Formation of new words-names of baby animals using the suffixes onok, yonok. The meaning of the word -onok- in Efremova’s explanatory dictionary. Is there a suffix onok in Russian?

Kolomytseva Elena Gennadievna
Learning to write the suffixes “-Yonok”, “-Onok”


Class: 2

Item: Russian language

Program: UMC "Primary school of the XXI century"

Subject: Learning to write suffixes -yonok-,-onok-

Lesson type: lesson in learning new material

Target: creating conditions for assimilation spelling of noun suffixes -yonok-,-onok-

Tasks:1. Build skills competently write suffixes -yonok-, -onok-;

2. Contribute to the development of spelling vigilance and logical thinking;

3. Improve the skill of independent work and work in pairs;

4. Contribute to the cultivation of a culture of educational work, interest in the subject through a situation of success and mutual trust.

Planned results:

Subject: Metasubject: Personal:

Organization of monitoring writing suffixes -onok-, -enok-;

Introduction to the Rule writing;

Working out the algorithm for applying the rule.

Cognitive: formation of educational motivation, adequate self-esteem.

Formation of the ability to structure knowledge, learn to draw conclusions and generalizations;

Apply the algorithm;

Search and selection of necessary information;


Formation of the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities;

Monitoring and evaluation of educational activities;


Development of skills of collective cooperation with peers and the teacher, the ability to express one’s thoughts;

Formation of the ability to listen and engage in dialogue, express one’s thoughts, and work in pairs.

Name of stage Teacher activity Student activity

I. Motivational and orientation stage

1)Org. moment.

Motivation. - Hello, guys, let's start the Russian language lesson.

The lesson begins

It will be useful for the guys,

Try to understand everything

Learn to reveal secrets,

Give complete answers,

To get paid for work

Just a mark "five"!

Let's wish each other success today lesson:


and everywhere! Children are encouraged to actively work in class.

2) Updating and recording individual difficulties in a trial action.

1. Finger gymnastics.

Boys and girls in our class are friends

(fingers are joined into a lock)

You and I will make friends little fingers

One two three four five

(rhythmic touching of fingers of both hands)

One two three four five

(hands down, shake your hands.)

2. Just a minute penmanship.

Decipher which letters we will be working with today in a minute penmanship:

This letter denotes a consonant sound; it can only be hard, sonorous, and is found in the words friendship, beetle, dinner.

This letter denotes a sound; in the word feel it comes at the beginning of the word.

This letter represents the sound that comes at the end of the root in the word pencil.

Let's write these letters.

What do these letters have in common?

Which letter is missing?

3. Vocabulary work.

-Read the words:

J...jealousy, k...rtina, b...reza, k...nki, v...rona, z...yats, r...sunok, m...dved.

What two groups can these words be divided into?

Girls - write down words that begin with soft consonants,

Boys, write down words that begin with hard consonants. Underline the spelling and put emphasis.

4. Independent work.

(while vocabulary work is going on, 3 students work independently near the board).

1st student - insert the missing letters, select test words.


Student 2 - insert the missing letters, select test words.

3 student - insert the missing letters, select test words.




Examination: the student names the spelling, the letter that he inserted, the test word, the rest of the students show with signals whether the work was done correctly or not.

5. Frontal conversation.

What do dictionary words have in common?

What is a noun?

What do you know about a noun?

Name the animate nouns that appeared in the vocabulary work.

In what part of the word are the spellings that we repeated?

What is a root?

What does the root contain?

What other parts of the word do you know?

What is ending?

What is the ending for?

What part of the word is called suffix?

What is it used for? suffix?

Form diminutive nouns from these vocabulary words.

How were these words formed?

Let's determine using which suffix new words were formed? What do I need to do?

Analyzes the composition and determines suffixes.

6. Independent work.

(while front work is going on, 1 student works near the board)

-Match words to the diagrams:

Fungus metro water school movie day

Examination: the student reads the words for each diagram, the rest of the students show with signals whether the work was done correctly or mistakes were made.

Students perform hand movements and stretch their fingers for writing.

F h w w h w f h w

They are consonant.

Ch- denotes a soft consonant, zh, sh - always hard.

They begin with soft and hard consonants.

Village, birch, drawing, bear.

Painting, skates, crow, hare.

L...snik - forest

In... wild water


Holy shit - pain

Shu...ka-fur coat

Ska...ka- say berry

Tra...ka- grass

Location - place

Ser…tse - heartfelt

Participant…nickname - participation

Danger - to be afraid

These are nouns.

This is a part of speech that indicates the name of an object and answers questions "Who? What?"

Noun name There are proper and common nouns, animate and inanimate.

Bear, crow, hare.

This is a common part of related words.

Ending, suffix.

A variable part of a word that serves to connect words in a sentence.

The part of a word that comes after the root and serves to form new words.

Teddy bear, bunny, crow

By using suffixes.

Select the ending, the root, and then determine suffix.

Fungus metro school

Water movie day

II. Operational and executive

3).Determining the topic of the lesson.

So, with the help of what suffixes Can you form the names of the babies?

Did you find it difficult which suffix must be written?

So this is the wrong place.

Which part of the word did we doubt?

Determine the topic of our lesson.

What goal will we set for ourselves?

Onok-, onok.

IN suffix

-Spelling of suffixes –onok-, -young-.

Must learn write words with suffixes -onok-, yonok-.

– Get acquainted with the rule, using which you can correctly write words with the suffixes –onok– and –yonok–.)

4).Identification of the location and cause of the difficulty

How can we find out about this?

Which path do you choose?

Let's determine when it is written suffix -yonok-, and when - -onok-

Gra “Name the cub!”

Tiger cub?

Baby walrus?

Baby cow?

Baby mouse?

Baby fox?

Baby squirrel?

(Words appear on the board)

Let's play the role of researchers.

Pay attention to the letter before suffix.

What conclusion can we draw?


after soft consonants, except

is written suffix -yonok-.

After hard consonants and h is written suffix -onok-.

Let's check if we made the right conclusion.

compare with the rule in the textbook.

- Take it out yourself.

Tiger cub walrus

calf mouse

Little fox squirrel

Tiger Cub – suffix -yonok-, before suffix there is a soft consonant sound p. Etc.

We read the rule in chorus.

5).Building a project to get out of the difficulty

Let's check how you remember the rule.

Is it possible to say that after all soft consonants it is written suffix -enok-?

Is it possible to say that suffix -onok- written only after hard consonants?

You have formulated and remembered the rule, can we end the lesson here?

How to consolidate the acquired knowledge?

What goal will you set for yourself at this stage of the lesson?

So that you can put the rule into practice yourself, let’s create an algorithm actions:

(Pair work. Children discuss their options with each other.)

1) I select the root.

Determining which consonant sound comes before suffix;

2) If there is a soft consonant, except for [h"], I write -young-(tiger cub)

If there is a hard consonant and [h"] – I write -onok-(wolf cub).

Compare your algorithms with the algorithm in the textbook.

No, because after [h’] it is written -onok-.

No, because also after [h’].

No, knowledge needs to be consolidated.


6).Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech. 1. Application algorithm: (with commenting near the board)


Little Frog

2. Differentiated work

Group 1 – r. t. with 68 exercises No. 1

Group 2 – r. t.s. 69 exercises No. 2 (stronger)

Examination: according to the standard from the board.

3. Differentiated work.

Textbook p. 121 ex. No. 1

Row 1, row 3 – work in pairs.

1st row – ;

3rd row – .

2nd row - work according to options:

Option 1- write down words with the suffix -onok-;

Option 2 - write down words with the suffix –yonok-.

Examination: one student reads, the rest check.


When you hear words with

Enok - sit down, with -onok- jump

Elk calf, calf, little chick, tiger cub, squirrel.

Well done.

4. Game "Editor."- correct mistakes in words.

Little dog, little ostrich,

Teddy bear, bunny,

Little badger, eaglet,


5. Make up phrases:

Little wolf

Stupid tiger

Hungry mouse

Sort out the words according to their composition. (by rows)

Make up sentences using the received phrases.

1 group:

Little Teddy Bear

Badger little hare

Tiger cub

Piglet foal


Teen Wolf



Little haircut, little squirrel, little rook, little turkey,

little mouse, little bird,

little frog.


Chicken, baby elephant, little fox,

Little lynx, kid, child,

Students correct mistakes and write down words Right:

Little dog

Baby Ostrich

Teddy Bear




III. Reflective-evaluative stage.

1) Reflection

What goal did you set for yourself?

1. I understood everything, -!

2. Any questions left?

3. I didn’t understand anything - -

Teacher assessment.

Children evaluate their work in class.

2) Homework Learn the rule, page 122,

ex. 2 – according to options

Option 1 – write down words with the suffix enok.

Option 2 - write down words with the suffix onok.

Well done! I really liked the way you worked.

Thank you for the lesson! The lesson is over. Children write down and review their homework.

According to school curriculums, the period when children learn words with the suffix -enok is 3rd grade. Words with this suffix often cause difficulties in word formation and spelling.

These difficulties are associated primarily with phonetics, namely, when sounding the letter -e- it produces the sound [o]. For example, the word “little fox” containing the letter -e- in the suffix will look like this in transcription: [l`is`onok]. Thus, the letter -e-, when sounded after a soft consonant [s`], is transformed into the sound [o].

Therefore, when studying this topic, it is important to pay special attention to the formation of new words using the indicated suffixes, as well as the correct choice of -o- and -e- in their spelling.

In addition to clear rules governing the choice of a suffix in a given word-formation situation, there are some aspects that determine the use of a given affix in terms of the semantic load that it gives to the original word. You should pay special attention to this.

Newly formed forms are used depending on the semantic meaning with which the word being formed is endowed.

Words with the suffix -onok/-enok: examples

Examples of words with the suffix -onok:

  • little jackdaw;
  • teddy bear;
  • little owl;
  • frog;
  • barrel;
  • little chicken;
  • little turk;
  • bunny;
  • baby squirrel;
  • baby rabbit;
  • little dog;
  • cuckoo;
  • haircut;
  • little bird;
  • little turtle;
  • spider;
  • little mouse;
  • crustacean;
  • hedgehog;
  • walrus;
  • grandson;
  • badger;
  • Cossack;
  • baby camel;
  • little boy;
  • sexton;
  • turkey poult;
  • wolf cub
  • rook;
  • shepherd boy;
  • Chinese boy.

Examples of words with the suffix -enok:

  • duckling;
  • kitty;
  • little animal;
  • owlet;
  • little devil;
  • imp;
  • oiler;
  • honey fungus;
  • little fox;
  • pig;
  • lion cub;
  • gosling;
  • kid;
  • crow;
  • baby crane;
  • eaglet;
  • baby elephant;
  • calf;
  • dolls;
  • chick;
  • cook;
  • kid;
  • baby kangaroo;
  • stork;
  • little rat;
  • fawn;
  • little shoot;
  • calf;
  • tiger cub


The word-forming suffixes -onok/-enok are in most cases used to create masculine words denoting the names of baby animals.

These affixes perform a word-forming function and serve to create new words with a specific lexical meaning.

However, denoting names is not the only function that these morphemes perform. Words with the suffixes -enok and -onok have a diminutive or disparaging meaning, and indicate the childishness and immaturity of the designated concepts. Therefore, before using a word with this suffix, it is important not only to know the rules of its spelling, but also to determine the context of the speech situation in which it will be used.

For example.

Source word

Words with the suffix -enok - examples of words

Lexical meaning of a new word

baby cat

fox cub


baby hare

little squirrel

baby squirrel

shepherd boy

representative of the profession “shepherd” of childhood


representative of the profession "farm laborer" of childhood or in a disparaging sense

Chinese boy

child whose nationality is “Chinese”

container having a smaller size in relation to the original concept

Animal names using a different word paradigm

The derivational suffix -onok/-enok can be used to form not all names of baby animals. For example, there are names of animals whose names use a different word paradigm.

For example.

Examples of animal names for which the suffixes -onok/-enok cannot be used

There are names of animals for which the suffix cannot be used to designate their young.

For example:

giraffe - baby giraffe, hippopotamus - baby hippopotamus.

There is no clear rule regulating the use or non-use of these suffixes with a specific word. The main reason here is historical. Therefore, you should simply remember such words in order to avoid future mistakes in word formation.

Rules for forming words using the suffix -e (o) nok

To determine which word with the suffix -enok or with the suffix -onok should be written in a particular case, you must be guided by the following rules.

Words with the suffix -onok- are written:

In words-names of animals, the stem of which ends in hissing, under stress:

bear - bear cub

mouse - mouse

hedgehog - hedgehog

frog - frog

Words with the suffix -enok are written:

In words with a base on a soft consonant (with the exception of [h`]):

Formation of words with suffixes -onok/-enok

To create words with the suffix -enok, you need to separate the stem of the word and, guided by the rules for the formation of new words, attach the desired suffix to it. Thus, the scheme for the formation of a new word form looks like this:

word base + suffix -e (o) nok + ending (if necessary)

Source word

Word formation basis

Final word

Suffix selection

The stem of the final word ends in a soft, non-sizzling [v`] - derivational suffix -enok.

The stem of the final word ends in a soft, non-sizzling [s`] - the word-forming suffix -enok.

The stem ends in hissing [sh] - the word-forming suffix -onok.


The stem ends in a hissing [h] - the word-forming suffix -onok.

When forming new words, special attention should be paid to the alternation of consonant letters in the initial and final words.

Words with the suffix -enok: examples of words with alternating consonants at the base

It should be noted that in some cases, when words with these affixes are formed, consonant sounds alternate at the morphemic seam. So, they alternate:

1) Rear-lingual/hissing: rabbit - little rabbit, wolf - little wolf.

2) D/f, d’/f: bear - little bear.

3) Paired soft ones: fox - fox cub, cat - kitten.

Algorithm for the formation of new words using the suffixes -enok/-onok

Thus, to correctly spell a word, you must follow the following sequence:

1) Select the stem of the original word.

2) Determine what the stem ends with (what consonant sound precedes the suffix):

  • for hissing - we write the suffix -onok;
  • for soft, non-sizzling or [ch`] - we write the suffix -enok.

Using the suffixes -onok/-enok to form words that do not denote the names of baby animals

In some cases, these suffixes are used to form words that do not denote the name of the baby animal.

In such situations, this suffix may indicate a representative of a certain nation, social stratum, or professional. belonging.

However, when using a word with this affix in a specific speech situation, you should remember some of the disparaging meaning that this morpheme gives.

For example:

  • shepherd - shepherd boy;
  • person - child;
  • cook - cook;
  • gypsy - gypsy child;
  • animal - small animal;
  • Chinese - Chinese.

When choosing the spelling -e- or -o- in a suffix for a given type of word, the same rule is used.

Declension of nouns with suffixes -onok/-enok

Forming from the original word by adding this affix to the stem, we get a word with the suffix -enok and either the same word form with the suffix -onok.

For example:

  • elephant - baby elephant □;
  • cat - kitten □;
  • jackdaw - little jackdaw □;
  • farmhand - farmhand □.

When declension of nouns formed using these suffixes, the vowel “o” is dropped.

For example:

little squirrel - little squirrel, hedgehog - little hedgehog, little devil - little devil.

Sometimes, when forming nouns, the root vowel is dropped, so we get a word that differs in the sound composition of the base from the original word.

For example:

  • lion, but: lion cub;
  • eagle, but: eaglet.

Plural formation of nouns with suffixes -enok/-onok

When forming the plural of nouns, this affix in the plural is replaced by -at/-yat.

For example:

  • lion - lion cub - But: lion cubs, lion cubs;
  • mammoth - baby mammoth - But: mammoths, mammoths;
  • hedgehog - hedgehog - But: hedgehogs, hedgehogs;
  • rabbit - little rabbit - But: little rabbits, little rabbits.

When inflecting words in the plural after -at/-yat, the ending of the corresponding case is used.

For example:

This rule applies only to words denoting the names of the babies, as well as to the words honey fungus (honey agarics, honey agarics) and butterdish (butter, butter). This rule does not apply to other words with this suffix.


barrel - barrel - But: barrels, barrels.

Thus, the rules for using the suffixes -onok/-enok are simple. The only problem may arise with memorizing words that defy word-formation rules.

Educational goal: learn to form new words using suffixes
- ONOK - , - ENOK - .

Developmental goal: enriching the vocabulary with words that name baby animals, as well as generalizing words, developing fine motor skills of the fingers and creative thinking.

Educational goal: education of communication skills.

Equipment: pictures of animals, cards.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Updating basic knowledge.

A). - Remember what we talked about in the last lesson? (About diminutive suffixes).
- What is the suffix for? (For the formation of new words).
- What suffixes do you know? (onk, enk, ushk, yushk, yshk, k, ochk, echk).
- Find the extra word.
Apple, apricot, orange. (Apple because there is no suffix in the word; other words have diminutive suffixes).
- Call it in one word. (Fruits) .
- Carrot, tomato, cucumber. (Tomato) .
- Call it in one word. (Vegetables) .
- Masha, Larisonka, Olenka. (Masha).
-Call it in one word. (Names).
- How do we call objects using diminutive suffixes?

B). Development of fine motor skills of fingers.

To work well and quickly, let's do finger exercises.
We made a bun
From the flour of his sides.
Crushed, crushed, squeezed
They created a round ball.
Rolled over the palm
We removed it for the other one.
slightly tossed up
And they caught him by the sides.
If you like him,
Help yourself, I'll give it to you.

3. Formation of new concepts.

Work on the board and on cards.

Guess who we're going to talk about today?
They run in the forest and in the field.
They swim in the river and in the sea.
Can jump and fly
And they can become friends.
But in a big city,
The zoo is their main home. (These are animals). Slide number 2.

What animals do you know? (Tigers, lynxes, bears).
- Listen to the word ANIMALS.
- How many vowel sounds are there in the word ANIMALS? (4).
- How many syllables are there in this word? (4).
- Why? (Since there are 4 vowel sounds).
- How many consonants are there in this word? (5).
- How many sounds are there in total? (9).
- Lay out a diagram of the word.
- Now write this word in your notebook.
- How many letters are in the word? (8).
- Why are there more sounds in a word than letters? (The letter E after vowels is 2 sounds). -What word is hidden in the word ANIMALS? (THE BElly, HERE).

Guys! The word ANIMALS is Old Slavonic. It was formed from the word ANIMAL-
LIFE (not sparing your belly means not sparing your life).
- What is the root of the word? ANIMALS? (STOMACH).
- So, what cognate words can be chosen for the word? (STOMACH,

Write down these words, highlight the root. (BELLY).
- What rule did you remember? (ZHI-SHI).
- Well done guys, you completed the task.
- Today we will go to visit the zoo. But our animals are in trouble.
- They lost their cubs. Let's return the babies to their mothers.
- Guess which animals lost them.

Sharp teeth, he has no time for games.
Striped and menacing…… (Tiger). Slide number 3.
- What should we call the cub tiger? (Tiger cub). Slide No. 4.
- So the tiger cub returned to his mother.
- Name the root in the words TIGER, TIGER CUB. (Tiger).
- Which part of the word helped us name the tiger cub? (Wizard ENOK).
- Today our lesson topic is... ( Suffixes naming baby animals). Write the suffix into the word on the card and highlight it.

Well done boys.
The king of beasts is a big cat.
He growls a little out of anger.
He sleeps in the den, having eaten,
He wears a mane, formidable…….. (Leo). Slide number 5.
-Name the lion cub. (Lion cub). Slide No. 6.
-Here is the lion cub with its mother.
- Add a suffix to the word, highlight the root.

A bushy tail sticks out from the top.
What is this strange little animal?
He cracks the nuts finely,
Well, of course it is……. (Squirrel). Slide number 7.
- Name the baby squirrel. (Little squirrel). Slide number 8.
- Thank you guys, the squirrel is glad that now she and the baby squirrel are together.
-Add a suffix to the word, highlight the root.

He lives in a remote forest,
He is big and club-footed.
Loves berries and honey
And in winter he sucks his paw. (Bear). Slide number 9.
- Name the cub of the bear. (Teddy bear). Slide number 10.
- Here is the mother bear hugging her cub.
- Add a suffix to this word, highlight the root.
- You guys completed the task correctly, and now all the animals are with their
children are very happy to be together.
- Which part of the word helped us name baby animals? (Wizard - suffix ONOK, ENOK).
- When is the suffix ONOK written in a word? (After a hard consonant).
- When is ENOK written in a word? (After a soft consonant.)

4. And now you and I will be poets. Our task is to return words to their place.

Slides No. 11-12.
(Work using cards and pictures).
Insert appropriate words to name the baby animals.

______________________ is tall.

______________________ has a fluffy tail.

______________________ have strong horns.

______________________ have thin legs.

_______________________ have thick lips,

And ______________________ has strong teeth.

Think for yourself about the hedgehog, about the snake and about the siskin. (Orally).
(The hedgehog has sharp needles). (The chick has an agile body.) (The chick has fast wings.)
Words for reference:(Chicken, elephant, wolf, monkey, goat, fox).
-What suffixes did we use to form the names of animals?
- What word does not form the name of the cub? (Monkey).

5. And now you and I, writers, will change the story.

Slides No. 13-14.
(Work using cards).
- Change the word HARE in meaning so that you get a coherent story.

Lived in the forest (hare). (A hare) lived with him.
They had a small (hare). Another (hare) family lived next to them.
- Name the same part - the root in the words.
-Why are they related? (Same meaning).
- Name a word that names a baby hare. (Little bunny).
- Which Wizard helped you form the word - the name of a baby hare?
(Suffix ONOK).

6. A game for the most attentive guys.

(Oral work with pictures of animals).
-Listen to the beginning of the sentence and add the end according to the meaning, calling an adult
animal or its young. Be careful. Don't fall into the trap.
Once upon a time there was a little puppy, but he grew up.
And now he is not a puppy, but ...... (adult dog).
The foal grew up every day and became... (horse).
The bull, the mighty giant, was... (a calf) in childhood.
A fat hulk is a thin ram...(lamb).
This important cat Fluff is little... (kitten).
And the brave cockerel is a tiny... (chicken).
And from little goslings grow ducks.....
Especially for guys, those who love jokes.

What error did you notice in the poem? (Instead of DUCK you need to add the word GOOSE).
- How to call these animals in one word? (Pets).
-What 2 groups can these animals be divided into? (Animals and birds).
- How do animals differ from birds? (Birds have feathers).

7. Reflection.

What part of the word was visiting today? (Wizard-suffix ONOK, ENOK).
- What did we form with the help of the suffix? (New words-names
baby animals).

List of used literature.

1. Entertaining alphabet learning. Moscow. Education. 1998.
2. Fun grammar. Moscow. Knowledge.1995.
3. Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students. Moscow.


1. suffix


A word-forming unit that forms nouns with the general meaning of a person or animal, characterized by childishness, immaturity: 1) baby animals (wolf O nok, little animal, mouse O nok, fawn, etc., as well as imp, little devil, doll, imp); 2) a child is a representative of a nationality, social class, profession, named with a motivating word (farm O nok, Cossack O nok, chinese O nok, cook, popenok, turch O nok, gypsy child, etc., as well as grandson O nok).

2. suffix


Formative unit that forms masculine nouns with a diminutive or only an affectionate meaning (child, preschooler, boy O knock, shoot, etc.).

Efremova. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what -ONOK- is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • -ONOK-
    1. suffix (as well as -yonok-) A word-forming unit that forms nouns with the general meaning of a person or animal, characterized by childishness, immaturity: 1) ...
  • -ONOK- in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    I suffix; - -yonok- A word-forming unit that forms nouns with the general meaning of a person or animal, characterized by childishness, immaturity 1) cub ...
  • -ONOK- in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I suffix; = -yonok- A word-forming unit that forms nouns with the general meaning of a person or animal, characterized by childishness, immaturity 1) ...
  • ELK in the Directory of Rivers, streams, lakes, ponds and ravines of Moscow:
    river in the northeast of Moscow, l. Ichki Ave. Length 4.5 km. The beginning of the river is formed by the confluence of several streams in the territory of the national park...
  • YASCHENKO in the Dictionary of Russian Surnames:
    The basis of the surname is the Ukrainian or Belarusian form of the name Yashka, derived from Yakov (Jacob), formed by the suffix -enk(o), which denoted a descendant in ...
  • VOWELS AFTER SISSINGS AND C in the Russian Language Rules:
    § 1. After zh, ch, sh, sh are not written yu, ya, y, but are written ...
  • DECLINATION in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    - 1) nominal inflection. In this sense, S. is opposed to conjugation, that is, verbal inflection. S.'s rules constitute a necessary component of morphological. ...
  • THIN
    -aya, -oe; t"onok, tonk"a, t"onki and tonk"i 1) Small, insignificant in volume, scope, cross-section. Thin magazines. Thin walls. Thin …
  • BOTTOM in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    bottom, plural d"onya, p. 1) only units. Solid base, soil under standing or flowing water. Silty lake bottom. I will be with ...
  • -YONOK- in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    1. suffix see -onok- (1*). 2. suffix see -onok-...
  • -AT-(A) in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    suffix (as well as -yat-(a)) A formative unit that forms: 1) the plural forms of masculine nouns starting with -onok-, having a diminutive...
  • St. Lion Baby
    Steller sea lionok, -nka, pl. -ch`ata, ...
  • NICTURE in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    salazh`onok, -nka, pl. -zh`ata, ...
  • SAIGACY in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    saiga ch'onok, -nka, pl. -ch`ata, ...
  • grouse in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    hazel grouse, -nka, plural. -ch`ata, -`at (from ...
  • RACHONOK in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    rach`onok, -nka, pl. rach'ata, ...
  • Scumbag in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • PATTERN in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    pod`onochny (from ...
  • TRAY in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    pod`onok, -nka…
  • SHEPHERDBOY in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    shepherd`onok, -nka, pl. -sh`ata, ...

The purpose of the lesson: formulate and teach how to use the spelling rule for the suffixes -onok-, -yonok-.


1. Develop the ability to find and highlight suffixes in words;

2. Develop the ability to observe words, formulate the educational objective of the lesson, and answer the questions posed.

3. Develop the ability to work in pairs, a sense of camaraderie, and a kind attitude towards animals.

Formed UUD:


  • maintain motivation to study, focus on understanding the reasons for success in studies, develop the ability to self-esteem.


  • accept and save the educational task, take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher, plan your actions, carry out final and step-by-step control, adequately perceive the teacher’s assessment, distinguish between the method and result of an action, carry out educational actions in the material, speech, and in the mind.


  • search for the necessary information, use signs, symbols, models, diagrams, express themselves orally and in writing, analyze objects, highlight the main thing, carry out synthesis (a whole from parts), compare, classify according to various criteria, establish cause-and-effect relationships, build reasoning about an object, generalize (identify a class of objects according to some characteristic).


  • allow the existence of different points of view, take into account different opinions, strive for coordination, formulate one’s own opinion and position in statements, ask substantive questions, control the actions of a partner, use speech to regulate one’s actions.

Equipment: textbook “Russian Language”, author S.V. Ivanov, cards for working in pairs, support card (algorithm), illustrations of animals, signal cards, multimedia equipment, lesson presentation.

Lesson type: learning new material

Form of organization lesson: conversation

Technologies used: technology of personality-oriented learning

Lesson steps During the classes
1.Organizational moment Teacher (U):

The long-awaited call was given,
The lesson begins!
Sounds with letters have come,
They brought knowledge to the children.
Now check it out, my friend.
Are you ready to start the lesson?
Is everything in place?
Is everything all right?
Pen, book and notebook!
Is everyone sitting correctly?
Is everyone watching carefully?
The lesson begins
It will be useful for the guys.
Try to understand everything
Listen, think, reason!

2.Updating basic knowledge T: - What will we need to work successfully in the lesson?

T: - What topic are we studying in the last Russian language lessons? (Suffix)

U: - Let's check what we know about the suffix. Statements about the suffix will appear on the screen, and you will show with signal cards whether they are true or not. ( Slide):

1. Serves to form new words.

2. It comes after the root, before the ending.

3. Designated as a “house”.

4. To find a suffix, you need to select the root and ending..

5. The suffix matters.

(Red color – “disagree”, green – “agree”)

T: - At home you learned to find the suffix in words, let’s check how you completed your homework,

Uch. p.121, U.5)

(On the board there are words with highlighted parts of the word: forest, blade of grass, leaf)

T: - Do you think you have learned to find a suffix in a word?

3. Setting a learning task T: - Today in the lesson we will continue to study part of the word - the suffix, we will learn to write new suffixes correctly.

T: - The lesson today will not be quite ordinary. We'll go visit. And where, you will find out if you guess the riddle correctly.


There is such a wonderful house,
There are many animals in it.
They give people joy and laughter.
This house is known to everyone. (Zoo)

U: - Look, very small animals live in our zoo. Name its inhabitants.

(On the board there are pictures (photos) of baby animals: kitten, duckling, chicken, bear cub, hedgehog, gosling, tiger cub, squirrel, little fox, etc.)

T: -What groups can you divide them into? (Wild and domestic, animals and birds)

U: - Today in class we will reveal one secret and find out how else we can separate our kids.

U: - Which of you can say how these words - the names of the cubs - were formed?

U: - Using what suffixes?

4.Discovery of new knowledge by students T: - I suggest you do the work orally in pairs.

You have a list of words on your desks. Read the words carefully and try to answer the question: in words the suffix is ​​written - onok-, and when is the suffix - yonok-?

Pay attention to the pronunciation of sounds that come before suffixes.

List of words: (Slide)

T: - What are your opinions?

T: - What question should we answer in class?

(When is the suffix - onok-, and when is the suffix - yonok- written in words?

T: - What will be the topic of our lesson?

(Spelling of suffixes – onok-, – yonok-)

T: - What should we learn in class?

(Write words with suffixes -onok-, -yonok-)

U: - What assumptions do you have when the suffix – onok- is written in words, and when the suffix – yonok-?

(If the root of a word ends in a hard consonant or [h], then the suffix is ​​written - onok-.

If the root of the word ends in a soft consonant, then -yonok-)

T: - Where can we check our assumptions?

(In the textbook)

T: - Open the textbook on p. 113, read the rule. Did we draw the right conclusion?

T: - Read the rule again, ask each other questions about its content.

(Children ask questions to each other according to the rule)

5.Primary consolidation U: - Do you want to know when the suffix -onok- is written in words, and when the suffix -yonok-?

T: - Guys, look at the writing on the board. Tell me, can this algorithm help you in the future?

(Scheme on the board:

The root ends in a hard consonant (blue square) or [h] - -onok

The root ends in a soft consonant (green square) - -yonok-)

U: - How will we reason using this algorithm?

U: - What needs to be done to avoid mistakes in writing the suffixes -onok-, -yonok-?

(Children's answers:

1. Select the root

2. Determine which consonant sound precedes the suffix.

3. If there is a hard consonant or [h], then – onok-, if a soft consonant, then – yonok)

6.Independent work with self-test according to the sample U: - We will learn to write words with the suffixes –onok-, -yonok-

T: - Complete the task from the textbook yourself: p. 114,U.1

(Children do the exercise independently, then a self-test is carried out using the model. The words are written on the board, the suffixes are highlighted.)

Those who have not made mistakes put “+” in the margins.

Who doubted doing the work - “?”

Those who have made mistakes and believe that they still need to practice – “-”.

T: - Raise your hand if you have no mistakes. Well done, you turned out to be the most attentive.

(Physical education minute)

7. Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system. Repetition U: - Now let’s play, imagine that I have a ball in my hands. I will throw it and call it an adult animal, and you will catch and call the babies. Who called - sits down)

T: - Words are written on the slide. (Slide)

Elephant, cow, ostrich, goat, wolf, horse, jackdaw, fox, duck, cat.

T: - Read what these words have in common.

(These are the names of the animals)

T: - You need to write down the names:

1 column – baby wild animals

Column 2 - baby birds

Column 3 – baby pets

T: - Let's check how you completed this task.

(One student reads, the rest check the notebook, evaluate their work and whoever is reading)

T: - What knowledge did you use when completing this task?

(Writing suffixes -onok-, -yonok-; ability to form new words using suffixes)

U: - Now let's look at our animals again. What groups can they be divided into?

(Names with the suffix -onok- and words with the suffix -yonok-)

8. Lesson summary. Reflection of activity T: - The inhabitants of our zoo want to ask you a few questions:

T: - What topic did you work on in class?

T: - What new did you learn?

U: - What was the task?

U: - Who understood what the spelling of the suffixes –onok-, -yonok- depends on?

U: - Tell me, when is it written – onok-, and when – yonok? (Slides)

T: - Were we able to solve the problem? How?

T: - Where can you apply new knowledge?

Raise the green signal card if everything went well in your lesson; yellow - if minor difficulties arose, but you dealt with them; red - the new material was difficult and incomprehensible.

U: - I suggest you do your homework of your choice in T. pp. 56-57, U.1,2,3. (Any two exercises)

T: - Who would you like to thank for your work in class?

U: - My animals and I thank you all for your work in class and wish you success in learning the Russian language!