Who are minions exactly? What was shown in the trailer? Minion language is an incredible mixture

In the twentieth century, the favorite cartoon characters were the heroes of Disney fairy tales, for example, Mickey Mouse, Donald and others. In the twenty-first century, they were replaced by minions. The cartoon with their participation captivated the audience. They are not like anyone else. How did they appear and who created them?

"Parents" of minions

To understand who minions are, you should learn about their creation. The characters first appeared in 2010 in the film Despicable Me. The cartoon was created by Pierre Soffin and Chris Renaud. Unexpectedly for the filmmakers, viewers showed incredible interest in the antics of the yellow-headed creatures. They decided to make them the main characters in several short animated films, and later released full-length cartoon. The Minions prequel was written by screenwriter Brian Lynch.

The most difficult task for the creators was writing the dialogues. The fact is that the characters, in theory, speak their own special language. It was created based on the languages ​​of different countries. It is possible to understand the characters with the help of intonation and gestures, which the minions actively use. The director of the film was directly involved in dubbing the main characters.

What attracts viewers to yellow tadpoles? According to Janet Healy, who worked on the franchise, the minions are touching with their immaturity, sincerity, expressiveness and invulnerability. Who are minions from a moral point of view?

Cheerful characters strive to serve evil all their lives. At the same time, they are kind and sympathetic by nature. Such two-facedness lies in almost every person. They find their ideal home with Gru. Sincere relations between the villain and the yellow pranksters are being established. unbreakable bond. But who were they before meeting Gru?

Legend of the Minions

The villains' henchmen appeared on the planet millions of years ago. They came to earth from the depths of the sea as a result of evolution. Creatures cannot imagine their life without a master who must do evil. They help him with everything.

During the history of life on land, they were allied with the Tyrannosaurus rex, caveman, Pharaoh of Egypt, Dracula and Napoleon. Thanks to the “help” of the yellow creatures, all the villains faced defeat and death.

Having lost all their owners, they move into an ice cave. Minions live for their own pleasure, but gradually lose the meaning of life. In order not to completely wither away, one of the minions decides to leave the shelter and find a new villain for his brothers. Two more minions go on the journey with him.

Finding themselves in New York in the sixties of the twentieth century, three friends find a suitable villain. Soon all the minions find the meaning of life in serving young Gru.

From the legend it becomes clear who the minions are. But what are they individually?


If you don't look closely, the minions seem similar friend on a friend. They are all yellow and consist of a head and limbs. At the same time, they wear blue overalls. If you look closely, you can see many differences. Some have hair, others are bald. Some have one eye, while others have two. They also differ in height and, of course, character. To understand who the minions are, it’s worth getting to know the main characters.

List of characters:

  • Stewart is a rebel and cool guy. He dreams of becoming a rock musician and does not recognize the rules, so he can go against everyone. He's like a naughty teenager.
  • Kevin is a leader by nature. It is Kevin who decides to go on a journey to find the owner. He is smart and balanced, his decisions are always balanced. Kevin can be called Bob's guardian, whom he cares about.
  • Bob is the smallest minion, so he is considered a child. He is always running around with his toy. His little bear's name is Tim.
  • Dave - loves to play pranks with Stuart.
  • Phil - in one of the cartoons he shot from a bazooka and dressed up as a maid. It was he who was kidnapped by Dr. Nefario in order to make him evil.
  • Karl - he ran around wailing the fire siren around Gru's house.
  • George - I remember from the episode with the copy machine. He sat on top and made copies of his “butt”.

Whose voices do the minions speak in?

In total, more than ten people took part in voicing all the characters. However, the main characters, like all the minions, were voiced by Pierre Coffin. To do this, he wrote the image of each character in his head and was able to show their characters with the help of the correct intonations.

When dubbing cartoons into other languages ​​of the world, the voices of the minions were left unchanged.

Where can you meet characters?

The minions, photos of which are presented above, are the heroes of the franchise about the global supervillain Gru.

List animated films project:

  • "Despicable Me 1.2" (2010 and 2013);
  • "Minions" (2015).

In addition, there are short animated creations, such as the cartoon “Minions: Monster”, as well as “House Makeover”, “Banana Fever”, “Bombs”, “In the Cinema”, “Dispute”, “Light Bulbs”, “Laughter from the Box” and others.

The second part should appear in 2020 full-length film about yellow funny characters. Work on the sequel has already begun.

In the midst summer holidays In 2010, the cartoon “Despicable Me” was released. The film told young viewers about a supervillain who had to become a foster father for a while, which is why he changed and became kind. The main idea of ​​the cartoon, however, was the funny assistants of the main villain - “minions” (from English - servants).

A million little yellow men, speaking an incomprehensible language and behaving rather strangely, immediately attracted the attention of the audience. As a result, Despicable Me got a sequel, the minions became a brand, and on July 9, 2015, a spin-off of Despicable Me, dedicated to the minions themselves, was released in Russian cinemas.

It would seem that what could be harmful about little funny people? But if you think about it, the “minions” brand itself and their history are full of very ambiguous hints and meanings. Let's figure it out.

Who are the minions?

If in the first cartoons it was not yet clear who the minions were and where they came from, then the trailer for the new full-length film provides answers to these questions: according to legend, minions have been on earth since time immemorial, starting at least from the era of dinosaurs. Since the trio from Despicable Me also participated in the events of the 17th century, it becomes clear that they are immortal. At the same time, they live only for one purpose - to serve the villains. Without submission to the villain, the minions become depressed. They find the most evil one and entrust themselves to his leadership, serving him faithfully until he dies, then they look for the next one. They cannot be called a people, because minions do not have children, old people, or women. And now we invite you to watch the trailer for the new cartoon. (video 1)

The trailer is quite telling. In addition to what we already know about minions, we were also shown in three minutes: several deaths in a row (0:50-1:20); dressing the minions as a woman with a prominent bust, which she showed off to a passerby (2:29); a minion dressing up in a woman's swimsuit (0:36); a mustachioed father of the family in a bright red dress and makeup (1:50); mocking a sick person and hitting him in the groin (2:19); a colorful demonstration of a torture chamber and a game with a gallows (2:56); a minion in a thong (3:13) and a minion kissing what he perceives to be two women in a jacuzzi (3;16).

But the most impressive thing is not even that the main characters children's cartoon portray either boys or girls and consciously serve evil, but the fact that they are shown as positive, cheerful and funny characters, from which children will certainly want to take an example.

It is already known from previous cartoons that minions not only commit evil, but also do good. Throughout their entire existence, they helped the villains of all eras, but accidentally served as the reason that the villains most often died: they burned Dracula, they shot Napoleon. They fight, and then they perform cutely at the wedding, funny eat ice cream and go to steal the moon. They obeyed the villain and showed great delight in his villainous plans, and later admired his plans to save the world with the same delight. Try reading this to-do list to your child, and then ask a question that often torments children when watching movies and cartoons: are minions good or bad, kind or evil?

A child will not be able to give you an answer, and it will also be difficult for an adult to decide on this issue. Thus, in the child’s psyche, and the cartoon is intended for an audience of “6+”, the concepts of good and evil will be blurred. You can be nice, but fight for a banana with someone you've known for many years, take someone else's and help the villains.

And one more thing - minions, as already mentioned, come from the word “servant”, and their unquestioning submission to the villain, who in one situation may well be engaged in the production of murder weapons, and in another - ice cream, only confirms this name. They are servants, created to serve, they wear work uniforms, they do not think about orders and only in the evening allow themselves to go about their business, which most often is fights, bad jokes and bullying each other. Isn’t this the image of a typical representative of a consumer society that modern society actively imposes on us? Mass culture, who came from the West? Identical creatures that have neither own opinion, neither the meaning of life, nor any moral qualities and wanting only to serve.

Now let’s ask one more question: what gender are the minions?

Judging by their names, the main characters - Stuart, Bob and Kevin - are clearly men, in to a greater extent They also have masculine character traits. Sometimes they even “fall in love”: in the cartoon Despicable Me 2, Minion Stewart fell in love with a woman. However, the authors deliberately often focus on the fact that, if desired, the minions can be a girl.

In the new trailer, the minion comes out of the water and, seeing that everyone is wearing swimming trunks and he is not, in fear he rushes into the water and comes out of it wearing a bra (0:36). Having received a blow to the groin area (2:23), the minion is at first surprised, and then simply laughs, demonstrating that he is not hurt at all.

The authors clearly make it clear that the minions are bisexual; if they wish, they can be both a boy and a girl, as they wish, as it suits them. Let us remind you once again that the main the target audience such cartoons are children, and it is in their consciousness through similar images the idea is laid not only about tolerance to perversions, but also that changing your gender is absolutely normal.

Behavior patterns

And now about how minions communicate with each other. Despite the fact that the main characters have known each other for, without exaggeration, a thousand years, their relationship cannot be called friendly. They constantly argue, mock each other, laugh at any mistake or failure of their comrade. (Video 2)

In this excerpt you can see (Video 3) how one wants to hit the other with a club, then one laughs at the other, then they fight, and at the end of the scene, while one is kidnapped by an unknown evil, the other lets him go and sees him off into the unknown with a malicious grin.

How will the child behave after watching such a scene? What do they teach? Clearly not friendship, care or mutual assistance. Despite the fact that these yellow characters can join forces in certain situations, for example, when they need to commit some kind of villainy, we are not talking about teamwork, because even here one cannot do without attempts to set up a friend and stand out from the rest. During one cartoon, they fight at the controls of the plane, at the computer, and the rest, seeing the conflict that has flared up, pick up the cry of “fight-fight” (fight-fight) and watch with pleasure. During a fight, minions can not only hit each other with thin arms, but also hit their heads on the table and use improvised objects.

Words such as honor, conscience or dignity simply do not fall within their range of concepts. Minions are loyal only to the evil master and their ego and are more like a ball of rats, ready to devour each other for a bonus and any handout from the owner. These are the types of behavior patterns that this cartoon fosters.

Summarize. The Minions brand is aimed at:

Blurring the concepts of good and evil: the minions are villains and help villains - this is the reason for their immortal existence, but they are depicted as cute and funny, doing both good and bad deeds, thereby blurring in the minds of the young viewer the concepts of what is “good” and what is “bad”.

Propaganda of perversions - minions can be both boys and girls according to desire or mood.

Cultivating unquestioning and thoughtless obedience. The minions themselves are simply servants, and, as noted above, they do not care what ideals they serve. It turns out that the brand of new idols for children being promoted all over the world is a “funny servant” without any moral guidelines.

Fostering individualism and competition in the viewer for petty goals. Minions are very cocky and boastful, they fight with each other just to show off in front of the owner or for fun. Despite the fact that the minions have known each other for thousands of years, they do not have friendly relations.

Propaganda of vulgarity. The minions are extremely immoral guys; in the frame they hint at things that do not fit into the “6+” rating.

Don’t take your child to see this cartoon, tell your loved ones about its harmfulness to the child’s psyche and get involved in the work of reviving morality in the media!

Be brave, comrade, publicity is our strength!

with one or two eyes.

Thanks to the minions, the Despicable Me cartoon and its sequels have become even funnier.

Some people on the Internet are debating whether the Minions are from Despicable Me.good and bad characters .

They are cheerful and funny, butthey serve exclusively the villains . Minions do dangerous and rowdy things all the time.

And with regard to gender, they have a completely difficult situation - it is not clear whether they are boys or girls, although by their behavior you can figure out who is who.

Let's look at a few interesting facts about minions and try to understand were you in real life minions, and what the cartoon minions have in common with reality.

1. In the cartoon "Despicable Me" the minions' teeth are a little crooked, but in the second part ("Despicable Me 2") they are already aligned.

2. All minions have only 5 hairstyles, including no hair. For example, all the tall minions have the same hairstyles.

3. One-eyed minions are almost never tall.

4. According to the directors of the cartoon “Despicable Me,” minions were added to the film so that the main character Gru would fall in love with the audience.

5. Initially, it was planned to create the minions as huge as orcs, but as the cartoon was created, they were increasingly reduced in size.

6. The Minions were inspired in part by the short humanoid Jawas from Star Wars and the Oompa Loompas from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

7. All minions have 3 fingers.

8. All minions who played important role in the cartoon, have male names.

Funny minions

9. How minions reproduce remains a mystery.

10. To promote Despicable Me 2, an airship painted like a Minion was used to fly over the United States. Later over different countries 15 such airships have already flown.

11. Minions can survive in space. This means that they do not freeze and can live without oxygen.

12. Minions are now the main mascot of Illumination Entertainment.

13. The minions speak a language that is a mixture between Spanish, English and Italian, with some elements from Russian and Korean.

15. Evil minions purple, since purple is on the opposite side of yellow on the color spectrum.

Who are the minions?

In the 16th century in France, the word “minion” was used to describe the favorites of noble people. At court, they could play the role of advisers, guards and even lovers.

WITH French"mignon" translates as "baby", "cutie". The life and fate of these people completely depended on their patrons. Minions fulfilled any desires of the nobility, so soon the word “minion” was on a par with such concepts as promiscuity and corruption.

Minions of Henry III of Valois

It was these minions that achieved significant success in their difficult work. With their daring behavior and numerous intrigues, they worried the entire kingdom.

The minions loved to live in luxury, since they themselves did not grow up in the richest and most noble families.

It was customary among them to wear earrings, despite the fact that at that time it was very strange. It is worth noting that Henry himself loved to wear large precious earrings. He started wearing them after meeting Elizabeth of England.

This minion portrait can be found in art museum Milwaukee. The author of the painting is artist Lucas de Heere. The painting was painted around 1570 in oil on a panel made from natural slate. Henry and his minion in the painting are about 20 years old.

Since the minions wore slightly feminine outfits, the courtiers often laughed at them. However, many envied them, since the king loved to bestow various titles and lands on his favorites. Henry III even ordered the construction of a luxurious crypt for the minions killed in the duel.

What other minions are there?

Minion lamps:

Incandescent lamps. Characterized by low power and small base diameter.

Minion font:

Small font, which is often used in mini-books, as well as when creating advertisements.

Filet mignon:

Record - minion:

A gramophone record on which from 4 to 8 works were recorded (2-4 compositions on each side) with a total playing time of about 30-40 minutes.

Minion Dance:

Minion Abraham

17th-century Dutch artist, master of still lifes.

What are the names of the minions in the cartoon?


An intelligent and balanced minion, capable of making logical decisions.


Cool and independent minion. Rebel and rock musician. Often plays the role of a naughty teenager.

2010 gave the world new favorites - characters animated film"Despicable Me". Who are the minions that overnight won the love of millions of children around the world?

First appearance

For the first time, viewers saw minions in the cartoon Despicable Me, which tells about the supervillain Gru, who, to confirm his status as the most dangerous criminal, planned to kidnap the Moon. In many ways huge success The cartoon was contributed by Gru's numerous assistants - the minions. funny creatures yellow color, armed with huge lenses over their eyes and speaking an incomprehensible language, instantly won the love of young spectators.

But the main intrigue remained the question of the origin of the minions. Who are they - living creatures that have existed next to humans for thousands of years, or a product of genetic engineering? The answer to this question was received in 2015, when the cartoon “Minions” was released.

A prequel that reveals all the secrets of the origin

At the very beginning of the cartoon “Minions,” the viewer finds out where these funny creatures came from. As it turned out, minions, like all other living organisms on the planet, originated on Earth millions of years ago. They appeared long before humans and lived during the time of dinosaurs. From the moment of their birth, they served one purpose - the most vile villain. First it was a Tyrannosaurus, then primitive, egyptian pharaohs and other famous attackers.

The cartoon "Minions" became a box office record holder - the story of the minions collected more than a billion dollars at the box office.

Appearance and abilities of minions

These are creatures of small stature and yellow color, similar in appearance to boxes of Kinder Surprise chocolate eggs. They have one or two eyes, wear large round glasses and blue overalls. Minions have several superpowers. They can do without oxygen and feel quite comfortable in outer space. Minions glow in the dark if necessary. They are unusually hardworking and have a sincere affection for their owner.

Without serving the villain, they lose interest in life and become apathetic. Minions love their work, but with no less pleasure they love to have fun and throw parties. The main delicacy is bananas. When they see this fruit they lose their self-control.

Minions are impulsive and easily lose self-control. At the same time, they are extremely simple-minded and look at the world like children, with their eyes wide open. Very curious and can be extremely annoying.

Minions are hard to name full-fledged people, since they have no children or elderly. Apparently they are all about the same age.

Minion language is an incredible mixture

The little henchmen of the villains speak a strange language that sounds very funny. It was not as carefully developed as, for example, the Navi language for James Cameron's Avatar, which was created by a professional linguist. But the speech of minions is not just a collection of sounds. To create their funny language, slightly modified words were used in Italian, Spanish, French, Indian, Japanese, Indonesian and English.

The minions in the cartoon speak in the voices of directors Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud. The characters were actually supposed to be voiced by actors. But when the creators of the cartoon tested how, according to their idea, the speech of the minions should sound, it was decided that no one could do it better than them. Coffen voiced the minions in all the cartoons.

Who are minions - good or evil?

Adults have a diametrically opposite opinion about these funny cartoon characters. Some parents consider them completely harmless and cute creatures. For some viewers, it's not that simple. They reproach the creators of cartoons about minions for the fact that their characters have many negative traits: unconditional submission to his master, inability to behave in a team, struggle for the place of leader, which becomes threatening, selfishness and love for cruel practical jokes.

For children, the answer to the question of who the minions are is simple and clear - they are the funniest assistants to supervillains, speaking in gibberish and performing many meaningless but funny actions.

Minions is one of the world's popular brands

As soon as they appeared on the screen, the little henchmen of the villain Gru turned into one of the most famous trademarks. Funny creatures have become characters in computer and mobile games; their images decorate children's clothes and dishes. There was even a flying one new toy, released in 2015. The principle of its operation is the same as that of Flying Fairy. Kids can choose one of two characters - Dave or Stuart.

So, who are the minions? For children, these are one of the favorite cartoon characters. Funny and funny kids, simple-minded, impulsive and clumsy, they continue to be the favorites of adults and children.