Conclusion about Oblomov is my own opinion. “My attitude towards Oblomov” essay


An essay based on the novel “Oblomov” by I. A. Goncharov. My attitude towards Oblomov.

The main character of Goncharov's novel is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. This is a man “about thirty-two or three years old, of average height, pleasant appearance, with dark gray eyes.” He, “a nobleman by birth, a collegiate secretary by rank, has been living in St. Petersburg for twelve years without a break.”
Oblomov evokes in me feelings of amazement, as well as contempt and pity. He amazes with his fantastic laziness. Where has this been seen - lying on the couch all day without getting up, and not experiencing any comfort from it. He says he hasn't found anything he likes. The kind of activity you can spend your life on. Nonsense! If he wanted to find it, he would certainly do it. But Oblomov did not show persistence and therefore, wanting to justify himself, he told Stoltz that there was no fire in his life, that it began with extinction. He just didn’t want to ignite this fire in himself; he unconsciously protected his soul from it. Sparks only flared up in it from time to time, only to immediately go out again.
Oblomov despised society, elite. He called their members dead men, sleeping people, worse than himself. He may be partly right, but not all society consists of such people. Among them there would certainly be bright personalities standing out from the crowd, not under authority public opinion. But Oblomov considered himself above this vain world and did not want to establish any relationships with people of the world. So, from this we can conclude that Oblomov is unwilling to do anything other than lie on the couch. There he was busy with an extremely important matter, in his opinion - dreaming about improving the estate and how he would live there with his wife and children. But the ability to dream is characteristic of every person. There is nothing wrong. The bad thing is that Oblomov did nothing to make his dream come true. He could not overcome the obstacle on the way to his goal. At the first obstacle he stumbled and stopped, not moving further. So it is with the headman’s letter. Oblomov knew that it was necessary to take decisive measures in order not to go bankrupt, but he did not take it, but only worried, and even then not for long. Like an ostrich hiding its head in the sand, so he retreated into himself, into the world he had imagined. These attempts to escape from reality indicate cowardice and weakness. And this always causes disgust and contempt. Only Oblomov’s strong feeling for Olga pushed him to go to the ward. Love for her filled his heart with heat and enthusiasm. But no matter how strong the feelings were, they still could not overcome Oblomov’s essence, the lordly beginning in him. With his weak character, Oblomov alienated his only love.
In the end, my contempt for the hero turns into pity. Still, he was a man with kind hearted And with a sincere soul. I regret that he could not overcome himself, that he lived his life without meaning, did not learn what could be good in it, except for food and “doing nothing.”
I want to less people It was like Oblomov, so that everyone would enjoy life and be sure not to be lazy in fulfilling their dreams.

Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” is a landmark work of literature of the 19th century, touching on both acute social and many philosophical problems while remaining relevant and interesting to the modern reader. Ideological meaning The novel "Oblomov" is based on the opposition of an active, new social and personal principle with an outdated, passive and degrading one. In the work, the author reveals these principles on several existential levels, therefore, to fully understand the meaning of the work it is necessary detailed consideration each of them.

Social meaning of the novel

In the novel “Oblomov,” Goncharov first introduced the concept of “Oblomovism” as a generalized name for outdated patriarchal-landlord foundations, personal degradation, and the vital stagnation of an entire social layer of Russian philistinism, unwilling to accept new social trends and norms. The author examined this phenomenon using the example of the main character of the novel, Oblomov, whose childhood was spent in distant Oblomovka, where everyone lived quietly, lazily, having little interest in anything and caring almost nothing. The hero's native village becomes the embodiment of the ideals of Russian old-time society - a kind of hedonistic idyll, a “preserved paradise” where there is no need to study, work or develop.

Portraying Oblomov as “ extra person", Goncharov, unlike Griboyedov and Pushkin, whose characters of this type ahead of society, introduces into the narrative a hero who lags behind society, living in the distant past. The active, active, educated environment oppresses Oblomov - the ideals of Stolz with his work for the sake of work are alien to him, even his beloved Olga is ahead of Ilya Ilyich, approaching everything from a practical side. Stolts, Olga, Tarantyev, Mukhoyarov, and other acquaintances of Oblomov are representatives of a new, “urban” personality type. They are more practitioners than theorists, they do not dream, but do, create new things - some by working honestly, others by deception.

Goncharov condemns “Oblomovism” with its gravitation towards the past, laziness, apathy and complete spiritual withering away of the individual, when a person essentially becomes a “plant” lying on the sofa around the clock. However, Goncharov also portrays the images of modern, new people as ambiguous - they do not contain peace of mind and the inner poetry that Oblomov had (remember that Stolz only found this calm while relaxing with a friend, and already married Olga is sad about something distant and is afraid to dream, making excuses to her husband).

At the end of the work, Goncharov does not make a definite conclusion about who is right - the practitioner Stolz or the dreamer Oblomov. However, the reader understands that it was precisely because of “Oblomovism,” as a phenomenon that is sharply negative and has long since become obsolete, that Ilya Ilyich “disappeared.” That is why the social meaning of Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” is the need for constant development and movement - both in the continuous construction and creation of the surrounding world, and in working on the development of one’s own personality.

The meaning of the title of the work

The meaning of the title of the novel “Oblomov” is closely related to the main theme of the work - it was named after the surname of the main character Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, and is also associated with what is described in the novel social phenomenon"Oblomovism". The etymology of the name is interpreted differently by researchers. Thus, the most common version is that the word “Oblomov” comes from the words “Oblomok”, “break off”, “break”, denoting the state of mental and social breakdown of the landowner nobility, when it found itself in a borderline state between the desire to preserve old traditions and foundations and the need to change according to the requirements of the era, from a creative person to a practical person.

In addition, there is a version about the connection of the title with the Old Slavonic root “oblo” - “round”, which corresponds to the description of the hero - his “rounded” appearance and his quiet, calm character “without sharp corners" However, regardless of the interpretation of the title of the work, it indicates the central storyline novel - the life of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.

The meaning of Oblomovka in the novel

From the plot of the novel “Oblomov,” the reader from the very beginning learns many facts about Oblomovka, about what a wonderful place it is, how easy and good it was for the hero and how important it is for Oblomov to return there. However, throughout the entire narrative, events never take us to the village, which makes it a truly mythical, fairy-tale place. Picturesque nature, gentle hills, a calm river, a hut on the edge of a ravine, which the visitor needs to ask to stand “with his back to the forest, and his front to it” in order to enter - even in the newspapers there was never a mention of Oblomovka. The inhabitants of Oblomovka did not care about any passions - they were completely cut off from the world, they spent their lives in boredom and tranquility, based on constant rituals.

Oblomov's childhood was spent in love, his parents constantly spoiled Ilya, indulging all his desires. However, Oblomov was particularly impressed by the stories of his nanny, who read to him about mythical heroes and fabulous heroes, closely linking in the hero’s memory his native village with folklore. For Ilya Ilyich Oblomovka is a distant dream, an ideal comparable, perhaps, to beautiful ladies medieval knights singing the praises of women who were sometimes never seen. In addition, the village is also a way to escape from reality, a kind of half-imagined place where the hero can forget about reality and be himself - lazy, apathetic, completely calm and renounced from the world around him.

The meaning of Oblomov's life in the novel

Oblomov’s whole life is connected only with that distant, quiet and harmonious Oblomovka, however, the mythical estate exists only in the memories and dreams of the hero - pictures from the past never come to him in a cheerful state, his native village appears before him as some kind of distant vision, in its own way unattainable , like any mythical city. Ilya Ilyich is in every possible way opposed to the real perception of his native Oblomovka - he still does not plan the future estate, he delays for a long time in responding to the headman’s letter, and in a dream he does not seem to notice the disrepair of the house - a crooked gate, a sagging roof, a shaky porch, a neglected garden. And he really doesn’t want to go there - Oblomov is afraid that when he sees the dilapidated, ruined Oblomovka, which has nothing in common with his dreams and memories, he will lose his last illusions, which he clings to with all his might and for which he lives.

The only thing that brings complete happiness to Oblomov is dreams and illusions. He is afraid real life, is afraid of marriage, which he has dreamed of many times, is afraid of breaking himself and becoming someone else. Wrapping himself in an old robe and continuing to lie on the bed, he “preserves” himself in a state of “Oblomovism” - in general, the robe in the work is, as it were, part of that mythical world that returns the hero to a state of laziness and extinction.

The meaning of the hero's life in Oblomov's novel comes down to gradual dying - both moral and mental, and physical, for the sake of maintaining his own illusions. The hero does not want to say goodbye to the past so much that he is ready to sacrifice a full life, the opportunity to feel every moment and recognize every feeling for the sake of mythical ideals and dreams.


In the novel “Oblomov,” Goncharov depicted the tragic story of the decline of a person for whom the illusory past became more important than the multifaceted and beautiful present - friendship, love, social well-being. The meaning of the work indicates that it is important not to stand still, indulging oneself in illusions, but to always strive forward, expanding the boundaries of one’s own “comfort zone.”

Work test

Goncharov’s socio-psychological novel Oblomov is a classic of the second half of the nineteenth century, where representatives of the writer’s generation appear before us in the images of heroes. Many of them were never able to change their attitude towards work, remaining slackers and lazy people, which is why a character appeared in the novel in the form of Oblomov. Let's briefly get acquainted with the image of the hero, his attitude to life, service, parents, so that we can then express my attitude towards Oblomov.

Oblomov's appearance and inner world

Introducing the main character of the novel, he introduces the reader to a thirty-two-year-old man. He is of average height and even has good looks. However, due to laziness and lack of exercise, his body became flabby in the prime of his life. Everything in Oblomov’s behavior speaks not only of his effeminacy, but also of laziness. He constantly wants to sleep, and although Oblomov had good plans for the future in his youth, they disappeared with age. Laziness consumed Oblomov so much that he became indifferent to everything. His inner world became scarce, he was not interested in books and current events. No matter how hard the friends tried to awaken Oblomov, they did not achieve any results. grabbed him headlong and sucked him in. The reason for this was the upbringing of his parents and the life he led, where everything was done for him and instead of him. Oblomov lost interest in life and did not see the point in participating in it, because the surrounding society with its deceitful natures was alien to him. He sees people as sleepy as himself, and does not understand why he is worse, choosing his lazy, measured life. Oblomov does not recognize the high society with its insensitivity and lack of free thought.

Oblomov's attitude to life

What is Oblomov’s attitude towards life, family and parents? In general, nothing. Vision of the future family life It stresses him out, because this is a responsibility that he does not want to take on due to laziness. Next, he talks about the future, but does not take any action to realize it. He doesn't move forward and is happy with everything. And indeed, why work and earn money when the estate already brings income. Why strive for more when money and its increase come first. And we see a similar attitude to everything. He is not interested in the service, so having made a mistake at work, he hastened to quit. Now he prefers to live in his little room, surrounded by dust and rubbish, and wears a terrible robe that has never been washed. Sometimes you are amazed at Oblomov’s indifference to his appearance and fate, and you really don’t understand why this happens to a person.

To be honest, I am very sorry for Oblomov and all people like him. After all, as I understand, such a state was familiar to many in modern times. It’s scary that Oblomovism is so strong among people that even love for Olga could not motivate him to change anything in his life. On the one hand, we see some movement, but a pile of doubts, a fear of responsibility, everything instantly changes and Oblomov is again drawn into a drowsy state. And this becomes the reason for the loss of love and the only chance to change one’s destiny. Having lost love, Oblomov began to fade away and his heart really stopped beating.

It’s a shame for the hero that he couldn’t force himself to reach his goal. And here it’s really difficult for me to describe my attitude towards Oblomov. Seems to be good a kind person, wishing no harm to anyone. But so weak-willed. I don't like people like that. I am a purposeful person, and I want to see the same people around me. I really want people to be able to overcome Oblomovism in their souls, so that it does not plunge them into a purposeless life and primitive existence. Only by moving forward and developing can we live fully. And there is no need to be afraid of the obstacles that you will encounter along the way. We can do anything, and any obstacle can be overcome. That is why my attitude towards Oblomov is negative.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov from Goncharov’s novel is one of the most unusual, interesting and bright heroes Russian literature. Anyone who met him will probably never be able to forget this, at first glance, funny character.

About Oblomov's appearance Ilya Ilyich appears to the reader as a plump, handsome man of thirty-two to thirty-three years of age. He has a nice face Blue eyes, blonde hair. Everything in his appearance speaks of peace, softness, relaxation... Only, looking at him, you want to fall asleep. And he’s also repelled by the greasy robe that Oblomov wears almost 24/7—it’s clear that it hasn’t been washed for a long time. Yes, and in general, Ilya Ilyich’s appearance cannot be called neat. It feels like this person had to spend a couple of days or even weeks away from home, without basic household amenities. But no - he is in his home and has enough money to take things to the laundry and wash himself on time warm water with soap and even keep servants.

Why then is Oblomov so shabby and “worn out”? What happens to a man in his prime?

strength if he neglected himself, his clothes, and his room so much? On bookshelves there is dust, the robe is wrinkled and downright dirty (probably there is a corresponding smell coming from it), Ilya Ilyich himself looks sleepy and bloated. Maybe something happened to him? Some kind of tragedy, or he fell ill with depression... He doesn’t wash, doesn’t shave, doesn’t go anywhere - he lies on the couch and looks at the ceiling. That's right - the man is in trouble!

ABOUT inner world hero As soon as the novel “Oblomov” saw the light, its main character was immediately attacked literary critics. They examined the character up and down, hung a bunch of labels and diagnoses, called him a symbol of a decaying capitalist society, the embodiment of decline and degradation. Perhaps they are right in some ways... But my attitude towards Oblomov is this: I just feel sorry for him. This man evokes my sincere sympathy. After all, he never did anything bad to anyone. He was naturally kind and smart. Like most people in my youth, I dreamed of changing the world for the better, of making heroic deeds. And it wasn’t even vanity or ambition that made him want this. Oblomov didn’t even have this sin! He actually wanted to help, to be useful. Not to go down in history, but to make life easier for people. By the way, the lack of ambition also most likely played a role in the sad fate of Ilya Ilyich. But still... How did it happen that young, educated person from a wealthy family, full of ideas and aspirations, buried himself alive in a dusty room? How did he get to such a state where the most basic action (for example, writing a letter) already caused him to have a panic attack? How did a handsome young man turn into a loose mass of fat and sweat, towering over the sofa day and night?

About the reasons There are reasons for any phenomenon. They are also available here. It seems to me that “bummer” lives in every person without exception. We all don’t want difficulties, but want easy ways. And we happily skip classes if the opportunity arises and avoid doing homework. And we dream of winning a million so we can live off the interest and do nothing. Most people in the morning think about how tired they are of getting up so early and going somewhere, how they would like to stay at home, under a warm blanket. But, nevertheless, they rise and go. But Oblomov is not. He continues to lie, despite daily promises to himself to finally begin to act. Progress is a consequence of contradictions. One of them is between needs and opportunities. For example, you want to eat, but there is no money for food. A contradiction arose. To eliminate it, man walking work. And this is progress. And Oblomov had an organized life from childhood. He didn’t have to think about a piece of bread - he lived quietly on the income from the family estate... Therefore, he could afford to leave the service when he got tired of it. And don't run around looking for another place. If he were vain, he would not be able to be content with what he has, he would want more. But Ilya Ilyich had no ambitions. So, neither carrot nor stick worked out in his case. Plus the character's sharp mind. He also hurt him. Oblomov perfectly saw the shortcomings of people and the society around him as a whole. All this disgusted him. He did not want to dissolve in the gray mass, overcome by snobbery, philistinism and other diseases of fools. Ideally, it would be to do something, change something... Even just go to school - teach children, instill in them others, best qualities. But Oblomov, as they say, was sucked in. He remained a human being. With rich, but alas, not an ounce of realized potential. He was so stuck in his dusty swamp that even love for Olga - a strong, great feeling - could not pull him out of decay. And this was his faithful and, unfortunately, last chance... But the fear of the hassle associated with the upcoming marriage turned out to be stronger feelings. Having lost love, Oblomov was doomed. Like a heart overgrown with fat and therefore no longer able to function fully, it gradually faded away. The blows became quieter, less frequent... Until they stopped completely.

Conclusion Ilya Ilyich dies at the end of the novel. And my attitude towards Oblomov is permeated with sympathy. A uselessly lived life is always sad. But literary hero I didn’t live in vain. I think he saved and will save a lot of people from the trap of a soft sofa. Oblomov showed us all that we cannot relax. We need to act. Movement is life. And passivity leads to certain death.


  • my attitude towards Oblomov
  • my attitude towards Oblomov essay
  • essay my attitude towards Oblomov
  • essay on the topic of my attitude towards Oblomov
  • my opinion about Oblomov

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Essay on the topic “My attitude towards Oblomov”

A work such as “Oblomov”, which belongs to the pen famous writer Goncharova, I was very impressed. I was amazed by the life I lived main character, that is, Oblomov, and was also outraged by how he wasted his youth without even realizing how wrong it was.

What was this character like? Concerning appearance, then he was no more than thirty. He had a pleasant appearance, and his eyes were dark gray. In addition, this young man was also promising, since he was a nobleman and a collegiate secretary. But what is alarming is that this man has not left St. Petersburg for more than 12 years.

Oblomov was very lazy, which actually causes me some kind of hostility towards this hero. But in order to understand this attitude of his in life, you should pay attention to “Oblomov’s Dream”, where he dreamed of his native home and here we see how he was treated as a child. He was not allowed to do anything on his own. Therefore, such excessive care led to doom.

Actually, because of this, Oblomov became so lazy that at the dawn of his life he abandoned his position, put on a robe and lay down on his sofa, from which he did not get up. At first he read, but after that even this activity ceased to bring him even a grain of pleasure.

This man was so apathetic to everything around him that he wanted nothing more than to lie on the couch and do nothing else. At the same time, Oblomov finds an excuse for himself, which lies in the fact that he simply cannot find any activity that he likes, which is why he wastes his life so mediocrely.

But it seems to me that this is not the point at all, because if a person wants to find his calling or just a hobby, then he searches, and does not lie on the couch. That is, in order to develop interest in at least something, you need to show persistence.

However, the main character of the novel is not looking for any hobby, but is looking for excuses for himself and complains to his friend that the fact that there was no fire in his life is to blame for everything. But for this fire to appear, it must be kindled, and not complain about life while lying on the sofa.
Some people fight for their lives every day and are grateful to God for every minute they live. But Oblomov is not one of them, so such a person cannot inspire admiration. I just feel sorry for him.

Under no circumstances should you hide from adversity and say that there was simply no spark in life. Yes, there are a million of them, you just need not to miss that moment and everything will change. Life does not like the lazy and presents pleasant gifts only to those who live in constant struggle. For this reason this work and it ends so tragically. Even when Oblomov falls in love with a young girl, Olga, a spark ignites in him and he even finds the strength to go to the ward. However, soon everything comes back and Oblomov pushes his beloved away with his own weak character. But isn’t love the fire that Oblomov was expecting? Therefore, it is not surprising that soon this ceases to bring him happiness, and his wife becomes disappointed in her chosen one, because this is not at all what she expected from married life. And the hero himself soon dies.

I cannot despise Oblomov, because although he was completely indifferent to life, he still did nothing bad to anyone, except, of course, himself. Therefore, there is nothing to despise him for. He evokes only pity and sympathy.
Of course, this work is dramatic, but at the same time it shows us how not to behave and what laziness and apathy can lead to.