Works about the role of fairy tales in human life. The role of a fairy tale in the reader’s life and its moral values

Every person's childhood is associated with fairy tales. The fairy tale originates from the depths of centuries - the time when oral traditions existed. folk art.

Oral folk art is considered an inexhaustible source for moral, patriotic, labor, aesthetic education. For many Russian writers and poets, fairy tales have been a source of creativity, love for their people, for the environment, and a sense of the mystery and beauty of nature. Everyone knows what an influence Arina Rodionovna had, who opened up the world for little Sasha folk song, fairy tales. About the inimitable charm of evenings filled mysterious images nanny's tales, Pushkin wrote in the poem "Dream"

Fairy tales were a kind of teaching and healing tool, a means of folk psychiatry long before psychotherapy received its status. Fairy tales and parables show in figurative form how a person can help himself overcome various adversities and difficulties, make his life fulfilling, while remaining himself.

Fairy tales have a great influence on the formation of a person’s personality.

Fairy tale heroes go through trials. Using the example of fairy tale heroes, the reader develops such personality qualities as courage, willpower, the ability to understand another person, etc. A fairy tale always has happy end, because you need to believe in good things, in magic. “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows- lesson".

The role of fairy tales in human life.

Writer Viktor Krotov gives the following definition of a fairy tale: “A fairy tale is an honest invention, an honest fiction. The surprising thing is that this does not reduce its ability to reflect life, but rather increases it.” Indeed, the fairy tale captivates with its richness of fiction, its images, and the amazing interweaving of the fantastic and the real. Heroes of fairy tales fly on carpets - airplanes, drain swamps in one night, build palaces, defeat monsters and at the same time are no different from ordinary people. This is an amazing combination of truth and fiction.

All fairy tales teach good things. In any case, even in the worst fairy tale world there is a hero who, showing extraordinary strength, courage and endurance, fights with the most incredible monsters. At the same time, he makes his heroic deeds, usually protecting or saving someone. Various creatures and objects help him. Wise old men, old women, fantastic creatures, and heroes act as assistants to the positive hero in fairy tales. The assistants of positive heroes in fairy tales are animals, beasts, and birds: the kind “Sivka-burka”, “duck with the golden egg”, “wonderful hen”, etc. Or even inanimate objects: self-assembled tablecloth, walking boots, living or dead water. These beings or objects respond with kindness to kindness shown to them.

Whether a person is small or big, he must navigate life. But before a person learns to navigate external life, it is important for him to navigate his inner life, that is, I want to say about the formation of a person’s personality. A fairy tale works on internal orientation. The world of fairy tales can be called a masquerade. William Shakespeare once said: “A fairy tale gives us the opportunity to try on a variety of masks. Trying on a fairytale mask, we feel that this particular mask, this character is important to us. This is how we become acquainted with some living being in our soul, related to this character.” In our inner world, just like in a fairy-tale world, there live Courage and Cowardice, Greed and Generosity, Pettiness and Generosity, Faith and Rationalism, and many other characters. Fairytale game teaches us to notice them as fabulous and how internal characters, helps us get comfortable among them and manage them. A fairy tale helps us choose our ideal and hold on to it - at least internally. But without internal loyalty to the ideal, external service to it is impossible.

People different ages love to read fairy tales. The semantic shades of fairy tales that are preferred at one age or another differ. For example, fairy tales for little ones. In them, the little listener comprehends the structure of the surrounding world from simple to more complex - through comparisons and relationships. In the fairy tale “The Three Bears,” the relationship between the size of an object and the age of the characters is clearly described, and that what suits Mashenka is something that corresponds to her age—Mishutka’s accessories; in "Turnip" - the order of the characters is "from great to small." In these tales the structure of the intellect is created.

There are many fairy tales about relationships with others: about love, friendship, mutual assistance, cruelty, selfishness, deceit, etc. For example, “Geese are swans,” “The Frog Princess,” etc.

A person aged 10-14, reading fairy tales, through the prism of imagination, tries to determine his place and his values ​​in real life. Adventure tales are interesting at this age: “Pippi - Long stocking»,

"Adventures of Electronics", "Harry Potter", etc.

Fantasy, adventure, detective stories are fairy tales for adults. The period of faith in miracles is replaced by a realistic perception of reality. Some adults relax while reading fairy tales; for others, fairy tales seem to cease to exist; others create fairy tales themselves.

Adults read fairy tales to their children, introduce them to the system human values and relationships, with the rules and norms of behavior in society.

At the end of life, a person reads fairy tales to his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Fairy tales help adults and children become close, learn to understand each other, and trust. After all, it is the fairy tale that is that invisible bridge between them in the sense that adults so often do not have enough time to talk with the baby. By telling fairy tales, they can feel the child’s feelings at least for a moment. For adults, this is an opportunity to talk with the child, not just teach. In response, the child trusts adults more. Therefore, fairy tales from ancient times have been an inexhaustible source of education for the most important human qualities.

In modern life, the concept of fairy tale therapy has appeared. Through fairytale therapy, you can work with aggression, self-doubt, shyness, the problem of shame, guilt, and lies. In fairy tale therapy, the process of selecting for each person his own, special fairy tale is important, which will help reveal potential parts of his personality, something unrealized, teach self-help methods that allow him to cope with conflict, problems and life's difficulties. As a result, a person develops a feeling of security, and the inner and outer world will open up.

A fairy tale can be called a means of introducing a person to life.

My fairy tales.

“We are together, we feel good.”

Once upon a time there lived a mother and father. They had a daughter. Mom and dad worked all day, and they did not have enough time to communicate with their daughter.

And the daughter grew up. She felt lonely and lacked communication. One evening, after returning from work, my mother entered her daughter’s room. She looked at her sleeping daughter and saw tears that had not yet dried under her eyes. The mother stroked her daughter's hair with her warm hands. “What a waste of time. After all, I didn’t notice how my daughter was growing,” my mother whispered. She looked around and saw pictures drawn by her daughter on the wall. On one of them there was a picture of a house, flowers and green grass, blue sky And bright sun. And in the center of the picture is a girl walking, holding the hands of her father and mother. The smiling faces in the picture seemed to say: “We are together, we feel good.” Mom showed her daughter's painting to her father. Leaving everything behind, they decided to take a walk with their daughter. Dad picked up his daughter and began to tell her interesting stories. Mom also listened attentively and quietly rejoiced, watching happy faces husband and daughter. For her this day seemed extraordinary. The girl was never lonely again.

Radustik and Sad.

Once upon a time there lived twin rabbits in the forest. One was called Radustik, the other Sad. When they grew up they had to leave Father's house. They began to look for a hole for themselves. Radustik was cheerful, joyful, sociable. He had many friends who helped him find a hole at the edge of the forest. Sadness lived in an old hedgehog hole, it was cold in it. He was timid, clumsy, sad, always afraid of something.

One day Radustik invited Sadness to visit, but he was afraid to leave the hole and sat at home all day. The slightest rustle or rustle of grass terrified him, he imagined terrible pictures.

One night it started to rain heavily. Sadness's hole couldn't stand it and collapsed. He found himself alone, it was dark and damp. Suddenly he heard a rustling sound, it was a hedgehog. The hedgehog called Sadness to him. This time he was not afraid, because he felt warmly treated.

Morning came, the sun was getting hotter and hotter. Scary world, as Sadness imagined him, turned out to be bright and kind. Gradually he made new friends. Radustik looked for a good hole for Sadness next to the river, and they began to live, enjoying every new day.

You can’t despair, sadness and joy live side by side. Radustik will always come and remind you that a new day will come, everything will be fine.

There was an old stump in the forest. He was lonely and unwanted. His old friends, the oak and aspen trees standing nearby, had forgotten him. The world seemed gloomy to him. In the evenings he remembered his youth and felt sad.

One day a small hedgehog approached the stump.

“Hello, Uncle Stump,” the hedgehog greeted.

Hello baby. What are you doing here alone? – the stump was worried.

The hedgehog said that he was looking for a mink. He asked for help. Stump was very happy at the hedgehog’s request, because no one had ever asked him for help. He suggested digging a hole under its root. So they began to live together. The hedgehog felt good in the warm embrace of the stump, especially in winter, and the stump was happy because he had a friend.

After a long winter, spring has come. A stump reappeared from under the snow and the hedgehog woke up. The hedgehog was grateful to his friend and told his dreams.

Suddenly the stump felt that something was quietly moving under the root, and asked the hedgehog to look. A weak, small sprout of a new tree stretched towards the sun. The hedgehog and the stump helped him get out from under the root. Soon flowers bloomed around, and butterflies flocked to the flowers. The world was so beautiful. Stump is happy because he has friends around him who need him.

In a clearing under a small bush he lived - he was already there. He crawled through the forest all day long and was sad, looking at the sky. One day a flying swan noticed him and descended on the snake.

Why are you so sad? - asked the swan.

Oh! How I would like to fly into the sky, look at the world from above, but there are no wings.

The swan took pity on the snake and came up with a way to show him the earth from above.

Well, let me help you. Lie on my back and I'll give you a ride.

Hooray! - he shouted, - now everyone will envy me.

The white swan rose into the sky. He was already happy, his dream had come true. A vast world opened up before him, it was wonderful. He suddenly realized that he was part of this beautiful thing, that you shouldn’t be sad, you need to live and enjoy your surroundings.

It was already slippery, and he wrapped himself around the swan’s neck so as not to fall. The swan felt pain and soon sank to the ground. The snake and the snake were different, but they became friends because they understood each other. No need to be sad. It’s enough to look around, because there may be another person nearby who needs your help, whose dream you can fulfill. And he will help you. Dreams come true, you have to believe.

Once upon a time there was a dog. The guys named her Bobby. The dog lived in a dirty basement big house. She was beautiful, the children wanted to cuddle her, but the dog did not let anyone near her, she growled. Therefore, the children began to be afraid of her. In the evening the dog went into the dirty, cold basement.

There was a lonely person living in the house an old man. No one came to him, so he often left the house and sat on the bench for a long time. When he saw Bobby, he tried to call her over. A girl passing by stopped her grandfather:

Don't touch her, she's very angry.

The old man looked at the dog and said:

No, she's not angry, she's scared. Someone must have offended her greatly. There is something good in every living soul.

“Can she find a friend?” the girl asked.

“I know how to make friends with her,” the old man answered smiling and went home.

A few minutes later he left the house and brought out a pot of hot soup. Bobbi approached carefully, looked around and began to eat.

The old man fed the dog every day. The dog became attached to people and began to trust. The old man took the dog home. They became very good friends and often went out for walks. The children stopped being afraid of her and played happily with her. Bobby liked to play too. She realized that not everything in life is so bad, there is good people who can help with Hard time and to whom you can be needed.

Once upon a time there was a girl. She was afraid of everything. She had no friends and was a poor student. The girl was afraid to answer at the blackboard, afraid to make a mistake. She tried to hide her fear, so she tried to appear angry. The girl did not think about the future, she lived only in the past. She was tormented by doubts, always regretted something, and cried at night.

“Really, how long can I hide from myself and others that I am afraid. I have to admit my fear. What can I do to help myself? - the girl thought. She looked in the mirror and imagined that she was standing on the edge of an abyss. She was scared, she was afraid of falling. She imagined that this was not an abyss at all, but only a small crevice and she only needed to take one step. She looked ahead, thought that this was her future and jumped. Happened! She felt good. She believed that she could overcome fear, everything was in her hands.

Since then, the girl began to study well and made many friends.

Today, at the beginning of the third millennium, people are intuitively drawn to the knowledge contained in fairy tales. In recent years, fairy tales and parables have begun to be used as a psychotherapeutic intervention in a person’s internal picture of the world. They help resolve intrapsychic conflicts and relieve emotional stress, change life position and human behavior.

The texts of fairy tales, as we have already noted, arouse interest among children and adults; in them one can find full list human problems and ways to solve them. Using the example of fairy tale heroes, a person begins to comprehend own life. By influencing the conscious and subconscious, a fairy tale can help him determine Right way solutions to your problem, but by projecting the action of the hero of the fairy tale onto modern life By changing his thinking and behavior, a person can take the path personal development, cure nervous disorders somatic diseases.

In the text offered to us for analysis, the famous Russian psychologist and teacher Ilya Konstantinovich Barabash raises the problem of the importance of fairy tales in the life of modern man.

This problem is more relevant today than ever, because plunging into the frantic pace of life modern society, we begin to forget about the beginnings, about what helped us in childhood. We don’t think about the fact that something that served us as a support in life before can serve as a guide now. It was fairy tales that laid in us the moral, aesthetic and moral guidelines that guide us to this day.

In order to draw the reader’s attention to this issue, the writer, firstly, talks about how closely we perceived the problems of the heroes: “We were really happy for Ivan Tsarevich, we felt sorry for Little Muk.” This helped us compare their behavior with ours, draw conclusions and act as the hero of a fairy tale would act. Secondly, the author tells us how cunning defeats strength, and courage defeats meanness. Barabash actually lists some of the lessons we learn from reading fairy tales: “The concept of power is relative.

And if you simply unselfishly help someone, then goodness will definitely return to you.”

The author believes that we should look at life through the prism of a fairy tale, but without falling into the power of fairy-tale characters. In other words, we must be able to use the advice that the fairy tale gave us, without forgetting that we still live in real world, and therefore not always fairy laws they work here.

No wonder this problem discussed in the work of Vladimir Blagov “Freedom for the Serpent Gorynych!” Brother and sister, living in a modern apartment, are not interested in books at all. My brother plays on the computer all day long, my sister leafs through magazines - they are not interested in the fictional world. One day, due to a coincidence, they magically find themselves in a classic Russian fairy tale, where they use exclusively their resourcefulness and courage to save fairy-tale characters, and happily return home.

Having learned courage, valor and honesty during their adventures, they understand that the world of fairy tales is a fascinating environment where everyone can find the answer to any question that concerns them. Since then they began to pay much more attention to books.

Another example is the film The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and wardrobe" Four children evacuated to London because of the war accidentally find the entrance to a parallel world which is inhabited fairy tale characters. By chance, responsibility for this entire world is placed on their shoulders, and they save it. In the process, each of the children corrects their own major character flaw, and they return back to London as completely different people. Meeting with a fairy tale greatly helped them change their destiny and themselves for the better.

To summarize, we can say that fairy tales really play a very strong role in people's lives. It is not for nothing that the Russian proverb says: “A fairy tale is a treasure of folk wisdom.”

Updated: 2017-05-10

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A large number of images fairy tale developed in ancient times, in the very era when the first ideas and concepts of man about the world arose. Of course, this does not mean that every magical fantasy originates from the depths of centuries. Many images of fairy tales developed in the relatively recent past. Every new era a fairy tale had certain fantastic material that was passed down by generations from old people, preserving and developing previous oral and poetic traditions.

The Russian people have created about one hundred and fifty original fairy tales, but there is no strict classification of them yet.

Fairy tales - specific works of art folk art. Each of them has its own idea, which is clearly expressed in all versions of the same fairy tale plot.

Fairy tales as individual phenomena of art can be compared only according to significant historical, folklore, ideological and figurative characteristics.

The people understood that they do not achieve justice through miracles, that real action is necessary, but the question is - what kind? Fairy tales do not answer this question. Storytellers wanted to support the very desire of the people for justice with magical storytelling. The successful outcome of fairy tales is undoubtedly utopian in nature. He testified to the time when the people were painfully searching for a way out of tragic social conditions.

The fairy tale also established its own poetic forms, a certain composition, and style. Aesthetics of beauty and pathos social truth determined the stylistic character of the fairy tale.

There are no developing characters in a fairy tale. It reproduces, first of all, the actions of the heroes and only through them the characters. The static nature of the characters portrayed is striking: a coward is always a coward, a brave man is brave everywhere, an insidious wife is constantly engaged in insidious plans. The hero appears in a fairy tale with certain virtues. He remains like this until the end of the story.

Russian beauty and elegance distinguish the language of fairy tales. These are not halftones, these are deep, dense colors, emphatically defined and sharp. IN goes like a fairy tale we're talking about dark night, about the white light, about the red sun, about the blue sea, about white swans, about the black raven, about green meadows. Things in fairy tales smell, taste, bright color, distinct shapes, the material from which they are made is known. The armor on the hero seemed to be burning with heat, he took out, as the fairy tale says, his sharp sword, and pulled a tight bow.

A fairy tale is an example of national Russian art. She leaves on her own deepest roots into the psyche, into the perception, culture and language of the people.

The fantasy of fairy tales was created by the collective creative efforts of the people. Like a mirror, it reflected the life of the people, their character. Through a fairy tale, its thousand-year history is revealed to us.

Fairytale fiction had a real basis. Any change in the life of the people inevitably led to a change in the content of fantastic images and their forms. Once having arisen, fairy tale fiction developed in connection with the entire set of existing folk ideas and concepts, undergoing new processing. Genesis and changes over the centuries explain the features and properties of fiction in folk tales.

Having developed over centuries in close connection with the everyday life and life of the people, fairy-tale fiction is original and unique. This originality and uniqueness are explained by the qualities of the people to whom the fiction belongs, the circumstances of its origin and the role that the fairy tale plays in people's life.

The first books in many people's lives are fairy tales. The world of these works is colorful and understandable to everyone. It especially pleases children who love to fantasize, surprising them with various magical creatures, worlds and stories in which main character Evil always wins. It is on such works, including Russian folk ones, that more than one generation of kind, sympathetic and sensitive individuals has grown up.

The role of fairy tales in human life. This is one of the problems raised by the author in the text.

Nowadays, people often cease to be pleased with things and events that usually caused them delight; everything gets boring and becomes familiar. Only fairy tales remain multifaceted; they always contain something that may not be noticed from the first, second and subsequent readings.

As we grow up, reading them over and over again, we find new morals to draw from the stories. Therefore, it is important to read them not only in childhood, but also in adulthood.

Fairy tales are guides to magical, “coveted” and beautiful lands, giving us answers to questions asked by people from generation to generation. A person spends his entire existence asking “about what is important and necessary for everyone” and will continue to do so. A fairy tales They are truly unique because they give answers to questions about fate, what happiness consists of, and much more.

A fairy tale is a collection of wisdom tested by our ancestors, a storehouse of ancient knowledge.

And only a person living with it in his soul will be able to heed the answers that the work gives him, and it will answer “not about what is not and does not happen, but about what now is and will always be.”

The author believes that the fairy tale plays important role in a person’s life, develops him, cultivates in him kindness, responsiveness, love for the world around him. “And people who live with a fairy tale have the gift and happiness. . . ask your people about the first and last life wisdom and listen with an open mind to the answers of his original, prehistoric philosophy."

I agree with the author and believe that fairy tales are an important part of both a person’s childhood and his adult life. They instill in us love for our neighbors, thanks to them we are immersed in magical worlds, memories of which accompany us throughout our entire existence, supporting us in difficult moments.

This problem has been addressed by both Russians and foreign authors works. In J. K. Rowling's novel Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, friends try to find weak sides He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named finds a symbol whose meaning no one can explain to them. The answer to this mystery is found in the tales of the bard Beedle, and it was thanks to the information contained in this book that they were able to defeat Voldemort and end the war that led to the suffering of many magicians.

Let's remember Lev Grossman's novel The Magicians. Quentin, seemingly out of the age when everyone loves fairy tales, never stops rereading his favorite piece- "Fillory and Beyond". He grew up on these stories, they helped shape his character. The shy and modest guy was never in the spotlight, but when he found out that he was a wizard, and Fillory really existed, his knowledge about this country became irreplaceable, only with his help were his friends able to get there to destroy the enemy who was destroying all magic.

Thus, fairy tales are one of the most important works in people's lives, playing big role for them throughout their lives.

Updated: 2018-03-21

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The first literary work in every person’s life is a fairy tale. We probably all remember well how our mother read them to us back in the very early days. early years. However, one should not perceive a fairy tale solely as a way to entertain a child or amuse him.

It seems so only at first glance, but when detailed analysis, we see that such literary genre performs a very important function, namely, raising a child. Let's remember together how fairy tales made us feel.

The role of fairy tales in the life of the reader

The plot necessarily had a negative and goodies who found themselves in the same life situation or took part in a certain event together. Evil characters hindered the good ones in every possible way, playing various tricks on them.

However, in the end, good always defeated evil, and often won it over to its side. The unformed psyche of a child, using the example of the main characters of a fairy tale, begins to understand what is good and what is bad; how to treat people and how not to; what are the real ones life values, and what are false.

Moral values ​​in fairy tales for adults

One should not assume that fairy tales leave a child as he grows up: they accompany a person throughout his entire life. conscious life. After all, people tend to lose their life guidelines, and these literary works in every possible way help to find them again. Fairy tales for adults contain somewhat transformed moral values children's fairy tales.

Such works teach a person to be a patriot of his state, to have ideas about true love and friendship. Poetic images The heroes of fairy tales make a person think about whether he has forgotten about the main thing in his life - spiritual formation.

After all, very often adults are busy with various everyday chores - work, study and raising children. The spiritual idea of ​​life sharply fades into the background, and ultimately, completely loses its relevance. Fairy tales act as a tool with the help of which adults begin to understand true values own life.

The place of fairy tales in the world of fiction

The fairy tale occupies one of the most significant places in the world fiction. Moreover, this genre is a pioneer in the development of direct literary process in the life of humanity. The fairy tale always went in rhythm with time and fully reflected the dominant guidelines that were characteristic of humanity in a certain period of its history.

This literary genre did not arise out of nowhere. In ancient times, it was oral and passed down from generation to generation. Such tales were called folk tales, since they did not have an author, but were an expanded and modified oral text.

Author's fairy tales first appeared in the 17th century. Father of classical literary fairy tale Charles Perot is considered to be the one who created the literary construction of the fairy tale, which was repeatedly used by many writers in the future. The tale meets all the criteria literary work, the main one being a lesson to the reader.