State municipal management. Specialty "state and municipal management": who will work next? Advantages of working in government structures

This profession is for caring people who sincerely care about the needs of society. If your goal is to quietly but confidently create a new country and society, to serve for the benefit of people and the state, then feel free to choose this profession. The specialty implies a stable, well-paid, interesting job.

In every state there is an apparatus that manages and organizes various areas of state activity. For ease of management, there is a hierarchy of subordination - municipality, region and federal authorities.

At each of the three levels, employees are assigned specific tasks. For example, at the municipal level - organizing the coordinated work of city public utilities, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, at the regional level - monitoring the activities of law enforcement agencies, at the federal level - adjusting, amending and writing laws of the federal district.

This specialty provides a wide range of opportunities:

  • distribution and coordination, control over the expenditure of budget funds;
  • planning and development of the regional economy;
  • work in a public reception with applications from citizens;
  • organization of work of law enforcement and economic structural units;
  • management and control of healthcare institutions;
  • work in a pension fund;
  • control and management of regional and federal employment services;
  • assistance and support for large families and low-income people;
  • protection of nature, environment, resources.

This specialization provides a wide range of knowledge on many topics - from law to biology and geography.

In Russia

Specialists in this profile began to be trained in 1995, when the Ministry of Education established standards and training schemes for this specialty. Now this area is the most popular among the humanities specialties in the country's universities.

In order for the Laws to work, we need competent professionals who can competently implement important projects aimed at developing the country and qualitatively improving people’s lives.

What kind of profession is there in the specialty “State and Municipal Administration”?

There is a misconception that after training a graduate receives a degree in economics, lawyer or accountant. This is wrong. This profession involves administrative organizational work both in government agencies and in commercial firms.

Having received this specialty, you can plan employment in the following areas:

  • work in government agencies is essentially mediation between the state and citizens. You shouldn’t immediately count on big earnings, but even the most modest position of a civil servant can provide a good start for climbing the career ladder. Salary – from 12 thousand, increases annually and exceeds the average salary by region;
  • In a commercial organization there is always a department for interaction with government authorities. The work of the employees consists of analyzing and monitoring Legislation, interacting with government agencies, drawing up joint programs and events with municipal authorities, coordinating the work of the company in line with the ongoing government policy. The average salary (starting) is higher - from 20 thousand, but career growth is insignificant, the maximum is the head of a department;
  • analytics centers and consulting companies - the main activity is analytics and monitoring, forecasting. The work is routine and monotonous; only a few achieve career growth in this direction.

Graduates most often choose to work in administrations at various levels, executive authorities, supervisory authorities and civil institutions for the protection of the rights and freedoms of the population.

What subjects do I need to take for training?

Depending on the university, you will need to take the following exams:

  • mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • history, social studies, computer science and ICT - each university determines the exam according to its own priority;
  • foreign languages ​​- at the discretion of the university.

You can enroll in full-time (day-time) and part-time, or mixed forms of study.

What is written on the diploma after graduation?

Bachelor's degree indicating the profile, general specialty - manager or specialist.

Depending on the chosen profile, the diploma will specify the specialization:

  • finance;
  • social sphere;
  • human resources;
  • urban economy;
  • social and cultural development;
  • personnel (personnel).

When applying for a job, specialization can be a decisive factor for a positive decision.

Who and where can you work?

If you are counting on career growth, then you need to focus on state municipal structures; if you want a good salary, then you need to look for work in travel companies and large holdings.

The choice of vacancies for graduates of this field is quite extensive, especially in government agencies. management.

Salary for this specialty

The starting salary of the second category is 14 -20 thousand, leading specialist - 25 - 30 thousand, chief specialist - 35 thousand, heads of departments - from 40 thousand. Salaries vary depending on region.

Wikipedia about the profession

You can read articles about this profession on Wikipedia. Interesting materials on the website of the Russian Academy and in the regulations of municipal departments and departments. Many federal universities are also represented in the Wikipedia rubricator.

Previously, few people knew about the specialty “public administration”. Now many educational institutions have this category of specialty. After receiving their education, specialists in this field can work in government agencies, financial foundations, and if they are lucky, they can become officials or politicians. When choosing the profession of “public administration”, a person must understand and accept all the responsibility and seriousness of this specialty.

History of the profession of public administration

In fact, the profession of “public administration” has existed since the founding of the Russian state. The first to try themselves in this profession were Yaroslav the Wise, Vladimir Monomakh, and then Ivan the Terrible. But famous reformers like Stolypin were also government employees. These outstanding people made a great contribution to the development of the state, changed history, introduced amendments and innovations into the life of the country.

With the help of reforms, it was possible to move away from serfdom and create all the conditions for transforming our state into a developed country. That is, we can say that this is a very ancient profession. Civil servants have always been the face of our state. Therefore, many universities are now training personnel for such an important profession. There are even special institutions that train students only in this specialty, for example RANEPA.

Profession public administration

The profession of “public administration” is represented by state and municipal employees who are directly related to the social and political life of the country. Such people deal with organizational and social issues of politics and people's lives. To one degree or another, civil servants create the history of our country and shape its future.

The profession of “public administration” implies political, legal, economic, and psychological knowledge and aspects. This is a public profession that is associated with the state civil service. After all, presidents of countries, city mayors and ministers are precisely specialists in public administration. Of course, their path to such positions was not easy, and it began from humble positions.

Specialists in this area can work not only in government agencies, but also in large organizations and agencies as managers, deputies and chief managers, and specialists in this area can also run their own business. In fact, this is a very prestigious profession that not everyone can do. The work involves maintaining an image and a large amount of constantly updated knowledge and information.

Demand for the profession of public administration

The demand for the profession of “public administration” can be judged by the growing state apparatus and numerous political parties. Of course, this profession is quite in demand. After all, this profession is in demand not only in the field of politics and government, but also in many others. But it's not that simple.

Education alone is not enough to work in this field and achieve great success; a person must have a certain mindset, be a leader by character, he must always have ideas, he must be literate, legally savvy.

Public administration specialists are always up to date with news in the field of politics; they monitor changes in legislation and the life of the country. A civil servant who has all the necessary personal qualities and knowledge will be in great demand and will have a wonderful future and high wages.

Profession public administration - salary

The salaries of civil servants fluctuate greatly; it all depends on work experience and position. But no one immediately received fabulous money and thick white envelopes. Just like other specialists, they start with small salaries. For example, specialists of categories 1 and 2 receive from 20 to 30 thousand rubles.

Speciality "State and municipal administration"(or, as they also say in everyday life - GMU) - one of the youngest in modern Russia, officially created in 1992. In February 2015, a new federal state educational standard for higher education was introduced towardspreparation 38.03.04 "State and municipal management" ("Bachelor"), which assumes maximum orientation of the educational process to the needs of the labor market. To date state and municipal administration universities identified as one of the most popular areas of training.

From the very name of this specialty it is clear that the professional activity of graduates in the future is connected, first of all, with work in civil public service positions in government and management bodies at the federal, regional or municipal levels. But not only.

During their studies, graduates receive extensive knowledge from a variety of fields from economics to law, which gives them the opportunity to work with no less success in state and municipal institutions, enterprises and budgetary organizations, in public and non-profit organizations, international organizations and international governing bodies.

They often find application in research and educational organizations and institutions. There is a great demand for young and educated managers in commercial structures.

Anyway, specialty of State Medical University gives the young man a good impetus for his future career. And although it is still too early to rule out protectionism in the civil service, the trend of recent years clearly shows: there are more and more people who are climbing the career ladder precisely because of the successful mastery of the specialty of state and municipal administration and their own perseverance.

Our university has accumulated extensive experience in teaching state and municipal administration. Its graduates (just ask about this in the “News” section of one of the most popular search engines) today occupy leadership positions in a variety of departments and regions. There are also many who, having received a specialty from State Medical University in Moscow, have made a career in the capital. In general, today in our university state and municipal administration These are bachelor's and master's degrees.

This year, taking into account the growing interest in state and municipal management, the institute has prepared an original course of lectures “Technologies of social design”. Moreover, they can visit it not only Bachelors of State and Municipal Administration, but even those who are just planning to enter MIGUP to study at State Medical University.

The main idea of ​​the course is the development of management skills of young people, the ability to solve assigned problems systematically and using software methods. After all, it is precisely these qualities of a modern and future leader that make it possible to achieve success in public administration and economics, business, reforms in spheres of life, industries and public institutions.

Bachelor's degree at State Medical University – it's coming to us!

This profession is for caring people who sincerely care about the needs of society. If your goal is to quietly but confidently create a new country and society, to serve for the benefit of people and the state, then feel free to choose this profession. The specialty implies a stable, well-paid, interesting job.

What is “State and municipal government”?

In every state there is an apparatus that manages and organizes various areas of state activity. For ease of management, there is a hierarchy of subordination - municipality, region and federal authorities.

At each of the three levels, employees are assigned specific tasks. For example, at the municipal level - organizing the coordinated work of city public utilities, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, at the regional level - monitoring the activities of law enforcement agencies, at the federal level - adjusting, amending and writing laws of the federal district.

This specialty provides a wide range of opportunities:

  • distribution and coordination, control over the expenditure of budget funds;
  • planning and development of the regional economy;
  • work in a public reception with applications from citizens;
  • organization of work of law enforcement and economic structural units;
  • management and control of healthcare institutions;
  • work in a pension fund;
  • control and management of regional and federal employment services;
  • assistance and support for large families and low-income people;
  • protection of nature, environment, resources.

This specialization provides a wide range of knowledge on many topics - from law to biology and geography.

Specialists in this profile began to be trained in 1995, when the Ministry of Education established standards and training schemes for this specialty. Now this area is the most popular among the humanities specialties in the country's universities.

In order for the Laws to work, we need competent professionals who can competently implement important projects aimed at developing the country and qualitatively improving people’s lives.

What kind of profession is there in the specialty “State and Municipal Administration”?

There is a misconception that after training a graduate receives a degree in economics, lawyer or accountant. This is wrong. This profession involves administrative organizational work both in government agencies and in commercial firms.

Having received this specialty, you can plan employment in the following areas:

  • work in government agencies is essentially mediation between the state and citizens. You shouldn’t immediately count on big earnings, but even the most modest position of a civil servant can provide a good start for climbing the career ladder. Salary – from 12 thousand, increases annually and exceeds the average salary by region;
  • In a commercial organization there is always a department for interaction with government authorities. The work of the employees consists of analyzing and monitoring Legislation, interacting with government agencies, drawing up joint programs and events with municipal authorities, coordinating the work of the company in line with the ongoing government policy. The average salary (starting) is higher - from 20 thousand, but career growth is insignificant, the maximum is the head of a department;
  • analytics centers and consulting companies - the main activity is analytics and monitoring, forecasting. The work is routine and monotonous; only a few achieve career growth in this direction.

Graduates most often choose to work in administrations at various levels, executive authorities, supervisory authorities and civil institutions for the protection of the rights and freedoms of the population.

What subjects do I need to take for training?

Depending on the university, you will need to take the following exams:

  • mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • history, social studies, computer science and ICT - each university determines the exam according to its own priority;
  • foreign languages ​​- at the discretion of the university.

You can enroll in full-time (day-time) and part-time, or mixed forms of study.

What is written on the diploma after graduation?

Bachelor's degree indicating the profile, general specialty - manager or specialist.

Depending on the chosen profile, the diploma will specify the specialization:

  • finance;
  • social sphere;
  • human resources;
  • urban economy;
  • social and cultural development;
  • personnel (personnel).

When applying for a job, specialization can be a decisive factor for a positive decision.

If you are counting on career growth, then you need to focus on state municipal structures; if you want a good salary, then you need to look for work in travel companies and large holdings.

The choice of vacancies for graduates of this field is quite extensive, especially in government agencies. management.

Salary for this specialty

The starting salary of the second category is 14 -20 thousand, leading specialist - 25 - 30 thousand, chief specialist - 35 thousand, heads of departments - from 40 thousand. Salaries vary depending on region.

You can read articles about this profession on Wikipedia. Interesting materials on the website of the Russian Academy and in the regulations of municipal departments and departments. Many federal universities are also represented in the Wikipedia rubricator.

Corruption in the country has not yet been overcome. Therefore, it is problematic to focus on a well-paid position right away without acquaintances and connections. You will have to work as a simple clerk for two or three years for a salary of 15–18 thousand, but guaranteed and with a social package.

The manager (organizer) specialization provides excellent employment prospects in many commercial and trade structures.

"State and municipal management" (bachelor's degree)

State and municipal administration

Degree: Academic Bachelor. Applied Bachelor

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • History - at the choice of university
  • Social studies - by choice of university
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university

Most universities require final results in mathematics, which is a specialized exam, for admission. Another mandatory exam is the Russian language.

To choose a university, you must also pass one of the following exams: history, social studies, computer science and ICT.

At the discretion of the educational institution, an exam in English or any other foreign language may be offered, depending on the specific area of ​​study.

The specialty “State and Municipal Administration” is an excellent opportunity to choose a prestigious job in large organizations. University graduates are in constant demand among employers; they have excellent prospects for subsequent professional growth and career advancement.

Brief description of the specialty

The specialty allows students to gain advanced knowledge in the field of economics during their studies, including such economic areas as management theory and others. They master the necessary professional and administrative skills that allow them to plan and coordinate the work of the organization and manage the team.

Graduates who have completed training in this specialty have skills that allow them to manage an organization as successfully as possible, take part in organizing the work process of the management system, develop and improve the functioning of management in accordance with the main criteria for the development of the socio-economic sphere.

  • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
  • State University of Management
  • Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
  • Perm State National Research University

This specialty provides both full-time and part-time or part-time forms of education. With full-time study, the duration of mastering the specialty is 4 years, in other options - from 4.5 years or more.

The specialty is universal in nature, therefore special requirements are imposed on the content of the curriculum. Particular attention is paid to such academic disciplines as:

  • economic theory
  • management
  • psychology
  • history of world civilizations
  • fundamentals of law and others.

Among the compulsory subjects required to master the specialty are the following:

  • statistics
  • civil law
  • management theory
  • information technology in management
  • administrative law and others.

Some higher education institutions introduce a course of professional foreign language and rhetoric into the curriculum. The training involves practical training in government agencies that meet the needs of the training profile.

Gained knowledge and skills

A bachelor-manager who has completed a program in this specialty can perform the following types of professional activities:

  • plan different types of activities;
  • organize work according to set goals, available resources and results;
  • carefully monitor the activities of employees and the entire organization;
  • lead a team and coordinate work in the external environment;
  • motivate employees;
  • represent the institution (company) and its interests;
  • explore and evaluate problems and situations;
  • propose forecasts and plan goals;
  • work with employees in the field of providing consultations, methodological recommendations, educational issues;
  • carry out innovative work in the field of management.

Future profession: what to work for?

Graduates can count on good positions in prestigious organizations, and they also have excellent opportunities for excellent career growth in the state and municipal service.

A specialist bachelor-manager acts as an intermediary between people and the state. He works in various departments and services, including specialized ones, and participates in the development of bills. Also, a specialist manager receives citizens, helping them solve a wide range of issues, provides guidance in matters of healthcare, social, housing, educational, cultural and other life activities, monitors databases, issues certificates and information upon requests, and deals with office work issues. A specialist can find work in:

  • state and municipal authorities;
  • local government bodies;
  • international organizations and governing bodies;
  • public sector organizations;
  • non-profit organizations;
  • civil society institutions;
  • educational and research institutions;

Holding a position as a specialist of the second category immediately after graduation, you can count on a salary of 20,000 rubles. The income of a leading specialist can be about 30,000, a chief specialist’s income can be about 35,000, and the head of a department will receive from 40,000 rubles. High professional qualities of specialists allow them to quickly move up the career ladder, but gradually step by step.

Continuing training in the specialty

If desired, you can continue your studies in this specialty in master’s and postgraduate programs.

specialty: "state and municipal management". Where and who to go to work?

I can’t get a job anywhere with this specialty, the devil took me to study for it, they don’t hire me as an economist or an accountant, they offer me as a clerk, I don’t want to work for them, People who have received such a specialty, where do you work, where is the best place for me to go and get a job? I am only considering the civil service!

hahahaha of course they won’t hire you as an economist and boo

The spheres are completely different.

I thought they trained officials there. but I have a hard time imagining what it is.

meh. First, study for 5 years, and then ask where to go to work.

When you entered this faculty, what were you thinking about?

I was probably going to run for mayor right away.

Anya, honey, don’t be upset! somehow everything will work out)) up your nose!

get a second education

What is the specialization written in your diploma?

I also received a specialty from the State Medical University, and a specialization in Foreign Economic Activity Management, you can at least get a job in this area.

Who can work with this specialty? State and municipal administration. I’m thinking about who I should apply for.

work in different government offices

There is no need to take the names of the specialties of state and municipal administration and management literally and think that they train managers who, even for nothing, are not needed by anyone without experience and another narrow specialty (as most people and employers do). If you open the state educational standard and read about these specialties, then everything will be clear and it will turn out that these specialties are not so bad and that in half the cases where economists are required, managers are actually needed, ideally.

The employers from message 10 apparently read the educational standard, so GMU employees are in high demand there.

horror, I was just planning to enter this profession, now I won’t

You can go work as a manager in private companies. The choice is very large. There is no need to focus on this education - first read the state regulations on it. I want to get it second highest. Now it’s not about education but about the labor market. I started looking for a job as a technician while I was still studying, but I found a normal one only when I graduated 2 years later. How lucky anyone is, of course. But in reality this education is good.

I want to enroll in a second degree, I think it’s better to go to State Medical University or management? what do you advise? and in which industry according to special data. can I work?

I don’t know how it is in your city, but here specialists in the field of State Medical University are simply being snapped up.

What kind of city is this?))

That's it. We have so many vacancies for all sorts of directors. and they calmly take it with their hands and feet =) I study there too. but I will say one thing. Garters are needed everywhere. =)

Without garters they have nowhere to go! And the specialty is good)

1Services of state and municipal authorities (district and regional administrations, ministries and departments)

2 State security and internal affairs bodies

3 Customs services

4 Personnel and economic services of organizations related to foreign economic activity

5 International trading companies

6 Insurance companies, oil companies

7 Financial and analytical services of companies, banks

8 Public organizations providing social protection

9 Educational institutions, etc.

I’m graduating from state and municipal administration, please tell me where I can go to work in Moscow? Thanks in advance

I don’t know how it is in your city, but here specialists in the field of State Medical University are simply being snapped up.

Ready-made GOS answers for GMU 2012


Ready-made business plans

A good specialty for Careerists, of course.))))

Graduates studying in the specialty "civil and municipal administration" receive comprehensive training in the field of economics, law and management. In other words, they know economics better than law graduates, and have a better understanding of jurisprudence than economics graduates. And since all this knowledge can be used not only in the civil service, but also in private structures

Tax, Banking, Government Authorities are waiting for you!

do they hire for such positions when they have just finished studying?

What is the salary for this specialty?

The specialty of the State Medical University is, in principle, not bad. But as they say at my work, this is a “nothing” specialty9. I graduated from the State Medical University with the qualification of a manager. I work in the city administration in the human resources department as a specialist. Admission to the municipal or public service is carried out only based on the results of a competition for filling a vacant position, or from the personnel reserve of managerial personnel, which is also formed based on the results of the competition. What I want to say is that the education of State Medical University almost everywhere matches the qualification requirements for positions when passing competitions, that is, almost everyone. I took part in competitions, ran around. I didn’t win, but they were noticed by the commission (competitive commission), and they offered me a non-municipal position, but in the City Administration. I believe that the main thing is to get hooked and prove yourself. And any education is good, the main thing is how you present yourself with your education. I hope that I helped someone with my mini story.

State and municipal administration has long been one of the popular specialties of study at universities. Not everyone can imagine where they can go to work with such an education. But the desire to be in power drives many to obtain an appropriate diploma.

How long have they been teaching state and municipal government?

State and municipal management or State Management emerged as a field of study in the late 1990s. At the same time, the profession gained popularity among applicants. During this period, it became clear that specialists employed in state and municipal structures implementing executive or legislative functions of government needed to be trained in a new way.

In modern practice, such a specialty has become part of another block of training programs. Managerial professions cover the needs not only of the state or municipal sectors of the economy, but also of the commercial sector.

As part of the training program, competencies are developed that allow you to successfully realize yourself in your future profession:

  • management skills;
  • economic knowledge;
  • legal basis;
  • general cultural knowledge;
  • the ability to exercise self-control, self-motivation, self-development.

Before this, such knowledge could only be obtained through the party line in special schools and courses at universities and colleges.

Why is it prestigious to get such a profession?

The popularity of the GMU profession is caused by several factors

  • During the period of economic reforms, the sphere of state and municipal administration seems to be the most reliable and stable, allowing one to be confident that all rights and obligations on the part of the employer will be fulfilled.
  • Many people mistakenly believe that having received such an education, a direct path to the very top of power structures immediately opens up. In fact, the career of an official is usually progressive, as in other areas.
  • There is a myth that officials have high salaries. Although in the field of municipal administration, wages for specialists fluctuate at the level of 13–20 thousand rubles per month.
  • Those working in the relevant government structures must improve their skills and have specialized education.
  • Businessmen who want to lobby their interests in government agencies are interested in having the appropriate education.
  • Such education does not lose its relevance over time, because officials are always needed. If necessary, you can undergo advanced training to become familiar with new changes in legislation.
  • Some regions, interested in officials working in the outback, sign agreements with universities and send those who want to study there for free.

What kind of work can you do?

The GMU profession is quite universal. It gives you the opportunity to express yourself in different areas. After all, the functions performed by federal, regional and local authorities are very diverse. A person with such education can work:

  • in legislative bodies of government at any level as an assistant to a deputy;
  • in supervisory authorities (prosecutor, tax inspectorate);
  • in pension fund structures;
  • in social protection authorities;
  • in executive power structures at any level;
  • in public relations structures.

The profession allows you to work successfully in commerce. After all, management and other skills are also in demand there. Knowledge of legislation has always been a weak link among those who received education in commercial specialties. Business management also involves active interaction with municipal and state authorities.

The requirement that an applicant for a vacancy in state and municipal authorities have such a profession is heard in most cases.

The profession can be mastered by school graduates, as well as by those who have already realized themselves in the labor market. In the modern system, there are several formats that allow you to obtain higher education at State Medical University. Many of them allow you to work and study at the same time.

Among them:

  • Bachelor's programs. This is basic education, which is implemented on full-time and part-time courses. Can be organized remotely. Refers to higher education. The initial level can be an excellent start in a future profession or help in building a bureaucratic career.
  • Master's programs. For those who want to study issues of state and municipal management in more depth, two-year training programs are offered. In this case, a person may already have a basic education at State Medical University or use the knowledge acquired during the development of other specialties.
  • Professional retraining programs. They are usually sold within a year. Any specialist with higher education can learn the profession of State Medical University.
  • Advanced training programs. State and municipal authorities are required to send their employees for advanced training at least once every 5 years. If a person has a different education (economics or law), he still has the right to improve his qualifications in the State Medical University profession. Management of these issues is entrusted to human resources services.

Graduate and doctoral programs are also available to specialists. Obtaining an academic degree in the field of state and municipal administration allows you to increase your status among colleagues. This type of training is aimed at serious career advancement.

Public administration implies that its representatives must have a good understanding of the material from the perspective of scientific approaches. Therefore, postgraduate or doctoral work allows one to master these competencies.

Where is the best place to study?

In order to become the best in your profession, it matters where you receive your education. Not all universities or research centers are equally good at presenting material.

Therefore, when choosing a program and training base, you need to analyze a number of indicators.

  • How many years has training been provided at this university?
  • What is the position of the university in the national rankings.
  • How many graduates are there from the programs, what is the share of their employment, are there any famous personalities among the university graduates.
  • Availability of a license and the nearest date of certification of the university.
  • Availability of partnership programs with state and municipal authorities.
  • Is there a direction for students to undergo internships in organizations where state and municipal administration is implemented?
  • Cost of education. It cannot be low, because attracting highly qualified specialists in the training process is an expensive pleasure. If the very fact of getting crusts is important in order to work in an existing position, this indicator can be ignored.

What qualities will help you in learning and work?

Considering that this profession involves acquiring knowledge in different fields, an individual must constantly expand his horizons. If a person is focused on managing his career in the field of GMU, he needs:

  • develop leadership qualities;
  • work to improve public speaking and communication skills;
  • study personality psychology, including ways to manage public opinion;
  • deal with personal image;
  • be willing to work in lower positions or as a volunteer in order to gain the necessary competencies and connections;
  • be able to express personal opinion in a timely manner.

Obtaining an education in the field of State Medical University does not guarantee successful employment. But if a person systematically moves towards a cherished goal, then such training programs can be of great help in future work.