Does he want to date? Love fortune telling “Deep psychological compatibility

Fortune telling online “His plans for a relationship with me” — a free Tarot layout for love can be used in cases where you need to find out how serious your relationship is for your loved one, what it is for him, what he really wants from a relationship with you, what plans he is making for you.

By laying out the cards for your loved one, you will also find out how he feels about a serious relationship (marriage), whether he is ready to start a family, and whether he is ready to create it with you. The Tarot Arcana will give a forecast of how likely it is to create a family in your union, and whether you will have a wedding.

Free online fortune telling “His plans for a relationship with me” can be carried out at any stage of relationship development, but it is better to turn to this layout if your union has already taken shape and you and your loved one are a stable couple. Both women and men can use this fortune telling for their partner’s plans.

Tarot cards are ready for online fortune telling “His plans for a relationship with me”

Select 1st card

Card No. 1. What a relationship with you means to a partner.
Card No. 2. What does your partner want from a relationship with you.
Card No. 3. His plans for a relationship with you.
Card No. 4. How does your loved one feel about a serious relationship (marriage). His readiness to start a family.
Card No. 5. What fears and hopes does your partner have regarding marriage with you?
Card No. 6. Are you the person with whom your loved one is ready to start a family.
Card No. 7. How your existing relationship with your loved one will affect your life.
Card No. 8. How your existing relationship will affect your partner's life.
Card No. 9. What will your union come to? How likely is it that you and your loved one will enter into an official marriage (whether you will have a wedding or not).

Independent fortune-telling technique:

The “Reciprocity” layout is used to clarify the state of the relationship between a love couple. The schedule is valid for about three months. The entire deck participates in it, but only the minor Arcana can be used. Court cards signify mostly men and women. The deck is shuffled on the table in a circular motion clockwise

The left column (Cards 5,6,7) is the column of the questioner, the right (Cards 2, 3, 4) is his partner. Card 1 is the main theme of relationships, the main situation that connects people or interferes with them. Cards 7 and 2 - the top ones indicate what each of the partners thinks about and holds in their heads. Cards 6 and 3 - the middle ones symbolize spiritual relationships, what is in each of the partners’ hearts, what they fear or passionately desire. Cards 5 and 4 - the bottom ones - characterize the external side - the behavior of partners in public or with each other.

The tarot deck gives different advice to a huge number of people. You have to believe in cards. Even if you don’t know what the deal you’ve been dealt means, there is a reason for these cards to appear. Each person is unique and has the right to bring something of their own to the fortune telling process. Some cards can mean the beginning of new events and the need to break past habits. They show that most likely you are between the black and white stripes in life.

How to tell fortunes on your own using new tarot cards?

Fortune telling cards are the most ancient and universal tool that can reveal the secrets of the past, present, and most importantly, the future.
Tarot stands out among fortune-telling systems for its versatility. The archetypes underlying these cards, called Arcana, are intuitive for everyone, regardless of gender, age, place and lifestyle.

1. Choosing a new deck.
Before purchasing, decide on the range of topics that interest you. For questions about personal life, relationships and family, to find out the meaning of your loved one, choose Manara or Victorian Tarot. If you are making fortunes about money and the material sphere in general, look at the Tarot of the Dwarves and the Golden Calf. There are also universal decks for all occasions - Rider-Waite, Dragons, Union of Goddesses, Vikings. The cards are stored in a box in a secluded place; a chest or large box, preferably made of wood, will do.

2. Preparing a place for fortune telling.
Pay attention to this, especially if you are going to tell fortunes at home. Try to choose a place in the center of the room, but preferably not the bedroom or kitchen. You need a wide table on which to place the lamp. Extraneous noise from the street should not interfere, as well as in the apartment itself. Be sure to lay out the mat. Ideally, it should be made of natural fabric or leather, matte and plain. You can have several multi-colored rugs for different layouts. So, for money issues - green, for love issues - pink or red, and purple is suitable for everything.

3. Energy safety technology.
Place a glass of water to your left and light a wax candle to your right. Place a strip of salt under the table, which will protect the client from negative energy. Imagine a 2-3 meter circle on the floor around you, with a high, smoky but dense wall. An imaginary dome made of transparent glass will facilitate perception and maintain detachment. You can pray or state in your own words that you are asking permission to work with the cards and want to help the client find answers.

4. Completion of the fortune telling session.
Fold the deck and mentally thank her. Fortune telling with Tarot cards is an energy-intensive process, so a person must give something in return. Most often this is money, the client puts it on the table, it’s better not to give it to his hands right away. After he leaves, let the candle burn out, pass each card over the flame and put them in the box. The water should be poured out and your hands and face should be washed with running water. Collect the salt under the table and throw it away.

How to tell if a man wants a serious relationship with you

In the early stages of a relationship, it is always difficult to tell what a man's intentions are. Therefore, we recommend following these principles and paying attention to the “warning signs”:

1. He talks about it directly.

It would be hard to find a more obvious warning sign, but we girls often ignore it, thinking that I can change everything, he will fall in love with me and...

Obviously, he believes that by letting you get closer, he will give you false hope for your future together. Test him: tell him that you really like it when he, let's say, makes a funny face. If he deliberately stops doing this, he most likely does not take your relationship seriously.

3. He has no close friends.

Most likely, for one reason or another, he doesn’t want to let anyone get too close to him - just, again, don’t think that you will be able to change the situation.

4. He didn't have a positive relationship experience.

Where can he get the desire to build his love if in the past everything ended in tears? If this is the only reason for his refusal to accept a serious relationship, try to talk to him or convince him in practice, but if he continues to persist, well, respect his choice.

This is what they sometimes say if a person is thinking about something of his own: “You are not with me, it’s as if you are somewhere far away.” If your boyfriend is always “somewhere far away”, think about it - maybe he’s better off there than near you?

If a man wants a serious relationship, then he will pay a lot of attention to the girl, his actions and words will give him away. He will make plans for a common future, and will ask the girl about her life in hints. If a man wants a serious relationship, then he will introduce the girl to her parents and get to know the girl's parents. If a man wants a serious relationship, then he will propose to the girl or offer to live with him.

1. It happened to me that a man confessed his love literally a week later. He wanted us to live together, made plans for the future, and promised to introduce us to my mother. And then he suddenly disappeared and a little later explained via SMS that he had returned to his ex. So if a week later a man declares his love, it still doesn’t mean anything and is somehow frivolous, although anything can happen.

2. In my opinion, if a man has serious intentions, he will definitely say so and will always be there, maybe he will offer to live together, he will show tenderness and care, he will want to show you to his parents. She will look very tenderly into your eyes. Very often a girl (woman) can intuitively understand how seriously a man is taken by her. You just need to listen carefully to what he tells you and look at his actions, then you yourself will understand everything.

Every woman wants a relationship with a man to be strong and real. The result will be a strong family and loving children. Therefore, I often ask myself the question “How can I understand his attitude towards me?” A large number of women dream of meeting a man who will love her and appreciate her highly.

But not every man can immediately open his soul and confess his love. How can a woman recognize what is in his heart and what he really wants? How do you know if he is ready for a serious relationship? What are his plans for the future?

  1. It is necessary to focus on how a man listens to you. If he is attentive, focused, interested, then he is not indifferent to you.
  2. A serious man will never cancel meetings.
  3. A loving man will never pay attention to other women.
  4. Spends a lot of time with a woman.

How to understand a man's hints about whether he wants a relationship?

Men often hide their feelings of love in front of a woman. However, by behavior one can understand the true attitude of a man towards a woman.

One of the main hints from a man is an invitation to visit him. In this case, he hints not only about dinner, but also about breakfast in the morning. If a man offers a woman food from his dishes and feeds from his hands, it means that he trusts her and it is pleasant for him to spend time with the woman in this way. It's bad when he doesn't do it. This means that he is not interested in a woman and will not have a serious relationship.

It is also considered a big hint when a man trusts a woman with the keys to the house. In this way, a man expresses that he wants a woman to be the keeper of his family hearth.

A woman does not need to rush to conclusions about a man just from a conversation; she needs to be very wary. After all, they are very silent. The main thing is to judge a man by his actions and hints.

It is very difficult for a woman to behave with a man. Therefore, she needs to know his behavior and behave correctly with him.

  1. Men don't take hints. In this case, you need to clearly communicate to the man what the woman wants, preferably more than once. Then your words will be imprinted in his memory, and he will do many good and pleasant things for the woman.
  2. A woman does not need to show her tears to a man, as the man will be very upset and confused. In such a situation, he will not help with sympathy, but will only get angry.
  3. A woman should always greet a man at home with a smile. If he comes in a bad mood, you just need to feed him a delicious dinner and cuddle him, then all the bad things will go away from him and his mood will be good.
  4. Try to praise the man as much as possible, ask about his affairs. A woman can also give some advice to a man, then he will consider that she is interested in him and really needs him.

By a man's gestures one can also determine his true attitude towards a woman.

  1. If when meeting a man his hands are on his hips, this indicates that he dreams of sexual contact. At the same time, the woman is far from indifferent to him and he expects warmth and affection from her.
  2. When talking to a woman, the man will be very close to her, feeling the smell of her beloved body. If he likes a woman, the man will hold her hand and touch her quietly. When talking, there will be a bright smile and sparkling eyes on his face.
  3. If the toe of his shoe is turned towards the woman, then this fact indicates that he pays great attention to her and will come up to meet her.
  4. Next to a woman, a man shows some excitement. He constantly straightens his hair, taps his fingers on the table, and even smokes often. A man will speak shyly, on stupid simple topics, and ask funny questions.

But there are moments when men’s facial expressions can be used to determine indifference to women. If, during a conversation with a woman, a man tugs at her earlobe, this means that he is not interested in communicating with her and is only interested in sex.

It will also be clear that if a man speaks in direct words about sex and insists on it, it means that he only needs you to satisfy his needs. When he gets his, his interest in you will disappear, and he will start looking for a new passion. As a result of this, a serious relationship between them will not work out. Also, when talking, he will not make eye contact and be distracted by other objects.

It often happens that a man is in love, but he himself cannot make the first attempt. Then the woman needs to help him and support him. You need to listen to him carefully, smile more often and show your interest in him. As a result of such actions, the man will understand everything and take the first steps.

A man's love is very different from a woman's, it is very difficult to recognize, but it will be very strong and real. It is very easy and simple to determine. The most important thing is not to miss it. After all, it is very important that a man loves a woman, then the result will be a strong and happy family.

Men and women are so different, but that’s why they feel good together! Understanding the opposite sex is not an easy task. Surely you remember how many contradictions and doubts arise in your head after a seemingly simple dialogue with your loved one. So, it’s the same with men! They tend to doubt, give up, think about the situation and analyze what happened. Women sometimes think that men behave illogically; in fact, we simply lack knowledge about male psychology. Today, together with a relationship psychologist, we will talk about how to understand a man.

Every man has an image of an ideal woman in his head. Guys want everything at once: for a woman to be beautiful, smart and highly moral, and also preferably a tigress in bed and a hostess in the kitchen, and if she gets along with friends and loves football, that’s even better! To some extent, men's image of an ideal woman is divided into several separate ones. A sexy woman who gives herself away already on the first date, does not limit herself to stereotypes and knows what she wants - will certainly interest a guy, but will he want to start a family with her or at least start a relationship? Most likely, the acquaintance will end the very next morning, when the so-called “first morning” syndrome occurs - you entered into physical contact, but at the same time no emotional connection was formed between you and the man.

But the second image of the ideal woman (let's call it family) is associated with completely different values ​​- modesty, naivety, a sense of humor. What conclusion should a woman draw from this? Remember, a man with serious intentions will never force events, blackmail and set the conditions “either you do this or I leave.” “Of course, women are impulsive and sometimes we want to give our loved one everything at once to show that you are the best. But we advise you not to do this! A man is, at his core, a hunter. Guys sometimes quickly lose interest in girls they don't have to win over. You don't have to sacrifice your pride for him. Maybe you are an excellent cook and your dishes are incredibly tasty, but a man must earn the right to try them. Value yourself and your skills!

How can you tell how much your boyfriend likes you, how far he is willing to go in your relationship, and whether he considers the relationship with you a fleeting affair? To begin with, let's say this: in our society, the number of men looking for a couple just for the weekend is exaggerated. Men, just like women, don't want to waste time and invest in a relationship that won't lead anywhere. Of course, every man has his own time line between a serious relationship and an affair. But, as a rule, if a man has been courting you for more than one month, we can say with great confidence that his intentions are very serious.

It is worth paying attention to the courtship itself. How often does a man give you gifts, give you little surprises and, most importantly, change his plans to meet you? All representatives of the strong half of humanity unanimously repeat that if they like a girl, they are ready to move mountains for her. Therefore, girls should not justify those suitors who pay little attention to them. Believe me, men have only one reason for this behavior - they don’t really want to. Of course, a relationship does not impose an obligation on a guy to quit his job and belong entirely to you, but there should be regular meetings and initiative.

And here again the exactingness of our charming men appears. They want quality relationships. What frightens and repels men the most in relationships is haste on the part of a woman. Moreover, it can be expressed both verbally (labeling “we are a couple”, talking about a future wedding) and in actions (meeting parents, attending courses for newlyweds, and the like). Remember that men are very sensitive to their freedom, do not take it away from them even in words. Men also appreciate care and attention from women; they like understanding soul mates who will not bother with offers to go to a cafe, seeing that the man has problems at work or is simply not in the mood.

As you can see, the strong half of humanity is not looking for something unrealistic in love; in fact, we, women, are looking for the same thing in men. You can understand a man better if you talk to him more often; the topics are absolutely not important. Chat about anything and everything - communication will help you get closer emotionally!

You, not so long ago, started dating a young man, and are already dreaming of a wedding, a happy family and little toddlers? Can you be one hundred percent sure that the chosen one wants the same? Of course, the simplest thing is to ask directly, but guys don’t like nosy ladies, and such a question can scare off a suitor. But how to understand that a man wants to be with you?

Take a closer look at your boyfriend's behavior. There are 10 signs by which you can easily determine whether a young man wants to be with you or this is just another affair. And if it’s not an affair and your admirer takes you seriously, how can you understand that a man wants to get married?

Top 10 signs that a guy wants to be with you

  1. Constantly makes eye contact. It has long been known that the stronger sex loves with their eyes. If you notice that he is piercing you with his gaze, rest assured that he is not indifferent to you and wants to find reciprocal sympathy in your gaze.
  2. Tries to find out as much information about you as possible. He is interested in your habits, hobbies, interests, down to what strength of coffee you drink and what kind of omelette you prefer for breakfast. And these will be informal questions; you will feel the admirer’s genuine interest in your person. And if after some time you ask the guy what you talked about, he will remember every little detail (even what you may not remember).
  3. The young man tries to touch you at every opportunity. Support your elbow, straighten a stray curl, or take your hand. In this way, he reduces the distance between you. Yes, if this is an isolated incident, perhaps it is just common courtesy. But if it's a series of touches, you definitely really like him.
  4. Introduces you to your best friends. The male half of humanity is inclined to boast. And they are proud not only of good cars, cool devices or professional achievements. A beautiful and smart girl is also a source of pride for them. In addition, a guy will never introduce a one-day girl into his close social circle.
  5. When he brings you into his family and introduces you to mom and dad, then even if the previous signs have passed by, rest assured that he is very serious about you. Know that meeting relatives does not happen spontaneously. Before this meeting, the gentleman thought a lot. And since he brought you into his family, he hopes that soon you will become part of it.
  6. He enjoys communicating with you. Often women think that the gentleman does not call because he is too busy, or because he is too modest. No, dear girls, unfortunately, this is not so. A guy in love will flood you with messages and calls. He will constantly ask how you are doing and when you can meet.
  7. He is jealous of you for every pillar. When a guy falls in love, he turns into a terrible jealous person. And he doesn't necessarily need a reason to be jealous. Every little thing seems suspicious to an admirer: a smiling colleague, a passerby saying hello on the street, a phone call from his beloved also raises doubts. At first, the fan will simply politely ask: “Who called?”, “Who did you say hello to?”, “Is this your friend?” And a little later, he may begin to ask you and your friends if you still have warm feelings for anyone.
  8. He easily agrees with you. A gentleman in love will try to please. He can easily refuse to meet with friends if you are not feeling well. Even though he is a sleepyhead, he will wake up at first light to take your cat or dog to the vet. He will repair at least minor damage in your apartment, do “manly” housework, instead of watching his favorite football. In a word, a lover is ready to do anything to win your affection.
  9. He cannot be offended by you for a long time. Regardless of what was inadvertently said by the object of adoration, a young man who has fallen in love is not able to remain angry for long. Well, maybe a couple of minutes no more. As soon as the girl smiles, all the resentment evaporates, as if it never happened. And even if the girl herself is uncomfortable with what happened, her admirer will justify her.
  10. Declaration of love. Oddly enough, the male gender says “I love you” when he really loves.

Of course, there are individuals who throw this phrase around left and right. But, fortunately, there are few of them. And besides, you yourself will feel, see in his eyes and gestures that he is not lying. And he will say this phrase not after a few days of acquaintance, but only when he realizes that you have become close people and he can trust you.

And if you hear “Marry me,” it’s better to find out from your gentleman right away whether he wants children. So that after the wedding you don’t get an unpleasant surprise. Asking directly is not always convenient, but you can observe the behavior of the groom.

Is he ready to become a dad?

Regardless of whether you already live together or have just set a wedding day, when a woman becomes a wife or has a long-term relationship, she certainly begins to be tormented by the question of how to understand that a man wants a child. For women, it is natural to want to become a mother. Whether the stronger sex wants to become a dad remains a mystery to everyone. In this article we will try to understand this issue.

Signs that he wants to have a baby:

  • Plays with strangers. It happens that a person does not accept other people’s children, but does not let go of his own. But the opposite situation, when he babysits nephews or children of friends, but is indifferent to his baby, does not happen.
  • He grew up in a family with many children. Of course, there is no absolute guarantee that he will be a good dad. But statistics show that a person who grew up in a family where there were other children besides him is better prepared for the birth of a baby.
  • Love works wonders. Even if the young man did not show any particular trepidation at the sight of children, having fallen in love with a woman, he will most likely want to have a baby with her.
  • If a gentleman grew up in a complete family, where there is a mother and father, it is easier for him to perceive his fatherhood. Than those representatives of the stronger sex who grew up only with their mother. Such young people may be wary of the father's role.
  • He has a warm relationship with his mother. Mom, of course, does not give any instructions, but if they have developed friendly and trusting relationships, then he will try to create the same in his family. This means that he will love his children too.
  • He himself says that it would be nice to have a baby. Believe me, these guys make great and loving fathers.

How to understand that a man wants to return after a breakup

How to understand that a man wants to return after a breakup? And how do you understand that a man wants a serious relationship again? Today we will understand the psychology of men. It was hard for you to part with your loved one and only one. We cried a sea of ​​tears, experienced countless sleepless nights, wondering why this happened. But over time, life began to return to normal. Passions have subsided a little, new admirers have appeared.

And it seems like you can take a deep breath. When suddenly a night bell knocks the ground out from under your feet. He's calling. He says that he cannot live without you and wants to return to his previous relationship. You don’t know what to think... Does he really not love you or does he just have problems in his personal life, and he chose you as a shoulder to cry on?

Reasons why your ex decided to return:

  • Having met other young ladies, I realized that you are the best option.
  • Everyone is friends, dating someone, but he walks alone.
  • The loneliness has become corny. And good sex wouldn't hurt either.
  • You are the only one who admired your boyfriend's achievements
  • The guy is the owner. And seeing that another one appeared on your horizon, I decided to quickly correct the situation.

Unfortunately, these are mostly reasons for the prodigal boyfriend to return. Although we want to think differently... That we are truly loved, they suffer without us, and when we disappear, the life of the admirer becomes dreary and meaningless.

Well, maybe he really suffered? How to understand that a man wants a serious relationship? Have a heart-to-heart talk. Let him tell you where and why he disappeared? And why did you decide to appear only now? It’s not difficult to catch a lie; scratching your nose, looking away, straightening your hair, all this will indicate that the gentleman is dodging.

Or maybe he actually appreciated you? I realized that you are an excellent lover, a good housewife, and a reliable rear. And no worse than those beauties who replaced you during the breakup.

If he is really serious, he will try to please you in everything. Offer coffee - and hear that it is the best coffee he has ever drunk. Complain about how busy you are with household chores - and you will find out that you are the best housewife. If you have changed your image, listen to odes to your beauty. And also the fugitive will persistently offer you his help - take advantage of the moment, you are now the queen!

If all this happens, then most likely the boyfriend wants to resume a serious relationship and he likes you sexually. Well, only you can decide whether to let your ex into your life or not.

Take the test

Do you allow yourself to make jokes “below the belt”?

Psychologists talk a lot about how compatibility is the key to a long and happy relationship. It is based on many factors, on what partners expect from a relationship and how similar these expectations are, on the idea of ​​the roles of men and women in a couple. This Tarot reading for love will help you understand how suitable you and your chosen one are for each other. The spread analyzes hopes and fears about love, which also have a huge impact on relationships. With the help of this fortune telling you can become closer to your loved one.

Make a layout

How does my partner see me in a relationship?

The first position, “How does your partner see me in a relationship,” will tell you what character traits, tastes and habits your partner notices in you first of all. From this map you can judge what image he has of you in his head.

What am I really like?

The second position, “What I really am,” will show your real face in this relationship. How you present yourself to your partner, how you are used to behaving. By comparing the first and second cards, you will understand how much your loved one knows the real you.

How do I see a partner in a relationship?

The third position, “How I see a partner in a relationship,” will show the image of your loved one that you have.

What is he really like?

The fourth position, “What He Really Is,” will reveal what you may not notice in his behavior.

What does he want to see me like?

The fifth position, “How he wants me to be,” will tell you about the secret desires of your loved one, about his ideal of femininity.

How I want to see him

The sixth position, “The way I want him to be,” will tell you about your ideal of masculinity.

My hopes in love

The seventh position, “My hopes in love,” will answer the question of what you expect from this relationship. Expectations can be both positive and negative. If a negative card appears, this indicates that you are controlled by fears and complexes.