A person cannot live without society examples. Can a person exist outside of society? People who grew up outside society: examples

The topic of the relationship between man and society is relevant to this day. Society is a part of the world that lives and develops, has its own rules and values. The component of this group is none other than man. It is people who can influence the development of culture, technology and change the views of others. But it often happens that several opinions collide, which is where the conflict arises.

There are examples in the literature of social conflicts. Let's remember Chatsky from the comedy "Woe from Wit" by A. S. Griboedov. Chatsky, having own opinion, pits him against Famus society, condemns veneration, ignorance and bribery. There is a collision between the “present century” and the “past century”, because Chatsky is not used to lying and adjusting, and this does not suit Famus society.

Alexander Andreevich defends a real person, mind and culture. He expresses his point of view in disputes and conversations, directing his intelligence and determination to this. Those around him take revenge on Chatsky for the truth, which they cannot accept; they are taking revenge because Alexander tried to destroy their usual way of life. The young man accepts that he will not be able to find supporters and friends in Moscow; He is struck by the fact that Sophia loves Molchalin - such a mean and helpful person. This blow was the last for Chatsky - he practically runs away from Moscow, broken and broken. But at the same time, Alexander understands that he will not be able to live a full life outside of society. This honest and fair man it won't be easy.

I want to bring one more literary example. Consider the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Opinion". Pechorin found himself outside of society with its limitations and mediocrity. He did not want to try on any of the popular social networks. roles, so I always tried to become the exception to the rule. He plays with the destinies of other people, putting himself in atypical circumstances. Pechorin either convinces himself of his love for Bela, then feigns courtship in front of Marie, then sets off after Ondine. Looking for adventure, he ignores moral standards and interests. Gregory's peculiarity was aimed at destruction. This person suffers because of his alienation, his rebellion is meaningless. IN in this case society could teach and save a person if he listened to the opinions of others. But he didn’t listen - he pushed himself out of society, so not a single person could help him.

From my reasoning I want to conclude that man is a social being. Human development depends entirely on society, just as the development of society depends on man. Outside society, only degradation and madness are possible. In life, people develop qualities and talents that shape consciousness and intellect. And this can only be done in society.

Society is a society without which person life is difficult. The fear of loneliness is inherent in both young and old. But there are people for whom this is not fear at all, but a way of life - they feel free and independent. Why, in fact, cannot a person live without society?

Remember the hero popular book Robinson Crusoe. Thrown onto a desert island as a result of a shipwreck, he long years lived in complete solitude. True, without needing anything, because in a tropical climate it was possible to do without warm clothing, and they also managed to remove many useful, necessary things from the ship. In addition, Robinson obtained food without much difficulty, since there were goats on the island and tropical fruits and grapes grew in abundance. So, compared to his drowned comrades, he could feel like the darling of fate. Nevertheless, Robinson experienced a burning, painful melancholy. After all, he was alone. All his thoughts, all his desires were directed towards one thing: to return to people. What was Robinson missing? No one “stands over your soul”, tells you what to do and how to do it, or limits your freedom. But he lacked the most important thing - communication. After all, the entire history of human civilization testifies that only together, helping each other, people achieved success and overcame difficulties. It is no coincidence that the most terrible punishment among Stone Age people was considered expulsion from the clan or tribe. Such a person was simply doomed. Division of responsibilities and mutual assistance are the two main foundations on which the well-being of any human being is based. society: starting from the family and ending with the state. Not a single person, even with colossal physical strength and the sharpest, deepest mind will not be able to do as much as a group of people. Simply because he has no one to rely on, no one to consult with, no one to outline a work plan, no one to ask for help. There is no one to give instructions and no one to control, finally, if he is a clear leader by nature. The feeling of loneliness will sooner or later lead to depression, and it can take the most severe forms. The same Robinson, in order not to go crazy from despair and melancholy, was forced to take a number of measures: he regularly kept a diary, made notches on his primitive “calendar” - a pillar dug into the ground, talked out loud with a dog, cats and a parrot. There are situations when when even the most proud and independent person just need help. For example, in case of a serious illness. What if there is no one nearby, and no one to even turn to? This could end very sadly. Finally, no self-respecting person can live without purpose. He needs to set some goals for himself and achieve them. But - such is the peculiarity of the human psyche - what is the use of achieving a goal if no one sees or appreciates it? What will all the efforts be for? So it turns out that a person cannot do without society.

Each of us is a member of society, the only difference is in activity: someone willingly participates in the lives of other people, someone avoids them. However, we are all part of one big association, so it is important to find with its other elements mutual language. But too much influence from this system of relationships can harm us and deprive us of our individuality. As a result, we came to the conclusion that we need to find golden mean between two extremes of relationship with society. Since this is difficult to do, it often happens that a person finds himself outside of society, that is, he is superfluous in its hierarchy and cannot find a place for himself in it. This collection presents arguments from the literature for the final essay in the direction of “Man and Society,” illustrating examples when a person is alienated from his circle and breaks all ties with it.

  1. In Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" the hero becomes disillusioned with Famusov society and intends to break off relations with him. Alexander Andreevich, although he is a full member of this chosen circle by birthright, does not find understanding in him. His value system is fundamentally different from what the Skalozubs, Repetilovs and Molchalins worship. For example, he does not want to serve, that is, to achieve career heights through hypocrisy and sycophancy. He is also not satisfied with the conservatism of the Moscow elite, which does not shy away from cruel treatment of peasants and meanness in the service, but is afraid of positive changes and progressive views. Thus, Chatsky was faced with a choice between remaining faithful to his ideals and communicating with a vicious society. He chose to live outside his circle to protect himself from its harmful influence.
  2. In Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace, Andrei Bolkonsky flees from the noble salons to the battlefield, just so as not to hear any more hypocritical speeches and idle chatter. The effeminacy and aimlessness of the lives of people from his social circle are alien to him. The hero is bored even with his wife, who shares their way of thinking. He did not find a common language with his surroundings due to the fact that his father raised him differently. Bolkonsky Sr. was a stern and efficient person who did not tolerate idle talk. He was rarely known for his hospitality and did not visit guests himself. But he worked hard and devoted time to raising his children. Thus, we can conclude that the rejection of traditional public values originates in the family, where the personality was formed under other influences.
  3. In Sholokhov's epic novel " Quiet Don» Gregory goes against the conventions of his community. The Cossacks always had priority family bonds: children obeyed their parents, younger ones obeyed their elders, wives were faithful to their husbands, husbands to their wives, etc. They all worked on the land, and family unity was the key to survival, because so much work could not be done by one person. So, Melekhov violated centuries-old traditions, refusing to live according to the will of his father: he cheats on his wife with married woman, and after a series of scandals he leaves the village altogether, leaving the family. All this happened because the hero was an independent and freedom-loving person with an extraordinary mind. He realized that the traditions of his grandfathers and fathers could be wrong or unfair. He also doubted his father’s authority and society’s right to condemn his choice. Of course, the hero made many mistakes, but one cannot deny him the opportunity to achieve personal happiness without the gossip and opinions of the crowd. Here is an example of how an individual can rebel against society and very successfully.
  4. We can see an example of an extra person in Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time.” Pechorin, with his individuality, found himself outside of society with its limitations and mediocrity. He did not want to try on any of the popular social roles, so I was always looking for opportunities to become an exception to the rule. So, he plays with the destinies of other people, putting himself in atypical circumstances, having fun. Either he convinces himself of his love for Bela, then he plays courtship in front of Marie, then he sets off after Ondine. In pursuit of new experiences, he ignores the moral standards and interests of his fellow travelers, becoming dangerous to society. Gregory's exceptionalism was aimed not at creation, but at destruction, destructive, immoral, frightening. His rebellion against his environment was senseless and without mercy, but for what? He was still unhappy and sick with his alienation. In this case, society could teach a person a lot, save him, if he listened to the voice from the outside. He didn’t listen, so not a single person from one circle or another could help Grigory, be it Bela, Maxim Maksimych or Dr. Werner.
  5. In Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" main character was forcibly separated from society. It cannot be said that the Master was an ardent oppositionist and somehow criticized the political system, but he was not understood, and, therefore, not accepted. Critics humiliated the author and his work, editors refused to publish, a neighbor wrote a denunciation, and it all ended with imprisonment in a mental hospital. All the world, except for one single Margot, turned his back to the hero. However, in the process of reading, we understand that this persecution was necessary for a real artist so that he would not become as mediocre and tame as the graphomaniacs on chains in power who slandered him. Therefore, in this case, a person had to be outside of society in order to understand his true purpose.
  6. In Lermontov's poem "Mtsyri" the hero was captured and languished in prison far from his homeland. The dissolution of family ties with the society of which he was a member by birthright deeply wounded his soul, depriving it of peace and happiness. The young man was homesick, for the people who were close to him. He did not want the loneliness to which he was doomed. And not in vain, because we understand how much Mtsyri could do for his country. It was there that he could realize his potential and warm someone with the fire of his heart. From this example we can conclude that alienation from society is not always liberation from evil or the ultimate dream talented person. It may also be the tragedy of a prisoner who is tenderly attached to kindred spirits outside the prison where he is imprisoned.
  7. In Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" Bazarov - extra person. He does not find a place for himself in the existing class system. Therefore, he demonstratively despises the nobles and reaches out to the people, in whom he sees more of his characteristic traits. However, he is hopelessly far from the common people, because his education and categorical nature are not understandable to the ignorant and conservative peasants. So he finds himself outside of society with his progressive ideas and scientific thinking. Loneliness and alienation torment him, but this is revealed only at the end of the novel, when he lies on his deathbed and laments his restlessness. Thus, isolation from people does not make a person happy; on the contrary, it often brings suffering.
  8. In Bunin's story "Mr. from San Francisco", the hero deliberately alienates himself from society, because arrogance does not allow him to be on the same wavelength with those around him. He measures everyone by the size of their wallet, and does not notice those whose wealth is less than his. For him they are just service staff, not worthy of attention. It seemed that such a stratification of society was natural, the rich and the poor would not find a common language, but the author, in the symbolic name of the ship (“Atlantis”), hints that such a “natural” way of life leads us all to disaster. This is how it turns out in the finale: the gentleman dies, and his body, which no longer promises a tip, is put away in a soda box. The moral catastrophe that has already occurred is obvious, which has led all passengers to general indifference towards each other. No one expressed regret, no one stopped the fun and dancing, although nearby lay the corpse of the one who had been so thoroughly pleased just recently. This example shows that the conflict between the individual and society is not always beautiful and romantic. IN real life it can lead to tragedy for all involved.
  9. In Bulgakov's story " dog's heart“The professor is outside of society, since he is a representative of the intelligentsia in the country of the victorious proletariat. The majority of people, due to propaganda from above, hate his “bourgeois” way of life and do not understand his values. Preobrazhensky, in their opinion, takes up an undeserved amount of space in the house and enjoys unaffordable luxury, inaccessible ordinary people. Shvonder and others like him do not recognize the merits of the scientist. They are ready to tear the hero to pieces out of envy of his intelligence and position. But Philip Philipovich does not give in to provocations. He manages to abstract himself from the majority and preserve best qualities past: spirituality, nobility, erudition. Against the backdrop of a rude and vulgar crowd, the professor looks like Gulliver among the Lilliputians. Society will never be able to see the scale of such a brilliant personality up close; this takes centuries.
  10. In Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" man walking against society. He belittles him in his eyes, calling himself a judge and “having the right.” The hero literally becomes ill with the idea of ​​his superiority and, in a fit of “justice,” destroys two lives. The reason for this spiritual ill-health and subsequent events is the fact that Raskolnikov dropped out of society for some time: he was expelled from the university, abandoned part-time work, and was far from his family. Lack of communication and understanding led him to a mental state that only people could dispel. Finding understanding in the person of Sonya, Rodion recovers and returns to the society from which he excluded himself. Gradually he realizes that love for others is the true calling of any soul.
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Personality and society - perhaps none of the other topics has caused so much debate and has not become the subject of so many works by outstanding minds of mankind. Is an individual capable of living outside of society - one of the most relevant issues in all historical times questions.

Since ancient times, many peoples have had very interesting rituals associated with the initiation of adulthood. Some of their details may seem to modern man wild and even creepy. For example, long-term separation from the community was assumed (symbolizing placement in a certain sacred environment in which new knowledge was supposed to be acquired), often accompanied by additional prohibitions - a taboo on talking, the requirement to be in complete darkness, etc.

Moreover, such “disgrace” could continue for quite a considerable period of time - from a week to a year. Among other effects, such forced isolation gave rise to a literally inextinguishable thirst for communication in those who went through it. Having lost access to this simple everyday pastime, people literally languished from the inability to satisfy one of the most important needs - communication.

This example is further proof of the thesis that man is unthinkable without society. Not only the extrovert (who can go crazy from utter loneliness), but also the most complete introvert.

This kind of torment was experienced, in particular, by Dr. Robert Neville, Will Smith’s character in the film “I Am Legend.” Remaining in a metropolis dying from a terrible virus, at night flooded with half-zombie, half-vampire creatures generated by this infection ( former people, who received their status as evil spirits as by-effect from a new anti-cancer drug), and during the day swarming with those who wandered from the surrounding forests wild animals, he is trying to find his own kind (if at least some of them managed to survive a grandiose biological disaster).

So as not to go crazy from the absence social environment, Dr. Neville, in desperation, invents some semblance of communication. At a video rental point, for example, he sets up figures of people he was used to meeting there in the “pre-virus” time, and speaks to them, imitating normal communication.

Such a craving for basic communication among representatives of humanity in forced isolation is not surprising. It was the continuous exchange of information that brought people to that high level - especially in comparison with the times ancient history- the stage of development at which they are now, without interrupting their further progress towards progress.

Interacting with his own kind, cooperating with them, voluntarily or involuntarily undergoing training in what others know and own, a specific representative human race not only grows on a personal level. He is also developing as a professional, as someone who knows how to work for the benefit of others, and to feel like one of the creators of something valuable and significant.

Through such an exchange with the help communication means, the return of accumulated experience is carried out and the so-called continuity of generations, important for the survival and enhancement of global human achievements. In other words, young members of society absorb the knowledge accumulated by their ancestors, gradually adding to it something of their own, recently discovered and realized, harmoniously complementing - and at the same time refuting in some nuances - previous knowledge.

Psychologists from all over the planet have long come to the conclusion: homo sapiens is a biosocial being, and for the fullest feeling of happiness, harmony and well-being, he urgently needs the awareness that he is not alone. Moreover, support is important not only from loved ones and relatives, but also from strangers (which was confirmed by some experiments - in particular, from Argentine scientists). Therefore, the question of whether a person can live without society hardly, by and large, allows for a positive answer.

Outside of society, a person finds himself in a kind of information vacuum, deprived of the most important evaluation tools that help determine the value and real importance of his achievements. Growing up in society, an individual also absorbs acceptable moral and ethical guidelines, understanding already during his childhood that outside these generally accepted norms, violating them is unlikely to result in full interaction with others.

In addition, such restrictive social frameworks also provide a feeling of safety, reliability, and even protection. Any member of society can be sure that his ability to survive in such an environment will be many times higher than on his own.

Anyone who is deprived of communication with others will not be able to grow into a full-fledged person. The literature says a lot of negative things about what a person without society is. Examples of this include the stories of Robinson Crusoe and Mowgli. By the way, in reality there were many people who grew up among animals. Not one of them was subsequently able to adapt to a full existence among other people.

Thus, outside of society, neither personal, nor spiritual, nor any other development is simply impossible. Thrown out of society, a person will lose guidance in his own progress through life, and it will be easy for him to slide down the path of degradation.

Outside of society? It's pretty important topic, which will allow you to take a broader look at the problems of the individual and society.


Let us begin our consideration of this topic with the fact that every individual- this is in any case. It doesn’t matter whether he admits it or not, whether he wants it or not. The difference between people lies in how actively they participate in public life. Someone actively takes part in this area and feels like an important participant in the process. Someone, on the contrary, shuns everything, wanting to remain in the shadows and not leave their cocoon. This question is quite relevant in modern world, and it is definitely sharp.

It should be noted that people in society today are divided into two groups, standing at different poles:

  • The first group are those who are always craving attention and recognition.
  • The second group are those who want to remain in the shadows as often as possible. They love a quiet and private life. Most often, however, these can be active, cheerful and joyful people. But they are like this only in their select circle of trusted people. In a new team or simply in the company of 2-3 new people, such individuals remain silent and withdraw into themselves.

It is impossible to say which of the above is bad and which is good. What is certain is that extremes are always bad. You shouldn't be a completely closed person or too open. A person should always have some kind of personal space to which no one has access.


We must understand that a person is unthinkable outside of society. Despite this, purely physically, he can survive alone. However, in this case he will lose his humanity and a certain level development. Such cases are repeated in the history of mankind. We will talk about them in more detail below.

All people are part of society, so they must be able to find a common language among themselves and negotiate. However, too much exposure to the influence of this system ultimately leads to the loss of one’s individuality. Very often a person is unthinkable outside of society, since he sets certain limiting boundaries for himself. In this case, he either falls out of the system or becomes dependent on it.

Can a person exist outside of society? Yes, but with difficulty. Dropping out of the system public relations, a person simply loses his bearings in life. He considers himself trash and often seeks death. It’s a completely different matter when a person is unhappy with the established system of relationships and wants to break out of it. In this case, a person feels liberated after breaking all ties. Over time, he forms a certain circle around him that shares his interests.

Through the centuries

At the same time, we must understand that in history the excommunication of a person from society has always been a harsh punishment. We also understand that if a person can do without other people, then society without individuals can not. People often say that they like to be alone with themselves. They do better with books, technology, nature. But such people do not always understand the importance and depth of their words.

The fact is that without society at all, a person feels normal only if he leaves it consciously and feels the strength to create a new environment. If excommunication occurs by force or as a result of some kind of guilt, then it is very difficult to survive such a situation. Not everyone is able to withstand this, so depression or obsessive desire suicide.


A conflict between society and a person arises when a person does not want to obey or accept certain norms. Man is a social being, therefore, under equal conditions, he needs other people. By communicating, we gain new experience, solve our internal problems, by projecting them onto others. And the main importance of all the people around us is that they solve our problems, and we solve theirs. Only in the process of interaction can all this be understood and felt. Analysis and psychoanalysis are possible only on the basis of some experience. By itself, it does not carry anything.

Conflict in society occurs very often. However, it has a certain character that does not allow one to go beyond the established framework. Man can solve this problem different ways. In fact, no one can forbid us to go to another country, change our minds, or transform the society around us.

In literature

We can observe the development of man outside society in many examples in the literature. This is where you can trace internal changes in personality, his difficulties and successes. An example of a person outside of society can be taken in the work of M. Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”.

Note that Grigory Pechorin enters into conflict. He feels that society consciously lives by fake and fake rules. At first, he does not want to get close to someone at all, does not believe in friendship and love, considering it all a farce and satisfying his own whims. But at the same time, Pechorin, without noticing it, begins to get closer to Dr. Werner and even falls in love with Mary.

He deliberately pushes away those who are drawn to him, and to whom he reciprocates. His justification is the thirst for freedom. This pathetic man doesn’t even understand that he needs people much more than they need him. As a result, he dies without understanding the meaning of his existence. Pechorin's trouble is that he was too carried away by the rules of society and closed his heart. And you should have listened to him. It would find the right path.

People who grew up outside of society

Most often these are children who grew up in wild conditions. WITH early years they were isolated and did not receive human warmth and care. They can be raised by animals or simply exist in isolation. Such people are very valuable to researchers. It has been proven that if children had some social experience before going wild, then their rehabilitation will be much easier. But those who lived in the company of animals from 3 to 6 years will practically not be able to learn human language, walk upright and communicate.

Even living the next years among people, Mowgli cannot get used to the whole world around them. Moreover, there are frequent cases when such people escape to their original living conditions. Scientists say that this only once again confirms the fact that the first years of his life are incredibly important for a person.

So, can a person exist outside of society? Complex issue, the answer to which is different in each case. We note that everything depends on the specific conditions and circumstances, as well as on how the person feels about his isolation. So can a person exist outside of society?..