Pencil drawing from photography program. Photography: how to turn it into a painted portrait

Adobe Photoshop provides very ample opportunities for creative photo processing. In the photo editor you can not only improve the frame, but also achieve unusual artistic effects.

In this tutorial you will learn how to make a drawing from a photo in Photoshop. We will use filters as the main tool.

For example, let’s take this photo taken in Portugal:

And here’s what happens after our manipulations:

To make a drawing from a photo in Photoshop, open the photo in the program and create a color layer: Layer → New Fill Layer → Solid Color....

In the dialog box that appears, set the color of the paper on which our sketch will be. You can select shades of white, gray or sepia.

After this, create a copy of the main layer ( Background) and apply a filter to it Photocopy/"Ragged Edges" from the set.

Let's call the new layer "Rough Sketch". Let's set its blending mode Multiply. Here we imitate the sketch that artists make before drawing the details.

But artists never draw clear and precise lines the first time. We want to make something similar to a sketch, and there should be more rough lines. Therefore, we create a copy of the layer "Rough Sketch" and increase it a little. Press the key combination Command + T and in the top menu set the width and height to 105%.

The canvas will stretch a little, and the lines of the drawing will double. After this, set the opacity of this layer to about 10–20% so that the lines become almost invisible, as if the artist was aiming and marking the sheet for further drawing.

Now we'll do the same thing, but we'll make the original canvas smaller to make even more sketch lines.

Copy the layer "Rough Sketch" and using transformation, reduce the width and height to 95%. Set the opacity for this layer to 10–20%.

Now we need to add more graphic effects to make the stylization even more similar to the drawing.

Making a copy of the base layer Background.

After that we will use the filter Cutout/"Applique" from a set of filters Filter → Filter Gallery…. You can select filter parameters to suit your taste or use our settings.

Drag the stylized layer to top part layers panel and apply a filter to it Filter → Stylize → Find Edges.... It will allow you to more clearly highlight the main lines and boundaries of objects that should be drawn better in the drawing.

Now let’s make the borders selected in the previous step black and white: Image → Adjustments → Desaturate.

Let's name the new layer "Sketch" and set its blending mode Color Burn. Let's adjust the opacity.

The previous step can be repeated to add more details.

So, we almost succeeded in making a drawing from a photograph in Photoshop. Now we need to add some pencil shading.

Background and drag it to the top of the layers panel. Apply a filter to the new layer Filter → Stylize → Find Edges....

Now let's decolorize it.

Let's use a filter Angled Strokes from the set Brush Strokes on the menu Filter → Filter Gallery….

Let's adjust the stroke length, direction and detail.

Set the new layer's blending mode Multiply and opacity about 60%. It can be seen that strokes have been added to the image.

We continue to add details. Let's make even more strokes.

We also duplicate the base layer Background, apply a filter Crosshatch/"Slanted strokes" from the set Brush Strokes in the Filter menu → Filter Gallery....

Let's decolorize it.

Setting the blending mode Multiply and adjust the opacity.

At this stage, we have already managed to make a drawing from a photograph in Photoshop. If your goal is a black and white sketch, then you can stop there.

Create another copy of the base layer Background and drag it to the top of the layers panel. Setting the blending mode Color. The drawing immediately “colored up”. All that remains is to use the mask to leave individual parts of the image colored.

Add a mask to the layer by clicking on the icon Add Layer Mask/“Add mask” in the bottom menu in the layers panel. By default, a white mask will be added, we need to invert it: click on the mask icon and press the key combination Command + I.

After that, choose a brush to your taste. This can be an imitation of a pencil, crayons or watercolors from standard set Adobe Photoshop or some additional brushes.

Using the selected brush on the mask, paint in white the areas where the color should be. You can experiment with the size and type of brush, its density.

We got it like this:

Using these simple manipulations, we were able to make a pencil drawing from a photo in Photoshop. Each step is on a separate layer, so you can at any time strengthen or weaken this or that effect, add or remove something using a mask.

Taking the principles of this method as a basis, you can come up with an algorithm with other filters from the set Filter → Filter Gallery… and in Photoshop make a pencil drawing from the photo.

Photo stylization is always very busy for beginner (and not so beginner) Photoshoppers. Without much preamble, I will say that in this lesson you will learn how to make a drawing from a photograph in Photoshop.

The lesson does not claim any artistic value, I'll just show you a few techniques that will allow you to achieve the effect of a hand-drawn photo.

One more note. To successfully convert the photo there must be enough big size, since some filters cannot be applied (they can, but the effect is not the same) to small images.

So, open the original photo in the program.

Make a copy of the image by dragging it onto the new layer icon in the layers palette.

Then we desaturate the photo (the layer that we just created) using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+U.

Make a copy of this layer (see above), go to the first copy, and remove visibility from the top layer.

Now let's proceed directly to creating the drawing. Go to the menu “Filter – Strokes – Cross Strokes”.

Using the sliders we achieve approximately the same effect as in the screenshot.

Then go to the top layer and turn on its visibility (see above). Go to the menu “Filter – Sketch – Photocopy”.

As with the previous filter, we achieve the effect as in the screenshot.

As a result, we get something like this (remember that the results will only be fully visible at 100% scale):

We continue to create the drawing effect in Photoshop. Create a fingerprint (combined copy) of all layers using a keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+E.

Then go to the menu again "Filter" and select the item “Imitation – Oil Painting”.

The applied effect should not be too strong. Try to save more details. The main starting point is the model's eyes.

We are approaching the completion of the stylization of our photo. As we can see, the colors in the “picture” are too bright and saturated. Let's correct this injustice. Create an adjustment layer "Hue/Saturation".

In the layer properties window that opens, use the slider to tone down the colors. saturation and add a little yellow color on the model's skin with a slider color tone.

The final touch is applying the canvas texture. Such textures can be a huge number find on the Internet by typing in search engine corresponding request.

Drag the picture with the texture onto the model image and, if necessary, stretch it to the entire canvas and click ENTER.

Change the blending mode (see above) for the texture layer to "Soft light".

This is what you should end up with:

If the texture is too pronounced, you can reduce the opacity of this layer.

Unfortunately, the requirements for the size of screenshots on our website will not allow me to show the final result at 100% scale, but even with this resolution it is clear that the result, as they say, is obvious.

This concludes the lesson. You can play with the strength of the effects, the saturation of colors and the application of different textures (for example, you can apply a paper texture instead of a canvas). Good luck in your creativity!

You can easily achieve this in a short period. In this tutorial you will learn how to create drawings from photographs using brushes. If you use a graphics tablet in your work, you can achieve even more better effect. A similar lesson looked at another option for creating a pencil drawing from a photograph. So, let's begin!

Here is the result you should get:

The lesson used an image from a paid resource, but you can easily find it on the Internet and free photos similar topic.

1. Image adjustment

Step 1

Open our source in Photoshop. Double-click on the Background layer to unlock it and give it the name Layer 1. Create New Layer and call it Layer 2. Set the Foreground color to white, and then use the tool Fill(G), fill it with white. Place Layer 2 below the source layer.

We convert the color image to black and white. Make the photo layer active and go to the menu Image - Adjustments - Hue / Saturation and in the settings window that appears, reduce the Saturation to -100.

2. Create a pattern effect

Step 1

Let's move on to creating the drawing effect itself. Add a layer mask to the tiger image layer. To do this, click on the layer mask icon and immediately fill it with black using the tool Fill(G).

Next, switch the foreground color to white. The background color should be black. Activate the tool Brush(B).Choose from a set of brushes Flat, blunt with short, stiff bristles, set the size to 60 pixels. and begin to apply strokes to the black layer mask (you can experiment with brushes and sizes and choose another one you like).

Step 2

By continuing to apply white brush strokes on the layer mask, we restore the image, giving it the texture of a drawing. Try to keep your brush strokes similar to hatching or cross-hatching, which mimics the technique of pencil drawing.


Tool Moving(V) Place the tiger image in the center of the document and add strokes until you are completely satisfied. When finished, duplicate this layer using the keys Ctrl+J.

Step 4

Now we need to enhance the effect of the drawing. Go to the menu Image – Correction – Levels and set the settings for the RGB channel as in the screenshot, thereby enhancing the contrast and highlighting of strokes. After that we merge all the layers together Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E.

Step 5

You can stop at the result obtained, but it is better to spend a couple more minutes and make the drawing as close as possible to the real thing, made on paper. We will do this using a gradient, we will try to achieve the effect of a photograph of the drawing. Right-click on the layer with the drawing and in the drop-down menu go to the option Blending Options(you can simply double-click on the layer with the left mouse). Choosing a layer style Gradient overlay, set the values ​​as on the screenshot.

Greetings to all Photoshop lovers! Today we will look at a lesson on creating a pencil drawing from a photo in Photoshop. This drawing can also be called sketch(from English sketch- sketch, draft, sketch). Not everyone can draw a pencil drawing from a photograph; to do this, you need to have drawing skills and know the anatomical features of a person, even when copying from a photograph.

The point of our lesson will be to learn how to create the effect of a pencil drawing from a photo without having the skills of an artist. Also, using a similar Photoshop lesson, you can create quick sketch, which helps save a lot of time when creating many rendering jobs.

Let's start implementing our idea, open our graphics editor(Adobe Photoshop), upload a photo from which we will make a drawing and begin processing.

First of all we go to filters > sharpening > smart sharpening, thereby adding sharpness to our image. Thanks to this, the contours of the photo will become sharper and the drawing will be clearer.

Our next step will be to decolorize the photo, for this we go to Images > Adjustments > Desaturate. You can also read the article which describes one of the the best ways creating black and white photography.

After the photo is desaturated, we need to duplicate the layer and invert the top layer. To perform the inversion go to images > correction > inversion.

For the inverted layer, change the blending mode to

After all the manipulations that we have done, we need to apply a Gaussian blur, so that the contours are clearly visible, but in moderation. We will get some semblance of pencil strokes. To do this we go to filters > blur > gaussian blur.

Well, it looks like our pencil drawing from a photo is ready, but there is a lot of noise in it and it doesn’t look particularly attractive. Let's refine it a little using the Dodge and Burn tools. Select in the toolbar dimmer tool, set the drawing mode settings: shadows, and exposure: 10%. Then on the bottom layer we will go through the hair and darkening areas (shadows), contour lines.

Done, we have added dark accents to the drawing, now we need to remove the noise that we have created, to do this, select in the toolbar clarifier tool, set the drawing mode settings: mid tone, and exposure: 10 — 16 %. And we also make corrections on the bottom layer, remove noise and highlight some places. Thus, with a little more effort, we get more realistic drawing pencil from photo.

And finally, for our top layer, let's reduce the fill percentage, I reduced it quite a bit to 95% . And our drawing is ready.

Today we looked at one of the ways to create a pencil drawing from a photo in Photoshop, I hope you liked the lesson. In conclusion, I would like to wish everyone creative success. Experiment with filter settings to get more realistic drawings.

Beginner Photoshop users can't wait to create interesting works, but sometimes knowledge is not enough for this. In this case, they will help out Photoshop effects. Quick ready-made effects of the program are located in the “Filter Gallery”. Perhaps you've seen a pencil drawing transformed from a photograph in Photoshop? Such drawings can be easily made by applying effects to photos in Photoshop from the “Filter Gallery”.

To understand the principle of operation of this gallery, it is enough to consider a couple of effects from it. You will learn the rest just as easily.

First, let's look at an example of how to make a photograph using paint. Next - how to make a pencil drawing from a photo.

Painting from a photograph in Photoshop

Landscapes and city views are best suited for painting. Open the image in Photoshop. In the main menu, select the item "Filter", .

A window for previewing and selecting effects will open. By clicking on the plus and minus at the bottom left, you can scale the image. In the middle there are lists of effects by topic. The lists open when you click on the arrow next to the name. On the right are the effect controls. Basically these are drop-down lists of textures, stroke size sliders, and the like.

Let's transform a photo into a drawing oil paint. Selecting a group of effects "Imitation"/Artistic, and in it - the effect "Oil Painting"/Paint Daubs.

All you have to do is choose to suit your taste "Brush Size", "Sharpness"(the degree of merging of adjacent strokes depends on it) and "Brush"/Brush Type ("Simple", "Wide Sharp", "Light Rough", "Wide Blurry", "Dark Rough", "Sparkle").

After completing the settings, click Ok, save the photo ( Shift+Ctrl+S) in any convenient format, for example, JPG.

For this image, we will select the settings as indicated in the photo below.

It turned out quite believable. Can be used as a souvenir card. If such a photo is processed and printed on canvas in a darkroom, it will be very similar to real picture and may well serve as an interior decoration.

Even more about Photoshop - in the courses.

Pencil Drawing from a Photo in Photoshop

IN "Filter Gallery" You can choose the effect of a sketch drawing with a pencil. It is most often used for portraits. This is a simple method, but it is important to consider the following: the higher the photo resolution, the better the effect will work. In addition, the photo should be contrasting (the background is uniform so that the model does not merge with it).

We select large size photos (in in this case 5472x2767 pixels). Open it in Photoshop.

The color of the sketch strokes will match the base color, which is selected in the toolbar below. You can call up the palette for choosing a color by clicking once on the image of the squares superimposed on each other.

After choosing the main color, go to "Filter Gallery". Main menu, "Filter", "Filter Gallery", "Sketch", Effect "Photocopy". Moving the sliders “Detail”/Detail And “Darkness”/Darkness, you need to achieve an image that is as similar as possible to a pencil drawing. TO to this photo The settings that can be seen in the image below were applied.

You can add another effect from "Filter Galleries", which will enhance the similarity with pencil drawing. To do this, in the lower right corner you need to click on the image of a folded sheet of paper. Another line will appear in the list of used effects.

Now you can go to another list of effects. Go to the filter group “Strokes”/Brush Strokes, select Crosshatch. In its settings, we select the parameters so that our sketch resembles pencil shading as much as possible. Parameter "Stroke Length", "Sharpness", "Intensity"/Strength in our case you can see in the photo below. After selecting the settings, click Ok.

As a result, you can finalize the drawing. If suddenly there are not very attractive gray spots in the background of the image, you can paint them over with white soft brush. The tool is called by pressing a key B, on the control panel select "With a shaded edge". Main color change to white by clicking the corner arrow above the image of overlapping squares. Then we simply paint over the unwanted areas.