Finger game – fairy tale “Turnip. Crochet finger puppet theater "Turnip"

Early development in Lately has become especially popular among modern parents. This is due to a significant increase in the level of training that a first-grader should have. "Pea" is website, child development which will be a fun activity for the whole family.

We tried to fill our portal with the most interesting materials, which are designed to help parents in their daily work on raising and educating preschoolers. Website early development children“Goroshenka” offers a wide variety of games and interesting tasks for children, aimed at the child acquiring certain skills and improving own skills. All materials posted on the portal have one goal - to prepare the child for school as much as possible.

Presentations for children as one of the best ways to teach a child

Information technology has come a long way last years. Modern children easily learn computer equipment, and as a result of this, they became especially widespread presentations for children's development. This special kind materials that help children more easily master all the information.

When is it carried out? preparing children for school, presentation is often key. Bright and colorful pictures allow the baby to clearly see the world, imagine in his imagination plants and animals that he has not yet met. Children's presentations for children are presented in the public domain, allowing all parents to use them in independent studies with baby.

Electronic presentations for children download - it is so simple

Modern websites present many of the most various materials, which parents can use in activities with their child. We tried to make our own free presentations for children a little different, different from everyone else.

First of all, our materials are quite informative. They will be of interest not only to preschoolers. Such presentations for children junior classes will fit just as well. A logical question arises: is it really possible for a first-grader and a three-year-old child to learn the same amount of information that will be interesting for the former and understandable for the latter?

Definitely not. Our materials work on a slightly different principle. Mainly presentations for children preparatory group . They cover all the points that a child needs to know for school. However, the child’s education should still begin earlier - for example, at 3-4 years the child is already ready to see presentations for children kindergarten .

At this age, the baby is tormented by a wide variety of questions that adults are sometimes unable to answer. But successful child development is possible only when he gets free access to all things that are interesting to him. He may not understand some of the materials that are not yet so interesting to him due to his age, but if you repeat the lesson in six months, the baby will learn more points.

Preschool child development using unique materials

The uniqueness of our materials lies in several important points. Firstly, as mentioned above, it is the availability and completeness of information, which makes development of children up to school age successful. The second point is bright and colorful pictures. Thus, child development website preschool age tries to make it interesting, that is, the baby will definitely be interested in high-quality photographs and pictures that are in each presentation.

And finally, one more point, in our opinion, one of the most important. Presentation for children free of charge It also implies the presence of certain tasks at the end, aimed at consolidating materials and developing certain skills of the child. These can be games for logic, thinking, speech development, fine motor skills development and others. Thus, the child easily assimilates all the information received and has a pleasant time with his parents. Perhaps these are the best parameters for successful learning.

Introducing children to the theater.

Performed by Sedlerenko Lyudmila Sergeevna. Moscow, GBOU School No. 2092 preschool division “Nadezhda”.

Introducing children to theatrical activities contributes to the child’s exploration of the world human feelings and communication skills, developing the ability to empathize. Children become acquainted with the first theatrical actions very early in the process of various fun games, round dances, and when listening to expressive reading poems and fairy tales for adults. The teacher must use different opportunities to play with any object or event, awakening the child’s imagination.

For example, on a walk he can say: “Look how gentle the sun is, it smiles at you, children. Let’s smile at him and say hello”; will invite kids to depict how a bear stomps, a bunny jumps, an airplane flies, tree branches sway, leaves rustle. It is advisable to accompany such actions with suitable rhymes and songs.

Children can get acquainted with real theatrical performances in children's institution when watching performances, circus performances, puppet theater as in a production professional artists, and by teachers, parents and older children.

Teachers can dramatize fairy tales, poems and poems familiar to children. Everyday life. To do this, you can use a variety of puppet theaters (bibabo, shadow, finger, tabletop, flannelgraph theater), as well as ordinary toys. It is advisable to involve children in participating in performances as much as possible and discuss with them what they saw. To do this, it is best to use fairy tales familiar to children - “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hen”, etc. For children early age It is difficult to pronounce the text of the role in full, but they can pronounce some phrases and depict the actions of the characters with gestures. For example, in “Turnip” kids can “pull” a turnip, in “Chicken Ryaba” they can depict the crying of a grandfather and woman, show how a mouse waved its tail, and squeak for it.

Kids can not only play some roles themselves, but also act puppet characters. In the process of such dramatization games, acting together with adults and imitating them, they learn to understand and use the language of facial expressions and gestures, improve their speech, in which emotional coloring, intonation is an important component.

When attracting children to a dramatization game, one should not expect them to accurately depict the characteristics of the character; what is much more important is the child’s desire to participate in it, his emotional condition. Children’s joint experience of feelings, their desire to show what the character is experiencing, helps children master the ABCs of relationships. Empathy for heroes

Finger toys

Finger games are not only a stimulus for the development of speech and fine motor skills, but also one of the options for joyful communication with loved ones.

The simplest version of a dramatization game at home is a toy show. Already at the age of 6-7 months you can “arrange” performances for your child. For example, your favorite duckling will come and sing songs. This simple performance will not leave your little one indifferent. He will smile, try to reach the duckling and express a desire to participate in this performance. Later, after 1 year, when the child begins to understand speech, parents can act out small scenes in front of him between two toys. Teddy bear and doll, for example. The doll and Teddy Bear can dance, jump, play hide and seek, and catch up with each other. For such a theater you also don’t need anything special: just two toys. And the miracle that a child sees is worth your efforts! The child is open to an imaginary world, an imaginary situation. He exists in fantasy as in reality. The baby does not notice your hands, he sees the story that is playing out in front of him and Empathizes. At about 2.5 years of age, try acting out classic stories using ordinary household toys. For example, fairy tales “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hen”, etc. You just need to select the toys necessary for the performance from those that you have. They should be of medium size and with an expressive iconic appearance. It is better if they wear clothes that can be changed. You may need accessories for the game: a ball (you can roll it around), rags (you can use them to hide the toy, dress it or cover it), etc. First the child sees small performance in your hands, and then he will want to take the toy into his own hands and speak on its behalf. It is very important, when playing, to address the child, including him in the game. For a toy to become an artist, you need to be a little bit of an artist yourself. If such performances in your hands are quite expressive and “infectious,” then from the age of 3-4 years, children themselves actively play with the toys-artists they have at hand.
Theater of little fingers.

Development of children's speech through oral folk art.

1. To form cognitive activity by introducing children to the national culture;

2. Continue getting acquainted with folklore works;

3. Develop fine motor skills fingers using finger theater;


Finger theater from the fairy tale “Turnip”; soft toy cat, table theater based on the fairy tale "Turnip".

Preliminary work:

· Reading a nursery rhyme about a cat;

· Learning the game “Cat and Mice”;

· Examination of toys and illustrations based on the fairy tale “Turnip”.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher meets the children, greets them, says how smart they all are today, everyone’s eyes are sparkling.

Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Yes, we love you (children’s answer).

I see your eyes sparkle!

And I want to invite you to take a trip to a fairy tale, on a fairy train.

Well, let's get comfortable and start the engine. Let's go puff - puff - puff.

Carriages, trailers

They rumble along the rails

They are transporting, transporting trailers

In a fairy tale guys.

Here we are, guys, in a fairy tale.

Oh, guys, something happened here, it’s so quiet, where did everyone go? No one in sight?

No, the children answer.

You know, kids, you and I are now going to look for our fairy tale.

One two three four five,

Let's look for a fairy tale!

Who knows what fairy tale these characters are from?

Children call fairy tales.

And who else is missing, what fairy tale heroes have we not found? Yes, of course, grandparents. Where are they? Yes, they are our grandparents. Where is their granddaughter? And here she is, granddaughter. And now we can tell you what kind of fairy tale this is? That's right, it's "Turnip". Where's the turnip? Guys, look, the cat Vasily hid the turnip and doesn’t want to give it to us.

Do you know why?

He wants us to play with him.

The teacher comes up and takes the cat, reading a nursery rhyme:

Like our cat

The fur coat is very good

Like a cat's mustache

Amazingly beautiful

Bold eyes

The teeth are white.

The teacher turns to the cat: “Cat Vasily, sit in a circle, and we’ll play with you,” and we kids will imagine that we are little mice.

Teacher, that’s how nicely they played Vaska, the cat gave us the turnip, but ours were sad for some reason fairy-tale heroes, What's happened? What? Yes, they want us to show a fairy tale about them, shall we?

Quiet, quiet kids

Listen to the turnip

The fairy tale may be small,

But about important matters,

It starts like it should:

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman,

Granddaughter, Bug, cat - Murka,

And in the basement there is a mouse - a little mouse,

Children, together with the teacher, show a fairy tale (finger theater “Turnip”).

At the end of the tale, the whistle of the locomotive is heard.

Teacher - well, guys, it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten. And so that our heroes don’t get bored, we’ll take them with us. We all sit down in the trailers and hit the road.

Here comes the locomotive

He took the children to kindergarten.




Introducing children to the theater.

Summary of a lesson on speech development with a demonstration of the finger theater "Turnip".

Performed by Sedlerenko Lyudmila Sergeevna. Moscow, GBOU School No. 2092 preschool division “Nadezhda”.

Introducing children to theatrical activities helps the child master the world of human feelings and communication skills, and develop the ability to empathize. Children become acquainted with the first theatrical actions very early in the process of various fun games, round dances, and when listening to expressive readings of poetry and fairy tales by adults. The teacher must use different opportunities to play with any object or event, awakening the child’s imagination.

For example, on a walk he can say: “Look how gentle the sun is, it smiles at you, children. Let’s smile at him and say hello”; will invite kids to depict how a bear stomps, a bunny jumps, an airplane flies, tree branches sway, leaves rustle. It is advisable to accompany such actions with suitable rhymes and songs.

Children can get acquainted with real theatrical performances in a children's institution when watching performances, circus performances, puppet theater, both staged by professional artists and by teachers, parents and older children.

Teachers can dramatize fairy tales and rhymes familiar to children in everyday life. To do this, you can use a variety of puppet theaters (bibabo, shadow, finger, tabletop, flannelgraph theater), as well as ordinary toys. It is advisable to involve children in participating in performances as much as possible and discuss with them what they saw. To do this, it is best to use fairy tales familiar to children - “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hen”, etc. It is difficult for young children to pronounce the text of the role in full, but they can pronounce some phrases and depict the actions of the characters with gestures. For example, in “Turnip” kids can “pull” a turnip, in “Chicken Ryaba” they can depict the crying of a grandfather and woman, show how a mouse waved its tail, and squeak for it.

Kids can not only play some roles themselves, but also act as puppet characters. In the process of such dramatization games, acting together with adults and imitating them, they learn to understand and use the language of facial expressions and gestures, improve their speech, in which emotional coloring and intonation are an important component.

When attracting children to a dramatization game, one should not expect them to accurately depict the characteristics of the character; what is much more important is the child’s desire to participate in it, his emotional state. Children’s joint experience of feelings, their desire to show what the character is experiencing, helps children learn the ABCs of relationships. Empathy for heroes

Finger toys

Finger games are not only a stimulus for the development of speech and fine motor skills, but also one of the options for joyful communication with loved ones.

There is also a dramatization game, these are special games in which the child acts out a familiar plot, develops it or comes up with a new one.
Finger toys help to combine these two types of play.
The simplest version of a dramatization game at home is a toy show. Already at the age of 6-7 months you can “arrange” performances for your child. For example, your favorite duckling will come and sing songs. This simple performance will not leave your little one indifferent. He will smile, try to reach the duckling and express a desire to participate in this performance. Later, after 1 year, when the child begins to understand speech, parents can act out small scenes in front of him between two toys. Teddy bear and doll, for example. The doll and Teddy Bear can dance, jump, play hide and seek, and catch up with each other. For such a theater you also don’t need anything special: just two toys. And the miracle that a child sees is worth your efforts! The child is open to an imaginary world, an imaginary situation. He exists in fantasy as in reality. The baby does not notice your hands, he sees the story that is playing out in front of him and Empathizes. At about 2.5 years of age, try acting out classic stories using regular household toys. For example, fairy tales “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hen”, etc. You just need to select what you need for the performance.from the ones you have. They should be of medium size and with an expressive iconic appearance. It is better if they wear clothes that can be changed. You may need accessories for the game: a ball (you can roll it around), rags (you can use them to hide the toy, dress it or cover it), etc. First, the child sees a small performance in your hands, and then he will want to take the toy into his own hands and speak on its behalf. It is very important, when playing, to address the child, including him in the game. For a toy to become an artist, you need to be a little bit of an artist yourself. If such performances in your hands are quite expressive and “infectious,” then from the age of 3-4 years, children themselves actively play with the toys-artists they have at hand.
Theater of little fingers.

Lesson summary: “Repka Finger Theater.”


Development of children's speech through oral folk art.


1. To form cognitive activity by introducing children to the national culture;

2. Continue getting acquainted with folklore works;

3. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers with the help of finger theater;


Finger theater from the fairy tale “Turnip”; soft toy cat, table theater based on the fairy tale “Turnip”.

Preliminary work:

  • Reading a nursery rhyme about a cat;
  • Learning the game “Cat and Mice”;
  • Examination of toys and illustrations based on the fairy tale “Turnip”.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher meets the children, greets them, says how smart they all are today, everyone’s eyes are sparkling.

Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Yes, we love you (children’s answer).

I see your eyes sparkle!

And I want to invite you to take a trip to a fairy tale, on a fairy train.

Well, let's get comfortable and start the engine. Let's go puff - puff - puff.

Carriages, trailers

They rumble along the rails

They are transporting, transporting trailers

In a fairy tale guys.

Here we are, guys, in a fairy tale.

Oh, guys, something happened here, it’s so quiet, where did everyone go? No one in sight?

No, the children answer.

You know, kids, you and I are now going to look for our fairy tale.

One two three four five,

Let's look for a fairy tale!

Who knows what fairy tale these characters are from?

Children call fairy tales.

And who else is missing, what fairy tale heroes have we not found? Yes, of course, grandparents. Where are they? Yes, they are our grandparents. Where is their granddaughter? And here she is, granddaughter. And now we can tell you what kind of fairy tale this is? That's right, it's "Turnip". Where's the turnip? Guys, look, the cat Vasily hid the turnip and doesn’t want to give it to us.

Do you know why?

He wants us to play with him.

The teacher comes up and takes the cat, reading a nursery rhyme:

Like our cat

The fur coat is very good

Like a cat's mustache

Amazingly beautiful

Bold eyes

The teeth are white.

The teacher turns to the cat: “Cat Vasily, sit in a circle, and we’ll play with you,” and we kids will imagine that we are little mice.

The game “Cat and Mice” is played - 2 times

Teacher, that’s how nice we played Vaska, the cat gave us the turnip, but our fairy-tale heroes became sad, what happened? What? Yes, they want us to show a fairy tale about them, shall we?

Quiet, quiet kids

Listen to the turnip

The fairy tale may be small,

But about important matters,

It starts like it should:

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman,

Granddaughter, Bug, cat - Murka,

And in the basement there is a mouse - a little mouse,

Near my grandfather's garden,

Children, together with the teacher, show a fairy tale (finger theater “Turnip”).

At the end of the tale, the whistle of the locomotive is heard.

Teacher - well, guys, it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten. And so that our heroes don’t get bored, we’ll take them with us. We all sit down in the trailers and hit the road.

Here comes the locomotive

He took the children to kindergarten.


Finger Theater "Repka" - cheerful and useful way introduce two to three year old children to this Russian folk tale. And the “artists” of this theater - finger puppets - can easily be made with your own hands from felt. The first acquaintance with both fairy tales and finger puppet theater can be done, for example, like this:

You begin to tell the fairy tale “Grandfather Planted a Turnip” (we put a Grandfather doll on the little finger). “The turnip has grown big and big!” (we take the turnip in our hand and hold it near Grandfather). “Grandfather began to pull the turnip. He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out!” (a child’s hand with outstretched fingers moves like a pendulum, either towards the turnip or away from the turnip). “Grandfather called Grandfather” (we put Grandma’s doll on the baby’s finger). “Grandma for Dedka, Dedka for the turnip.” (hit lightly with your index finger according to the character you name). “They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out!” (again we make a pendulum movement, “pull out” the turnip). So, we gradually add characters from the fairy tale. When all the fingers on one hand are occupied by the artist dolls, we put them on the other hand. After this, we “pull” the turnip with two handles - the pendulum movement is coordinated by both hands at the same time. At the end of the fairy tale, when “They pulled out a turnip!” lightly push the child’s arms, simulating the “blow” of a pulled out turnip. And then you can “feed” all the dolls-artists with the vegetable taken from battle.

Now we’ll tell you how to make actors for the turnip finger theater.

You'll need:

  • Felt in various colors
  • Threads are black and match the color of felt, you can use floss in 2 folds
  • Black beads for eyes
  • Black beads for noses
  • Needle, scissors, stapler

Master class on making finger puppets with your own hands from felt.

Granddaughter Mashenka.

Draw your own template or print a ready-made one. The size of the finger puppet is given for a child; it is also suitable for a mother’s finger.

Cut out the template and pin it onto the fabric using a stapler. Cut out the felt according to the pattern.

For the head, cut out one piece from felt flesh-colored, the second - from hair color. We cut out 2 parts of the dress and arms, one bang.

Sew together the two parts of the base. We overlap two pieces of felt and sew them together.

Embroidering Mashenka's face

We make the eyes from beads. We embroider the nose with pink satin thread, and the mouth with a stem stitch.

We sew the two parts of the base together with a buttonhole stitch, placing handles between them. Place the bangs on top of the front side.

We cut the bangs - we get hair.

Mashenka is ready.

The base consists of two parts: the head and the shirt. It is better to embroider the nose using satin stitch, but you can also sew on a pink bead. For the beard, we sew a bunch of white floss threads with a needle just below the nose, trim it, and straighten it. The eyebrows are done, but you can just make a few straight stitches.

The base consists of two parts: a scarf and a dress. After sewing the base, we sew the face of the headstock to one of the sides of the base, placing the ends of the scarf under the face. We embroider the nose with satin stitch, the mouth and eyebrows with straight stitches.

We sew the overlay onto the muzzle when we make the antennae. The nose is a bead.

It’s better to do black right away, since in many Russians folk tales it is the black cat that is involved. We sew the paws from the bottom using black threads to create claws.

Finger puppet show"Turnip" with your own hands. Scheme, detailed description. Master class with step by step photos

Tuzova Gulnara Mikhailovna, teacher primary classes MBOU Blyudchanskaya high school Chanovsky district, Novosibirsk region

Description: this master class will be interesting for school-age children who know how to crochet, primary school teachers, kindergarten teachers, educators additional education, creative parents and for everyone who is interested in knitting.
Purpose: for home puppet theater, puppet theater in kindergarten and school groups, for exhibitions.
Target: knitting finger puppets crochet
-introduce the technology of manufacturing finger puppet theaters;
-improve circular crochet skills;
- form the correct grip of the hook;
-develop fine motor skills of the fingers and eye;
- develop attention, memory, creative imagination, aesthetic taste;
- to cultivate perseverance, accuracy, hard work, love of creativity;
- foster feelings of collectivism and mutual assistance.

Fairy tales are very captivating for young children. They lovingly and with great interest look at the pictures in books. But much greater potential development give interactive fairy tales, that is, those in which the child himself can take part. The best option- DIY crochet finger puppet theater. The beauty of finger theater is that it develops fine motor skills. And, as you know, the baby’s speech is very closely connected with it. Therefore, I invite you to crochet a unique play puppet theater. My passion for this activity began a long time ago, about 10 years ago, with animal dolls for the fairy tale “Teremok” - for my students to puppet show. Then I knitted dolls for the fairy tale “Turnip”, also for school. And now the kids are playing with them kindergarten, which my grandson visits. You can knit individually and collectively, the main thing is patience, good mood and a love of handicrafts. I wish you creative inspiration!
Materials required for work:
- acrylic threads of different colors;
- hook No. 1;
- black beads;
- plastic eyes;
- thin threads and needle;
- thin copper wire (0.5mm);
- scissors

Safety precautions when performing work
with scissors:

- work with scissors carefully;
- scissors must be well adjusted and sharpened;
- place the scissors on the right with the blades closed, pointing away from you;
- pass the scissors rings forward with blades closed;
- when cutting, the narrow blade of the scissors should be at the bottom;
- store scissors in a specific place (box or stand)
with a needle:
- use the needle carefully;
- make sure there are no rusty or bent needles;
- do not put a needle in your mouth, do not inject it into clothing;
- do not leave the needle on the working surface of the table;
- upon completion of work, put the needle in a special box.
VP (air loop - point);
SP (connecting loop - arc);
RLS (single crochet - cross);
PS (half-column - short stick with a dash);
Dc (double crochet – long stick with a dash);
"pico" (circle).

Step-by-step work process:

The main characters of the fairy tale “Turnip” differ little from each other in knitting and assembling, so step by step process Let's start work with one of the heroes, for example, with Grandma.
So, let's start knitting the base of the doll - the head and torso
Base diagram:

1 round row: use a beige thread to cast on a chain of 4 VPs, close a joint in a ring, then 1 VP on the rise, knit 7 sc in the center of the ring and close a joint

Round 2: 1 VP on the rise, double the number of loops RLS, you get 14, close the joint

3rd round row: 1 VP on the rise, evenly add another 7 sc, you get 21, and close the joint

Next we knit 7 rows without increments (it will round off) - this will turn out to be a head

After this, we change the color of the thread and knit in circles without increments to the desired height of the doll (about 20 to 25 rows, depending on what kind of doll) - this will form the body

Similarly, we knit the base for Grandfather, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat and Mouse in the corresponding colors

Hand diagram:

Take the appropriate color of thread, cast on a chain of 8 VP, close the joint in the ring, 1 VP for the instep, knit 12 sc in the center of the ring and close the joint

Next we knit 8 rows of sc without increments (it will round off)

Sew hands to the base

Similarly, we knit arms for Grandfather, Granddaughter, and paws for Bug, Cat and Mouse in the corresponding colors.

All that remains is to knit the necessary parts for each doll and assemble

Let's start with Grandma

Shawl pattern

Let's take a chain of 25 VPs with white threads and knit them with a fillet net (*1 DC, 1 VP*), through one base loop, decreasing one repeat on both sides in each row until there is only one repeat left (i.e. one square)

Then we tie the scarf in one row, sc.

Apron diagram

1st row: use white thread to form a chain of 8 VPs and knit 7 dc into each base loop

2nd row: 3 VP for lifting, 6 SSN, alternating 1 VP

3rd row: 6 picots, alternating 2 sc

We tie the apron in one row, sc.

Glue on the eyes, embroider the mouth and nose. Let's make hair from threads gray, let's put on a scarf and an apron

Scheme of a hat with earflaps

Let's use a brown thread to form a chain of 5 VPs and close the joint into a ring. 1 VP for instep, knit 12 DC into the center of the ring and close the joint

Next we knit 3 rows of sc without increasing (it will round off)

Then we knit the “ears” of the hat. To do this, we knit 5 sc in 4 rows and finish the work with a chain of 5 VP (these are the ties on the cap). Similarly we will knit the second “eye”

Glue on the eyes, embroider the mouth and nose. Let's make a beard from gray threads, attaching them to the base like a fringe, and sew a hat with earflaps to the base

We knit the straps for the sundress with a thread of the appropriate color - two chains of 10 VP each.
We will make hair from threads yellow color

Glue on the eyes, embroider the mouth and nose. Sew the straps on the sundress and the hair to the base

We knit the collar with black thread - a chain of VP of the appropriate length
Muzzle diagram

1 round row: use a brown thread to cast on a chain of 4 VPs, close a joint in the ring, then 1 VP for the rise, knit 7 sc in the center of the ring and close the joint
2-3 circular rows: knit exactly the same as 1 round row (will be rounded off)

Eyelet diagram

1st row: use a black thread to cast on a chain of 6 VPs, knit 2 dc
2nd row: 3 VP to rise, knit 2 dc
3-4 rows: exactly the same as the second row, and in the middle we will knit 1 sc
Let's knit the second eye in the same way.

We knit the tail with brown thread - a chain of VP in three rows

Sew the muzzle, eyes and nose from black beads, then ears, tail and collar to the base

Muzzle diagram

Let's take a chain of 4 VPs with a white thread, close it into a SP ring, then 1 VP on the rise, knit 8 RLS in the center of the ring, close it into a SP ring. We knit the second part of the muzzle in the same way.

Eyelet diagram

Let's use an orange thread to make a chain of 5 VPs, knit 2 DCs with a common top and 1 SC. Let's knit the second eye in the same way.

We knit the tail with orange thread - a chain of VP in three rows - exactly the same as Zhuchka's
Let's sew on a muzzle, nose and eyes from black beads, embroider a mustache and sew on ears and a tail.

Eyelet diagram

Let's take a chain of 5 VPs with a gray thread, close it into a SP ring, then 3 VPs for the rise, knit 11 DC into the center of the ring, close it into a SP ring. Let's knit the second eye in the same way.

We knit the tail with gray thread - a chain of VP in two rows
We knit the muzzle with gray thread. To do this, you need to attach the thread to the base and knit 3 VPs. Then we knit 3 dcs with a common top, repeat all this, attaching under the loops we just knitted. Thus, we will get a voluminous muzzle

Let's sew on a nose and eyes from black beads, embroider a mustache, and sew on ears and a tail.

Turnip scheme:

1 round row: Let's use a yellow thread to form a chain of 5 VPs and close the joint into a ring. 1 VP for instep, knit 10 sc in the center of the ring and close the joint

Round 2: 1 VP on the rise, double the number of loops RLS, you get 20, close the joint

3-4 circular rows: 1 VP on the rise, evenly add another 10 sc, making 40, and close the joint

Next we knit 3 rows without increments (it will round off)

After this, we will begin to decrease the loops evenly, i.e. knit through one loop of the base until there is a hole left for the finger

Let's continue knitting the tail of the Turnip - first we knit 2 rows of sc in a circle without decreasing

Then we will knit a small triangle on only one side, gradually decreasing one loop on both sides in each row, and at the end we will knit a chain of several VPs, pull out the thread a little and cut

Health-saving technologies used in the context of the work done.

Physical education lesson “Turnip”

Here we planted a turnip (bend over)
And they poured water on her (imitates movements)
Now let’s pull it (imitates movements)
And we’ll make porridge from turnips (imitates the movement)
And we will be healthy and strong from the turnip (show strength)

Physical education lesson “In the vegetable garden – Turnip”:

We'll go to the garden. Children walk in a circle and pretend

Let's pick up some vegetables. how they will pick vegetables.

In our garden

There is no more beautiful turnip than ours! Stroke your face with your hands

Round side, Side turns

Yellow side Bends to the sides

Gingerbread Man sits on the garden bed Children squat

He is rooted firmly into the ground

Let's pull it kids! Forward bends

Pull - pull

So they pulled out the turnip! Hands up

And she is juicy, round, big, Hands to the sides

In a word, it was a success -

It lit up like a yellow sun! Children close their eyes and squint

Hands are raised up.

Outdoor game "Turnip - turnip".

Children walk in a circle, holding hands, saying the words:


Grow, grow strong.

Neither small nor large, (they lower their hands down, raise them up)

To the mouse's tail. (spread arms to the sides)

Yes! (clap)

The children clap their hands, and the turnip dances.

Finger game “We will cook compote”

We will cook compote,

You need a lot of fruit. Here. ( left palm hold with a ladle

Index finger right hand"stir" the compote)

Let's chop apples

We will chop the pear.

Squeeze the lemon juice

We'll put in some drainage and sand. (bend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb)

We cook, we cook compote.

Let's treat honest people. (hold your left palm like a ladle, use the index finger of your right hand to stir the compote)

Physical education lesson “How glad we are!...”:

Guys, do you think that grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, cat, Bug and mouse were happy about the turnip? (children's answers)

This is how they rejoiced:

Physical minute

We're kicking, stomping,

We clap-clap our hands,

And then jump

And one more time.

And then squat down,

And then squat down,

And again - in order.

And let's clap our hands

One two Three!

And we'll shake our heads

One two Three!

Everyone dance with us

One two Three!

Physical education lesson “We love to play sports!”

We love to play sports. (hands in front of chest, jerks with arms.)

We will try very hard.

Throwing and receiving the ball (simulate throwing the ball)

Throw it accurately into the distance.

Dexterously jump rope (jumping in place)

I don't feel sorry for my feet at all.

Squat and stand up again (children squat and stand up.)

Raise your hands quickly. (raise their hands up).

Lean right, left. (tilts to the right, left)

Finger game “How we planted a turnip”:

The sun came out.

Sunshine, shine, shine!

Seed, grow - grow!

Leaves appear

Flowers are blooming.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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