Summary of the drawing lesson "our favorite kindergarten". Notes on fine arts in the senior group “Under the blue sky

Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, visual activities,

Position: fine arts teacher
Place of work: LLC "Ladushki" creative workshops
Location: 6 clearing 153, Samara city

Lesson Note Plans.

Art classes in preschool educational institutions for children 5-7 years old

Introduction to paints

Lesson topic: introduction to paints

Lesson type: lesson-game.

Type of training: developmental.

Purpose: to give a general description and idea of ​​the technique of working with watercolor and gouache paints.

  1. teach children to distinguish gouache paints from watercolors
  2. develop interest and a positive attitude towards drawing
  3. correct use of a brush
  4. Formation of artistic and creative activity of the individual

Lesson equipment.

For the teacher: watercolors, gouache paints, brush, paper, presentation on the topic of the lesson with pictures drawn in watercolors and gouache, classical music Bach “In dulci jubilo”, Mozart “Clarinet Quintet in A-Dur”.

For students: paints: gouache, watercolor, brushes, watercolor paper, palette, water jar, apron, towel.

Organization of the lesson

  1. Time to perceive nature, objects (shape, proportions, image):-
  2. Time for students to complete the theoretical task:-

Progress of the lesson

2. Teacher: Hello guys!

Students: Hello!

Teacher: Today we will get to know different types of paints and how to paint with them. But first, guess the riddles:

I'm running on paper

I can do everything, I can do everything:

If you want, I’ll draw a house,

Do you want a Christmas tree in the snow?

If you want an uncle, you want a garden.

Any child is happy for me.

Children answer: Brush

Multicolored sisters

Bored without water.

Uncle, long and thin,

He carries water with his beard.

And his sisters with him

Draw a house and smoke.

Children: Brush and paints

Teacher: That's right, guys. Now let's pick up the brush and take a closer look at it. How soft and fluffy she is, right? Let's try to draw with it.

The teacher runs a dry brush over the paper, but no marks remain on the sheet.

Teacher: Oh, we can’t draw something... what are we missing?

Children: We need paints to paint!

Teacher: Correct. And now our guests at the lesson - watercolor and gouache paint - will talk about themselves.

The teacher picks up paints and begins a story on behalf of the paints.


“I am transparent paint. So transparent that you can see the paper through me. Apply it to the paper in a thin layer; if you need a lighter color, dilute it with water. And to correct the failed places, the drawing is simply washed off with water. And when I dry, I don’t change color, but remain just as transparent and delicate.”


“I am opaque paint. If you need to make the color lighter, I add white. The paper should not show through when you draw. If you need to fix something that didn’t work out, you can paint over it with a new layer of paint. It turns out bright and colorful, but when it dries, the drawing becomes much lighter."

During the story, the teacher shows the children a presentation.

Teacher: These are the interesting and bright colors we have. And now I will tell you how to draw correctly

The teacher takes a blank sheet of paper, talks and at the same time draws on paper.

Teacher: First you need to wet the brush in water; if there is too much water, you need to wipe it on the edge of a jar of water. And in order to draw beautifully, you also need to sit correctly: the elbow of one hand should be on the table, and the other hand should be holding a sheet of paper. Now let's take watercolor paint on a brush and move it across the paper, lightly and without pressing. Let's draw a tree trunk. And now I’ll show you the “dipping” technique. Let’s take a brush and put gouache on it, and apply it flat, like this, to the paper. What can you draw this way?

Children: leaves from a flower, leaves on a tree, ripples on the water.

Teacher: You know so many things. Well done! But before we start drawing, we should rest a little. Repeat after me:

We raise our hands up,

And then we lower them,

And then we’ll hold you close,

And then we'll separate them,

And then faster, faster

Clap, clap more cheerfully.

Teacher: This is how we had a rest! Well, now let's draw a tree with leaves with these colors. We will paint the tree with watercolors and the leaves with gouache. What time of year would you like to depict?

Children: Autumn, summer!

Teacher: why do you want to draw this?

Children: - It’s very beautiful in autumn, the trees are so colorful.

— And in the summer it’s warm and sunny, the birds are singing, the flowers are beautiful in the parks.

Teacher: Okay. Then let's create! Just remember that you cannot keep the Brush in water for a long time, otherwise it will be offended by you and will not help you create masterpieces!

While the children are drawing, classical music plays.

Children's activity in the lesson:

Speech (conversation, discussion, conference, report, story): conversation, teacher’s story about the types of paints and the method of working with them.

Mental (trainings, exercises, theoretical assignments, work with a book, educational games, educational control)

In verse.

Student Survey

Topic of the survey: questions - riddles about artistic tools (brush, paints), questions about your favorite time of year.

Survey method: combined

Questions (question-answer):

1. Oh, we can’t draw something... what are we missing? (we don't have enough colors!)

2. What can you draw using the dipping technique? (leaves from a flower, leaves on a tree, ripples on water)

3. What time of year would you like to depict? (Autumn, summer)

4. Why do you want to draw this? (In autumn it is very beautiful, such colorful trees; And in summer it is warm and sunny, the birds are singing, the flowers are beautiful in the parks)

Practical task:

Draw a magic tree using mixed media: watercolor and gouache.

Job Level

Educational and creative: come up with the structure of a magic tree, its crown and surroundings.

1. originality in completing the task.

2. Search for new methods for solving the problem.

Techniques aimed at developing students' creative activity: introducing games into the educational process, integrating painting, music and literature.

Homework: bring materials for the next lesson: watercolors, wax crayons, A3 sheet, brushes, water jar, towel, apron.

Glossary of terms

Art classes in preschool educational institutions for children 5-7 years old
Winter huts.

Topic of the lesson: depiction of winter in gouache.

Lesson type: consolidation lesson

Type of training: developmental.

Goal: Consolidate knowledge about types of paints: gouache

1 Development of fantasy and imagination.

2 Implementation of aesthetic education.

3 Formation of artistic and creative activity of the individual.

4 Formation of a sense of color.

Method used in the lesson: explanatory and illustrative

Lesson equipment.

For the teacher: stencils of houses, presentation with pictures of snow-covered houses, musical series: Beethoven “Symphony No. 8 in F-Dur Op.93”, Bach “Valet will ich dir geben”.

For students: A3 sheet, brushes, gouache, water jar, apron.

Organization of the lesson

  1. Lesson start and end time: —
  2. Time to communicate the topic of the lesson and explain new material: 15 minutes
  3. Time for students to complete the practical task: 28 minutes
  4. Viewing and analysis of graphic works: 10 min
  5. Time to summarize the lesson and give homework: 7 minutes.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organize children locally, check the necessary material.

Teacher: Hello guys.

Students: Hello!

Teacher: Children, what time of year is it outside now?

Students: Winter!

Teacher: Correct. Now, guess my riddles.

It's getting cold.

The water turned into ice.

Long-eared gray bunny

Turned into a white bunny.

The bear stopped roaring:

A bear hibernated in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen?

Students: In winter

Name it guys

A month in this riddle:

His days are the shortest of all days,

Of all nights longer than night.

To the fields and meadows

It snowed until spring.

Only our month will pass,

We are celebrating the New Year.

Students: December

Teacher: Have you noticed how beautiful trees and houses are in winter?

Pupils: - Yes, we noticed. Everything around is so white.

- Fluffy and soft, like in a fairy tale.

Teacher: How attentive you all are, well done. Let's watch a small presentation with winter snow-covered houses.

The teacher shows the children a presentation on the topic of the lesson.

Teacher: These are the beautiful houses we have. And now we will draw a winter composition with houses. I have prepared stencils for you (an example from paper) and now we will “dress” them with snow! By the way, do you know what color the snow is?

Students: Like what, white.

Teacher: Wrong guys. Our snow is colorful! Look out the window and see how colorful the snow shimmers. What colors do you see there?

Pupils: - Oh, it’s really multi-colored! I see yellow.

- And I’m blue and lilac.

- Oh, there’s even orange!

Teacher: You see. Now let's relax and start drawing.

I'm not afraid of frost

I will become close friends with him.

Frost will come to me,

He touches his hand, touches his nose. (You need to show your hand and nose.)

So, you must not yawn,

Jump, run and play. (Movements.)

Teacher: Well done. And now, with new strength and imagination, let’s take a brush and start creating. Just remember that you cannot keep the brush in water for a long time.

The teacher helps each child redraw the stencil of the houses, and the children begin to draw. Classical music plays throughout the lesson.

At the end of the lesson, a mini-exhibition of children's work is held and grades are given for the lesson.

Children's activity in the lesson

Emotional (emotional relief, “minutes of peace”, psycho gymnastics, situational and game methods, competition, KVN, etc.):

Speech (conversation, discussion, conference, report, story): conversation on the topic of the lesson.

Mental (trainings, exercises, theoretical assignments, work with a book, educational games, educational control):

Motor (physical training, recreational gymnastics, finger exercises, breathing exercises, visual gymnastics, etc.): physical training

Student Survey

Poll topic: poll about the time of year and what color the snow is.

Questions (question-answer)

  1. Children, what time of year is it outside now? (Winter)
  2. Have you noticed how beautiful trees and houses are in winter? (yes, we noticed. Everything around is so white; Fluffy and soft, like in a fairy tale.)

3. What color of snow do you see there? (Oh, it’s really multi-colored! I see yellow; but I see blue and lilac; Oh, there’s even orange!)

Practical task

Making a winter composition using gouache technique.

Job Level

  1. Educational: perform work using the gouache technique.

Criteria for assessing student work:

  1. Accuracy in performing work
  2. The colors in the work are harmoniously selected.

Techniques aimed at developing the creative activity of students: visual material (presentation) helps students get a more specific understanding of this topic, the introduction of game techniques and situations liberates the child’s creative activity.

Homework: bring salt dough, stacks, a board, cardboard, beads and buttons to the next lesson.

Glossary of terms

Concept Definition Figurative associations
Nature(from Latin natura - nature) - in the practice of fine art: any phenomena, creatures and objects that the artist depicts (or can depict), observing as a model directly and in the course of his work.
Stencil(from Italian traforetto) - a device used for applying various letters and various images to different surfaces; This term also refers to an image created using this device.
Compositiona component of an artistic painting that gives the work unity and integrity, subordinating its elements to each other and to the artist’s entire plan.

Art classes in preschool educational institutions for children 5-7 years old

New Year's theme using decoupage technique.

Topic of the lesson: introduction to decoupage techniques.

Lesson type: introduction lesson

Type of training: developmental.

Purpose: to give a general description and idea of ​​the decoupage technique and the method of working in this technique.

1. development of fine motor skills

2. Formation of artistic and creative activity of the individual.

Method used in the lesson: explanatory and illustrative

Lesson equipment.

For the teacher: presentation about decoupage, musical series: Vivaldi “Winter Aus Die Vier Jahreszeith - from the Four Seasons Op.8”, Mozart “Violin concerto No. 3 in G major K.216”, Tchaikovsky “Tanets fei Drazhe - iz baleta Schelkunchik” "

For students: PVA glue, glue brush (wide), glass blank, napkins for decoupage on a New Year's theme, an apron.

Organization of the lesson

  1. Lesson start and end time: —
  2. Time to communicate the topic of the lesson and explain new material: 20 minutes.
  3. Time to perceive nature, objects (shape, proportions, image): -
  4. Time for students to complete the theoretical task: —
  5. Time for students to complete the practical task: 23 minutes.
  6. Time to summarize the lesson and give homework: 7 minutes.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organize children locally, check the necessary material.

Teacher: Hello guys.

Students: Hello!

Teacher: Tell me, what holiday is approaching?

Pupils: New Year!

Teacher: Correct! Now I will read you poems about the New Year.

Enchantress in Winter

Bewitched, the forest stands,

And under the snow fringe,

motionless, mute,

He shines with a wonderful life.

And he stands bewitched,

Enchanted by a magical dream,

All entangled, all shackled

Light chain down

Is the winter sun shining

On him your ray with a scythe -

Nothing will tremble in him,

It will all flare up and sparkle

Dazzling beauty.

With funny songs

Into the scary dark forest

Winter has arrived

With a chest of miracles.

She opened the chest,

I took out everyone’s outfits,

On birches, maples

I put on the lace.

For tall spruce trees

And gray oak

Zimushka got it

Snow coats.

Covered the river

With thin ice,

As if glazed

Blue glass.

Teacher: What do we have for the New Year?

— All sorts of gifts under the tree.

— They set off beautiful fireworks, fireworks.

Teacher: Correct! Do you like receiving gifts?

Students: Of course we do.

Teacher: That's good. Then let's create a gift for your mothers or friends today! After all, as they say, the best gift is the one made with your own hands. Do you agree with me? Do you like to craft?

Pupils: Of course we do!

Teacher: But before we start, I will tell you about a magical technique called DECOUPAGE. This is a very interesting and easy to perform technique.

Decoupage (French: decouper - to cut) is a decorative technique for fabric, dishes, furniture, etc. It consists of meticulously cutting out images from various materials (wood, leather, fabrics, paper, etc.), which are then glued or otherwise attached to various surfaces for decoration. In general, an ordinary, but not quite simple napkin in your hands can work wonders! Let's see examples of such magical transformations.

The teacher shows the children a presentation about decoupage.

Teacher: Well, you’re probably tired, let’s do a fabulous warm-up!

Listen, fabulous people,

We are going to the meeting.

Get in line quickly

And start charging. (Stretching.)

Stretch, stretch!

Hurry, wake up quickly!

The day came a long time ago

He knocks on your window.

Teacher: Wow, that's how we had a rest! Let's start work!

To begin with, we will take with you a napkin of the kind you like. You see, it is dense, this is because it has three layers. But we only need the first one. We take and separate this layer from all the others. That's how transparent it is! And now we put this picture on our workpiece and with a wide brush with glue we begin to smear it, starting from the middle, as if there were rays of the sun. Just do not pull the napkin too much, otherwise it may tear. Do everything carefully and beautifully, it’s a gift. If it doesn’t work out, I will definitely help you.

While the children complete the task, classical music plays.

At the end of the lesson, a mini-exhibition of children's work is held and grades are given for the lesson.

Children's activity in the lesson:

Speech (conversation, discussion, conference, report, story): the teacher’s story about the new decoupage technique and the method of working with this technique.

Student Survey

Topic of the survey: questions about the New Year.

Interview method (individual, frontal, combined): combined

Questions (question - answer)

  1. Tell me, what holiday is approaching? (New Year)
  2. What do we have for the New Year? (All kinds of gifts under the tree; Beautiful fireworks are launched, fireworks)
  3. Do you like receiving gifts? (Of course we love)

Practical task

Decorating glass or any other surface using the new decoupage technique.

Job Level

Training: make a New Year's composition on a glass blank using a new technique.

Criteria for assessing student work:

  1. accuracy of work.
  2. quality of mastering initial decoupage skills.

Techniques aimed at developing the creative activity of students: the teacher reading poems on the topic of the lesson, watching a presentation.

Homework: bring plasticine, stacks, a board, colored cardboard to the next lesson.

Glossary of terms

Art classes in preschool educational institutions for children 5-7 years old

Little owlet.

Topic of the lesson: introduction to the technique of plasticine painting

Lesson type: introduction lesson.

Type of training: developmental

Purpose: To give a general description of what plasticine painting is, to characterize work in this technique.

  1. Development of fantasy
  2. mastering new techniques for working with plasticine
  3. nurturing artistic taste in children;
  4. development of motor skills of children's fingers.
  5. development of a sense of color, proportion, rhythm;

Method used in the lesson: explanatory and illustrative

Lesson equipment.

For the teacher: a presentation on the topic of what kinds of owls there are, an owlet stencil with which the children will work, a musical series: the sounds of the music “Mountain Calm”; sounds of music "Melody of Life"

For students: plasticine, stacks, colored cardboard, pencil, eraser.

Organization of the lesson

  1. Lesson start and end time: —
  2. Time to perceive nature, objects (shape, proportions, image): -
  3. Time for students to complete the theoretical task: —
  4. Viewing and analysis of graphic works: 10 min.

During the classes.

1. Organize children locally, check the necessary material.

Teacher: Hello guys!

Students: Hello!

Teacher: Today, guys, we will draw with plasticine. Yes, yes, exactly with plasticine, like paints. This technique is simply called plasticine painting. It combines both modeling and painting.

Students: What an interesting technique! What are we going to do today?

Teacher: You and I will make an owl! Have you ever seen an owl?

Pupils: - Yes, I saw it at the zoo

- no, we didn’t see it.

Teacher: Okay. Let’s remember with you the owl characters from the cartoons. Do you know these?

Pupils: - Sovunya from Smeshariki.

- Owl from Winnie the Pooh.

Teacher: That's right, guys. Now let's see what kind of owls there are.

The teacher shows a visual series: photographs of owls taken in the form of a presentation.

Teacher: How beautiful owls are and they are all different. Now you and I will make our own owl using new technology. I have brought you several stencils, choose any of them, and I will help you redraw it onto cardboard. So, let's take a piece of plasticine, for example brown, tear it off a little and start smearing it with your finger, for example a breast. And so on for the whole owl. We do it carefully, take our time. We will do it in two classes.

During the lesson there is physical education:

We painted today

We painted today

Our fingers are tired.

Let them rest a little

They will start drawing again.

Let's move our elbows away together

Let's start drawing again. (The hands were stroked, shaken, kneaded.)

We painted today

Our fingers are tired.

Let's shake our fingers

Let's start drawing again.

Legs together, legs apart,

We hammer in a nail.

We tried, we drew,

And now everyone stood up together,

They stomped their feet, clapped their hands,

Then we squeeze our fingers,

Let's start drawing again.

We tried, we drew,

Our fingers are tired

And now we will rest -

Let's start drawing again.

During the lesson, music plays that imitates the sounds of nature.

At the next lesson, children finish what they did not finish in the previous lesson.

Children's activity in the lesson:

Emotional (emotional relief, “minutes of peace”, psycho gymnastics, situational and game methods, competition, KVN, etc.): game method, listening to musical fragments, poetry.

Speech (conversation, discussion, conference, report, story): conversation about owls.

Motor (physical training, recreational gymnastics, finger exercises, breathing exercises, visual gymnastics, etc.): physical training.

Student Survey

Topic of the survey: questions about owls.

Survey method (individual, frontal, combined):

Questions (question-answer):

  1. Have you ever seen an owl? (Yes, I saw it at the zoo; no, we didn’t)

2. Let’s remember with you the owl characters from cartoons. Do you know these? (Sovunya from Smeshariki; Owl from Winnie the Pooh)

Practical task

Making an owl using a stencil using the plasticine painting technique over two lessons.

Job Level

Educational: make an owlet using a stencil using the plasticine painting technique.

Criteria for assessing student work:

  1. The quality of mastering the initial skills of plasticine painting.

Techniques aimed at developing the creative activity of students: integration of music, poetry and painting, which helps to better assimilate the material provided; the introduction of game techniques and situations liberates the child’s creative activity.

Homework: bring A3 sheet of paper and wax crayons to the next lesson.

Glossary of terms

Concept Definition Figurative associations
Plasticine modeling material consisting of clay and substances that prevent its hardening (wax, oil)
Plasticine painting one of the types of fine art that combines the features of two different techniques: modeling from plasticine and painting with oil paints.
Stack a flat, slightly curved stick with one sharp end and the other flat end for working in soft materials (clay, wax, plasticine, plaster), a sculptor’s tool.
Modeling In art, a method of forming a form by changing the volume from any soft plastic material: clay, plasticine, wax

Art classes in preschool educational institutions for children 5-7 years old
Stubborn little elephant.

Lesson topic: illustrating a fairy tale

Lesson type: lesson-game

Type of training: developmental

Purpose: To give a general description of who illustrators are and get acquainted with some of them.

  1. Development of fantasy
  2. Formation of graphic skills
  3. teach children story drawing

Method used in the lesson: explanatory and illustrative

Lesson equipment.

For the teacher: African fairy tale “Stubborn Elephant,” presentation about illustrators.

For students: watercolors, brushes, watercolor paper, palette, water jar, apron, towel.

Organization of the lesson

  1. Lesson start and end times:
  2. Time to communicate the topic of the lesson and explain new material: 25 minutes.
  3. Time to perceive nature, objects (shape, proportions, image): -
  4. Time for students to complete the theoretical task: —
  5. Time for students to complete the practical task: 75 minutes.
  6. Viewing and analysis of graphic works: 10 min.
  7. Time to summarize the lesson and give homework: 10 minutes.

During the classes.

1. Organize children locally, check the necessary material.

Teacher: Hello guys!

Students: Hello!

Teacher: Today we will come up with a picture! We will be illustrators for a fairy tale. Do you like to look at pictures in books?

Students: yes, they are so beautiful and colorful!

Teacher: Do you know what these pictures are called?

Students: These are illustrations.

Teacher: That's right, guys! Do you know who creates such pictures?

Students: Artists!

Teacher: Correct, but these are not quite ordinary artists, but illustrators. With the help of beautiful drawings, they help you understand what the book is about, even if you haven’t read it! Let's get to know some of them.

Demonstration by the teacher of a presentation about illustrators: Ivan Bilibin, Elena Polenova, Yuri Vasnetsov.

Teacher: Today you and I will feel like real artists, we will sketch a fairy tale with you! But for this, let’s listen to her. So, let's begin!

There lived a baby elephant in Africa. And he was so stubborn that no one could deal with him. One day the whole elephant family gathered for a walk.

“Let’s go,” the father elephant said to the baby elephant.

“Let’s go,” said the mother elephant.

“I won’t go,” said the little elephant.

“Let’s go,” said the older elephant brothers.

“I won’t go,” answered the little elephant.

“Well, we’ll take a walk without you,” the elephants said and left.

The little elephant was left alone. And when he was left alone, he really wanted to go out with everyone. Therefore, he was very offended that the elders left without him.

“If that’s the case,” the little elephant said to himself, “I won’t be an elephant anymore.”

He wondered what he should become. And he decided to become a lion cub. The baby elephant threw himself to the ground, raised all four legs and began to dangle them in the air. Just like a lion cub. A timid gazelle ran past. She stopped for a moment, looked at the baby elephant, got scared and ran away. As she ran, she threw up her thin legs and shook her horns.

“That’s who I will be,” the baby elephant shouted and galloped like a gazelle.

His ears shook like banana leaves, and his thick legs tangled together. Soon his whole body ached from jumping. “It’s not so nice to be a gazelle,” thought the little elephant.

Then he saw a green-eyed lizard. She was sitting on a flexible vine that hung from a tree.

“Good afternoon,” said the little elephant. - How are you doing?

“Bad,” answered the lizard. – I let my children go for a walk with their cousins, little crocodiles. I'm afraid that the crocodiles, having played out, will accidentally swallow my children.

“I would also like to play with someone,” said the little elephant. “Now I’ll climb up your vine and we’ll swing.”

- Well, I do not! - the lizard squeaked.

How? – the baby elephant was offended. - Don't you want to play with me?

- Of course I don’t want to. First, I worry about the children; secondly, you are too heavy and will break my vine. And thirdly, goodbye!

Before the baby elephant had time to blink an eye, the lizard darted into the foliage of the tree - just a flash of its tail.

- Just think, I really need a lizard! – the baby elephant snorted. “I’ll find myself a better comrade.” He moved on. In the clearing, the baby elephant saw monkeys. They were playing tag.

“This is a game for me,” said the little elephant. -Can I play with you?

- Play! - the monkeys screeched, so loudly that they completely deafened the baby elephant.

Before he had time to come to his senses, the monkeys began to play with him. Oh, what a game it was! The monkeys grabbed him by the tail, pulled his trunk, and pulled his ears. They tumbled on his back and tickled his stomach. And the baby elephant, no matter how hard he tried, could not stain a single monkey. Soon the baby elephant was completely exhausted.

“I don’t like being a monkey,” he said and ran away. And the monkeys laughed for a long time at the clumsy elephant calf.

A baby elephant was walking and walking and saw a parrot flying from branch to branch. The parrot was so colorful. What even sparkled in the baby elephant’s eyes.

“Now I finally know what to do,” the little elephant rejoiced. - I will fly.

“Begin, and I’ll watch,” responded the old parrot. The little elephant made a big jump, but for some reason did not take off. He fell to the ground and hurt his leg.

The old parrot tilted its head to the side and looked at him with one eye mockingly.

“There’s just nowhere to run around here,” said the embarrassed little elephant.

- I'll show you where you can run. - the parrot consoled him and led the baby elephant to the steep bank of the river.

- Look. - said the old mocker, and approached the very cliff. He jumped and took off.

The baby elephant also approached the cliff itself, also jumped and... plopped into the water.

He got out onto the shore wet and dirty. All covered with silt and mud. And, having got out, I saw that the father elephant, the mother elephant and the elephant brothers were standing nearby. And everyone silently looks at him. The baby elephant felt ashamed.

“Take me for a walk,” he said. - Now I will always be an elephant.

And the whole elephant family went for a walk.

Teacher: What an interesting and instructive fairy tale. Did you guys like it?

Students: yes, I liked it.

Teacher: and now, before we start creating, we need to rest a little so that we have the strength to create!

One, two, three - forward tilt,

One, two, three - now back. (Bends forward, backward.)

The elephant shakes its head -

He is happy to do exercises. (Chin to chest, then tilt head back.)

Even though the charge is short,

We rested a little. (Children sit down.)

Teacher: Now guys, let’s close our eyes and see our fairy tale... imagine yourself as this little elephant. What do you see around you?

— Palm trees are around, the sun is shining.

— Various animals: parrots, monkeys. And the river is nearby.

- Oh, a gazelle ran away from me!

Teacher: Oh, what a good imagination you have! Now we are ready to create a fairy tale! Let's take watercolor paper and first begin to draw our picture with a pencil, and then remember the technique of drawing with watercolors on wet. While the children complete the task, classical music plays.

At the next lesson, children continue to complete the illustration, drawing objects in more detail.

At the end of the lesson, a mini-exhibition of children's work is held and grades are given for the lesson.

Children's activity in the lesson:

Emotional (emotional relief, “minutes of peace”, psycho gymnastics, situational and game method, etc.): game method, listening to musical fragments, poetry.

Speech (conversation, discussion, conference, report, story): fairy tale “Stubborn Elephant”, conversation on the topic of the lesson.

Motor (physical education, recreational gymnastics, finger exercises, breathing exercises, visual gymnastics, etc.): physical education in verse.

Student Survey

Topic of the survey: questions about illustrations.

Survey method: combined

Questions (question-answer):

1. Do you like to look at pictures in books? (yes, they are so beautiful and colorful!)

2. Do you know what these pictures are called? (these are illustrations!)

3. Do you know who creates such pictures? (artists)

Practical task:

Carrying out your own illustration for the listened fairy tale in watercolor on wet during two lessons.

Job Level

Educational and creative: come up with your own illustration for the listened work.

Criteria for assessing student work:

  1. Accuracy in completing the task.
  2. Compliance of the drawing with the objectives of the lesson

Techniques aimed at developing the creative activity of students: a game situation aimed at developing the child’s imagination.

Homework: for the next lesson: quilling kit, scissors, pieces of fabric, cardboard, PVA glue and glue stick.

Glossary of terms

Concept Definition Figurative associations
Paintinga work of art that conveys the artist’s intentions using paint.
ArtistA person who works creatively in some field of art.
IllustrationA drawing or other image that explains the text.

Illustrations are used to convey the atmosphere of a work of art and demonstrate the objects described in the book.

IllustratorThese are artists who draw illustrations for books, helping to understand the content of the book, to better imagine its characters, their appearance, characters, actions, the environment in which they live...

Art classes in preschool educational institutions for children 5-7 years old

Smile of spring.

Topic of the lesson: introduction to the techniques of blotography and monotype.

Lesson type: introduction lesson

Type of training: developmental.

Goal: To introduce children to such methods of depiction as blotography, monotype, and to show their expressive capabilities.

1. Arouse interest in “reviving” unusual shapes (blots)

2. Form the artistic and creative activity of the individual

3. Develop imaginative thinking, flexibility of thinking, perception

4. Cultivate accuracy in painting with paints.

Method used in the lesson: explanatory and illustrative

Lesson equipment.

For the teacher: presentation about blotography and monotype techniques, musical series:

For students: watercolor paints, brushes, straws, watercolor paper, water jar, towel, apron.

Organization of the lesson

  1. Lesson start and end time
  2. Time to communicate the topic of the lesson and explain new material
  3. Time to perceive nature, objects (shape, proportions, image)
  4. Time for students to complete theoretical assignments
  5. Time for students to complete the practical task
  6. Viewing and analysis of graphic works
  7. Time to summarize the lesson and assign homework

Progress of the lesson

1. Organize children locally, check the necessary material.

Teacher: Hello guys.

Students: Hello!

Teacher: Now children, we will repeat and strengthen the skills of drawing with watercolors. Let you tell me how to draw, and I’ll do it. You will be teachers.

Students: - Wow, great!

- Well, you need more water and less paint on the brush.

The teacher does as the children say and “accidentally” drips onto the sheet, resulting in a blot.

Students: Oh, and what now? The drawing is ruined.

Teacher: But no. You and I have magic wands. Don't you see?

Pupils: - No, we don’t see

- Oh, these are probably the straws we brought?

Teacher: Yes, that's right

The teacher takes a straw and blows on the resulting drop, creating beautiful patterns.

Teacher: You see, you can then draw something on this blot, depending on what it looks like. This technique is called blotography.

Students: Wow, great! Such stains turn out beautiful.

Teacher: now I’ll take another sheet and show you another technique.

During the master class, children watch a presentation on the topic of the lesson.

The teacher takes a blank sheet of paper. On one half of the sheet he paints colorful spots with watercolors (just like in gouache - a thick layer) and quickly applies the second half of the sheet to the first, before the paint has dried, and carefully strokes the entire surface with his palms. He opens the sheet and gets almost the same imprint on the other side of the sheet.

Teacher: But this technique is called monotype - from the word “imprint”.

Students: What a beauty

Teacher: These are the techniques we will use to draw spring. What's happening in the spring?

Pupils: - The snow is melting.

— The buds are blooming on the trees

— Birds fly in and chirp around

Teacher: What great fellows you are! So now we will draw spring using such interesting techniques.

Classical music plays throughout the lesson. At the end of the lesson, a mini-exhibition of work is held and grades are given for the lesson.

Children's activity in the lesson:

Emotional (emotional relief, “minutes of peace”, psycho gymnastics, situational and game methods, competition, KVN, etc.): game method, listening to musical fragments, poetry.

Speech (conversation, discussion, conference, report, story): teacher’s story about new techniques, conversation about spring.

Motor (physical training, recreational gymnastics, finger exercises, breathing exercises, visual gymnastics, etc.): physical training

Student Survey

Topic of the survey: questions about spring.

Interview method (individual, frontal, combined): combined.

Question (question-answer):

1. What happens here in the spring? (snow melts; buds bloom on trees; birds fly in and chirp around)

Practical task

Making a spring composition using monotype and blotography techniques.

Job Level

Educational and creative: come up with an autumn composition from blots.

Criteria for assessing student work:

  1. originality of the task
  2. compliance of work with assigned tasks

Techniques aimed at developing the creative activity of students: a teacher’s master class on techniques for working with new techniques, a musical series, a presentation.

Homework: bring colored cardboard, sequins, beads, buttons, ribbons, various types of fabric, PVA glue, scissors to the next lesson.

Glossary of terms

Art classes in preschool educational institutions for children 5-7 years old

For the successful implementation of this program, it is necessary to take into account that the content of game tasks and game actions must correspond to children’s knowledge of the environment and their interests. Otherwise, the children’s interest in the lesson will be superficial, momentary in nature, and the teacher will get the impression that game techniques in teaching are useless and unnecessary.

When developing game techniques, it is important to think not only about the content and logic of game actions, but also about their correspondence to the logic and meaning of real life situations. The more diverse the game actions are in content, the more interesting and effective the gaming technique will be. Therefore, teachers, when inventing them, should be guided by the content of relevant life situations. If this condition is not taken into account by the teacher, then the child does not actually accept the play situation offered by the adult, soon loses interest in it, and the play influence on children is ineffective.

The teacher’s knowledge of the possible logic of the development of events is important for quickly coming up with a variety of game problems and corresponding game actions and is the basis for game improvisation, which is extremely necessary for the teacher, in the classroom. This is sometimes required by the unforeseen development of a drawing, the unexpected quality of children's work. When developing game techniques, the teacher needs to know the leading motives of the game, the area that interests the preschooler: objects and actions with them; people, their activities and relationships.

The teacher must remember that he uses games in the classroom not for the sake of entertainment, but for the purpose of guiding artistic activity, so that the learning process is joyful and contributes to the development of feelings, imagination, and creativity. Therefore, game-based teaching methods should be aimed at solving specific tasks of the lesson and correspond to these tasks.

Thus, the choice of certain methods and techniques depends on:

  • on the content and tasks facing this lesson, and on the tasks of visual activity;
  • on the age of children and their development;
  • on the type of visual materials with which children operate.

Fine arts class in a preschool educational institution for children 5-7 years old.

Master class: “Magic transformation”

Drawing lesson notes

Program: Additional educational program for preschoolers “Brush”, designed for 3 years of study, 3 hours per week.

Group: 3rd year of study (6 years)

Topic of the program section:"Painting. Color as a means of expression"

Purpose of the lesson: teach children to draw a butterfly based on their own ideas.

Lesson objectives:

educational: learn to convey the correct structure of a butterfly, draw patterns using various methods - pouring color into color, using geometric shapes, monotype;

developing: develop fine motor skills, imagination, sense of color, interest in creative activities;

educational: to cultivate aesthetic feelings, independence, accuracy, the ability to evaluate one’s own work and the work of others, a positive attitude towards all living things.

Equipment: illustrations depicting butterflies, paper blanks of silhouettes of butterflies, the panel “Meadow with Flowers”, watercolors, palettes, brushes with soft bristles, jars for water, paper napkins, music. accompaniment “Sounds of the Forest”, didactic game on symmetry “Find the other half of the butterfly”.

Methods and techniques: game - a surprise moment, verbal, visual - display.

Preliminary work: reading educational literature about butterflies “How butterflies appear”, looking at pictures “Butterflies”.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment(game)

Teacher: - Guys, today I will tell you one interesting story (the story is accompanied by a fairy tale).

In one wonderful garden there lived a caterpillar. Every morning she woke up and looked at herself in a drop of dew, like in a mirror. What reflection did she see in the droplet? Of course it's not pretty. The caterpillar was very upset by its ugliness, sat down on the edge of a leaf and cried bitterly.

But one day a spider ran past. The spider felt sorry for his neighbor. And he decided to help her. He wove a blanket from silver threads to hide it from prying eyes. The caterpillar wrapped itself in it and fell asleep.

The sorceress found out - Spring about this, she touched the cocoon with her magic wand, and the caterpillar woke up from sleep.

- “Oh, what a beautiful butterfly, what beautiful wings it has!” - the birds chirped vying with each other.

The caterpillar looked around, but there was no one around except her. It was she who turned into a beautiful butterfly.

The teacher shows a butterfly and reads a poem from its face.


You are right. With one airy outline

I'm so sweet.

All the velvet is mine with its living blinking -

Only two wings.

Don't ask: where did it come from?

Where am I hurrying?

Here I lightly sank onto a flower

And here I am breathing.

For how long, without a goal, without effort.

Do I want to breathe?

Here, now, sparkling, I will spread my wings

And I'll fly away.

2. Explanation.

The beauty of butterflies is given by their elegant wings. Each butterfly has its own unique pattern on its wings.

(Looking at samples of painted butterflies).

What elements make up the pattern of each butterfly? (rings, circles, diamonds, dots, straight and wavy lines).

What colors are used in the painting: dull or bright? (bright)

(Didactic game on symmetry “Find the other half of the butterfly”)

Conclusion: Objects are called symmetrical if two sides of the object are the same.

Teacher. - Let us become wizards for a few minutes today and help the unfortunate caterpillars turn into beautiful butterflies - girlfriends for our butterfly. We have butterflies, and we will make their wings bright and beautiful. Magic colors will help us.

We will paint the wings in different ways.

Summary of the drawing lesson “Hedgehog” in the senior group

Educational area: artistic and aesthetic development
Integration of educational areas: social – communicative development, cognitive development, physical development.
Types of children's activities: playful, productive, communicative.
Goals: introduce the names of animals, their habitats, develop thinking, teach how to convey the characteristic features of an animal in a drawing, and create a composition.
Material and equipment: ball, interactive whiteboard, music “Bear and Hare” for physical education, pictures depicting forest animals, food that animals eat, a hedgehog toy, sheets of A4 paper, colored pencils, paints, brushes, water jars, napkins.

Getting to know the animals of the forest.
Children enter the group and form a circle, the teacher takes the ball and explains the rules, the child to whom the ball is thrown answers the teacher’s question:

What time of year is it now?

What month?

Is it cold or warm outside?

What clothes do people wear in cold weather?

People are warm in winter because they wear warm clothes. Are animals warm in winter?

What keeps them warm?

What animals do you know? (children's answers).

Educator: We will get to know the animals of the forest. What are these animals called?

Children name wild animals living in the forest, the teacher shows pictures depicting the named animals.

These are wild animals, why do you think they are called that? They get their own food, build homes, and take care of their young.

Didactic game.
The teacher invites the children to go to their places at the tables.
Educator:“And you will find out which forest animals we will draw if you guess the riddle:
Fur coat - needles,
It will curl up - prickly,
You can't take it with your hand.
Who is this? (hedgehog)".

After guessing, the teacher shows the children a hedgehog toy and goes through a description of the animal using the following questions:

What hedgehog? (color, size).

A hedgehog has spines, what is it like? (Barbed).

What is the hedgehog doing? (snorts).

Educator: Now guys, let’s play a game and find out what edible things he can find in the forest, look at the board.

A picture appears on the interactive board depicting a hedgehog and various foods (apples, berries, mushrooms, worms, mice, milk, lemon, bread).

Physical minute.
The teacher invites the children to play the game “Bear and Hare” accompanied by music.

The teacher shows pictures of a hedgehog under a leaf or mushroom, with an apple on a thorn, near a hole, and offers to draw a hedgehog in any composition (select an algorithm).

Children draw using a drawing algorithm. The teacher monitors the children’s work and helps those who have difficulty.

- What did we do today?
- What did you like most?
Children, together with the teacher, examine the resulting work. At the end of the lesson, the teacher shows a video about a family of hedgehogs.

Summary of continuous educational activities

with older children

(field: artistic creativity)

On the topic: Butterfly (drawing: monotype, gouache).

Educator: Shakhova E.A.

Purpose of the lesson: teach children a new way of transmitting images; develop aesthetic and creative qualities.


  1. educational - introduce children to a new way of conveying images - subject monotype, teach them to draw on a wet sheet of paper.
  2. developing - continue develop fantasy, imagination, imaginative thinking.
  3. educational –to cultivate independence in performing work, aesthetic taste and a sense of color.

Materials for the lesson:

Sheets of landscape paper, gouache, brushes, jars of water, palettes, rags.

Progress of the lesson:

  1. Organizational part.

Teacher. Moved by the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off

He took off and flew away.

Children. Butterfly.

Teacher. Right. Guys, how did you guess that this was a riddle about a butterfly?

Children. She has four wings, she sat on a flower and then flew away.

Teacher. Right.

The teacher shows the children illustrations depicting different types of butterflies.

Teacher. A butterfly, guys, is an insect. She, like other insects, has six legs and wings. How many wings does a butterfly have?

Children. Four.

Teacher. What shape are they: different or the same?

Children. The same.

Teacher. Guys, the opposite wings of a butterfly are called symmetrical, that is, identical. What do butterflies eat?

Children. Nectar of flowers.

Teacher. Right. For this she has a long proboscis. What other animals are insects?

Children. Dragonfly, ladybug.

Teacher. Well done. Guys, there are a lot of poems about the butterfly. Now I will read one of them to you.


I'm at the yellow butterfly

Quietly he asked:

Butterfly tell me

Who painted you?

Maybe it's a buttercup?

Maybe dandelion?

Maybe yellow paint

That neighbor boy?

Or is it the sun after the winter boredom?

Who painted you?

Butterfly, tell me!

The butterfly whispered

Dressed in gold:

Colored me all over

Summer, summer, summer!

A. Pavlova

Physical education minute “Butterfly”

I.P. - children put their palms under their heads - “sleeping.”

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up,Children open their eyes.

I didn't want to sleep anymore.

He moved, stretched, They stretch.

He soared up and flew.Hands to the sides, flapping their wings.

The sun will just wake up in the morning,

The butterfly circles and curls.They begin to spin quietly.

2 . Practical part.

The teacher suggests depicting a butterfly in an unusual way - subject monotype.

Stages of work execution.

  1. Fold a sheet of paper in half to create a fold line.
  2. On the left half of the sheet, children need to draw half a butterfly.
  3. Moisten the right half of the sheet with water and fold the sheet along the fold line.
  4. Additions to the overall composition: draw a flower on which a butterfly sits.
  1. Final part.

At the end of the lesson, the game “Butterflies” is played.

Using a counting rhyme, the driver is selected. He sits on a chair with a net (cap).

Children-butterflies run out into the center of the free space of the group - “into the clearing”, and fly.

I wanted to touch you with my hands

To the most beautiful flower.

And he, waving his petals,

He took off and flew away under the clouds!

The presenter goes out to catch butterflies, they fly away from him.