Egyptian pyramids and the immortality of the pharaohs. Continuation

There is practically no person who has not heard about the Egyptian pyramids. Of course, not all have survived to this day, but even about those that can be seen now, there are many rumors and a lot of assumptions made about how the pyramids were built, who did it and why. In our article we will try to understand at least some issues.

Why pyramids?

Modern architects are perplexed why, if there was such a desire to build something unusual, the choice fell on a pyramid-shaped form? And the answer is probably quite simple. At that time, there was no question of any competent architects and designers, especially among the sandy deserts.

Each of us remembers ourselves as children playing in the sandbox or on the seashore while on vacation with our family. We were then in almost the same conditions as the builders of Ancient Egypt, and we also tried to build something out of sand. And what did we almost always succeed in? That's right - sand pyramids.

Of course, among the Egyptian sands there were also various shapeless or unusual stones, and using them in addition to sand for construction was an excellent tool for strengthening the structure.

So it turns out that it is not so important how the pyramids are built, but we can assume that this form was chosen only because there was simply no opportunity, equipment or knowledge to build something else.

Purpose of the pyramids

It is probably safe to say that the Egyptian pyramids to this day hide some secrets that neither scientists nor clairvoyants can solve. There are many versions and hypotheses about who built the Egyptian pyramids and how it was done, but there is still no exact answer to these complex questions.

But answering the question about the purpose of the structures is a little easier; you can at least draw speculative conclusions.

According to one version, the pyramids served as tombs for the pharaohs. As evidence, they provide burial items that were discovered in some pyramids. In the available ancient records, it was discovered that only priests had the right of access to the structure; everyone else was prohibited from entering there.

But one can also find fault with this version. The pyramids in Egypt are not all the same; they differed from each other in their structure, the presence of above-ground and underground parts, and even the building materials used were not the same.

The pyramid was built around 2560 BC from stone. Those that appeared later were made of clay bricks that were not even fired. People could build such structures, but such construction would take quite a lot of time. By the way, it is these pyramids that are most susceptible to the influence of environmental factors, and under the wind and rain they are gradually destroyed. Some of them have already practically turned into a pile of sand and bricks.

There is a second version of why the pyramids were built. They served as giant energy accumulators. It is already known that many of them had a huge underground part, which was arranged in exact accordance with the star map. The upper above-ground part in the form of a pyramid was a kind of channel for the release of energy.

According to the third version, the first pyramid was built to store pharaonic treasures. It is impossible to say this for sure, but some arguments can be made in favor of this theory:

  1. All pyramids are capital structures that managed to withstand the onslaught of the natural environment and remain virtually unchanged. This means that we can assume that they were built to last for centuries. For example, the Pyramid of Cheops was built around the year 2560 BC. No one doubts that at that time there was no talk of any banks for storing money and jewelry, and you had to store your treasures somewhere. Back then, it was quite difficult to do this among the sands and dunes; at any moment, a sandstorm could sweep it away so much that it would be impossible to find your hidden treasures. Therefore, the pyramids were built at such a height that they would not be afraid of dunes and sands.
  2. The very size of the structure confirms that it is possible to hide enormous wealth in it, the owners of which were the pharaohs. In this case, it does not matter how many years ago the Cheops pyramid was built. External forms do not reveal the internal dimensions in any way, so it is difficult to imagine how much wealth can fit within its walls.

All these, of course, are versions, and it is almost impossible to accurately answer the questions of who built the pyramids and why.

Material for building pyramids

A huge amount of material was required to build such huge pyramids. Many scientists believe that it was mined in quarries. Archaeologists near Aswan (an area located near the Giza pyramids) found a granite slab preserved from those ancient times, its weight reached about 1300 tons. The surprising thing is that it had a neatly sawn recess and cracks. Apparently, because of them, the ancient pyramid builders considered it unsuitable for their grandiose project.

There is also confirmation from some researchers that there are traces of wooden formwork inside the pyramids.

Concrete, which ancient builders made from crushed limestone, has good plasticity and, when cooled and hardened, takes on the desired shape. Presumably, various images on such walls and hieroglyphs were squeezed out on concrete that had not yet hardened, and were not carved out later.

Some archaeologists have even considered that construction excavations in concrete blocks were made using a bronze chisel. Is this really possible, especially if you consider how many years ago the Cheops pyramid was built? Let's assume that scientists know better.

Material for the tallest pyramid

Currently known is the pharaoh who built this Cheops. It is believed that it was on his instructions that their construction began. But the whole process was not led by the pharaoh himself, but by his nephew, the vizier Hemion. It still remains a mystery to scientists what kind of cutting-edge technology he used to ultimately obtain one of the seven wonders of the world. In what year the Cheops pyramid was built is not known exactly, but presumably it was before our era, around 2560. What technologies could we be talking about?

According to information from ancient sources, the preparation for construction itself lasted for many years, and more than 4 thousand workers were involved in this process. Since it was planned to build a structure of enormous scale, it was decided to choose a rocky area near Cairo as the site.

To level the surface of the earth, the Egyptians, using stone and sand, built a square shaft that was impenetrable to water. Channels were cut inside it, into which water was released to determine its level. After this, notches were made, the liquid was drained, and all the stones that were above this level were removed and the trenches were filled. This is how we got the foundation for the pyramid.

Regardless of how many years ago the Cheops pyramid was built, there is still no doubt that the main material for its construction was stone blocks that were mined in quarries. Using hewing, they were processed to the required size; usually they ranged from 0.8 m to 1.5 m. Some specimens were more impressive in size, for example, the block above the entrance to the “pharaoh’s room” weighed about 35 tons.

It is assumed that the prepared blocks were dragged to the river with the help of thick ropes and levers and transported to the construction site. There are no questions with this process, but how and with the help of what technologies these blocks ended up on top of the structure still remains an unsolved mystery for all scientists.

The pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops was built in about 40 years, although some believe that it took no more than twenty. Unfortunately, some of the blocks have not survived to this day, since (according to one version) they were used by the residents of Cairo to build their houses after the Arabs raided their capital.

The age-old question - who created the pyramids?

The question of who built the pyramids still remains without exact answers. Controversies and conversations do not subside around these grandiose structures, and more and more versions about the alleged builders appear.

This question will always worry the minds of scientists, since the whole point is not even who built them, but how this whole process was carried out. What technologies were used to not only obtain the correct geometric shape, but also a structure that is almost immune to the influence of natural disasters, wars and vandal invasions? There are many versions on this matter, but we will get acquainted with only some of them.

Twine and log

According to the first version, the construction of the pyramids was carried out by the Egyptians themselves. They dragged huge slabs and blocks to the work site using ropes; they placed logs under them and dragged them.

Herodotus claimed that the builders had wooden formwork, which was dismantled and moved, and with its help the construction of the next level was carried out.

It is difficult to say exactly in what year the pyramids were built, but Cheops is not considered the first pharaoh who proposed building such structures. Pharaoh Djoser the Magnificent is considered to be the discoverer of the era of pyramid construction in Egypt. On a stele from his time you can find instructions for preparing mortar.

For this pharaoh was created at Saqqara. It had 6 steps, each of which meant the next stage of construction. Inside there were 11 chambers for the burial of members of the pharaoh's family. Subsequently, mummies of wives and children were found there. Much later, each pyramid was intended for the burial of only one king or pharaoh.

Giant builders

According to the second version, the construction of the pyramids was not carried out by the Egyptians, but by the ancient civilization of the Russians. It is believed that it was they who, due to their enormous growth, had the opportunity to engage in such construction. Atlanteans were not only more than 12 meters tall, but also had a huge reserve of physical strength, so they could carry boulders weighing several tons quite easily.

But, according to some legends, the giants did not rely on their physical capabilities at all, but used the power of thought, with which they could move objects through the air.

These assumptions were confirmed by many scientists. For example, Blavatsky is an esotericist and theosophist, as well as the clairvoyant Edgar Cayce, who claimed that the pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops was built around 10,490 BC. It was this clairvoyant who named the exact place where the Atlanteans hid important documents and materials - between the paws of the Sphinx. These artifacts contain information about Atlantis and its destruction.

Many scientists adhere to the version that the Atlanteans built the pyramids. These ancient supermen wanted to convey their unusual history to future generations, and so that there was no chance of all this getting lost, they came up with such unusual and huge structures.

Alien origin of the pyramids

There is also a version according to which there may be a pharaoh who built the largest pyramid, but this was after extraterrestrial civilizations had built most of these masterpieces.

Scientists who adhere to this point of view cite the results of an analysis of the pyramids in favor of this version. At that time, such unique technologies for processing stone and moving huge blocks in space simply did not exist. It is believed that only aliens could have some kind of super technology that could cope with such a task. The Abu Simbel Temple has statues of seated pharaohs, the height of which reaches more than 20 meters. Was it really possible for ordinary people to build something like this in those days without special equipment and technology, and even from bronze? For many scientists this is quite doubtful.

What questions don't have answers?

Even if we assume that they were much smarter than us in matters of constructing unique structures and decided to keep how the pyramids were built a secret, then there is no answer to the following questions:

  • Considering that chisels made of stone and copper were available in ancient Egypt, how could they be used to cut a block of granite so that there were no gaps between the blocks?
  • What had to be used to be able to go almost 100 meters deeper into the base of the pyramid?
  • It is also amazing that in just twenty years the Egyptians were able to lay bricks with a total mass of 3 tons along magnetic lines, and in perfect order. It took approximately 5 minutes to lay one brick. And if you imagine that it was huge, then you can’t believe it.

You can find a lot of questions that arise regarding each version of the appearance of the pyramids, but they remain without intelligible and truthful answers.

Man-made miracle

The name of the pharaoh who built the tallest pyramid is Khufu, but he is usually known as Cheops, and the structure has the same name. The pyramid amazes with its impressive size; there is no doubt that its construction lasted for decades. It differs from other pyramids in its unusual layout, but the most interesting thing is that when it was opened, the body of the pharaoh was not found there. The question then arises: for whom and why was it built?

Nowadays, it is practically not important when the Cheops pyramid was built, because it is definitely included in the list of the seven wonders of the world.

Only its impressive size already amazes the imagination of modern man, and this is considering that over the past few millennia it has become smaller. Modern scientists can only guess the proportions of the pyramid, since along the edges it was dismantled by the Egyptians themselves for their needs.

Here is some information about this pyramid:

  • Now its height is about 138 meters, but, according to some data, upon completion of construction this figure was 11 points higher.
  • The foundation is a regular square shape, each side is 230 meters long.
  • The total area occupied by the pyramid is 5.4 hectares, that is, more than five of the largest modern temples can be freely located on it.
  • The total length of the foundation along the perimeter is 922 meters.

There is another interesting fact: the body on the outside has uneven grooves of different sizes. If you look at them from a certain angle, you can discern the image of a man about 150 meters tall. According to some assumptions, this is how the Egyptians depicted one of the ancient gods. There are several such drawings. On the north side there is an image of a woman and a man with their heads bowed to each other.

Scientists are inclined to believe that the builders made these drawings even before the completion of construction, but then it remains unclear why, if the outer slabs with which they decorated the pyramid hid them?

It doesn’t matter how many years ago the Cheops pyramid was built, but even inside it is very different from the others. There are corridors along which you can go both up and down. The main one first goes down, and then branches into 2 tunnels - one of them leads to the funeral unfinished chamber below, and the second to a large gallery above. From this gallery you can go to the main tomb and the Queen's room.

At the very base of the pyramid there are several underground structures. In one of them, scientists managed to discover an old ship, which was a cedar boat disassembled into 1224 parts. The length was about 43 meters. It was probably on this building that the pharaoh intended to go to the kingdom of the dead.

And the pyramid for Cheops?

The pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops was built around 2560 BC, but the question increasingly arises: was it built for him? Such doubts are tended by the fact that after its discovery the body of the pharaoh was not found there, and there were no decorations in the burial chamber.

The sarcophagus for the body was in an unfinished state: the stones were roughly cut, the lid was missing.

These data only further enable adherents of the alien origin of the pyramids to be convinced that the creators of such huge and unique structures were representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, but it is not clear why they did all this.

Pyramids of different sizes

The name of the pharaoh who built the tallest pyramid is known, but in addition to such a huge structure, there were also very small ones. Some scientists believe that, in addition to using the pyramid as a tomb, it was also a place for performing various religious rituals. According to other opinions, the Egyptians simply did not want their culture to sink into obscurity, like many others, and with the help of such structures they passed on information about themselves to their descendants.

The pyramids were simply ideal for this purpose, as they differed not only in their shape, but also in their material, strength and size. By the way, scientists also have their own considerations regarding the size of the pyramids.

They believe that structures that are too small do not honor the pharaoh, but there may simply not be enough money for a huge building. It was from this point of view that before construction the size of the pyramid was discussed, taking into account the financial capabilities of the treasury.

But there are also those who argue that not only the shape, but also the size is not at all random. This is part of the knowledge, having comprehended which, you can understand the universe and the mechanics of our huge planet.

It does not matter whether the question of how the pyramids were built will be revealed, but it is these structures that attract a huge number of tourists every year to Egypt. And the tourism business is one of the main areas that replenishes the state treasury.

And one can only assume that even truthful answers to questions, for example, when the Cheops pyramid was built, will be kept a big secret by the authorities, so as not to lose their attractiveness and mystery for tourists from all over the world.

We can only summarize all that has been said: whoever built these gigantic masterpieces of a unique form, he is truly a real creator who, with his work, forces the greatest minds of mankind to struggle to solve this mystery.

The Egyptians stopped building pyramids with the beginning of the New Kingdom. But why? What was the reason that led to the abandonment of the most incredible structures of Ancient Egypt?

New preferences

In 1550 BC. e. - with the beginning of the New Kingdom - the construction of ancient pyramids stopped. Researchers have never understood the reasons for such extreme and dramatic changes in architectural preferences. Pyramids began to be replaced by tombs that were carved into the mountains. These new architectural preferences helped reduce the number of tombs being looted. During the New Kingdom, the pyramids that sometimes continued to be built were of lower quality and did not reach the size of past structures.

Researchers have long been interested in why the construction of the pyramids suddenly stopped. Some scholars suggest that materials and construction methods were changed. As a result, the new structures were not as strong and could not stand the test of time as those that had come before them.

So we know that the Egyptians stopped building pyramids, but why did they start doing it in the first place?

How did the pyramids appear?

The pyramids were a logical evolution of the mastabas - monuments that were used as burial places for the rulers of the Early Dynasty in Ancient Egypt. No one knows exactly why mastabas began to be replaced by pyramids. Some researchers suggest that they were built with the goal of reaching great heights. However, the construction of both the pyramids and the mastaba had one goal - to preserve the memory of the ruler for posterity.

The ancient Egyptians first began converting mastabas into pyramids during the Third Dynasty - around 2700 BC. e. Initially, these structures were very similar to those built by ancient civilizations in America. These first pyramids - such as Djoser's step pyramid at Saqqara - were built in the form of various steps that were meant to resemble a stairway to heaven.

Some researchers are very skeptical about the idea that the pyramids could have been used as tombs. Their argument is that no evidence or inscriptions have been found to link these miraculous structures to the tombs.

Construction secrets

Another big mystery surrounding the pyramids is that history still cannot answer the question of how this ancient civilization was able to lift massive stone blocks of such dimensions during construction.

There are many hypotheses, the development of which began back in the days of the ancient Greek scientist Herodotus. With the help of these theories, scientists are trying to explain how the ancient Egyptians were able to build these structures, but no one can give a definitive answer. Oddly enough, during all this time no ancient texts or reporting documents were discovered that would relate to the construction of the pyramids.

Great Pyramid of Giza

In total, scientists were able to discover more than a hundred pyramids of the pharaohs in Egypt. They have different sizes and were built for both the pharaohs and the nobility. The most famous structure is the Great Pyramid of Giza due to its truly enormous size. According to experts, it consists of 2,300,000 stone blocks, each of which weighs from 2 to 30 tons. Some weigh up to 50 tons. This true masterpiece rightfully deserves to be called a miracle. The pyramid was built with such precision that our modern technology is unable to replicate it. Egyptologists suggest that the pyramid was built as a tomb over 10-20 years, around 2560 BC. e.

Initially it was covered with facing stones (polished limestone). They were supposed to reflect sunlight, so the pyramid sparkled like a precious stone. In the 14th century, Arabs began to use these polished stones to build mosques. An earthquake also contributed to their destruction. Be that as it may, at the moment this covering is no longer on the pyramid. It is believed that the polishing stones on the pyramid acted as mirrors. They reflected light so powerfully that the pyramid could be seen from the moon. She looked like a bright shining star on the earth's surface. Accordingly, the ancient Egyptians called the Great Pyramid Ikhet, meaning “Magnificent Light.”

Construction after the Fourth Dynasty

After the valor displayed by the Fourth Dynasty, the next generation showed a lower level of skill in the construction of monuments and pyramids. The builders could no longer achieve such perfection, and the small pyramids at Abusir provide ample evidence of these technical failures.

In subsequent centuries, the design and construction of pyramids became even worse. And although it is traditionally accepted that in the 16th century BC. e. The Egyptians began to abandon the pyramids; in later centuries their influence on architecture can be traced.

Nubian rulers from the Fifteenth Dynasty were also buried in pyramids, but they were of small size and poor quality. However, during the Middle Kingdom, the Egyptians began to use wood, brick and adobe elements for internal construction. Perhaps this is the reason why only a few pyramids from this period have survived to this day.

— Supporters of folk history believe that the pyramids were not built by the Egyptians, but by more ancient civilizations or even extraterrestrials. How can you refute this myth?

— A historian works with historical documents and specific facts. There are sources that say that the Egyptians built pyramids and tell who served as priests in the temples near the pyramids. The very life of the Egyptians of the Old Kingdom was centered around the pyramids. The Egyptians called the city pyramidal. They always talked about how they lived in a city under a certain pyramid.

For example, the famous Memphis is a city that arose on the site of the pyramid settlement of King Pepi I. During the New Kingdom, it became a major political, economic and military center.

However, in its name it still retained the name of the ancient pyramid - Mennefer.

Accordingly, all the officials who worked there bore titles that reflected their duties in this pyramidal city. Therefore, we can confidently say that the pyramids were built by the Egyptians. Pyramids were an integral part of their living space, and sources confirm this. If extraterrestrial civilizations were involved in construction, we would read this in the sources.

— Is the exact age of the pyramids known now?

- Yes. If we know that this pyramid was built by, say, Cheops, we know when he lived, this is the middle of the 3rd millennium BC. We also know that every pyramid has a pyramid temple. The space of this temple contains a huge number of royal names; we know to whom this pyramid was dedicated. Based on this, we can build a chronological chain. Starting from the initial date when any particular king reigned, we can, by summing up the reigns of each king, approximately calculate the chronological scale.

The Egyptians did not have a single scale (like, for example, the ancient Jews): when the reign of a particular king ended, the chronology began anew.

— Were the pyramids built exclusively as tombs of the pharaohs or did they have other purposes?

— First of all, a pyramid is a kind of symbol that concentrates ideological and religious attitudes around itself, it is a symbol of the presence of a deity in this world. In the cult of the pyramid, the king occupied one of the places. If we strictly follow the sources, then the pyramid was dedicated to the god Ra-Atum, the goddess Hathor, and the third place in it was occupied by the king. To understand what this pyramid symbolized, one must understand the relationship of these gods with each other. God Ra is the one who gave birth to this world, the solar god. Hathor is his wife. Their son is King Horus. And this king takes his rightful place in this system. He is also worshiped along with these gods.

- That is, the last god transferred all divine power to Horus, and he transferred all divine power to his son - the king?

Absolutely true, but... The king is not just the son of Horus. Horus has its own pedigree, and all power from the gods passed from the first god Atum to Horus, and from Horus to the king. Therefore, in the royal title, the god Horus is the main and last. He is the owner of the power - “ka”, transmitted from the first ancestor god. “Ka” is a kind of manna, the life force thanks to which everything exists. This strength is an essential attribute of power. The pyramid accumulates the power of “ka”.

It symbolizes the presence of not only the king, but also the first god in this world.

The ancestor god, revered in the pyramid, takes care of the king, who died and at the same time is the patron of this pyramid. Therefore, the pyramid is a sacred place for the Egyptians.

— But there is no clear answer to the question of what a pyramid is in science?

“The Egyptians themselves did not answer this question for us. Only fragmentary information, or rather hints, has been preserved. For example, they said that the pyramid is the “house of god”, that it is dedicated to the goddess Hathor. But the pyramid was also identified with the god of the dead Osiris, or the “Eye of Horus.” The pyramid was associated with the name of the king. We must try to systematize all this information.

African inferences are unusual. We are accustomed to the fact that every phenomenon has a single reasonable explanation: for example, for us the sky is the sky. Egyptians have different associations. Either this was due to the fact that their language was poorly developed, or their thinking was simply different.

It turned out that the sky was at the same time a woman, a cow, and an ordinary tabletop!

This unusual thinking tried to describe the phenomenon, to somehow bring it closer, but did not contain the final answer to this question. Therefore, when we talk about a pyramid, it is difficult to understand what it is from an Egyptian point of view. It is clear that this is a kind of symbol of the connection between heaven and earth, between the king and the ancestor gods. But it’s hard to definitively answer what it is.

- And yet, why the pyramid? Why did the Egyptians want to build just such a geometric figure, and not a cube, for example?

— Initially, the pyramid was stepped: primitive mastabas were placed one on top of the other. It was built by the first architect of King Djoser, Imhotep. He simply built a smaller mastaba over each mastaba. The result was a stepped design. This design was present on early palettes in ceramics. We cannot say exactly what it is. Typically, such hieroglyphs denoted the tombs or pedestal of a god. There are a lot of points related to why the idea of ​​​​creating an ideal design arose. Egyptians are Africans, their worldview is different from the European one. They deified the elemental forces that are responsible for procreation, the vital forces. One of the variants of the pyramid is a kind of mother’s womb, a goddess who harbors a king within herself. The womb contains within itself the embryo of a future life that will be reborn in heaven. There is another option.

The pyramid is the first hill on which the first ancestor god arose.

— Is there any system in how the pyramids are located relative to each other?

— There is a theory proposed by British engineer Robert Bauval that the pyramids of Giza represent the “belt of Orion” - three stars. Orion's Belt is a sacred constellation in many ancient cultures. In Egypt, Orion was identified with Osiris, the ruler of the underworld.

But we cannot prove the theory that the existing layout in Giza is connected with the cult of Osiris.

We do not find in any source that the “Orion’s belt” is associated with the complex of three pyramids. Two large pyramids depict some semblance of the celestial horizon, but the third is knocked out.

—Who was involved in the construction of the pyramids?

— This issue is debatable in historiography. In the 19th century, it was believed that the pyramids were built by slaves who were in Egypt, including Jews who were captured by the pharaoh. In the 20th century, it was believed that a small part of society worked on construction sites - advanced workers and architects, of whom there were several tens of thousands. However, in fact, the entire population of the country worked on the pyramids. In fact, some part of society directly built the pyramid, but another part supplied the builders with everything they needed, prepared food for them, and another guarded them. Another part was involved in long expeditions for stone and metal. If we add everything up, then half of the country’s population is indirectly involved in this process. The entire active working population actually worked on the pyramids. This was a large-scale example of the division of labor in the history of Egypt, when some built, others provided the construction with everything necessary, and others supervised the entire process. Actually, this is how the Egyptian state arose.

— There is an opinion that even an atomic bomb similar to the one dropped on Hiroshima could not destroy the Cheops pyramid. Could the pyramid really withstand such a blow?

— When the pyramid was built, it was quite strong, then over time it sank due to its mass. They tried to destroy it in rather barbaric ways during the era of Arab rule, but the battering rams were clearly not intended for this purpose, and the pyramid survived, although it had lost its cladding. Therefore, now we need to think about preserving this amazing historical monument.

The pyramids can collapse not from an atomic bomb, but from our inaction.

— Can we say that the threat of destruction hangs over the pyramids?

— The limestone is being destroyed. If the pyramids are not strengthened, they will collapse. The Cheops pyramid was partially strengthened with a polymer-containing composition; limestone does not absorb moisture so much and is resistant to air erosion. The Pyramid of Khafre looks worse and is partially crumbling.

— And the last question: what can we say to everyone who believes in the curse of the pharaohs?

— The curse of the pharaohs exists in our heads. If a person believes that it exists, then he will always subconsciously expect this curse. The first people who encountered the unusual Egyptian world were amazed that it did not fit into their usual picture; they saw architecture different from European, unusual images of gods and kings. When a person descended into the dungeon of the tomb, he was surrounded by the same incomprehensible and monstrous world of the dead. There are also an abundance of various spirits and demons who guard the peace of the deceased king. For some, this causes some kind of rejection effect, they begin to deny it. A mystical person, on the contrary, believes that here lies a world of special entities that can harm a living person.

Even serious scientists believed in this.

Muhammad Zakariya Ghoneim, who opened the second Saqqara pyramid of King Sekhemkhet, when he began work on the tomb, always said prayers with his workers for the repose of the soul of a particular pharaoh. He said that he believed that the spirit of the pharaoh resided in this pyramid, because he and his team felt it. Therefore, everything depends on our consciousness and religious conviction.

(End. See beginning here: Egyptian pyramids and the immortality of the pharaohs)
The tombs were supposed to protect the body of the deceased from being eaten by animals, which constantly raided cemeteries. The body of a noble deceased was no longer wrapped in mats. They made a special one for him sarcophagus, which became an important element of the funerary cult in Ancient Egypt.

The sarcophagus was supposed to protect the body and the stela containing the image and name of the deceased in order to preserve his identity.

Mummification - a long path to knowledge

But here’s the paradox: it turned out that the bodies buried in the cool underground chambers of such tombs, being better protected from animals, were preserved worse than in simple “pit burials” on the edge of the desert.

When the Egyptians encountered this problem, a rather long journey of trial and error began in protecting the body from decomposition. Gradually they realized that it was not enough to simply remove all the insides from the body and fill them with resin, that soaking the body in a soda solution did not bring the desired result, and embalming, that is, soaking the body with a mixture of various essential oils and resins, did not solve all the problems. It turned out that in addition to all this, it was also necessary to completely swaddle the body with bandages - linen strips soaked in resin and mastic, leaving not a single open area of ​​the body, including the face of the deceased.

So on your head mummies(this is what is now called what was obtained as a result of these procedures to preserve the body), they put on a carved painted mask. Even before the swaddling procedure, a sacred scarab beetle carved from stone was placed instead of the heart. So, in the end, the Egyptians learned to turn the body into a non-decomposing mummy , which is then placed in the sarcophagus.

The mummification procedure was carefully developed and, like many things in Ancient Egypt, became canon for thousands of years.

All actions carried out during mummification acquired the character of religious rites and were clearly regulated by religious regulations. Among the Egyptian gods, the god Anubis (Inpu) - the god of embalming and mummification - occupies a place of honor.

"Eternal" tombs for "eternal" mummies

Since the body is preserved from decomposition for an almost unlimited time, then the tombs of the nobility, and especially the pharaohs, must be so strong that they can stand for centuries and millennia, providing the opportunity for the soul of the deceased to exist and find refuge in it. Therefore, tombs began to be made from materials more durable than raw brick, in order to prolong immortality as long as possible.

They began to be built from sandstone, limestone, basalt and granite, so that the double of the deceased - Ka, separated from the body but striving to unite with it, could live in a more comfortable, spacious and durable room. Such durable tombs were also needed because if the mummy was nevertheless subject to destruction and decayed, then the statue of the ruler, also located here, would remain, and if she died, then in a secret place of the tomb there would remain the name of the deceased carved on stone - the last refuge of the soul, which will allow it to exist even in this case. Later they began to make not just one statue of the deceased, but many, sometimes more than a dozen.

Another tradition also appeared - the head of the deceased ruler was cut out of stone and hidden in a secret underground niche, which was carefully walled up and disguised. That which preserved the head from tomb robbers was not, according to the ancient Egyptians, an obstacle for Ka, who was looking for his earthly shell.

Religious views, which required the production of statues and steles for funeral rituals, the construction of tombs and temples, gave a powerful impetus to the development of the art of Ancient Egypt. The art of the ancient Egyptians served, first of all, the interests of ensuring the afterlife of the dead, and not to satisfy the aesthetic needs of the living.

Why did the pharaoh need a pyramid?

When a pharaoh died, his grave should stand out in size - be larger and stronger than the tomb of the most important dignitary, since even the most important dignitary, compared to the pharaoh - the “living god,” is a mere mortal and his servant. But the main thing was not at all that the tomb of the pharaoh was supposed to show his highest rank in relation to all others.

The main thing was something else - the tomb was supposed to provide the pharaoh with a successful ascent to the sky and stars, immortality of the pharaoh, so that he, in the form of the solar god Ra, would illuminate and warm the earth. It was for this purpose that pyramids began to be erected, many of which, including the first stone pyramid - the pyramid of Pharaoh Djoser in Saqqara, had a stepped shape. They were a kind of “stairs” for the pharaoh on the way to heaven. That is, the pyramids were not built at all in order to amaze the imagination of contemporaries, and especially not in order to cause amazement among distant descendants; not at all out of love for art and construction; not for the glory of their architects; and, of course, not in order to show creative human capabilities.

Many Egyptologists are now inclined to believe that the main purpose of the pyramid complexes (the pyramid is part of the ritual and funeral complex) is precisely this - to ensure the divine status of the pharaoh after his death, which endowed the king of Egypt with divine immortality. Pharaoh mummy could actually have been buried in another place, inaccessible to robbers - this did not at all prevent the pyramid from fulfilling the function of ascension of the ruler of the Egyptians into the divine pantheon.

These are the religious, philosophical and practical ideas that underlie the appearance of the pyramids rising in the vicinity of Giza and a number of other places in Egypt. To a modern person, such views may seem simple and naive. But we should not forget that the ancient Egyptian civilization is one of the most ancient (if not the most ancient) in the world. The achievements of subsequent cultures are based on the base that the previous ones left them, and at the beginning of this series of successive civilizations, an exceptional and honorable place belongs to Ancient Egypt. If the ancient Greeks were called “our teachers” back in medieval Europe, then the ancient Egyptians were the “teachers” of “our teachers.”

And the Egyptian pyramids themselves became a monument to colossal human labor, and to the knowledge of the ancients, with the help of which they were built when in Europe people still lived in conditions of a primitive society, and almost two thousand years had to pass before the first states appeared here...

It will also be interesting to watch.

A pyramid is a geometric figure. What is so attractive about her? After all, no other geometric figure deserves as much attention from humanity as this one. And it all started with the fact that for some reason it was this form that was used to create the first wonder of the world, the Egyptian pyramids. So it goes that the pyramids are so mysterious, unique, unpredictable.

Intuitively, people felt that this figure somehow attracted their attention, that it carried a lot of mysteries. People thought so, if only because it was not without reason that the ancient Egyptians chose this particular form. But let's start from the very beginning. What did the Egyptians know about the properties of the pyramids? What did those who built the pyramids in Egypt know?

After all, they were not built by the Egyptians, as is commonly believed. If you go deeper into antiquity, then in the solar system there are much more ancient pyramids than those that stand on the banks of the Nile. And people already guess about them. They have been seen on the surface of Mars. There really is a complex of pyramids similar to the Egyptian ones, and at one time it also played a very important role for those people who inhabited this planet.

They played the same important role for those who lived in Egypt. And, of course, rest assured, this role does not consist at all in laying the corpses of dead pharaohs in the depths of the great pyramids. So why did the ancients need pyramids? Why were they built even on Mars? Pyramids are truly a special device that does not require any electronic filling or computer technology to create what we call miracles.

What can this mysterious object do? Of course, scientists already know that it sharpens blades well. They also realize that the passage of time is suspended there. But they do not know that under certain conditions, if energy rays are directed through the pyramids, amazing effects of transfer in time and space can be achieved, i.e. teleportation.

They also do not know that the pyramid, illuminated by the same rays from the inside, and not from the outside, can be an excellent antenna, a beacon for travelers in Space several tens of light years from the pyramid itself. That is, the pyramid will give impulses to those who tune in to it, even if they are in a different constellation.

The most ancient technologies also make it possible to use pyramids, just as we now use satellite dishes or television towers. These structures had many applications, but these structures operated only thanks to the crystals that were stored in them and which served as both fuel and a control panel for this literally antediluvian technology, i.e. technology that existed before the biblical flood. The knowledge of what a pyramid can do and how to make it work is stored in the Universal Data Bank. They are available only to those who will not use this knowledge for harm and destruction.

As soon as earthly civilization began to manifest itself as an insane creature, from which it was unknown what to expect, and moreover, it found itself completely in the hands of dark hierarchs, this knowledge was hidden from it. They were hidden by the Higher Powers on purpose and will be returned only when civilization is completely corrected, when the evil virus and all its consequences are completely destroyed.

Only after this will it be possible to again give people knowledge about the superpowers of the pyramid. And about what makes her work, i.e. about the properties of crystals, how they work, what they are made of and, most importantly, how to create them.

By the way, the very condition for their creation can only arise on a planet cleared of evil. When there will be other frequencies on it, which means it will be possible to create new substances from which these crystals are composed. Some Earth scientists are trying to penetrate the mystery of the pyramids; they calculate its dimensions, angles, and other parameters. Everyone is surprised by its harmonious structure. The pyramid is truly a special figure. Like all geometric figures, it represents the shape of an elementary particle. After all, every elementary particle is a crystal. A pyramid is also a crystal.

A crystal is a limited space with various lines of force and planes. The angle at which they are connected determines what energy in a given place will be formed from the vacuum disturbed by the appearance of a given structure inside it.

So: in the pyramid, what many call harmony is so calculated that the energies generated by the pyramids are just as harmonious and creative. If they are strengthened by the presence of other geometric crystals located inside the pyramids, then the energies are transformed and can work wonders. All this was used in ancient times, when people knew how to use the pyramids correctly.

Ancient civilizations built many pyramids on Earth. These are the only ones that now stand in Egypt that have survived to this day. In addition to them, pyramids were built on the territory of ancient Lemuria (now they are located at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean), in Atlantis (now this is the area of ​​​​the Bermuda Triangle). Mountains were hewn to make pyramids. It was in ancient Hyperborea, there was the great Mount Meru, now it corresponds to the North Pole and is located at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean.

One of the mountains, hewn to resemble a pyramid, can still be seen on Earth today. This is Mount Kailash, which is worshiped by Tibetans. Similar ancient pyramids were and are still hidden in China, in the Amazon jungle, at the bottom of the Indian Ocean, Siberian taiga, under the ice shell of Antarctica. These are the buildings of the ancient Lemurian race, as well as the Atlanteans, who built them later than the Lemurians, the descendants of settlers from Mars and aliens from Sirius, who founded Hyperborea.

Pyramids were built for different purposes. For example, the Egyptians, who built the Atlanteans together with the Teachers who flew from Sirius - in order to connect the Earth with other cosmic worlds, in particular, with the systems of the same Sirius. These were antennas, they also had another function - by going deep into the main pyramid, which was subsequently appropriated by Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops), one could get into another dimension, as well as overcome the time corridor and find oneself either in the past or in the future at will. any place the traveler desires. This pyramid was built personally by Isis and Osiris, the ancient Teachers of mankind. Mount Kailash also has the function of transitioning to another dimension and space.

That is why Tibetan lamas do not advise ignorant people to wander anywhere near this mountain. They don’t know how to handle this tool, they don’t know how it works, they can fall into a time hole and not be able to return to the given place and time from which they fell out. All such “anomalies” are the result of modern people’s ignorance of the laws of nature and the result of them falling into the zone of action of ancient devices for connecting time and space.

At the same time when the objects we named were being built, the Hyperboreans were also building revolving pyramids. We can say that they did not build them, but dug them out. The walls of these pit pyramids were lined with polished blocks, just as the Egyptian pyramids were once lined from above. A similar pyramid acted like a radar, only much stronger. It transmitted to Earth a complete picture of what was happening in Space and gave the most accurate forecast for many millennia to come. And accurate to the hour. Such a radar pyramid is now located underground in Zhiguli. This is the same Stone Bowl. That’s why the name is “bowl”, which means concave.

Near the action of such a structure, even covered with tons of rock, anomalous things can also happen. The power of these ancient structures was too great, moreover, exaggerated many times by the effect of crystals that were brought from other constellations in those same immemorial times.

Human legends remember the Chintamani stone, the Slavic Blue-stone. Now some enthusiasts are looking for crystals in Okunevo. These are all the remains of those very crystals that were once brought from Orion and Sirius by the Teachers of mankind. They were the “fuel” of the ancient pyramids. But, in addition, they were driven into our planet in certain places in order to protect us from cyclical cataclysms and from the forces of darkness.

While that civilization existed, there was something like paradise on Earth. But when people were seduced by the tricks of dark forces and specifically the reptoid civilization that was then present on Earth (its presence is evidenced by the bones of dinosaurs), then, according to the law of the Cosmos, the secret knowledge was gradually taken away from people.

People ran wild, especially after the cataclysms caused by that very temptation; they forgot the true meaning of the pyramids. Yes, they were not allowed to know about it now, so as not to use it to harm.

During cataclysms, these structures were flooded by the oceans and covered with earth. Only the world-famous Egyptian pyramids remain on the surface. And even those were disfigured by the activities of feral people, whose kings suddenly decided to bury their bodies in the mysterious buildings of the gods.

They heard that in the center of the pyramid, in that same golden ratio, time stops. But they were ignorant and dreamed of the immortality of their body. They believed that if this body is placed where there is no time, it will be eternal. Therefore, on their orders, slaves began, like rats, to tear apart the ancient pyramids by that time.

With incredible efforts, they pushed stone blocks upward through tunnels made in ancient times in order to widen the passages and drag the sarcophagus with the body of the deceased ruler inside the pyramid. This is all reflected in the ancient frescoes.

But this was not enough for the pharaohs, and they brazenly took credit for having built the pyramids themselves. After the funeral of the first ruler in the belly of the pyramid, his closest relative after some time checked the condition of the body of the deceased. But it turned out that, despite everything, this body began to rot.

But the fact was that “rat digging” violated the integrity of the structure, greatly reduced all the capabilities of the pyramid, and even the crystal was no longer inside it, since it was hidden from unreasonable people by those who knew what the pyramids were for.

After this, the Egyptians invented embalming in their desire to achieve the incorruptibility of the body. As if having a mummy gave a person eternal life. Of course, this ignorance was supported by dark forces in order to quickly destroy or at least spoil the ancient structures that greatly interfered with their activities.

Ignorance spread across the Earth, and so the pyramids turned into places of sacrifice in Mexico and Peru. They were specially built for ritual ceremonies, where they eventually began to worship bloodthirsty gods, who were actually the hierarchs of darkness. This is the history of the pyramids on our planet.

But it must be added that after our planet makes the Transition, people gain insight, after the final victory over the dark forces, knowledge will be returned to people in full. The ancient crystals will also be returned so that the pyramids of the Earth can function again.

The pyramid will become closer to people in everyday life. After all, knowledge of its properties - to create healing harmonious energies - will help cure any diseases. Of course, if you have a clean kramic vessel. Man has yet to discover all the unique capabilities of the pyramid, which was used even before the flood...

KOLOSYUK Lyubov Leontievna