Draw a fox from a fairy tale step by step. How to draw a fox with a pencil step by step at different levels of preparation

Elena Tynyanaya

Greetings, dear colleagues!

Our vocabulary this week is “The Forest and Its Inhabitants.” Yesterday my children and I learned to draw a fox. I'm not a supporter drawing"by the hand of a child" or transformation children's drawing to coloring book. There are many types and techniques of image in which hand-drawn For adults, the outline is quite acceptable. And drawing V classic version (which you can’t do without) assumes independent creativity child. I don’t know what techniques you use in your work, but I drawing complex objects I use the most tested reception: step by step drawing. At the same time, I create my drawing on the board together with the children. Who does it more beautifully? big question, but we create together and there is no need draw for the children.

Drawing the fox in this way, at the first stages we all simply laughed! Our initial outlines didn’t really look like a fox. Some simply doubted that this particular animal would end up. There were the most interesting assumptions: "This is a dog, a sheep, a horse."

And only when drew The children's confidence has increased.

We finished the sketch in a completely positive way and happily colored it with oil pastels.

The next day painted the background, also interesting, there are four children at a time, so he it turned out so stripy. Then we added snow-covered silhouettes together. And when we got to the location foxes in the picture, also had fun from souls: At first we decided to stick small foxes in the background, then ideas appeared with families and friends. Finally, everything was put together. And, although the forest with so many foxes looks a little strange, we fell in love with our creation and decorated the locker room with our first winter work.

And today, as often happens, many children are already taking home whole stacks of drawings with chanterelles. When I see with what pleasure they draw in free activity what they just learned, I’m just touched. They are so touching, our little artists!

If you don’t know, we hasten to say that it is not as difficult as an inexperienced artist might think. Despite the fact that this forest hunter is cunning and resourceful, the lines of her body are smooth and flexible. It is enough to show a little perseverance, then you will be able to depict a cheat on a piece of paper.

Basically, all foxes look the same - short legs, a long body, a sharp muzzle with protruding ears and a bushy tail. Ours will be a great help for you, and you can easily draw a red fox.

Step by step drawing of a fox

Stage 1 - draw the silhouette of a fox

Using light, abrupt lines, draw the muzzle, slightly rounding it at the bottom. Then move to the back. Go down a little to create a tail. Don’t be afraid to make sharp movements with a pencil - during the drawing process, all unnecessary details will be erased with an eraser.

Having drawn the tail, you can outline the area of ​​the neck, back of the body and paws. Don't forget to outline the belly with a thin, curved line, as shown in the first picture.

Stage 2 - adding details

Now you can start detailing your sketch. On the face you need to draw small pointed ears and move on to the head itself. Draw a thin vertical line in the center, and then a small horizontal line in the center of this line.

The fox will have eyes in this area. Draw a small circle for the animal's nose. The front legs should be straight, but the hind legs should be slightly curved. How to do this is shown in the figure. You can also draw a shirtfront on the animal’s chest—a few lines so that we don’t forget about this detail in the future.

Stage 3 - remove extra lines

Erase all unnecessary contour lines from the sheet, leaving only a clear silhouette of the fox. Add richness to your eyes and nose. Round the ears slightly at the top of the head. Work on the paws and tail. It needs to be made more fluffy, and fur should be drawn on the paws. This can be done with small touches.

Stage 4 - adding fur, drawing eyes

This stage is the penultimate one in our lesson. All you have to do is finish the eyes, nose and draw a small mouth. The entire body of the animal must be “covered” with fur using strokes. The figure clearly shows in which area to do this.

Stage 5 - final

Here we come to the last step, which will help make our fox more realistic. Add more fur throughout the body, and also spend time on the eyes. You need to draw small eyelashes and make the eyes darker. Don't forget about these small parts, like whiskers, claws on the paws, fluff on the top of the head and a black tip on the tail. That's it - the fox is ready!

Other step-by-step drawing options

Option 1

Option 2

In that step by step lesson we will learn to draw a fox. If you perfectly know how to draw cats, dogs, tigers or wolves, then you can easily draw a fox, because the drawing techniques are practically the same.

Especially, the fox is similar to dogs, only with a different muzzle and a more magnificent tail. Well, it's time to start drawing the fox.

An example of drawing a fox with a pencil

We will try to analyze the drawing of this fox in as much detail as possible, and further examples We will show you without description.

Stage 1
You can draw a fox in two ways: sketch out its entire body, and then detail it, or immediately draw every part of it in maximum detail. In this example we will use the second method.

Let's start with the muzzle.
Important note, when drawing the circle and face, be sure to leave some space on the sheet for drawing the body.

Draw a circle divided into four equal parts. Then we draw the nose and mouth (almost like cats). Also, draw the eyes, try to draw them as much as possible similar friend on a friend. For beginning artists, different eyes are one of the main problems.

Stage 2
We make eye cuts. Around our circle we sketch out the head using arbitrary strokes. Also, at this stage we draw the ears and the fur inside them.

Stage 3
At the third stage, we add antennae and a little fur under the muzzle to add volume. If you don’t really understand why you add wool here, you can scroll to the beginning or end of this example and look at the finished fox. This will allow you to understand what we are actually drawing.

Stage 4
Now we have come not to the most difficult, but to the most important stage. At the fourth stage we sketch the body of our fox. To do this we need to draw two rounded lines. The upper one will create the back and pelvis, and lower belly and chest.

As mentioned earlier, if it is not clear to you where the paws and tail will grow from these lines, you can look at the next stage before drawing them and everything will immediately become clear to you.

Why is this stage so important? It is important because if you draw these lines incorrectly, then your paws and tail may grow from the wrong place and will not look very beautiful. You may even have to redraw this step several times.

Stage 5
At the fifth stage, we add paws and a tail to our fox. The front legs should be straighter than the hind legs. The tail of foxes should be very fluffy, do not draw a thin tail like that of dogs or cats.

Please note that we did not draw the paws completely. Our fox will stand in the snow, so a small part of its paws will not be visible.

Stage 6
We cover our fox with fur and make a fox-like tip of the tail.

Stage 7
Draw snow and some grass.

Our fox is ready! Now you can color it. Below we will give a few more step by step examples drawing a fox.

Additional examples of drawing a fox

Example No. 1

Example No. 2

The fox is a relative of dogs and wolves. Its body is very similar to the body structure of representatives of the listed families, but the fox is smaller, and there is a lush red tail that saves the fox from frost.

The fox's muzzle is more elongated and narrow, making it easier to hunt small rodents in their burrows. The animal has an elongated body, similar to that of a dachshund, and down-to-earth paws.

You need to know all these nuances when you decide to draw a fox with a pencil step by step (alone or with children) - after all, when drawing the contours of an animal, you need to take it into account characteristics, even if we draw a fox in cartoon style(suitable for very young artists) and more realistic, for those who are not afraid of difficulties.

For drawing you will need

  • A pair of pencils varying degrees hardness - outline the contours, for example, you need hard pencil, but with soft ones it is better to add volume to the pattern and draw the fur.
  • An eraser - it should be soft in order to carefully erase excess contours.
  • Thick, grainy drawing paper is the most comfortable for children and is much more enjoyable to draw on.

Step one

First, step by step, you need to draw with a pencil the contours of the fox’s head - in the center of the sheet we draw a small ellipse, slightly tapering towards one edge.

Step two

Now you need to draw the future ears of the fox - draw two neat circles at the top of the head, similar to eggs. Don’t worry about realism – the fox will end up being very recognizable.

Step three

It's time to move on to the body. using a pencil, the fox's body is a slightly flattened oval under the head, as shown below.

Step four

We draw three elongated ovals step by step - these are the future parts of the fox’s paws. Now let’s draw smaller circles below - and thereby complete the sketch of the entire paws. You need to draw carefully and without pressing hard on the paper.

Step five

Tail - business card foxes. Therefore, we draw it larger, and in the form of a question mark - where did you see the pipe tail of this animal?

Step six

The drawing, or rather its sketch, is ready, which means you can start working on it together with the children. detailed drawing.
We draw a sweet face on the head - as shown in the picture, but you can come up with your own expression of the face.

We draw the ears, head and body, giving the necessary bends. We erase the contours with an eraser, trying not to damage the drawing, and color as desired.

Realistic fox

The lesson is more serious and suitable for older children. But the animal also turns out to be more similar to a living fox. You can draw together - then you will get a cute joint work of art.

Step one

By analogy with the first method, we first draw the contours of the head - a circle in the center of the sheet. We draw rounded triangles on top - these will be the ears. We will draw a third, more elongated oval where the animal’s mouth will be located.

Step two

Draw a second circle - this will be the neck, and then draw a flattened oval so that it fits into the stylized neck.

Step three

Animal paws are a little more difficult to draw, but you can help your child cope and together draw the fox’s legs step by step.

We need to sequentially draw three ovals with a pencil - all elongated, but different lengths, as shown in the image below.

The last ovals will be flattened at the top and bottom.

Step four

The hind legs should be drawn in a similar way - with the only difference being that the very first oval - the “hips” of the animal – should be drawn more rounded.

Step five

We draw the outline of the tail - in the form of a long ellipse, with a slightly curved tip. At the point where the tail is attached, the circle should also narrow.

Step six

We gradually draw the eyes, nose of the animal, and ears. We will pay special attention to the fur and the outline of the tail.

Now you can carefully erase auxiliary lines, and leave the drawing in black and white or add color - the fox has a very interesting red-red color.

An animal that is loved and feared is the fox. She has fluffy red fur and graceful manners that are captivating. In fairy tales, the fox is considered the sister of the wolf because of their similar external features, and are also characterized as cunning and cruel. Whether this is true or false is anyone's guess.

Tools and materials:

  1. Paper;
  2. Simple pencil;
  3. Black pen;
  4. Colored pencils (beige, orange, brown, two shades of green).

Let's draw a fox step by step:

Step one. Draw a small circle. It will become the base of the head. Then we add the silhouette of the fox’s nose;

Step two. Let's draw an ear parallel to the nose;

Step three. Let's add the animal's chest and draw fur on it;

Step four. Now let's draw the back of the fox. It will be slightly curved;

Step five. Add the front legs. Due to the lateral position of the body, one paw will be slightly smaller than the other because it is further away;

Step six. At this stage we will add hind legs and a fluffy tail;

Step seven. Use an eraser to remove the circle. After this, we will draw the nose, mouth and eye of the fox;

Step eight. Use a black pen to draw an outline;

Step nine. Draw the front part (from the nose to the chest) and the tip of the tail in beige;

Step ten. Use an orange pencil to shade the rest of the fox's fur. Using a black pen, add a thicker outline in some places;