Sergey Roshchin - Harry Potter and the Harsh Reality (SI).


Plot: A particle of Walter Mayer from the work "Symbiont" ends up in the world of Harry Potter. The third part of the series. Finished. Important from the author: There will be no harem.

Chapter 1. Old enemy.

Sometimes they come back again and again.

One of the most commonly used techniques in various types horror films.

Suspicious black puddle. Place and time unknown.

How much time has passed? Hour? Millennium? In the abyss between the worlds it is difficult to follow the movement of the clock hands... and there is no clock either. Well, Walter, what a bastard, I needed backups, and now I suffer and worry, how are they doing? What a bastard! My silent indignation was interrupted by a powerful flow of information that appeared in my body in an unknown way, so what? Well, wow, I envy him, not only was his memory partially blocked in the first place, which means this asshole didn’t have any problems with torment, but he also ended up in such a world! What a lucky guy, I want it too, besides, in reality the fakes are even more beautiful... So, okay, did Sephiroth drag anything useful in? So, so, the basics of magic, a good library, Fire, Darkness, Life, Death... hmm... Rearmament and Absorption, a harsh set, plus information about initiation, but this requires dragon blood... not bad, but it is still unknown where I will end up , I hope at least this time there will be no need for these damn stairs!

A little while later.

Lord, why? Am I asking that much? But why? Why everyone new world greets me with stairs? True, this time it’s at least clean, will I really be lucky next time and I’ll at least get onto the ramp? Hmm... apparently, I ended up in some kind of house, and it was clearly residential. And where there is a residential building, there must be its inhabitants. Hmm, what's that there? Some fat guy stared at me, his eyes bulging... brrr, what a mess, on the one hand there is a lot of material, it’s convenient to redo it, but on the other... it’s painfully disgusting. Meanwhile, the fat guy was clearly yelling at someone (or someone), it’s good that in the “puddle mode” I don’t perceive the sound, I think his voice is no different in beauty. After some (not too long) time, a boy approached the fat guy, rather thin and nondescript, in weathered “ better days” jeans and an oversized T-shirt. On the boy’s feet there were slightly torn sneakers, in general, classic look an ordinary village boy or schoolboy on vacation, again, in a village. Judging by the guy’s age, he’s really a schoolboy, about 12, maybe 13. While I was coming to my senses after the transfer, the guy rushed upstairs, after which he came down with a flask in his hands, and even wearing gloves, apparently leather... really, leather it was kind of strange... They carefully scraped me off with a spatula and stuffed me into a flask (although, rather a bottle, feel like a genie, damn it). Along the way, I took some material from the gloves for analysis... so, obviously some kind of lizard, judging by the size and thickness of the product - very large and massive, a monitor lizard? Hmm, no, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it, okay, there’s not enough data yet...

The boy carried me to a room on the second floor, where he safely threw me onto the table, and he lay down on the bed, it was in vain that he did so, very in vain. It was not difficult to get out of the bottle and get to the potential carrier - levitation, extracted from Marvel, worked quite well, of course, using a child for your own purposes is not the best idea, both from a moral, ethical and practical point of view, here are just a couple of details in makes this guy choose him... well, that means someone is unlucky today. Fly and gain a foothold, and then begin the Merger. Well, hello, Harold James Potter, it means I was right after all - the world of Potter, well, it could have been worse, I could have been brought into a completely ordinary world, from where you couldn’t steal anything useful, and here spatial magic is interesting and Time is the local magician if they haven’t conquered, then they’ve definitely “tested their teeth”, but about the lich-Voldi with seven phylakretia, one of which is a LIVING person, I’m generally silent, if real liches are like those described in most works of modern science fiction writers, then in one Any lich will give me his own Heels for this recipe, and he’ll even say thank you! (Hils is a necromantic mega-staff, intelligent, capable of casting spells on its own, often not inferior in power to the creator magician, or even superior to him, capable of self-improvement, distinguished by a VERY lousy character *author's note).

I haven’t decided what to do with Potter yet, there were a couple of options, but first it was worth understanding who he really is - knowledge of the canon is knowledge, but the world can present its own surprises, but the piece from Voldie was definitely much more dangerous, If it had been complete, it’s not at all a fact that I would have been able to cope, but so... while I have not yet gained a foothold in the body and am not a human...

Absorption Magic. Devouring the essence,” Harry Potter’s lips whispered quietly and one of the fragments of Tom Riddle ceased to exist, and I felt a light breeze of magic flowing into me... somehow not enough for the most powerful dark second half of the twentieth century. But there was no information flow at all, except perhaps serpentergo (aka parselang or just snake language), however, this is also quite good. Well, the immediate threat has been eliminated, now you can begin to settle into your body, and at the same time see what has actually already happened and what has not yet happened. So, let's get started, but first let's set some parameters to improve the carcass... damn, he's so skinny, but he eats normally, are there worms or something? Hmm, no, no... okay, it doesn’t matter, as long as we just correct the vision and give regeneration, the body may not be able to withstand any more, you had to eat more, Mr. Potter.

Although the thought flashed through my mind to cling to someone else and calmly study, gain knowledge... but, I have to admit, the adrenaline addiction caused by Simba requires being in the center of events, and I don’t really want to artificially suppress it, so why not? Now, as for the memory... everything was very interesting here, firstly, not a week ago the valiant Gryffindor managed, thanks to his love of humanity, to fall in love with the opportunity to justify his godfather, that’s why he was so sad, uh-huh, that means I managed to fly into the end third year, so, I’ll figure it out, but what happened before that? And before that there was a pure canon - the dangerous repeat offender Harry, nicknamed Potter, committed outrages as best he could - he mocked the dementors, not allowing them to devour their prey, he generally slaughtered a basilisk with a goblin sharpener, like a real horseman (to name this ceremonial sword with a wild amount precious stones I can’t stand the proud name “sword” on it, well at least goblins are stern people, so even their ceremonial blades are quite good weapons... by the standards of the human Middle Ages, at least judging by Potter’s recollections), the stuttering professor in general fried in an unknown way, and even stuffed the troll's face. Heh, that’s a good list, many people haven’t hit as many in their entire lives as he did in three years, and then it will be even more interesting... I’ll take care of it. So, friends and comrades... hmm, to be honest, I really didn’t like the entire social circle of the chosen one - if in the first year Red was, in principle, a good guy, honest, brave (no fools, to play the gambit by yourself - you really need to have iron eggs, even if an 11-year-old child does not fully understand that he is mortal and can die, but a clear example in the form of a pile of broken rubble from defeated figures can lead to thoughts) and the faithful, then the further, the more envy of chosen, he began to go to extremes, rush at his comrades, in general, behaved conflictingly and defiantly. Alas, I think in the future he will do more harm than good... and such people are annoying. The second person was Hermione Granger - alas, the girl had no resemblance to the actress Emma Watson... hell, have you even seen the English? An island state, isolation... specific traditions... as a result, attractive (in the opinion of a sophisticated Slavic person, accustomed to the abundance beautiful girls) face and figure are the exception rather than the rule. In other words... Potter's memory terrified me... in all of Hoga I couldn't remember a SINGLE PRETTY GIRL!!! (Chang and Patil don’t count, besides, alas, they didn’t meet my aesthetic requirements... although there are options regarding Chang, Greengrass and a couple of other girls are rather the exception that proves the rule and... that’s it, no one else at all) Ahhh, take it Take me from here to Durmstrang, or better yet to Beauxbatons, as that king said? I'll leave you, to hell, to the devil, to a monastery! And then he quietly added... female. Hmm, okay, stop panicking. As for Granger - classic version a person who needs everything more than anyone else, such people make good auditors and tax inspectors (that’s terrible), fortunately, their gallantry is approximately at the same level. It was this modest, quiet girl who encouraged the boys to first find out what Fluffy was guarding there, then dragged them into an adventure with a visit to the Slytherin common room, and in the third year she pestered Potter so much with advice that he no longer knew where to go from her, although he didn’t He especially advertised this, by the way, for completely selfish reasons - there was simply no one else to copy homework from - the rest either did not share or did not shine with knowledge... hmm. Well now, drum roll please, main question of all times and peoples... Dambigad or not Dambigad?

Harry Potter and Harsh Reality

Cedric's cry from the heart:

I fought back as best I could! I broke three Shafts on Rakot’s forehead, but the disease did not subside! We are losing him! Brothers... Remember me as a hero!

There will be no harem. THERE WILL BE NO HAREM! At all! And no, we won’t think about it! And we DO NOT NEED pictures of beautiful girls in Hogwarts uniforms!

Chapter 1. Old enemy

Sometimes they come back again and again.

One of the most frequently used techniques in various types of horror films.

Suspicious black puddle. Place and time unknown.

How much time has passed? Hour? Millennium? In the abyss between the worlds it is difficult to follow the movement of the clock hands... and there is no clock either. Well, Walter, what a bastard, I needed backups, and now I suffer and worry, how are they doing? What a bastard! My silent indignation was interrupted by a powerful flow of information that appeared in my body in an unknown way, so what? Well, wow, I envy him, not only was his memory partially blocked in the first place, which means this asshole didn’t have any problems with torment, but he also ended up in such a world! What a lucky guy, I want it too, besides, in reality the fakes are even more beautiful... So, okay, did Sephiroth drag anything useful in? Well, well, the basics of magic, a good library, Fire, Darkness, Life, Death... hmm... Rearmament and Absorption, a harsh set, plus information about initiation, but this requires dragon blood... not bad, but it is still unknown where I will end up , I hope at least this time there will be no need for these damn stairs!

A little while later.

Lord, why? Am I asking that much? But why? Why does every new world greet me with stairs? True, this time it’s at least clean, will I really be lucky next time and I’ll at least get onto the ramp? Hmm... apparently, I ended up in some kind of house, and it was clearly residential. And where there is a residential building, there must be its inhabitants. Hmm, what's that there? Some fat guy stared at me, his eyes bulging... brrr, what a mess, on the one hand there is a lot of material, it’s convenient to redo, but on the other... it’s painfully disgusting. Meanwhile, the fat guy was clearly yelling at someone (or someone), it’s good that in the “puddle mode” I don’t perceive the sound, I think his voice is no different in beauty. After some (not too long) time, a boy approached the fat guy, rather thin and nondescript, wearing jeans that had seen “better days” and an oversized T-shirt. On the boy’s feet there were slightly tattered sneakers, in general, the classic look of an ordinary village boy or a schoolboy on vacation, again, in the village. Judging by the guy’s age, he’s really a schoolboy, about 12, maybe 13. While I was coming to my senses after the transfer, the guy rushed upstairs, after which he came down with a flask in his hands, and even wearing gloves, apparently leather... really, leather it was kind of strange... They carefully scraped me off with a spatula and stuffed me into a flask (although, rather a bottle, you’ll feel like a genie, damn it). Along the way, I took some material from the gloves for analysis... so, obviously some kind of lizard, judging by the size and thickness of the product - a very large and massive monitor lizard? Hmm, no, I don’t think there’s something wrong with it, okay, there’s not enough data yet...

The boy carried me to a room on the second floor, where he safely threw me onto the table, and he lay down on the bed, it was in vain that he did so, very in vain. It was not difficult to get out of the bottle and get to the potential carrier - levitation, extracted from Marvel, worked quite well, of course, using a child for your own purposes is not the best idea, both from a moral, ethical and practical point of view, here are just a couple of details in makes this guy choose him... well, that means someone is unlucky today. Fly and gain a foothold, and then begin the Merger. Well, hello, Harold James Potter, it means I was right after all - the world of Potter, well, it could have been worse, I could have been brought into a completely ordinary world, from where you couldn’t steal anything useful, and here spatial magic is interesting and Time is the local magician if they haven’t conquered, then they’ve definitely “tested their teeth”, but about the lich-Voldi with seven phylakretia, one of which is a LIVING person, I’m generally silent, if real liches are like those described in most works of modern science fiction writers, then in one Any lich will give me his own Heels for this recipe, and he’ll even say thank you! (Hils is a necromantic mega-staff, intelligent, capable of casting spells on its own, often not inferior in power to the creator magician, or even superior to him, capable of self-improvement, distinguished by a VERY lousy character *author's note).

I haven’t decided what to do with Potter yet, there were a couple of options, but first it was worth understanding who he really is - knowledge of the canon is knowledge, but the world can present its own surprises, but the piece from Voldie was definitely much more dangerous, If it had been complete, it’s not at all a fact that I would have been able to cope, but so... while I have not yet gained a foothold in the body and am not a human...

Absorption Magic. Devouring the essence,” Harry Potter’s lips whispered quietly and one of the fragments of Tom Riddle ceased to exist, and I felt a light breeze of magic flowing into me... somehow not enough for the most powerful dark magician of the second half of the twentieth century. But there was no information flow at all, except perhaps serpentergo (aka parselang or just snake language), however, this is also quite good. Well, the immediate threat has been eliminated, now you can begin to settle into your body, and at the same time see what has actually already happened and what has not yet happened. So, let's get started, but first let's set some parameters to improve the carcass... damn, he's so skinny, but he eats normally, are there worms or something? Hmm, no, no... okay, it doesn’t matter, as long as we just correct the vision and give regeneration, the body may not be able to withstand any more, you had to eat more, Mr. Potter.

Although the thought flashed through my mind to cling to someone else and calmly study, gain knowledge... but, I have to admit, the adrenaline addiction caused by Simba requires being in the center of events, and I don’t really want to artificially suppress it, so why not? Now, as for the memory... everything was very interesting here, firstly, not a week ago the valiant Gryffindor managed, thanks to his love of humanity, to fall in love with the opportunity to justify his godfather, that’s why he was so sad, uh-huh, that means I managed to fly into the end third year, so, I’ll figure it out, but what happened before that? And before that there was a pure canon - the dangerous repeat offender Harry, nicknamed Potter, committed outrages as best he could - he mocked the dementors, not allowing them to devour their prey, he even slaughtered a basilisk with a goblin sharpener, like a real horseman (to call this ceremonial sword with a wild number of precious stones on it proud the name “sword” doesn’t turn my tongue, well at least goblins are stern people, so even their ceremonial blades are quite good weapons... by the standards of the human Middle Ages, at least judging by Potter’s memories), the stuttering professor was generally fried in an unknown way , and even punched a troll in the face. Heh, that’s a good list, many people haven’t hit as many in their entire lives as he did in three years, and then it will be even more interesting... I’ll take care of it. So, friends and comrades... hmm, to be honest, I really didn’t like the entire social circle of the chosen one - if in the first year Red was, in principle, a good guy, honest, brave (no fools, to play the gambit by yourself - you really need to have iron eggs, even if an 11-year-old child does not fully understand that he is mortal and can die, but a clear example in the form of a pile of broken rubble from defeated figures can lead to thoughts) and the faithful, then the further, the more envy of chosen, he began to go to extremes, rush at his comrades, in general, behaved conflictingly and defiantly. Alas, I think in the future he will do more harm than good... and such people are annoying. The second person was Hermione Granger - alas, the girl had no resemblance to the actress Emma Watson... hell, have you even seen the English? An island state, isolation... specific traditions... as a result, a pretty (in the opinion of a sophisticated Slavic person, accustomed to an abundance of beautiful girls) face and figure are the exception rather than the rule. In other words... Potter's memory terrified me... I couldn't remember a SINGLE PRETTY GIRL in all of Hoga! !! (Chang and Patil don’t count, besides, alas, they didn’t meet my aesthetic requirements... although there are options regarding Chang, Greengrass and a couple of other girls are rather the exception that proves the rule and... that’s it, no one else at all) Ahhh, take it Take me from here to Durmstrang, or better yet to Beauxbatons, as that king said? I'll leave you, to hell, to the devil, to a monastery! And then he quietly added... female. Hmm, okay, stop panicking. As for Granger, she’s a classic version of a person who needs everything more than anyone else, they make good auditors and tax inspectors (that’s a horror), fortunately, their gallantry is approximately at the same level. It was this modest, quiet girl who encouraged the boys to first find out what Fluffy was guarding there, then dragged them into an adventure with a visit to the Slytherin common room, and in the third year she pestered Potter so much with advice that he no longer knew where to go from her, although he didn’t He especially advertised this, by the way, for completely selfish reasons - there was simply no one else to copy homework from - the rest either did not share or did not shine with knowledge... hmm. Well, now, drum roll, and also, the main question of all times... Dumbigad or not Dambigad?

Harry Potter and Harsh Reality

Cedric's cry from the heart:

I fought back as best I could! I broke three Shafts on Rakot’s forehead, but the disease did not subside! We are losing him! Brothers... Remember me as a hero!

There will be no harem. THERE WILL BE NO HAREM! At all! And no, we won’t think about it! And we DO NOT NEED pictures of beautiful girls in Hogwarts uniforms!

Chapter 1. Old enemy

Sometimes they come back again and again.

One of the most frequently used techniques in various types of horror films.

Suspicious black puddle. Place and time unknown.

How much time has passed? Hour? Millennium? In the abyss between the worlds it is difficult to follow the movement of the clock hands... and there is no clock either. Well, Walter, what a bastard, I needed backups, and now I suffer and worry, how are they doing? What a bastard! My silent indignation was interrupted by a powerful flow of information that appeared in my body in an unknown way, so what? Well, wow, I envy him, not only was his memory partially blocked in the first place, which means this asshole didn’t have any problems with torment, but he also ended up in such a world! What a lucky guy, I want it too, besides, in reality the fakes are even more beautiful... So, okay, did Sephiroth drag anything useful in? Well, well, the basics of magic, a good library, Fire, Darkness, Life, Death... hmm... Rearmament and Absorption, a harsh set, plus information about initiation, but this requires dragon blood... not bad, but it is still unknown where I will end up , I hope at least this time there will be no need for these damn stairs!

A little while later.

Lord, why? Am I asking that much? But why? Why does every new world greet me with stairs? True, this time it’s at least clean, will I really be lucky next time and I’ll at least get onto the ramp? Hmm... apparently, I ended up in some kind of house, and it was clearly residential. And where there is a residential building, there must be its inhabitants. Hmm, what's that there? Some fat guy stared at me, his eyes bulging... brrr, what a mess, on the one hand there is a lot of material, it’s convenient to redo, but on the other... it’s painfully disgusting. Meanwhile, the fat guy was clearly yelling at someone (or someone), it’s good that in the “puddle mode” I don’t perceive the sound, I think his voice is no different in beauty. After some (not too long) time, a boy approached the fat guy, rather thin and nondescript, wearing jeans that had seen “better days” and an oversized T-shirt. On the boy’s feet there were slightly tattered sneakers, in general, the classic look of an ordinary village boy or a schoolboy on vacation, again, in the village. Judging by the guy’s age, he’s really a schoolboy, about 12, maybe 13. While I was coming to my senses after the transfer, the guy rushed upstairs, after which he came down with a flask in his hands, and even wearing gloves, apparently leather... really, leather it was kind of strange... They carefully scraped me off with a spatula and stuffed me into a flask (although, rather a bottle, you’ll feel like a genie, damn it). Along the way, I took some material from the gloves for analysis... so, obviously some kind of lizard, judging by the size and thickness of the product - a very large and massive monitor lizard? Hmm, no, I don’t think there’s something wrong with it, okay, there’s not enough data yet...

The boy carried me to a room on the second floor, where he safely threw me onto the table, and he lay down on the bed, it was in vain that he did so, very in vain. It was not difficult to get out of the bottle and get to the potential carrier - levitation, extracted from Marvel, worked quite well, of course, using a child for your own purposes is not the best idea, both from a moral, ethical and practical point of view, here are just a couple of details in makes this guy choose him... well, that means someone is unlucky today. Fly and gain a foothold, and then begin the Merger. Well, hello, Harold James Potter, it means I was right after all - the world of Potter, well, it could have been worse, I could have been brought into a completely ordinary world, from where you couldn’t steal anything useful, and here spatial magic is interesting and Time is the local magician if they haven’t conquered, then they’ve definitely “tested their teeth”, but about the lich-Voldi with seven phylakretia, one of which is a LIVING person, I’m generally silent, if real liches are like those described in most works of modern science fiction writers, then in one Any lich will give me his own Heels for this recipe, and he’ll even say thank you! (Hils is a necromantic mega-staff, intelligent, capable of casting spells on its own, often not inferior in power to the creator magician, or even superior to him, capable of self-improvement, distinguished by a VERY lousy character *author's note).

I haven’t decided what to do with Potter yet, there were a couple of options, but first it was worth understanding who he really is - knowledge of the canon is knowledge, but the world can present its own surprises, but the piece from Voldie was definitely much more dangerous, If it had been complete, it’s not at all a fact that I would have been able to cope, but so... while I have not yet gained a foothold in the body and am not a human...

Absorption Magic. Devouring the essence,” Harry Potter’s lips whispered quietly and one of the fragments of Tom Riddle ceased to exist, and I felt a light breeze of magic flowing into me... somehow not enough for the most powerful dark magician of the second half of the twentieth century. But there was no information flow at all, except perhaps serpentergo (aka parselang or just snake language), however, this is also quite good. Well, the immediate threat has been eliminated, now you can begin to settle into your body, and at the same time see what has actually already happened and what has not yet happened. So, let's get started, but first let's set some parameters to improve the carcass... damn, he's so skinny, but he eats normally, are there worms or something? Hmm, no, no... okay, it doesn’t matter, as long as we just correct the vision and give regeneration, the body may not be able to withstand any more, you had to eat more, Mr. Potter.

Although the thought flashed through my mind to cling to someone else and calmly study, gain knowledge... but, I have to admit, the adrenaline addiction caused by Simba requires being in the center of events, and I don’t really want to artificially suppress it, so why not? Now, as for the memory... everything was very interesting here, firstly, not a week ago the valiant Gryffindor managed, thanks to his love of humanity, to fall in love with the opportunity to justify his godfather, that’s why he was so sad, uh-huh, that means I managed to fly into the end third year, so, I’ll figure it out, but what happened before that? And before that there was a pure canon - the dangerous repeat offender Harry, nicknamed Potter, committed outrages as best he could - he mocked the dementors, not allowing them to devour their prey, he even slaughtered a basilisk with a goblin sharpener, like a real horseman (to call this ceremonial sword with a wild number of precious stones on it proud the name “sword” doesn’t turn my tongue, well at least goblins are stern people, so even their ceremonial blades are quite good weapons... by the standards of the human Middle Ages, at least judging by Potter’s memories), the stuttering professor was generally fried in an unknown way , and even punched a troll in the face. Heh, that’s a good list, many people haven’t hit as many in their entire lives as he did in three years, and then it will be even more interesting... I’ll take care of it. So, friends and comrades... hmm, to be honest, I really didn’t like the entire social circle of the chosen one - if in the first year Red was, in principle, a good guy, honest, brave (no fools, to play the gambit by yourself - you really need to have iron eggs, even if an 11-year-old child does not fully understand that he is mortal and can die, but a clear example in the form of a pile of broken rubble from defeated figures can lead to thoughts) and the faithful, then the further, the more envy of chosen, he began to go to extremes, rush at his comrades, in general, behaved conflictingly and defiantly. Alas, I think in the future he will do more harm than good... and such people are annoying. The second person was Hermione Granger - alas, the girl had no resemblance to the actress Emma Watson... hell, have you even seen the English? An island state, isolation... specific traditions... as a result, a pretty (in the opinion of a sophisticated Slavic person, accustomed to an abundance of beautiful girls) face and figure are the exception rather than the rule. In other words... Potter's memory terrified me... I couldn't remember a SINGLE PRETTY GIRL in all of Hoga! !! (Chang and Patil don’t count, besides, alas, they didn’t meet my aesthetic requirements... although there are options regarding Chang, Greengrass and a couple of other girls are rather the exception that proves the rule and... that’s it, no one else at all) Ahhh, take it Take me from here to Durmstrang, or better yet to Beauxbatons, as that king said? I'll leave you, to hell, to the devil, to a monastery! And then he quietly added... female. Hmm, okay, stop panicking. As for Granger, she’s a classic version of a person who needs everything more than anyone else, they make good auditors and tax inspectors (that’s a horror), fortunately, their gallantry is approximately at the same level. It was this modest, quiet girl who encouraged the boys to first find out what Fluffy was guarding there, then dragged them into an adventure with a visit to the Slytherin common room, and in the third year she pestered Potter so much with advice that he no longer knew where to go from her, although he didn’t He especially advertised this, by the way, for completely selfish reasons - there was simply no one else to copy homework from - the rest either did not share or did not shine with knowledge... hmm. Well, now, drum roll, and also, the main question of all times... Dumbigad or not Dambigad?

Harry Potter and Harsh Reality

Cedric's cry from the heart:

I fought back as best I could! I broke three Shafts on Rakot’s forehead, but the disease did not subside! We are losing him! Brothers... Remember me as a hero!

There will be no harem. THERE WILL BE NO HAREM! At all! And no, we won’t think about it! And we DO NOT NEED pictures of beautiful girls in Hogwarts uniforms!

Chapter 1. Old enemy

Sometimes they come back again and again.

One of the most frequently used techniques in various types of horror films.

Suspicious black puddle. Place and time unknown.

How much time has passed? Hour? Millennium? In the abyss between the worlds it is difficult to follow the movement of the clock hands... and there is no clock either. Well, Walter, what a bastard, I needed backups, and now I suffer and worry, how are they doing? What a bastard! My silent indignation was interrupted by a powerful flow of information that appeared in my body in an unknown way, so what? Well, wow, I envy him, not only was his memory partially blocked in the first place, which means this asshole didn’t have any problems with torment, but he also ended up in such a world! What a lucky guy, I want it too, besides, in reality the fakes are even more beautiful... So, okay, did Sephiroth drag anything useful in? Well, well, the basics of magic, a good library, Fire, Darkness, Life, Death... hmm... Rearmament and Absorption, a harsh set, plus information about initiation, but this requires dragon blood... not bad, but it is still unknown where I will end up , I hope at least this time there will be no need for these damn stairs!

A little while later.

Lord, why? Am I asking that much? But why? Why does every new world greet me with stairs? True, this time it’s at least clean, will I really be lucky next time and I’ll at least get onto the ramp? Hmm... apparently, I ended up in some kind of house, and it was clearly residential. And where there is a residential building, there must be its inhabitants. Hmm, what's that there? Some fat guy stared at me, his eyes bulging... brrr, what a mess, on the one hand there is a lot of material, it’s convenient to redo, but on the other... it’s painfully disgusting. Meanwhile, the fat guy was clearly yelling at someone (or someone), it’s good that in the “puddle mode” I don’t perceive the sound, I think his voice is no different in beauty. After some (not too long) time, a boy approached the fat guy, rather thin and nondescript, wearing jeans that had seen “better days” and an oversized T-shirt. On the boy’s feet there were slightly tattered sneakers, in general, the classic look of an ordinary village boy or a schoolboy on vacation, again, in the village. Judging by the guy’s age, he’s really a schoolboy, about 12, maybe 13. While I was coming to my senses after the transfer, the guy rushed upstairs, after which he came down with a flask in his hands, and even wearing gloves, apparently leather... really, leather it was kind of strange... They carefully scraped me off with a spatula and stuffed me into a flask (although, rather a bottle, you’ll feel like a genie, damn it). Along the way, I took some material from the gloves for analysis... so, obviously some kind of lizard, judging by the size and thickness of the product - a very large and massive monitor lizard? Hmm, no, I don’t think there’s something wrong with it, okay, there’s not enough data yet...

The boy carried me to a room on the second floor, where he safely threw me onto the table, and he lay down on the bed, it was in vain that he did so, very in vain. It was not difficult to get out of the bottle and get to the potential carrier - levitation, extracted from Marvel, worked quite well, of course, using a child for your own purposes is not the best idea, both from a moral, ethical and practical point of view, here are just a couple of details in makes this guy choose him... well, that means someone is unlucky today. Fly and gain a foothold, and then begin the Merger. Well, hello, Harold James Potter, it means I was right after all - the world of Potter, well, it could have been worse, I could have been brought into a completely ordinary world, from where you couldn’t steal anything useful, and here spatial magic is interesting and Time is the local magician if they haven’t conquered, then they’ve definitely “tested their teeth”, but about the lich-Voldi with seven phylakretia, one of which is a LIVING person, I’m generally silent, if real liches are like those described in most works of modern science fiction writers, then in one Any lich will give me his own Heels for this recipe, and he’ll even say thank you! (Hils is a necromantic mega-staff, intelligent, capable of casting spells on its own, often not inferior in power to the creator magician, or even superior to him, capable of self-improvement, distinguished by a VERY lousy character *author's note).