What does the female name Ramila mean? Meaning of the name Ramil

R- people with the letter “R” in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible and you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuition and have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. They constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

M- if you look at people who have the letter “M” in their name, you can say that they are scattered and disorganized, but in reality this is not the case. Whatever they need, they will never forget. They prefer to do quality work. They make excellent leaders who always take into account the interests of others.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided by logical thinking in their actions. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

I- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them. People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are capable of hiding many secrets. In addition, they are excellent conversationalists and romantic people with a rich imagination.

Of Arabic origin - “magical”, “wonderful”.

General description of the name Ramil

Little Ramil is an energetic and lively child, bravely exploring the world ahead of him. This is the leader and ringleader, dragging the kids along with him. He is truthful and does not like to be deceived over trifles. It is better for parents to immediately explain the true picture (for example, about unpleasant sensations during a visit to the dentist) than to embellish the reality.

Ramil is inquisitive, strives to get to the bottom of things. He is in constant tension, overloading his nervous system, so active sports are suitable for him - classical wrestling, football, martial arts.

Having matured, Ramil becomes a true romantic: he notices the beauty of nature, appreciates the orderliness of the surrounding space, and strives for harmony. Pays attention to beautiful girls, but some shyness can become an obstacle to relationships. Ramil is so carried away by new, unexpected experiences that he ceases to be interested in close people.

He is hardworking, pedantic, and does not neglect the little things, which allows him to always finish what he has started. He does not shy away from everyday comfort, therefore, with enviable activity, he throws himself into all things that can bring profit. In a team, he prefers to work separately or in a leadership position, since it is in solitude that he is able to understand the complexity and completeness of the task. Often offers an original and unexpected solution to a problem.

In his mature years, Ramil is happy to share his accumulated experience with young people. He is a good storyteller: he knows how to classify the subject of discussion, put everything into categories and clearly convey the main idea to his interlocutor.

The totem animal is a camel, the totem plant is mandrake, the talisman stone is onyx.

Strengths of the name Ramil

Unselfishness, ability to support comrades, rationality, developed intelligence, adaptability, consistency, strength of personality, charm.

The development of positive qualities makes the bearer of the name an authoritative and respected person. This is a spiritual guide or judge who makes fair and wise decisions. Such a Ramil will be an ideological inspirer of people to do good deeds, demonstrating everything by his own example. He will generously share with everyone his experience, knowledge, skills, and ability to make the right decisions.

Weaknesses of the name Ramil

Selfishness, aggressiveness, demonstrativeness, emotional instability, detachment from reality, depravity, depravity.

Indulging in base quality will lead Ramil to despotism and tyranny. He will curry favor with those in power and strong people, and humiliate the weaker and less fortunate. To achieve the goal, he will go over his head.

Sexuality of the name Ramil

Sensual. In his youth he is modest and shy, but very quickly begins to realize the power of his masculine attractiveness. He is self-confident and brave, which attracts the attention of women. In women he values ​​fidelity, appearance, affection, and the desire to please. He goes through his partners because he wants to make sure that his choice is correct. As a rule, he settles on the most beautiful and gentle woman, who also has a generous soul. Ramil is jealous and can throw a scandal if he suspects even the slightest flirting. Marries late, remains faithful in marriage.

The influence of the name Ramil on fate

Independent of other people's opinions. Rarely listens to advice, prefers to fill his own bumps. He is attracted by rare professions in which Ramil seeks to try his hand. A resourceful mind capable of making quick decisions. But more importantly, he moves from words to actions just as quickly. Routine work is contraindicated for Ramil; he quickly begins to get bored.

Ramil does not tolerate failures well and becomes despondent. In such a situation, it is very important for him to feel the support of his family and loved ones and to hear words of encouragement.

Ramil has few friends, but they all have the same sharp mind and creative spirit as himself. Ramil's liveliness, his openness and wit, his bright personality often make him the soul of society, a popular person in the team and friendly environment.

The spirit of a pioneer and discoverer lies dormant in him, which is why Ramil often chooses a profession related to business trips and trips. If his work does not involve traveling, then he spends his vacations traveling and having adventures.

The key to communicating with Ramil

Ramil is not one of those people who easily forgives betrayal. The betrayer may at one point feel that Ramil is one of those who lay down softly, but it will be extremely unpleasant to sleep.

The name Ramil means “wonderful”, “magic”, “sharp shooter”.

Origin of the name

Ramil is a male name with Arabic roots. The origin of the name is associated with the Arabic word, which translates as “magical”, “wonderful”. There is also a version that the translation of the name Ramil from the ancient Arabic language can mean “sharp shooter.”

Characteristics of the name


Little Rami is usually an active and energetic child who bravely explores the world around him. The boy is the undisputed leader and ringleader of all children's companies, and enjoys great authority among the children. He does not tolerate deception, even if it is a lie in the name of salvation. Rami prefers to know the true state of things in everything. Usually the boy is well physically developed and enjoys various sports. Most often he prefers to engage in martial arts, classical wrestling, and football.


The matured Ramil is distinguished by his courage and recklessness, and is often drawn into various adventures. It is very important that a man has a faithful, more reserved friend who could moderate his ardor.

As a rule, he is a romantic. He loves everything beautiful - nature, harmony in space, beautiful girls. At the same time, he is extremely shy, although he tries to hide it. A man hides his emotional vulnerability with ostentatious independence and openness in communication.

Ramil is very open to his friends and trusts them endlessly. A man does not tolerate greed, betrayal and lies. These manifestations of human nature cause him rejection. If Ramil discovers such qualities in someone he knows, he crosses them out of his life forever.

He treats his loved ones and relatives with attention and is always ready to help them. At the same time, possessing kindness and sensitivity, the man is quite prudent and practical.


As indicated in the characteristics of the name Ramil, a man with this name usually has many talents. He can achieve great success in art or sports. The profession of an artist, art critic, director of an art gallery, radio or television worker, or designer is suitable for Ramil. He often becomes a fairly successful entrepreneur.

Personal life

As a rule, he marries late. He tries to choose a beautiful, caring and affectionate girl as his wife. A man bearing this name often makes a good husband. Sometimes he can do reckless things, surprising his wife and family. But, as a rule, with the birth of a child, Ramil calms down and becomes calmer and more homely.

Name compatibility

The name Ramil combines successfully with the patronymics Takhirovich, Rushanovich, Rinatovich, Ravilevich, Damirovich.

Good compatibility with such female names: Maria, Vera, Anna, Anastasia.

Name day

Orthodox name days do not exist for Ramil.

Famous people

The most famous people with the name Ramil: Ramil Saubanov, Ramil Khalikov, Ramil Abdrshin, Ramil Garifullin.

Ramil - the meaning of the name is translated as “wonderful”, “magical”. It has two origins. The first is from the female name Ramila, which is associated with fortune telling on the sand. The second is from ancient Arabic, and means “sharp shooter.” This name is quite common in certain regions of Russia. Let's figure out what the name Ramil means.

Since childhood, he has a very easy-going, kind and positive character. He initiates many games and makes people around him interesting. Among his peers, Ramil will always be an authority. He may not study as conscientiously as he would like, but he has an excellent memory and an analytical mind. He always tries to find out the essence of things, and is a rather inquisitive and inquisitive person. Active sports are perfect for him: football, martial arts or wrestling.

Ramil has a penchant for risky actions and adventures even in adulthood. Does not like conflicts, tries to be positive in society. He makes many plans for the future, most of them completely crazy, but Ramil thinks completely differently. The meaning of the name characterizes him as a charming, hardworking, sensitive person. From the outside he may seem a little frivolous, but he hides the ability to deeply analyze situations and draw the right conclusions. If he takes on a task, he will definitely see it through to the end. Ramil quickly moves from words to action.

The meaning of the name reveals Ramil as a very talented person, capable of achieving heights in art, fashion, and show business. Its practicality allows you to become a successful entrepreneur, businessman, and also a fair judge. He prefers to work separately from the team, because this is the only way he can concentrate on the task at hand and penetrate into its essence. Often finds an exceptional way to resolve difficult situations. Other people's opinions do not affect him. He also usually ignores advice, preferring to gain his own experience. If Ramil fails, he plunges deeply into pessimism. It is at such a moment that he needs the support of loved ones. Ramil has few friends, but they are all just as creative and witty. He does not forgive traitors. They will understand that this open, easy-going person is capable of repaying meanness. Ramil has such a character.

The meaning of the name confirms that he is a true romantic. This guy sees the beauty of the surrounding world, nature, and loves the harmonious atmosphere at home. Since he is attracted by everything beautiful, he will choose a real beauty as his wife. Values ​​fidelity, tenderness, appearance, and efforts to please in his other half. It is better for him to start a family with a woman who can understand a sensitive soul and warn against reckless actions. In marriage, Ramil remains a faithful husband. In adulthood, she is happy to share her accumulated knowledge and experience.

The meaning of the name Ramil speaks of the compatibility of the person wearing it with Anastasia, Anna, Maria, Vera. But a combination with Galina, Sarah, Renata, Daria, Larisa, Nelly and Elizaveta will be unsuccessful.

The main version of the origin of the male name Ramil is Arabic. The name is quite widespread in eastern countries and the translation is “wonderful”, “magical”. However, this is not the last Arabic version. It is believed that the origin of the name Ramil is associated with a special ritual “ilm al-raml” - predicting the future using a handful of sand, hence the meaning “sand”. The origin of the name Ramil may be associated with the ritual “rami-l-jamrat”, which involves throwing stones during the Hajj. In this case, the meaning of the name Ramil is “sharp shooter.”


The boy Ramil is growing up as a very active, cheerful and courageous child. This mischievous boy constantly needs supervision so that he does not do another serious stupidity. But all his pranks are benign in nature, he does not intentionally seek to harm anyone and is not an aggressive child at all. This kid is used to confirming his words with actions. When he gets into trouble, he puts on a very sincere look of surprise on his face. His positive character allows him to make a lot of friends. This means that a boy named Ramil has a special attractiveness and charm that other people like about him.

Among his many comrades, Ramil has very few close friends, because many children quickly understand that they will also get screwed for this boy’s pranks, and no one wants to take responsibility. Nature made Ramil a smart kid, with a predisposition to do well at school. However, this is of absolutely no use to him; his lessons are of little interest to him. Parents need to try to direct his energy in the right direction so that his good memory and analytical mind, high intelligence do not go to waste.

Sports can be a schoolchild's true love. Regular physical activity will help you spend your energy properly. It is this child who, thanks to sports, will be able to develop strong-willed qualities. In order for Ramil to grow up to be a good, worthy and successful person, his parents must put a lot of effort into his upbringing. Without mentorship, his love of understanding the world through practice, rather than theory, without taking into account the consequences, can cause serious harm. But his hindsight does not prevent him from being the life of the party and a leader among children.

Personal life

A man named Ramil, due to the meaning of his name, may have different fates in his personal life. A strong independent adventurer and daredevil becomes awkward, shy and vulnerable next to the fair sex. Ramil's character and appearance make him an attractive guy for girls, and he understands this very well. But it is very difficult for him to pull himself together, pull himself together and overcome his shyness. Only over the years does he gradually gain self-confidence in love relationships and becomes even more attractive to women. It can take a very long time to look for a life partner.

The guy is not a heartthrob or a seducer, but is really looking for his soul mate. He needs not only a beautiful, but also an intelligent, understanding, wonderful woman in all respects. It is in front of such a person that he is able to bare his soul and truly open up as a man, become romantic and vulnerable. For his woman, Ramil wants to be perfect in everything. If he finds a companion who will support, praise and admire him in everything, then she will receive a double return of care and tenderness. Ramil can become a good dad and has great feelings for children. He becomes a real hero, best friend and mentor for them. It is the time of fatherhood that can change Ramil for the better, rid him of recklessness and ardor. Children make Dad Ramil careful, prudent, and force him to show wisdom in life. An exemplary family man will try to spend every free minute surrounded by loved ones.

Business and career

Doors are open for this person in many professional fields. This means that a man named Ramil can connect his career with information technology or the service sector. Based on the meaning of the name Ramil, you can safely go to work as a coach. He has all the prerequisites to become a successful mentor. Especially if he decides to play sports professionally since childhood, then in the future he can turn his favorite hobby into his profession.

Ramil Sabitov

A guy can successfully engage in creative work for which he has a soul. The professions of book publisher, journalist, television cameraman, and teacher would suit him. He has a subtle sense of beauty, so he can become a good art critic. Working as a critic in cinema, literature or music is also suitable for him. Since childhood, Ramil always knows exactly what he wants to become and what he will do. This hardworking person is trying to choose an activity for himself that will be comfortable for the soul and will bring good material security and give confidence in the future.

According to the meaning of the male name, Ramil will be able to realize himself perfectly in business, both alone and as a partner. He is an inexhaustible source of ideas and inspiration for creating a business and is an excellent boss. His relatives know what the name Ramil means - the ability to work both in a team and alone. However, he prefers to work for himself.


Ramil - the meaning of the name makes this man courageous, self-confident, strong and strong-willed. Nature endowed him with oriental courage and a sharp mind, as well as an excellent memory. Sometimes it will be difficult to come to a common conclusion with Ramil, due to the fact that the guy does not pay attention to circumstances and is inclined to judge everything by the result. Outwardly, a man may be overly self-confident, but inside he turns out to be a very impressionable person with a sense of beauty, capable of empathy.

Ramil is an ardent fighter for justice; he cannot stand lies, greed and injustice. If, by accident or intentionally, he manages to reveal the deception, the liar will have a very hard time. If a loved one does this to him, he will delete him from his life forever. Based on the characteristics of the male name Ramil, one can understand that a person who is open in communication with a good sense of humor has positive traits such as sincerity, honesty, and nobility. But there are also disadvantages - impatience and categoricalness. The man is too hasty; he tries to divide everything in the world into two categories: good and bad. Often he overdoes it and stops noticing the bright colors of the world around him. For the people around her, this slightly romantic nature is very attractive. People especially appreciate his easy-going character and ease of communication.

This guy is very kind, non-conflict with him, easy and free. But when difficult situations arise and Ramil has to vigorously defend his opinion, which he always does, such a character trait as hot temper appears. He may thereby accidentally offend a person. Since childhood, this guy has had two main and characteristic qualities - courage and the ability to keep his word. People's first opinion about Ramil may be contradictory; to some he seems frivolous, to others he is overly narcissistic, to others he is a very complex person. But in the process of communication, people begin to understand that he is a responsible, fair and hardworking person. You can trust him with any task, he will always finish what he starts. A wave of positivity and kindness always emanates from him.

Character traits

His character may change when he senses an opportunity nearby to get involved in an adventure or commit a risky act. He has a particular weakness for this. But he will never decide to do bad things or meanness for his own benefit. It is worth considering what the name Ramil means depending on the time of year when he was born:

  • winter - full of determination, courageous, with a strongly developed sense of duty;
  • spring – openness, sociability, friendliness;
  • summer – composure, sensitivity, responsiveness;
  • autumn – impartiality, honesty and hard work.

A lifelong romantic loves to surround himself with beautiful things and people. He is interested in making new acquaintances, going on long journeys and spending time doing outdoor activities. This reliable friend is highly valued by those around him for his openness.

Ramil - the meaning of this man’s name is revealed in the following astrological correspondences:

  • patronized by the planet Saturn;
  • talisman stone – obsidian;
  • zodiac constellation – Capricorn;
  • totem animal – camel;
  • auspicious plant - hellebore;
  • suitable color – black;
  • Happy day of the week is Saturday.


Excellent compatibility of the name Ramil with Natalya, Ksenia, Ulyana, Nina, Inna, Dinara Anfisa, Claudia, Maria, Anastasia, Vera, Anna.

Poor compatibility of the male name Ramil with Renata, Larisa, Elizaveta, Daria, Galina, Sarah, Nellie.