Prepare lard with garlic through a meat grinder. A universal recipe for all occasions

How to make fresh lard twisted through a meat grinder with garlic and salt, salted lard with herbs, spices, dill, pepper, in Ukrainian for spreading on a sandwich: recipes.

Most people are not particularly enthusiastic about lard, so most often they bake it, boil it, or simply salt it. In fact, from this seemingly simple product, you can prepare a real delicacy that you can treat your guests to. All you have to do for this is twist the lard and add certain spices or herbs to it.

This unique paste can be spread on a cracker or toasted bread and served as a snack with strong alcoholic drinks. We will talk about how to properly prepare snack lard in our article.

TWISTED LARD WITH GARLIC: what is it called?

The twisted mass is correctly called sandwich lard

1. A product such as twisted lard with spices is prepared in almost all regions of our vast country. Some add only garlic and salt to it. Others make it more spicy and mix the finished mass with pepper, herbs, paprika or oriental spices. The most interesting thing is that each housewife calls this dish differently.

2. Some people call it namazka, others call it shaving cream, and still others, in general, call this product snack mass. In fact, this dish has a common name, which is most often used in restaurants and cafes serving Ukrainian cuisine. There they call it sandwich lard.

3. It received this name because it was originally made so that people during long journeys could make nutritious sandwiches that would easily relieve hunger.

4. And since it was not possible to keep food cold during the trip, it was necessary to mix twisted lard with natural preservatives (salt, garlic and hot pepper), and thus extend its shelf life.


Fresh lard twisted through a meat grinder with garlic and salt

Although garlic is considered the most ideal additive to lard, it must be used very carefully to prepare the aromatic mass.

If you add too much of it, you will end up with a mass with a pronounced taste and smell of garlic, and the aroma and taste of lard will completely disappear.

Products for cooking:

*Soft lard without layer - 1 kg
*Garlic – 4-5 cloves
*Salt and pepper to taste


1. Remove the skin from the lard and cut it into small cubes

2. Place them in the refrigerator to freeze slightly

3. After about 40 minutes, remove them from the refrigerator and start twisting

4. Grind the garlic with a garlic press and periodically add it to the mass while twisting.

5. Season the twisted lard with pepper, salt and mix thoroughly

6. If you wish, you can roll it in a mixture of peppers, and then wrap it in cling film, after making a sausage out of it

7. You can store such lard both in the refrigerator and in the freezer


Salted lard with garlic and herbs twisted through a meat grinder

In this case, great attention must be paid to preparing the greens. It will need to be washed as thoroughly as possible and dried thoroughly. Try to dry it so that not even a drop of moisture remains on it.

If you rush and add the greens wet, the resulting twisted mass will not be entirely homogeneous or, in general, will begin to flake.

Snack components:

*Salted lard - 600 g
*Garlic – 3 cloves
*Parsley and cilantro - 1 large bunch
*Salt and pepper to taste


1. Clean the fat from the skin, cut it into small cubes and freeze

3. Add a small amount of greens along with lard

4. To make the mass more homogeneous, pass it through the meat grinder again

5. At the final stage, add salt and pepper to the twisted lard and mix everything thoroughly

6. Transfer the finished mixture into jars or containers with hermetically sealed lids.


Salted lard with garlic and spices twisted through a meat grinder

If you want to make the taste of lard brighter, then twist it with spices. In principle, you can only take the ones you like.

But if in the end you want to eat the most aromatic snack, then add coriander, mustard, a little cloves and allspice to the mixture.

Just remember that in order for the taste of the product to be as bright as possible, it will be better if you take all the above-mentioned spices in grains and grind them yourself.

Products for spreading:

*Lard – 800 g
*Garlic – 3 cloves
*Black pepper to taste
*Ground mustard, coriander and cloves - 1 tsp

1. Prepare lard as we taught you a little higher

2. Place it on a flat dish and sprinkle generously with chopped spices

3. Place everything in the refrigerator to freeze

4. Pass the hardened lard through a meat grinder and form it into a small sausage.

5. Sprinkle it with a thin layer of black pepper and put it in the freezer for storage.


Making this kind of sandwich lard has one little secret. In order for the finished mass to have the aroma of garlic and the taste of dill, the latter is best used with stems.

You just need to take young dill, which has thin juicy stems that have a soft structure. If you take older dill, even a meat grinder will not be able to completely soften the fibers of the stems.


*Salted lard - 500 g
*Garlic – 2 cloves
*Dill - 1 bunch
*Mixture of five peppers - 2 g


1. Remove the skin from the lard and cut it into small pieces

2. Wash the dill and dry it thoroughly

3. Put garlic, a little lard and herbs into the meat grinder, and start twisting them

4. When the whole mass is ready, place it on cling film, previously sprinkled with a mixture of peppers

5. Roll the mass into a sausage and cool it slightly

6. In about an hour, the sandwich lard will be ready for use.


Salted lard with garlic and dill twisted through a meat grinder

Spicy lovers will certainly enjoy twisted lard with the addition of hot and black pepper. Black pepper will make the mass more aromatic, and hot pepper will add piquancy to it.


*Lard – 1.5 kg
*Garlic – 6 cloves
*Black pepper - 1 tsp
*Paprika - 1 tbsp. l
*Hot pepper - to taste


1. Prepare lard as we taught you at the very beginning and pass it through a meat grinder 2 times

2. Place it in a deep bowl and add black and hot pepper to it

3. Mix everything thoroughly and form the mass into a sausage

4. Sprinkle it with paprika on all sides and put it in the refrigerator to freeze.

5. To ensure that the wig soaks the mass well, be sure to wrap the sausage in food foam


Ukrainian lard for spreading on a sandwich: recipe

*If you want to cook Ukrainian twisted lard, then you will have to be a little patient.
*In this case, you will not have to twist the mass, but serve it well.
*In order to obtain the desired consistency of the spread, you will need a sharp and dull knife, and a maximum of half an hour of time.

1. Take 700 g of salted lard and cut it into as small a cube as possible

2. Sprinkle it generously with black pepper, and armed with a dull knife, start beating

3. Do this until you have a smooth, soft mass without any lumps

4. When the mass is ready, proceed as usual

5. Add a small amount of chopped garlic to it and mix everything thoroughly


Most people are not particularly enthusiastic about lard, so most often they bake it, boil it, or simply salt it. In fact, from this seemingly simple product, you can prepare a real delicacy that you can treat your guests to. All you have to do for this is twist the lard and add certain spices or herbs to it.

  • A product such as twisted lard with spices is prepared in almost all regions of our vast country. Some add only garlic and salt to it. Others make it more spicy and mix the finished mass with pepper, herbs, paprika or oriental spices. The most interesting thing is that each housewife calls this dish differently.
  • Some people call it lard, nazazka, others call it shaving cream, and others, in general, call this product snack mass. In fact, this dish has a common name, which is most often used in restaurants and cafes serving Ukrainian cuisine. There they call it sandwich lard.
  • It received this name because it was originally made so that people during long journeys could make nutritious sandwiches that would easily relieve hunger.
  • And since it was not possible to keep food cold during the trip, it was necessary to mix twisted lard with natural preservatives (salt, garlic and hot pepper), and thus extend its shelf life.

Recipe No. 1

What do we need?

  • Salted lard (ready-made or self-salted) – 0.5 kg;
  • Undercuts – 0.5 kg;
  • Garlic – 1 medium head;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Dried or fresh dill - about 30 g.

Cooking method

Before we reveal the secret of making amazing lard, let’s focus on what the original lard should be like. This should be a piece from a fat, high-quality pig, with a minimum of meat layers, about 4-6 cm thick, with a soft skin.

If you have unsalted lard, then salt it yourself using the wet method, using non-iodized (!) coarse salt, peppercorns and bay leaves. We send the salted raw material to the refrigerator and store it there for 3-4 days at a temperature of +1…+3 degrees.

After the specified period has expired, remove the lard from the refrigerator and blot excess moisture with a napkin, then generously rub with garlic and pepper. Wrap in parchment until completely ripe. We send it back to the refrigerator.

After a couple of days, we take out the ripened lard, cut off the skin from it, grind it through a meat grinder together with the undercut, add dill, pepper and coarse salt. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth. The lard is ready!

To serve lard beautifully, place it in a deep bowl, garnish with chili pepper and black bread croutons.

Recipe No. 2

  • If you want to cook Ukrainian twisted lard, then you will have to be a little patient.
  • In this case, you will not have to twist the mass, but serve it well.
  • In order to obtain the desired consistency of the spread, you will need a sharp and dull knife, and a maximum of half an hour of time.


  • Take 700 g of salted lard and cut it into as small a cube as possible
  • Sprinkle it generously with black pepper, and armed with a dull knife, start beating
  • Do this until you have a smooth, soft mass without any lumps.
  • When the mixture is ready, proceed as usual
  • Add a small amount of chopped garlic to it and mix everything thoroughly

Lard twisted with garlic is a traditional Ukrainian appetizer, served for dinner not only in ordinary families, but also in many expensive restaurants: chefs offer visitors a small plate of spicy spread on bread as a compliment. The treat is invariably popular - often the lard, twisted with garlic, is eaten even before the waiters serve the main course.

A similar appetizer is often prepared for the most popular Ukrainian first course - there is nothing better than rich red borscht with a slice of rye bread, on which a generous layer of twisted lard is spread. However, even without borscht - as a regular snack - such a sandwich is quite good. Let's figure out together how to prepare it.


  • a piece of lard weighing approximately 500 g;
  • 5-8 cloves of garlic;
  • 2/3 tsp. salt;
  • 1/2 tsp. black pepper.

Question number one: where to buy lard. Let the shops and supermarkets rest on the sidelines, you go to the market, and there are no options. Look for a seller who does not sell meat every day, but brings home-grown brisket, ham and neck meat to sell. Well, and lard, of course. Stop here.

How to cook lard with garlic

Many people mistakenly believe that in order to prepare lard twisted with garlic, it is quite possible to buy a cheaper product - all the same, they say, it will not be visible what it was originally. It won’t be visible, that’s for sure, but don’t expect the taste of such a snack to be special: to get a wonderful dish, you need to buy wonderful products. Don’t save money: if you win three pennies, you will get a sea of ​​disappointment and a bunch of vain expectations.

The lard for preparing such a snack should be soft, tender and, oddly enough, not smell of anything. Well, except that the skin may give off a slight smell of burnt straw, which is used to burn the pork skin. By the way, its thickness and density are also directly related to the quality of the lard: it is believed that the skin should be thin, soft and easily pierced with a knife.

When choosing lard, give preference to pieces of medium thickness: a layer of this product that is too thick may well belong to an overly mature “piggy” - who knows how stringy and dense it has become over many pig lives?

There is an old grandmother’s way of checking lard in markets: they run a fingernail over the surface of the product being sold, after which they estimate the amount of “skimmed” fat. If the lard is soft and of high quality, there will be a lot of it. Old, veiny, tough - not enough.

So, you're home - along with the lard, of course. We wash it and dry it with disposable towels to dry it a little.

Carefully cut off the skin - we don’t need it at all in this case. In general, if you are a special fan of this delicacy, you can leave it, but still, the appetizer twisted with garlic should be soft, tender and homogeneous, so it is better to remove the skin.

Sometimes, by slightly prying it with a knife, you can gently pull it and remove the skin without much effort. If this does not work, lift it up with one hand, and with the other, using a knife, carefully separate it from the lard, trying to ensure that there is no second left on the first, and no first on the second.

After the skin is removed, cut the lard into medium-sized pieces - the shape is not important, this is done solely for the convenience of further work.


Divide into cloves and peel. Determine the quantity yourself - there are no and cannot be any recommendations. Some people like it spicier, some don’t like a pronounced garlic flavor, others strive for the golden mean, and everyone has their own - so be guided by your taste.

Black pepper- certainly. The main secret is that the spice must be freshly ground. If you don't have a special mortar, use a pepper grinder. No grinder - place the peas between two layers of clean linen towel and give them a good rolling with the rolling pin. Pay attention to the degree of grinding - do not grind the pepper into fine dust; for this you can use a ready-made industrial ground product. It will be much tastier and more aromatic if the appetizer contains quite tangible pieces of pepper - hot, fragrant, dizzyingly tasty. However, this question can also be attributed to the taste preferences of a particular individual, so decide for yourself when to stop grinding black pepper.

Place lard, pepper, and garlic into a blender cup. Salt.
If you don’t have a blender, you can use a meat grinder (as our grandparents did for many decades).

Turn on, grind, check. If the mass has become homogeneous, the tasty and savory snack is ready.
If not, chop it a little more, check it - and then you can definitely take out a piece of rye bread, spread lard twisted with garlic on it, cut a ripe pink tomato in half and enjoy the sky, life, the breeze, freedom and... and a fragrant spread for sandwiches !

Lard and garlic should be stored in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid. However, it is better not to store it - garlic loses its aroma over time, so such a spread should be done immediately before everyone sits down at the table.

Ready to cook and try something truly special?

What do we need for cooking?

Before you go, check if your kitchen has everything you need for cooking. For cooking lard with garlic according to this recipe you will need:

  • two medium heads of garlic, preferably homemade;
  • salt - to taste;
  • a mixture of freshly ground black pepper, mustard seeds and coriander, taken in approximately a 1:1 ratio;
  • optional - a pair of clove petioles. In season: a bunch of dill, parsley and basil, shoots of young garlic. Please note! Adding fresh herbs reduces the shelf life to just a few days!
  • what to twist. In the original cooking recipe, which I tried, lard was ground in a mortar, with the gradual addition of garlic and spices. You can replace it with a blender or a good old cast iron meat grinder that you inherited from your grandmother.

Ready to cook lard according to the most delicious recipe? Then let's begin!

Let's grind it more thoroughly!

Let's start by preparing all parts of our sandwich spread:

  1. Add spices to the prepared mass and mix thoroughly until completely homogeneous. We taste it by spreading it on a crust of rye bread. If necessary, add more salt and spices? Spicy lovers cannot do without red pepper and paprika.
  2. Knead again and put in the refrigerator for an hour.

How is the finished product?

Like salted lard with garlic, grated lard can be stored for up to a week, even without refrigeration. The only condition is protection from sunlight and sealed packaging. The same applies to storage in the refrigerator. lard, cooked, so a delicious recipe:

  • compact tightly into a glass container of a suitable size and close with a lid;
  • After initial cooling, place it on cling film, form a sausage, wrap it and let it harden in the refrigerator.

The most delicious serving option!

Lightly brown the rye bread in vegetable oil on both sides. Spread with sandwich lard. Serve with mustard as an appetizer for vodka, borscht, potato pancakes.

A classic appetizer - lard with garlic, the best homemade recipes with pepper, wild garlic, through a meat grinder.

Lard with garlic is a traditional Ukrainian appetizer, the popularity of which has been demonstrated more than once in literature and cinema. In ancient times, lard was salted in kilograms in huge wooden barrels and for many days. This step-by-step recipe with photos will tell you how to pickle lard with garlic at home using the dry method. The result is an incredibly tender and satisfying snack that goes well with beer or just as a snack.

In addition to the fact that we will salt the lard, we will also grate it with juicy garlic. Within 10 days, the lard will be completely saturated, salted and saturated with the aroma of garlic. This appetizer is very easy to prepare simply because lard cannot be under-salted or over-salted. By completely covering the pieces of lard with salt, you can be completely sure that this product will absorb only the required amount of salt. Lard with garlic will turn out incredibly tasty, aromatic and tender. You need to eat it with pieces of fresh fragrant black bread. Let's start preparing such a hearty Ukrainian snack as lard with garlic.

  • pork lard – 500 g
  • garlic - 1 pc.
  • black peppercorns - 25 pcs
  • table salt - 1-2 cups

To prepare such a snack, select light and fresh lard with a minimal amount of meat layer.

Let's prepare all the necessary ingredients for salting lard with garlic.

Cut the entire piece of lard into equal squares as shown in the photo.

Gently crush the black allspice peas into powder. Peel the cloves of not too large garlic and pass through a press.

In a deep bowl, mix all the crushed black pepper with garlic. Add half of the specified amount of coarse salt there. Thoroughly mix our unique marinade.

Rub each piece of lard thoroughly with the garlic mixture.

Pour a little coarse salt into the bottom of another deep bowl and spread some of the garlic mixture on top in an even layer. Place pieces of prepared lard on top of the mixture. Add the remaining garlic and pepper and pour all the salt on top of it. Cover the bowl with a tight-fitting lid and put it in the refrigerator: there the lard will salt for 10 days.

After the specified amount of time, remove the lard from the refrigerator, remove it from the bowl, and clean it of garlic and salt. Cut each piece into fairly thin slices.

Serve the finished pieces of lard along with black bread and green onions as an appetizer. Now you know how to dry salt lard with garlic so that it turns out really tasty.

Recipe 2: lard in brine with garlic (step-by-step photos)

A simple and reliable recipe that can be performed even by novice cooks. Usually this cooking method becomes the favorite among most housewives.

  • lard – 1 kg;
  • salt – 200 gr.;
  • water – 1-1.2 l;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • spices - to taste.

First of all, you need to start preparing the brine: add salt to boiling water, stir until dissolved and leave to cool.

Cut the lard into equal pieces of medium size;

Chop a couple of cloves of garlic and grate pieces of lard with them;

Place the preparation inside a three-liter jar and add the remaining cloves of garlic on top;

Pour the previously prepared and cooled brine over the top of the garlic appetizer.

Close the jar with a lid, then cover with a thick cloth and leave to infuse;

You need to wait 4 to 6 days until ready;

The appetizer is ready: you can cut it right away, or you can store it in a cool place.

Recipe 3: how to pickle homemade lard with garlic

Dry salting of lard is the simplest and most common, and also the most delicious, method of preparing lard with your own hands at home for future use. Recipes for salting lard always remain relevant and are passed down from generation to generation, changing slightly in accordance with the realities of the time.

Lard prepared at home by dry salting always turns out tasty and very tender, and it can be made in a jar, in a saucepan, in a deep bowl, or in a bag - the product does not require any special conditions. After salting, lard retains its taste for a long time, and can be stored either in the freezer or refrigerator, or rolled up for the winter in sterile bottles or jars on the shelves of a pantry or basement.

Lard is perfect for preparing simple and nutritious snacks: it can be served cut into slices or strips with homemade borscht, or it can be ground with garlic and fresh herbs, and used as a kind of paste with baked potatoes. It's so delicious you'll just lick your fingers!

It has long been noticed that everything prepared with your own hands with love turns out thousands of times tastier. Without effort and a lot of experience, using the proposed detailed recipe for making salted lard and step-by-step photographs, you will learn how to salt real village lard, the taste of which will not leave anyone indifferent, and the aroma will spread far beyond the kitchen, and no one will be able to sneak to the refrigerator.

  • pork lard - 1.5 kg
  • table salt - 200-300 g
  • garlic - 2-3 pcs
  • dill - to taste
  • Bay leaf
  • ground black pepper

Let's start salting lard at home. First, let's prepare the dishes in which we will salt the lard. This can be an ordinary enamel pan, always without chips, or a stainless steel pan. The container should be deep enough so that the amount of lard occupies no more than 2/3 of its volume. Measure out the amount of salt indicated in the recipe.

Please note that high-quality salting of lard using the dry method can only be achieved by using ordinary coarsely ground kitchen salt, and in no case iodized salt. Wash the pan in warm water and soda, then rinse thoroughly and leave to dry, turning it upside down. We will also rinse and rinse the bottle and the plate that fits easily into the pan - they will act as a weight.

Let's fill a bottle with clean cold water and start preparing the garlic. In order to easily clean it, we’ll resort to a little trick: put the whole heads in a deep bowl and fill with cold water. After fifteen minutes, add salt to the water, divide the heads into cloves, and, using a sharp knife with a short blade, peel the garlic without much effort and the peels sticking to your hands and the knife. Cut the peeled garlic cloves into slices two to three millimeters thick, such as those shown in the photo. Let's prepare the bay leaf: rinse it in running water and dry it, spreading it in one layer on a napkin.

Fresh lard that has not been frozen is suitable for salting. The best option would be a piece of so-called village lard, the skin of which is tarred with straw and easily comes away from it when pulled and is quite thin. Experienced chefs choose lard for pickling based on smell. Choose the thickness of the lard at your discretion, but keep in mind that lard, the thickness of which is about five centimeters, is best suited for dry salting, and it is very good if it has streaks of meat along the top of the piece, and not inside it - such lard It will definitely be softer.

The best pieces for pickling are those taken from the back and back of the carcass. The pieces of fat on a pig's belly are always tougher and have a non-uniform structure - such fat stretches behind the knife when cut. It is not recommended to wash lard before dry salting. The optimal solution in preparing the product for salting is to scrape it with a knife and then wipe it with a clean and dry cotton napkin.

Let's cut a piece of lard into strips, the width of which is equal to the height, such that when subsequently cut, the plates of the finished lard have a shape close to a square - this is not a whim, this is an important condition that facilitates the uniform salting of lard at home with dry salting, and the key to obtaining the best result . After this, we will make cuts across these strips, as shown in the photo. Place a handful of salt on a clean, dry cutting board and then spread it out a little. Roll a piece of lard over the salt and sprinkle a little more into the cuts. You will get blanks as in the photo.

In each cut of the prepared pieces of lard, put one bay leaf and several slices of chopped garlic.

On the bottom of a dry and clean pan we place bay leaf, garlic slices and ground black pepper, as well as chopped dry dill, but the last component is optional.

Place lard on top of the improvised spice bed, pressing the lard strips together as tightly as possible. The best way to lay lard for salting using the dry method is to lay out the pieces on the skin. Be sure to put chopped garlic and bay leaf on top of the tightly laid strips, and then sprinkle generously with ground black pepper and dry dill. We must repeat this operation for each layer until the lard prepared for salting is completely laid.

After laying the final layer of lard, place a plate or a suitable-sized lid on top of it, or, best of all, a wooden blank such as a round cutting board. The load will be a 3-liter jar of water, which has already warmed up a little, so before installation, be sure to wipe off the condensation that appears on the surface of the bottle.

Leave the pan with lard in this position for several days. On the second day, turn all the pieces of lard on their side, on the third - skin side up, on the fourth - on the other side. It is impossible to say specifically how long it takes to salt lard using the dry method (salting) - it all depends on the thickness of the pieces of lard, but on average five days is enough. During the salting process, you will see that the lard will turn pink and the garlic slices will turn light green. This is not an anomaly - this is a normal process, the end of which, that is, the complete readiness of the most delicious home-made dry-salted lard, will be when the pieces acquire a snow-white color.

It is recommended to freeze the finished lard in the freezer, well packed in parchment paper, but be sure to scrape off excess salt before placing it in it. There is an opinion that salt and the freezer are incompatible, and the equipment breaks down faster. Who knows, but it's better not to risk it. Ready lard can be successfully prepared for future use by sealing the pieces, freed from bay leaves and garlic, but with remaining salt, into cooled, clean, sterile jars with a lid for long-term storage. Lard can be consumed immediately after salting; this product is best combined with rye flour bread, generously greased with adjika or freshly prepared homemade mustard.

Recipe 4: homemade lard with garlic and pepper (with photo)

Cooking salted lard in brine is not a labor-intensive process at all. Anyone can prepare such a snack, you just need to be patient. I recommend the recipe for salted lard with garlic and pepper.

  • Pork lard
  • Salt - 500 g
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Garlic - to taste
  • Water - 1 l

How to cook salted lard in brine, with garlic and pepper: cut the lard into small pieces.

Pour salt (250 g) into water at room temperature and stir. Immerse lard in brine.

Sprinkle the remaining salt on top.

Place under pressure and leave for a day at room temperature, then put in the refrigerator for another 3 days.

Salted lard in brine is ready, dry it. Peel the garlic.

Squeeze the garlic through a press.

Coat the lard with garlic on all sides.

Sprinkle with pepper.

Place salted lard with garlic and pepper in a bag or food container, close tightly to prevent air from entering.

Store salted lard with garlic and pepper in the freezer. Cook with pleasure!

Recipe 5: how to deliciously pickle lard with garlic (step by step)

Salted lard with garlic is the most popular product of Ukrainian cuisine, which you can try in any restaurant. But why order it in these establishments, when you can pickle no less tasty lard in your kitchen?! It will turn out so aromatic and tasty that you will have to prepare another portion of this snack product in a few days, since there will not be a single piece left in the refrigerator.

You can and should serve cooked lard with slices of black Borodino bread, with various spicy sauces, such as mustard, mustard beans, beetroot horseradish and even Japanese wasabi. When preparing a dish, remember that fresh garlic shortens the shelf life of the product, so it is added the day before serving the lard, so that it does not start to taste bitter later!

Salted lard is stored in the refrigerator for about 7 days, then it must be moved to the freezer and removed as it is consumed - you will always have an appetizer available with a glass of white vodka for boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, fresh vegetables: radishes, tomatoes, etc. .

Since the recipe presents a classic method of preparing lard, you can add other spices to your taste with garlic: ground black pepper, ground dried paprika, dried rosemary or thyme, chopped bay leaves.

  • Lard 500 g
  • Salt 4 tbsp.
  • Garlic 0.5 pcs

Buy fresh white lard, rinse it in water, scrape off the skin and rinse again. Cut the layer of lard into portions.

Rub each piece of lard with salt on all sides and place in a deep container, for example: a dish or bowl - be sure to choose non-iodized salt. Cover the container with parchment paper and refrigerate for about 3-4 days.

After the specified time, peel half the head of garlic, rinse the cloves in water, and press them into a bowl.

Remove the lard from the container, remove a small layer of salt and rub with chopped garlic on all sides. Place back in the container and leave for 1 day in the cold to infuse with garlic aroma. If you want to get a richer taste of the dish, then at this stage add other spices of your choice to the chopped garlic.

Then cut the layers of lard into small plates and place them on a plate or dish for serving.

Recipe 6: lard with garlic and wild garlic through a meat grinder

Lard with garlic through a meat grinder is one of the most popular lard snacks. In essence, this snack is nothing more than a sandwich paste, putty or pate made from lard, salt, garlic and black pepper. Lard with garlic through a meat grinder, prepared at home, can be an excellent alternative to butter, store-bought sandwich spreads and mayonnaise. This appetizer is especially good with black rye and Borodino bread.

The recipe for lard with garlic through a meat grinder is so simple that literally anyone can repeat it. To prepare lard with garlic, you can use both salted and fresh lard. When using already salted lard, significantly less salt is added to the appetizer than when using fresh lard.

  • Lard - 500 gr.,
  • Garlic - 1-2 heads,
  • Ramson - 20 gr.,
  • Salt - on the tip of a teaspoon,
  • Black pepper - a pinch.

The taste of the finished snack will primarily be influenced by the quality of the lard. Today you can find a lot of different information on the Internet about how to choose the right fresh and tasty lard, so I won’t focus on this point. To prepare this appetizer, you need to select soft lard without a meat layer (this kind of lard is best used for making bacon). If there are areas of meat on top of a piece of lard, they need to be cut off.

Cut off the skin of the lard with a sharp knife. To make it more convenient to grind it in a meat grinder, cut it into small pieces.

Prepare the garlic by peeling the garlic cloves.

In addition to garlic, you can also include wild garlic in the snack. It will add an additional garlic aroma to the lard, and will also color the finished appetizer in a beautiful light green color.

Fold the wild garlic into a bunch, cut lengthwise into strips.

Pass the prepared lard, garlic and wild garlic through a meat grinder.

Add salt and black pepper to the resulting snack ingredients.

Mix all the products in a bowl with a spoon or fork until the mixture is homogeneous in color and structure. As you can see in the photo, the mass of lard turned out to be a beautiful green color. Our appetizer is ready.

Transfer the lard and garlic through a meat grinder into a sterilized jar. It is also advisable to steam the lid. Salt, garlic and black pepper are natural preservatives, so the snack can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time - up to about three weeks, but in any case, it is always better to make it fresh rather than store it for a long time.

In addition, you can arrange it in the form of a sausage. To do this, place the snack on cling film in the form of a “log”. Wrap tightly with cling film. Tie the ends with thread or a knot. Place in the freezer. After about 2-3 hours, the lard will freeze, and the appetizer can be beautifully spread on bread.

Enjoy your meal. I will be glad if you liked this recipe for lard with garlic through a meat grinder and find it useful.

Recipe 7: Pork lard appetizer with garlic and spices

Almost everyone loves lard, and it doesn’t really matter what it is - smoked, salted or fried until crispy, or a lard snack. However, the most popular recipe is lard with garlic through a meat grinder. Tender and aromatic, it serves as an excellent spread on bread and is the best addition to a hot first course.

When choosing lard for such a snack, first of all you need to pay attention to its quality, and not be guided only by price. It should be fresh, soft and, most importantly, odorless. The lard skin should be as thin and soft as possible, that is, easily pierced with a knife. The piece itself must be chosen to be small in size; in this case, the likelihood that the pig from which this lard was obtained will not be very old is much higher.

  • raw lard – about 500 grams;
  • coarse salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • black pepper – 7-8 peas;
  • garlic – 4-5 cloves.

Rinse the lard in cool water and dry thoroughly, then use a sharp knife to separate it from the skin and cut into medium-sized pieces. If the skin is soft and carefully cleaned, then you don’t have to separate it, but then the snack will not be as uniform and melting in your mouth as you would like.

Place lard with garlic and spices in a jar with a tight-fitting lid and place in the refrigerator. After just an hour you can spread it on bread, preferably black, and eat it with pleasure.