Templates for finger theater made of paper. How to print a paper puppet theater for your child

Tatiana Verukhina

The importance of small toys for little ones fingers are hard to overestimate. Such toys have many valuable qualities that cannot be found in any newfangled children's toy.

Games with finger puppet theater They develop the child’s curiosity, imagination, communication skills, promote the development of speech, memory, attention, perseverance, and broaden his horizons. In addition, the child can come up with stories himself. By using finger theater You can conduct educational conversations, and, of course, develop fine motor skills and prepare your hand for writing.

In addition, playing this theater The little ones, older children, and even parents can do it.

I suggest you make the simplest look together with your children. finger theater - made of paper. TO making a paper finger puppet theater You can also involve the child himself. This process can be quite exciting for him. A younger child will be able to draw a face, and an older child will be able to complete the entire process independently, under the guidance of an adult.

For this we need:

White and/or colored paper;


PVA glue;


Simple and colored pencils, felt-tip pens.

To begin with, you need to paper draw squares.

My 6-year-old children and I made a square of 6 * 6 cm and 8 * 8 cm.

Then we boldly cut them out.

After this, we make cups using the origami technique according to the diagram (see photo)

Now the process becomes creative. You can draw faces and muzzles of various fairy tale or cartoon characters on the cups, or print them out "faces" the desired characters on the printer, cut them out and glue them onto cups with "facial" sides.

Dolls for finger puppet theater is ready!

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Master class for parents “Making a finger theater from dough” Master class for parents. Making a finger theater. Characters from the fairy tale “Kolobok” using the testoplasty technique. (Slide No. 2).

Good day, dear colleagues! I bring to your attention a master class “Little Chanterelle” for finger theater. We need it for work.

Master Class. Stand for finger theater. Educator: Kuznetsova Irina Aleksandrovna Dear teachers! I offer you a master class.

Good evening dear colleagues! As you know, “Finger Theater” is a wonderful game that adults and children enjoy. Finger.

Today I present to your attention a master class on making masks for the fairy tale “The Fox and the Hare”. The master class is designed for children.

Theatrical games occupy a certain place in the kindergarten system. Familiarization with different types of theater begins early.

It just so happens today that children spend most of their time in front of the monitor.

Parents are sometimes touched by watching how skillfully a two-year-old child uses a keyboard or a ten-year-old son sits quietly at home, not getting lost in the middle of nowhere. Over time, the computer replaces books, sports and even communication in the family. The time has come to sound the alarm: even the most advanced construction kits and robot dolls cannot compete with the Internet.

Own puppet theater - a godsend for the family

In search of an alternative to a harmful hobby, adults often forget about such a magical art as puppet theater. After all, young and even older children are not at all indifferent to performances with dolls. They adore simple and clear performances with a funny plot, long-familiar characters and a happy ending.

Take your children to puppet theaters more often? That's not bad either. But we are talking about the child’s behavior at home. After all, it’s not at all difficult to make dolls with your family, at no cost, in a cozy, friendly home environment. And even organize the most interesting performances. Here the children themselves will have to persuade their parents to play their favorite game.

Finger theater and child development

From the age of two, a child can retell a fairy tale or part of a dialogue he knows. He is very involved in the game and at the same time his speech is developed by the finger hero of the fairy tale. The child himself speaks for the bunny, for the wolf, for the fox. You can make such dolls with your own hands from paper.

Paper puppet theater

The simplest theater is a paper one. Every mother can make it with her own hands. It’s easy to do this even on the road or while walking. Creating finger puppets begins with drawing characters. This is a separate interesting process, and you can and should involve your child in it. But it’s easier and faster to create an entire puppet theater by printing ready-made doll templates, of which there are quite a lot on the Internet. And then we only need scissors and glue.

There is a flat and round finger theater, and both do not require much preparation. In the first case, these are the heads or the upper half of the pupa, which are placed on each finger using a paper tube. You don’t even have to make the doll’s head separately, but simply glue together bright tubes or even cones.

Before connecting the edges of the future tube, we create an image. To do this, we glue beaded eyes, sponges, antennae, wings, handles, clothes and other character attributes onto the blanks. The ears can be immediately planned on the pattern. Such dolls can be put on all fingers at once and create a real little show, playing with both hands.

Absolutely indispensable on a long journey and in a long line for entertaining the baby. And the child will not demand your iPhone, but will rather enthusiastically talk with the hero fingers or play out various scenes: from life, from the same computer game, or invented by him.

In the second case, the drawings have two holes for fingers and are glued to cardboard. The fingers inserted into the slots are the doll’s legs, which move and “revive” it. Only one such doll can fit on one hand, sometimes two.

Theater made of paper on wooden sticks

A puppet theater can be made no less interesting if, instead of fingers, you attach the characters of the play to sticks intended for examining the throat. Popsicle sticks are also great. Fairy-tale characters can be drawn or cut out from old color magazines and then pasted onto cardboard. Puppets on a stick will move in the slots of the landscape prepared for the performance. This scene is very easy to make from a piece of cardboard.

We color it according to the plot: like a clearing, a river bank or something else. The river itself, for example, can be replaced by a blue scarf thrown into such a clearing. Taking a stationery knife, we make several small cuts on the bottom side of the cardboard on the left and right and also, for example, below the left one. The openings for acting out the plot must accommodate two dolls at the same time.

Paper theater on plastic spoons

Plastic spoons can serve as an excellent material for a mini puppet theater using paper. You can glue bright pictures onto their convex “faces,” wrap paper strip scarves around their “necks,” and even put on paper dresses—the characters are ready for the play!

Tabletop paper theater on plastic cups, corks, cubes

Have you noticed that children sometimes just assign some cubes, corks or plastic cups to the role of dolls? Such is the power of their imagination! What if you stick appliqués depicting people or animals onto such items and play a little with your child?

The cubes are interesting because each face is decorated with a paper portrait of a new hero. You will get such a multi-faceted toy. With the help of paper, cups, corks and cubes will turn into a real puppet theater, and the game itself will become much more colorful and interesting. Most children will spend a long time acting out fairy tales and scenes from life, even without our participation. The “troupe” can be replenished endlessly or easily replaced with new characters.

A tabletop theater helps develop the child’s imagination, expressive, and coherent speech. With a little imagination, every adult, and following his example, a child, will be able to come up with and make with their own hands new interesting versions of their own paper puppet theater. For example, from paper bags or papier-mâché.

In a home theater, unlike other theaters where he mainly enjoys the spectacle, the baby can speak out. And here he receives the attention of his parents. And adults should carefully listen to the conversations the dolls are having in their child’s hands.

DIY finger theater

Master class on making finger puppets from felt

Author: Ekaterina Nikolaevna Demidova, teacher, MBDOU “Combined Kindergarten No. 62 “Silver Hoof”, Kurgan

Theater is thoughts free flight,
Theater – here fantasy blooms generously...

Vladimir Miodushevsky
The master class is designed for teachers and specialists of preschool institutions, additional education teachers, parents and creative individuals.
The finger theater is intended for theatrical activities in kindergarten and at home; it can be used during direct educational activities as a surprise moment. It can become a wonderful tradition for your family.
The choice of material – felt – is determined by the following criteria:
easy to process, edges do not crumble;
wide range of colors, different thickness and density;
natural, safe for health!!!
Target: making a finger theater to develop children's creative abilities through theatrical activities.
introduce the technology of making felt finger puppets;
develop children's acting and directing abilities;
develop fine motor skills;
promote the enrichment and activation of vocabulary, develop monologue and dialogic speech;
to develop interest in arts and crafts;
develop skills in organizing practical activities.
Materials and tools:
simple felt, with a self-adhesive base;
beads, rhinestones, small buttons, small eyes for dolls;
reinforced threads;
tailor's pins;
tailor's chalk;
pattern paper;
“second” glue;
sewing machine.

Chanterelle Patterns:

Manufacturing technology of the finger puppet “Fox”.
Before we get started, let’s remember the basic safety rules when working with scissors and needles.
Store needles and pins in a designated place (pincushion). Do not put needles or pins in your mouth or stick them into your clothing.
Do not use rusty needles and pins.
Do not leave the scissor blades open while working.
Don't cut as you go.
Making a pattern for a finger puppet will not take you much time. First you need to decide on the size. The base of the toy should be about the height of your index finger. Draw the body and other details. Don’t forget to make allowances for the parts that are inserted into the base.
We select materials for our chanterelle. We transfer the details onto paper and cut them out.
Base – 2 parts;
Head – 1 piece;
Muzzle – 1 piece;
Ears – 2 parts;
Tail – 1 piece;
Ponytail tip – 1 piece;
Paws – 2 parts.

Transfer the pattern to felt. We pin larger parts to the material with pins, and outline small ones with tailor's chalk.

We distribute the parts in places.

We adjust the right foot to the base. We make fastenings.

Adjusting the second foot. We make fastenings.

We adjust the muzzle to the head. Align the edges with scissors.

We sew the ears to the head with a triple tack.

We design the ponytail - we fit the tip of the ponytail onto the part. Align the edges with scissors.

We connect the parts of the body along the contour. Don't forget to insert a tail on the side. We make fastenings. Align the edges along the contour.

Using glue we attach the head to the body. We work with glue carefully, as traces may appear on the surface of the material. We make the eyes and nose from large black beads. They can be glued or sewn with threads in color.

Manufacturing technology of the finger puppet “Mashenka”.
A distinctive feature of the execution will be the processing of the head.
Let's draw the pattern. We select materials.
Base (dress) – 2 parts;
Sleeves – 2 parts;
Hands – 2 parts;
Bast shoes - 2 parts;
Head – 1 piece;
Headscarf (front part) – 1 piece;
Headscarf (back view) – 1 piece;
Braid – 1 piece;
Spout – 1 piece;
Bangs – 1 piece.

Patterns of the doll “Mashenka”

We cut out the blanks. We put the parts in place.

We adjust the sleeves on the dress, put handles along the bottom of the sleeves (without adjusting them).

We adjust the lace along the bottom of the dress. We make fastenings.

Adjusting the bast shoes. We make fastenings. Sew the dress along the contour. Align the edges along the contour.

We adjust the bangs and nose to the head. To prevent the spout from sliding under the sewing machine foot, it must first be glued.

Glue the head to the base. Glue a scarf of self-adhesive felt on top. We fasten the braid between the two parts of the scarf. Align the edges.

We secure the edges of the scarf with machine stitching. We make fastenings.

Glue on the eyes - beads. Brown the cheeks with a red pencil.

Mashenka's eyes can be decorated using special accessories for needlework - peepholes.

This is what we got!

My first works.

Design options for the finger puppet “Frog”.

Design options for the finger puppet “Cockerel”.

Colored paper is a universal material. She can easily turn into a kitten, a dog, a hero from her favorite cartoon or fairy tale. A little imagination and effort - and now you have the scenery ready. Just what you need for a fun dialogue between animals.

So, choose the right colors, prepare glue, paints, markers, pencils and go ahead - make wonderful finger puppets.

1. Print and cut out patterns for finger toys.

2. Glue the faces of the animals.

3. Now glue the torsos. Use a strip of white paper to make a ring-shaped finger holder and glue it to the inside of the toy's head.

Kids, as a rule, are delighted not only with the process of creating figures, but also with participation in the performance itself. So, if your little brother or sister wants to try themselves in the role of, for example, a bunny, I hope you won’t mind.

Well, the dolls are ready! The theatrical performance begins!

But if you want to make fairy-tale characters (king, princess, knight, dragon or robber pirates), print out the following templates:

Puppet theater for the little ones:

Here are a few more finger puppet templates for pleasant leisure time with your baby:

Finger toys are easy and fun to make. Note that dolls made from several materials at once - paper, fabric, beads - look very cute and touching. Think about this when creating your next character for the game.

We offer two master classes on making a shadow theater for children at home. You will learn how to make a screen and actors for a theatrical performance from light and shadow with your own hands, get acquainted with the theater of manual shadows, download templates for figurines of fairy tale heroes and find useful tips for working with shadow theater.

Shadow theater helps children get acquainted with theatrical activities in a fun way, develop speech, show imagination, encourage children to actively interact, communicate, etc. Theatrical performances can be performed with children of all ages, both in a group and individually.

Lego Shadow Theater

We present a step-by-step master class with photographs on how to make a shadow theater from Lego Duplo or its analogues.

Necessary materials:
  • Lego Duplo constructor ()
  • Lego Duplo green building plate ()
  • A4 sheet of paper
  • phone with a flashlight function or other light source.
How to do

Build the frame of a theater stage from red blocks and adjacent turrets from multi-colored bricks.

Source: lego.com

Place a white sheet of paper between the structures.

Build a stage behind the screen and use the blocks to make a phone stand. Place the light source in front of the paper sheet.

Decorate the theater and prepare the actors for the performance.

Turn on the flashlight on your phone and start the show.

Shadow theater "The Gruffalo" out of the box

Create your own shadow theater based on the popular book “The Gruffalo” by Julia Donaldson (,).

“The Gruffalo” is a fairy tale in verse for adults to read to children. A little mouse walks through a dense forest and, in order to escape from a fox, owl and snake, invents the terrible Gruffalo - an animal who loves to eat foxes, owls and snakes.
But can a resourceful mouse outwit all the hungry predators? After all, he knows very well that there are no Gruffalos... Or do they?

Source: domesticblissnz.blogspot.ru

Necessary materials:
  • printable hero templates (download);
  • A4 paper;
  • black cardboard;
  • wooden skewers;
  • scotch;
  • glue;
  • cardboard box;
  • scissors.
How to do

1. Download and print templates with characters for the shadow theater. Glue onto black cardstock.

2. Cut out the figures and glue a wooden skewer to each.

3. We make a screen (screen) for a shadow theater.

Lay the box flat. On the large rectangular parts of the box, draw a frame, stepping back 1.5-2 cm from the edges. Cut along the marked lines.

4. Assemble the box in its original state, but with the colored side facing inward.


5. Take a sheet of white A4 paper and cut it to the size of the box. Cut out a rectangle of the same size from black cardboard.

6. Cut out trees from black cardboard and glue them onto a white sheet.

7. Glue the paper to the inside of the box as shown in the photo below.

8. Make a slot at the bottom of the box for the figures.

9. Secure the screen to the edge of the table with tape.

10. Install the lamp at the back at a distance of 2-3 meters from the screen. For clear shadows, the light must fall directly and not from the side. Be sure to warn your child to be careful around the hot lamp.

The shadow theater is ready! Turn off the lights, invite an audience and perform a shadow show.

Hand shadow theater

Hand shadow theater is one of the simplest types of shadow art. To equip it you will need the most common items - a table lamp and a screen - a large sheet of white paper or cloth. If the room has light walls, a theatrical performance of light and shadow can be shown directly on the wall.

The pictures show how you can use your hands to create silhouettes of animals, birds, and people. With practice, you can bring the shadows to life and show your own story.

  • You can start introducing children to shadow theater at the age of 1.5-2 years. The first classes should be held as a theatrical performance, when the roles are played by an adult, and the children act as spectators. After the child understands the rules and traditions of theatrical art, he can be included in the game as a participant in the action. Children play and voice roles, learn texts and poems. At first, trust small, simple roles. Then gradually make it more difficult.
  • Cardboard figures of shadow theater actors should be black, then they will be contrasting and noticeable on the screen. To make your own figures, use curly stencils. If you plan to reuse your homemade figures, we recommend laminating them.
  • To ensure clear shadows, place the light source behind and slightly to the side of the screen. The light source will be a regular table lamp or flashlight.
  • The size of the shadow on the screen depends on the distance from the figure to the lamp. If you bring the figure closer to the screen, its shadow will become small and clear. If you place it further away, the shadow will increase in size and the contours will be blurred.
  • To ensure that the decorations do not move during the performance, attach them to the screen itself using tape or paper clips.
  • What paper, tracing paper or a white sheet are perfect as a screen. The smaller the screen you use, the thinner and more transparent it needs to be, and the brighter the light source you need.
  • In order to create a theatrical atmosphere, you can draw a poster, tickets and even arrange an intermission.

We recommend the book “Night Tale” by Beatrice Coron (