Business etiquette in America. American etiquette - simple truths

1. The modern American, what he really is………………….…..3
2. National characteristics of relationships with Americans…………………………………………………… ………..…………..4
2.1Business etiquette in America……………………………………………………………..4
2.2 Americans in business negotiations……………………………………………………...6
3. Recommendations for communicating with country representatives…….…….…7
3.1 Classification of culture according to R. Lewis and E. Hofstede…………….……7
3.2 How to behave with Americans……………………………………………………11
Conclusion………………………………………………………………… …………………...15

At the turn of the second and third millennia, it becomes more obvious that humanity is developing along the path of expanding interdependence of different countries, peoples and their cultures.
Cultural diversity is not something that will disappear tomorrow, giving us the opportunity to make plans on the assumption that we understand each other. This phenomenon itself holds riches, the study of which can bring immeasurable benefits not only by broadening our horizons, but also by increasing the effectiveness of our business strategies. People of different cultures use the same basic concepts, but put different meanings into them. This determines the characteristics of their behavior, which often seems to us irrational and the opposite of what we consider obvious. The behavior of other peoples has its reasons. It has its own characteristic features, patterns and traditions.
Attention to the cultural roots and national characteristics of other people, both in society and in business, will allow us to anticipate and accurately calculate how they will react to our proposals. Moreover, we will be able to predict their attitude towards us to a certain extent. Practical knowledge of the basic features of other cultures will minimize unpleasant surprises and give us the necessary understanding that will allow us to overcome past difficulties in communicating with representatives of other countries.

    1. The modern American, what he really is.
The United States as a state entity has been assessed differently in different historical periods - sometimes with sympathy, sometimes with indignation, sometimes with admiration, sometimes with fear - but the character of the inhabitants of this country caused unequivocal rejection. Excessive efficiency, greed, selfishness, combined with ignorance, rudeness, lack of spirituality and lack of good manners - such traits have been attributed to Americans from time immemorial.
In general, Americans are mere children: loud-mouthed, curious, they don’t know how to keep secrets, they are not distinguished by sophistication, and they behave indecently in society.
An outsider can easily become stupefied by the mere American loud friendliness, especially in the central and southern states. As soon as you find yourself on a plane in the seat next to an American, he will immediately start addressing you in a familiar manner, asking, “Well, how do you like the United States?” This does not mean at all that the next day he will be able to remember your name. American friendliness is a kind of physiological need. They love to love their neighbor and love to be loved. However, the traveler wisely quickly understands that a few happy minutes in the company of an American do not oblige him to anything at all. Americans are terribly afraid that they will be obliged to do something. This is a nation for which the most stable form of human relationships is superficial acquaintance.
The scale and scope are characteristic of Americans. Everything should be the best for them. Their feelings, speech, emotions - everything is a little exaggerated. Thus, the comprehensive cries of American tourists have been getting on the nerves of the population of different countries of the world for many years. At the same time, they need to be shown only “the most” - the oldest church, the largest painting, the loudest bell, the most expensive palace.
Optimism is an integral part of the American lifestyle. Whatever happens in your life, everything is fine, otherwise it could not be. “Don’t worry, be happy!” They persuade the average American from the TV screen. The famous American form of greeting sounds like a password and feedback: “How are you?”, the answer must certainly be: “Everything is fine!” and nothing else. Simplicity and naivety distinguish the inhabitants of the United States. They are characterized by a childish perception of the world, in which there is only black and white, good and evil, truth and lies, and no halftones, and American values ​​are always true.
The naivety of the Americans is especially noticeable when they encounter the Russians. They so sincerely believe in the infallibility and correctness of their system that they are not able to sense the untruth, even with all their commercial acumen. A serious elderly businessman with tears in his eyes talked about a poor artist from Russia who, having arrived in America, converted to a new faith because, upon entering their church, “he felt some kind of burning in his chest, as if a flame had burst out there.” . The fact that this transition also meant a residence permit, financial assistance and even a roof over his head was in no way associated with the moment of “enlightenment” for the businessman.

2. National characteristics of relationships with Americans
National business culture primarily includes the norms and traditions of business ethics, standards and rules of business etiquette and protocol.
2.1.Business etiquette in America
The style of interaction in the US business world is characterized by pragmatism, disregard for tradition, brevity and the strength of the word given by the partner. Individuality and individual rights are important to Americans. In any crisis situation, it is important for an American to look healthy, energetic and confident. Americans do not hide their passion for money. They will certainly tell you what it costs and how much they receive per year. This figure is usually exaggerated somewhat.
Work for an American should be interesting, enjoyable and not burdensome. Attitudes to work on the East and West coasts are fundamentally different. In California, Americans try to look like they are not working at all, but in the east it is customary to show that you are working hard.
Americans are accustomed to taking every phrase literally. Irony, hidden meaning or linguistic subtleties will confuse them. They have difficulty understanding subtle hints. So don't overload your interlocutor. Americans themselves always say what they think, even when it is best to remain silent.
The business etiquette of American marketing, advertising or PR colleagues is based on professionalism and respect. If Americans arrange a business meeting, then it is certainly aimed at solving problems, and not at friendly conversations. You should ensure that information about your firm and the necessary documentation is distributed before negotiations begin to avoid wasting time.
Americans prefer to have reliable information about those with whom they come into contact (in particular, they insist on providing information about the participants in the negotiations: who works, where and by whom), information about education, published works, inventions, academic degrees, etc.
In the US, you will find that any business meeting is quite intense, has a specific purpose and rarely lasts longer than an hour. Americans immediately jump into action and open discussion to try to find common interests and develop a strategy for cooperation.
In order to successfully negotiate with US partners and leave the most favorable impression, you need to understand that American business is not “family friendly”. Americans themselves usually do not hire family members or friends into their firms and do not enter into business relationships with them. The main thing that interests Americans is fair deals or mutually beneficial relationships - as they themselves call them. Trust in the States is not based on friendship or connections, but is built through fair play, sound business practices and good will. It must be remembered that there are no special terms of transactions or trade secrets for Americans. Any hints may cause distrust of partners.
The law is doubly harsh if you are in America. Even the smallest illegal business transaction often results in lawsuits, huge fines and even imprisonment.
No one is more afraid of people with a bad reputation than Americans. Only on the screens do we see the cool showdowns between American businessmen. In reality, pressure tactics had virtually no place in American business in the 1990s and early part of the new century. Your reputation will be built on open transactions with all partners.
First of all, you need to gain the trust of the Americans. To do this, you need to prove that your company is strong and stable both financially and professionally. In addition, it is important to show that in business - your company is interested not only in money, but also in social responsibility (caring for workers, for society), which is now considered the main requirement for business in America. After all, socially irresponsible activities can even land you in the dock. Therefore, American companies employ low-income people, participate in city improvement projects, lobby the city government to improve the living conditions of the city’s low-income population, etc.
The peculiarities of the behavior of business Americans are determined by national character traits, the education system and ideas about the dominant position of the United States in the world. The American education system is designed in such a way as to develop in citizens a sense of independence, independence, the ability to compete and win everywhere and in everything. Success is often measured by the amount of money earned.
The life of an American is a schedule that is drawn up for every day and strictly followed. YOU have probably seen refrigerators hung with everything in American films. That’s where each family member’s plans for the coming week are attached with a magnet. That’s why Americans are very punctual and are never late for business meetings. The time of such meetings and negotiations is strictly limited - no more than an hour. At the same time, Americans are convinced that their partner should be guided by the same rules.
2.2.Americans in business negotiations
During business negotiations, Americans are characterized by a good mood, energy, and an outward display of friendliness. They appreciate jokes and respond well to them.
Each individual American who occupies a high position in a company has more freedom in making final decisions than representatives of other countries. Therefore, you will be faced with the fact that American partners will try to impose their rules of the game, showing a certain aggressiveness. You need to remember three rules in negotiations: analyze - divide responsibilities - check execution.
Usually negotiations take place one on one. Proposals are discussed from a general issue, and then gradually move on to details. Details in the USA are very important, because... For Americans, there are no small details when organizing any business. Your partners will not waste time on formalities. They will immediately get to the heart of the matter, while showing healthy pragmatism. Try to avoid any pauses in the conversation. Americans are ready to ask a whole tirade of straightforward questions at any moment. During negotiations, the Americans will push you. They may constantly ask you to speed up your response to their proposal or to rush into making a decision. For an American, the main thing is success - after all, success is followed by new success.
During negotiations, Americans can put their foot on an adjacent chair or table or cross their legs so that the shoe of one foot is on the knee of the other (usually in America gays sit cross-legged, so it’s better not to do this).
There are far more women in the US business world than in any other country. You should treat them like business partners and not just ladies. In the United States, excessive gallantry is not accepted in the business atmosphere. You should avoid questions of a personal nature and do not try to find out whether a woman is married.
Americans communicate with each other by name, regardless of age or status. So don't be offended. At first glance, this gives communication or negotiations with Americans a friendly character and an informal atmosphere. This is often the case.
If you receive an invitation from an American to his house, this is a good sign. You were noticed and appreciated. In this case, it is worth bringing a gift - a souvenir or a bottle of wine. Although business gifts are not accepted here, they can be perceived as a bribe, and in America they do not joke about this. At the table they often drink cocktails and beer. You can talk with Americans about family, hobbies, sports, but we do not advise you to get involved in religious or political discussions.
If your American partners trust you, they will certainly invite you to join the company, or arrange a vacation outside the city or even at a resort. Moreover, the costs in such cases are borne by the American company.
Americans are supporters of a healthy lifestyle and balanced nutrition. Middle-aged and older people try to minimize foods containing cholesterol and prefer fruits and vegetables. Although traditional American food is very popular. Americans do not welcome smoking.

3. Recommendations for communicating with country representatives
3.1.Classification of American culture according to R. Lewis and E. Hofstede
E. Hofstede's model.
4 groups of business culture parameters:

    attitude to time
    attitude towards nature
    interpersonal relationships
    types of corporate cultures

Attitude to time

Different business cultures approach time differently. It is obvious, however, that successful management of an organization is difficult if the employees involved in it feel and evaluate time differently. The success of cooperation often depends on how well business partners from different countries treat time equally.
Business cultures are divided into polychronic and monochronic. The USA is a representative of monochronic cultures. An important psychological attitude in American business is consistency and concentration on one thing at a time. Americans take time seriously. Accuracy and punctuality are considered a virtue and an essential attribute of serious business. Dealing with several issues at the same time is considered bad manners and an inability to organize oneself.
American time is the most valuable in the world. For Americans, time is money in the full sense of the word. In general, focused on multiplying profits, time is a precious and even rare commodity. It flows as quickly as a mountain river in the spring, and if you want to get income from it, you have to move quickly after it.
Americans are active people; idleness is unbearable for them. The past is no longer there, but the present can still be grabbed and made to work for you in the near future.
The time looks like this: (Fig. 1)
past present Future

And here’s what the American does with it (Fig. 2)

In America you have to make money or you are nothing.
In different countries and national cultures, a person internalizes a certain value system within the framework of family, school and work. And one of the components of this system is always the attitude towards collectivism and individualism. In some societies and cultures, collectivist approaches and principles certainly prevail in the value system; in others, the emphasis is on individualistic aspirations and aspirations of the individual. Often, when characterizing a particular society, they say: “this is a society of collectivists,” or “this is a society of individualists.”
E. Hofstede divides cultures into collectivist and individualist.
Collectivism refers to a value system in which a person perceives himself as part of a group, and only then as an individual.
In an individualistic value system, the individual comes first.
The United States is characterized by the maximum degree of individualism.
Americans openly express critical remarks to their colleagues. Employees in the service are promoted and hired solely on their own merits. In organizations at work, management is focused on the individual rather than the group. Every American in his work is focused on personal success and career. The United States has a high level of press freedom.

Power distance

Power distance refers to inequality in the distribution of power in a society or organization, which is perceived by members of society as normal and taken for granted, and in which members of society feel particularly comfortable.
The United States is characterized by a low degree of power distance.
In work, hierarchy is not perceived as a natural state or the only possible basic principle for constructing an organizational structure. Hierarchy is just a temporary role inequality, necessary for the convenience of management, increasing its efficiency. Therefore, the manager, as soon as he leaves the office, usually ceases to be a boss for his subordinates and turns into an ordinary John, Pete, etc. In this regard, the best boss is a competent democrat endowed with additional resources (both administrative and financial related to the position, as well as personal talents and abilities).
The perception of hierarchy as a temporary role inequality determines a different nature of boss-subordinate interactions. There is practically no difference between a friend and a colleague in America. At work, everyone, with rare exceptions, calls each other by name.

Masculinity and femininity

Masculinity is a commitment to such values ​​as records, heroism, perseverance, goal achievement, material success, etc.
Femininity is a commitment to such values ​​as building equal relationships, a tendency to compromise, modesty, caring for one’s neighbor, comfort, quality of life, etc.
The USA is a country with a masculine culture. In her value system, work is usually considered more important than household functions, although it is for the sake of family prosperity. A leader is respected for strength, speed of decisions, large-scale approaches, and rigidity.
Characteristic features of the “masculinity” of American culture:
    career and material well-being are the main indicators of success
    The emphasis, even among friends, is on competition and high results
    Americans actually live to work (rather than work to live)
    a good leader should not consult with the team and resolve issues.
At work, assertiveness, self-confidence, acumen, and penetrating ability are encouraged. The ability to present oneself well is highly valued. Loud, endless stories repeated in different situations about your own successes, about how much you have done for the company, are a familiar part of the ritual, an important element of the characteristic culture. The emphasis and motivation of actions and stories is a further successful career.
Americans believe that work should be interesting, enjoyable, and, if possible, not burdensome.
American values: dynamism, the ability to act independently and in one’s own interests, persistently achieve what you claim and not give up what you own, success awaits everyone who is not devoid of initiative and talent, failure is not a complete failure, always there is a land of opportunity.
American management symbolizes the vitality and courage of a free enterprise country.
In most cases, they retain the spirit of pioneers: they are determined, aggressive, goal-oriented and action-oriented, self-confident, energetic, optimistic about life, ready for change, accustomed to achieving their goals through hard work, always able to work in a team and be a bearer of corporate spirit, but They value personal freedom more than the well-being of their company, and they are primarily interested in career success.
Uncertainty avoidance
Uncertainty avoidance is the degree of uncertainty, instability of ambiguity, which in a given culture is perceived as normal and in which members of society feel comfortable. Different business cultures have different perceptions of uncertainty in life and business. Some business cultures tend to avoid uncertainty as much as possible, while others do not.
American business culture is characterized by a low degree of uncertainty avoidance - Americans do not like organization, which extends to both written and verbally formed rules. Both standard and formal provisions are kept to a minimum whenever possible.

Classification of business cultures according to R. Lewis .
Lewis identifies the following business cultures: monoactive, polyactive and reactive.
Americans are very monoactive, i.e. They do one thing at a given time, completely focus on it and complete it according to a predetermined schedule. They believe that with such an organization of work they will be able to act more efficiently and have time to do more.
Americans systematically plan their future, work at fixed times, rarely interrupt during conversations, and respect formality.
American managers will demonstrate and acquire technical skills, rely primarily on facts and logic, and not on feelings and emotions, they will be transaction-oriented, and focus their attention on subordinates on immediate task results. They are organized, stick to an agenda, and inspire subordinates with careful planning.
3.2. How to deal with Americans
American businessmen have a reputation for being the toughest business people in the world, yet they are in many ways easier to deal with. This is because their philosophy is simple. Their goal is to earn as much as possible and as quickly as possible, using such means as hard work, speed of action, opportunism and power (including the power of money itself) to achieve this goal. When making business decisions, they, as a rule, are not guided by sentiment and believe that the dollar, even if not God, is at least omnipotent. This single-minded pursuit of profit by Americans is often perceived as ruthless.
If you wish to establish business contacts with Americans, you SHOULD:

    Try as quickly as possible to prove your practical significance and ability to do things well. Without real evidence of such skill, in the eyes of an American, you are, if not an empty place, then at least a person who means very little, and therefore there is no point in doing business with you.
    It is okay to appear rational and practical in everything you do. For Americans, such character traits seem to be perhaps the most important.
    Show confidence, determination, but in no case recklessness. Americans highly value determination in people.
    Stick to the “golden mean”. Americans, as a rule, are not characterized by extremes and maximalism.
    Be direct, simple, even maybe rude or simple-minded (this is forgivable). Americans have all these qualities and are happy to see them in others.
    To be businesslike, not businesslike (they can easily distinguish the difference between businesslike and businesslike). Moreover, you should try not to seem too serious. Americans try to do serious business with deliberate ease.
    Be neat, punctual and obligatory. Although Americans are not always like this, they like to see these traits in others.
    Show yourself as a person of strong convictions (even if they do not coincide with the convictions of an American), but principled, capable of proving that he is right. This is one of the most important American values.
    Behave uninhibitedly, freely (but not untied), if possible, do not demonstrate your complexes. Americans either don’t have them at all or skillfully hide them from outsiders.
    Learn that any manifestation of dependency or freeloading can cause nothing but disgust in an American.
    Remember that Americans are not superstitious; all mysticism is alien to them. Suspicions that you believe in all this are unlikely to increase your prestige in the eyes of Americans. They believe in God “earthly”, “sensibly”.
    Always do not forget about compliments on occasion and without them, words of gratitude and stable phrases, apologies, etc. Sometimes it seems that for Americans all this courtliness is not only a tribute to politeness, but also an exploration of a certain ritual that they absorbed with their mother’s milk.
    Smile more often, as casually and naturally as possible. Americans are true virtuosos of such smiles.
    Be prepared for the fact that the American forgot about your existence the next day after a warm, serious meeting, during which it seemed to you that you had acquired a faithful friend for many years.
    Show special interest in the American’s family, take an interest in the photographs of his wife and children that are always with him, and, if possible, admire them. An American will regard these signs of attention to his family as a sign of true affection for himself.
    Present yourself as a good family man. This will increase your rating in the eyes of an American, even one who changes lovers endlessly and cannot count the children scattered across all American states.
If you wish to establish business contacts with Americans, you SHOULD NOT:
    Complain about the country in which you live, the life you lead, the government in power, etc., because from the American point of view, it is your own fault that you live this way, that you have such a government, that you have such laws, etc.
    Show off, waste money and time. For an American, this is the ultimate manifestation of stupidity.
    Appearing lightweight and gullible, which for Americans is also the characteristics of narrow-minded people.
    Bare your soul, confess your secrets, be frank. All this will seem empty and stupid to an American, because you cannot be frank with someone you don’t know well enough.
    Being overly emotional, fussy, unrestrained, choking on words, etc.
    Show dreaminess, romance, seem to have your head in the clouds. To Americans, such character traits seem simply provincial.
    Being too zealous about being liked, being helpful, etc. These traits are alien to Americans.
    Praise everything American without a choice. Americans are sober and, for all their patriotism, look at their shortcomings quite realistically and sometimes with a sense of humor.
    Trying to outwit the American. Your success in this enterprise can only be temporary. By and large, this idea is obviously doomed.
    Demonstrate one's superiority over Americans in anything (knowledge, ability to do something, etc.) Over many decades of their history, Americans have become accustomed to honoring themselves first in everything. They have their own “complex” about this
    This point is inextricably linked with the previous one. You shouldn't teach an American. He, like a polite person, will thank you warmly, but he won’t like it.

The United States is a country of many nationalities and, as a result, a country of great cultural diversity. Even those Americans who have lived in the States for many generations will certainly have Irish, German, Italian or other roots.

Americans are straightforward, friendly and open. They quickly get acquainted and easily start a conversation. More reserved Europeans may find them unexpected or even rude.

In America, individualism is highly valued - people take pride in their personal achievements, initiative and success.

Phrase "Time is money" made famous by Benjamin Franklin, and Americans are still guided by this principle. They value people who know how to manage time effectively. Punctuality serves as an indicator of reliability and discipline.

Meeting and Greetings

  • In general, American greetings are quite informal. This is not a sign of disrespect, but a demonstration of the equality of all present.
  • In meetings with large numbers of people, Americans will not necessarily shake everyone's hand. They can say “Hello”, or “How are you?”, or even just “Hi”. When saying goodbye, a handshake is rarely used.
  • The handshake should be brief but strong. Maintain eye contact while doing this.
  • “See you later” is just a figure of speech. You may hear this phrase even if the person is not going to see you anymore.
  • When saying goodbye, an American can say “We"ll have to get together" or "Let"s do lunch." It's just a gesture of friendliness. Don't take this as an invitation unless your American colleague says . If you really want to meet, take the initiative and set a time yourself.
  • When introducing one person to another, give some brief information about him. For example: "Janet Freeman, I"d like you to meet Fred Harrison. He designed the brochure we are using for this campaign."
  • Americans tend to quickly switch to first names (that is, to “you”), sometimes immediately after meeting people. This is especially true for young companies.
  • Americans are not too particular about names. Don't take it as an insult if someone mispronounces or shortens your name. Or suggest a more convenient form of your name yourself. For example: “My name is Rajesh Bhatnagar. You can call me Raj."

Gestures and body language

  • Maintain a distance when talking - at least 60 cm. If an American thinks that you are standing too close, he may retreat without even thinking about it.
  • Americans smile a lot, even to strangers, and expect smiles in return.
  • Some people like to pat their colleagues on the back as a sign of friendship.

Corporate culture

  • Americans regard a business card simply as a source of information for the future and exchange them without any special protocol. It's not an insult if your business card is immediately tucked into your wallet and into your back pants pocket.
  • Americans prefer directness in communication. "Yes" means "yes", "no" means "no". If an American says “Maybe”, this is not a form of veiled refusal, it really is “maybe”.
  • Don't be shy if you don't understand something. Americans ask a lot of questions and are not afraid to admit that they don’t know something.
  • Interrupting the speaker is indecent. Wait for a pause, say “Excuse me” and wait until they pay attention to you. At the same time, people quite often interject into the conversation, so do not take long pauses in speech if you do not want to be interrupted.
  • Americans really appreciate it. Oral agreements are rarely enforceable. When entering into a contract, make sure you read all the fine print.
  • When communicating in writing, it is very important to correctly indicate titles and titles. If you are not sure, please clarify.
  • Be punctual. Americans view being late as a sign of disrespect and carelessness. It is customary to arrive about 5 minutes early for business meetings. If you are 10-15 minutes late, be sure to call and apologize.
  • It is very important to meet deadlines. If you say you will provide information by such and such a date or call at such and such a time, that is what is expected of you. People who do not comply with agreements are considered irresponsible and untrustworthy.
  • usually quite informal in atmosphere, but serious in content. Information material is usually distributed before the meeting, so you are expected to be up to date.
  • You are expected to actively participate in meetings. A person who keeps quiet a lot may be seen as unprepared or unable to make a meaningful contribution.
  • Americans love it. Use statistics to support your opinion.
  • The meeting usually ends with the development of a plan that the participants must implement. Negotiations are considered successful if concrete solutions are reached.
  • Typically, one person is responsible for making the final decision. The Americans may start negotiations with inflated demands, but are willing to make concessions and consider various possibilities.
  • The goal of most negotiations in the United States is to sign a contract for a specific transaction. A long-term relationship may not be the main goal.
  • Negotiations are usually intense and can seem fast-paced. This is another manifestation of the “time is money” principle.
  • Americans are ready to discuss business on the phone, even if they have not seen the interlocutor in person.
  • In business speech, Americans tend to use sports terms (“Touch base”, “Call the shots”, “Ballpark figures”, “Game plan”)
  • In general, Americans love to laugh and love people with a sense of humor.
  • Golf is a popular sport, especially among senior executives. The golf course can often be a business meeting place.
  • Perseverance is another important trait of American businessmen.

Negotiations over lunch

  • Americans often invite business partners for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Conversation over a meal will usually start with simple socializing, but will mostly revolve around business.
  • If so, the inviting party pays for it.
  • Don't be late, but don't arrive early either. It is best to show up 5-10 minutes later than the time specified on the invitation.
  • Don't be afraid to offend someone by refusing an invitation. A much more serious mistake would be to promise and not show up.
  • Americans tend to eat faster than other countries and rarely engage in socializing over meals.
  • Americans often. This is considered a demonstration of open intentions.
  • Unlike many other cultures, in the United States it is considered normal to refuse treats or alcohol. In most cases, the owners of the house will not persuade you to eat.


  • At business meetings, as a rule, it is not customary to give gifts. Don't take it as an insult if someone refuses a gift.
  • If you are invited home, take flowers, sweets, books or wine with you. You can give plants in pots.
  • Americans will appreciate a gift from your country. Good choices include your local arts or crafts, books, candy, or alcohol.
  • Gifts of cash are not acceptable in any setting.

Knowledge of the peculiarities of business etiquette in the USA will help you successfully establish relationships with American friends and partners. This knowledge may also be useful to you when preparing for an interview or in.

Norms and rules of behavior exist in every country. In the USA there are unspoken laws of good manners that those who are going to America should know.

What is customary and what is not customary to do in the states?

People who meet for the first time say to each other “Good morning (afternoon, evening)” or “How do you do”, “How are you” (“How are you, how are you”). Good friends exchange “Hello!” or "Hi!"

If the girl is not married, then she is addressed as “Miss,” and if she is married, then “Mrs.” A man is called "Mr." Sometimes you can hear "sir" and "madam".

When meeting (acquaintance) it is customary to shake hands. Moreover, this is common not only among men; women, especially in the business environment, also do this.

In the USA it is customary to leave a tip. Tipping is left almost everywhere. This is not a voluntary remuneration; there are mandatory percentages for workers in various service sectors.

Americans are a very friendly nation, but you should not compare the USA with any other country, especially not in favor of the USA. Americans sincerely believe that there is simply no country and cannot be better than America.

Get to know the features of American sports. American football is very different from the football you know. Also in the USA they love basketball and baseball.

Americans love to talk, but don't bring up race, discuss gender issues, or talk about politics. Besides, it's best not to mention the American army. US citizens take everyone who serves or has served very seriously. Don't even joke about terrorism.

In America, small talk is common. Strangers constantly start conversations about something unimportant. Therefore, do not be surprised if a stranger approaches you and be prepared to answer him with a smile.

There are a lot of immigrants in America, so most people speak with some kind of accent. There is no need to comment on people's accents, it is a common thing for Americans.

It's no secret that there are a lot of fat people in America. But there are also many who care about health and watch their figure. It’s better not to say your opinion about fat people in the states and don’t discuss the problem of obesity at all.

In the USA, there is a reverent attitude towards personal space. Don't get too close to the person; don't violate the American's personal space. You should also not enter private property. In the United States, it is customary to shoot at those who encroach on private property.

You can't smoke almost anywhere. Americans have an extremely negative attitude towards smokers. You can smoke and drink alcohol in specially designated areas.

When Americans come to visit, they don’t take off their shoes. For Americans, it is normal to wear the same shoes both at home and on the street. Please note that it is not customary to come to visit without an invitation.

Residents of the south are especially hospitable, although less wealthy. They sometimes invite a complete stranger into the house and seat them at the table. Americans can ask quite personal questions without hesitation, be prepared for this.

Southerners are extremely religious. They attend church regularly and never miss Sunday sermons. It's better not to joke about religion if you're in the southern states.

America is called the land of opportunity. And this is not in vain. The USA not only has its own strong economy, but also has a great influence on global business. That is why many companies around the world seek to cooperate with American colleagues, opening up new prospects for business.

Thanks to American cinema, it may seem to us that we know the culture and habits of this country quite well, but in fact this is not entirely true. If you want to establish strong business relationships, you should know that business etiquette in the United States has its own characteristics and differences from the way we conduct business negotiations.

How to behave at a business meeting

First contact

“Time is money” is the main rule of the American business world. However, despite this, it should be taken into account that Americans allow 10 minutes of small talk before the start of a meeting or negotiation. Often these are conversations about hobbies, interests or sports. Political discussions or disputes can, on the contrary, put an end to cooperation that has not yet begun.


Business etiquette in the United States involves a short greeting with a quick handshake and looking into each other's eyes. It is also customary in America to exchange standard greeting phrases, for example, “How are you” or “Nice to meet you, Mr. Smith.” In the case where the greeting refers to a woman, you should be extremely careful. If you are sure whether your new friend is married, it is better to use the universal greeting “Miss”.

Communication speed

Americans are accustomed to exchanging quick phrases with no long pauses between them. On the contrary, silence can be perceived as something unpleasant and repulsive. Etiquette in the USA does not imply long pauses in conversation.

Harsh remarks

Remember, no matter how expressive or problematic your negotiations may be, US business ethics does not allow the use of profanity or profanity. This also applies to words that are well known to every schoolchild. You may simply be kicked out of the negotiation room.

Business lunch

For those who do not know how to behave at a business meeting in a restaurant, you should pay attention to just one important note. Never sit at the table and choose your own seat. Be sure to wait until you are shown to the chair reserved for you. Very often there may be a sign with your name on it.

Dress code

Regarding business attire, etiquette in the United States is very similar to the general norms of business dress code. A win-win option is a strict classic. Like us, dress codes can vary greatly depending on the industry and company you join. It is worth noting another feature of business clothing - in America it is not customary to wear open shoes or short dresses to work, even in summer. For Americans this is taboo.

Americans are a relatively young nation. The traditions and culture of the United States are a very interesting mixture of cultures of different peoples. What is American etiquette? The first thing that comes to mind is that Americans are sociable, smiling, not shy about their emotions and can put their feet on the table. But the concept of American etiquette is much broader; the USA has developed special traditions of behavior in business, family and guests, to which we will pay special attention.

American Etiquette

  • Americans are friendly and polite. When you meet them for the first time, you will hear “Good afternoon! How are you doing?" If you have already made friends with Americans, a “Hello!” awaits you. and calling by name.
  • Just like in Russia, handshakes are accepted in America. Moreover, if you are present at a business meeting, they are appropriate both between men and between a man and a woman.
  • Kissing is unacceptable. An American who is older in age and higher in status will be the first to extend his hand to a woman. After the end of the meeting or negotiations, handshakes are no longer necessary. You can politely say goodbye, for example, like this: “All the best, I hope we meet again soon.”
  • Americans love jokes, a relaxed atmosphere, and want to make friends with you quickly. But, nevertheless, they especially demand punctuality both from others and from themselves.
  • If an American crosses his legs or puts his feet on a chair or table in public places, this will not be considered impolite.
  • It is customary for Americans to invite colleagues and partners to visit. As a gift, you can take a bottle of wine, a bouquet of flowers or an interesting Russian souvenir to your visit. It is better not to choose expensive gifts, because in the USA there is a very strict attitude towards bribes and what can be equated to them.
  • The uniqueness of the American nation lies in the fact that residents of an overseas country consider themselves extremely successful people, so in the country it is customary to smile at everyone and always - at negotiations, at a party, in a cafe or store, and just while walking. When visiting the USA, it is recommended to follow this tradition.
  • National etiquette in America does not allow sharing one's personal successes and sorrows with strangers; Americans are accustomed to communicating on abstract topics.

Friendliness is like work

As we already know, smiling is the key to success in American society. And success is followed by friends who like your cheerfulness and attitude towards life.

  • Friends play a very important role in an American's life. We can say that the need to be friends with a large number of people comes in second place after the desire for success and career advancement. Features of US etiquette in the field of friendly communication imply independence and isolation.
  • In the USA, unlike in Russia, there are no such concepts as acquaintance or friend. Every person an American likes or likes is already his friend. To follow US etiquette, treat your American acquaintances as friends too. Friends are all acquaintances who evoke sympathy.
  • The concept of “friend” in Russia and America is significantly different. An American friend should not be visited at home without warning, called to chat and used as a personal psychologist. Only positive communication! It is not customary to share problems with others, otherwise you will be misunderstood.

Family and Children

Family is important to Americans. Every resident of the United States strives to create a strong classic family: a man and a woman and several children. The attitude towards children here is special, parents spend a lot of time with them, instill in them that they are the best, from childhood. Since individuality and human rights are especially valued in America, even young children are given the opportunity to express themselves and make choices, at least in choosing breakfast or clothing.
The psychology of US residents is that their children should be protected in every possible way from any danger.

Business etiquette in the USA

The USA is a country with developed business, so business relations are very important here.

  • Americans are hardworking, very responsible and punctual. They cannot afford to be late for work or miss a day of work due to poor health.
  • Americans like an atmosphere that is not too formal, they laugh and joke.
  • At business meetings, they move relatively quickly from discussing a problem to ways to solve it; It is not customary to be distracted from the main topic of the meeting. American meetings are not very long: time is money, and it is customary to save it in order to use it for the benefit of business.
  • Women in the USA are freedom-loving, actively build a career and take part in the life of their company.
  • A woman in business should be treated as an equal; advances, flirting, and kissing the hand of a woman who is not your wife or girlfriend are unacceptable. An American woman can sue a man for this. During a business meeting, men also shake hands with women - this is a feature of business etiquette in the United States.

What not to say to Americans

In Russia, it is customary to discuss any topic even with unfamiliar people. In the USA the situation is different. There are rules of conduct here. And if an American suddenly doesn’t like what you’re saying and finds it offensive, he can sue you.
In America, it is not customary to talk about religion, racial differences, gay people, or politics. Be careful, as your point of view may unwittingly offend a person.
Talk about the American army either very well or nothing. Residents of the United States are sincerely proud of the power of their army and the bravery of the military. Joking about terrorist attacks is also unacceptable, because this is a sad page in the life of the country, many have lost loved ones, and this topic is not funny at all.

American etiquette - what else you should remember

  • Americans are very concerned about health, lead a healthy lifestyle, and watch their diet. Drinking and smoking are neither accepted nor popular in the country, although there are, of course, exceptions.
  • If you find yourself in the US, don't rely on public transportation. Americans are a nation of motorists; the country has developed a whole cult of the car. To move around the country comfortably, you can rent a car or use Uber taxi services.
  • In the United States, it is often not customary to remove shoes when entering a home, although this depends on family traditions. Pay attention to how hosts and guests behave in relation to shoes and follow their example. You can directly ask the owners of the house about this issue.
  • And of course, you shouldn’t call American friends just to chat, only on important issues.

The culture of the United States is that of a vibrant, developed country that values ​​all citizens with their unique characteristics. A sense of humor and a desire to succeed are very important, as is equality.
American etiquette is very interesting and unique. We hope that by becoming acquainted with the cultural traditions of the people of the United States, you will be able to better understand them.