Racism definition briefly. Racism in the modern world

Quite often you can hear that racism is thriving in the world, and racists have begun to behave very provocatively. It’s just not always clear what racism is and who a racist is. In this article, we decided to talk about who racists are, what goals they pursue, and what types of racism there are in general. Let us also consider where such a movement as racism came from in the world and in our country in particular.

Who is a racist and what does he want?

Obviously, the word racism comes from the word race. We have already talked about what exactly it means in the article - What is race.

A racist is a person who is sincerely convinced that his race is the dominant one. He is intolerant of representatives of other races, considering them lower class.

Some racists sincerely believe that belonging to a particular race initially determines the level of intelligence, standard of living and the right to enjoy certain privileges. Therefore, they believe that people who do not belong to the highest, in their opinion, race, if they should exist, then only as the lowest class. That is, racists seek recognition of their race as the superior one, and expect worship from representatives of other races.

Currently, unfortunately, racism, or rather some of its forms, is actively progressing, which frightens not only ordinary residents, but also politicians, economists and representatives of religious associations.

Racism - the history of its emergence

We have already talked about the concept of “racism” in our article - What is racism. Now I would like to talk about where it came from in the world and in our country in particular.

So, racism itself appeared quite a long time ago, namely at the beginning of the 16th century. Even then, the race of white people was tacitly recognized as superior, and people with black skin were supposed to be their slaves, that is, in fact, they were the lower class. And this continued for many years.

If we talk about racism in our country, then it existed already in the 19th century, but it became most widespread precisely during the years of perestroika, namely in 1991. Since then and to this day, skinheads have been its brightest representatives. You will learn more about who this is from our article - Who are skinheads.

Types of racism

Today there are three main types of racism:

  1. Racism is white. Its representatives are convinced of the superiority of the white or, as they themselves call it, the Aryan race over all others. An example is the Nazis, led by Hitler: it was they who proclaimed the Aryans as a pure nation, believing that such people should dominate the world.
  2. Black racism arose as a result of protest against representatives of white racism. In accordance with it, the dominant nation should be people with black skin, and representatives Caucasian must obey them. This type of racism is actively widespread in America.
  3. Anti-Semitism. It is based on open hatred towards representatives of the Semitic language group, but not towards all peoples, but only towards Jews. We can rightfully say that this type of racial intolerance is one of the most ancient.

Of course, these are not all types of racism that exist today, but these are the ones that are most often encountered in society.

a theory about the division of humanity into “superior” and “inferior”, “full-fledged” and “inferior” races, which substantiates the right of people to dominate others or to reject others who are supposedly inferior to them.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition


reactionary ideology, psychology, politics and practice based on the recognition of the supposedly natural, natural, biological predetermination of inequality human races and drawing the line of dividing them into “higher” and “lower”, “full-fledged” and “inferior”, justifying the legitimacy of the dominance of the former over the latter.

The historical roots of R. go back to ancient times, to slavery. It was later widely used by colonialism. But the theories of R. were developed only in the second half of the 20th century (J. Gobineau “Essay on the Inequality of Human Races” 1884, H. Chamberlain “Foundations of the Nineteenth Century” 1899, etc.). The essence of R. basically boils down to the following: races are unequal; they are the ones decisively influence the character and behavior of people, culture, the whole social life; First of all, racial differences determine different levels intellectual abilities and creative possibilities representatives of the respective races; the latter predetermines the hierarchical division of races and peoples and represents an eternal, unchanging natural law social development; race mixing is harmful to sociocultural progress and can lead a civilized society to disaster. R. was the official theory and ideology of Hitler's fascism and National Socialism. The world community and the UN sharply condemn R. as gross violation universal and fundamental human rights, require all countries to actively fight for the eradication of human rights (the Great Decoration of Human Rights of 1948, the UN Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Human Rights). racial discrimination 1963, Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice 1978, etc.). It all played out important role in the elimination of R., segregation and apartheid in South Africa in the late 80s and early 90s. Nevertheless, manifestations of R. have not disappeared in the modern socio-political life of many countries, especially in connection with the various fascist organizations that still exist in them.

The modern Russian racial theorist V.B. Avdeev says the following about the word “racism”: “This word first appeared in 1932 in the French Larousse dictionary and is just a journalistic remake, created by politically engaged people and without a clear and intelligible scientific basis. Therefore, using it in an environment educated people Not recommended" . French writer and journalist Alain de Benoit devoted an entire article to the definition of this word, which he called “What is racism.” In particular, the author of the article says the following: “Today the word “racism” has so many contradictory meanings that an aura of myth has formed around it and is therefore difficult to define. Calling someone a racist, even if it is a dirty slander, is a convenient tactic - it either paralyzes the opponent or casts suspicion on him and deprives him of trust. This approach has become common in the conflicts we see every day. An accusation of racism usually entails a number of similar accusations: of belonging to the far right, of fascism, anti-Semitism, etc.”

See also: interethnic hatred, nationalism, national socialism, race, Russian fascism.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓

IN modern world There are many so-called “labels” that people hang on each other. Some of them are unfounded, while others fully reflect the behavior and principles of human life. Such concepts can also include racists, but few know what this concept means. This term has been used for many years, and it has not lost its relevance in the modern world.

Who is a racist?

If we turn to morphological analysis, then the root of the word “race” has a connection with the division of people according to certain biological characteristics. Today, three main races are known: Negroid, Caucasoid and Mongoloid. It is between them that there is some kind of unspoken competition. There are people who are deeply convinced that belonging to a certain race has a direct connection with the level of intellectual development and standard of living.

When figuring out what a racist is, consider the definition, which states that this concept is understood as a person who considers one population of people superior to another only because of biological characteristics. The very concept of “racism” appeared relatively recently, but cases of persecution are known back in ancient times. Even during the slave system, life was based on the fact that some people believed that some were born to serve others. In many historical eras A similar division also appeared.

Racism manifests itself in people in different ways; there are radical representatives who are even ready to kill. In almost every country there are people who hate people of different skin color. Their methods of action to a greater extent depend on the rigidity of the state's legal system. In most countries, racism is considered a crime, so radicals remain in the shadows and rarely escalate their rows.

To understand what a racist means, you should consider the main types of racism:

  1. White racism. People belonging to this group are sure that it is Aryan race surpasses all others. IN in this case You can remember the most famous racist - Hitler, who fought to cleanse the nation by exterminating other people.
  2. Black racism. This movement arose as a protest against white racism. It is clear that black people propagate the opposite, that is, they should be in charge, and others should obey them. This trend is especially common in African countries.
  3. Antisemitism. This type of racism is based on dislike for the Semitic language group, namely to the Jews. If we go deeper into history, we can conclude that this particular movement is the most ancient.

In the modern world, racism and some of its forms have acquired a terrifying character, since more and more murders are committed precisely on this basis. That is why politicians, the church and other associations are looking for solutions to this problem so as not to aggravate the situation.

What is the difference between a racist and a Nazi?

Many people consider themselves Nazis, that is, they believe in the superiority of one nation over others. For them own people is some kind of icon or standard. If a person is a Nazi, then he singles out exclusively the merits of his people, while the disadvantages remain invisible and unaccounted for. At the same time, people belonging to another nation become some kind of outcasts who are humiliated and exterminated by everyone possible ways. The meaning of Nazism is to create a “pure” state. As a result, Nazism leads to self-isolation of the state. Racism can be called a kind of Nazism, but discrimination is based on skin color. In this case, black people are most often affected.

News and society

Who is this racist?

September 30, 2013

A racist is a person who is convinced of the physical and mental superiority of some races over others and that these differences are decisive in cultural and historical achievements various peoples.

Racism in the modern world

In the modern world, where the most progressive part of the community advocates democratic principles, the idea of ​​pluralism of opinions and views is also popular. This means that any opinion, interpretation historical process, political movement and other products of human thought have the right to exist and defend their own positions in legal ways. In the political sphere of states that declare a democratic system and government, this presupposes the peaceful coexistence of parties and movements of various orientations. However, it is extremely important that pluralism and tolerance cannot in any way be extended to misanthropic views. In this sense, “racist” is an unambiguously negative definition, and people who call for discrimination against people with a different skin color (eye shape), or even more so for illegal actions against them, should definitely be held accountable before the law.

History of racism

The idea that representatives of different human races are unequal in their abilities appeared a long time ago. And, in fact, it was born more than once, as soon as representatives of different civilizations with pronounced external differences met. However long time racism was not formalized into any significant philosophy for the reasons that, firstly, there was no particular dominance of representatives of one race over another, and secondly, there was simply no need for it. It arose only in the era of colonialism and the mass conversion of the inhabitants of the African continent by Europeans into their slaves. Such practices had to be justified in the eyes of the public and the slave owners themselves. First of all, this justification was found in the Bible, in the story of the descendants of Ham cursed by Noah - supposedly those same Africans. The first scientific racist is the Frenchman Joseph Gobineau. This man is still in mid-19th century became the founder of the scientific justification of the inequality of human races. His ideology was based on practical observations about how far Europe of that time had gone in its development - economic, military, cultural and political - from the civilizations of other continents. According to Gobineau, this was explained by the initial advantage of the so-called Nordic race in intellectual abilities.

In general, the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries became the time of theoretical justification and flourishing of racism. In the 1860-1870s, after the abolition of official slavery in the United States, racism flourished here among demobilized soldiers and officers of the southern army. The American racist appears before us in white robes and with a cap. Representatives of the Ku Klux Klan, due to the scope of their activities, became one of the main symbols of this movement. However, most well-known representative and the ideologist of the belief about the inferiority of individual races and peoples is Adolf Hitler. Unfortunately, modern ultrapatriots in Russia, stubborn in their ignorance, continue to use the symbols of the NSDAP, despite the fact that the Nazis considered the Slavic race to be inferior. As an extremely weak counterargument, Russian racists cite excerpts from the speeches of German officers who flirted with local collaborators and sometimes said what they wanted to hear. However, even after the defeat of National Socialist Germany, racism for a long time continued to thrive in some parts of the world. Thus, in the apartheid-era South African Republic, racist is not a dirty word at all. But apartheid existed until the 1990s.

0 Today we will talk about a rather serious topic that not everyone will like. They live in peace different peoples, and by and large they are all equal, but some of them are more equal. At least that's what the Anglo-Saxons and Jews think. In general, those people who extol their race and place their people above others are called Racists. Today we will answer the question, what does Racist mean?.
However, before continuing, I would like to recommend you some more informative news on random topics. For example, what does Stonik mean, who are the Fans, how to understand the word Zig, what does Skinhead mean, etc.
So let's move on, what does Racist mean? This term comes from the word " race", and is quite negative in the culture of most peoples.

Racist- this is the name given to a person who is convinced that his race is dominant, and everyone else is treated as second-class people or even compares them to animals

Racist- a person who believes that his race is mentally and physically superior to others, and that these differences also relate to historical and cultural achievements

Synonyms for racist: fascist, Nazi.

Racists did not appear today, or even yesterday, back in the 16th century, the first sailors who saw blacks were sure that they came from the biblical Ham, who was once cursed by Noah.
However, researchers tend to believe that modern concept racism came from Joseph de Gobineau, a French historian who wrote a rather interesting work called " Experience on the inequality of human races"(1853 - 1855). This scientist believed that it was the Nordic race that throughout showed superiority over other peoples, although why did he not mention the ancient Indian or Arabic culture unclear. Westerners were savages living in huts when the Egyptians built the pyramids. Probably the Frenchman didn’t even know about it.

After this book, in the wake of racism in the West, they began to preach superiority white race. They probably tried to cheer themselves up in this way, seeing all their squalor and poverty, and comparing themselves with the same Aztecs. The Indians were in decline at that time, but retained a magnificent culture and cyclopean buildings.

However, there is probably some grain of truth in the superiority of some races over others. After all, there is no smoke without fire.
For example, white Children in the USA, coming after school, say that blacks are stupid and lazy, to which their parents say that, God forbid, they don’t say that at school.
In addition, according to statistics on the official FBI website, it is blacks who commit most crimes, and their academic performance is very low compared to whites or Asians. And although huge sums of money are spent on training blacks, the gap between the two races is practically not narrowing. But Asians, on the contrary, very quickly catch up and even surpass their white peers in their studies.

There are practically no blacks in Russia, but there are other peoples who mirror their mental development. They are just as lazy, they don’t want to work, but they like to walk in crowds, bully passers-by The most important thing for them is show-off, all sorts of shiny trinkets. Doesn't this remind you of blacks? In fact, in this case there is almost a hundred percent coincidence. These southern people, like the blacks, love to smoke weed, white women, and sit in a restaurant with friends. As they say, find three differences.
On the other hand, several thousand years ago it was the Arabs who represented the concentration of all scientific knowledge on the planet, but now the situation is exactly the opposite.

Probably, at certain periods of time, one race begins to surpass the other, and this happens cyclically.

It's funny that the Russians have great amount jokes about the Chukchi, and no one even thinks that this is, at its core, pure racism.

Take the same Ukrainians, they are a beggar, a people who destroyed their country and live on Western handouts. All they have left is propagate own superiority. Therefore, we now know that we have stolen 300 thousand years, that they flew from Venus, and also built pyramids and taught all nations Ukrainian language. Did I forget to mention something?
Yes, that's right...they dug up the Black Sea! There are rumors that they dug the ground with special teaspoons brought with them from their home planet.

Be that as it may, but now no matter where you throw it, everyone considers themselves better than others. Now the majority nationalities They lead their own separate thousand-year-old culture. Therefore, you shouldn’t laugh so much at the Ukrainians, they will recover over time...or disappear, but that’s another story.