What is the difference between stress and depression? What is stress? Decreased or complete lack of interest in favorite activities

Do you feel like the ground is disappearing from under your feet? Are you no longer in control of your own life? Everything is falling out of hand, the emotional state leaves much to be desired and it is completely unclear how to live further? It is important to determine the source of the problem that has crippled your soul - are you depressed or stressed? The present symptoms will help establish a diagnosis and begin timely restoration of mental health.

Do you live like in an aquarium or on a powder keg? Depression is different from stress in the answer to this question! Of course, one answer is not enough to accurately diagnose the cause of mental discord. But it is possible to identify significant signs of disease.

The symptoms of these mental illnesses are significantly different and lead to different consequences, but both conditions require timely correction. Remember that both neglected stress and neglected depression take a person out of the game for a long time and cause rapid destruction of his life (career, family and social relationships, creative fulfillment).

Stress always occurs according to the “stimulus-response” principle and is an adaptive mechanism of the psyche. In small quantities, it is necessary to maintain vitality, as well as to form an adequate response to danger emanating from the environment. When stress becomes a constant attribute of human life, the body gets used to the state of tension and loses the ability to relax and renew internal reserves. Chronic stress becomes a serious problem because it provokes deep personal deformations and forms the basis for a nervous breakdown. Let's look at the telltale signs of chronic stress.

Increased anxiety

Every situation feels aggravated and exaggerated. Pessimistic forecasts for the outcome of any case prevail. There are manifestations of mild neurosis - constant calls to relatives with questions like: “Is everything okay?”, “Is the iron turned off?” In advanced cases of increased anxiety, panic attacks of varying intensity are observed.

Physical and mental stress

An unpleasant feeling of constant tension arises, as if there is a tense bowstring inside that is about to burst. The muscles of the body are tense most of the time, pain appears after sleep. A typical phrase from a person experiencing chronic stress: “I wake up exhausted, as if a truck drove over me or I was beaten all night.”

Sleep disorders

Depending on the characteristics of a particular individual, either attacks of insomnia or excessive reliance on “bed rest” without a feeling of rest may be observed. Nightmarish or psychologically uncomfortable dreams are possible

Constant fatigue syndrome

Fatigue becomes a constant companion of life. The greatest difficulties arise for knowledge workers (concentration decreases, the quantity and quality of creative ideas decreases) and those whose work is impossible without constant contact with other people (sellers, journalists, sales representatives, secretaries).

Self-diagnosis of stress

To correctly diagnose the problem, it is necessary to understand that the psyche reacts equally to both external and internal stress:

  1. External stress includes objective events that can provoke psychological exhaustion - exams, job changes, problems in personal relationships, moving, social conflicts, illness of relatives.
  2. Internal stress includes an individual’s assessment of his life - an internal conflict based on: “I want/need, I can/can’t”, an age crisis, spiritual tossing.

It makes sense to carry out “restoration work” after identifying the source of the problem. If the reason is external (conflicts at work), it is enough to take a short break to recover and make the right decision (change of job, correct conflict resolution strategy).

Are you experiencing signs of stress, but are not sure whether to consult a psychologist? Conduct self-testing using questionnaires:

  1. Self-assessment of mental states
  2. Questionnaire SAN (Well-being. Activity. Mood).
  3. Spielberg Hanin Self-Rating Anxiety Scale

Data obtained from self-testing will help to better understand the causes of severe stress disorder. Then you can begin to move towards regaining your mental health.

Symptoms of depression - dehydration of the soul

Depression differs from stress in the duration of its occurrence and the severity of the experience of its condition. If all people allow themselves to experience stress, calmly sharing their emotions and thoughts with others, then “depression” (especially in men) is considered a “shameful illness”, equated to venereological diseases.

Depression often develops as a result of neglected stress (acute or chronic). Less commonly, melancholy is provoked by serious physical illnesses that cause disruptions in brain function and the production of hormones responsible for regulating emotions.

The trigger for a depressive disorder can be anything. It is important to remember that loss of control over life is always associated with cognitive impasse - a person becomes captive of negative thoughts and emotions.

The more the patient tries to solve the problem, the more he gets stuck in it. The state of depression is like falling into quicksand, since any attempt to get out on your own leads to more bogging down.

Spontaneous healing of deep depression is observed only in one case - the emergence of deep, healing love. However, in this situation, the “other half” often acts as an energy donor and fills the dried-up spring of the patient’s soul with life.

Self-diagnosis of depression

The fundamental signs of depression cannot be confused with anything, let’s look at them carefully.

Anhedonia Complete loss or sharp decrease in the ability to experience joy. Life becomes discolored or seen in dirty gray or black tones. Not a single one, even the most significant and positive (from the point of view healthy people

), does not cause pleasant experiences. Any communication and activity becomes a burden because a person does not enjoy them.

Cognitive disorders

There are many problems with mental activity. In the early stages, analytical and creative abilities are not impaired, although they acquire a pronounced negative connotation.

  • Signs that precede deep depression:
  • impenetrable pessimism;
  • a state of constant despondency (“life is meaningless”, “nothing good awaits me in the future”);

sharply negative judgments on any occasion (often without any real basis).

Catastrophic decline in self-esteem

The attitude of a depressed patient towards his person is, at best, full of constant irritation and harsh self-criticism. With an advanced disease, a person gradually begins to experience increasing self-loathing, reaching the point of hatred and the appearance of suicidal thoughts.

The world would be a better place if I weren’t in it”, “It would be easier for my family without me”, “I don’t deserve happiness”, “I’m a nonentity, incapable of anything” - such programs can drive a person to real suicide and can only be eliminated with the help of an experienced psychotherapist, psychologist or psychiatrist.

Decreased or complete lack of interest in favorite activities

Some symptoms of depression can be observed (separately) among other mental disorders, but a complete and sudden loss of interest in one’s favorite activities/hobbies is characteristic of melancholy!

“A musician who has stopped expressing his soul through music. An artist who gave up drawing. A scientist who has stopped enthusiastically discussing the subjects of his scientific research,” someone thinks that they have lost the Muse. In 90% of such cases, people experience depression and often do not realize their condition, believing that they are simply stuck in everyday life and in a bad mood.

Self-testing for depression

You can check if you have depression using a self-test. The simplest tests can reveal the real presence and degree of neglect of the disorder:

  1. Zang Scale (Self-Assessment of Depression) - take online/download
  2. Beck Scale (Major Depression Inventory) - take online/download

Both methods are quite simple and give a clear answer to the question: “Do I have depression?”, “Should I try to cope on my own or see a psychotherapist?”

  1. Mild depression – we treat it ourselves! With mild depression, you can try to change the quality of your life, fill yourself with new impressions, increase physical activity, and develop positive thinking.
  2. Moderate depression - psychologist to help! If you have moderate depression, you should consult a psychologist and correct your condition under his guidance (personal counseling, group work). Such a condition cannot be corrected by one’s own efforts - there simply is not enough “clarity of thinking” and a reserve of mental strength.
  3. Severe depression – medical support is needed! If the tests reveal a severe depressive state, then you will need to consult a psychiatrist and prescribe medication support for the period of psychotherapy.

However, you should first contact an experienced psychotherapist, since patients with depression tend to exaggerate the severity of their condition.

Video:“Clinical picture and diagnosis of depression”

When talking about depression, we often touch on the topic of stress. When it comes to stress, people often think of depression. These states go hand in hand, replacing each other or provoking each other. How to overcome stress or depression will be discussed in this article, where we will mainly talk about conditions inherent in healthy people.

From time to time, every person falls into a depressed or stressful state. It does not refer to psychological disorders, pathologies or disorders. Every healthy person has appropriate emotional reactions that manifest themselves in response to a particular event.

It is noteworthy that stress can provoke depression, just as depression can cause stress. It should be understood that these conditions are normal and healthy if they last for a short time.

  • Losing something valuable can naturally cause depression. It is quite normal to grieve over your loss if this grief lasts no more than 2 weeks.
  • Physical activity, emotional swings, and lack of sleep can provoke a stressful state. This state is quite normal if a person calms down immediately as soon as the situation changes (problems go away, proper rest appears, emotional difficulties cease to arise, etc.).

These conditions become abnormal and dangerous if their duration exceeds more than 2 weeks and the mood does not normalize when stressful situations pass. In this case, you can seek help from a psychotherapist on the website psymedcare.ru after reading this article.

What is depression and stress?

It is necessary to distinguish between depression and stress, since we are talking about two different conditions. What depression and stress are will help you separate these concepts and clearly monitor them:

  • Stress is a surge of emotions that arise as a reaction to some event. This is usually an emotional response that lasts only as long as the person is exposed to the stressful stimulus.
  • Depression is a condition that can result from an outburst of negative emotions. The situation that triggered the depression has long passed. A person is immersed in the past with emotions and memories, which provokes a corresponding internal state in him.

Stress is an emotion, tension. And depression is a state, a mood. The difference is quite noticeable.

Mindfulness allows many people to note that stress and depression occur in people at different times in life, for different reasons. While one person may be deeply affected by being fired from a job, another individual may view the event as insignificant. Here we should highlight the category of people who are most prone to depression or stress:

  1. Dreamy. Today, trends are becoming fashionable when a person is forced to dream about a bright future. Having a positive outlook on your own life helps you maintain a positive attitude. On the other hand, dreams are shattered by an unpleasant reality, which shows that a person has nothing bright in the coming future. When a person dreams of something that he will never achieve or that he does not put effort into, then he can become depressed.
  2. Unprepared to face difficulties. This is to some extent combined with daydreaming. When a person takes actions towards his goal, he rarely thinks that his decisions and actions may be wrong. Difficulties often indicate that a person is taking the wrong actions that will not help him achieve what he wants. If an individual is not ready to admit his mistakes and change his actions, then he plunges into a stressful state.
  3. Expectations. Sometimes a person does not act, but simply waits. It is not he, but other people, fate, life that should bring him joy, happiness, and prosperity. As a result, a person is faced with the fact that he has nothing. Resentment towards the world around us provokes stress, and dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs provokes depression.

go to top Stress and depression - symptoms

If we talk about two different conditions that arise or provoke each other, then we should note their differences in the symptoms in which they manifest themselves. Depression can be easily differentiated from stress by their inherent symptoms.

Depression - its symptoms:

  • Depressed, depressed mood.
  • Loss of interest in work, yourself, people, life in general.
  • Sleep disorders that manifest themselves in early awakening or prolonged sleep.
  • Anxiety.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Insomnia.
  • Lack of appetite and, as a result, weight loss.
  • Prostration.
  • Irritability.
  • Binge eating.
  • Loss of attentiveness and ability to make decisions.
  • Attacks of sobbing.
  • Feelings of worthlessness and guilt.
  • Helplessness.
  • Hopelessness.
  • Decreased libido.
  • Thoughts about suicide.

Depression is often a consequence of the stress that a person faces almost every day. The need to solve problems always causes stress. Depression occurs after stress if it lasts for a long time. Stressful sensations are quite normal when they arise at the time of a specific situation and help to mobilize one’s strength.

Stress can be characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Mobilization of forces.
  • Protecting the body itself.
  • Increased activity, readiness for action.
  • Energy accumulation.
  • Excitement and tension.

If we talk about the transition of stress into depression, then it should be noted that this phenomenon occurs when a person does not solve his problem and does not use the strength and energy that has accumulated in him. If a person is passive at the moment of stress, then his problem is not solved, which makes it constantly excite him. The duration of a stressful state provokes depression.

If absolutely all people are subject to stress, then only certain categories are susceptible to depression as a result of stress - people who do not act, do not decide, and are passive. Their characteristic character traits are:

  1. Helplessness.
  2. Lack of initiative.
  3. Irresponsibility (the desire to shift it onto someone else's shoulders).
  4. Indecision.
  5. Fearfulness.

In a depressed state, these sensations become aggravated, which often causes psychosomatic illnesses, the treatment of which requires a medicinal approach.

go to top How to overcome depression and stress?

So that a person can avoid negative conditions, he is offered various techniques that help overcome depression and stress. They can be used both to eliminate both conditions, and in specific cases. First, let's learn how to eliminate stress that occurs in all people:

  • You should remain cool and calm. Remember that your reactions to situations are completely natural. You should not give in to emotions; it is better to turn your energies to solving the problem.
  • Keep your breathing calm. Calmness in the body helps to maintain calmness in the mind. Breathe deeply, freely and slowly, concentrating a little on your own movements.
  • Help yourself calm down. Various stroking and massage movements will help here. So, you can rub your earlobe, give yourself a light massage of your hand, shoulder blade, neck or other area of ​​the body. Touch should be pleasant.
  • Use a hot shower to relax.
  • The situation needs to be resolved or accepted. If it is possible to eliminate the problem, then you should direct your efforts to this. If the situation is unsolvable, then it is necessary to accept it and come to terms with its existence. Why worry about something that has already happened and cannot be changed?
  • Watch your own thoughts. You should check yourself every time negative or pessimistic thoughts arise. They definitely won't help you relax.
  • Change your attitude towards the situation. This method helps you look at the situation from the other side, help yourself get rid of negative emotions, see options for solving the problem, etc.

Music therapy is often used to relieve depression. This method is also suitable for dealing with stress. Listen to your favorite music that puts you in a positive, “fighting” or relaxing mood. There should be no pessimism, sadness or sadness in it. You need a positive attitude.

Try to communicate with positive people, watch good shows and movies, and read encouraging literature. You are already in a stressed or depressed state. To fix this, you need “artillery” that works in a positive direction and affects you positively.

go to top Treatment of depression and stress

If we talk about specialized medical treatment of depression and stress, then it should be understood that only a doctor can prescribe medications and dosage of drugs. It is not recommended to use medications on your own, especially if they are potent drugs.

If treatment is required by a healthy person who has been temporarily overcome by emotions of stress or depression, then various recommendations will help:

  • Let the experiences pass through yourself. You should not run away from emotions or ignore them. It’s better to allow yourself to worry and grieve for a few days to get through the raging emotions. Then you can begin to leave them in the past.
  • Take vitamins C, E, B and macronutrients, especially magnesium and calcium.
  • Take sedative medications: Persen, Novo-Passit, tinctures of valerian and motherwort, Nervoflux, Passiflora extract.
  • Take medications if you experience apathy, melancholy, lethargy: Imipramine, Paroxetine, Clomipramine, Fluoxetine.
  • Treat subpsychotic symptoms with Desipramine and Pyrazidol.
  • Eliminate anxiety, unaccountable restlessness, and gloomy irritability with Ludiomil and Azafen.
  • Eliminate suicidal thoughts with Amitriptyline.

It is better if a doctor takes care of the administration and dosage of medications. He will take into account all the symptoms of the conditions and prescribe the necessary medications. On your own, it is better to resort to:

  1. Yoga.
  2. Meditations.
  3. Soothing baths with sea salt, ginger, soda, rosemary extract.
  4. Herbal medicine, when medicinal herbs are used as decoctions: angelica, chamomile, comfrey, thyme, valerian roots, hawthorn flowers, motherwort, St. John's wort, cudweed, millennium.

go to top Summary

Stress is a natural state of the body when a person is engaged in solving some tasks or problems. Depression is already becoming the first bell that indicates a deviation from the norm. A person is not yet considered sick if he has depression, but in the absence of treatment measures the situation may worsen. The result can be unpleasant - the development of clinical depression, which is treated with medication and therapy together with a psychiatrist.

Stress is a normal reaction of the human body to unpleasant situations occurring around us. It is natural to experience negative emotions. You should not be afraid of them or run away. However, it is not recommended to allow your stressful state to last for a long time and turn into depression. This already speaks of negligence towards oneself.

Every person should take care of their mental state. No success is worth turning into a sick person in the process of achieving it. It will be impossible to enjoy the benefits of humanity if the ability to enjoy life and feel interest in anything is lost.

Depression and stress always go hand in hand. Many people doubt the definition of these concepts and do not know whether it is a condition or a disease? And what are the main differences between stress and depression? In order not to get confused, you need to understand these terms.

Stress, depression symptoms

Depression is characterized by the following symptoms: depressed, depressed mood; loss of interest in daily activities and work; waking up early in the morning or sleeping too long; insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, irritability, loss of strength; weight loss, lack of appetite or, on the contrary, overeating; loss of concentration and inability to make decisions; decreased libido; feelings of guilt and worthlessness; bouts of sobbing, feelings of helplessness, hopelessness; thoughts of suicide.

Depression often occurs after stress and is seen as a response to a stressful situation. Stress awaits us everywhere, and when solving a problem, we almost always encounter it.

Stress is negative strong emotions that grip a person. To make it clear, let's look at the following examples. Negative emotions grip a person during a crush in line; work-related difficulties; if you do not realize your potential; after parting with a loved one; watching crime stories on TV; after a series of failures and disappointments. After a stressful situation, a person is overcome by a response that acts as a kind of protection for the body. This is depression. The human body responds to every minor stressful situation with adequate depression. Small stressful situations are often useful for activating and training the body. The longer the stress, the deeper the depression. The time frame for the average severity of depression reaches two weeks.

Severe stressful cases (death of loved ones, etc.) can lead to a depressive state for up to several months or even years. During a period of stress, the body is completely mobilized and directs all its energy to its defense. A stressful situation depletes the body and leaves it in a state of low battery, namely depression. Next, energy accumulates until complete restoration of strength.

The duration of depression is three times longer than the process of arousal itself (the time of exposure to a stressful situation). This must be taken into account when eliminating the consequences of any stress. During a period of depression, a person’s activity decreases, the body is energetically weakened, and a variety of somatic diseases can develop. When the first symptoms of the disease are detected, drug treatment is prescribed, which is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Statistics show that 70% of people visiting the clinic have diseases caused by depression. Severe stressful situations take a lot of energy from a person, thereby causing deep and prolonged depression. It is clear that the cause of any depression is a stressful situation, and the depressive reaction manifests itself in the form of a nonspecific reaction of the body to stress. Minor depression affects a person after mild stress. This is a normal state for the body and the body copes with such phenomena on its own. In case of severe depression, you need to consult a doctor, since you will not be able to cope on your own.

All people experience stress differently, and this depends on the type of nervous system. Melancholic people often perceive stressful situations with excitement, anxiety and fear. Cholerics show anger. Phlegmatic people withdraw into themselves and internally experience a stressful situation. Sanguine people tolerate stress most easily because they are endowed with a strong nervous system. Ideally, the human body should not react to a stressful situation, but this does not happen. To achieve this, you need long-term, persistent training of the whole body. Due to illiteracy, people solve their problems by taking drugs, alcohol, promiscuity, and going to church.

How to overcome stress and depression

Traditional medicine offers its own effective methods for solving problems. By listening to the following tips and advice, you can reduce the impact of stress. To reduce stress, it is very important to remain calm and cool. Try to breathe deeply and slowly, imagining that you are breathing out the stress from yourself. It is very important to relax by imagining pleasant life moments. Massaging your earlobe with massage oils whose aroma is pleasant to you can help with this.

How else to overcome stress and depression? Self-massage of the whole body will also allow you to relax as quickly as possible and be transported to a world of pleasant sensations. A hot shower and a bath are very helpful in the fight against stress and depression. It is important to analyze the causes of stress and if you are able to change the situation, then do not hesitate to change it. If nothing can be changed, then try to reconcile yourself and take everything that happens for granted. Control your thoughts and replace your negative thoughts with positive ones. It's difficult, but real. There are no hopeless situations, but there is an incorrect attitude towards stress and, as a result, an incorrect decision.

How to properly and quickly overcome stress and depression? Music therapy can help with this. Initially listen to music that resonates with your mood. Perhaps this is sad music, then they switch to neutral, soothing music and finally switch to cheerful, positive music. For music therapy, three songs are enough to level your mood to your normal level.

If a bad mood haunts you and this is not due to endogenous reasons, it is important to learn to manage your mood. It has already been noted that the morning mood directly depends on the evening mood. Therefore, it is important to read literature before going to bed and watch only positive programs. By falling asleep on a positive note, you will wake up in a good mood and will be able to maintain a good mood for the rest of the day, provided that you avoid unpleasant people and negative events during the day.

Treatment of stress and depression

If an irreparable tragedy in life has happened, then you need to let your grief pass through yourself, accept it, and not abstract yourself from your experiences, since they will still overtake you. If difficulties arise in coping with your condition on your own, the following sedative medications for depression and stress will help you: Novo-Passit, Persen, Nervoflux, Motherwort and Valerian tinctures, Passiflora extract. It is mandatory to take vitamins B, C, E and macroelements Calcium and Magnesium.

Drugs for depression and stress used for such manifestations as apathy, melancholy, lethargy are Imipramine, Clomipramine, Paroxetine, Fluoxetine. Subpsychotic signs of the disease are relieved with Pyrazidol and Desipramine. Gloomy irritability, unaccountable restlessness, anxiety are eliminated by Azafen and Ludiomil, and suicidal thoughts are relieved by Amitriptyline.

However, it is not recommended to prescribe medications on your own, since the treatment regimen is prescribed by a doctor who directly monitors the process and makes adjustments. On your own, you can resort to yoga and meditation. It doesn’t matter at all that you do not have sufficient knowledge in this area. It is better to do it poorly than to do nothing at all to overcome stress and depression.

Treatment for stress and depression includes taking soothing baths containing ginger, sea salt, baking soda, and rosemary extract.

Herbal medicine, which consists of taking drinks from the herbs angelica, chamomile, comfrey, thyme, valerian roots, hawthorn flowers, motherwort, cucumber, St. John's wort, yarrow, will ease and relieve stress and depression.

You can get rid of the blues with the help of a professional psychologist or on your own, at home.

Since pathological mechanisms affect not only the emotional state of a person, but also negatively affect the functioning of all internal organs and systems, persons with severe disorders often require a course of medical treatment.

What is stress

Stress is the human body's response to physical stress and negative emotional experiences.

After these negative factors arise, the endocrine glands begin to actively produce the hormone adrenaline. This allows a person to tune in to find an effective solution to a problem situation. Thus, there is a positive impact that allows conflicts to be easily resolved in a minimum amount of time.

If a person experiences constant stress, their beneficial function is lost and the body suffers from psychological and physical fatigue. If you do not use the methods recommended by your doctor to calm your nerves, then the organs of the immune and nervous, cardiovascular, hormonal, and digestive systems may suffer.

In domestic medicine, such conditions are briefly characterized by the term VSD. Vegetative-vascular dystonia involves damage to internal organs due to disorders of nervous regulation.

Causes of stress

When classifying factors that cause severe stress, psychotherapists distinguish:

  1. internal determinants. Fertile ground for overexertion is a specific (overly strict, religious) upbringing, unusual values ​​and beliefs;
  2. external determinants. Circumstances arise regardless of a person’s will (discomfort before menstruation or due to the spring restructuring of the body, loss of a job, death of a relative, divorce, separation from a girlfriend or boyfriend, loneliness).

Symptoms of stress

The presence of disorders due to excessive stress can be determined by such behavioral manifestations as:

  • insomnia and drowsiness, restless sleep and frequent nightmares;
  • eating disorders, uncontrolled intake of junk food, sudden loss or gain of body weight;
  • a constant feeling of depression and irritation that occurs for no reason;
  • headache and chronic fatigue, apathy and general weakness;
  • decreased speed of thought and concentration, decreased performance;
  • distrust, lack of interest in others;
  • inability to relax, put aside routine tasks and problems;
  • melancholy and laziness, tearfulness and pessimism;
  • obsessive habits (frequent biting of lips, tearing off nails, desire to tear paper).

What is depression

Depression is a mental disorder that involves impaired thinking, decreased mood, and an inability to feel joy. Patients acquire a pessimistic outlook on life and make predominantly negative judgments.

There is severe inhibition and closedness in behavior. Self-esteem decreases, interest in ordinary everyday activities is lost, and thoughts of committing suicide arise.

The condition is accompanied by a pronounced state of affect. A person who is in prolonged depression often tries to escape reality with the help of alcohol or large doses of psychotropic substances.

At-risk groups

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 5% of children under 10 years of age and 12-20% of adolescents are susceptible to pathological changes. People of both sexes suffer from depression. The number of patients with this diagnosis who came under medical supervision in adolescence ranges from 15 to 40%.

Postpartum depression often affects women experiencing pregnancy for the first time in their lives. The overall prevalence of all types of psychotic disorder in men and women over 50 years is 34-55%.

Male and female depression occurs among the population with equal frequency. However, attacks of blues and apathy usually occur for various reasons. Persons with a suspicious character and a depressive personality type, who are prone to frequent and detailed self-analysis, are most susceptible to pathological mental states.

Etiology of depression

Depression occurs due to the influence of many unfavorable factors. Physiological and psychosocial factors may underlie the disease. Doctors attribute the deterioration in human health to a deficiency of biogenic amines.

If the body lacks the required amount of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine for a long time, then signs of severe irritability and apathy, bad mood and deep despondency, fear and anxiety are observed.

The amount of necessary chemical compounds in the blood decreases as a result of certain external circumstances, for example, prolonged exposure to darkened rooms, which is typical for representatives of certain professions (miners, surveyors, ecologists). A lack of the joy hormone is observed in residents of northern regions with long winters. Thus, endogenous depression can be called not only organic, but also seasonal affective disorder, which worsens in autumn and winter.

Recently, depression has become common among young people, which is the result of side effects of medications or drugs. Iatrogenic, or pharmacogenic depression, is formed as a result of uncontrolled use of levodopa, corticosteroids, and benzodiazepines. A condition associated with constant strong nervous experiences can be completely cured after discontinuation of medications and a course of detoxification.

There is such a thing as depression due to abuse of sedatives or hypnotics. A depressed state occurs due to regular consumption of alcoholic beverages of any strength (including “non-alcoholic”), cocaine, cannabinoids and heroin, psychostimulants and amphetamines. In this case, the clinical picture of depressive disorder will be the result of persistent physical and mental dependence on a prohibited substance.

Causes of depression

Causes of depression in women

Severe forms of psychogenic pathologies occur in female patients due to:

  • genetic causes (presence of signs of any mental disorders in relatives);
  • biochemical factors (the effect of hormonal drugs, the onset of menopause);
  • external circumstances (conflicts with loved ones, dissatisfaction with personal life, lack of material resources);
  • psychological determinants (low self-esteem, tendency to self-examination, dependence on the opinions of others, inability to adequately respond to stress and provocations).

Age factor

The causes of depression in women differ depending on the age of the patient. Girls going through puberty undergo dramatic hormonal changes. Teenagers aged 11-13 experience changes in appearance and personality problems. There is dissatisfaction with one's own weight, deviations in eating behavior (anorexia and bulimia). A separate reason for the onset of chronic depression is sexual violence from strangers, peers or relatives.

When young women reach reproductive age (18-40 years), they experience sudden mood swings. Their condition is often determined by the stage of the menstrual cycle. A girl may worry about the lack of children due to an unsettled personal life or infertility. Severe depression is observed after an abortion. The greatest likelihood of developing neurotic pathologies exists among patients who are subject to increased psychological stress and are characterized by emotional lability.

In old age, women are concerned about deterioration in appearance and weakening health, loss of a spouse and alienation of children, lack of communication and loneliness.

Causes of postpartum depression

Postpartum depression occurs in approximately 15% of women who have had a pregnancy. The risk of depression increases under the influence of:

  • negative experience of a previous pregnancy associated with low qualifications of the maternity hospital medical staff, severe pain and a long recovery period;
  • hereditary predisposition. If relatives have a history of psychological illnesses, women often suffer from nervousness and irritability;
  • hormonal changes. During pregnancy, the level of estrogen and progesterone in the body increases. After childbirth, plasma concentrations of substances drop sharply. After about 3 days, the content of hormonal compounds in the blood returns to normal. The described abrupt changes cause a decrease in mood and a feeling of weakness;
  • unrest. Experiences related to the fate of the child and problems in the family, a failed marriage, material or housing problems lead to sleep disturbances, a feeling of fatigue and physical fatigue;
  • premature birth. Women often feel guilty about their inability to carry a child to term for the required period and consider themselves the cause of all diseases of the newborn baby;
  • early discharge from the maternity hospital, lack of necessary knowledge and skills to care for infants;
  • lactation disorders and milk stagnation, inability to breastfeed a newborn;
  • negative changes in appearance associated with excess weight gain, the formation of stretch marks and decreased skin elasticity, deterioration in the quality of nails and teeth;
  • violations of sexual relations. There is a temporary need to stop sexual intercourse, and the level of sexual desire decreases.

Causes of depression in men

Hidden prolonged neuroses are often observed due to:

  • social reasons, for example, after dismissal from work or loss of business, deterioration of financial situation, family quarrels and conflicts, divorce or retirement;
  • physiological abnormalities, including acute post-alcohol conditions (hangover);
  • hormonal imbalances and decreased potency due to a natural decrease in testosterone levels, which is observed after reaching 40 years of age or occurs earlier in people who regularly drink beer;
  • brain injuries, malignant and benign formations.

Symptoms of depression

Signs of the disease in women

Among the emotional manifestations are:

  • feeling of despair, loss of meaning in life;
  • depressed mood;
  • internal tension and premonition of trouble;
  • unreasonable fears, exacerbation of various phobias;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • guilt and self-blame;
  • suicidal thoughts.

Physiological symptoms of depression are often referred to as:

  • migraine;
  • drowsiness and insomnia;
  • increased fatigue;
  • weight gain associated with stress eating habits;
  • gastrointestinal pathologies, refusal to eat and constipation;
  • loss of sexual attraction to the opposite sex;
  • body discomfort, heart and muscle pain;
  • feeling of suffocation, coughing attacks.

Symptoms of postpartum depression

Constant jumps in the level of hormones in the body of a young mother provoke emotional instability. Signs of a nerve disorder can be identified by:

  • depressed state. Exacerbation is often observed in the morning and evening hours;
  • increased emotional sensitivity and increasing irritability, causeless attacks of aggression;
  • feeling of guilt. A woman cannot live peacefully after childbirth because she has lost her former attractiveness or the child has been diagnosed with severe congenital defects;
  • memory loss, inability to concentrate, absent-mindedness, slowness and lethargy;
  • excessive concern about the baby’s health, frequent visits to the pediatrician and other pediatric doctors;
  • inability to enjoy joyful moments, loss of sense of humor;
  • frequent complaints about one’s own health, obsessive search for signs of fatal diseases;
  • feeling of hostility towards the baby. Some mothers believe that the newborn was switched or mixed up in the hospital.

Symptoms of depression in men

Depression in men occurs with certain characteristics; patients often experience:

  • slow speech rate and detachment;
  • significant weight fluctuations;
  • the desire to escape reality by drinking or taking drugs;
  • neck and back pain;
  • lack of restraint towards people around you;
  • intimate problems (erectile dysfunction);
  • suicidal intentions.



When visiting the clinic, patients who want to cope with a protracted disorder are prescribed medication and psychotherapy sessions. A comprehensive introduction of:

  • antidepressants (minoamine oxidase inhibitors, lithium salt). Medicines are taken for 4-6 months;
  • neuroleptics (aminazine, Zyprex). Tablets are selected depending on contraindications and identified side effects;
  • nootropics (glycine, quatrex);
  • tranquilizers (phenibut, phenazepam). They have anxiolytic and anticonvulsant effects;
  • sedatives (valemidine). Normalize the functioning of nerve centers and relieve excessive irritability, speed up the process of falling asleep;
  • vitamins B and D, calcium and magnesium.

Treating depression at home

How to quickly and easily get rid of the effects of stress and depression without medications? Before you begin treatment yourself using folk remedies, you need to undergo an examination in a clinic. Based on the results of the tests, the doctor will recommend safe methods that can be used at home.

In books on traditional medicine and on forums on the Internet you can find many positive reviews about such herbal remedies as:

  • St. John's wort decoction;
  • collection of chamomile root and hops;
  • lemon balm root and motherwort;
  • fireweed and peppermint;
  • valerian root;
  • ginseng and Chinese lemongrass;
  • myrtle and passionflower;
  • freshly squeezed carrot juice.

Psychological help

Relatives and close people of the patient can help him cure depression on their own. Many psychologists (David Allen, Andrey Kurpatov, Sergey Perov, Nikolay Kozlov) talk about the beneficial effects of collective psychotherapy in their video lessons.

The ability to independently get rid of nervousness develops after a thorough analysis of the situation and a confidential conversation with loved ones. Relatives can help a person avoid bad thoughts and prevent suicide.

Experts note the positive influence of the Orthodox religion. Prayers allow people to achieve inner balance and calm their nerves.

Sport helps improve physical fitness and increase the concentration of the joy hormone.

What should a woman on maternity leave do to overcome chronic depression forever? The advice of psychotherapists boils down to:

  • increasing self-esteem by working on appearance, intellectual improvement;
  • learning the rules of communication with a child;
  • receiving help from the husband, who must be a full participant in the educational process;

The information is provided for informational purposes only. The use of any method should be started after consultation with a doctor.

Depression and stress always go hand in hand. Many people doubt the definition of these concepts and do not know whether it is a condition or a disease? And what are the main differences between stress and depression? In order not to get confused, you need to understand these terms.

Stress, depression symptoms

Depression is characterized by the following symptoms: depressed, depressed mood; loss of interest in daily activities and work; waking up early in the morning or sleeping too long; insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, irritability, loss of strength; weight loss, lack of appetite or, on the contrary, overeating; loss of concentration and inability to make decisions; decreased libido; feelings of guilt and worthlessness; bouts of sobbing, feelings of helplessness, hopelessness; thoughts of suicide.

Depression often occurs after stress and is seen as a response to a stressful situation. Stress awaits us everywhere, and when solving a problem, we almost always encounter it.

Stress is negative strong emotions that grip a person. To make it clear, let's look at the following examples. Negative emotions grip a person during a crush in line; work-related difficulties; if you do not realize your potential; after parting with a loved one; watching crime stories on TV; after a series of failures and disappointments. After a stressful situation, a person is overcome by a response that acts as a kind of protection for the body. That's what it is . The human body responds to every minor stressful situation with adequate depression. Small stressful situations are often useful for activating and training the body. The longer the stress, the deeper the depression. The time frame for the average severity of depression reaches two weeks.

Severe stressful cases (death of loved ones, etc.) can lead to a depressive state for up to several months or even years. During a period of stress, the body is completely mobilized and directs all its energy to its defense. A stressful situation depletes the body and leaves it in a state of low battery, namely depression. Next, energy accumulates until complete restoration of strength.

The duration of depression is three times longer than the process of arousal itself (the time of exposure to a stressful situation). This must be taken into account when eliminating the consequences of any stress. During a period of depression, a person’s activity decreases, the body is energetically weakened, and a variety of somatic diseases can develop. When the first symptoms of the disease are detected, drug treatment is prescribed, which is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Statistics show that 70% of people visiting the clinic have diseases caused by depression. Severe stressful situations take a lot of energy from a person, thereby causing deep and prolonged depression. It is clear that the cause of any depression is a stressful situation, and the depressive reaction manifests itself in the form of a nonspecific reaction of the body to stress. Minor depression affects a person after mild stress. This is a normal state for the body and the body copes with such phenomena on its own. In case of severe depression, you need to consult a doctor, since you will not be able to cope on your own.

All people experience stress differently, and this depends on the type of nervous system. Melancholic people often perceive stressful situations with excitement, anxiety and fear. Cholerics show anger. Phlegmatic people withdraw into themselves and internally experience a stressful situation. Sanguine people tolerate stress most easily because they are endowed with a strong nervous system. Ideally, the human body should not react to a stressful situation, but this does not happen. To achieve this, you need long-term, persistent training of the whole body. Due to illiteracy, people solve their problems by taking drugs, alcohol, promiscuity, and going to church.

How to overcome stress and depression

Traditional medicine offers its own effective methods for solving problems. By listening to the following tips and advice, you can reduce the impact of stress. To reduce stress, it is very important to remain calm and cool. Try to breathe deeply and slowly, imagining that you are breathing out the stress from yourself. It is very important to relax by imagining pleasant life moments. Massaging your earlobe with massage oils whose aroma is pleasant to you can help with this.

How else to overcome stress and depression? Self-massage of the whole body will also allow you to relax as quickly as possible and be transported to a world of pleasant sensations. A hot shower and a bath are very helpful in the fight against stress and depression. It is important to analyze the causes of stress and if you are able to change the situation, then do not hesitate to change it. If nothing can be changed, then try to reconcile yourself and take everything that happens for granted. Control your thoughts and replace your negative thoughts with positive ones. It's difficult, but real. There are no hopeless situations, but there is an incorrect attitude towards stress and, as a result, an incorrect decision.

How to properly and quickly overcome stress and depression? Music therapy can help with this. Initially listen to music that resonates with your mood. Perhaps this is sad music, then they switch to neutral, soothing music and finally switch to cheerful, positive music. For music therapy, three songs are enough to level your mood to your normal level.

If a bad mood haunts you and this is not due to endogenous reasons, it is important to learn to manage your mood. It has already been noted that the morning mood directly depends on the evening mood. Therefore, it is important to read literature before going to bed and watch only positive programs. By falling asleep on a positive note, you will wake up in a good mood and will be able to maintain a good mood for the rest of the day, provided that you avoid unpleasant people and negative events during the day.

Treatment of stress and depression

If an irreparable tragedy in life has happened, then you need to let your grief pass through yourself, accept it, and not abstract yourself from your experiences, since they will still overtake you. If difficulties arise in coping with your condition on your own, the following sedative medications for depression and stress will help you: Novo-Passit, Persen, Nervoflux, Motherwort and Valerian tinctures, Passiflora extract. It is mandatory to take vitamins B, C, E and macroelements Calcium and Magnesium.

Drugs for depression and stress used for such manifestations as apathy, melancholy, lethargy are Imipramine, Clomipramine, Paroxetine, Fluoxetine. Subpsychotic signs of the disease are relieved with Pyrazidol and Desipramine. Gloomy irritability, unaccountable restlessness, anxiety are eliminated by Azafen and Ludiomil, and suicidal thoughts are relieved by Amitriptyline.

However, it is not recommended to prescribe medications on your own, since the treatment regimen is prescribed by a doctor who directly monitors the process and makes adjustments. On your own, you can resort to yoga and meditation. It doesn’t matter at all that you do not have sufficient knowledge in this area. It is better to do it poorly than to do nothing at all to overcome stress and depression.

Treatment for stress and depression includes taking soothing baths containing ginger, sea salt, baking soda, and rosemary extract.

Herbal medicine, which consists of taking drinks from the herbs angelica, chamomile, comfrey, thyme, valerian roots, hawthorn flowers, motherwort, cucumber, St. John's wort, yarrow, will ease and relieve stress and depression.

Hello! The fact is that my husband is an unbalanced person. He constantly yells...at me, at the children. We have two. There is a 2.5 year old daughter and a 5.5 year old son. Screams in almost any situation. He screams if we left the house at the wrong time, if we’re driving somewhere, he screams while driving... with obscenities... he screams for any reason... if someone hasn’t turned on the turn signals or is driving in the middle or something else. Sometimes he looks out the window and calls people names who, in his opinion, parked poorly (for example, why the hell are you standing up like that, you goat piiiiiiiiiiiiiii... I wish they could break off your legs... People like that should be taken and shot). This is all said in front of the children. Once we were traveling on business and in three hours he yelled at me 5 times. Either I was somewhere for a long time, then there was a traffic jam and we would be late, although there was still an hour of time. I had to take the document to my mother. I went to take it and a minute later he was already calling and yelling where I was and why for a long time and my daughter was crying in the car. Instead of calming her down and enticing her, he shouted at me. He probably shouted at her too. He yells at children if they run, shout, or play. Screams if they are scared. For example, there was a situation. We were leaving the house and my son stood in the corridor near the door and did not leave. He tells him to move away and come out, but his son stands there. And at this moment they start drilling very, very loudly in the entrance. He got scared out of surprise and stood there scared. And at that moment my husband started shouting at him to move away from the door, so that he would come out. A similar situation happened to me. We were walking down the street and suddenly a dog barked loudly behind the fence and I got scared and shuddered. And my husband started shouting at me something like, “Why are you scaring me like that?” It's the same with children. The children spilled water, fell, he yelled at them - why aren’t you looking at your feet... For example, a child is crying, and he is yelling. He never felt sorry for anyone. The child was running, fell, hit himself, he yelled - why the hell are you running like that?
When my son was about 3.5 years old, he had night tantrums. He woke up and just screamed. I couldn’t calm him down, he calmed down on his own after about 20 minutes. And while he was screaming, my husband was yelling at him - stop yelling, what the hell, you’ll wake up the neighbors, called him sick, a moron, and said that he needed to go to a psychiatric hospital.
I must say that my husband really wanted a son and tried to persuade me when our relationship was a couple of months old.
My condition now is expressed by deep periodic apathy or depression. There are no feelings for my husband, probably only irritation when he is irritated, and apathy. I don’t want to be intimate with him, because of this there will be quarrels, because he wants to. Previously, I constantly talked to him about how I felt, what his attitude would lead to, explained, asked him to control himself, for the sake of the children and for himself (because he wants the children to bring him a glass of water in his old age, but with such an attitude no one will will bring nothing). Now I gave up and realized that nothing would change him. Previously, he apologized and said that he knew what he was shouting, but now he apparently got used to it and is not going to change.
I do not know what to do. How to change your life. My daughter will go to kindergarten only in a year, so that I can find a job. I’m almost constantly tense, I’m afraid to say a word or do something, because I can hear him screaming that I’m doing something wrong. I painted a picture by numbers, he told me which layer to apply the paint and insisted. My explanations that I can handle such a trivial matter myself do not reach him. He doesn't care what I feel, he doesn't care about my desires. Recently my father died and at that time he demanded intimacy from me and was also surprised why I refused. I feel like meat, he only touches me when he needs sex and then only in two places. He will never just hug and kiss you. He may ask for intimacy when the children in the next room are watching cartoons, supposedly they won’t come, and again he freaks out because I refuse. I told him that I don’t want it every day, but he still freaks out.
I have already forgotten what it means to live normally, without negativity, with a smile. I understand that I have to change my life, but I don’t know how, I don’t know where to get the strength. If, while living with him, I still try to smile, then his psychos will ruin everything again. Despite the fact that I am insecure and he contributes to this even more. He tramples me as a person and tramples my children. But the children are happy with him, this is important to me, it is important that the children have a father. If I get divorced, it is unlikely that the children will have a stepfather. Somehow life turns out that no one needs me. There has never been a person who loved me, who needed me. I don't think my husband knows how to love. He only needs me for intimacy, to cook, wash and raise the children. That is, so that there is benefit from me. He once said a toast - oh, I’ll have to endure you for the rest of my life. And he said “I love” only during sex and only when I was active, and this was not so many times in 6 years. Basically I’m a log because I don’t want to, but I do it because he freaks out and terrorizes my brain and takes it out on the children. Sometimes I think about cheating in order to feel something good, but I think I won’t be able to live with him, I’ll probably give myself away. I really miss warmth, warm and kind feelings towards myself, perhaps some compliments. But even if I leave him, where will I get them? Nobody is interested in me.
Among my friends, there is one girl who is really interested in me, understands me, supports me, asks how I’m doing, but unfortunately she is on the other side of the country. Correspondence certainly helps, but it’s not enough. I have a friend in the city, but she doesn’t understand me. I don't tell my family.
I don’t know how to find self-confidence with him (while he breaks this confidence) or without him (especially before my husband, I never had super confidence. There were failures that broke me, but they passed and left a mark, and my husband traces only increases). I would like to have someone nearby who would help, but there is no such thing. But I’m unlikely to cope on my own.
I want to get rid of apathy, somehow protect myself from its negativity and live with a smile for the sake of my children. But now I don’t even want to take care of the children, I’m more often on the phone, either playing games, or watching a movie, or reading something. Apparently this is how my brain relaxes, moving away from the environment. How to start living?

  • Sorry for writing you this, but it’s better to leave such a husband - a tyrant. If he oppresses you and doesn’t let you live in peace, leave. This is not love. You have two children. So take them and leave. A person, if he wants, will change.
    You need! Why did you decide that no one needs you!? Yes, there are many men who want to live with a woman if she has children from her first marriage!
    Find a job, go to a beauty salon) You will feel better. Just don't give up)
    I sincerely wish you happiness))

    Dear Elena, what you said is very scary! First of all, you cripple your children with your spinelessness and humility! He does this because you allow him to!!! If you do not find the strength to leave him, the fates of your children will repeat yours! The son will be a tyrant, and the daughter will be a victim in her family! Understand, no one else will help them except their mother, and the mother is afraid of some asshole man who keeps the whole family in fear and solves his ego!? Come to your senses and think about your children, since you don’t care about yourself! Shake it up! You are not a snail! You are a woman who will never disappear, just try to become an example and protection for children! You will love it yourself and you will wonder why you didn’t do it before! I wish you strength! Don’t damage your children’s psyche, they won’t thank you later!

Hello. I am 16 years old. I am writing here because I decided to try to change something. The advice in this article seems obvious. I really hope that someone can advise something specifically in my situation. For six months now (maybe more) I have been under the influence of apathy. True, before that I thought it was depression (and I also attributed to myself schizophrenia, sociopathy (I don’t know if it can be characterized as a disease) and many other “terrible” mental disorders, until I came across the term “apathy”). I can't say what led me to this apathy. I have never had any tragedies in my life. These six months I have experienced practically no emotions (and this is very reflected on my face). There are outbursts of anger, much less often - tears caused by emotions. But this happens very rarely and for very strange reasons, for example, recently I cried because I was born here 16 years ago, and not in America in the 60s (I wanted to be in the 80s). At the same time, the disco music of the 80s put pressure on me. Before that, I cried while listening to Tsoi, but for reasons unknown to me. Perhaps at that moment I really wanted him to be alive. It’s interesting that I haven’t seen tears in appropriate situations for a very long time. Quite recently, I broke up forever in just a minute with a very close person (friend), with whom I had experienced a lot over 9 years, and I didn’t feel anything. There was a time when I left the only boyfriend in my life and I also didn’t feel anything. Basically, I used it to understand what it was like to date. And, as expected, I was not satisfied. And so I smoothly moved on to how my worldview has changed. I don’t want to describe it here, I’ll just say that I now think very globally, that is, I completely reject human values ​​and equate people with all other living organisms, whose only goal should be reproduction. This worldview creates some discomfort for me, despite the fact that it also changes over time - recently I see hypocrisy in almost every person’s smile, not to mention in these relationships. In addition, a special hatred of people has accompanied me for a very long time (up to 2 years). All of the above is accompanied by incredible laziness for me. Laziness manifests itself always and everywhere. I don't care about my future at all. I've really started to like apathy lately (that's why I'm coming here), I've started to see something beautiful in it and enjoy it. Now I feel like an immortal, sophisticated, inhuman being, detached from people (perhaps this simply replaces everything I described). Perhaps what really... makes me feel human is heavy music, as well as a real passion for it. Recently I discovered a fetish for organ music. There is another “mitigating symptom” of my apathy. These are rare, but very colorful surges of... inspiration, or something. I just want to do everything at once, I’m inspired, filled with happiness and the desire to live. and this lasts at most 5 seconds. As soon as I realize that that same surge of happiness has arrived, I begin to cling to it, but it subsides in a second, and I, as if devastated, am again as usual. these tides are not controlled in any way and are not connected with anything. I can't add anything more. I talked to my parents, they don’t understand. I would like to ask you, perhaps, to give advice that will help me get out of apathy myself, without the participation of strangers. Thank you in advance.

  • The more you immerse yourself in heavy music that depresses your already oppressed mental space, the more difficult it will be for you to find a reason for joy! There is one piece of advice: don’t look for something to cheer yourself up, try to please someone else, someone close to you! Just a person on the street... learn to give, and not expect that happiness will be with you, or that apathy does not go away... It’s just that you are still growing, there will be many more different situations in life that require strength, perseverance, and courage from you! But kindness and mercy can reveal a different side to you! Don’t go into the “darkness”, it gives rise to aggression and personality suppression, find the “light” in yourself and give it to people, just like that, don’t expect gratitude!) I wish you good luck and find yourself!!!

In short, because I don’t have the strength to write it down, I’ve been on the verge of a nervous breakdown for the second week.
A serious check is coming to me on Thursday. And I prepare and roar, roar and prepare. Because I’m sure that I work worse than anyone else in the area. Because I’m sure I’ll embarrass myself during the inspection. I really think so. And even the monstrous mistakes of my colleague, who, by the way, hangs on the honor board, did not reassure me. We were together at the preliminary check of documents - yes, I had comments, but she had them more seriously, I was surprised to the core. But I am sure that everything is at a different level for her - after all, she has been on the honor roll for a long time and is generally an extremely respected person - and I, who accidentally fell into the system and miraculously stayed in my place for almost 4 years.
I am very surprised when people consult me ​​(not from subordinates, but from colleagues, for example). I’m sure that I can’t say anything worthwhile; I’m surprised when my opinion is taken seriously. I seem like a schoolboy to myself, I try once again not to open my mouth (in order to pass for smart). I have no idea how I manage a team of 58 people, I’ve been amazed at this for four years now.
I am sure that the audit will reveal everything that I am trying to hide about my understanding of reality, everyone will understand that I am really stupid, they will disgrace me and relieve me of my position. This will probably be a relief to me.
I have constant, unaccountable fear, everyone notices that I have become very nervous and irritable. I don't sleep well, I'm constantly worried. I've been taking Persen for more than a week, it usually saves me, but not this time. It's really time for me to see a psychiatrist.

Hello, my name is Alina. I am 14 years old. Lately I don't understand what's happening to me. I am usually very active and my day is always very busy. School, tutor, two dances, homework. And I've been very tired lately. The holidays started and I thought I would rest. But for about a week now I’ve been walking around as if lifeless. I try to behave as before, but when I’m left alone, I literally drown in my thoughts and my soul feels like a stone. I feel sleepy and very sad all the time. It’s especially disturbing that I don’t want to do anything and I don’t know why I should live at all, for what, I’m trying to look for meaning, although I understand that it’s not necessary. And I am very afraid of this condition. Can you please tell me what to do.

  • Hello, Alina. It is necessary to talk with your parents about your condition; they will definitely provide you with support, help you make the right decision in reducing your school load, increasing the time for night rest or introducing daytime sleep, and enriching your diet with vitamins.
    Your emotionally uneven, unstable background is explained by the period of puberty, which is characterized by mood swings, the search for the meaning of life, a feeling of sadness and weakness.

Hello, what should you do if you are trying to forget the past, but I can’t??? What should I do? This prevents me from living, in general, I live with a man who betrayed me more than once, and constantly ran to his ex, besides, we are not married, this Santa Barbara began from the first month, as soon as we started living together.
When I remember, everything inside is burning like that, he ran to her and didn’t let me go, told her that he loved her more than anything in the world, that he was disgusted with hugging and kissing me, that he wouldn’t let her go anywhere else (literally), and then he ran to me , then she started sending me their correspondence, and he refused, but still confessed later after I told him that I knew, and he stood on his knees, cried, begged not to leave, and I believed like a fool, but every time this was repeated time after time, then I realized that, in principle, I was interested in playing this “game”, I wanted to prove that I was better, that I would snap my finger and he would come running.
What's the end result? I proved it, but I realized that I was living and torturing myself, and I couldn’t leave because I was already used to him, but also with the thought that when I was pregnant, he wrote to her - “I want you,” and at that time I I was lying on hold, I almost had a miscarriage due to nerves, after leaving the hospital I went into his phone and saw this correspondence with her, I was hysterical all day and all night, the next day I had a miscarriage, and for some reason I felt so empty inside, for everything I didn’t care, I didn’t want to see or hear anyone, in general I didn’t care about everything.
A year has already passed, and I understand that I want to go somewhere far, far away, where this shit is not there, to rest, relax, but I can’t leave my family (sister, mother, nieces)
I don’t really understand why I need all this, because before that I had a man who beat me constantly for no reason, broke my rib, cut my leg, hit my head, broke my psyche, etc.
I understand that a little more and I’ll go crazy, but I don’t know where to turn, in fact, I’m a normal, adequate person, a good housewife, a neat girl, but when I remember everything that happened, I don’t believe in the future, I can’t trust anyone, I know that Everyone without exception can deceive, and everything inside just turns upside down, like a madwoman I re-read old correspondence with these nasty messages, sometimes I try to let it go and live easier, but it absolutely doesn’t work.

I broke up with my husband, we lived together for 18 years, I love him very much, he motivates the separation with a midlife crisis, he wants to radically change his life and, unfortunately, me too... I’m crushed, I don’t want anything without him, I’m crying, loss of appetite, apathy, weakness . I take afobazole and valemidine, so far there is no result. Please advise how to get back to life...

  • Hello Irina. We sincerely sympathize with you, but slowly try to return to life. You are the most important person in your life, so start treating yourself well: cherishing, loving, feeding and clothing deliciously, pampering. Talk to yourself encouragingly and use self-orders to achieve your goals for the current day.
    We recommend that you read:

Hello. I have been in a state of apathy and depression for a long time; a number of failures in life, disappointments, and the inability to solve some problems have led to the feeling that I am sliding lower and lower. My life has become indifferent to me, I feel empty. Several months ago I lost my job, and even active searches have been unsuccessful. With great difficulty I force myself to get up and do something. It seems that everything I do is of no use to anyone, and that I am in a complete vacuum. Although, this is not true... My mother and sister help me now, but I feel ashamed and bad that I practically live at their expense. Although they love me and don’t blame me for anything, I still feel like a pig.
I had to decide and overcome a lot - they bullied me at school, my husband also turned out to be a tyrant at home, he broke me mentally... As a result, he left us and got married at the moment when a most complex operation was planned for our son. I fluttered around for some time, worked, raised, tried to move forward with creative projects. Enough for several years. And now I feel like I’ve run out of strength, a feeling that all my endeavors have failed, and that no one needs my abilities. And there’s also the pressure that I’m already many years old (42), and nothing else awaits me.

    • Thank you for your attention and support!!!

      There are times when the day goes by in three, or even more.
      Something in my soul turned upside down, I worked very intensively, I again let the memories pass through me, and realized that they are now like a literary work for me. I remembered this method - in childhood, when it was difficult, or just for the sake of playing, I began to think of myself as “she,” imagining myself as just a girl from a book. 🙂 And I started to put it into some small stories. This helped me detach myself from my emotions.

      And I tried to mentally reduce the current situation to the point of absurdity, and in the end it became funny to me. 🙂

      Thanks for the opportunity to speak! This is so important when there is absolutely no one to openly tell about what is pressing from within. After all, not always and not everything can be shared even with family and friends.

      Now you can try to dream. Build a new image.
      Thought is truly material, which is why a person so easily drives himself into a real hole... Which means he can also get out of it. 🙂

The phone rings, I pick up, and there is a woman’s voice screaming hysterically, then I find out that this girl is my boyfriend, with whom I have been living for 6 years. And she has been dating him for 4 years. Disappointment, how to move on, I don’t know how to trust people?? How to forget this nightmare?

  • Just calm down and rely on reason, not emotions. Break up, otherwise the bitterness will remain forever. I advise you to read what love addiction is!

Yu.V. Khmelevsky

Is depression a disease or a condition of the body? Let's try to figure this out together. Medicine characterizes depression with the following symptoms:

  • depressed, depressed mood, loss of interest in loved ones, everyday activities, work;
  • insomnia, waking up early in the morning or, on the contrary, sleeping too long;
  • irritability and anxiety, fatigue and loss of strength;
  • lack of appetite and weight loss or sometimes, on the contrary, overeating and weight gain;
  • inability to concentrate and make decisions;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • feelings of worthlessness and guilt, feelings of hopelessness and helplessness;
  • frequent bouts of sobbing;
  • thoughts of suicide.

On the other hand, depression can be seen as a response to stress. We encounter stress almost constantly when solving certain problems. For example, a bad grade on an exam or failure to pass a test causes stress (strong negative emotions) to a greater or lesser extent. We may experience stress when standing in a long line, because of difficulties at work or problems in the family, when there is no mutual love, when we want to do a lot but there is no time for it, when there are unrealized opportunities, when we watch crime stories on TV every day, and many other reasons, the list of which can be continued almost indefinitely. And after stress, a response (protective) reaction of the body necessarily occurs - a state of depression. In response to every, even the smallest (insignificant) stress, the body responds with adequate depression. But a little stress is even beneficial for the body. They constantly train it, putting it into a state of activation or training (according to the terminology of the Canadian scientist Hans Selye). The greater the stress, the stronger (deeper) and longer the depression. Depression of moderate severity lasts up to two weeks. In severe cases (during severe stress, such as the death of loved ones), depression can last for several months or even several years. That is why the obligatory commemoration of the deceased after 3, 9 and especially 40 days (“farewell to the soul”) helps to first reduce stress and then get out of the depressed state of family members, relatives and friends. During stress, the body mobilizes and uses its energy as much as possible and directs it to protect the body. After stress, the body is in a state of “low battery”, exhaustion, i.e. depression, after which a gradual accumulation of energy begins (“recharging” the body) until the moment of complete restoration of strength and energy. The process (duration) of depression or inhibition of the body in time (duration) is approximately three times longer than the time of exposure to a stressful situation (the process of excitation of the body) and this must be taken into account when eliminating the consequences of any stress, large or small.

The graph shows the processes (two curves) of excitation and inhibition of the body under different stressful situations. The 1st graph reflects the body’s reaction to small (small amplitude and duration) stress that we encounter every day. Curve 2 reflects the body's response to severe stress. In the negative phase, the body is most energetically weakened and against this background various diseases can develop, especially during periods of prolonged depression. According to statistics, up to 70% of those who go to the clinic for somatic diseases have one form or another of depression.

And so, “bombarding” the body with small stresses and protecting it with small and short-term depressions is a normal state of the body, accustomed to constant protection from the environment. Severe stress takes a lot of energy from the body and causes deep (on the graph the depth of depression is marked by the segment BC) and prolonged depression (severe lethargy of the body with a significant decrease in activity). The body gradually accumulates energy, trying to return to the state of dynamic equilibrium that it had before stress, i.e. self-healing. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the most difficult and dangerous time for the occurrence of other diseases for the body during depression does not come immediately after the end of the stress (point A, for curve 2), but after some time, from the end of the stress (point B ). During this period of time, you need to especially monitor your health. We can clearly conclude that the cause of all depression (depressive state) is stress. Depression is a nonspecific reaction of the body to stress. Minor depression, with mild stress, is a normal state of the body, which the body, as a rule, copes with on its own. Severe, deep depression is already a disease and you can’t do it without the help of a doctor.

As a rule, in melancholic people, stress reactions are most often associated with constitutional arousal, such as anxiety or fear, phobia or neurotic anxiety. Cholerics have a typical stress reaction - anger. That is why they more often suffer from hypertension, stomach ulcers, and ulcerative colitis. In phlegmatic people, under the influence of stress, the activity of the thyroid gland decreases, metabolism slows down and blood sugar may increase, which leads to a pre-diabetic state. In stressful situations, they “press” on food, as a result of which they can become obese. Sanguine people with their strong nervous system tolerate stress most easily.

Ideally, the body should not react to any stress at all or with a minimal reaction, but practically this does not happen in life and to achieve this, persistent and long-term training of the body is necessary. People who do not have a culture of health, especially young people, try to solve problems associated with stress and depression with the help of drugs (the fastest, easiest and most accessible way to overcome stress or get out of depression, but also the most harmful to health). Subsequently, they develop an addiction (constant craving) to drugs such as tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and so on, from which it is no longer possible to free themselves without outside help. And these problems are gradually moving from personal ones to state ones (the state’s fight against the drug mafia, treatment of drug addicts, etc.). Traditional medicine solves these problems with its own methods that are no less effective, but absolutely safe for health. And in order to minimize the effects of stress on the body, she developed certain recommendations and advice.

© Health-MEI 2000 When reprinting, a link is required.

You can get rid of the blues with the help of a professional psychologist or on your own, at home.

Since pathological mechanisms affect not only the emotional state of a person, but also negatively affect the functioning of all internal organs and systems, persons with severe disorders often require a course of medical treatment.

What is stress

Stress is the human body's response to physical stress and negative emotional experiences.

After these negative factors arise, the endocrine glands begin to actively produce the hormone adrenaline. This allows a person to tune in to find an effective solution to a problem situation. Thus, there is a positive impact that allows conflicts to be easily resolved in a minimum amount of time.

If a person experiences constant stress, their beneficial function is lost and the body suffers from psychological and physical fatigue. If you do not use the methods recommended by your doctor to calm your nerves, then the organs of the immune and nervous, cardiovascular, hormonal, and digestive systems may suffer.

In domestic medicine, such conditions are briefly characterized by the term VSD. Vegetative-vascular dystonia involves damage to internal organs due to disorders of nervous regulation.

Causes of stress

When classifying factors that cause severe stress, psychotherapists distinguish:

  1. internal determinants. Fertile ground for overexertion is a specific (overly strict, religious) upbringing, unusual values ​​and beliefs;
  2. external determinants. Circumstances arise regardless of a person’s will (discomfort before menstruation or due to the spring restructuring of the body, loss of a job, death of a relative, divorce, separation from a girlfriend or boyfriend, loneliness).

Symptoms of stress

The presence of disorders due to excessive stress can be determined by such behavioral manifestations as:

  • insomnia and drowsiness, restless sleep and frequent nightmares;
  • eating disorders, uncontrolled intake of junk food, sudden loss or gain of body weight;
  • a constant feeling of depression and irritation that occurs for no reason;
  • headache and chronic fatigue, apathy and general weakness;
  • decreased speed of thought and concentration, decreased performance;
  • distrust, lack of interest in others;
  • inability to relax, put aside routine tasks and problems;
  • melancholy and laziness, tearfulness and pessimism;
  • obsessive habits (frequent biting of lips, tearing off nails, desire to tear paper).

What is depression

Depression is a mental disorder that involves impaired thinking, decreased mood, and an inability to feel joy. Patients acquire a pessimistic outlook on life and make predominantly negative judgments.

There is severe inhibition and closedness in behavior. Self-esteem decreases, interest in ordinary everyday activities is lost, and thoughts of committing suicide arise.

The condition is accompanied by a pronounced state of affect. A person who is in prolonged depression often tries to escape reality with the help of alcohol or large doses of psychotropic substances.

At-risk groups

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 5% of children under 10 years of age and 12-20% of adolescents are susceptible to pathological changes. People of both sexes suffer from depression. The number of patients with this diagnosis who came under medical supervision in adolescence ranges from 15 to 40%.

Postpartum depression often affects women experiencing pregnancy for the first time in their lives. The overall prevalence of all types of psychotic disorder in men and women over 50 years is 34-55%.

Male and female depression occurs among the population with equal frequency. However, attacks of blues and apathy usually occur for various reasons. Persons with a suspicious character and a depressive personality type, who are prone to frequent and detailed self-analysis, are most susceptible to pathological mental states.

Etiology of depression

Depression occurs due to the influence of many unfavorable factors. Physiological and psychosocial factors may underlie the disease. Doctors attribute the deterioration in human health to a deficiency of biogenic amines.

If the body lacks the required amount of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine for a long time, then signs of severe irritability and apathy, bad mood and deep despondency, fear and anxiety are observed.

The amount of necessary chemical compounds in the blood decreases as a result of certain external circumstances, for example, prolonged exposure to darkened rooms, which is typical for representatives of certain professions (miners, surveyors, ecologists). A lack of the joy hormone is observed in residents of northern regions with long winters. Thus, endogenous depression can be called not only organic, but also seasonal affective disorder, which worsens in autumn and winter.

Recently, depression has become common among young people, which is the result of side effects of medications or drugs. Iatrogenic, or pharmacogenic depression, is formed as a result of uncontrolled use of levodopa, corticosteroids, and benzodiazepines. A condition associated with constant strong nervous experiences can be completely cured after discontinuation of medications and a course of detoxification.

There is such a thing as depression due to abuse of sedatives or hypnotics. A depressed state occurs due to regular consumption of alcoholic beverages of any strength (including “non-alcoholic”), cocaine, cannabinoids and heroin, psychostimulants and amphetamines. In this case, the clinical picture of depressive disorder will be the result of persistent physical and mental dependence on a prohibited substance.

Causes of depression

Causes of depression in women

Severe forms of psychogenic pathologies occur in female patients due to:

  • genetic causes (presence of signs of any mental disorders in relatives);
  • biochemical factors (the effect of hormonal drugs, the onset of menopause);
  • external circumstances (conflicts with loved ones, dissatisfaction with personal life, lack of material resources);
  • psychological determinants (low self-esteem, tendency to self-examination, dependence on the opinions of others, inability to adequately respond to stress and provocations).

Age factor

The causes of depression in women differ depending on the age of the patient. Girls going through puberty undergo dramatic hormonal changes. Teenagers aged 11-13 experience changes in appearance and personality problems. There is dissatisfaction with one's own weight, deviations in eating behavior (anorexia and bulimia). A separate reason for the onset of chronic depression is sexual violence from strangers, peers or relatives.

When young women reach reproductive age (18-40 years), they experience sudden mood swings. Their condition is often determined by the stage of the menstrual cycle. A girl may worry about the lack of children due to an unsettled personal life or infertility. Severe depression is observed after an abortion. The greatest likelihood of developing neurotic pathologies exists among patients who are subject to increased psychological stress and are characterized by emotional lability.

In old age, women are concerned about deterioration in appearance and weakening health, loss of a spouse and alienation of children, lack of communication and loneliness.

Causes of postpartum depression

Postpartum depression occurs in approximately 15% of women who have had a pregnancy. The risk of depression increases under the influence of:

  • negative experience of a previous pregnancy associated with low qualifications of the maternity hospital medical staff, severe pain and a long recovery period;
  • hereditary predisposition. If relatives have a history of psychological illnesses, women often suffer from nervousness and irritability;
  • hormonal changes. During pregnancy, the level of estrogen and progesterone in the body increases. After childbirth, plasma concentrations of substances drop sharply. After about 3 days, the content of hormonal compounds in the blood returns to normal. The described abrupt changes cause a decrease in mood and a feeling of weakness;
  • unrest. Experiences related to the fate of the child and problems in the family, a failed marriage, material or housing problems lead to sleep disturbances, a feeling of fatigue and physical fatigue;
  • premature birth. Women often feel guilty about their inability to carry a child to term for the required period and consider themselves the cause of all diseases of the newborn baby;
  • early discharge from the maternity hospital, lack of necessary knowledge and skills to care for infants;
  • lactation disorders and milk stagnation, inability to breastfeed a newborn;
  • negative changes in appearance associated with excess weight gain, the formation of stretch marks and decreased skin elasticity, deterioration in the quality of nails and teeth;
  • violations of sexual relations. There is a temporary need to stop sexual intercourse, and the level of sexual desire decreases.

Causes of depression in men

Hidden prolonged neuroses are often observed due to:

  • social reasons, for example, after dismissal from work or loss of business, deterioration of financial situation, family quarrels and conflicts, divorce or retirement;
  • physiological abnormalities, including acute post-alcohol conditions (hangover);
  • hormonal imbalances and decreased potency due to a natural decrease in testosterone levels, which is observed after reaching 40 years of age or occurs earlier in people who regularly drink beer;
  • brain injuries, malignant and benign formations.

Symptoms of depression

Signs of the disease in women

Among the emotional manifestations are:

  • feeling of despair, loss of meaning in life;
  • depressed mood;
  • internal tension and premonition of trouble;
  • unreasonable fears, exacerbation of various phobias;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • guilt and self-blame;
  • suicidal thoughts.

Physiological symptoms of depression are often referred to as:

  • migraine;
  • drowsiness and insomnia;
  • increased fatigue;
  • weight gain associated with stress eating habits;
  • gastrointestinal pathologies, refusal to eat and constipation;
  • loss of sexual attraction to the opposite sex;
  • body discomfort, heart and muscle pain;
  • feeling of suffocation, coughing attacks.

Symptoms of postpartum depression

Constant jumps in the level of hormones in the body of a young mother provoke emotional instability. Signs of a nerve disorder can be identified by:

  • depressed state. Exacerbation is often observed in the morning and evening hours;
  • increased emotional sensitivity and increasing irritability, causeless attacks of aggression;
  • feeling of guilt. A woman cannot live peacefully after childbirth because she has lost her former attractiveness or the child has been diagnosed with severe congenital defects;
  • memory loss, inability to concentrate, absent-mindedness, slowness and lethargy;
  • excessive concern about the baby’s health, frequent visits to the pediatrician and other pediatric doctors;
  • inability to enjoy joyful moments, loss of sense of humor;
  • frequent complaints about one’s own health, obsessive search for signs of fatal diseases;
  • feeling of hostility towards the baby. Some mothers believe that the newborn was switched or mixed up in the hospital.

Symptoms of depression in men

Depression in men occurs with certain characteristics; patients often experience:

  • slow speech rate and detachment;
  • significant weight fluctuations;
  • the desire to escape reality by drinking or taking drugs;
  • neck and back pain;
  • lack of restraint towards people around you;
  • intimate problems (erectile dysfunction);
  • suicidal intentions.



When visiting the clinic, patients who want to cope with a protracted disorder are prescribed medication and psychotherapy sessions. A comprehensive introduction of:

  • antidepressants (minoamine oxidase inhibitors, lithium salt). Medicines are taken for 4-6 months;
  • neuroleptics (aminazine, Zyprex). Tablets are selected depending on contraindications and identified side effects;
  • nootropics (glycine, quatrex);
  • tranquilizers (phenibut, phenazepam). They have anxiolytic and anticonvulsant effects;
  • sedatives (valemidine). Normalize the functioning of nerve centers and relieve excessive irritability, speed up the process of falling asleep;
  • vitamins B and D, calcium and magnesium.

Treating depression at home

How to quickly and easily get rid of the effects of stress and depression without medications? Before you begin treatment yourself using folk remedies, you need to undergo an examination in a clinic. Based on the results of the tests, the doctor will recommend safe methods that can be used at home.

In books on traditional medicine and on forums on the Internet you can find many positive reviews about such herbal remedies as:

  • St. John's wort decoction;
  • collection of chamomile root and hops;
  • lemon balm root and motherwort;
  • fireweed and peppermint;
  • valerian root;
  • ginseng and Chinese lemongrass;
  • myrtle and passionflower;
  • freshly squeezed carrot juice.

Psychological help

Relatives and close people of the patient can help him cure depression on their own. Many psychologists (David Allen, Andrey Kurpatov, Sergey Perov, Nikolay Kozlov) talk about the beneficial effects of collective psychotherapy in their video lessons.

The ability to independently get rid of nervousness develops after a thorough analysis of the situation and a confidential conversation with loved ones. Relatives can help a person avoid bad thoughts and prevent suicide.

Experts note the positive influence of the Orthodox religion. Prayers allow people to achieve inner balance and calm their nerves.

Sport helps improve physical fitness and increase the concentration of the joy hormone.

What should a woman on maternity leave do to overcome chronic depression forever? The advice of psychotherapists boils down to:

  • increasing self-esteem by working on appearance, intellectual improvement;
  • learning the rules of communication with a child;
  • receiving help from the husband, who must be a full participant in the educational process;

The information is provided for informational purposes only. The use of any method should be started after consultation with a doctor.

Emotional overload has long become an integral part of our lives. After all, many daily problems require attention and immediate solutions. And, in the end, the nervous system simply cannot stand it. People are used to calling such psychological discomfort stress or depression. But the majority, making these “diagnoses” for themselves, actually do not distinguish between these conditions at all. So what is the difference between stress and depression?

Defining stress is quite simple. Unlike depression, stress usually goes away along with the cause of its occurrence. For example, if stress was caused by work, then you can get rid of it during vacation. But if the stress does not go away even in a new environment, then it means that we are talking about anxiety, which can soon develop into depression. In a state of depression, a person not only feels a loss of strength and decreased activity, but also loses a sense of joy, interest in life and even hope. Everything around becomes fresh and colorless. Previously, this condition was called melancholy, today it is depression.

Stress and depression vary greatly in symptoms and treatment, but are almost always related. For example, everything can begin with the most harmless nuances - with resentment. However, usually people plunge into a stressful situation after a traumatic event (death of a loved one, accident, job loss, conflicts, etc.). Minor stresses also become harmless over time. They accumulate gradually, so for some people depression may appear in apparent complete well-being. Often stress, and then depression, grows out of family relationships. And it all starts with little things that almost no one notices. For example, constant attempts to make your significant other better, which causes outbursts of anger, resentment and disappointment, and then overexertion.

During depression, it seems to a person that this feeling will remain forever; he sees his future only in gloomy colors. The state of depression can last for several weeks or several months. And with prolonged depression, this condition can last for years. Many people believe that sharing a problem with friends or acquaintances can easily get rid of psychological stress. However, this is a misconception. Stress can only become stronger over time, causing a feeling of physical heaviness that is very difficult to get rid of. As a rule, everyone has their own effective method of liberation, which is not suitable for everyone.

There is no need to be discouraged, because life without depression is quite possible. The source of this problem is a lack of serotonin, the pleasure hormone. Of course, it can be added to the body with the help of medications, but they do not last long. Therefore, the best assistant in such a fight is sport. As studies by English, German and Israeli scientists have shown, exercise also produces serotonin, and, moreover, it works better and much longer than any medications. Regular moderate exercise can not only increase serotonin levels, but also reduce the production of the stress hormone.

It should be remembered that depression is not a sign of weakness, but a serious problem that needs professional help. Depression can lead to loss of family, job, obesity, or even alcoholism and drug addiction. Therefore, if you suspect depression, you should urgently consult a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.