Code of noble maidens of the 19th century. Institute of Noble Maidens: Simple rules of etiquette that everyone needs to know! “Do not make science subjects of boredom”

The most pressing question for Russia in light of Donald Trump's victory in the US presidential election is what awaits Russian-American relations? For now, only distant hypotheses can be built on this topic. However, what is a little more clear is what kind of person will become the new president of the United States and how things might turn out psychological compatibility with Vladimir Putin. We present to your attention an excerpt dedicated to Trump from a study previously published on Politkom.RU psychological portraits US presidential candidates.

A number of psychologists and psychiatrists find pronounced signs of narcissism in Trump. It must be admitted that this is a fairly common phenomenon among politicians around the world. Trump grew up in a family where children were not loved, praised, or caressed, and the only criterion for their recognition was success. It is not surprising that Trump emerged as flexible and quick in his actions, looking for new opportunities in everything, risk-taking, pragmatist, anxious and ambitious, powerful, striving for success.

Trump is in dire need of recognition and adoration. He praises himself constantly, unable to wait for words of admiration from others. He calls himself a “wonderful man,” the future “greatest president God ever made,” “the only one who can beat Hillary Clinton.” He talks about himself in the third person: “I think Trump will negotiate (with ISIS) better than anyone.”

Trump's behavior clearly shows his exaggerated sense of his own importance and greatness. He sees himself as the main factor in all achievements, the Winner, the Champion, in his own words. The main construction in his speeches in this regard is “No one can do anything better than me!”

Trump's greatness lies in the recognition of his personal merits, successes, achievements, originality, and specialness. He needs reinforcement of his personality, strengthening of self-esteem through external recognition. However, to understand his potential interaction with Putin, it is important that Putin will never perceive him as a Winner, and besides, he is neither capable nor ready for such psychotherapy.

Putin easily diagnoses his communication partners. It is enough for him to familiarize himself with Trump’s speeches to understand from the first minutes how vulnerable and fragile he is. In addition, sensing Trump’s weakness, Putin will begin to push him back and “seize territory.” This is a completely natural political reflex, nothing personal.

And even if Putin suddenly genuinely liked Trump, he, as an introvert, would not be able to verbally express his feelings. Trump has a request for admiration that he will never receive from the Russian leader. This means that, without receiving the expected approval, he will hate Putin as the most vicious traitor. The betrayer of his hopes.

Needless to say that the humiliated and insulted Trump will quickly abandon his romantic mood for dialogue? And following disappointment, he will begin to take revenge, trying to punish his offender more painfully. And then the conflict between the United States and Russia may have an acute personal connotation.

Trump sincerely believes that he is special and is ready to interact only with equals who are equally special. The only problem is that for Putin he is not an equal. In politics, Trump is an amateur and has never smelled gunpowder. An experienced fighter, Putin can, at best, have a fatherly attitude toward rookie Trump. How disappointed Trump will be, declaring his ability to establish a good relationship with the Russian president.

Trump's dreams of unlimited power will soon be lost. Putin’s power reflexes simply will not allow him to make any concession to the weaker Trump; he will behave toughly, showing who is boss, blocking everything that is not beneficial to him. Trump is waiting big disappointment from this, his personal problems can seriously worsen. A President with a serious self-esteem crisis is a very dangerous Commander-in-Chief with a nuclear button. The consequences of his actions in this state could be fatal.

Trump's communication style is part of his personal brand. His arrogance knows no bounds. He is proud of his pathological rudeness. However, every psychologist knows that behind the façade of verbal aggression lies the desire to protect oneself. Putin, known for his statements full of poisonous sarcasm, can successfully compete with Trump in tough rhetorical sparring. As soon as Trump inadvertently speaks out against Putin or Russia, a fight on the field of barbs is guaranteed. And it’s not a fact that Trump will emerge victorious. Mutual insults between two political leaders that go beyond the accepted protocol can provoke very risky actions.

Putin is unlikely to have missed what Trump said when he first became president in 2000: “We have to tell Russia and other recipients that if they want our dimes, they better dance to our tune, at least in matters of our national security. These people need us more than we need them,” as well as the recent call for tougher sanctions on Russia. At Putin's good memory and he remembers everything and everyone who tried to humiliate him.

Both Trump and Putin are tough pragmatists; they are accustomed to using the concepts of result, success, and benefit. This can help them find a field for mutually beneficial foreign policy interaction, cleared of ideology. Today, Trump is saying some things quite acceptable to Putin regarding at least three important foreign policy topics: the need for dialogue and constructive relations between Russia and the United States, negative consequences military intervention in Iraq and the war against ISIS.

Of course, in terms of pragmatic interaction, Putin may well consider all constructive proposals from Trump if it gives him a certain foreign policy or economic benefit. Why not?

Trump's most serious problem is that he is monstrously inexperienced in the foreign sphere, and even more so military policy. Sophisticated Putin, who is skilled at taking advantage of the mistakes of his opponents, will certainly be happy with the “easy prey.” He uses every miscalculation, every roughness made by the amateur Trump to his advantage. Trump enjoys being the Enfant Terrible of the presidential race. Putin will also like this essence of Trump. And most of all, it’s the first word – Enfant.

Ekaterina Egorova - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, President of ASK "Niccolo M"

Elizaveta Egorova - Ph.D., CEO"Political Profiler"

US President-elect Donald Trump has already said so much before and after the elections that there is no shortage of material for thought and forecasts. Talking now about Trump’s future policies domestically and internationally is a thankless task. We are dealing with a person who is impulsive and therefore unpredictable. And everything that we can say today about Trump is more or less reminiscent of fortune telling on coffee grounds.

But this is precisely what spurs those who are looking for an answer to the question: Who are you, Mr. Trump? Of course, the retinue makes the king, and much will depend on Trump’s entourage and his future administration. But, I think, when predicting Trump’s future policies, we must first of all arm ourselves with his psychological portrait, which will give us reason to hope that we will be able to foresee something.

Trump is a businessman first and foremost

The more you watch Trump's speeches, you read about him in different sources, the more you come to the conclusion that Trump is such a “thick and muddy mixture” that breaking it down into its components is not an easy task.

Many who have written about Trump agree on the main thing: he is, first and foremost, a businessman. His train of thought follows the “gain-loss” paradigm. Both in terms of money and in other senses.

Some analysts, for example, former Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami, argues exactly this way, confirming his idea by the fact that the first thing Trump said about NATO was his proposal to the member countries of the Alliance to increase their monetary contributions to common defense.

Being a “business person” is not given to everyone, not everyone is ready for it. Trump is a man who is used to setting big and difficult tasks and certainly seek their solution. Definitely. He's not just strong-willed. He's stubborn. He can throw away the husks and see the main thing at the end of the path. For the sake of business, he is ready to work 36 hours a day, he does not keep track of time and does not care about those around him.

Trump is...Trump

He is a businessman and that means he is a negotiator. Money is important, but not the main thing. He loves negotiations, enjoys the process itself, because he knows that he can do it, and he knows that those around him appreciate it. He anticipates the success of the negotiations, and then savors the deal itself, discussing it in a small circle or in front of the press.

In Michael D'Antonio's biographical book Never Enough: Donald Trump and the Pursuit of Success, 2016) contains the memoirs of a certain Tom Griffin about how he negotiated with Trump to sell him land in Scotland. “He was a stubborn negotiator, not ready to concede on even the most insignificant issue,” says Griffin.

Trump is an artist. The same Griffin notes that the main memory of the negotiations with Trump is the theatricality of the situation. “It was as if the golden-haired man sitting at the table was an actor playing his role on a London stage. Donald Trump was playing Donald Trump. It was something incredible,” Griffin recalls.

Anyone who has to negotiate with Trump as president should know: Trump will persuade anyone.

No need to make him angry

MASS MEDIA: secret Service and US police want to occupy two floors in Trump TowerAccording to media estimates, rent could cost the state three million dollars a year, with rental fees becoming income for Trump's corporation, the Trump Organization.

And if it doesn’t go according to his plan, he is angry and can send those around him away, including his closest assistants. He withdraws into himself and looks for a path to success. He doesn't like to lose and not get his way. This applies to business, everyday life, and simple communication. Does not tolerate objections. He perceives any objection as aggression against himself and responds blow to blow. He is called a heavy man.

He is undoubtedly physically tough. He does not grab his heart and does not measure his pulse, he simply stubbornly, like an ox, achieves his goal. It was this character that made him the current Donald Trump - a billionaire for whom, in a material sense, nothing is impossible in America. It's better not to anger him.

"I am a king"

It is precisely such people, having achieved financial power, who at a certain point in their lives come to the idea that there is something more significant than money - power. And therefore, nominating himself as a presidential candidate is a completely natural evolution of Trump. The desire for power is a manifestation of one of Trump's main traits: his narcissism.

“This is a bully, a narcissist who cares more about himself than about the welfare of others,” he writes in the newspapers.

Who hasn't called Trump a narcissist! Journalist Timothy O'Brien's book with a neologism in the title, TrumpNation: The Art of Being the Donald, 2005, says that Tampa's task is to aggrandize itself , and for all this greatness to be seen. He doesn't just have narcissism, he has obvious megalomania.

The journalist recounts a conversation with Trump when he talks about how the rich and famous people visit his luxury estate in Palm Beach, Florida: “They all eat here, they love me, they kiss my ass.

When they all leave, they say about me afterwards: “he’s terrible.” But I am the king."

At the same time, Trump can be relaxed to the point where it’s time to think: does he know the boundaries of decency?

© AP Photo/Seth Perlman

© AP Photo/Seth Perlman

Who is the most important in the world?

Meanwhile, narcissism is, apparently, part of the game that people who have reached such heights of business or politics are forced to play. They can't do otherwise.

The American journal Psychological Science published the results of a psychological study in 2013 entitled “The Double-Edged Sword of Grandiose Narcissism: Its Implications for Successful and Unsuccessful Leadership Among US Presidents.” In this work, scientists ranked American presidents according to their degree of narcissism. Lyndon Johnson came in first place, followed by Theodore Roosevelt, Andrew Jackson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton. The most modest was the 13th US President Millard Fillmore (1850-1853).

By comparing the “places occupied by presidents in narcissism” with the objective results of their activities, the authors of the study came to the conclusion that narcissism is a double-edged sword for those who suffer from it.

For example, with positive side"Grandiose narcissism" is associated with the fact that presidents initiated new laws, established a universal agenda, were very persuasive in their speeches, and, ultimately, remained in history as the arbiters of destinies. WITH negative side, “grandiose narcissism” is associated with unethical behavior of presidents and their impeachment.

Undoubtedly, Trump, if he were among the presidents studied, would take one of the leading places. And if we put Trump in the context of the research findings, then in the future we should expect something definitely outstanding (since Trump is already unlike anyone else), or... his early removal from office.

Trump is undoubtedly a personality. So America and, probably, the whole world will have interesting years ahead of his presidency.

© AP Photo/Charles Krupa Donald Trump supporter wearing a baseball cap with the slogan "Make America Great Again"

Trump has achieved the desired fame: his name does not leave the pages of the world's newspapers, the countries of the world have taken a wait-and-see attitude and are keeping an eye on Trump's first steps as president. Trump's inaugural address to the American people was pathetic and poetic, the way a campaign speech can be, but the way a Presidential speech should no longer be. It was still a candidate's speech. After all, he only has candidate experience. Not even gubernatorial or senatorial.

In the short period of his term, Trump has already managed to initiate the repeal of a number of laws and projects adopted during the Obama administration. It’s always simpler: break without building. He also managed to spoil relations with China and aggravate them with Mexico, announcing the abolition of NAFTA, which has been in operation for 23 years. His actions showed that a period is coming in the United States when voluntarism and confrontation between Congress and the president may become dominant.

Without going into the intricacies of the biography, let's analyze what is behind Trump the President?


Trump is new to politics, he has no experience in public administration, and does not know how the governance mechanism works. Business is one thing when the company’s activities are based on the pursuit of profit and the efficiency of all employees, but the state is different; here, along with prosperity and growth, political, social function, and she is dominant. Let us remember that Serdyukov, who came from the economic sphere, in the chair of the Minister of Defense began to do what he knew how to do excellently - sell property, conclude lucrative contracts, while the defense sector demanded something fundamentally different. The same may await America under Trump, who has succeeded in business and on talk shows in his life. Will Americans be ready to become part of a giant corporation, subordinate to questions of profit, and listen with trepidation to the speeches of Trump, for whom speaking in public is an urgent need.

Most likely, Trump will not become a politician; he will remain a businessman as president. And his political course will be focused on supporting business to the detriment of the social obligations of the state. For example, he has already promised automakers to soften environmental regulations, that is, to protect environment he put it in the background for the sake of the economic well-being of the concerns. He allowed the construction of a pipeline through the Indian reservation, although the project was at one time actively protested by Indians and environmentalists, who argued that the supply of oil through the pipeline through the Mississippi River threatened the reserves drinking water tribe. But for Trump, the economic component of the project is more important than the social one.

What needs to be understood here is that the balance found between government for business and government for the people in the United States has always been fragile, and the dominant approach was one in which business was more protected than the average American. Trump will increase these imbalances to an even greater extent.


Trump did not strive to make America powerful and strong, but to grow his viewership. He needed a wide audience of listeners, and he became so accustomed to this role that he could not leave it and go beyond the election campaign. Everything he says, even in his first speech as president, remains nothing more than his campaign program. He never understood that after the victory it was necessary to offer the country a specific program of action and ways to implement it.

His election speech was full of classic oratorical techniques that matched the showman and TV presenter, the outrageous candidate: “Their pain is our pain, their dreams are our dreams, their success is our success. We have one future, and today’s oath is an oath of allegiance to all of you, citizens of the United States,” “We can do anything! We are witnessing a new millennium in which humanity will get rid of diseases and get rid of divisions. And it doesn’t matter what color your skin is, the red blood of patriots flows in our veins. We enjoy the same freedoms, and the same American flag flies above us all. When children are born, they look at the same sky, one dream appears in their hearts and one creator breathes life into them.”

Arguing in pretentious abstract categories, he practically did not talk about specifics. His speech again made reference to his competitors: “We will no longer accept politicians who talk a lot and do little. The time for empty talk is over, the hour for action has come.” But Trump has already won. Therefore, there is no longer any need to compare ourselves and past politicians. He is already the president, and there is no need to explain to people in words that he will be better, that’s all empty talk, here you need to prove everything to voters in practice.

Trump did not say anything about what course he would take the country, what programs have been developed, what projects will become priorities, during what period he will turn America towards prosperity. But he could not say any of this, being delayed in the election campaign. Now his potential voters are the people who rallied against his election, and now he will try to convey to them that there is no better president.

The bias towards the election campaign can also be seen in the fact that as president, his team continues to engage in election PR, registering the 2020 election campaign slogan “Keep America Great.” And this is in a situation where the team must be in full swing developing the program of “returning America’s greatness,” which Trump proclaimed during the last election campaign.


Trump's policies are built on denial. He denies everything that was done during the Obama era. And his first steps are aimed precisely at canceling the decisions of his predecessor. If under Obama the immigration policy was soft, then Trump is ready to severely limit migration by building a wall. He intends to reduce the influx of refugees in a situation where Europe, on the contrary, is accepting them. Trump signed a memorandum to launch the process of the country's withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement signed by Obama.

One of Trump's first decisions was to ban government funding of foreign organizations that perform or disseminate information about abortion, a ban that was lifted by Obama in 2009. The US President signed an order, which, according to his press secretary, will “ease the burden of Obamacare,” that is, the health insurance system introduced by Obama will be cut. Frozen by Obama, the project to build the Dakota Access Pipeline through the Standin Rock Indian Reservation was unfrozen by Trump, who was not stopped by threats to the lives of the indigenous population. And there will be many more similar measures undoing Obama’s actions. But it is impossible to conduct a course based on denial alone. When the negative agenda has exhausted itself, the question will arise about the creative component, which Trump has not yet presented to society. And even his inaugural speech, from which specifics were expected, only led to a fall in the dollar amid growing uncertainty about Trump’s strategy, who said nothing about it.

Denial will not transform the country, because as Buckminster Fuller said, “You will never change things by fighting existing reality. To change something, create your own system that makes the existing model obsolete,” but Trump is not proposing such a new model.


Trump does not have a strategy or vision for the development of the country; his efforts are aimed not at their development and implementation, but at self-PR, self-admiration, which is achieved through the shockingness of his speeches. Former CIA Director John Brennan, in particular, criticized Trump for “self-aggrandizement in front of a memorial wall dedicated to the heroes of the Agency”: “Speaking to CIA employees on Saturday, standing in front of a memorial to fallen employees, Donald Trump seemed more aimed at settling scores with the media. He berated journalists for their coverage of the inauguration and insisted that the crowd was much larger than the media claimed." And indeed, Trump did not talk about the challenges facing the CIA, but about the fact that the journalists deliberately filmed the square so that “it was as if no one was there at all, and they said that Donald Trump does not know how to count.” What was important to him was the ratings, that 1.5 million people listened to him, that is, according to his press service, this was “the largest audience ever present at the inauguration.”

Each of his performances is a show, the same as he is used to giving in last years. He is focused on making fiery speeches, criticizing everything political system, but he doesn’t have specifics or a well-thought-out plan of action. There is only a desire to attract the attention of the audience. No wonder he so enthusiastically reported that 11 million more Americans listened to his speech than Obama. He needs popularity through self-PR, through words, but not through deeds. Trump can speech techniques to make Americans proud of their country, but he has no idea what the average American lives like. Having given the country a spectacle, he will encounter misunderstanding, since there is a spectacle, but no bread. He will feed business, trampling on the aspirations of ordinary people.


If we think in Russian terms, then Trump is a symbiosis of Putin and Zhirinovsky. He is characterized by Putin's toughness, developed as a result of gaining power, when the omnipotence of his post created a sense of omnipotence. Trump got this toughness and omnipotence from money. It was this rigidity that became the stumbling block for the majority of Americans, who saw Trump’s insensitivity and disdain to little people. Movie stars were the first to speak out against him. Meryl Streep got it psychological essence Trump based on one incident in which Trump mimicked a journalist with arthrogryposis: “When someone powerful humiliates a person in public, it actually allows ordinary people do the same in ordinary life. Disrespect breeds disrespect, violence breeds violence. When someone powerful uses their position to intimidate others, we all suffer.” It is Trump's callousness and indifference to his popular voters that will play a role cruel joke with the Americans. The similarity with Putin is that they do not have the proper level of professionalism in terms of the country’s top leadership.

But at the same time, if Putin does everything quietly, hidden from view - for example, the Kremlin knows who to give the floor at a press conference, then Trump, in the style of Zhirinovsky, speaks shockingly, and even openly criticizes the media, questioning freedom of speech. After the media, in his opinion, presented his inauguration in such a way that the listeners were not visible at it, he said that “Come on, it’s all nothing, but it’s a lie” and the media “will pay dearly for it.”

Like Zhirinovsky, he comes out with populist slogans - let's return jobs to America, restore production, return the country to its former greatness, but like Zhirinovsky, he not only does not know how to do this, but his intentions are limited only to words. Like Zhirinovsky, he can criticize someone today, and tomorrow he can lavish praise. Trump, for example, spoke negatively about the work of the CIA during the election campaign, but speaking to its employees, he said that he, like no one else, is confident in their work and dedication to the country, he is on their side, they are amazing people. Like Zhirinovsky, Trump has already been caught using nationalist slogans. This accusation was made by German Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel, who stated that “He really means what he says. Today we heard obvious nationalist rhetoric.”


Trump will bring with him a business approach to politics, which is characterized by operating with the categories “successful,” “effective,” “strong,” and “competitive.” This means that the principle of Darwinism will triumph in American society - natural selection, his policies will be the least social in comparison with previous presidents. Where Obama had help for the socially disadvantaged, Trump will focus on the rich and successful. Where Obama had the long-term national interest in mind, Trump will have corporate economic profits. Where Obama adhered to the general long-term course pursued by the United States, Trump will demand large concessions in exchange for small American favors. The statement regarding the lifting of anti-Russian sanctions in exchange for a reduction in the nuclear arsenal only confirms this thesis.


Trump doesn't have a wide public support. He may end his term either by resignation under the threat of impeachment, following the example of Nixon, or by leaving big politics after his first term due to unpopularity. Considering that during the pre-election period, Republicans repeatedly tried to remove Trump from the election race, we can expect a rallying of Republicans and Democrats against Trump in the event of a sharp course by the new president.

The political establishment is already frightened by Trump's unpredictability and is eager to take measures to reduce the risks. They discussed both the issue of coordinating the actions of the president with Congress in lifting anti-Russian sanctions, as well as the bill “On the prohibition of the first nuclear strike without a declaration of war by Congress,” according to which the president will be able to arbitrarily strike first nuclear attack without a declaration of war by Congress. The reason was Trump's statement about considering the possibility of launching a nuclear attack against terrorists.

The alarm bells are already ringing for Trump. People took to the streets of America and other countries shortly after the presidential inauguration. According to official figures, one million people demonstrated, but organizers estimate 2.2 million. Demonstrations took place in Washington (597 thousand people!), Seattle, Boston, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles. Not only Americans, but also residents, mostly women, of European cities took part in the demonstrations. A Washington group of human rights activists began preparing a lawsuit against the president, accusing him of violating the constitution. According to the article of the constitution American President cannot receive money and valuables from foreign governments; Trump has now retained this opportunity for himself through the Trump Organization. At this rate, the threat of impeachment is not far off.

Undoubtedly, Trump is a star, but a star of show business, not politics. There is even a star in his honor on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles. It is symbolic that before him, the only president to receive the same star was actor Ronald Reagan. However, Reagan came to the presidency through experience as governor. He “defeated” the USSR and communism in crusade your name. He served two terms as president.

With the advent of Trump, “voluntarism” will become the dominant characteristic of the US political course. Political circles will unite against a politician who was destroying America’s ties on the world stage (this can already be said about relations with China and Mexico). Americans will see Trump's business approach in public administration: questions will become secondary social protection citizens and ecology. Will the Kremlin be able to cooperate with such a leader? Considering the inadequacy of the role, impulsiveness and nervousness on both sides, we can believe that the answer lies on the surface.


Psychiatrists give the American president a derogatory description: cruel, vindictive, stubborn, selfish

All people come from childhood. And Donald Trump is no exception. For example, several years ago he said: “When I look at myself as I was in first grade and look at myself now, I realize that I am basically the same.”

His teenage years were like a zebra. On the one hand, the mother loved and spoiled youngest son. Since the family was rich even by New York standards, Donald was never denied anything. On the other hand, the father, Fred Trump, a tough, energetic and contactable developer, focused his attention on his eldest son, in whom he saw the heir. Donald did not do well at school and was not distinguished by exemplary behavior. Therefore, despite my sincere desire to choose my father’s path, I received mostly beatings, criticism, and sometimes blows from him.

As a result, Fred sent his son to the New York Military Academy. Despite the loud name, it was not a military academy in the European sense, but something like our Suvorov or cadet schools. At the same time, the academy was paid and intended mainly for the children of the elite. Trump's relationship with the other cadets was quite far from what can be read on Russian Wikipedia. According to the memoirs of cadets published in the 80s and 90s, young Donald was distinguished by his selfishness and desire to put himself in the center of attention. This naturally caused a reaction of rejection among his classmates. His academic success and the favorable attitude of the teaching staff did not add to his sympathy for Trump. Trump's father was an important donor to the academy. As a result, Trump often found himself in opposition to the team, and issues were resolved in fights. After the academy, Trump graduated from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and began his independent career, as he had dreamed, in the construction business. At that time, all graduates of military academies were sent to the active army to fight in Vietnam. However, Trump managed to avoid this. By official version it was associated with bony growths on the heels. Back in the late 70s - 80s. New York newspapermen doubted the announced diagnosis and assumed that the “slope” from service in Vietnam was associated with deviant behavior Trump while studying at the academy.

A person is best characterized own statements. Here are quotes from Trump’s acclaimed book “Think Big and Don’t Slow Down!”

“I pride myself on being stubborn and tough”;

“Always settle the score. If someone hits you, hit him twice in response”;

“Scoundrels who want to take the last penny out of your pocket roam around in packs”;

“I love to crush my opponent and achieve my advantage”;

“I can stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot people and I won’t lose any supporters”;

“I'm used to thinking big. Always, since my youth. After all, it’s very simple: if you think about something at all, then think big, set big goals for yourself. Most people are used to operating in small categories because they are afraid of success, afraid of making decisions, afraid of winning. And this gives people like me a huge advantage”;

“All the women on my reality show The Apprentice flirted with me, consciously or unconsciously. This was to be expected."

Now I will give several characteristics of Donald Trump from people who worked with him for a long time or knew him well. For example, a political consultant and engagement specialist federal authorities authorities, who worked with Trump for more than 25 years - Roger Stone - in 2004 described Donald Trump as follows: “Donald is distinguished by an iron will, determination and ruthlessness not only towards enemies, but also towards staff and sometimes partners.” Famous American actor, long years Communicating with Trump, Clint Eastwood, described him this way: “Donald is simply a born showman. He could achieve even more in show business than in construction. His charisma subdues and attracts even an initially negative audience to him. It is based on the amazing ability to speak to different audiences in a language they understand, on personal charm and the smell of money emanating from Trump, which is so attractive to Americans.” Tony Schwartz is one of the most talented and highly paid literary blacks America, who wrote Trump’s book “The Art of the Deal,” described his client this way: “Trump has an iron will, a cunning mind, an inevitable charm and a complete disregard for people. He sees them only as tools to achieve his own goals. He has a unique flair for choosing the right behavior in the negotiation process and a chameleon-like ability to speak to any audience in its language. He is characterized by faith in his own infallibility, impunity and luck.”

His favorite books say a lot about a person. In an interview in the 80-90s. Trump's favorite novel was "On Western Front without change" by E. Remarque. This is one of the most powerful anti-war books in Western literature XX century. It is about how the army and war cripple and destroy young people. Trump's commitment to this book is very personal. It is associated with the unhappy years spent at the academy. Since then, Trump has been consistently ambivalent about the military. On the one hand, he rejected strict army discipline and the need to sacrifice the personal for the sake of the general. On the other hand, throughout adult life he liked to communicate with high-ranking military officials. Friendship with the generals was for him a kind of revenge for the humiliation and troubles from his classmates at the academy.

Another of Trump's favorite books was a collection of selected speeches by Adolf Hitler, My new order" According to the memoirs of Trump's first wife, Ivana, he kept the collection in the closet next to the marital bed. In 1990, Trump's friend, Paramount executive Marty David, confirmed this story. He said that he once suggested that Trump read this collection, mentioning the name of Hitler. Trump confirmed that he would be interested in reading, but when he saw the book, he said: “I thought you brought Mein Kampf.” And I have this collection.”

During the presidential election campaign, when asked about his favorite writer, Trump invariably answered: “Ayn Rand. I have read or listened to all of her books. Her worldview is closest to mine. I have drawn and continue to draw inspiration and strength from Rand’s books.”

In the United States, psychological portraiture, or psychometrics, is extremely developed. This is largely due to the widespread use of psychological portraits of criminals by American law enforcement officers. Psychologists involved in this are called “profilers”, and their activities are called “profiling”. Naturally, profiling began to be actively used in the American political life. However, starting in 1964, American psychologists and psychiatrists were prohibited from profiling politicians. Then Fact magazine published an article in which board-certified psychiatrists diagnosed the Republican presidential candidate, far-right Senator Barry Goldwater. Goldwater, who lost the election, filed a $2 million lawsuit against the magazine and its publishers. The Supreme Court awarded him $1 million in damages and barred psychologists and psychiatrists from giving certified opinions. Later, already in the 2000s, profilers silently introduced next rule. In order for a person to be diagnosed as a psychopath, behavioral observations are not enough; he must additionally have certain pathological changes in the brain, established using MRI.

Accordingly, the psychopathic terms used in the following presentation are not a diagnosis applicable to Donald Trump, but only characterize certain features of his behavior and personality traits.

Since during the election campaign, profilers, psychologists and psychiatrists often forget about professional impartiality and follow the lead political preferences, the statements of certified psychotherapists, psychiatrists and profilers on the English-language Internet were analyzed, in in social networks and social platforms such as YouTube, in English between 2008 and 2014. In total, they made 146 judgments about Trump’s personality traits and behavior. 34 judgments were neutral or contained a refusal to evaluate. 22 judgments characterized Trump as a person whose social behavior and personality traits are completely within the normal range. 90 judgments identified Trump as a “narcissistic sociopath.”

In American profiling, most people use the terms “psychopath” and “sociopath” interchangeably. For example, in The Silence of the Lambs, Thomas Harris calls Hannibal Lecter a "perfect psychopath", and the script uses the term "perfect sociopath". In recent years, American psychiatrists and profilers have used the term “sociopathy” in cases where we're talking about about behavioral deviations, and not when there are disorders of the brain. Before the invention of MRI, psychopathy and sociopathy were practically the same. Famous French psychiatrist early XIX century, Philippe Pinel defined psychopaths as people whose behavior is characterized by “ complete absence pity and restraint towards others, with the exception sometimes, but not necessarily, of family members and narrow circle friends. This lack of pity is different from the ordinary evil that people commit under the influence of circumstances.”

As noted above, only a psychiatrist can make a medical diagnosis using special techniques. However, profilers in their books, which help Americans avoid getting into various kinds of everyday troubles caused by deviant behavior, consider it possible to use special guidelines to determine the impending danger. Accordingly, when making judgments about the characteristics of behavior and characteristic features Trump's personality, psychologists and profilers were guided mainly by the most popular in America, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental illness" In the most popular book on this topic in the USA and translated into Russian by R. Haer, “Deprived of Conscience. The frightening world of psychopaths" provides a list of checklists for identifying deviant (sociopathic) behavior.

A psychopath or sociopath must have the following personality traits:

love to public speaking and conversations in front of a large crowd of people;
self-centeredness and pretentiousness;
lack of guilt and regret;
lack of empathy;
deceit and a tendency to manipulate others;
superficiality of emotions not related to one’s own personality;
weak behavioral control;
the need for mental stimulation and admiring attention from others;
problem behavior in childhood;
antisocial behavior in adult life, including sexual promiscuity.
Once again, diagnoses can only be made by psychiatrists, directly interacting with the patient and having MRI data. However, everyone can make judgments about the behavior of a person. The following checklist helps a lot with this.

I will give several statements about the character and behavior of Donald Trump from famous psychologists. For example, psychologist K. Dutton from the University of Oxford conducted a special survey using a “standard psychometric method” to assess the personality of the two main candidates for US presidents. According to Dutton, “Donald Trump has more psychopathic traits than Adolf Hitler.” He scored 171 points, beating Hitler with 169 points. However, Hillary Clinton also received a fairly high result - 152 points against the norm of 90. Harvard psychology professor Howard Gardner said that Trump suffers from “psychopathic narcissism, and therefore, if elected, will pose a serious danger to society. The most shocking sign of his narcissism is Trump’s lack of empathy—the ability to empathize, to have compassion, to seek to understand people’s real problems and needs.”

Former New York City Mayor, Owner news agency Bloomberg, billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who himself was thinking about becoming an independent presidential candidate, has never called Trump anything other than a “sociopathic narcissist” since his days at City Hall. A narcissist is characterized, as D. Burgo writes, by three dominant character traits: boundless egoism, pathological deceit, confidence in one’s own infallibility, even to the point of disdain for social rules.

In this regard, the analysis of Donald Trump's statements as president is of particular interest. In the USA, the portal is extremely popular. Using big data and special algorithms, the portal keeps a scrupulous record of all statements by prominent political figures and evaluates them for compliance with reality. As you might expect, Donald Trump is the absolute record holder for the level of lies.

In his speeches and interviews the honest truth Trump speaks only 4% of the time, 12% he tells mostly the truth, 14% half-truths, 20% mostly lies, 33% outright untruths, and 17% lies beyond the pale. common sense. It is not difficult to calculate that lies are present in almost three-quarters of Trump’s judgments, assessments and words. No president has ever lied to America and the world like this.

It is up to the citizens of the United States themselves who they choose. The whole problem is that people with sociopathic and narcissistic traits and behavior recognize only their point of view, demand from others only admiration and acceptance of their rules of the game, and are completely unpredictable not only in words, but also in actions. For all their unpredictability, sociopathic narcissists usually have one or more eccentricities around them who manipulate the manipulators. Finally, the overwhelming majority of leaders of new cults, including those of a quasi-religious nature, were sociopathic narcissists.

In the next post we will talk about the incredible - about the possibility of the cult of Donald Trump emerging in America. About who and why this may benefit.