Municipal libraries of Yelets for the Day of National Unity. Drive away anger and resentment! Book exhibition on November 4th in the library

On November 4, Russians celebrate National Unity Day. In the libraries of the Pskov region, on the eve of the memorable Day, book and virtual exhibitions are held,conversations, creativemeetings,lectures by historians.

On December 16, 2004, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted amendments to the federal law “On the days of military glory (victory days) of Russia.” One of them concerned the introduction of a new holiday - National Unity Day. November 4, which was first celebrated in 2005, was declared a holiday. It was on these days, November 1–5 (October 22–26), 1612, that important events took place for the Russian people - the united people’s militia led by Kozma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky liberated Moscow from foreign Polish invaders.

"Great are you, our Russian people!

When you save your homeland -

You are a hero, from all worries

You are freeing yourself for her!”

From a poem by V. Chufarin
"Minin and Pozharsky", 1897

The website of the Centralized Library System of Pskov presents Virtual exhibition "Victory that preserved Holy Rus'", dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the feat of the People's Militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky.

On the Presidential Library portal new materials have been posted: “The unparalleled feats of the Russian people during the Time of Troubles are presented on the portal of the Presidential Library.” You can read about the feat of Kozma Minin and the courage of Prince Dmitry Pozharsky in the book by E. F. Volkova “Kozma Minin and Prince D. Pozharsky”(the publication is available to everyone on the portal Presidential Library) And in rare book by Sergei Izvolsky “Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky, liberators of Moscow and the Fatherland in 1612” 1867.

Local History Library named after. I.I. Vasileva Central Banking Service of Pskov invites you on November 3 at 16.00 to an event within the framework of National Unity Day (Pskov, Oktyabrsky Prospekt, 19 “a”). In a programme: "Moscow, November 1612": speech by local historian Mikhail Ivanovich Zuev; "The First Russian Troubles": watching a documentary from the “Historical Environment” TV series; “November 4 – National Unity Day”: book and illustration exhibition.

The Gdov regional library offers a virtual exhibition “I can’t imagine myself without Russia”,
dedicated to the work of S.I. Kashirin, Honorary Citizen of the city of Gdov, member of the Union of Writers of Russia. All libraries in the Pskov region have thematic book exhibitions dedicated to the history of the Russian state and the DAY OF NATIONAL UNITY.

In the Opochetsk regional library, an exhibition - information “Our strength is in unity” - was organized for readers of adult subscriptions. The exhibition presents books reflecting the history of Russia during the Time of Troubles at the beginning of the 17th century."


Tomorrow we celebrate National Unity Day. This holiday symbolizes the civil feat of the people who rallied to overcome the unrest and anarchy in 1612. On this day, our people showed rare courage and expelled the invaders and invaders from Russia. On November 4, 1612, soldiers of the people's militia led by Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin stormed Kitay-Gorod and liberated Moscow.

On November 4, when we celebrate National Unity Day, we pay our debt to our great ancestors, to all our people who defended Russia in troubled and turbulent times.

On the eve of this memorable date in library branch No. 5 opening took place exhibition “Our strength is in unity”. Literature on the history of the Fatherland was presented to the attention of users, telling about the feat of the Russian people in those distant times and about the modern development of Russian statehood.

To celebrate National Unity Day library branch No. 2 prepared book exhibition “For the glory of the Fatherland, for the glory of Russia!”

Here are books about distant events of the early 17th century, to which we owe the origin of this holiday. Readers will be able to become more familiar with the history, culture and way of life of Rus' at that time, as well as learn about the great Russian prince Dmitry Pozharsky and the national hero Kuzma Minin.

What does the National Unity Day holiday mean to us? Does the holiday live up to its name and are we a united people, Russians? What unites us? On the eve of National Unity Day we talked about this with readers. Everyone was unanimous in the opinion that for modern Russia this holiday symbolizes a tribute to the centuries-old traditions of patriotism and the consent of the people.

November 3 at Voronok rural library For students of the Voronokskaya secondary school, a thematic hour “For the Glory of the Fatherland, or what a modern Russian can be proud of” was held, dedicated to National Unity Day. During the event, the librarian spoke about the history of the holiday, about the Time of Troubles in Russia, about the people's militia led by K. Minin and D. Pozharsky, accompanied by a multimedia presentation on the topic.

November 3 at Luzhkovsky rural library An hour of information has passed: “Russia is my homeland!” The guys heard a story about the time of troubles, about the people's militia led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, then the guys watched an electronic presentation about the holiday of national unity, and at the end of the event the librarian held a quiz on the material told.

November 4 at Zapolsko-Khaleyevichi Rural Library a historical hour “Forever in People’s Memory” was held. The host of the event told the children that at all times the unity of the people was, is and will be the main national idea for our country, both politically and spiritually. The children learned about the history of the holiday, remembered those who, in difficult times for the country, showed their citizenship, selfless love for the Fatherland, and the greatest valor and heroism. During the event, the guys read poems and sang songs about Russia, a quiz was also held and a video was shown.

Librarian Elions Rural Library held an information hour “November 4 – Day of National Unity” with primary school students of Elion Secondary School.

Librarian Mishkovsky rural library together with the school for middle and senior students, they held a literary composition “Military Sons of Russia” for National Unity Day. The presenters spoke about the history of the holiday, the feat of Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky in the name of the liberation of Russia from the Polish invaders, who raised the Russian people to defend their native land. Students recited poems on a patriotic theme.

November 4, 2017 Desyatukhovskaya Rural Library Together with the Desyatukhovsky SDK, they held a themed evening “Russian Girl” for National Unity Day. The evening was attended by residents of the village of Desyatukha. The hosts of the evening were librarian Svetlana Zakharchenko and Elena Galiskarova. The library hosted a book exhibition “National Unity Day”.

On November 7, 2017, the “Day of Harmony and Reconciliation” event took place in the reading room of the Desyatukhiv Rural Library. Librarian Irina Gagaro held a conversation with library readers, in which she told the children the history of the holiday.

November 3, 2017 at Azarovskaya rural library A patriotic hour “The Valor of the Russian Militia” dedicated to the Day of National Unity was held for students of the Azarov Secondary School. The librarian introduced the history of the holiday, spoke about the Time of Troubles, about the people's militia led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, accompanied by and showing the presentation “Glory to Rus' - My Fatherland.” The guys got acquainted with the stand “Russia – our common Motherland”.

November 4 is one of the main public holidays of the Russian Federation, called “National Unity Day”. On this day, events dedicated to this date were held in the libraries of the MKUK “Central Bank of Ivnyansky District”.

“Glory to Rus' - Glorifying the Fatherland” - this was the name of the literary and musical composition held by the Voznesenovskaya Model Library. The composition was accompanied by a presentation “Russia is famous for its unity,” prepared by the head of the library N. Reshetova, who also reviewed the book exhibition.

The hosts of the holiday, workers of the House of Culture M. Fumzhi and S. Lysenko told the guests that many trials befell Russia, but only together, unitedly, they were able to defeat the enemy from the Polish invaders in 1612, in the Battle of Borodino in 1812, in the Great Patriotic War The war of 1941.

We must know that national unity must exist not only in difficult times for our Russia - unity must always exist!

Gone into the history of the year

Kings and peoples changed,

But times are troubled, adversity

Rus' will never forget!

Villages, towns, cities

With bow to the Russian people

Today we celebrate freedom

And Unity Day forever!

The head of the Safonovo Model Library opened her event “Together we are invincible” dedicated to National Unity Day with these beautiful poems.

Homeland and unity... such a deep meaning was embedded in this event.

The pages of the history of our country came to life before the students: the difficult Time of Troubles for the people, false kings, heroes of the people's militia Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, the feat of Ivan Susanin. Together with the guys we remembered the heroic pages of our history. The story was interesting and bright, because throughout the entire story it was accompanied by an electronic presentation. The children looked at the expressive slides with great interest.

On the big screen flashed pictures of the history of ancient Rus', portraits of great heroes - Minin and Pozharsky, Alexander Nevsky and other national heroes of Russia.

At the end of the event, to reinforce what they heard and saw, a quiz about the holiday was held with the children. Answering the questions of the proposed quiz, we remembered the names of the heroes of Russia, the military feats of our great ancestors.

During the meeting, the guys were able to understand that the history of Russia teaches us: separately, alone, we cannot do what can be done together. Friendship unites people and nations. Everyone remembered that Russia is strong only when it is united. That is why our country has such an important holiday - National Unity Day. This is a holiday of friendship and unification, a holiday of love and harmony.

At the end of the meeting, the librarian asked everyone present to join hands and say a chant together:

The main thing is together!

The main thing is to be friendly!

The main thing is with a heart burning in your chest!

We don't need indifference!

Drive away anger and resentment!

The librarian suggested remembering this feeling of unity and trying to preserve it for life.

A book and illustration exhibition “From Rus' to Russia” was organized in the Verkhopensky Model Library and a literature review was conducted.

During the literary and musical composition “With a bow to the Russian people”, conducted by the Kurasov Model Library, the children were able to understand that the history of Russia teaches us: separately, alone, we cannot do what can be done together. Friendship unites people and nations. Everyone remembered that Russia is strong only when it is united. That is why our country has such an important holiday - National Unity Day. This is a holiday of friendship and unification, a holiday of love and harmony.

All those present watched the presentation “Russian National Unity Day”.

In conclusion, a literature review was conducted at the book and illustration exhibition “Do not consign to oblivion.”

In the Khomutchansky Model Library, the book exhibition “The Strength of Russia in Unity” was presented to the attention of users, which collected material about the feat of Minin and Pozharsky, literature on the history of Russia, articles from magazines about the historical victory of the militias, quotes and statements from politicians. An oral journal “National Heroes of the Russian People” was conducted.

The Novena Model Library held a literary and historical evening “In unity is our strength.” During the event, the following were used: the presentation “We are United”, excerpts from the historical documentary film “Time of Troubles”, a video recording of the ballad song “My Russian Land!” performed by V. Boldin. Young people became acquainted with historical books and magazine articles that reflected the era of troubled times.

The intellectual and creative game “Our Address is Russia” was held in the Kochetov Model Library.

At the book exhibition “The Connecting Thread of Time,” those present were introduced to a recommended review of books on the history of Russia.

A 4th grade student recited a poem by F.I. Tyutchev "Two Unities".

The game “Our Address is Russia” was dedicated to the history of Russia. It talked about famous people from different eras, state symbols, and historical dates. The game was played with students of the middle age group. 2 teams of 5 people took part.

The competitions consisted of a warm-up and titles “Dark Horse”, “History of the Russian Coat of Arms”, “Ancient Coins”, “Journey along the Golden Ring”. Each competition was assessed on a 5-point system and in the end there were no losers, and both teams were winners of friendship.

The guys took an active part in the proposed questions of the “National Unity Day” quiz.

At the end, all those present watched an electronic presentation about the Day of National Unity “United by Salvation.”

At the events, it was emphasized that for Russians, National Unity Day is a holiday of friendship and unification, a holiday of love and harmony. All event participants received commemorative booklets “November 4th National Unity Day!”

The theme evening “Fate and Motherland are United” was held at the Fedchevskaya rural library, the history hour “When we are united, we are invincible!” was held at the Pokrovskaya model library, and the history lesson “Time of Unity” was held at the Peschanskaya rural library.

I. General provisions.
1.1. These Regulations regulate the activities of club formations operating in the State budgetary cultural institution of the city of Sevastopol “Cultural and Information Center” (hereinafter referred to as the Institution).
This provision has been developed on the basis of:
- the constitution of the Russian Federation;
- Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”;
- Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”;
- Model regulations on educational institutions of additional education for children, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 03/07/1995 No. 233;
- Charter of the State Budgetary Institution "KITs".
1.2. This Regulation is approved by the deputy director (executive director) and is a local regulatory act regulating the activities of the institution.
1.3. Club formations include circles, groups and studios of amateur artistic and technical creativity, amateur associations and interest clubs, people's universities and their faculties, schools and courses of applied knowledge and skills, physical education and sports clubs and sections, health and tourism groups, as well as other club formations of creative, educational, sports, recreational and other areas corresponding to the basic principles and activities of the institution.
Citizens of Russia from 3 to 80 years old can participate in club formations. Refusal to enroll in a budget team can only be due to the lack of free places in the budget team. The number of budget places is regulated by the number of staff units.
The following categories of citizens enjoy priority right to enroll in budgetary collectives:
- children of single mothers;
- disabled children;
- children of Center employees;
- students.
1.4. Club formations can carry out their activities:
at the expense of budgetary funding of the institution;
on the principle of partial self-sufficiency using the funds of the institution, as well as from funds received from its own activities;
on the principle of complete self-sufficiency using funds received from its own activities and other funds.
1.5. Club formations operating free of charge, as well as other services to the population, are created on the basis of the State Budgetary Institution “KITs”.
II. Procedure for admission to club formations.
2.1. Those who wish are enrolled in the club formations of the State Budgetary Educational Institution “KITs” after familiarizing themselves with these Rules.
Children are enrolled in club formations based on the parents’ application for admission of the child. Adults are enrolled in club formations after a personal statement written in an approved form. By signing the application, the participant or parent (other legal representative of the child) undertakes to comply with these Rules.
2.2. When entering club formations, you must pass an audition, interview, and screening.
2.3. The list of team members is approved by the head of the team.
2.4. Classes in club formations are conducted according to a schedule approved by the artistic director, who reserves the right to make changes if necessary. Organizational period from 1.09. to 10.10.
2.5. Classes are not held on national holidays.
2.6. During the autumn, winter and spring holidays, club formations continue their work.
2.7. In case of illness or absence of a child from classes, a certificate is provided. In case of systematic absence from classes, the participant is expelled from the team and is not allowed to attend classes.
2.8. Other extraordinary life situations (family circumstances, long-term illness, etc.) associated with participants missing classes are considered by the Center administration on an individual basis.

3.1. By signing the application for admission, the participant (over 18 years of age), parents or legal representative confirms that the club member has no medical contraindications for attending classes.
3.2. If reliable information about a child’s health or physical pathology is concealed from the team leader, parents or legal representatives bear full responsibility for his condition or attacks of illness during classes.
3.3. The persons accompanying the children are responsible for the life and health of the child outside the office (in the foyer, toilet rooms, locker rooms, etc.).

IV. The procedure for attending classes in club formations.

4.2. Participants and their accompanying persons are required to come to classes 15-20 minutes before the start of classes. In case of systematic lateness to group classes, the leader has the right not to allow the student to attend classes.
4.3. Participants must notify the supervisor in advance of the reason for absence from classes or their intention to discontinue classes. If a participant is not feeling well or has symptoms of illness, the team leader has the right to not allow the participant to attend class. It is strictly prohibited to attend classes during infectious diseases that pose a danger to others.
4.4. Participants must maintain discipline in classes and strictly follow the instructions of the club leader.

4.6. The head reserves the right to expel students due to violation of these rules, internal regulations of the Institution and deviations in the child’s behavior.

4.9. During the creative process, consolidated classes for participants of paid and free clubs are allowed at the discretion of the head of the club formation.
4.10. Parents purchase teaching aids, stationery, special clothes, shoes and other supplies necessary for classes.
4.11.Participants are obliged to take care of the Institution’s property, teaching aids, musical instruments, costumes, etc. If students damage the property of the Institution, parents are obliged to compensate for the damage caused.
4.12. Participants are required to maintain cleanliness and order in the halls, halls, classrooms and restrooms.
4.13. The Administration of the Institution is not responsible for:

4.14. Participants must:

- strictly comply with the conditions of admission based on the application;
- systematically attend classes and complete all tasks of association leaders in a timely manner.
4.15. Leaders of club formations are obliged to:
- Conduct classes and cultural and educational events in accordance with the approved plans of the Institution and individual plans.

- Expel members of teams and circles for gross violations of discipline and violation of these rules.
V. Organization of activities of the club formation.
5.1. A club formation is created, reorganized and liquidated by decision of the director of the institution. The team is provided with premises for conducting classes and is provided with the necessary material and technical resources.
5.2. Club formations can carry out their activities at the expense of budgetary funding and extra-budgetary funds received from their own activities, the provision of paid services, funds from team members, including membership fees, targeted income from individuals and legal entities, funds allocated for the development of the team, and also voluntary donations.
5.3. Classes in groups are conducted systematically according to the approved class schedule (training hour - 4 5 minutes). Adjustments may be made to the class schedule as needed.
5.4. By agreement with the director of the institution, club formations can provide paid services: performances, concert programs, exhibitions, etc. Fees from the sale of paid services can be used for the development of teams (purchase of costumes, props, teaching aids, as well as for encouraging participants and the leader of the club formation).
5.5. For achievements in various genres of creativity, club formations of artistic orientation can be nominated for the title of “folk”, “exemplary” group.
5.6. For their contribution to the improvement and development of creative activity, organizational and educational work, members of club formations can be presented with various types of rewards: diplomas, badges of honor, other distinctions - on the basis of relevant documents from the authorities.
VI. Management of the activities of the club formation.
6. On the leadership of club formations and control over their activities.
6.1. The general management of club formations is carried out by the deputy director of the institution. To ensure the activities of club formations, the head (deputy director) of the institution creates the necessary conditions, approves programs, work plans, and class schedules.
6.2. Direct management of the club formation is carried out by the team leader.
6.3. The head of the club formation is hired or dismissed in the manner established by current legislation
6.4. The head of the club formation is personally responsible for the organization of creative work, the program, the content of the team’s activities, and its development.
6.5. Head of the club formation:
- recruits participants for the club formation and forms groups according to the level of training; - forms the repertoire, taking into account the quality of the works, the performing and staging capabilities of the group;
- directs the creative activity of the club formation towards the creation of artistically complete concert programs, works of fine, decorative and applied art, etc.
- prepares performances of the club formation, ensures its active participation in festivals, shows, competitions, concerts and public events;
- carries out creative contacts with other amateur and professional groups;
- organizes a creative display of the club’s work for the reporting period (reporting concerts, exhibitions, etc.);
- conducts regular creative and educational work in the team;
- develops a club formation program (depending on the areas of activity), which is presented to the artistic director of the institution;
- draws up an annual plan of organizational and creative work, which is presented to the artistic director of the Institution;
- keeps a log of the work of the club formation;
- submits an annual report on the activities of the club formation to the artistic director;
- submits an analytical report to the artistic director (a comparative analysis of the development of the club formation over the year);
- draws up other documentation in accordance with the Regulations on the team;
- constantly improves his professional level, participates in professional development events at least once every 5 years.
6.6. The number, occupancy and approximate minimum standards for the activities of a club formation are determined and approved by the artistic director of the institution according to the forms in accordance with Appendix 2 for a club formation financed from the budget of the institution.
VII. Remuneration of club leaders.
7.1. Official salaries of club leaders are established in accordance with the remuneration system established by local governments
7.2. The working hours of the head of a club formation (at a rate of 40 hours is a working week) include the time necessary to perform all types of work aimed at implementing the creative plans of the club formation (conducting group and individual rehearsals, special classes, working with an accompanist, work on selecting repertoire , arrangement, correspondence and copying of notes, selection, recording and editing of phonograms, preparation and conduct of folklore expeditions with subsequent deciphering of expedition records, work with costume designers and design of performances and concert programs, resolution of organizational issues, etc.), which are carried out as directly at the base institution and outside its location.
7.3. Official salaries for circle leaders are set for 3 hours of circle work per day, for accompanists - for 4 hours of work per day. For these employees, a monthly summary recording of working time is established. In cases where the circle leaders and accompanists cannot be fully loaded with work, their labor is paid for the established amount of work at hourly rates.
7.4. Hourly wages are calculated by dividing the monthly official salary of the circle leader by 76.2 (the average monthly number of working days is 25.4, multiplied by 3 hours); for accompanists - by 101.6 (the average monthly number of working days is 25.4, multiplied by 4 hours).
Annex 1
to the Regulations on the work of club formations in the State Budgetary Institution "Cultural and Information Center"
The procedure for admission to club formations on a paid basis.
I. General provisions.
1.1. These Rules have been developed in accordance with the Charter of the State budgetary cultural institution of the city of Sevastopol “Cultural and Information Center”.
1.2. Club formations operating on a paid basis, as well as other paid services to the population, are created on the basis of the Institution on a contractual basis with their participants.
II. Admission procedure and payment.
2.1. Participants (over 18 years of age) are enrolled in the club formations of the Institution after reading these Rules, on the basis of an application for admission, after signing the agreement. Participants (under 18 years of age) are enrolled in club formations after familiarization of the parent or legal representative with these Rules, based on the application of the parent or legal representative for admission, after reading the Public Offer Agreement posted on the official website of the Institution.
2.2 The number of participants in a club formation operating on a paid basis must be at least 15 people. For club groups with individual lessons for 7-9 people.
2.3. The list of participants in the club formation is approved by the head of this team.
2.4. Upon admission to the club formation, the participant undergoes an interview.
2.5. Classes in club formations are held according to the work schedule.
2.6. Payment for classes in club formations on a paid basis is made monthly. Payment for the next month is due by the 25th of the current month. From the 1st day of the next month, club members are allowed to participate in classes only upon presentation of proof of payment.
2.7. Payment is collected strictly through the Institution's cash desk using strict reporting forms or through a bank. Funds are accounted for as income from income-generating activities and are transferred to the current account of the Institution.
Parents are issued a payment document (subscription), which is retained throughout the entire period of classes.
2.8. Classes are not held on national holidays.
2.9. When collecting fees for participation in paid club formations, the provision of benefits is considered on an individual basis by the management of the Institution, in accordance with current legislation.
2.10. In case of illness or absence of a child from classes (more than half of the classes), a certificate is provided. In this case, payment for missed classes will not be charged. If there is no document confirming the child’s illness, payment will not be recalculated. Payment is made in full for the place, which is reserved for the child.
2.11. In case of cancellation of classes due to illness of the leader of the club formation, the leader assigns an additional lesson.
2.12. Other extraordinary life situations (family circumstances, temporary financial difficulties, long-term illness, etc.) related to payment for participants’ classes are considered by the administration of the Institution on an individual basis.
2.14. If a participant stops attending classes for reasons beyond the control of the Institution, the money paid for the classes will not be returned.
III. Regulations on the health of club members.
3.1. By signing the application for admission, the participant (over 18 years of age), parent or legal representative confirms that the club member has no medical contraindications for attending classes.
3.2. If reliable information about a child’s health or physical pathology is concealed from the head of a club formation, parents or legal representatives bear full responsibility for his condition or attacks of illness during classes.
3.3. The persons accompanying the children are responsible for the life and health of the child outside the office (in the foyer, toilet rooms, locker rooms, etc.).
3.4. Club members with disabilities must attend classes accompanied by a responsible person who, if necessary, can provide first aid. A representative accompanies the participant to the training room and is located in the lobby.
IV. Procedure for attending classes.
4.1. Participants must attend classes as scheduled.
4.2. Participants and their accompanying persons are required to come to classes 15-20 minutes before the start of classes.
4.3. Participants are required to notify the supervisor in advance of the reason for absence from classes or their intention to stop classes. If a participant is not feeling well or has symptoms of illness, the head of the club has the right to not allow the participant to attend classes. It is strictly prohibited to attend classes during infectious diseases that pose a danger to others.
4.4. Participants are required to maintain discipline in classes and strictly fulfill the instructions of the head of the club formation.
4.5. Parents are allowed to attend classes only at the invitation of the head, except for “open” classes.
4.6. The head reserves the right to expel students due to violation of payment rules, internal regulations and deviations in the child’s behavior.
4.7. Throughout the year, the Institution holds scheduled events: holidays, festivals, competitions, creative and academic evenings, reporting concerts and performances, etc. Participation in these events is also part of the creative process and is mandatory for members of the club formation.
4.8. Participation of children in the events of the institution (dress rehearsals, concerts, competitions, holidays, etc.) are part of the creative process and are mandatory for participants in the club formation.
4.9. Study aids, stationery, special clothing, shoes and other supplies necessary for classes are purchased by participants independently.
4.10. Participants are obliged to take care of the Institution’s property, teaching aids, musical instruments, etc. In case of damage to property, participants are required to compensate for the damage caused.
4.11. Participants are required to maintain cleanliness and order in the halls, foyers, classrooms and restrooms.
4.12. The administration is not responsible for:
- for items not checked into the wardrobe,
- for personal belongings left unattended in the lobby and locker rooms.
4.13. Participants must:
- comply with internal labor regulations;
- pay for paid services in the approved manner and on time;
- systematically attend classes and complete all tasks of club leaders within the established time frame.
4.14. Leaders of club formations are obliged to:
- Conduct classes and cultural and educational events in accordance with approved plans and individual plans.
- Conduct classes on the days and times established by the schedule.
- When preparing mass events, conduct additional classes and rehearsals on days and times agreed upon with the administration.
- Monitor the accuracy and timeliness of payment for classes.
- Develop a club formation program (depending on the areas of activity), which is presented to the artistic director of the Institution;
- Draw up an annual plan of organizational and creative work, which is presented to the artistic director of the Institution;
- Keep a log of the work of the club formation;
- Submit an annual report on the activities of the club formation to the artistic director;
- Submit an analytical report to the artistic director (a comparative analysis of the development of the club formation over the year);
- Expel members of club formations for gross violations of discipline and violation of the terms and conditions of payment for classes.
V. Management of the activities of the club formation.
5. Management of club formations and control over their activities.
5.1. The general management of club formations is carried out by the Deputy Director of the Institution. To ensure the activities of the club formation, the head (deputy director) of the Institution creates the necessary conditions, approves programs, work plans, and class schedules.
5.2. Direct management of the club formation is carried out by the team leader.
5.3. The head of the club formation is hired or dismissed in the manner established by current legislation.
5.4. The head of the club formation is personally responsible for the organization of creative work, the program, the content of the team’s activities, and its development.