Hillary Clinton's birthday. Education is a start to political life

One of the most influential female politicians, Hillary Clinton, was born in Chicago. Hillary Clinton's family was the simplest: her father was engaged in the supply of fabric, and her mother was a housewife raising three children - in addition to her daughter, the family had sons Hugh and Tony. Hillary Clinton's maiden name is Rodham.

While studying at school, the girl was involved in many clubs: she was interested in the social and religious life of the city. After graduating from high school, as a finalist in the gifted program, she chose to attend Wellesley College and took liberal arts and political courses there. Growing up, Hillary advocated conservative beliefs. She was elected president of the Wellesley Young Republicans and later to head the State College Association.

In 1973, the girl received a bachelor's degree in political science and entered law school, which belonged to Yale University. It was here that Hillary met Bill Clinton, who later married her. In 1973, Hilary received her Doctor of Law degree and then studied a course in pediatric medicine. She is invited to work as a lawyer at the Children's Defense Fund.

In 1975, Hillary married Bill, and the couple moved to Arkansas: Bill planned to build a political career. He runs for and wins the position of state attorney general. Hillary works as a teacher at the University of Arkansas, teaching law students. Her outstanding analytical skills did not go unnoticed, and Hillary Clinton was invited to join the board of the Legal Services Corporation. Occupying this post, over the years she increases the fund's cash reserves by $210 million. In 1979, Hillary Clinton's husband became governor of the state, and she became first lady. Hillary is actively addressing shortcomings in the education sector, lobbying for the interests of women lawyers, exposing the problem of gender inequality.

In 1992, Hillary Clinton's husband, thanks to the support of his supporters, became the 42nd President of the United States. Then Hilary planned her husband’s election campaign, analyzed it, and even received the comic nickname “co-president.” Soon, a scandal broke out against the Clinton spouses in a case of financial fraud at the Whitewater Corporation. The court did not prove their guilt, but then a new scandal followed - about the president’s love affair with young Monica Lewinsky. Hillary sided with her husband, declaring in the press that it was all a conspiracy. However, Bill left the presidency. Hillary, on the contrary, showed an unexpected and strong side: she ran for the post of Senator of New York and won the election. In 2007, Hillary Clinton enjoyed enormous support from voters and wanted to become the new President of the United States, but Barack Obama won. He offered Hillary the post of US Secretary of State, and she took it in January 2009. Hillary wrote about her work in this post in books, in one of which she named one of the main goals achieved - the defeat of the USSR and the collapse of communism. In March 2013, Hillary left the post of Secretary of State, and in 2015 she nominated herself as a candidate from the Democratic Party for the 2016 Presidential election. Now she is one of the leaders in the election race.

Personal life of Hillary Clinton

While still a young student, Hillary met her future husband, Bill. Their passion for law and politics led them to the Yale University library, where the young people saw each other for the first time. A serious relationship led to marriage. In 1980, the couple had a daughter, Chelsea Victoria. When a sensational scandal occurred with her husband’s infidelity confirmed, Hillary saved the family and did not divorce Bill. In 2014, Hillary became a grandmother - her daughter gave birth to baby Charlotte.

Perhaps Hillary Clinton will become the first American president to wear a skirt. Her chances of occupying the main post in the country are increasing every day. It seems that Hillary was already born a politician - her name has appeared so often in all sorts of political stories. She knows perfectly well what she wants and how to achieve her goals.

For Hillary Clinton, the White House is a place where she has become accustomed to returning. Having first entered the official presidential residence in 1993 as the First Lady of the United States, Hillary remained the most influential wife of the state leader for eight years. Eight years later, she returned to the White House as Secretary of State. If Hillary Clinton wins the US presidential election, she will return to the White House for the third time.

Hillary Clinton: biography, nationality, first steps in politics

Hillary Clinton was born in 1947 in Chicago in a family of immigrants from England and Wales. Her father Hugo Rodham had his own small textile business. Hillary's mother, Dorothy, received her education after she was married, but never worked, devoting herself to her family and children. The Rodham family was quite conservative and belonged to the Baptist church.

Some people are still convinced that Hillary Clinton is Jewish, but this is not true. Hugo Rodham is of English-Welsh descent, and Dorothy Rodham (nee Howell) has English-Scottish-French-Welsh roots. Conversations about Hillary's Jewish roots emerged during her Senate run. Then the First Lady was accused of anti-Semitism and she very quickly “found” a distant relative of Jewish nationality.

Hillary Clinton in her youth, photo:

Who knows what the fate of Hillary herself, and the fate of all America, would have been like if, during the youth of the wife of the 42nd President of the United States, NASA had considered female candidates for space flights. It was an astronaut, not a politician, that young Hillary Rodham dreamed of becoming, writing a letter to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA's response stated that they do not accept women. Apparently, this answer in the future became one of the reasons for Hillary’s feminist sentiments.

It is noteworthy that in her youth, the future Mrs. Clinton adhered to Republican views. While in high school, Hillary campaigned for Republican candidate Barry Goldwater, and in college, the girl even headed the Young Republicans Association.

The Vietnam War changed Hillary's views, making them more radical. Already at Yale University, where Hillary learned the secrets of jurisprudence, she was a supporter of the Democratic Party. The politician later noted that in those days she had the mind of a conservative and the heart of a democrat.

Bill and Hillary Clinton - personal life, children, scandals

At the university, Miss Rodham was known as a diligent and diligent student. Parties, discos and going to the cinema did not interest the girl, who preferred to sit in the library until late at night, or have endless discussions on political and social topics. For Hillary Clinton, her personal life always remained somewhere far in the background.

One evening, sitting in the library, Hillary noticed a young man’s gaze on her. The student stunned the guy by suddenly saying:

Look, if you don't stop looking at me, I'll turn my back on you. Or maybe we should get acquainted? My name is Hillary Rodham

This is how Hillary met her future husband, Bill Clinton.

Five years later, having checked their feelings, the couple got married.

In 1976, the couple moved to the capital of Little Rock, where Bill became Attorney General of the State of Arkansas. Soon, Bill Clinton became the Governor of Arkansas, and Hillary became the First Lady of the state for 12 years.

Children occupied an important place in Hillary Clinton's professional career: after receiving a doctorate in law, she devoted another year to studying a course in pediatric medicine at a special training center at Yale University, after which she received a position as an attorney at the Children's Defense Fund.

Having become the First Lady of Arkansas, the active wife of the governor launched a real education reform, establishing standards for the size of school rooms and the school schedule, introducing professional aptitude testing for teachers. In the future, Hillary always devoted most of her projects to protecting children's rights.

In February 1980, the couple had their only daughter, Chelsea Victoria, but motherhood did not in any way affect Hillary’s desire to continue her social and political activities.

When Bill Clinton decided to run for president, Hillary not only supported her husband, but also planned his election campaign. To protect their only daughter from the fuss associated with the presidential election, Chelsea was sent to her grandparents. At the same time, the media have repeatedly reproached Hillary for placing the responsibilities of a politician’s wife above the responsibilities of a mother.

Two years after winning the presidential election, Bill and Hillary Clinton become the main defendants in the Whitewater Corporation scandal. The couple was suspected of fraud: as governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton invested about 70 thousand dollars in a construction company, which soon went bankrupt. Investors lost about $45 million. Bill was reproached for the fact that, as governor, he did not control the activities of the company. At the same time, Hillary at that time worked in a law firm that was engaged in servicing a bankrupt construction company. However, the prosecution did not find evidence of the spouses’ involvement in the fraud.

Before the Whitewater scandal had time to subside, the latest news from the world's media simply blew up the information space with details of the connection between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. But even in this difficult situation, Hillary Clinton sided with her unfaithful husband, saying that the whole story was directed against the president.

Hillary Clinton on Russia and Putin

While still US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton clearly defined her attitude towards Russia, which was formed by the politician solely through her personal attitude towards Russian President Vladimir Putin. So, Hillary is sure that the Russian leader has no soul, since he was a KGB agent.

The story of how Vladimir Putin’s father saved his mother during the blockade prompted Hillary Clinton to think that Putin’s principle of rule comes from childhood:

In my perception, it (the story of the rescue of Putin’s mother - ed.) shed some light on the man he became and on the country he rules. He's always testing you, always pushing the limits.

Hillary Clinton is an active supporter of tightening sanctions against Russia:

I am a strong supporter of tough sanctions, which have a negative impact on the Russian economy, on him personally (Vladimir Putin - ed.) and his inner circle

Seeing trends in Russia aimed at reviving the Soviet Union, Hillary openly states that the United States must counteract such a process:

You can't make a mistake. We know what the goal is and we are trying to find an effective way to slow down or prevent this process

We can say with a high degree of confidence that Hillary Clinton’s election race will still lead her to the presidency. The latest news in 2016 indicates that despite all the enthusiasm and energy with which her rival Donald Trump is moving towards his intended goal, he will not be allowed to get into the White House - he is too actively breaking the accepted order of elections in the United States.

Hillary Clinton withdrew from the presidential race: a fake that shook the Internet

The news that Hillary Clinton withdrew from the presidential race appeared on the Internet on March 25, 2016 and within a few hours caused heated discussions among users. Citing the BBC, the media reported that Hillary Clinton withdrew from the election for medical reasons. They promised to publish an official message later, but no confirmation was ever forthcoming.

What will happen if Hillary Clinton becomes president?

Political analysts are confident that with Hillary Clinton coming to power, tension in the world will only increase. You should not rely on women's softness in decision-making - even Bill Clinton was softer in making political decisions, and during his reign Yugoslavia and Iraq were bombed.

Some political observers call Hillary the “goddess of war” because she actively promoted the interests of military circles at one time. Hillary Clinton, who is now a real candidate for the US presidency, approved the military coup in Honduras, supported the bombing of Yugoslavia, the Contras in Nicaragua, the invasion of Iraq, military operations in Afghanistan, coups in Libya and Syria.

Hilary Diane Clinton, née Rodham, was born on October 26, 1947 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Hilary was the eldest daughter of Hugh Rodham, owner of a thriving drapery store, and Dorothy Emma Howell Rodham. The girl had two brothers.

Hilary attended Wellesley College, where she was active in student politics and was elected class president before graduating in 1969. After college, the girl enters Yale Law School, where she meets Bill Clinton. After graduating from school with honors in 1973, Hilary entered the Yale Children's Center, where, for a year, she studied the problems of raising and treating children.

During the summer holidays, the girl works part-time at various jobs. In the spring of 1974, she served on the commission of investigators in the case of impeachment of the president. In August of the same year, after the departure of President Richard M. Nixon, she became a teacher at the University of Arkansas School of Law in Fayetteville, where her school friend Bill Clinton taught.

Marriage to Bill Clinton

Hilary Rodham and Bill Clinton were married on October 11, 1975. Their daughter, Chelsea Victoria, was born on February 27, 1980.

In 1976, Hilary takes part in Jimmy Carter's successful presidential campaign.

In 1988 and 1991, The National Law Journal named her one of the 100 most influential lawyers in America.

First lady

During the 1992 presidential race, Hillary acts as an active and loyal supporter of her husband, and, having assumed the presidency, Clinton appoints her head of the Task Force for National Health Care Reform (1993). In September 1994, the program was closed.

At the same time, the Clinton family invested in the Whitewater land project. The bank associated with the project, Morgan Guaranty Savings, failed, costing the federal government $73 million.

In 1998, a sex scandal involving Monica Lewinsky broke out in the White House. Despite the fact that in public Mrs. Clinton strongly supports her husband, according to rumors, she is seriously thinking about divorce.

Presidential race

Realizing that her husband's time in power is limited to two terms, Mrs. Clinton decides to nominate her candidacy for the Senate from New York County. Despite early problems, Clinton defeated the highly popular Republican Rick Lasio in the election, and became the first wife of a US President to run for and hold public office, as well as the first woman elected to the Senate from a New York district.

At the beginning of 2007, Hilary Clinton announced her new plans - to become the first female president in US history. At the 2008 Democratic nomination, Senator Clinton withdrew as it became clear that Barack Obama was winning the majority of the vote.

US Secretary of State

Shortly after winning the presidential election, Barack Obama nominated Hillary Clinton for the post of Secretary of State. She accepts the offer, and on January 21, 2009, she is officially appointed as the 67th US Secretary of State.

In this position, Clinton directs her activities to the fight for women's rights, as well as universal human rights.

September 11, 2012, following a deadly attack on the US consular office in Benghazi, Libya, in which four people were killed, including and Ambassador Christopher Stevens, the State Department led by Hillary Clinton comes under investigation.

Benghazi attack hearing and resignation

January 23, 2013 Clinton testifies in the Benghazi consulate attack. Speaking before members of the House Foreign Relations Committee, she defends her actions, without, however, abdicating responsibility for what happened. The mention of the citizens killed in the attack makes her cry.

Since her first days in office, Clinton has repeatedly repeated that she intends to serve only one term. On February 1, 2013, she officially relinquished her powers.


You need to understand that there is no clear formula for exactly how a woman should live her life. Therefore, it is necessary to respect the choice a woman makes for herself and her family. Every woman has the right to take the chance to fulfill the potential God has given her.

People understand what you're fighting for when you start fighting with your own friends.

Faith is like jumping off a cliff when you believe in the possibility of two outcomes: you will either fall on solid ground or learn to fly.

Don't confuse career and life. It's not the same thing at all.

The most important school setting in a child’s life is home.

Too many women, in too many countries around the world, speak the same language - the language of silence.

Take criticism seriously, but don't take it to heart. If there is truth or rationality in the criticism, try to learn something. If not, just put it out of your mind.

Every moment we look back delays us on the path forward.

Biography score

New feature! The average rating this biography received. Show rating

Age: 70 years old

Height: 189 cm

Weight: 90 kg

IQ: 156


Religion:Presbyterian Church (Protestantism)

Education: economist

Party affiliation: republican

Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in Queens, New York. His father, Fred Christ Trump, came from a family of German migrants and founded a successful real estate and construction business. Mother Mary McLeod was born in Scotland and became a US citizen in 1942. Fred Trump was accused of racial bias against tenants, and in 1927 he was arrested during a Ku Klux Klan parade. Donald was the fourth of five children. Pictured: Donald Trump (far left) with his brothers Fred Jr. and Robert and sisters Marianne and Elizabeth. 1951

Donald's stubborn and willful character caused a lot of trouble for his parents and school teachers. When the boy turned 13 years old, his parents sent him to study at the cadet corps - the New York Military Academy. Strict discipline did him good: young Trump studied well and became captain of the school's baseball team. In the photo - Donald (center) in a military academy uniform. 1961

After graduating from the military academy, Donald Trump entered Fordham University, from which he soon transferred to the Wharton Business School of the University of Pennsylvania. In 1968, he received a bachelor's degree in economics and real estate and began working for his father, whose business by that time had grown to the size of a construction empire

Donald Trump has been married several times. His first chosen one was the model from Czechoslovakia Ivanka Zelnichkova. This marriage lasted from 1977 to 1992. In the photo: Donald Trump with Ivanka and children Eric and Ivanka Jr.

From 1993 to 1999, Donald Trump's wife was American actress and model Marla Maples, she is the mother of his daughter Tiffany

The third wife of the famous billionaire in 2005 was the Slovenian model Melania Knauss. In 2006, the couple had a son, Barron. In the photo: Donald Trump with his wife Melania and son at the ceremony of laying his personal star on the Walk of Stars in Hollywood. 2007

US Republican Party

Despite the fact that there are officially more than 40 political parties in the United States, only two of them always participate in the final presidential race - the Republican and the Democratic, therefore it is generally accepted that the United States has a two-party system. The Republican Party is best characterized by its historical name - the Grand Old Party - and its symbol: elephant, demonstrating strength, resilience and loyalty to tradition. The party was founded in 1854 Abraham Lincoln - the same Lincoln who freed the slaves, won the war between the North and the South and became the national hero of America.

Republicans are conservatives core values- traditional:

  • - business free from government interference and trade union dictates
  • - the right of a citizen to own weapons
  • - tightening of migration policy
  • - increased spending on defense and national security
  • - maintaining the death penalty
  • - strengthening the institution of the family, preserving its traditions (encouraging large families and the traditional role of women in marriage, negative attitudes towards divorce, feminism, same-sex marriage, abortion, the spread of pornography, prostitution and drugs)

“America for Americans” - the slogan under which the United States fought for its independence from its former metropolises, exhausts the Republicans’ understanding of the country’s foreign and domestic policy. If Democrats justify active US intervention in the affairs of other countries by the need to bring universal American values ​​to the world, then Republicans believe that the rest of the world should be a convenient environment for the comfortable existence of the United States. The principle “All politics is domestic” sets priorities in the minds of a Republican: first we, and then everyone else. Therefore, Donald Trump's statement "Our military dominance should not be questioned - by anyone, anywhere" and his call for a renewed military force reflects a truly Republican view on this issue.

Republican electorate- this is the “salt of the earth” of the United States, Heartland: white men and women - “old” Americans with a good income, “white collar workers”, employees of large companies, religious and conservative segments of the population, representatives of big business. Republicans have big money and powerful lobbies behind them, so many initiatives of Democratic presidents that contradict the interests of Republican lobbyists are doomed to failure: such as Barack Obama's (and now Hillary Clinton's) attempt to limit the free sale of weapons in the United States.

The most famous Republican presidents: Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush.

Trump's career


Sexism: On the eve of the election, the Washington Post published a recording of a personal conversation between Donald Trump and TV host Billy Bush, in which the billionaire made derogatory remarks about women. He talked about his failed attempt to get a married lady into bed and said: “When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything."

The Democratic Party sharply condemned the billionaire’s words, in particular Hillary Clinton on Twitter called the recording “terrible” and considered that Americans “cannot allow this man to become president.” Many Republicans also criticized their party colleagues. In response to the wave of indignation, Donald Trump released a short video in which he apologized for his words, while calling the scandal "an attempt to distract from the problems that we face today."

Immigrants: During the election campaign, Donald Trump, who actively exploited the topic of illegal migration, voiced many scandalous proposals, including the construction of a protective wall on the border with Mexico.

US President Barack Obama sharply criticized the Republican candidate's idea, calling it "another example of something that hasn't been fully thought through." And Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto called Trump a “fascist.” But Donald Trump did not abandon the idea of ​​a wall even after his visit to Mexico.

Construction: In 1979, The Trump Organization began construction of a skyscraper on the most expensive street in New York (Fifth Avenue), which caused protests from the owners of nearby buildings. During the construction of Trump Tower, workers demolished the Art Deco building: on its facade there were valuable bas-reliefs that the tycoon promised to donate to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. In addition, it turned out that Polish immigrants worked illegally at the site, whose working conditions were contrary to American law.

Mr. Trump carried out his project, overcoming funding problems and ignoring other obstacles. In his immigration trial, he said he "rarely visited the construction site and was not aware of the illegal workers." And in the end the case was closed.

Political experience: advantages and disadvantages

Donald Trump has no political experience - any, including negative. He cannot be blamed for allowing the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi or for failing to effectively “reset” relations with Russia. Here he is clean, but for America this is a lot.

He managed - through force of personality, insane attention to detail, charisma, integrity, self-promotion and connections - to build an empire of steel, marble, beauty pageants and casinos. Total cost? According to Trump, $6 billion. But few actually believe him

Daniel Rough, Fortune journalist

The construction business is confusingly similar to politics. The same need to establish relationships with the most diverse segments of the population, the same obligation to keep a bunch of different circumstances in mind, the same dependence on human material, the same obligatory discrepancy between the project and reality. And most importantly, as a result, someone will definitely be dissatisfied with the result

Gleb Cherkasov, deputy editor-in-chief of Kommersant

Most of those campaigning for Trump argue that he will govern the country as well as he runs his business empire. And Trump's slogan "Make America Great Again" openly hints that the country is in need of serious reorganization. And who better to lead this reorganization, the president who failed Obamacare, or the president who built Trump World Tower from scratch and rose from the ashes after a series of bankruptcies? America now needs a fundamentally new approach and effective management - this message from Trump fell on prepared ground: dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs has accumulated in society and political minimalism is in demand. And the Democrats’ calls to soberly evaluate their opponent’s populist statements have almost no effect - Trump’s electorate understands politics no more than he does.

Watching Trump in action taught me how to think big and motivate others. He knows how to inspire anything. Even if it's a big pile of shit, it can inspire you

Ginger Southall, former director of Trump Spa

However, the lack of a political background is already causing problems for Donald Trump. His September visit to Mexico was accompanied by a protest: residents of Mexico City took to the streets with signs saying “You are not welcome here.” This is due to Trump's idea to build a wall between Mexico and the United States, 15 meters high and costing about $12 billion, and force Mexico to pay for it. Trump began his election campaign by declaring that “the United States has become a dumping ground for Mexico,” which supplies the country with criminals and drug traffickers. After meeting with President Enrique Peña Nieto, he tweeted, “I made it clear that Mexico will not pay for the wall,” and Trump called the connection between the countries “deep and sincere.” Returning to the United States, he returned to his old rhetoric.

Donald Trump: promises and statements

"Elephant" in a china shop

Mr. Trump has so much charisma that he could sell it. The TV presenter's many years of experience - the ability to present himself, hold the viewer's interest, and look natural on camera - is now bringing him political dividends. He knows Americans very well as a public and feels that for most of them the election campaign is first and foremost a show. But Trump has a problem even more serious than his lack of political experience: Members of the Republican Party for which he is running consider him an outsider. Trump is a loner. He is stubborn, does not doubt himself, never admits his mistakes, does not consult with anyone - like a real elephant, but the elephant is clearly not a republican one.

In politics, the most deadly wounds are inflicted in the back. The opposing party rarely causes as much trouble as your own. Any candidate or politician already elected to office becomes a target if he tries to appeal not to his party's loyal core of supporters, but to the undecided voters on whom his electoral success depends

The August scandal in Philadelphia is very indicative in this sense: Donald Trump got into an altercation with the father of an American Muslim soldier who died in Iraq. Pakistani-American Khizr Khan reproached the presidential candidate for his attacks on the Muslim community in the United States. In response, Trump said that his sacrifices for America were comparable to those that Khizr Khan's son brought to his country. And it was too much: the war in Iraq was the brainchild of the Republican administration of President George W. Bush. Among the Republicans who tried to stop their candidate were the head of the Senate Armed Services Committee John McCain, the head of the House Armed Services Committee Mac Thornberry and the Speaker of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan. However, Trump, instead of coming up with a way out of the situation, decided to blackmail his fellow party members by declaring that he would not support the candidacies of Paul Ryan and John McCain in the upcoming congressional elections. The story ended with influential Republicans petitioning the National Party Committee to remove Trump from the election, since if he wins, he will become “the most reckless president in American history.”

Mr. Trump has repeatedly demonstrated a poor understanding of America's vital interests, its complex diplomatic challenges, its indispensable alliances, and the democratic values ​​on which U.S. foreign policy should be based. At the same time, he constantly flirts with our opponents and threatens our allies and friends. Unlike previous presidents, whose experience in foreign affairs was limited, Mr. Trump is not interested in education. He continues to demonstrate a blatant ignorance of modern international politics. Despite his lack of knowledge, Mr Trump says he understands foreign policy and knows more about ISIS than the generals

From an open letter to members of the Republican National Committee,
August 2016

Who supports Donald Trump in the election

Trump vs Trump

These US elections will be precedent-setting. In fact, it is not representatives of the country’s two main parties who are fighting for the presidency, but a representative of the establishment, Hillary Clinton, and a representative of the anti-establishment, Donald Trump. It is no secret that America dislikes both of them - so much so that, against the backdrop of their statements, the popularity of current President Barack Obama is growing. Everyone who has been waiting since the beginning of the election campaign for the “upstart” Trump to blow away is nervously counting the days until the elections. Even based on the results of the debate, it cannot be said that the eccentric billionaire lost to his opponent. Behind Trump is a fairly significant part of America, which likes the confident way with which he says to hell with everything that has long existed in the status of “this is not discussed” - immigrants of color, feminism, political correctness, social equalization, etc. Trump in in this case acts as both an indicator and a safety valve for those who are dissatisfied with the status quo in the United States.

Having bet on a break with the political establishment, Donald Trump hit the mark, presenting himself as the only person capable of accomplishing what many in America have long dreamed of, without expecting their dream to come true. It remains to be seen whether these people's votes will be enough to make Donald Trump's political project of conquering Washington as successful as building his skyscrapers in New York

Yuri Rogulev, Director of the Foundation for the Study of the United States
named after Franklin Roosevelt Moscow State University

If Trump becomes president, he will lose his advantageous position “above the fray” and will become part of the establishment, and influential enough to demand results from him. This may lead to him losing the support of a significant part of his electorate, and he will not be able to gain supporters among those whom he so actively opposes. To be an effective president, Trump will have to accept that he is new to the job, be willing to learn, consult, admit and correct his mistakes, work as a team, delegate, and exercise tact and discretion. If Donald Trump manages to do this, he will defeat his greatest rival - himself.

Candidates view Election Day as the end of the process. True professionals understand that this is just a stop along the way. The real questions after Election Day remain the same as before. What are your life positions? How recognizable is your name? What is your popularity? What is your vote share? In the end, the electorate is not going anywhere. He will remain... until the next elections

Dick Morris. New sovereign. A new version of Machiavelli for the 21st century

Trump's economic program is contradictory and difficult to implement: he proposes to reduce income taxes, thus trying to stimulate economic growth in the country. However, lost taxes will lead to a budget deficit and the need to cut social programs. The energy revolution he promises is also now impossible: the oil industry has sank greatly due to falling oil prices. Analysts believe that if Trump's program is fully implemented, the US economy will lose about $1 billion.

Age: 69 years old

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 65 kg

IQ: 140

Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Religion:Methodist Church (Protestantism)

Education: lawyer

Party affiliation: democrat

Hillary Diane Rhoden Clinton was born on October 26, 1947 in Chicago in a family of immigrants from England and Wales. Her father, Hugh Rodham, was the owner of a small textile factory, and her mother, Dorothy, was a housewife. There were two more children in the family - sons Hugh Jr. and Anthony. Hugh Rodham was a World War II veteran and a staunch Republican; during her school years, Hillary was a member of the Young Republicans public organization, was a scout and played softball.

After graduating from school, Hillary Rodham entered the prestigious Wellsey College (Massachusetts), where she first became interested in politics and even participated in the election campaign of New York State Governor Nelson Rockefeller during the summer holidays. But photo: Hillary Rodham with Wellsey College faculty at the graduation ceremony. 1969

In 1969, Hillary entered Yale Law School, where she met a student from Arkansas, Bill Clinton, the future 42nd President of the United States. On September 11, 1975 they got married. On the eve of the wedding, Hillary participated for the first time in Bill's election campaign - he ran for the US Congress, but lost. Later - in 1978, 1984, 1986 and 1990 - Bill Clinton was elected governor of Arkansas, and in 1992 and 1996 he won the presidential elections

On February 27, 1980, the Clintons gave birth to their only daughter, Chelsea. She is a graduate of Stanford University's history department, Oxford University, and Columbia University School of Public Health. Later she worked at New York University, NBC News, McKinsey&Company, Avenue Capital Group, and Bill Clinton's charities.

From the age of 12, Chelsea Clinton took an active part in her father's trips and meetings and was an important part of his image, and in 2008 she actively supported her mother in the presidential election. Chelsea is married to investment banker Mark Mierzwinski and they have two children: Charlotte and Aidan. In the photo: 1998. The Clintons and their daughter inspect the famous “terracotta army” of Emperor Qin Shi Huang during a visit to China.

US Democratic Party

The US Democratic Party is 26 years older than the Republican Party and is one of the oldest in the world. It was created in 1828 Andrew Jackson, the first governor of Florida and the seventh President of the United States, who is known for signing the Indian Removal Act, and Martin Van Buren, the eighth President of the United States. Became the symbol of the party donkey, able to patiently and persistently overcome obstacles. Already in the second half of the 20th century, the US Democratic Party finally established itself as liberal, progressive, and socially oriented.

Core Values US Democrats:

  • - maintaining universal health care in the country
  • - state regulation of business, support for trade unions
  • - restriction of the right to own weapons
  • - support for immigrants and increased funding from the state budget for social programs for the poor
  • - accessible education, investment in science and environmental protection
  • - support for feminism and sexual minorities, allowing same-sex marriage, abortion rights, euthanasia

In foreign policy, the Democratic Party officially focuses more on diplomacy than on an active demonstration of force. However, US foreign policy rarely depends on the rhetoric of its presidents, and the participation of the United States in “color revolutions” and local conflicts is usually called the “export of democracy.” In 1992, Democratic President Bill Clinton formulated the principle of “expanding the community of market democratic states,” which was already implemented by Republican presidents in the 2000s: military interventions were seen as replacing dictatorships with democratic forms of statehood. Hillary Clinton, while Secretary of State in the Democratic Obama administration, supported an interventionist foreign policy. Therefore, many Republicans who did not accept Trump are confident that she will take a tough position on Ukraine and Syria, and are ready to vote for her.

Democratic Party electorate very diverse - here are representatives of US university circles, and almost all Hollywood stars, blue-collar workers and the progressive part of employees of private and public companies, immigrants, the middle class, poor Americans dependent on benefits. The presence of a large number of people from the world of cinema and pop culture among the fans of the Democratic candidate is a big plus during the pre-election campaign. George Clooney and Justin Timberlake, who host charity dinners for Hillary Clinton, Madonna and Lady Gaga, Christina Aguilera and Kim Kardashian, all share both their popularity and their fans with Clinton.

The most famous Democratic presidents: Andrew Jackson, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama

Clinton's career


Benghazi: In September 2012, Libyan Islamists attacked the US consulate in Benghazi. Four diplomatic mission employees were killed.

The US State Department was accused of not strengthening security at the consulate despite receiving signals of a possible attack. Mrs. Clinton, who headed it, acknowledged her formal responsibility, but argued that she “did not take part in specific discussions about the security of the consulate.” In 2016, the House Select Committee released its final report on the Benghazi attack, which did not include evidence of Hillary Clinton's direct guilt. However, the incident had a negative impact on her reputation.

Mail: In March 2015, it became known that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used her personal e-mail to transmit official information. As a result, a leak occurred that allowed WikiLeaks to publish more than 30 thousand letters from Mrs. Clinton (including confidential ones).

The event acquired a global scale and was widely discussed outside the United States, which led to the emergence of conflicting interpretations of what happened. Mrs. Clinton insisted in a televised debate that she “never received or sent classified information.” But Trump's team actively used this case against her, and the billionaire himself said that the letters show "how unattractive and dishonest our country has become."

Health: On August 18, 2016, on MSNBC, Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson said that Hillary Clinton allegedly suffers from dysphasia (speech pathology associated with organic brain damage - Ed.). Conservative politician Karl Rove previously reported on her health problems. And in 2012, the then US Secretary of State interrupted her international tour due to a blood clot in a vein in her arm.

Although Hillary Clinton's doctor says she is "in excellent health," political opponents have a different opinion and doubt the Democratic candidate's ability to fulfill the duties of president. Well-known US TV health talk show host Dr. Drew (David Pinsky), after examining the medical records published by Mrs. Clinton, said that he was “very concerned” about her health and considered the medical care “old-fashioned.”

Political experience: pros and cons

No one will argue that Hillary Clinton beats her opponent in terms of political experience. She has a huge one: she is the former First Lady of the United States, a former senator from the State of New York, and a former US Secretary of State. If she wins, she will confidently enter the White House, where she was once the mistress. However, this circumstance has its strengths and weaknesses.

Shortly before the 1996 elections, in which Bill Clinton had to fight for re-election, a survey was conducted in America, during which it was proposed to characterize the first lady in one word. “Smart” and “smart” were used most often, but the word “bitch” came in third place.

University of Texas historian Lewis Hood

Hillary Clinton was a very unusual first lady for the United States. In fact, she was the first to openly demonstrate her influence over her husband and desire to participate in governing the country. It is no coincidence that their duet was called “Billary”. And it’s not even that she demonstrated intelligence and character, competing with men, which was not accepted in America, although it aroused respect among progressive women. Much more Americans were irritated by the role of the “gray eminence” that she took under her husband. Republicans saw it as a violation of tradition, and Democrats saw it as disrespect for their choice - after all, they voted for Bill. Both agreed that she was a bad influence on her husband. In addition, she was the first presidential wife to receive a subpoena to testify in the case of financial fraud related to the Whitewater scandal. Opponents from the Republican headquarters are happy to remind her of Libya, secret correspondence and other scandals in which Hillary Clinton was involved.

Americans are born with a deep suspicion of hidden power. A voice whispering in the ear has always caused voter concern, especially if this voice whispers on the pillow at night

Dick Morris. New sovereign. A new version of Machiavelli for the 21st century

However, now the situation has changed - Mrs. Clinton is coming out of the shadows, and here her intelligence and strong character play into her hands: the US President must be able to firmly and consistently defend the interests of the country. And when she makes statements on Syria, Russia, China and support for NATO, they listen to her more seriously than to Trump - she knows what she’s talking about better than him.

Competing with politicians who already hold a certain position is a very risky path into politics. Usually chosen by chronically impatient people

Dick Morris. New sovereign. A new version of Machiavelli for the 21st century

Hillary Clinton: promises and statements

Old Lady vs. Republican Frankenstein

Hillary Clinton's election program could have become Barack Obama's election program if the 22nd Amendment, which prohibits one person from holding the presidency for more than two consecutive terms, was not in force in the United States. In general, it could suit any democrat - reasonable, predictable, unmemorable. Like Mrs. Clinton herself. One of the main complaints about Hillary is that she lacks charisma.

Charisma is the most illusory of political traits, because it does not exist in reality, it exists only in our perception... Do not advise a hairdresser to cut your Kennedy haircut, and do not ask a public speaking teacher to teach you how to make decisive hand gestures... Although this is not yet proven, but charisma may lie in obesity, wrinkles and a double chin

Dick Morris. New sovereign. A new version of Machiavelli for the 21st century

There is no need to convince Americans that Hillary Clinton has a sober mind and a steely character. But once she stopped being a tough ass to “Sweet Bill,” it turned out that she had rather undeveloped emotional intelligence and virtually no personal charm. In a country where candidate John F. Kennedy beat candidate Richard Nixon in debates because he looked better on television and one of the presidents was a professional actor, this is a serious problem. Attempts to teach Hillary to react quickly and smile sweetly have come down to the fact that in some campaign videos she has the face of a person with signs of mental illness. Her physical health has long been a separate topic of the election campaign: she constantly has to make excuses about her health, and she recently admitted that she suffered from pneumonia.

I think there's something to it. She looks very bad on screen. She works herself to death. In her first year in the White House, if she wins, she will turn 70

Colin Powell, former US Secretary of State

However, here help came to Hillary from a completely unexpected direction - it was provided by Donald Trump himself. Compared to the eccentric billionaire who is confused by his own rhetoric, she looks like a consistent and experienced old lady, and here her predictability plays into her hands. She is the flesh and blood of the American establishment, she knows the rules of the game and follows them. It is no coincidence that that part of the Republican electorate that does not associate itself with Donald Trump is going to vote for her. In 1996, when Bill Clinton entered the race for a second presidential term, his opponent Bob Dole's team used the unpopular Hillary as a bogeyman: "Reelect Him and you get HER." Now this slogan could be reformulated as: “Choose Her, otherwise you will receive Him.”

The difference between the two candidates has never been more stark. We are choosing between a candidate who has never been more qualified and a candidate who proves with every speech that he is unfit for the Oval Office.

From Barack Obama's speech at the Ohio Democratic rally,
October 2016

Who supports Hillary Clinton in the election

Another Clinton

Hillary Clinton is vying for power in a country that has still not fully recovered from the 2008 economic crisis. The program to rescue banks and financial companies was carried out at the expense of the middle class and significantly hit the pockets of ordinary Americans; it is no coincidence that taxation issues are heard from the mouths of both candidates. Unemployment is growing, and competition in the labor market is aggravated by migrants. This is why Donald Trump’s rather wild, at first glance, idea of ​​fencing off Mexico with a multi-meter wall finds such a response in the hearts of voters, and Clinton’s call to remember that the country was created by immigrants causes irritation. America, accustomed in the 20th century to its economy growing rapidly, faced prolonged stagnation at the beginning of the new century. And now it becomes clear that these are not temporary difficulties, but a new reality. Society places responsibility for this reality on the ruling class. The candidate of the ruling class is Hillary Clinton, which means that if she wins, she will have to take the rap for everyone.

If, at a time when the country yearns for national unity, a political leader appears who begins to excite it with his utopian projects, he will fail. But woe to the leader who tries to follow the path of gentleness and prudence at a time when the nation is gripped by fear and anger... In a time of indignation, the peacemaker politician will turn out to be inadequate. It is not so important whether the leader wants to do a lot or little and what his character is - explosive or calm; in any case, he must coordinate his style of leadership with the mood that characterizes the era

Dick Morris. New sovereign. A new version of Machiavelli for the 21st century

If she wins the election, Hillary will also have to prove that she is an independent, original politician. That she is capable of being a locomotive, and not just a carriage on the Bill Clinton or Barack Obama train. Now everyone agrees on one thing: throughout her many years of political activity, Hillary Clinton cannot boast of a successfully completed project. The phrase: “This is the Hillary Clinton who gave America…” there is nothing to finish yet. And her health and age do not allow her to hope for a qualitative breakthrough in the future. On the other hand, Franklin Roosevelt was confined to a wheelchair for most of his life - and he was the only US president to serve more than two terms.

America needs a new leader with concrete ideas, not from Washington, who will work

Scott Walker, Governor of Wisconsin

Clinton has a very ambitious economic program, which includes creating conditions for economic growth, increasing wages for working Americans, increasing social protection for the poor, reducing the tax burden for the middle class, encouraging companies to pay their employees a share of profits, etc. All of these plans are going well in a country where the gap between the incomes of the wealthy and average Americans continues to widen. But experienced experts reproach this program for being, in fact, a list of good wishes. Economic growth and social justice are often achieved through opposing government actions. To achieve noticeable results in both one and the other, you need a booming economy with a good “fat” reserve. The problem is that it doesn't exist now. And President Clinton will in any case have to resort to unpopular measures, which will add to her unpopularity.

Which candidate is better for Russia?

They became interested in the American elections in the Soviet Union after Nikita Khrushchev made several visits to the United States, and newsreels showed the Soviet people not only the President of America, the white-toothed and smiling John Kennedy, but also his beautiful wife Jacqueline. The famous photograph of Nina Khrushcheva and Jacqueline Kennedy at a meeting in Vienna in 1961 remains iconic and is considered a clear illustration of the differences between the United States and the USSR. It is hardly worth seriously comparing the figures and manners of the 30-year-old daughter of a millionaire and the 60-year-old wife of the Soviet party leader, a peasant by birth. But the fact that power in the United States is elective, and the leader needs to please his people in order to take the helm of the country, made a deep impression on the Soviet people.

Each time, assessing American contenders for power, the USSR, and then Russia, rooted for one of the candidates. Or rather, against one of the candidates: the one who played the “hawk” card and was distinguished by harsh rhetoric towards the world, the USSR or Russia. This was George W. Bush, who is known for the famous “Bush Doctrine,” according to which the United States received the right to launch preventive strikes on the enemy without coordinating its actions with the international community. Under Bush Jr., the United States invaded Iraq and carried out special operations in Afghanistan. America, which survived the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, needed just such a president: one who declared war on terror and overthrew the Taliban regime. But Russia considered him tough and incapable of negotiation. However, Vladimir Putin and George Bush managed to build a relationship over time: Putin visited Bush’s ranch in Texas and even gave his American colleague a ride in the No. 21 Volga. Nevertheless, the friendship of the two leaders did not prevent the arrest and execution of Saddam Hussein, which was opposed not only by Russia, but also by Europe. Bush and Putin shook hands, and American troops cleared the territories of countries that made up the “axis of evil,” ignoring Russia’s opinion on this matter.

George W. Bush supported his fellow party member John McCain in the 2008 elections: he still calls Russia “a gas station that only pretends to be a country.” Then Obama seemed like a godsend to us. The result of Barack Obama's two presidential terms was a sanctions regime between our countries and more than cold relations over Crimea, Ukraine and Syria. Now Russia is leaning towards Donald Trump, assessing his election rhetoric as more promising for the relationship between our countries.

The problem is that Russia again and again ignores the fact that American statehood is structured fundamentally differently. If in Russia and other countries with an “Asian” type of government the role of the leader is so great that it can completely change both the foreign and domestic policies of the country, then in the USA and Europe the head of state is only the tip of the iceberg, which is based on the basic values ​​of society and geopolitical interests of the state. No matter who America chooses, Russia will have to deal with America, and not with its new president. No matter who he is, he will never go against the interests of his country.

Hillary Clinton is considered one of the most influential female politicians in the world, who was able to reach incredible heights in her career, but could not avoid huge international scandals. Today we’ll figure out how the fate of the prudent iron lady turned out, and what secrets of her appearance she hides.

Hillary Clinton's childhood

Hillary Clinton (actually her last name is Rodham) appeared to the world on October 26, 1947 in Chicago, one of the largest American cities in a family with strict, conservative foundations.

  • His father, Hugh Rodham, was a successful small textile business, and his mother, Dorothy, was a housewife. Hillary was born first, and besides her, there were 2 more brothers, Hugh and Tony, in the family.

  • From an early age, the girl was distinguished by her strong willpower and unbending character, inherited from her father. At school, teachers called her the best student; in addition, in her free time, the schoolgirl earned certificates in basketball, volleyball and swimming.

  • In 1965, after graduating from high school, the future first lady of the United States entered Wellesley College and then Yale University Law School. There, the student launched a vigorous social activity and became the head of the Wellesley Young Republicans movement.

  • The girl received her doctorate in law in 1973, after which she went to work at the Children's Defense Fund. Only her passion for law and meeting her future husband Bill became a turning point in Hillary’s life, and took her away from her first job.

Hillary Clinton in politics

Hillary's biography is replete with political achievements:

  • Hillary Clinton became interested in politics in her youth, and after her marriage in 1975, she began to actively promote her husband to the highest echelon of power. Because of his wife's competent campaign, Bill became the chief prosecutor in 1976, and in 1978 he headed the state of Arkansas.
  • In 1978, a woman became a member of the board of the Legal Services Corporation. At the same time, she worked for 12 years in the field of healthcare and protection of children's rights.
  • After Bill Clinton's victory in the 1993 election, Hillary headed the Committee on Health Care Reform, but, not even a year into the job, she was forced to leave the post due to an avalanche of criticism against her.
  • The interests of the first lady spread to the protection of children and women of the United States. In addition, she went into business and became the head of the retail company Wal-Mart, gaining complete financial independence from her husband. Her earnings were about $250,000, while her governor husband's salary was only $35,000.

  • In 2000, Hillary became a New York state senator, making her the frontrunner in the 2008 presidential race. And just before the elections, the Clinton couple was accused of corruption and nepotism, so the woman refused the chair and supported rival Barack Obama.
  • In 2009, Clinton was elected US Secretary of State, so for the first time in history, the former first lady ended up in the country's State Department. Many considered her a “hawk” because of her aggressive policy towards Afghanistan and Iraq, while others considered her “America’s mistake” because of her policy of rapprochement with Russia.
  • The enormous experience in the role of first lady allowed “America’s mistake” to declare his intention to participate in the presidential elections in 2016. According to the voting results, the competitor won, but Hillary did not leave public activities.

Scandals with Hillary Clinton

Due to the nature of her work, the Secretary of State and ex-first lady has repeatedly found herself at the center of huge scandals.

  • The most striking episode is the husband's sexual relationship with secretary Monica Lewinsky. In 1998, only the lazy did not discuss this news. Only cold prudence and reluctance to slide from the political Olympus forced our heroine to support her husband and call his betrayal nothing other than a conspiracy against the President of America.

  • Making public the data from the email she used at the State Department. Now this fact is called a crime, and most of the letters are classified.
  • The former senator said she was talking to the ghost of Eleanor Roosevelt.
  • In 2016, a video with the self-explanatory title “Leaked sex tape of Hillary Clinton with a black guy” blew up the Internet. Recent news has shown that these are hacker actions aimed at reducing the size of the Hillary electorate.
  • In 2017, Bill's wife spoke harshly about Putin, accusing the Russian president of lacking a heart.

Personal life of the former first lady

Hillary's personal life looks perfect.

  • In 1975, she married a fellow student, Bill Clinton, whom she met in the library.

  • In 1980, a daughter, Chelsea Victoria, was born into the family, and Bill selflessly attended the birth. The girl has already graduated from Stanford University and works for her father’s charitable foundation.

  • At the end of 2014, Bill and his wife became happy grandparents, as their granddaughter Charlotte was born, and in 2016, they confirmed the title for the second time, as their second grandson, Aidan, was born.

Interesting! In 2016, Americans decided that Clinton had fallen on hard times in terms of health. At a ceremony in memory of the victims of September 11, a woman almost fainted, which provoked an avalanche of gossip that the politician’s age and fatigue were to blame. When asked what happened to Hillary Clinton, the woman herself said that the cause of her poor health was short-term pneumonia.

  • The woman's middle name is Diana.
  • She is the only 1st Lady of America to testify in court about an illegal real estate transaction and tax evasion. The young lady was acquitted.
  • The Clintons attended Donald Trump's wedding.
  • Representatives of the special services called her “affectionately” “evergreen”, but her husband’s call sign was simply “eagle”.
  • Hillary hasn't driven a car for 20 years.
  • In 1997, the woman received a Grammy Award for the audiobook “Does It Take a Whole Village.”
  • The politician is an ardent opponent of same-sex marriage.
  • In 2004, in a tavern in Tallinn (Estonia), Hillary drank another senator, John McCain.

Hillary Clinton's appearance

Hillary Clinton's appearance and possible plastic surgery are discussed no less than her political successes. Here is the opinion of Susan Evans, a plastic surgeon from Beverly Hills, about the appearance of the famous politician:

  • Blepharoplasty. After the start of the race for the presidency, Hillary Clinton had her eyelids lifted, as they began to sag and became covered with folds, which greatly aged the woman.

  • Botox injections into the forehead area. Photos of Hillary Clinton clearly demonstrate this fact, since the eyes of a businesswoman are always wide open with a smooth and motionless forehead.
  • Vitamin A injections. Over the years, Mrs. Clinton's youth began to fade, so vitamin A injections were designed to moisturize her parchment-thin skin and have a beneficial effect on the presidential candidate's hair.

  • Correction of facial contours using radiofrequency lifting. The woman’s skin has tightened up compared to earlier photos, but now the ex-senator looks young and fresh. According to surgeons, Hillary Clinton's plastic surgery is minimal, and for her 70 years old it is almost invisible.
  • Neck correction. Hillary Clinton is now in her 80s, but her neck doesn't show her age. After tightening and removing skin waves, the American activist lost ten years.

  • Hyaluronic acid injections around the mouth. As you know, the area around the mouth becomes a litmus test that reveals a woman’s age. Ideal smoothness and disappearance of wrinkles are indicated precisely by injections of hyaluronic acid.

Interesting! Photos on the beach showing Hillary Clinton in a swimsuit pleasantly surprised fans of the presidential couple. The couple dances, laughing merrily and hugging. Note that both Bill and Hillary Clinton on the beach look not only happy, but also fit for their age. No traces of plastic surgery were found on the bodies of both partners.

One of the most influential women on the planet, Hillary Clinton continues to be active in public life, helps her daughter and enjoys spending time with her family. What do you think about this representative of the highest echelon of power? Share your opinion with readers in the comments.

Video: Secrets of Hillary Clinton