Theater and exciting interactive fairy tales. Children's outdoor performances with actors and puppets at home. Interactive performance for children. Puppet shows for birthdays

With surprisingly “live” performances for children from 10 months “First Snow” and “Water”. Also collaborating with the project is director Marfa Horvitz, the author of the interactive play “Tales from Mom’s Bag” that participated in the Golden Mask festival. Baby Scene’s own productions are “I Make the World,” where civilization is born from a piece of paper. Also for children from 1.5 years old, the play “The Caterpillar” by graduates of the experimental course of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS) is addressed.

Project "First Theater"

Venues: tent in the foyer of the Russian State Children's Library, in the Mamas’ Place family clubs in the Garage CSK, Theater "Fanny Bell's House"family center “Izbushka Family”, children's center "Logos", "Vedogon-theater" and El Theater Studio.
From 1 year

The First Theater creates performances that introduce children aged 1 to 4 years to the structure of the world around them - the most popular are interactive plays about snow and water. An artist, director and actors work on the productions. The performances use water and other natural elements, as well as modern theatrical devices such as projections. Sometimes there is live music at performances. During the performance, kids can communicate with the actor and directly influence the course of the plot.

Theater for the little ones Baby Lab (Baby Lab)

Theater "Together with Mom"
20 branches of “Together with Mom” in different districts of Moscow
From 1 year

The oldest Moscow project, whose specialization is live concerts and chamber performances for children from 1 to 4 years old with their parents. During performances you can walk around the hall, lie on the floor, communicate and touch the characters, and actively participate in the performance. The authors of the performances - professional actors and musicians - also use tactile impressions, using sand and water. The plots of the performances are kind and instructive, but just enough to be understandable to children. An unconditional hit of the repertoire is the play “How Worms Saved Spring.” Other performances are no less good, so it is better to buy tickets in advance; the theater is always sold out. Performances are staged in 20 branches of the “Together with Mom” project.

Moscow Puppet Theater

m. Baumanskaya
From 1 year

The oldest puppet theater in the capital, the Moscow Puppet Theater, was founded in 1930. Performances take place on three stages: in the small and large halls, as well as in the games room, which is located in the foyer. It is in the foyer that performances and programs “Theater on the Palm” are held, addressed to the youngest children from 1 year old. Children are shown performances “Spring”, “Summer”, “Autumn”, “Winter”. These performances are interactive - in the spring you can splash through puddles, and in the winter you can touch the ice.

Moscow Children's Puppet Theater

m. Begovaya
From 2 years

The Moscow Children's Puppet Theater is a theater with more than 25 years of history. The theater's repertoire includes 13 puppet shows, some of which are addressed to audiences aged 2 years and older. For example, the interactive musical fairy tale “The Three Merry Little Pigs”, the musical based on “Kolobok” - “Aunt Lusha and the Kolobok Vanyusha” and others.
Performances of the Moscow Children's Puppet Theater are held on the stage of the Center for Drama and Direction on Begovaya.

Children's puppet theater "Poteshki"
m. Kurskaya
From 1 year

At the “Poteshki” puppet theater, professional directors and artists work on productions with the active participation of child psychologists. Today the repertoire of the Poteshki Theater includes four puppet shows, three of which are suitable for children: the musical fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” (from 1 year), the play “Geese-Swans” (from 2 years), the popular folk tale “Teremok” (from 1 year), as well as New Year's programs for children from 2 years old. The performances are interactive: children not only watch the events, but also take an active part in what is happening.

Puppet theater (
m. Novogoreevo, Vykhino, RIO shopping center, Vegas shopping center
From 10 months

The repertoire includes several interactive musical performances for children from 6-12 months: “Kolobok”, “Three Merry Little Pigs”, “Naughty Kitten”. The play “Goat-dereza” will be interesting for children from 1.5 years old. During the New Year holidays, children are shown thematic performances - for example, New Year's fairy tales.

Theater "Semitsvetik"
m. Timiryazevskaya
From 6 months

The theater recently turned 4 years old; its repertoire includes three performances for the little ones. The atmosphere in the theater is intimate and cozy, the actors are young. For babies over 6 months old, Semitsvetik invites you to attend the premiere performance “Time to Bed!” and a performance created from real balls of cozy wool, “A Wool Tale.” And for children from 2 years old - a puppet show based on the stories of the same name by G. Oster “A Kitten Named Woof”.

Interactive theater "Living Fairy Tale"
SEC RIO (Reutov), ​​SEC "Vegas"
From 2 years

The interactive chamber theater “Living Fairy Tale” was opened for the youngest spectators. Children from 2 years old are invited to the performances: “The Three Little Pigs” based on an English folk tale, “Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” based on Russian folk tales, and the musical performance “The Duckling”.

Interactive baby theater
m. Belorusskaya
From 8 months

Interactive baby theater is chamber mini-performances for children from 8 months to 3 years. There is no classical stage or auditorium here, because children at this age are very restless. Kids can position themselves in any way that suits them. The productions have no words or complex plot, only emotions and actions that kids can understand. The uniqueness of the performances lies in the large number of interactive inclusions.

Children's educational theater "Comics"
m. Kuznetsky Most
From 2 years

The educational and educational Theater "Comics" traces its history back to 1985. The theater's performances and game programs will help parents explain the world around them to their children. Each performance of “Comics” is a theatrical response to the endless “why?” a growing child. Why can't you stick your fingers into a socket? Why are “matches not a toy for children”? Why “don’t talk to strangers on the street”? Many edifying parental guidelines in the performances of “Comics” turn into a fascinating guide for little ones to the big adult world.

Krutenkova Alena Dmitrievna, teacher of additional education, MBOU DO "House of Children's Creativity" p. Molchanovo Tomsk region

The interactive author's play “Yes, and so it will do” is intended for heads of theater studios, clubs, teacher-organizers, additional education teachers, primary school teachers, educators studying from 6 years old and above.
Dear Colleagues! I am pleased to bring to your attention the interactive author’s play “Yes, and so it will do.”
The year of ecology is coming to an end. People who are not indifferent to the fate of our planet are sounding the alarm at all levels, trying to pay attention to what we ourselves are doing to our planet. For those who are interested, take a look at the “Interactive map of landfills” “General cleaning”, find your city, village. I looked, and in my native Molchanovsky district there are four landfills in total, but if you go into the forest at the end of each street in our village, the actions of the “masters of life” know no boundaries: stinking heaps of garbage of various origins here and there! And this is not done by someone else’s uncle, but by a neighbor with whom you greet and talk every day. And this neighbor is precisely the father who brings the child to kindergarten and school. And what will he teach his baby? The circle closes. How to teach a child to pick up trash after themselves always and everywhere? How to create an environmental culture of behavior in society, make you think about the ecology of your native village or city? Probably, call for a direct dialogue, explaining what is good and what is bad.
Such thoughts do not leave me constantly, and therefore my students and I developed an interactive original performance, which was called “Yes, and so it will do.”
A huge amount of preliminary work was done to create exaggerated images of the characters and write a script: we looked into dictionaries, teasers, games and selected the best material using the compilation method. Our heroes are residents of the country of Lobotryazovo: Gryaznulya, Anchutka, Zamarashki, Sloppy and Greedy, and the queen of the country was made a heroine named, “Yes, and so it will do.” Creating visual images of the inhabitants of the country of Lobotryasovo, they gave new life to old things, turning them into costumes; Zhadina was created from an old curtain.
Implementing the “Theater on Wheels” project, the play was performed 10 times, which was watched by 1,175 spectators in the Molchanovsky district and participants in the theater session “Mosaic of Creativity” at the Voskhod Children’s Educational Center, including preschoolers, primary and secondary students, parents, educators, and teachers.
At the XXIII festival of amateur theater groups "GrimMasks" the play "Yes and so it will do" was highly appreciated by the jury and received a Diploma "For the original author's idea and vivid stage execution." The jury members and the audience agreed, asking the same question: “Did you really write this play yourself?”

Target: the formation of an environmentally conscious lifestyle for students of the fairy-tale workshop “Magicians” and spectators through the demonstration and discussion of the author’s play “Yes, and so it will do.”
The main goal of the performance: to convey to every viewer that the cleanliness of our planet depends on ourselves.
to form an ecological culture among the audience, a sense of belonging to their time, personal responsibility for everything that happens around them;
create exaggerated collective images to achieve the set goal and ultimate goal of the performance while playing on stage;
develop technique and culture of speech to the level of a master class;
learn to act naturally and purposefully, find a way out of unplanned situations;
to develop the ability for plastic improvisation;
promote individualization, self-expression, self-realization.
Technology of creative group work: performance screening.
Methods of influencing the viewer - a complex of artistic media: artistic expression, choreographic performances, “live” scenery, stage costumes.
Form of work: play.
Equipment: laptop, speakers, soundtracks.
Ttheatrical props: barrels – 3 pcs., theatrical costumes – 9 pcs.

1. Organizational moment.
Activities of student actors - collective responsibility and a sense of responsibility of everyone for everyone; adoption of an active conscious position of an “actor”.
Good afternoon, dear viewers!
Lately, we have been hearing more and more alarming notes from ecologists: “Our planet is in danger! The world is facing an environmental disaster!”

How do you understand these words? (Children's answers.)
Who is polluting our planet? (Children's answers.)
Today, on the way to school (kindergarten), did you notice garbage on the street? (Children's answers.)
Did any of you pick it up and put it in the trash? (Children's answers.)
Thank you, you made me very happy (or sad) that among you there are real owners of your village! (Conclusion from children's answers)

Today we have prepared for you a new performance, which was invented and composed by the whole team - the fabulous workshop “Magicians” of the House of Children's Art in the village. Molchanov. You look carefully and think carefully: why we called the play “Yes, and so it will do.” So, greet with thunderous applause the author’s performance “Yes, and so it will do.”
2. Show of the performance.
Activities of the teacher: inclusion of a group of actors in the work: timely delivery of musical soundtracks, pedagogical supervision.
Activities of actors - embodiment of the director's vision:
action in the proposed circumstances;
accurate perception and awareness of the information received during a performance;
implementation of coordinated actions, including simultaneously and sequentially;
adequate response to unplanned situations;
creating images of heroes using voice, gesture and facial expressions;
creation of plastic images for the performance;
improving public creativity skills;
ability to work in a group.
3. Reflection.
Activities of the teacher: establishing the correctness and awareness of mastering educational material, identifying gaps and misconceptions, correction.

Guys, did you like the performance?
What country did Lyalya end up in?
Who met her?
What was she happy about?
Who lived in the country of Lobotryasovo?
What rule did Gryaznuli have?
Who did Gryaznulya introduce Lyalya to?
How did the dirty guys play a joke on Lyalya?
What did Anchutka prepare for Lyala as a gift?
Who did Lala Sloppy want to make friends with?
Why did Lyalya refuse to accept the treat from Greedy?
Who helped Lyalya get out of the country of Lobotryasovo? Why?
What were the most important words Nadezhda said to Lyala, how can you defeat the Queen of the country Lobotryasovo?
Would you like to live in the country of Lobotryazovo yourself: you never have to do anything there?
Tell me honestly, are there such Slobs, Anchutki, Namarashki, Greedy people among you?
Guys, please tell me why we called the play “Yes, and this will do?
Who determines the cleanliness of our planet?
We hope, guys, that if you see a piece of paper flying in the wind, you will take it and put it in the trash can, and you will put plastic bottles in special containers, and you yourself will never end up in the country of Lobotryazovo!!!
Activities of actors:
adequate assessment and self-assessment of one’s activities and the activities of others;
argumentation of your opinion and position in communication;
understanding the reasons for success.
Interactive author's play “Yes, it will do”
Mom, kind, but strict.
Lyalya, her daughter, in pajamas, unwashed, uncombed.
So it will do - Queen of the country Lobotryasovo, a collective image.
Dirty, cheerful girls who are just waiting for the moment to do some mischief.
Dirty, a collective image, for her anything will do.
Anchutka, collective image, lover of cockroaches.
Sloppy, collective image, rat trainer.
Greedy, collective image, very dirty, fat, friend of flies and wasps.

1. MUSIC “VIOLIN”, dance “Passing of Time”
It'll do.
In this world, surely
Changes are always waiting for you,

He will certainly fall into my nets,
I take with me only those gentlemen
For anyone in life everything will work out just the same.

Enchanted rhymes
They suddenly turn into myths,
New countries will arise
They will get into your heads.

He will never leave here anywhere,
Because my name is
Because my name is
Yes, that will do!

You can't get out of here
I will smile at everyone
And no one will understand
That from here, he will never leave anywhere!

Such a magical combination
Always worth attention
It all starts with the little things!
Everyone is rearranging the room: two girls - a table, two girls a bed, two girls a wardrobe, behind which the actor is hiding. That will do.
Mother(with expression). Good morning, daughter! (Seats the table)
Lyalya.(stretches, yawns). U-u-u-ah.
Mother. It's time to get up!
Lyalya(speaks again while yawning). Yes now, why so early?
Mother. Lala! Climb! How long can you lie in bed? Twelfth hour...
Lyalya. Yes, I’ll get up now...
Mother. How long will this last? He sits at the computer all night and then can’t get up!
Lyalya. Began…
Mother. By the way, you said yesterday that you were going to Zheltorotova and that you would do your homework with her, but you weren’t there...
Lyalya. Yes, yes, we solved a new problem, and we succeeded...
Mother(speaks in a wise, omniscient and as if tired of his omniscience voice). Don't lie, Lyalya. Don't try to fool me. I am your mother, your closest friend, I should know everything, and I always find out everything.
Lyalya(confused and offended). I am not lying.
Mother. I know that you again played your meaningless games all evening.
Lyalya (surprised). Why, when you tell the truth, no one believes?
Mother. Have breakfast immediately.
The girl goes to the table.
Mother (asks). Don't you want to wash your face?
Lyalya. Wash? Am I dirty or something? Yes, that will do!
That'll doT(peeking out from behind the girls’ closet, rejoicing). Tata-ta-dam!!! Once! What did I say! They remembered me again!
Mother. Lyalya, but comb your hair...
Lyalya. I'll have time...
Mother. What do you mean I'll have time? Other girls are neat and fit. Understand, Lyalya, it’s just disgusting to look at you. No one will tell you the truth except me. Just me. Because I, your mother, are your best and closest friend. Why are you sighing?
Lyalya. I haven’t even had time to wake up, and you’ve already tortured me with your moral teachings.
Mother. Don't be smart. And don't slouch. If you still get up late and slouch, nothing will come of you.
Lyalya. Mother! Then I’ll wash my face, comb my hair, braid my hair, but now this will do!
It'll do(looking out from behind the girls’ closet on the other side, rejoicing). Tata-ta-dam!!! Two!
Mother. Eat already, finally. Please eat and stop sniffling!
Lyalya. Yes... Just...
Mother. Simple is not the answer, my dear. Eat, come on!
Lyalya. It's not tasty! I'm tired of this porridge in the morning!
Mother. We need to think about proper nutrition. All your cakes, ice cream, chips will not lead to anything good! You won't live long with this diet.
Lyalya. You've been trying and trying since the morning! When will you leave me alone? I'm fine! It will do for me!
It'll do(looking out in the middle of the wall of girls, rejoicing). Tata-ta-dam!!! Three!
Mother. Lala! Lala! Where are you going?
Actor mom - change of image!!!
All the actors are rearranging, making the “gate” of the city of Lobotryasovo.
It'll do (he rejoices, twists Lyalya from one hand to the other, then lets her go in a circle).
Another fish got caught in my net,
Note that I didn’t try for this!
All human troubles come from little things
And their lives only become darker.
But people don't notice it
Bad deeds only inspire them!
Lyalya spins in a circle, the actors help her.
Lyalya. Ah-ah-ah. Oh, mommies, where did I end up?
It'll do. Hello, baby! I am glad to welcome you to the most wonderful country of unprecedented miracles and fulfillment of desires - Lobotryasovo.
Lyalya. Where? Where?
It'll do. In the most magical country that all people on earth dream of! In the most charming country of Lobotryasovo.
Lyalya. Interesting! I've never heard anything like it. What kind of country is this?
It'll do. This is an amazing, one of a kind country in the world! Here, no one ever has to do anything, but only live for their own pleasure! Everything will always work here!
Lyalya. This is true? Can you live only for your own pleasure? And do nothing, nothing?
It'll do. Of course, dear baby!
Lyalya. Can you wake up at whatever time you want in the morning?
It'll do. It can’t be otherwise, dear baby!
Lyalya. And no one will bother you with unlearned lessons?
It'll do. Naturally, my dear baby!
Lyalya. This is news, this is news! Great! I'm so lucky!
It'll do. Yes, but you will only become a full-fledged resident of the country of Lobotryazovo when you make an oath!
Lyalya. That's all?
It'll do. That's all!
Lyalya. If this is the only condition, then I'm ready!
It'll do. Then listen and repeat after me!
To have a gorgeous hairstyle!
I swear to forget about the comb,
To have a gorgeous hairstyle!
It'll do.
I swear I will clean up the mess,
Mix dust with dirt!
I swear I will clean up the mess,
Mix dust with dirt!
It'll do.
I swear I won't wash for months
Forget about water and end it!
To enjoy miracles,
A magical, fairy-tale country!
Lyalya. I swear! I swear! I swear!
It'll do. Congratulations, dear, you are now a full-fledged resident of the country of Lobotryasovo!
Lyalya. Wow! How amazing! No need to braid your hair, wash your face, clean up! Freedom! Absolute freedom! Hooray!!! What can you do in your country?
It'll do.
There is chaos everywhere here:
He is the most brilliant worm!
It will penetrate around, undermine everything
And he prophesies a cheerful life!
Lyalya. Oh, I didn’t understand something, is there anyone else here besides you and me?
It'll do. Of course, my baby! Let's go, I'll introduce you!
The actors are rearranging themselves, in the foreground it will do, Lyalya and Gryaznulya.
It'll do. Meet me!

You just looked at me -
There is no better place in the world Dirty
I really like to walk
Don't make the beds!
I don't like to wash my face
Very difficult to comb
A big flight awaits me
Anything will do for me!
Hello! I'm glad to meet you again!
Lyalya. Hello!
Dirty. What is your name?
Lyalya. Me - Lyalya, and you?
Dirty. What a weirdo! I just introduced myself - Dirty!
Lyalya. What is this, a name?
Dirty. Why do you need the name that your parents came up with for you?
It'll do. Be yourself!
Lyalya. Yes, I somehow got used to it...
Dirty. Ha! She's used to it! Or maybe you can go and brush your teeth.
Lyalya. Yes, I don’t want something!
Dirty. Here you see!
It'll do. If you don’t want to, no one will force you! Anything goes here! Mommy's not here!
Dirty. For example, I’m very pretty, and there’s not that much dirt on me. Listen, let me introduce you to my friends!
Lyalya. Let's go to! But…
Dirty. Just what
Lyalya. Yes, I'm still in my night pajamas.
Dirty. And what?
Lyalya. Is it polite to wear pajamas at night in your country?
Dirty. Ha! Made me laugh. In night pajamas. Big deal.
It'll do. Remember! Nobody cares about anything here!
So, Gryaznulya will do too(together). Anything goes here!
Lyalya. As you wish!
It'll do. Our country is a fairy tale,
Dirty. No, it's just a dream
It'll do. Coming here one day
Dirty. You will love her forever!
Everyone is rearranging, the dirty ones are hiding behind the actors.
Dirty. Nasty! Scruffy?! Where are you? Hiding again?
We are dirty girls
We are wearing “clean” shirts,
The pockets have been torn off here,
We are cuties - dirty!
And we live next door
Only idleness is our remedy.
Dirty. Well, stop running around! We have a new girl!
1 mess. New girl?
2 messes. New girl.
3 dirty. New girl! (They jump up, clap their hands, hug Lyalya from both sides).
Messy. Let's play with you!
Lyalya. Let's! What games do you have on your computer?
Messy. Games on the computer?
1 mess. No, we like to play without a computer.
Lyalya. How's that?
2 messes. Let us tell you, and you add: “And me.”
Lyalya. Well, fine, whatever you say.
It'll do. (addresses the audience). Guys, help our new girl. Repeat in unison: “And I.” Let's rehearse.
I like walking!
Spectators. And I.
It'll do. Uh! How weak. Can you make it louder? Okay, let's begin!
I like walking!
Spectators. And I.
It'll do. I will go to the forest.
Spectators. And I.
It'll do. I'll cut down the tree.
Spectators. And I.
It'll do. I'll cut the deck.
Spectators. And I.
It'll do. I'll knead the pigs.
Spectators. And I.
It'll do. They will eat.
Spectators. And I.
All dirty (to the audience). What a great fellow you are!
3 dirty (Lala). And you are absolutely lovely!
1 mess. Ha! You don't mind eating with pigs.
2 messes. Dinner is served!
Lyalya. Come on, I don't play such games. Dirty, I don't want to hang out with them! Do you have other friends?
1 mess. Are you offended?
Lyalya. Leave me alone!
2 messes. Okay, don't sulk!
It'll do. They were just joking!
2 messes. Say: pillow!
Lyalya. We've come up with something again!
It'll do. No, it’s their girlfriend. Call her and she will come!
Lyalya. Girlfriend?
All messy. Well, yes!
Lyalya. Okay, we convinced you! Pillow.
All messy. You slippery frog!
Lyalya. What kind of frog am I to you? You yourself are frogs.
1 mess. Well, don't you understand jokes?
Lyalya. Wow jokes!
2 messes. No offense!
3 messes. But it’s so interesting!
Lyalya. Found it - interesting! I won't talk to you anymore.
1 mess. And keep being angry with yourself.
All dirty (they jump merrily around Lyalya). Angry, angry, angry - squiggle! Eternally angry, like a cloud in the sky!
Lyalya. I don't like these types of games! We've played and that's enough!
1 mess. Yes, we are not out of malice.
2 messes. We're just having fun.
3 messes. Don't be angry and don't be offended!
Lyalya. Okay, you’ve persuaded me, I won’t be angry or offended anymore!
2 messes. Then prove it! Say a word, for example, “Matryoshka!”
Lyalya. Matryoshka!
Get dirty together. Hello, granddaughter of Grandma Yozhka!
Lyalya. You yourself are granddaughters of Grandma Yozhka!
Get dirty together(they jump joyfully around Lyalya).
The simpleton was deceived -
Four fists
On the crack, and on the pillow,
To the green frog.
Lyalya. Well, you have girlfriends, Dirty.
Dirty. What about normal girls? Just think, they love to joke!
It'll do. But they are just like you: they don’t like to clean up, mess around, and do all that kind of nonsense...
Lyalya. It's clear.
It'll do. Do you want me to introduce you to Anchutka?
Lyalya. With Anchutka. Well, introduce me.
All the actors are rearranging, in the foreground So-it will do, Lyalya and Anchutka.
Hi all! My name is Anchutka,
I am very sensitive to cleanliness
She just annoys me
And it bothers me throughout my life.
What is your name?
Lyalya. Lala!
Anchutka. Lala! Lala? Lala! Lyalya from the piano. Who called you Lyalya?
Lyalya. My mother named me Lyalya. What, you don’t like my name?
Anchutka. Who said I didn't like it! Very melodious:
La-la - Lala from the piano
Appears like a king!
I imagine the first grade,
Where are you going – to a resort?
Lyalya. Why are you all some kind of bullies? I don't like your friends, Dirty!
It'll do. Don't worry, Lyalya! No one here ever gets offended by anyone! Everything will always work out for us!

Anchutka. Look, Lyalya, I have prepared a gift for you!
Lyalya. And what is it?
Anchutka. Well, first of all, not what, but who! These are cockroaches! They are, by the way, living beings! During the day they sleep more, but at night they like to take a walk and get some food... Look, my cockroaches, Marfusha and Nazar, are sleeping and snoring!
Lyalya. Ugh, what an abomination!
Anchutka. You yourself are an abomination! You see, I prepared a gift for her, I decided to give her my best friends, but she is an abomination! By the way, they love our country Lobotryazovo very much, and live in all the cracks, under all the cabinets and bedside tables, beds and televisions. They even settled into computers.
Lyalya. Is it true, or what? Oh, mommies, how can you live here?
Anchutka. How how? Like all! Cockroaches don't bite! Well, if only a little...
Lyalya. Ugh, how disgusting they are! Do they crawl out of all the cracks at night?
Anchutka. Of course, Lyalechka! For them there is freedom here! And no one is going to kick them out of here! They live for their own pleasure!
Lyalya. I don't want to sleep with cockroaches!
Anchutka. It's okay, you'll get used to it!
Lyalya. I want to go home!
Anchutka. Calmly! Don't shout so loudly, otherwise Marfusha and Nazar will wake up!
Lyalya. Some kind of nightmare is happening! Cockroaches are vile creatures! Brr! I want to go home!
It'll do. Well, I do not! You took an oath as a true resident of the country of Lobotryasovo!
Lyalya. Yes! But I didn’t know that cockroaches live here!
Anchutka. Look, look, a cockroach is running across the floor! I'll put it in your pocket!
Lyalya. Mommies! No need!
Anchutka. Oops! Got it! Just look at how seedy the guy is!
Now he will live with you and love only you!
Lyalya. Moms, save me! Help! I don't need any cockroaches!!!
It'll do. Baby, it's not just cockroaches that live here. Let's go to the Sloppy, she will introduce you to her pets!
Lyalya. To the Sloppy? Isn't this dangerous?
It'll do. Why are you dear, of course not!
All the actors rearrange themselves: two are standing, three are lying and rolling on the floor, back and forth, Lyalya tries to walk, jumps over.
- Slob!
Slob(plays with rats). Lariska! Bounce! Ale gop! Well done! Weasel, go ahead!
Lyalya. What are these, rats?
Slob. Yes, why?
Lyalya. Ugh! What disgusting disgusting gray creatures.
Slob. Why only rats? I still have mice!
Lyalya. Ugh, they are all so disgusting and disgusting! I'm afraid of them!
Slob. Oh, I'll die of laughter! She's afraid of rats and mice! Disdainful! It's okay, you'll get used to it!
Lyalya. Never!
Slob. And who said they were nasty? Look how cute these little gray and black creatures are. I train them. We will be performing with them soon.
Lyalya. I've only seen them in pictures. They carry diseases!
Slob. Diseases? As you can see, I'm still alive! And I’m not sick! What's in your head – sand or sawdust! Animals must be loved, but you are disdainful!
Lyalya. It's just sawdust in your head! Mommy! Get me out of here! I'm scared!
Slob. Here, take it in your arms!
Lyalya. No!
Slob. Are you afraid of crushing them? What a coward you are! Well, what are you looking at? Take it!
Lyalya. Don't come near! Don't come near!
Slob. Eh, you coward!
Lyalya. Cockroaches, mice, rats! Wow!! And in general, I’m thirsty, I’m hungry!
It'll do. Are you hungry? Please!? I'll take you to Greedy. She has more than enough food!
Lyalya. Greedy? Who else is this?
It'll do. Greedy is a little girl. True, she looks beyond her years, although she is only three years old. You just need to ask her nicely, and she will treat you.
Lyalya. Okay, let's go.
All the actors change positions, three of them play the role of Greedy, the rest are holding fly dolls that have stuck around Greedy.
Lyalya. Ugh, what is that smell, I can’t breathe.
It'll do. You see, our Greedy girl doesn’t like to wash, change clothes, or braid her hair. This is the Greedy scent!
Greedy. Ahah-ah, what a suit!
There's really nothing to see!
I wouldn't wear one like that.
Here's another thing for me:
There is a big stain from borscht,
Here's sour cream, here's roast.
Here I was eating ice cream,
This is sitting in a puddle.
This is glue, and here is ink.
Agree - very cute!
I love my outfit
I wouldn't exchange it for another.
I'll tell you a secret -
There is simply no better dress!

It'll do. Here she is! Meet me!
Lyalya. Who is this?
It'll do. This is our Greedy!
Lyalya. Greedy? And she's 3 years old? Well, no, I’ve completely lost my appetite!
Lyalya. Oh, who are they?
It'll do. Where?!
Lyalya. What do you mean where? Don't you see? Who is that circling around her?
It'll do. And this. Were you just born yesterday? These are ordinary flies and wasps.
Lyalya. Why are they so huge?
It'll do. Well, we've grown up a little.
Lyalya. Wow, you've grown up!
Actors with flies perform a dance with flies, chase Lyalya, who fights back.
Lyalya. My God! Where did I end up in the end?
Our country is a fairy tale, (left hand to the side, right hand up)
No, it's just a dream (right hand to the side, left up)
Coming here one day (point to the center)
You will love her forever! (rotate around yourself clockwise)
Lyalya. Wow, a fairy tale! Wow Dream! Oh no! I'm tired of your mockery, deceptions, mice and rats! I'm not going to wallow with them all my life! I want to go home to my mother! To dad! To a warm cozy bed!
It'll do. Interesting! You just arrived with us and are you already planning to leave us?
Lyalya. No, this is probably a dream.
Dream? (spread your arms to the sides in surprise)
We will answer you in unison! (right hand towards yourself)
Very friendly girls (hold hands)
Don't spill the water! (run around Lyalya)
We will accept you into the team, (squeeze the ring around Lyalya - like: these are the dinners)
Sing with us! (make a semicircle).
Lyalya (unwinds and runs out of the circle). Thank you for such a warm welcome, but I’m pretty tired of it here! I only now understood why my mother always scolded me. Oh, how stupid I am!
It'll do. Well, that's it for sure!
Lyalya. What are you waiting for, you need to run away from here, and quickly! (starts collecting fly toys) Now I’ll put things in order, and I’ll get to my home!
It'll do. Try! Anyone who has sworn an oath to the country of Lobotryazovo will never be able to leave it! Alas! He stays here forever!
It's too late. I want to sleep! Rest!
(Everyone goes to bed.)
Lyalya(yawns). What to do? How to escape from this ill-fated country? How to break this terrible oath? What have I done? How I want to sleep! (lays down)
All the actors are sleeping, Lyalya is in the foreground.
Dirty 1. Lala! Lala! I'm pretty tired of living here too.
Lyalya. Oh, who is this?
Dirty 1. It's me, Zamarashka! Can I help you?
Lyalya. Will you help me?
Messy 1. But I just don’t know how yet. I already tried to get out of here once, but I couldn’t!
Lyalya. But there is an end to this country somewhere!
Dirty 1. That's the thing - no! I have explored all corners of the Lobotryasovo country, there is no way out from here. This is some kind of labyrinth!
Lyalya. Well, have you tried to get out of this country?
Messy 1. Yes! But nothing worked for me! There is no end to it!
Lyalya. Why?
Dirty 1. Don't know. One person cannot cope with the country of Lobotryazovo: if only every person could clean up after themselves, then maybe something would come of it!
Lyalya. Yes, but how to do it?
Dirty 1. Somewhere I heard a legend that if you guess the name of the one who brought you here, then the country of Lobotryazovo will disappear forever.
Lyalya. Yes, you have practically no names here. Only dirty, slobs, and idiots live. What's your real name?
Messy 1. Me? Namarashka.
Lyalya. No, what did your mother name you?
Dirty 1. Mother? Yes, I’ve already forgotten what my mother called me... It seems like Nadya.
Lyalya. Nadya – what a beautiful name. Nadya, Nadya...this is Nadezhda! This means that in our world everything is not easy. After all, you are my hope that I will get out of here!
Messy 1. Am I your hope? Then, you need to remember very well the day when you got here and why!
Lyalya. It was an ordinary day. Mom woke me up, forced me to wash my face, comb my hair, and eat porridge! If only this mess could be here now! Yes, in principle, nothing special happened.
Messy 1. Well, think about it!
Lyalya. I don’t know, there was nothing unusual except the whirlwind that brought me here.
Messy 1. I've been here for a long time. I don’t remember how many days and nights flew by. What can I say! Now, if you remember something unusual that happened that day, you will guess the name of the queen to whom you swore an oath!
Lyalya. Queens? But for sure, she didn’t even introduce herself! She told me everything about the country of Lobotryazovo, introduced me to everyone, but never said her name.
Messy 1. They say that she is the mistress of the entire country.
Lyalya. Well, you gave me a problem! What to do? After all, it was an ordinary day.
Messy 1. Okay, okay. Let's be friends then, and call each other by our real names.
Lyalya. Okay, Nadya, Nadezhda!
Messy 1. Listen, Lyalya, what did you answer to your mother when she forced you to do something you didn’t want?
Lyalya. Never mind. I’m ashamed to admit it now, but I kept arguing all the time and said that I’d get away with it anyway!
It'll do. Who remembered me, and it’s still so late! They won't let you rest!
Lyalya. Exactly! I have remembered! I said three times that it would do for me!
It'll do. Well, here we go! They're calling again! Who needs me here?
Lyalya. Exactly! Hooray! I guess! She came to us herself!
It'll do. I don't understand what's going on here?
Lyalya. Dear Madam!
Messy 1. We are leaving you forever!
It'll do. You!? Don’t make me laugh, no one ever leaves here that easily!
8. Music "WALTZ".
All the actors begin to slowly wake up, look around themselves, understand where they are, clean up, play dog ​​with the Queen, that will do.
Lyalya. And we are leaving you! Because your name is “Yes, it will do!”
It'll do. What!? What are you doing?
Lyalya. The end has come to your country Lobotryazovo!
All. We too, we want to go home too!
Lyalya. We will put things in order here, and we will go back to our own home!
It'll do. Don’t you dare, don’t you dare help her clean up! What are you doing!
Lyalya. Late!
All. We don’t want to live in the country of Lobotryasovo anymore!
We want to go home and live in cleanliness and comfort!
All the actors put the garbage in prepared barrels, lined up in a semicircle, Lyalya and mom run towards each other.
Lyalya. Mommy! I'm back!
Mother. My favorite sunshine! I was so freaked out! Where were you?
Lyalya. Mommy! I love you so much! I’ll tell you everything later, but now I want to wash my face, comb my hair, brush my teeth, and eat your delicious porridge?
Mother. Really, daughter? That's good! That's great!
All. The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! A lesson to good fellows!
10. FINAL.
All actors perform a dance to the tune of the song “Grass near the House”, composer - Vladimir Migulya

We have composed a fairy tale for you,
We showed you a fairy tale
These moments were not lived in vain.

Needs my hands
Needs your business
Beautiful silent Earth.

NEW We have a new program! PUPPET DIVORCEMENT!

Can you imagine? Your child will enter a magical doll world and become a wizard himself! Maybe he'll like to take part in the puppet show himself? What if your child learns to drive dolls himself?

We present a completely exclusive program for children - puppet divertissement. The puppeteer shows mini skits with different dolls, actively involving children in the plot. He will conduct a master class on puppeteering and reveal all the secrets of the puppet world. Puss in Boots, Parsley, entertainer and other wonderful dolls will come to your child's party, the performance is accompanied by live music. The sound of wonderful instruments: violin, viola and cello. A puppet show with a master class of divirism can be shown in any room: at home, in the garden, at school, in a cafe.

By the way! Those who order a puppet divertissement will receive free tickets to the Obraztsov Museum as a bonus!

Program price 8000 rubles

Traveling puppet theater with the participation of touching puppets and skilled puppeteers.

With us you can inexpensively order a visiting Puppet Theater(Moscow) for a children's birthday or any other children's holiday at home, kindergarten or school. An interactive puppet show from the agency “Light Up with the Little Ones” is a wonderful holiday gift for children in Moscow and its suburbs

The Steadfast Tin Soldier
Wild Swans
sleeping Beauty
Ugly duck

Musical puppet show for children.

For children from 2 to 5 years old.

Live music concert + puppet show

Interactive musical meetings, interesting for both children and adults. Musical fairy taleopens up the opportunity for children to penetrate into the wonder of music, learn to perceive and understand it. Play "Musical calendar of nature."

Music of classical composers and the Felt Theater.

The children will hear how great composers conveyed the character of each month and season in their music.Spectators will play together with the musicians in the ensemble, hear the sounds of thunder, the cuckoo, attend a ball, hear a stream and learn many more amazing phenomena in nature by listening to live music.

Price: 8000 rub.

Interactive performance for children

An interactive performance is an incendiary performance, a performance with music, props and costumes, where not only the plot takes place, but also the audience is actively involved in the action, playing with children, giving the opportunity to feel themselves in the thick of fairy-tale events. An interactive performance is a play-game that has a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche, develops imagination, and gives little viewers precious communication skills.

Performances with actors

Lukomorye- a fun and educational skit show for children from 7 to 12 years old. Russian fairy tales are forgotten, Pushkin’s books are gathering dust on the shelves... the characters of Lukomorye are withering and drying up from inattention... From idleness they toil and quarrel and quarrel with each other... And even the Scientist Cat conceived a rebellion - to overthrow Koshchei the Immortal. The Cat stole a needle from Kashchei, in which Kashcheev’s Death... And Baba Yaga and the Little Mermaid are trying to restore justice... but Pushkin comes and...

Dunno and his friends
A performance built in the best traditions of theatrical productions for children. Lively, fresh acting and communication with the audience allows the child to feel like a character in the play. “Dunno and His Friends” is a story that tells children about how important and interesting it is to learn, to get to know the world around them, and for this they need friends who will always help and support. And it’s not for nothing that the heroes of the fairy tale sing: “And only today I realized that I can’t live without a friend!”
An interesting plot, wonderful actors, bright costumes and scenery, original music are waiting for you and your child!

Enchanted Forest– an adventure performance for children from 4 to 10 years old.
The harmful Kikimora bewitched the whole forest, now no one lives here, nothing grows... And even the girl Lisa, who got lost in the forest, falls under the spell of Kikimora. But... There are still good fellows!!! The cheerful young man Andrei from the village of Karacharovo comes to the forest and, with the help of ingenuity and cunning, defeats Kikimora and, together with Lisa and, of course, the children, he casts a spell on the forest.

Magic Mirror— an adventure performance for children from 5 to 12 years old
A cheerful and lyrical performance about the bright and selfless love of the girl Katerina for her boyfriend, Vanka, who took it into his head to marry the Princess because life is boring. But the Princess sets Vanka difficult tasks and only Katerina’s love and help helps him cope with the trials, and the Magic Mirror reveals to Vanka where his true love is...


Classic performance (from 4 artists) - from 6000 rub.

It is difficult for children to sit still in a regular theater. A dark hall, a deep armchair, from where you can’t see anything, and your favorite characters are high on the stage - you can’t reach them, you can’t communicate... How about an interactive theater? One where you can freely move around the hall, meet the characters of fairy tales, touch them and take an active part in what is happening. We have compiled our list of interactive theaters for children from 1 to 3 years old.

"First Theater"

Having studied the experience of foreign baby theaters and child psychologists, the creators of the First Theater came up with their own principle of performances for young spectators. There is no stage or hall, actors and small spectators together create a cozy and safe space for performance and play, where you can enter, crawl and run, and, if desired, watch from the side. The scenes of the First Theater are short and succinct. Simple plots are taken as a basis - the change of seasons and weather, the sea, snow and others - “Water”, “First Snow”, “Snail”, “Nutcracker”. Children observe the phenomena of the surrounding world and participate in them. The First Theater also has puppet characters, they are realistic and taken from life, because it is important for children to see something familiar. By the way, the performances are performed almost without words, because not all children still understand speech. A pleasant surprise will be gifts for each spectator at the end of the performances. A piece of ice glass, a star lantern or a shell with the song of the sea.

Age: from 10 months to 4 years
Price: from 1500 rub. adult+child
Addresses and other information

"Fanny Bell's House"

This is a family chamber theater in a bright and modern space, which is open near the children's playground in the Garden named after. Bauman. Almost every performance at the Fanny Belle House provides an opportunity for children and parents to become participants. The performances are based on plots from classical literature and unique ideas that arose from the directors of the director’s team. The auditorium is designed for only 50 people. During performances, live music plays and the actors are at the same level as the audience. Little ones don't have to lift their heads to see their favorite characters on stage. The play “Port,” for example, will tell about the incredible adventures of a white Tiger Cub in a Mediterranean port. There will be a lively port, giraffe cranes, and shadow tricks accompanied by live music. And in the play “Caterpillar,” sitting on a soft green carpet, kids get to know and play with a friendly caterpillar. What is the secret of turning an ordinary-looking worm into one of the most beautiful creatures on the planet?

Age: from 2.5 years
Address: st. Staraya Basmannaya, 15
Price: from 750 rub.

"Together with Mom"

Together with my mother, this is a team of organizers who every month create a unique poster of events for parents with children. Concerts of jazz and classical music, English lessons, excursions to Moscow museums and children's interactive performances. At the Theater for Kids' performances, you can touch and talk to the characters, sit quietly on the floor, or actively participate. Each performance has the opportunity for tactile impressions, such as sand or water. The roles are performed by professional actors, and live music helps children immerse themselves in a fairy tale. The titles of the performances speak for themselves - “How worms saved spring”, “How a parrot learned to be friends” and others.

Age: from 1 year to 4 years
Price: 1100 rub. adult + child, 2 adults + child 1400 and +300 rub. one more adult or child
Schedule and ticket reservations


This is not just a theater, but a whole child development program. All performances are built into a unique development line. Directors, actors and child psychologists take part in the creation of performances. At the beginning of the puppet show (which lasts 30-40 minutes), the actors perform a fifteen-minute game so that the kids can get used to it. During the performance, there will also be plenty of opportunities to interact with the characters, answering questions, joining the interactive game and saving the main characters. The plots in Nursery Rhymes are familiar to almost every child - “The Three Little Pigs”, “Teremok”, “Geese and Swans”. That's why they are good.

Age: from 1 year
Address: Kedrova str., 14korp.3, Children's cinema "Salut", st. Zemlyanoy Val, 27/3, House of Culture "Gaidarovets"
Price: 600 rub.

"Living Fairy Tale"

All spectators who came to the performance, young and old, take an active part in what is happening. Professional actors of the Living Fairy Tale theater try to convey all the kindest and fairest things accumulated over centuries in the folklore of different nations. Now the repertoire includes two fairy tales for children - “The Three Little Pigs”, “Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”. And at the end of October, the theater team will show the kids two new performances, “How the Kitten Looked for Its Mother” and “Nikanor the Duckling.”

Age: from 2 to 9 years
Address: RIO shopping center (2nd km of the Moscow Ring Road) 4th floor, Vegas shopping center (24th km of the Moscow Ring Road) -1st floor
Price: 600 rub.

"Theater on the Palm"

The Baby Theater at the Moscow Puppet Theater on Spartakovskaya shows 4 performances for the little ones based on different seasons. Performances last 45 minutes. In “spring” children launch boats in the stream, “in winter” they touch snowflakes and pieces of ice, “in summer” they play carrot pipes, and “in autumn” they pick mushrooms in the forest.

Age: from 1 year to 3 years
Address: Moscow Puppet Theater, Spartakovskaya street, building 26/30
Price: 800 rub.
Poster and other information


In this interactive theater, children become the main participants in all performances and help the characters unravel the most confusing stories. For the little ones, the repertoire includes the performances “The Toy Bureau” (the audience gets into the toy workshop and, together with the wizard, they fix all the broken toys), “Visiting the Wizard” (you have to disenchant your favorite characters), “Colors” about how to reconcile between all the colors. And many others. Children sit separately from adults, and at the end they have a pillow fight.
Age: from 2-3 years

Address: st. Zemlyanoy Val, 33 ATRIUM shopping center - 1st floor
Price: from 600 rub.

It is almost impossible to imagine children who could spend at least 15 minutes without moving! And this is quite natural! Children are naturally curious; they want to know what is going on around them, and to do this they need to stick their curious nose everywhere. Attentive parents who understand the peculiarities of the child’s psyche try to create every opportunity to satisfy the needs for new information. There are many ways to do this. One of them is to order interactive performances. These are completely unusual performances. They are different from those that can be seen in the theater for young spectators. In drama theater, the only actors are the actors. They show the play and the audience can react by applauding. If they like what is happening on stage, then there is a storm of applause.

Interactive performances are completely different. It would seem that they are played by the same actors. But the role of the audience is changing: they become active participants in everything that happens on the stage or playground. Children can sing songs together with their favorite characters. They solve riddles to help their pets out of difficult situations. Sometimes competitions are organized for young spectators. With their ingenuity, dexterity, speed and courage, participants in the interactive performance can help the main characters.

It must be said that such interactive performances are of greatest interest to those who are engaged in educational work in preschool institutions and primary grades of secondary schools. The organization of holidays in kindergarten should be carried out in such a way that the age characteristics of the pupils are taken into account to the maximum extent. The Fun for Children agency offers a variety of programs designed for children from 2 to 12 years old. That is, for schoolchildren you can also choose suitable performances that will interest them.

Are you looking for an interactive performance? Take a look at the catalog of the company “Fun for Children”!

The topics of show programs and performances offered by our agency are practically unlimited.

  • Are you preparing a children's New Year's party? On the site you will find several different interactive performances on New Year's themes. They involve Father Frost and Snow Maiden. These are the obligatory heroes of any matinee or evening. Besides them, there may be other characters: squirrels and bunnies, Baba Yaga and Leshy, bear cubs and fox cubs. In addition to already prepared performances, our clients can order a completely new script, which will be written taking into account their wishes.
  • Maybe you need to organize a birthday party in kindergarten? This possibility also exists. Preschool institutions often hold birthday days, when they celebrate the birthdays of several children at once. The best congratulations for them is an interesting performance in which their favorite fairy tale and cartoon characters will participate. The birthday people themselves will not be left without attention either. Even the fact that talented people will congratulate them