Who was Pierre Bezukhov in love with? An attempt to give relief to the people

A short essay-discussion on literature on the topic: War and Peace, the image of Pierre Bezukhov. Characteristics and spiritual quest of the hero. Life path Pierre Bezukhov. Description, appearance and quotes from Bezukhov.

“War and Peace” is one of the most ambitious works of world literature. L.N. Tolstoy revealed to his readers a wide panorama of names, events, and places. Every person can find a like-minded hero in the novel. Andrei Bolkonsky would be honest and uncompromising, Natasha Rostova would be lively and optimistic, Marya Bolkonskaya would be compliant and quiet, Pierre Bezukhov would be kind and impulsive. It is the latter that will be discussed.

Pierre is the illegitimate but beloved son of Count Bezukhov, who received a high title and fortune after his father’s death. The hero’s appearance is not aristocratic: “A massive, fat young man with a cropped head, wearing glasses,” but his face becomes beautiful and pleasant when Pierre smiles: “With him, on the contrary, when a smile came, then suddenly, instantly, the serious and even a somewhat gloomy face and another one appeared - childish, kind, even stupid and as if asking for forgiveness.” L.N. Tolstoy paid great attention to smiles: “In one smile lies what is called the beauty of the face: if a smile adds charm to the face, then the face is beautiful; if she does not change it, then it is ordinary; if she spoils it, then it is bad.” Pierre's portrait also reflects him inner world: no matter what happens, he remains kind, naive and somewhat detached from reality.

Pierre studied abroad for 10 years. Having returned, the hero is in search of his calling. He looks for something suitable, but doesn't find it. Idleness, the influence of clever people who are always ready to have fun at the expense of rich friends, his own weak character - all this leads Pierre to carousing and madness. In fact, he is kind and clever man, always ready to help and support. He may be naive and absent-minded, but the main thing in him is his soul. Therefore, Andrei Bolkonsky, who has a good understanding of people, and the sensitive Natasha Rostova have warm feelings for Pierre.

The hero is not successful in the world. Why? It’s simple: the world is completely deceitful and rotten, in order to become one of your own there, you must lose your best qualities, forget about your own thoughts and say only what you want to hear, flatter and hide your real feelings. Pierre is modest, simple, truthful, he is alien to the world, his “intelligent and at the same time timid, observant and natural look, which distinguished him from everyone in this drawing room” had no place in the salons.

What does the hero lack to be happy? Determination and willpower, because life carries him like a straw along a river. He partied like that because he didn’t want to fall behind his “friends.” Then he got married because Helen Kuragina seduced him and surrounded him with her beauty, although they both did not love each other. Pierre went to meetings and balls that he did not need, and deceived himself with illusions and false ideas (for example, Freemasonry). Helped him find himself tragic eventPatriotic War 1812. The hero took part in the Battle of Borodino, observed how simple people, without philosophizing or reasoning, as Pierre himself loved, they simply go and die for their Motherland. In addition to the terrible and heroic battle, Bezukhov experienced humiliating captivity, but there he met a significant person - Platon Karataev. Plato contained the real life wisdom and spirituality. His philosophy was not in the clouds, but was that happiness is within every person, it is in his freedom, satisfaction of needs, simple joys and emotions. After this meeting, Pierre's life changed: he accepted himself and those around him with their shortcomings, he found the meaning of life and love. Something constantly interfered with his relationship with Natasha: at first she was a friend’s fiancée, and Bezukhov could not commit betrayal, then the girl was too depressed by the break with her fiancé, and she had no time for feelings. And only after the end of the war, after the spiritual rebirth of both Pierre and Natasha, they were able to surrender to love, which made them happy for many years.

The evolution of Pierre Bezukhov is most fully reflected in the novel. Who was he at the beginning? The son of a rich father, who, like a calf, could be taken anywhere. And who did the hero become? A self-sufficient person who knows what he wants and is responsible for himself and his family. L.N. Tolstoy leads the hero to happiness and inner harmony, and Pierre really deserves it, because it’s difficult to find a more cordial and spiritual person than him.

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A person with a childish kind face and a smile, one whose image is remembered for a long time. Which of the heroes of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy's novel “War and Peace” has such traits? Of course, Pierre Bezukhov, positive hero, an extraordinary person who lived an interesting, difficult, but eventful life throughout the work.

First meeting with Pierre Bezukhov

For the first time, the reader of War and Peace meets Pierre Bezukhov with Anna Pavlovna Scherer. It is immediately noticeable that he is not at all like those around him, and, not fitting into the permeated falseness secular society, is like a black sheep. Not surprising, because Pierre is sincere, straightforward, does not accept lies and tries to avoid them.

“...Soon after the little princess, a massive, fat young man with a cropped head, glasses, light trousers in the fashion of that time, a high frill and a brown tailcoat entered. This fat young man was the illegitimate son of the famous Catherine nobleman, Count Bezukhov, who was now dying in Moscow...” - this is how this hero’s meeting with Anna Pavlovna is described, who, upon seeing such an unwanted guest, was upset to such an extent that anxiety and fear appeared on her face.

It would seem, why? It turns out that the mistress of the house was frightened by Pierre’s observant, natural gaze, which so distinguished him from everyone present in this living room.

It is noteworthy that we meet Bezukhov precisely on the first pages of a large four-volume novel, which may indicate the importance of this hero for Lev Nikolaevich, who prepared for him a difficult but wonderful fate.

Pierre's past

From the novel, an observant reader can learn that Pierre Bezukhov, who hardly knew his father, was raised abroad from the age of ten and came to Russia as a young man, at the age of twenty.

A reckless step

Pierre Bezukhov's naivety and inexperience led him to a dead end. One day the young man was faced with the question: who to marry, and since Pierre, after the death of his father, Kirill Bezukhov, became a count and a wealthy heir, Helen Kuragina, for whom the love of money stood above all else, did not fail to take advantage of this.

Even the inner voice, when “some incomprehensible horror seized him at the mere thought of this terrible step,” could not convince the young count to change his decision. Unfortunately, only after the wedding Bezukhov realized that by tying the knot with such an insidious and selfish girl as Elena, he had committed a reckless and rash act that influenced his future fate. This difficult period of life is described by the author in dark colors.

“...He was silent... and looking completely absent-minded, he picked his nose with his finger. His face was sad and gloomy.” This marriage, not dictated by love at all, lasted for six years, when Helen not only showed her bad character, but also cheated on Pierre with Dolokhov, which prompted the hero to fight the offender in a duel. The result of the fight was the injury of the opponent. However, here too good feelings Pierre got the upper hand: when he saw that Dolokhov was wounded, he “barely holding back his sobs, ran to him.”

Thus, realizing that his wife was a depraved woman and it was now unbearable to live with her, Pierre broke off relations with Helen and left for St. Petersburg. Unfortunately, during that period the hero of the novel lost faith in God. But then Pierre, disillusioned with life, could not even imagine that behind the mountains of difficult and sometimes unbearable circumstances, in the future, real family happiness awaited him!

New plans of Pierre Bezukhov

By helping them, he regains confidence, despite " bare feet, dirty torn clothes, tangled hair..." Even Pierre's look changes, because he knows what he lives for.

Changes in fate

Pierre gets back together with his wife, but a short time. Then their relationship breaks down completely, and Bezukhov goes to Moscow, after which he goes to war, into the Russian army. Helen, having changed Orthodox faith Catholic, she wants to divorce her husband, but a sudden premature death does not allow her plans to come true.

Pierre at war

The war became a severe test for the inexperienced Pierre Bezukhov. Despite the fact that he provided financial support to the regiment he created, and also planned an assassination attempt on Napoleon, whose insidious and inhumane actions disgusted Bezukhov, in this field he was unable to prove himself as a brave and courageous defender of the Motherland.

Having no shooting skills and no real knowledge of military affairs, Pierre was captured by the enemy, and this is not surprising.

Being in terrible conditions, the hero of the novel went through a harsh school of life.

But here, too, there was a chance to look at her in a new way, to reassess values, and this was facilitated by a prisoner like him, named Kartaev, who, however, unlike Count Pierre, was a simple peasant, and his actions were sharply different from those to which Bezukhov became accustomed throughout his life. Communicating with this person not of his circle, Pierre understands that he was wrong in many ways, and the meaning should not be sought in high society, but in communication with nature and ordinary people.

Getting closer to happiness...

Although Pierre Bezukhov experienced a lot in his life, including the bitter consequences of an unsuccessful marriage, in his soul he really wanted to love and be loved. And secret feelings for one girl lived in his soul. Anyone familiar with the novel War and Peace knows who we're talking about. Of course, about Natasha Rostova, whom Pierre met when she was a thirteen-year-old girl.

Kindred spirits - this is how one could characterize in one phrase these heroes of the novel, who, having gone through hard way, having survived trials and losses, still created strong family. Pierre, who returned from captivity, married Natasha, the one who became his true friend, an adviser, support, with whom you could share both joy and sorrow. The contrast with his past life was obvious, but Pierre needed to go through the path of trials with Helene in order to appreciate real happiness with Natalya Rostova and be grateful to the Creator for this.

Strong family ties

Pierre's life sparkled with new colors, shone with joy, gained stability and lasting peace. Having married Natalya Rostova, he realized how wonderful it was to have such a sacrificial, kind wife. They had four children - three daughters and one son - for whom Natasha became a good mother. The novel ends on such a positive note. “She felt that her connection with her husband was not held by those poetic feelings that attracted him to her, but was held by something else, vague, but firm, like the connection of her own soul with her body” - this is the exact definition given to Natalya, who was ready to take part in every minute of her husband, giving him all of herself without reserve. And it’s wonderful that Pierre, who suffered so much grief in past life finally found true family happiness.

The image and characteristics of Pierre Bezukhov in Leo Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”

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L.N. Tolstoy shows us the young Pierre Bezukhov for the first time in Anna Pavlovna Scherer’s salon as an obvious disruptor of both public peace and the smooth flow of the evening in general. What distinguishes him from everyone else in the living room is his intelligent, observant gaze. It is he, and not his enormous height or brown tailcoat, that inspires Anna Pavlovna with anxiety. Pierre is greeted with a bow that belongs to people of the lowest hierarchy. He is the illegitimate son of Catherine's nobleman, Count Bezukhov, and later his legal heir. In a short time he becomes the owner of thousands of souls and millions. And now he is a welcome guest in all salons and houses of both capitals. Count Leo Tolstoy, without a doubt, loves Count Pierre Bezukhov very much. He makes him the most eligible bachelor in Russia and marries him to a stupid and depraved creature, the brilliant St. Petersburg beauty Helen Kuragina.
And Tolstoy does this quickly, as if he is in a hurry, as if he needs to create conditions for his pet within which life becomes impossible. Judging by the author's indirect hints, Pierre was about 21 years old at the time of his appearance in St. Petersburg. He is absent-minded, fat and clumsy. At the beginning of the novel, she was still a reveler and a disgrace. His life is chaotic and unreasonable. However, it has the main thing and... hence, essential content.
This is very intense internal spiritual activity.
Pierre symbolizes constant development and improvement.
Everywhere and everywhere he is different. The search leads Pierre to the Masonic lodge. For some time he gains the illusion of mental peace. However, here, as before, as in the field of economic or other activity, he is disappointed.
Pierre Bezukhov is infinitely kind. His kindness is the moral constant of his soul. He loves Natasha Rostova. After the scandal associated with the unsuccessful abduction of her by Kuragin, and a disagreement with Prince Andrei, he is the only one who is truly able to understand her. He is kind and therefore deserves to be happy.
He dreams of fame. He is young, and therefore he needs fame. He shoots himself in a duel and seriously wounds his attacker. He is still capable of destructive and unpredictable actions. He wants to kill Napoleon. But, it seems, among his doubts, hesitations, failures, wealth and stupid vanity, he found the main thing. Soul. Your immortal soul. She cannot be locked up or killed. Platon Karataev, Sokolik, an affectionate and unobtrusive teacher of a righteous and peaceful life. From him Pierre Bezukhov learned the ability to obey the natural flow of events, the ability to pray and be heard.
Count Bezukhov remained fat, clumsy and absent-minded person. However, his inner life became different. It acquired a certain duality, non-religious significance. And this in an unexpected way changes life and social significance.
In the capital, in a strange way, either from a fashionable illness, or from a fashionable treatment, as in soap opera, Countess Helen Bezukhova dies behind the scenes.
Pierre happily marries Natasha. After another seven years, Pierre is a prominent public figure, father of the family. Both he and Natasha sincerely and very much love each other. But what do they think about when they are left alone?
“Do you know what I'm thinking? - she said. - About Platon Karataev. How is he? Would I approve of you now?”
And we understand that the period of formation and quest is over. The time has come for true spiritual maturity.
We will never know what will happen to Pierre next. This is why such a happy epilogue was written in the novel. However, the moral aspect allows us to judge the evolution of the image of Pierre in Tolstoy’s subsequent work: from Bezukhov to Levin in Anna Karenina and further to Dmitry Nekhlyudov from Resurrection.


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Pierre Bezukhov best expresses the ideology of L.N. himself. Tolstoy. The hero's moral and spiritual quest is aimed at comprehending the universe. Moreover, Pierre - central character for a deeper understanding philosophical meaning works.

We first see Pierre in Anna Scherer's salon. The hero does not correspond to the idea of ​​a sophisticated aristocrat, arrogant and selfish, insensitive and pretentious in everything. Pierre is clumsy, talks inappropriately to a young nobleman in society. He admires Napoleon, dreams of repeating his fate, achieving great victories, but all this remains in dreams.

Characteristics of the hero

By nature, Pierre is an overly soft and doubtful person, because of this he is led by other people's opinions, is influenced by the habits of high society - he leads a very riotous lifestyle, while realizing that it is worthless. Very quickly Pierre realizes that he has turned into a nonentity, subjected to Helen's artificial charm. He understands its essence, but nevertheless challenges Dolokhov to a duel, making an almost fatal mistake.

Pierre's spiritual quest

The meaning of life, its truth - this is what Pierre constantly thinks about. These thoughts led him to Freemasonry, which at that time seemed to him to be the main conductor of truth on earth. But the falseness of the direction led to the hero’s quick disappointment.

Around the same time, Bezukhov was experiencing disappointment in Napoleon, and his desire to destroy his idol was growing stronger. For this purpose, as if possessed, Pierre goes through the entire burning Moscow.

During the War of 1812, the meaning of life for Bezukhov became unity with the common people. During the Battle of Borodino it is exposed true patriotism, readiness to die for one’s native fatherland.

Revival of Pierre

Here his internal transformation begins, he lives a social life, feels unity with the whole world, receives clear answers to all his deep questions about what is most important in the world. Experiencing everything big life difficulties, the hero feels more and more calm and happy every day. The philosophy of Platon Karataev helped him realize that “man was created for happiness.”

Family happiness

But Pierre is unable to fully follow Karataev’s instructions; he starts a family with Natasha Rostova. Unlike Helen, Bezukhov’s first wife, Natasha is deeply spiritual, knows how to love, shows understanding, and subtly feels the world. She adopted the interests of her husband and began to live only for him. Bezukhov family - perfect model peace, without which earthly happiness is impossible, and, in principle, the existence of human society.

Pierre's life does not stop with family. He's trying to become a member secret society, his life does not stand still, he is constantly moving. At the end of the novel, a contradiction arises again - a life of reason and heart.

Natasha is very close to naturalness, she is not alien to national unity. According to Pierre, if Platon Karataev knew about their marriage, he would certainly approve of their union.

I think through the image of Pierre Bezukhov L.N. Tolstoy sought to depict how difficult it is to realize the meaning human life, what happiness permeates simple human family life.

In which the author special place devoted attention to the image of Pierre Bezukhov, since this key character. It is this that we will now consider, revealing the characteristics of Pierre Bezukhov. In particular, thanks to this hero, Tolstoy was able to give readers an understanding of the spirit of the time when the events described took place, to show the era. You can also read a summary of “War and Peace” on our website.

Of course, we will not be able to describe in this article the character traits, essence and full description Pierre Bezukhov, because for this you need to carefully follow all the actions of this hero throughout the entire epic, but it is quite possible to briefly get a general idea. The year is 1805, and a noble Moscow lady is throwing a social reception. This is Anna Pavlovna Sherer. Pierre Bezukhov, an illegitimate son who comes from the family of a Moscow nobleman, also appears at this reception. The secular public is indifferent to him.

Although Pierre studied abroad, he feels uncomfortable in Russia, cannot find worthwhile work, and as a result he plunges into an idle life. What does this lifestyle mean for young man that time? At that time, the image of Pierre Bezukhov was darkened by drinking, idleness, carousing and very dubious acquaintances, which led to Pierre's expulsion. Yes, you have to leave the capital and move to Moscow.

IN high society Pierre is also not interested in anything, he is annoyed by the kind of people he sees in these circles. More precisely, their nature is unpleasant to him: they are petty, hypocritical and all completely selfish. Is it really, Pierre thinks, that life should be pleasing with this? Is there more deep meaning, something important and meaningful that gives complete happiness?

Pierre himself is a soft-hearted and dubious person. It is easy to subordinate him to the influence of others, to make him doubt his actions. He himself does not even notice how quickly he is captured by the idle Moscow life - riotous and windy. When Pierre's father, Count Bezukhov, dies, his son inherits the title and his entire fortune, after which society instantly changes its attitude towards him. We are looking at the image of Pierre Bezukhov. How did these events affect him? For example, Vasily Karugin can’t wait to marry Helen, his daughter, to a young man. Although Kuragin can be called eminent and influential person, the connection with this family did not bring anything good for Pierre, and the marriage turned out to be extremely unhappy.

We see how the characteristics of Pierre Buzukhov are revealed here. The young beauty Helen is insidious, dissolute and deceitful. Pierre sees the essence of his wife and believes that his honor has been violated. In a rage, he commits madness, which almost plays a fatal role in his life. But still, after the duel with Dolokhov Pierre remains alive, and everything ends only with a wound that the offender receives.

Pierre is looking for himself

More and more thoughts of the young count are focused around the meaning of his life. How does he manage it? Pierre is confused, everything seems disgusting and meaningless to him. The hero sees perfectly well that there is something great, deep and mysterious, compared to the stupid social life and drinking bouts. But he lacks the knowledge and fortitude to figure it out and direct his life in the right direction.

Here, thinking about what really is the characteristic of Pierre Bezukhov, let’s think - after all, the young and rich count could live wildly for his own pleasure, without worrying about anything. But Pierre can't do that. This means that this is not a superficial person, but a deeply reflective person.


In the end, Pierre breaks up with his wife, gives Helen a considerable part of his entire fortune and returns to St. Petersburg. On the way, Pierre meets a man from whom he learns that some people understand the operation of the laws of existence and know the true purpose of man on earth. Looking at the image of Pierre Bezukhov at that moment, it is clear that his soul is simply exhausted, and he is deeply confused in life. Therefore, hearing about the brotherhood of Masons, it seems to him that he is saved and now another life will begin.

In St. Petersburg, Pierre undergoes rituals, and now he is a member of the Masonic brotherhood. Life changes its color, the hero discovers new views and a different world. Although he has no doubt about what the Freemasons say and teach, some aspects of the new way of life still seem murky and unclear. Pierre Bezukhov, whose characterization we are now considering, continues to search for himself, search for the meaning of life, think about his purpose.

An attempt to give relief to the people

Soon Pierre Bezukhov comes to understand a new thought: individual will not be happy if he is surrounded by disadvantaged people and deprived of any rights. And then Pierre tries to improve his life common people, give relief to the peasants.

Such attempts cause an unusual reaction, because Pierre is met with misunderstanding and surprise. Even some peasants, whom Pierre's activities were aimed at, cannot accept the new way of life. What a paradox! Looks like Pierre is doing something wrong again! Thanks to these actions, the image of Pierre Bezukhov is revealed more and more, but for him this is another disappointment. He feels depressed, and hopelessness sets in again, because after deceiving the manager, the futility of his efforts becomes obvious.

The characterization of Pyotr Bezukhov would not be completely complete if we did not consider what began to happen to the hero after Napoleon came to power, as well as the details of the Battle of Borodino and captivity. But read about this in the article “Pierre Bezukhov in the novel War and Peace.” Now we will pay attention to another key point in the image of this hero.

Pierre Bezukhov and Natasha Rostova

Pierre becomes more and more attached to Natasha Rostova, his feelings for her become deeper and stronger. Especially, this becomes obvious to the hero himself after he understands: difficult moments In his life, it is this woman who occupies all his thoughts. He's trying to figure out why. Yes, this sincere, intelligent and spiritually rich woman literally captivates Pierre. Natasha Rostova also experiences similar feelings, and their love becomes mutual. In 1813, Pierre Bezukhov married Natasha Rostova.

Rostova has the main dignity of a woman, as Leo Tolstoy shows. She can love sincerely, lastingly. She respects her husband’s interests, understands and feels his soul. The family is shown here as a model through which one can maintain internal balance. This is a cell that influences the entire society. If the family is healthy, the society will be healthy.

In conclusion, considering the characteristics of Pierre Bezukhov, let’s say that he nevertheless found himself, felt happiness, understood how to find harmony, but how much research, troubles and mistakes had to be endured for this!

We are glad that this article was useful to you. Even if you have not yet read the entire novel "War and Peace", everything is ahead, and when you read it, pay special attention to the image of Pierre Bezukhov, the main character great epic Lev Tolstoy.