no problems finding a mate. However, in 2019 for the Yellow Earth Pig, love relationships will develop in a rather contradictory and ambiguous way. Aries will devote too much effort and time to business, work, and career growth. They will still be able to start new acquaintances and romantic relationships at any time. But thoughts about work and a lack of free time will not allow Aries to truly appreciate their partner, get closer to him, and test the sincerity of his feelings. In such a situation, it is easy to make a mistake and become disappointed in a person.

In 2019, Aries, who already have a couple, may find themselves in a double position. On the one hand, being busy at work will not allow them to devote proper time and attention to their loved one. On the other hand, the usually impulsive wards of Mars will become calmer and more flexible. This will allow them to avoid conflicts and quarrels with loved ones. In any case, the stars advise Aries in 2019 to find a certain balance between their personal life and professional activities. The horoscope recommends spending more time with your loved one.

Free Aries love horoscope for 2019

It is not recommended for Aries to start a serious relationship for the first six months. Romances will be fleeting and may result in bitter disappointment. June 2019 will be especially difficult for love relationships. During this period, it is better to avoid new acquaintances or limit yourself to friendly, non-binding communication.

Those who have a couple in the year of the Yellow Earth Pig need to make every effort and sensitivity to avoid a breakup. The emotional state of Aries will be extremely unstable. Inspiration will begin to give way to depression, a feeling of euphoria will alternate with outbursts of aggression.

The situation will change dramatically in the second half of 2019. Aries will become calmer and more confident. You will have the opportunity to devote more time to your personal life and loved ones. Lonely Aries can find new love and find a faithful life partner. To do this, stars advise them to change their image, dress more brightly, and go out more often. Men will win the hearts of their chosen ones with their strong character and charisma. Aries women should become more open and soft, moderate their pride and stubbornness. This will help them find new fans.

If men and women born under the constellation Aries do not plan to have children, they should be especially careful in sexual relations. The year 2019 of the Yellow Earth Pig is very favorable for the conception and birth of children.

Aries family horoscope for 2019

In the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, Aries' family relationships will develop quite steadily and generally well. The most serious tests will fall in the first half of 2019, when Aries will be busy with work. Relatives and friends must understand that Aries' career ambitions and aspirations coincide with their desire to fully provide for their family.

Spouses of representatives of this zodiac sign should show maximum tact and attention, become a reliable rear and provide all possible support to their partner. In turn, Aries should try to devote more time and attention to their family. They should moderate their irritability. It is the family that will become for them the outlet that will help them avoid nervous breakdowns and overstrain during this period.

The horoscope shows that in 2019, Aries’ family relationships will be strengthened by communication with relatives, joint discussion of problems, walks with family in the fresh air, and common hobbies. At the same time, you should not shirk doing housework, which both men and women born under the constellation Aries are prone to. It will be useful to distribute responsibilities between spouses. It is also necessary to trust each other more and not make scandals over trifles. To do this, Aries should have fun with friends less often, otherwise there will be no time left for family. Yoga and yoga classes will help reduce excessive aggressiveness.

Accurate Aries family horoscope for 2019

The emphasis on work and career in 2019 of the Pig will not save Aries from a lot of everyday and household chores. It is likely that they will have to carry out major renovations that will completely transform the home. In this case, Aries is recommended to seek help from professionals. Financial support from loved ones may be required, since there may simply not be enough money and time. It is better to plan large-scale work after June 2019, when workload in the professional sphere will decrease.

The influence of the Yellow Earth Pig has a beneficial effect on the family relationships of Aries. This is a good time for happy marriages and the birth of children. Family usually weighs heavily on ardent, temperamental Aries. In 2019, they will be less impulsive, which will give harmony and stability to their family ties. The birth of a child will strengthen Aries' marriage. Quite indifferent to other people's children, representatives of this zodiac sign are very responsible in raising their offspring. Caring for a child will allow Aries to direct their energy in the right direction and fill their life with new meaning.

Aries financial horoscope for 2019

In the first months of the year, many Aries will face certain financial difficulties. Do not despair; already in March, active business activity and career advancement will lead to a significant improvement in your financial situation and stable profit growth. Pleasant surprises are also possible - unexpected bonuses, salary increases, additional sources of income. Even winning the lottery is possible. However, all this is possible only as a result of hard work. The Yellow Pig does not tolerate laziness and idleness, but generously rewards hardworking, honest people.

In general, the horoscope for 2019 promises Aries stable financial development, the foundations of which must be laid in the first decade. To do this, you should learn to be more patient and reasonable, listen to the advice of colleagues and partners. Often, due to their categoricalness and spontaneity in decision-making, Aries misses out on profitable opportunities.

Proper distribution of working time, effort and energy will allow you to save enough money to fulfill your old dreams. However, you must be prepared for the fact that in the first half of 2019 you will have to limit communication with family and friends. There will be practically no time for entertainment and relaxation, but all this will more than pay off in the second half of the year.

Aries work and career in 2019

The entire 2019 will pass for Aries under the sign of work and career. You will have to work hard, the first months will be especially stressful. To achieve success, Aries need to prepare in advance and strictly plan their actions. Spontaneity and impulsiveness in decision-making will lead to chaos and will not give the desired results, however, no sharp drops are expected in the year of the Yellow Earthen Pig (Boar).

It is necessary to be patient, avoid conflicts with superiors and colleagues, but at the same time show pressure, determination and perseverance. Some things may have to be started over again more than once. The result of such activities will be successful career advancement, promotion, salary and income growth.

The year will be successful for entrepreneurs; they will experience business development and expansion. However, even in this area one cannot do without a busy work schedule and clear planning. At the beginning of 2019, the stars will provide an opportunity to find new business partners and promising directions. During this period, you should listen to the advice of experienced people and try not to miss the chances provided by fate.

Aries health horoscope for 2019

The influence of the earthly element of the Yellow Pig can affect the fire sign of Aries with pressure drops and arrhythmia. Problems with the health of the heart, nervous system, and blood circulation can be triggered by an emergency work schedule, responsibility in a new position, stress and overwork. Vision and hearing may weaken, and immunity may weaken in winter.

The horoscope states that in 2019 many Aries will be susceptible to colds and vulnerable to viral infections. In no case should you “eat up” stress or get rid of it with the help of alcoholic drinks - this will only increase the already high load on the heart. In the first half of the year, entertainment in noisy companies is contraindicated.

An even distribution of forces and rest in a quiet home environment will allow you to cope with overexertion. More than ever, hardworking Aries will need the support of family and friends. It may happen that many representatives of this zodiac sign will have to give up a full-fledged vacation in 2019. Meditation, yoga, sports, walks in the fresh air, proper nutrition - all this will help Aries preserve their health, which is so necessary to achieve success.

Eastern (Chinese) Aries horoscope for 2019 by year of birth

What events will happen to representatives of your zodiac sign in the year of the Yellow Earth Pig? What should you prepare for?

Aries-Ox horoscope for 2019

This year may bring happy events for the Ox, which will alternate with serious trials. Therefore, be prepared for anything in order to ultimately emerge as a winner. Be patient and listen to your intuition, it will help you realize your plans. Choose a reliable companion with whom you can easily overcome any difficulties in life. It's possible that an ex-love may be on the horizon, so consider any decisions carefully.

Aries-Rat Horoscope for 2019

This year for the Rat will be in constant motion, but it is up to you in which direction. There may be a large number of business trips, flights and trips, during which you will make the necessary contacts. Do not refuse possible cooperation, but do not agree without first weighing all the arguments, since 2019 may bring financial well-being. In amorous affairs, luck will be on your side, so there is a high probability that this year you will meet the love of your life.

Aries-Tiger horoscope for 2019

This will be a successful period for the Tiger, as you will be able to realize your most ambitious plans if you put in the effort. However, you should not become arrogant, in which case Fortune may turn away from you. For the Tiger, this year will be marked by household chores, such as repairs or buying new furniture. Families can buy diapers and a stroller, since there is a high probability that you will become parents.

Aries-Dragon Horoscope for 2019

People of the Draco constellation should not place much trust in new acquaintances and forget about their financial obligations. Because this can lead to very sad consequences. Don't wait for manna from heaven, but start taking the initiative. Act confidently and judiciously. Spend more time with loved ones and relatives, listening to their requests and advice. You should not go all the way in a dispute with an experienced relative.

Aries-Cat (Rabbit) horoscope for 2019

This will be an excellent period to start taking care of your health and quit bad habits. The Cat/Rabbit should start jogging in the morning, go to the gym several times a week and eat healthy food. This year's patroness will assist you in any endeavor, so you can achieve success in creativity, politics or building a business. It would be a good idea to open a joint business with your loved ones. Creative activities can be very successful, and then you will become very famous.

Aries-Snake Horoscope for 2019

The snake should try to develop its teaching talents. You have the makings to teach at school or university. Don’t delay in arranging your personal life. This year there is a high probability that you will meet your love while on vacation or traveling. Don’t waste your energy on random connections, because there is a person very close who will love you forever!

Aries-Goat (Sheep) Horoscope for 2019

This year will help resolve all unresolved problems that have accumulated in the past. There is a high probability that the Goat/Sheep will have to go on business trips frequently, which will contribute to career advancement and financial well-being. You will have to compete with competitors to realize your plans, but this does not matter as long as the hostess of the year favors you! The Pig will also help improve family relationships.

Aries-Horse Horoscope for 2019

People of this constellation will have to show in practice what they are. Silence is golden. Therefore, Horses should not share important information, even with close people. Be more careful while driving and at home! If your intuition signals danger, then listen and step aside. A good year for marriage and change of residence.

Aries-Rooster horoscope for 2019

This year will be especially successful for the Rooster in career and financial terms. Everything will be so beautiful that you will want to sing, perhaps even a duet with the patroness of the year, who will help with everything. The cash flow will be so good that many of the Roosters will be able to buy a new car or property by the sea. There is a fairly high probability that an heir will appear in your family. Try to avoid conflicts with relatives and trust your intuition.

Aries-Pig (Boar) horoscope for 2019

People of this sign can only be envied, in the good sense of the word! Since Fortune will assist the Pig/Boar in any endeavor. Don't worry about the change of scenery and be prepared for business trips. Any plan you make will be doomed to success, so don’t be afraid to take the initiative. Relationships with other halves will be built on the principle of reciprocity, that is, as much as you give to love, you will get back as much.

Aries-Monkey horoscope for 2019

This year, the Monkey should expect a lot of positive emotions and pleasant changes. These events will be remembered for a long time. You will have a unique chance to advance your career and correct all the mistakes that happened in your personal life. Pay attention to your appearance; perhaps you should visit the gym more often and go to the hairdresser. This will help you look irresistible when you meet your soulmate!

Aries-Dog Horoscope for 2019

For people of this constellation, this will be a calm year, so Dogs will be able to visit any place and communicate with interesting people. Everyone will be happy to see you, especially when you let them in on your exciting plans! Believe in yourself and you will succeed. In your personal life, think carefully before making a choice.

Until April 20, they are considered Aries. Their element is Fire, so they are also swift and impetuous in their actions. Their main calling is to be leaders!

Description and character traits of an Aries woman

The Aries woman is very fearless and active. The most important thing for her is freedom. She is firmly pursuing her goal, and it is simply impossible to resist her. An Aries woman falls in love with lightning speed. She chooses her partner herself. She is ready to take the initiative and will always be the head of family life. She will also be able to make a successful career. She has enough energy to be a wife, mother, housewife, meet with friends and earn money. The Aries woman is jealous and wants to own the man completely. She doesn’t need a man who has a lot of other interests. In love, an Aries woman strives for a serious relationship. She is generous and sentimental. Until the last moment she will help her husband climb the career ladder. It is very easy to build a relationship with an Aries woman, but this relationship cannot be called simple, since she tends to significantly underestimate the role of men in her life.

Characteristics of an Aries woman born in the year of the Monkey

The Aries-Monkey woman strives to occupy a high position in society. She can become a good leader. Aries-Monkey defends its interests with its activity, directness and dexterity. Sometimes its activity is so high that it even begins to interfere with the natural course of events. It's hard for her to stop. Aries-Monkey will always be devoted to her husband and will try to save the family in any situation. If this woman is unhappy in love, she can crush everything in her path.

Characteristics of an Aries woman born in the year of the Ox

The Aries-Ox woman is a straightforward, fearless and very strong person. She is very active and persistent in achieving her goals. This woman is confident that everything should be exactly as she wishes. Perhaps this is due to the fact that she simply cannot understand herself. Because something goes wrong, intolerance towards people and circumstances arises. She loves her family and is very attached to her family. He is demanding towards people he doesn’t know and shows excessive pressure. Over the years, the Ox woman will learn to find compromises and negotiate with people. However, she will never become a “gentle cat.” She always remains a leader with a share of willfulness and stubbornness. In love, the Aries-Ox woman can come face to face with her desire to suppress and command, but if she directs the strong-willed qualities given to her by nature into her profession, begins to protect loved ones and help them in everything, then her family life can be very prosperous .

Compatibility of Aries woman with other signs

An Aries woman can get good compatibility with a Leo man, who will provide her financially; a Libra man who will fulfill her wishes; a Sagittarius man who will easily climb the career ladder. This sign is poorly compatible with the sensual Cancer and Capricorn, who is not prone to compromise.

The characteristics and compatibility of the Aries-Ox man interests everyone who was born under this sign. This guy is strong and confident. He will never cheat and will always fight for justice and honesty. He can handle many issues alone. Despite this, he wants to see a caring woman nearby who will help him realize his potential. In love relationships, he appears as a caring and loving partner.

Often this guy lacks self-control, but he completes all his tasks, systematically and clearly. His impulsiveness and thirst for adventure can provoke explosions, but they are short-lived. In general, he cannot be led astray, because he always has enough intelligence and strength to remain in the position of leader, wherever necessary.

He lacks flexibility somewhat, but he perfectly understands what is happening around him and can withstand any ups and downs of life. This man has many talents and powerful energy. It is very important that he realizes his potential in business, in a leadership position, since this requires daily active actions from him. The Aries-Ox guy loves variety, while he strives to be a pioneer and craves new sensations. Diversity in itself is not the goal.

Characteristics of love of an Aries-Ox man

The Aries-Ox man is very specific in expressing his feelings and desires, but does not always reveal them completely. Of course, in a couple he wants to be the head and lead, so he will determine what, when and how to do it. It’s good if he still gives the woman the opportunity to feel not only led, but also self-sufficient and independent.

This guy will not enter into an arranged marriage. For him, hypocrisy and role-playing are unbearable in everything that concerns love. As a rule, he strives to meet a patient girl whom he can protect from all life’s difficulties. Due to his strong and fighting character, he often encounters weak personalities, relationships with whom only bring strong disappointments.

In personal relationships, he acts as a kind-hearted and good-natured partner, capable of forgiving the woman he loves a lot. If his partner makes a mistake and then admits it, he will happily take her back. Even after breaking up with the woman, he will not give up and will continue to move on, financially supporting her and the children. Having met his true love, he will reveal his best qualities and begin to change his character.

Marriage compatibility of Aries-Ox man

When starting a family, a man born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Ox will take on the role of a wise and good owner. Relationships will develop into marriage only if they are based on great love and sincerity. He will try with all his might to maintain peace in the family, so the amount of his patience in this sense can only be envied. He is a wonderful and loving father. Even if he is not satisfied with family relationships, he will not look for someone on the side.

Of course, in a family, as in a relationship, he will want to be a leader, but this is precisely what can become one of the reasons for disagreements and misunderstandings. His wife needs to listen to his opinion, because this man is able to give truly useful and wise advice. He is not one of those who knows how to flirt with women, but he always chooses an honest and sincere relationship, which he will expect from his partner.

The Aries-Ox man must learn to be more flexible and calmly listen to other people's point of view. This will allow him to avoid many bickering and quarrels in the family. In addition, he must stop relying only on himself in everything and learn to entrust work to others.

If you are an Aries, born in the year of the Ox according to the Chinese horoscope, congratulations: you are lucky to be born in exactly the right month and in the right year! Aries-Ox is an excellent combination for life and career, endowing its owner with such character traits as self-confidence and self-confidence, as well as steady movement towards the goal, forward. Suffice it to say that the path of the purposeful Aries-Ox begins almost at the moment of birth and continues throughout his life: having reached some heights, he immediately begins to strive for new ones.

Aries-Ox is energetic, truthful, moderately ambitious and very, very persistent. One of his few weaknesses is the flip side of his strengths - independence. In most situations, the independence of Aries-Ox “plays” on his side, helping him in his studies, in work, in his personal life, and in achieving any other goals. However, there are situations when the independence of Aries-Ox becomes his Achilles heel, prompting him to refuse help where he vitally needs it.

Despite external equanimity, the Eastern Zodiac horoscope states: Aries-Ox is capable of being very gambling! Sometimes this quality causes him inconvenience - especially if it suddenly gets out of control. However, in general, the gambling of Aries-Ox adds zest to his character and brings variety to his personal life.

Aries-Ox Love

The chosen one of Aries-Ox, no matter what gender he belongs to, will have to come to terms with the fact that it is Aries-Ox who will play the leading role in their relationship. This does not mean that he is inclined to suppress his loved one. It’s just that Aries-Ox is used to taking responsibility and initiative both in everyday life and in work; naturally he projects this into romantic relationships.

Aries-Ox is a supporter of family values ​​and strong relationships. In marriage, he is ready to take on the lion's share of concerns about the provision and well-being of the family and will do everything to ensure that his home over time is a full cup.

Sexuality of Aries-Ox

Aries-Ox is charged with powerful sexual energy. This is a diligent and tireless lover. In bed, he usually prefers the classics, without any special frills. Very, very many classics... Aries-Ox is not inclined to change partners, since it takes a long time to get used to a new person. His ideal is a soul mate, reserved in life, but hot when alone with him.

Celebrities of the Aries sign born in the year of the Ox:

Alexander Tsekalo, Russian actor and showman.
Alla Pugacheva, Soviet and Russian singer.
Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Russian actress.
Andrey Merzlikin, Russian actor.
Vincent Van Gogh, Dutch artist.
Denis Fonvizin, Russian writer.
David Blaine, American illusionist.
Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Soviet and Russian actor.
Keira Knightley, British actress.
Nikita Dzhigurda, Ukrainian and Russian actor, musician.
Sergey Shnurov, Russian singer and musician.
Fanny Ardant, French actress.
Hans Christian Andersen, Danish poet and novelist.
Charlie Chaplin, British and American actor.
Eddie Murphy, American actor.
Ernst Neizvestny, Soviet and American sculptor.
Yuri Kuklachev, Soviet and Russian circus artist.