Essay “The image and character of Tatyana. Research work "Tatiana Larina - Pushkin's favorite heroine

The problem of duty and happiness is the most important problem novel in verse "Eugene Onegin".

Tatyana appears in the novel as a seventeen-year-old girl:

Dick, sad, silent,

Like a forest deer is timid,

She is in her own family

The girl seemed like a stranger.

She grows up and changes in appearance, but for her the concept of honor and duty, which is the dominant feature of this female image, remains unchanged.

In the initial chapters of the novel, Tatyana appears as an internally contradictory person. It combines genuine feelings and sensitivity inspired by sentimental novels, which “replaced everything” for her. Tatyana imagines herself as the heroine of her favorite books and expects “someone” like Grandison or Malek-Adel, therefore, having met Onegin, Tatyana saw in him the embodiment of all best qualities favorite heroes. There was something romantic about her; it’s not for nothing that Lensky compares her to Zhukovsky’s Svetlana.

The behavior of Tatiana in love is based on novel models known to her. Her letter was written in French (“she didn’t know Russian well”), and the letters from the novels she read served as a model. The author translates it, freeing the heroine's true feelings from the captivity of book templates. The fact that Tatyana enters into correspondence with an unfamiliar young man and is the first to confess her love to him makes her act impossible from the point of view of social decency.

A revolution in Tatiana's fate occurs in the 7th chapter. External changes in her life are only a consequence of the complex process that took place in Tatiana’s soul after Onegin’s departure. Finding herself in his estate and trying to understand her hero from the books left there, she realized that her lover was an extremely mysterious man:

What is he? Is it really imitation?

An insignificant ghost, or else

Muscovite in Harold's cloak...

And again Tatyana sees not the real Onegin, but the one whom her imagination suggested.

Without hoping for new meeting and the reciprocity of the beloved, Tatiana makes the decisive moral choice: agrees to go to Moscow. She loves Onegin, but voluntarily submits to her duty to her family.

And in the last episode of the novel, in the last monologue (“But I was given to another; / I will be faithful to him forever”), Tatyana confirms the choice made earlier. “A Lesson to Onegin” is full of unfair reproaches and remarks. Tatyana does not understand the hero’s feelings; she sees in his love only social intrigue, a desire to ruin her honor. Once again, as once in the village, Tatyana does not see the real Onegin.

Tatiana's monologue reflects internal drama. Loving each other, they will never be together. Tatyana is sure that it is impossible to build happiness on the misfortune of another, therefore Tatyana Larina is a heroine of conscience, and not a love heroine.

The meeting of heroes is a non-meeting in time.

Grade 10

Subject:Tatyana is Pushkin’s favorite heroine. Integrity, noble simplicity Tatiana's character.

Goals: 1) show the significance of the image of Tatyana Larina in the system of images of the novel; help students understand author's attitude to the heroine;

2) improve text analysis skills;

3) cultivate the aesthetic taste of students

Lesson type: lesson-analysis of the work.

Equipment: textbook-reader for 9th grade, portraits of Pushkin's era.

Methodical techniques: planning, conversation, student messages, teacher comments, expressive reading, text analysis.

During the classes

Organizing time.

Checking homework.

Expressive reading of the “Letters” of the novel.

Drawing up a plan “The Image of Tatyana Larina”

1. Tatiana’s childhood and youth.

2. Meeting with Onegin and love for him.

3. Tatyana at the end of the novel.

III. Message from student “Sister Larina”

Questions for consolidation:

In what environment did Tatyana spend her childhood?

Does Tatyana have an inner closeness with Olga?

What is the difference between them?

What role does her nanny play in Tatiana's life?

What significance did books have for Tatyana?

Teacher's word

Close to culture noble society There was another culture, born in the depths of the Russian nation. It included the life, customs, and folklore of the village common people, which are included in the novel through the depiction of the Larin family, and above all Tatiana. Tatyana absorbed folk morality, which colored her thoughts and feelings and manifested itself in her behavior. For Pushkin, the very name of Tatyana is “inseparable” from “memories of antiquity or maidenhood.” The fact is that noble girls were very rarely called this name. The name Tatyana became popular after Pushkin made it famous in his novel.

The image of Tatiana is accompanied folklore images. This one is simple folk culture, expressing the Russian character and folk ideals, gradually shaped Tatyana’s morality and character. One can only guess why such things arose in one Larin family. different tempers- Olga and Tatyana.

Olga lives thoughtlessly, guided in her life by the views and habits established in the noble local life. Her feelings are not as deep and stable as Tatyana’s. But under the pen of Pushkin this image, although sketchily given, acquired such artistic expressiveness, which influenced the creation of a number of female images in works later writers(for example, Marfinki in Goncharov’s novel “The Cliff”),

V. Conversation on issues

Analyzing Tatyana’s life in her youth, her attitude. Belinsky wrote: “The whole inner world Tatiana was a thirst for love; nothing else spoke to her soul, her mind was asleep.” Is this true in your opinion?

How did the novels she read affect Tatyana? Chardson and Russo? ( They instilled in her soul a thirst for love. Love in these novels was portrayed as a sublime feelingnew, pure, source of great joys and great sufferingtions and victims. Tatyana received from such novels not only an idea of ​​love as greatest joy life, not the idea of ​​the nobility of a woman, the sublimity and strength of her feelings.)

How does the reading range characterize the heroine?(Novels are her replacementeveryone accepted.” Dreamy, alienated from her friends, so unlike Olga, Tatyana perceives everything around herIt’s like a novel that hasn’t been written yet; she imagines herself as the heroine of her favorite books.)

How does Tatyana appear in the second to fifth chapters of the novel?

(Tatyana coexists with genuine feelings and sensitivity inspired by sentimental novels. Tatyana did not fall in love with any of the nobles around her, but Onegin was immediately noticed and singled out by her.)

How does Tatyana perceive Onegin? What is the heroine's behavior?

after meeting him?(Tatiana saw in Onegin precisely the hero of the novel.The behavior of Tatiana in love is based on novel models known to her.Her letter, written in French, is an echo of the love letters of the heroines of the novels.)

– What qualities of Tatyana are revealed in her letter? ( The letter is imbued with “a living mind and will” and a “fiery and tender heart”.)

– Do you think that the meeting in Tatiana’s garden with Onegin was the most difficult moment in her life? What kind of person is Onegin shown?? (The explanation with Onegin is tragic character and defines later life Tatiana, stayingyourselfm the greatest sorrow in her life. Tatyana did not forget these terrible moments, this pain, even at the end of the novel: remembering her first meeting with Onegin, she feels that her “blood is running cold”)

- What happens to Tatyana after Onegin leaves? What feelings does she have for him? How does her perception of Onegin change?(There is a revolution in Tatiana's fate.She was convinced of her “optical” deception.Reconstructing Onegin according to the “traces” left in his estate, she realized that her lover was an extremely mysterious, strange man, but not at all the one she took him for.)

- When it comes new stage Tatiana's inner life? (She realized that there are interests for a person, there is suffering and sorrow, except for the interest of suffering and the sorrow of love.With this new step in his internal development Tatiana is indebted to Onegin. Now she understands him better and even moreloves:

And in cruel loneliness

Her passion burns more intensely,

And about distant Onegin

Her heart speaks loudly.)

Through diary entries Onegin's heroine found out about him thinking about the fate of modern man and was amazed by the sharpness of the “embarrassed” mind, forced to live in inaction, in a contradictory combination of good and evil. The soul of a man living a busy life was revealed to her, truth seeker, truths. Tatiana's deep loneliness, her indifference to the petty interests of the people around her helped preserve her love for Onegin as her most cherished feeling. The main result of Tatiana’s “research” was her love not for a literary chimera, but for the real Onegin. She completely freed herself from bookish ideas about life.

- Why did Tatyana get married?(Without hoping for her lover's reciprocity, Tatyana makes a decisive moral choice: she agrees to go to Moscow and get married.This is the free choice of the heroine, for whom “all lots were equal.”She loves Onegin, but voluntarily submits to her duty to her family.)

Has Tatyana changed? If yes, then why?(Stanzas.XXVII-XXVIIIChapter Eight: “Trendsetter”, “Rav”no-spirited princess" remained inin the depths of the former soul - graygirly, sincere and simple Tatyana.She is depressed by the situationnew luxurious luxury, among which she now lives:

And to me, Onegin, this pomp,

Hatefullife is tinsel,

My successes are in a whirlwind of light,

What's in them? Now I'm glad to give it away

All this rags of a masquerade,

All this glitter, and noise, and fumes...)

The recent, but now irrevocably distant past is still dear and close to her. Onegin and the nanny were always in her memory. The nanny died, and Onegin remained the only person dear to her:

And happiness was so possible

So close, but my destiny

It's already decided...

Why did Tatyana reject Onegin’s love if she still loves him?

Work on stanzas XLIV-XLV of the eighth chapter.

Does Tatyana correctly judge Onegin, about her love, are her reproaches fair?

Why didn’t Onegin and Tatyana find a way to each other?

Onegin is not limited to the books he has read. “Lord Byron's portrait” and “a column with a cast-iron doll” (Napoleon), of course, are symbols of Onegin’s faith, but not the gods he worships. Onegin has no gods at all, he is too skeptical to worship and respects himself too much to subordinate his life to someone else's rules. But Tatyana did not understand this and lost faith in love and her hero.

At the same time, Onegin is undergoing a new stage in spiritual development. He is transformed. There is nothing left in him of the former cold and rational person - he is an ardent lover. For the first time he experiences a real feeling, but it turns into a drama for him.

About what evidenced by Tatiana's monologue? ( ABOUTthat she kept the same spiritual qualities, she is faithful to her love for Onegin, but also faithful to her marital duty.)

What does Tatyana think about the current Onegin? ( “A Lesson to Onegin” is full of unfair remarks and ridiculous assumptions. Tatyana does not understand the hero’s feelings, seeing in his love only social intrigue, a desire to lose her honor in his eyes, society,accusing him of self-interest.)

What is Onegin's love for Tatiana?(Onegin’s love is “small” for her, “a petty feeling,” and in him she sees only the slave of thisfeelings. Once again, as once in the village, Tatyana sees and “does not recognize” the real Onegin.)

What is the reason for Tatyana’s misunderstanding of Onegin?

(Her false idea of ​​him is generated by the world, that “oppressive dignity”, the methods of which, as the Author noted, she “soon accepted”)

VI. Final word

The image of Tatyana herself is free from predetermination: she is neither the embodiment of vices nor a “model of perfection.” Tatyana is a living person and therefore the “sweet ideal” of the Author. Tatyana found an ideal in popular ideas about happiness moral duty, unbreakable marital fidelity, so vividly depicted in folk tales and songs. Pushkin created her image so comprehensively and deeply that we can easily imagine Tatyana in any life situation.

(Examples: stanzas XV, XXXI, XXXVII from the third chapter; stanzas XXIII, XXIV from the fourth chapter; stanzas V, LV from the seventh chapter; stanza L from the eighth chapter.)


Prepare for your essay.

Summing up the lesson, grading.

Abdrakhmanov Rustam Iskandarovich

Research plan:

Introduction. The significance of the image of Tatyana Larina in the system of images of the novel;

Main part.

1. Tatyana’s confession of love for Onegin, 2. Onegin’s confession of love to Tatyana.

3.Humility to an unhappy marriage.

4. Awakening new, not yet experienced, violent feelings that Tatyana has already experienced.

5.Fidelity to marital duty.

Pushkin singles out Tatyana from many representatives of noble society because she is higher in development environment. The beauty of the surrounding nature, constant solitude, the habit of thinking independently, and natural intelligence formed Tatyana’s inner world, which, for all his intelligence, Onegin did not reach. She was alone in her family. Pushkin writes: “Wild, sad, silent, like a forest deer, timid, she seemed like a stranger in her own family.”

WITH early years she was distinguished by her dreaminess, she lived a special life inner life. The author emphasizes that the girl was devoid of coquetry and pretense - qualities that he so disliked in women. Many lines in the novel are devoted to the role of books, which were for Tatyana special world, shaped her worldview and spiritual qualities. So Pushkin brings us to the understanding that Tatyana is a poetic, lofty, spiritual nature.

The poet finds the most accurate, most convincing words,

to explain how Eugene was brought up unhappily:

he does not know how to feel, suffer, or rejoice.

But he knows how to “be a hypocrite, appear, appear”;

but, like many secular people, he knows how to be bored and languish.

Two people have met who can give each other happiness. We met and noticed each other, and could fall in love. .. But Onegin pushes this possibility away from himself: he doesn’t believe in love, doesn’t believe in happiness, doesn’t believe in anything, doesn’t know how to believe...

And Tatyana knows how! And believe, and dream, and wait, and hope, and love:

Tatyana Larina and Evgeny Onegin cannot be happy because they have different views for life.

It seems to Tatyana, “But happiness was so possible, so close,” - this is not true. Previously, happiness was not possible because Onegin did not know how to love. Happiness is possible only now, with the renewed Onegin, but... it’s too late.

A pure and whole person, Tatyana does not want and cannot deceive her husband, whom she respects. To leave him for Onegin would mean destroying both your life (the world would not forgive such an act) and, most importantly, the life of another person who loves her - Tatyana does not consider herself to have the right to sacrifice her husband’s happiness for the sake of her own happiness.

Tatyana can only suffer. The old Eugene, indifferent and selfish, would not have understood her torment. Now he understands everything - Onegin is neither able to continue to pursue the princess nor to abandon her completely.

Tatiana, modest, silent, turned into “Stately and careless

legislator of the hall." She transformed the “soulless world” into a “masquerade”

She brought her simplicity and naturalness to St. Petersburg.

A reasonable question arises: why? elite which we are used to

Far from being disgusting to Tatyana? Why did she fit into it so organically?

Is there a contradiction here?

Tatiana's life is wonderful

history of character development,
which was created in life lessons



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Topic: Tatyana Larina is Pushkin’s favorite heroine. Integrity, noble simplicity of Tatyana’s character Purpose of the research work: . 1) show the significance of the image of Tatyana Larina in the system of images of the novel; understand the author's attitude towards the heroine; 2) to show the integrity, noble simplicity of Tatyana’s character

Plan of my speech: Introduction. The significance of the image of Tatyana Larina in the system of images of the novel; Main part. 1. Tatyana’s declaration of love for Onegin, 2. Onegin’s declaration of love to Tatyana. 3.Humility towards an unhappy marriage. 4. Awakening of new, not yet experienced, violent feelings that Tatyana has already experienced. 5.Fidelity to marital duty. Conclusion.

Pushkin singles out Tatyana from many representatives of noble society because she is above the environment in her development. The beauty of the surrounding nature, constant solitude, the habit of thinking independently, and natural intelligence formed Tatyana’s inner world, which, for all his intelligence, Onegin did not reach. She was alone in her family. Pushkin writes: “Wild, sad, silent, like a forest deer, timid, she seemed like a stranger in her own family.” . There is no portrait of Tatyana, as if the author is trying to convey to the reader that external beauty is often devoid of life if the beautiful and a pure soul, which means it is devoid of poetry.

From an early age she was distinguished by her dreaminess and lived a special inner life. The author emphasizes that the girl was devoid of coquetry and pretense - qualities that he so disliked in women. Many lines in the novel are devoted to the role of books, which for Tatyana were a special world and shaped her worldview and spiritual qualities. So Pushkin brings us to the understanding that Tatyana is a poetic, lofty, spiritual nature. The poet finds the most precise, most convincing words to explain how unhappily Eugene was raised: he does not know how to feel, suffer, or rejoice. But he knows how to “be a hypocrite, appear, appear”; but, like many secular people, he knows how to be bored and languish.

Both Onegin and Tatyana acutely feel their alienation from the environment in which they are forced to live. This is expressed in the fact that Tatyana “seemed like a stranger in her own family,” and in Onegin blues. This means that Evgeniy and Tatyana have traits that bring them closer together. Dissatisfaction with the life around them plunges them into beautiful world books. Both of them have a keen mind and observation, their relationship is imbued with honesty and truthfulness. Possessing some similar features, Onegin and Tatyana are different from each other in many ways. Onegin's arrogance and selfishness are contrasted with Tatiana's spiritual generosity. These qualities of heroes are most clearly manifested in love. Onegin with youth learned the “science of tender passion,” which replaced true feelings. How early could he be a hypocrite, harbor hope, be jealous, dissuade, force to believe, seem gloomy, languish, appear proud and obedient, attentive or indifferent! Constant pretense became second nature to him, drowning out the ability to love sincerely and deeply in his soul.

Two people have met who can give each other happiness. We met and noticed each other, and could fall in love. .. But Onegin pushes this possibility away from himself: he doesn’t believe in love, doesn’t believe in happiness, doesn’t believe in anything, doesn’t know how to believe... But Tatyana knows how! And to believe, and to dream, and to wait, and to hope, and to love: For a long time her imagination, Burning with bliss and melancholy, Hungered for the fatal food; For a long time heartache Her young breasts were tight; The soul was waiting... for someone, And waited... The eyes opened; She said: it's him!

She “loves without art,” “gullible,” “endowed from heaven with a rebellious imagination, a living mind and will, and a wayward head, and a fiery and tender heart.” Tatyana’s letter is permeated with the same enormous feeling that Pushkin had already told us about, and is expressed in the same book words that the poet has already shown us: “an unhappy fate,” “an inexperienced soul of excitement,” “it is destined in the highest council,” “to the grave you are my keeper”, “you appeared to me in dreams”, “who are you, my guardian angel or an insidious tempter”... Tatyana is trying to break out of the circle familiar to a rural young lady. She is the first! - writes a letter to Onegin. / Let’s listen to a video of Tatyana’s letter to Onegin / What prevented Onegin from surrendering to feelings? Everything that happened between Evgeny and Tatiana was prepared by Onegin’s previous life. The years lived in a false world were not in vain.” Grumbling eternal soul"was replaced by indifference to both people and feelings. Now, when the feeling is ready to be resurrected, he got scared and preferred cold peace.

A girl like Tatyana was once Onegin’s ideal! But this ideal is “the same,” Onegin no longer believes in it; late, as it seems to him, he met Tatyana. Hating and despising the world, he is nevertheless infected by its views, its prejudices: No matter how much I love you, Having gotten used to it, I will immediately stop loving you; You will begin to cry: your tears will not touch my heart, but will only enrage it...

Having met Tatiana at a ball in Moscow, Onegin already writes her a letter. At that time she was already the wife of a general. It is difficult to write such a letter to a person whose love you have rejected. It is even more difficult to understand that this person does not know you at all and may not believe you, see “the undertakings of despicable cunning where a painful and deep feeling is seething... Now he is afraid to even think about those times when he rejected his beloved. He cannot understand himself he cannot be the same as he was then, because now he is different.

It seems to Tatyana, “But happiness was so possible, so close,” - this is not true. Previously, happiness was not possible because Onegin did not know how to love. Happiness is possible only now, with the renewed Onegin, but... it’s too late. A pure and whole person, Tatyana does not want and cannot deceive her husband, whom she respects. To leave him for Onegin would mean destroying both your life (the world would not forgive such an act) and, most importantly, the life of another person who loves her - Tatyana does not consider herself to have the right to sacrifice her husband’s happiness for the sake of her own happiness. Tatyana can only suffer. The old Eugene, indifferent and selfish, would not have understood her torment. Now he understands everything - Onegin is neither able to continue to pursue the princess nor to abandon her completely. We came to the conclusion that Tatyana Larina and Evgeny Onegin cannot be happy, since they have different views on life.

Tatyana, modest, silent, turned into “The stately and careless legislator of the hall.” She transformed the “soulless world”; she brought her simplicity and naturalness to the “masquerade” of St. Petersburg. A reasonable question arises: why is high society, which we are accustomed to consider a false and hypocritical world, and there are good reasons for this, far from disgusting Tatiana? Why did she fit into it so organically? Is there a contradiction here?

Conclusion: Tatiana's life is wonderful story nurturing the character that was created in the lessons of life

1.V.G.Belinsky Works of A.S.Pushkin. Articles eight and nine. 2.N.G.Dolinina. Let's read Onegin together. M.-L., “Children’s Literature”, 1968 3. A.S. Pushkin. “Eugene Onegin” Kharkov, Belgorod 2008 4. Internet resources. Information sources

Essays and Unified State Examination in Literature Essays Unified State Examination in Literature Tatyana’s character: integrity or inconsistency? (based on the novel “Eugene Onegin” by A. S. Pushkin) Unified State Examination works in literature

The problem of duty and happiness is the most important problem of the novel in verse” Eugene Onegin.

Tatyana appears in the novel as a seventeen-year-old girl:

Dick, sad, silent,

Like a forest deer is timid,

She is in her own family

The girl seemed like a stranger.

She grows up and changes in appearance, but for her the concept of honor and duty, which is the dominant feature of this female image, remains unchanged.

In the initial chapters of the novel, Tatyana appears as an internally contradictory person. She coexists with genuine feelings and sensitivity, inspired by sentimental novels, which replaced everything for her. Tatyana imagines herself as the heroine of her favorite books and expects someone like Grandison or Malek-Adel, therefore, having met Onegin, Tatyana saw in him the embodiment of all the best qualities of her favorite heroes. There was something romantic about her; it’s not for nothing that Lensky compares her to Zhukovsky’s Svetlana.

The behavior of Tatiana in love is based on novel models known to her. Her letter was written in French (“she didn’t know Russian well”), and the letters from the novels she read served as a model. The author translates it, freeing the heroine's true feelings from the captivity of book templates. The fact that Tatyana enters into correspondence with an unfamiliar young man and is the first to confess her love to him makes her act impossible from the point of view of social decency.

A revolution in Tatiana's fate occurs in the 7th chapter. External changes in her life are only a consequence of the complex process that took place in Tatiana’s soul after Onegin’s departure. Finding herself in his estate and trying to understand her hero from the books left there, she realized that her lover was an extremely mysterious man:

What is he? Is it really imitation?

An insignificant ghost, or else

Muscovite in Harold's cloak...

And again Tatyana sees not the real Onegin, but the one whom her imagination suggested.

Without hoping for a new meeting and reciprocity from her lover, Tatyana makes a decisive moral choice: she agrees to go to Moscow. She loves Onegin, but voluntarily submits to her duty to her family.

And in the last episode of the novel, in the last monologue (“But I was given to another; / I will be faithful to him forever”) Tatyana confirms the choice made earlier.” Onegin's lesson is full of unfair reproaches and remarks. Tatyana does not understand the hero’s feelings; she sees in his love only social intrigue, a desire to ruin her honor. Once again, as once in the village, Tatyana does not see the real Onegin.

Tatiana's monologue reflects the internal drama. Loving each other, they will never be together. Tatyana is sure that it is impossible to build happiness on the misfortune of another, therefore Tatyana Larina is a heroine of conscience, and not a love heroine.

The meeting of heroes is a non-meeting in time.

Pushkin, Essay, Unified State Exam online

The problem of debt and happiness is the most important problem of the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin”.

Tatyana appears in the novel as a seventeen-year-old girl:

Dick, sad, silent,

Like a forest deer is timid,

She is in her own family

The girl seemed like a stranger.

She grows up and changes in appearance, but for her the concept of honor and duty, which is the dominant feature of this female image, remains unchanged.

In the initial chapters of the novel, Tatyana appears as an internally contradictory person. She coexists with genuine feelings and sensitivity, inspired by sentimental novels that “replaced everything” for her. Tatyana imagines herself as the heroine of her favorite books and expects “someone” like Grandison or Malek-Adel, therefore, having met Onegin, Tatyana saw in him the embodiment of all the best qualities of her favorite heroes. There was something romantic about her; it’s not for nothing that Lensky compares her to Zhukovsky’s Svetlana.

The behavior of Tatiana in love is based on novel models known to her. Her letter was written in French (“she didn’t know Russian well”), and the letters from the novels she read served as a model. The author translates it, freeing the heroine's true feelings from the captivity of book templates. The fact that Tatyana enters into correspondence with an unfamiliar young man and is the first to confess her love to him makes her act impossible from the point of view of social decency.

A revolution in Tatiana's fate occurs in the 7th chapter. External changes in her life are only a consequence of the complex process that took place in Tatiana’s soul after Onegin’s departure. Finding herself in his estate and trying to understand her hero from the books left there, she realized that her lover was an extremely mysterious man:

What is he? Is it really imitation?

An insignificant ghost, or else

Muscovite in Harold's cloak...

And again Tatyana sees not the real Onegin, but the one whom her imagination suggested.

Without hoping for a new meeting and reciprocity from her lover, Tatyana makes a decisive moral choice: she agrees to go to Moscow. She loves Onegin, but voluntarily submits to her duty to her family.

And in the last episode of the novel, in the last monologue (“But I was given to another; / I will be faithful to him forever”), Tatyana confirms the choice made earlier. “A Lesson to Onegin” is full of unfair reproaches and remarks. Tatyana does not understand the hero’s feelings; she sees in his love only social intrigue, a desire to ruin her honor. Once again, as once in the village, Tatyana does not see the real Onegin.

Tatiana's monologue reflects the inner drama. Loving each other, they will never be together. Tatyana is sure that it is impossible to build happiness on the misfortune of another, therefore Tatyana Larina is a heroine of conscience, and not a love heroine.

The meeting of heroes is a non-meeting in time.

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MIKHAIL MIKHAILOVICH ZOSHCHENKO (1894-1958) Mikhail Zoshchenko was born on July 29, 1894 in St. Petersburg into the family of an artist. The most vivid impressions of his childhood were later reflected in his stories for children. Zoshchenko's first literary experiments date back to his childhood. In one of his notebooks, the writer noted that at the age of 8-10 he tried to write poetry. In 1913, Mikhail Zoshchenko entered the law faculty of St. Petersburg University

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Their personal relationship begins in 1898, when the still very young Gorky wrote to Chekhov in a letter: “...I would like to express to you the sincere, selfless love that I have had for you since the days of my youth, I would like to express my admiration for the amazing with your talent...” It is difficult for us to say how Chekhov felt about Gorky’s literary experiments at that time, but the response letter contains good words: “I shake hands in a friendly manner.” It seemed

It is necessary to study! Every person needs knowledge in Everyday life. You must be able to read, write, and count. Modern man There is a lot of technology around us, not only in production, but also in everyday life. You need knowledge to understand all the diversity of the world around you. You need to study to get good knowledge. Educated person he feels confident and has many friends. Currently to get Good work, necessary