Ancient myth about five centuries during the life of Hesiod. Five centuries

*1 ___________ *1 The poet Hesiod tells how the Greeks of his time looked at the origin of man and the change of centuries. In ancient times everything was better, but life on earth was constantly getting worse, and life was worst of all in the time of Hesiod. This is understandable for Hesiod, a representative of the peasantry and small landowners. During the time of Hesiod, class stratification deepened and the exploitation of the poor by the rich intensified, so the poor peasantry really lived poorly under the yoke of the rich large landowners. Of course, even after Hesiod, the life of the poor in Greece did not get any better; they were still exploited by the rich. Based on Hesiod's poem "Works and Days" The immortal gods living on bright Olympus created the first human race happy; it was a golden age. God Kron ruled then in heaven. Like blessed gods, people lived in those days, knowing neither care, nor labor, nor sadness. They also did not know frail old age; Their legs and arms were always strong and strong. Their painless and happy life was an eternal feast. Death, which came after their long life, was like a calm, quiet sleep. During their lifetime they had everything in abundance. The land itself gave them rich fruits, and they did not have to waste labor on cultivating fields and gardens. Their herds were numerous, and they grazed calmly on rich pastures. The people of the golden age lived without rebellion. The gods themselves came to them for advice. But the golden age on earth ended, and none of the people of this generation remained. After death, people of the golden age became spirits, patrons of people of new generations. Shrouded in fog, they rush across the earth, defending truth and punishing evil. This is how Zeus rewarded them after their death. The second human race and the second century were no longer as happy as the first. It was the Silver Age. The people of the Silver Age were not equal in strength or intelligence to the people of the Golden Age. For a hundred years they grew up foolish in the houses of their mothers, only when they matured did they leave them. Their life in adulthood was short, and since they were unreasonable, they saw many misfortunes and grief in life. The people of the Silver Age were rebellious. They did not obey the immortal gods and did not want to burn sacrifices for them on the altars. The Great Son of Cronos Zeus destroyed their family on earth. He was angry with them because they did not obey the gods living on bright Olympus. Zeus settled them in the underground dark kingdom. There they live, knowing neither joy nor sorrow; people also pay homage to them. Father Zeus created the third generation and the third age - the Copper Age. It doesn't look like silver. From the shaft of the spear Zeus created people - terrible and powerful. The people of the Copper Age loved pride and war, abundant in groans. They did not know agriculture and did not eat the fruits of the earth that gardens and arable land provide. Zeus gave them enormous growth and indestructible strength. Their hearts were indomitable and courageous and their hands irresistible. Their weapons were forged from copper, their houses were made of copper, and they worked with copper tools. They didn’t know dark iron back in those days. The people of the Copper Age destroyed each other with their own hands. They quickly descended into the dark kingdom of the terrible Hades. No matter how strong they were, yet the black death kidnapped them, and they left the clear light of the sun. As soon as this race descended into the kingdom of shadows, the great Zeus immediately created on the earth that feeds everyone the fourth age and a new human race, a nobler, more just race of demigod heroes equal to the gods. And they all died in evil wars and terrible bloody battles. Some died at the seven-gate Thebes, in the country of Cadmus, fighting for the legacy of Oedipus. Others fell at Troy, where they came for the beautiful-haired Helen, and sailed across the wide sea in ships. When death snatched them all away, Zeus the Thunderer settled them on the edge of the earth, far from living people. The demigod-heroes live a happy, carefree life on the islands of the blessed near the stormy waters of the Ocean. There, the fertile land gives them fruits three times a year, sweet as honey. The last, fifth century and the human race is iron. It continues now on earth. Night and day, without ceasing, sorrow and exhausting work destroy people. The gods send people difficult worries. True, gods and good are mixed with evil, but still there is more evil, it reigns everywhere. Children do not honor their parents; a friend is not faithful to a friend; the guest does not find hospitality; there is no love between brothers. People do not keep this oath, they do not value truth and goodness. They are destroying each other's cities. Violence reigns everywhere. Only pride and strength are valued. The goddesses Conscience and Justice left people. In their white robes they flew up to high Olympus to the immortal gods, but people were left with only grave troubles, and they had no protection from evil. DEUCALION AND PYRRHA (FLOOD) *1 ___________ *1 This myth tells the story of the global flood and how Deucalion and Pyrrha are saved in a huge box. The myth of the flood also existed in ancient Babylon: this is the myth of Pirnapishtim, or Utnapishtim, which the ancient Jews also borrowed. They have a biblical myth about the Flood and Noah. The people of the Copper Age committed many crimes. Arrogant and wicked, they did not obey the Olympian gods. The Thunderer Zeus was angry with them; The king of Lycosura in Arcadia *2, Lycaon, especially angered Zeus. One day Zeus, disguised as a mere mortal, came to Lykosur. So that the inhabitants knew that he was a god, Zeus gave them a sign, and all the inhabitants fell prostrate before him and honored him as a god. Only Lycaon did not want to give Zeus divine honors and mocked everyone who honored Zeus. Lycaon decided to test whether Zeus was a god. He killed a hostage who was in his palace, boiled part of his body, fried part of it and offered it as a meal to the great Thunderer. Zeus was terribly angry. With a lightning strike, he destroyed Lycaon's palace, and turned him into a bloodthirsty wolf. ___________ *2 Region in the center of the Peloponnese. People became more and more wicked, and the great fat-catcher, the aegis-sovereign Zeus, decided to destroy the entire human race. He decided to send such a heavy rain to the earth that everything would be flooded. Zeus forbade all winds to blow; only the humid southern wind Noth drove dark rain clouds across the sky. The rain poured onto the ground. The water in the seas and rivers rose higher and higher, flooding everything around. The cities with their walls, houses and temples disappeared under the water, and the towers that rose high on the city walls were no longer visible. Gradually, the water covered everything - both forested hills and high mountains. All of Greece disappeared under the raging waves of the sea. The top of the two-headed Parnassus rose lonely among the waves. Where the peasant had previously cultivated his field and where vineyards rich in ripe clusters were green, fish swam, and herds of dolphins frolicked in the forests covered with water. This is how the human race of the Copper Age perished. Only two were saved amid this general death - Deucalion, the son of Prometheus, and his wife Pyrrha. On the advice of his father Prometheus, Deucalion built a huge box, put food supplies in it and entered it with his wife. For nine days and nights, Deucalion’s box rushed along the waves of the sea that covered the entire land. Finally, the waves drove him to the double-headed peak of Parnassus. The rainfall sent by Zeus stopped. Deucalion and Pyrrha came out of the box and made a thanksgiving sacrifice to Zeus, who preserved them among the stormy waves. The water subsided, and the land again appeared from under the waves, devastated, like a desert. Then the aegis-power Zeus sent the messenger of the gods Hermes to Deucalion. The messenger of the gods quickly rushed over the deserted land, appeared before Deucalion and said to him: “The ruler of the gods and people, Zeus, knowing your piety, ordered you to choose a reward; express your desire, and the son of Kropa will fulfill it. Deucalion answered Hermes: “Oh, great Hermes, I only pray to Zeus for one thing, let him populate the earth with people again.” Quick Hermes rushed back to bright Olympus and conveyed Deucalion’s plea to Zeus. The Great Zeus ordered Deucalion and Pyrrha to collect stones and throw them without turning over their heads. Deucalion fulfilled the command of the mighty thunderer, and from the stones that he threw, men were created, and from the stones thrown by his wife Pyrrha, women were created. Thus, after the flood, the earth received population again. It was populated by a new kind of people who came from stone. PROMETHEUS The myth of how Prometheus was chained to a rock at the behest of Zeus is based on the tragedy of Aeschylus “Chained Prometheus.”*1 ___________ *1 Aeschylus talks about how Zeus, who rules the entire world as a cruel tyrant, punishes those who rebel against him Titan Prometheus. The mighty titan, against the will of Zeus, stole fire from Olympus and gave it to people; he gave them knowledge, taught them agriculture, crafts, shipbuilding, reading and writing; With this, Prometheus made people's lives happier and shook the power of Zeus and his assistants - the Olympian gods. But Prometheus’s main fault is that he does not want to reveal to Zeus the secret of who will give birth to Zeus’s son, who will be more powerful than him and will overthrow him from the throne. Marx for the words that Prometheus says: “In truth, I hate all gods,” and for his answer to Hermes: “Know well that I would not exchange my sorrows for slavish service. I would rather be chained to a rock , than to be a faithful servant of Zeus,” says about him this way: “Prometheus is the most noble saint and martyr in the philosophical calendar” (K. Marx and F. Zngels, Works, vol. I, p.: 26). A deserted, wild area at the very edge of the earth, in the country of the Scythians. Harsh rocks reach behind the clouds with their pointed peaks. There is no vegetation all around, not a single grass is visible, everything is bare and gloomy. Everywhere there are dark masses of stones torn from the rocks. The sea makes noise and rumbles, its waves hitting the foot of the rocks, and salty spray flies high. The coastal stones are covered with sea foam. Far behind the rocks you can see the snowy peaks of the Caucasus Mountains, shrouded in a light haze. Menacing clouds gradually cover the distance, hiding the mountain peaks. Clouds rise higher and higher in the sky and cover the sun. Everything around us becomes even darker. Dreary, harsh terrain. No man has ever set foot here before. It was here, to the ends of the earth, that the servants of Zeus brought the chained titan Prometheus to chain him with indestructible chains to the top of the rock. The irresistible servants of the Thunderer, Strength and Power, guide Prometheus. Their huge bodies seem to be carved from granite. Their hearts do not know pity, compassion never shines in their eyes, their faces are stern, like the rocks that stand around. Sad, with his head bowed low, the god Hephaestus follows them with his heavy hammer. A terrible thing awaits him. He must chain his friend Prometheus with his own hands. Deep sorrow for the fate of his friend oppresses Hephaestus, but he does not dare disobey his father, the thunderer Zeus. He knows how inexorably Zeus punishes disobedience. Strength and Power brought Prometheus to the top of the rock and hurried Hephaestus to get to work. Their cruel speeches make Hephaestus suffer even more for his friend. He reluctantly takes up his huge hammer, only necessity forces him to obey. But the Force hurries him: - Quickly, quickly, take the shackles! Pin Prometheus to the rock with the mighty blows of Prometheus's hammer. Your grief for him is in vain, because you are mourning for the enemy of Zeus. The Force threatens Hephaestus with the wrath of Zeus if he does not chain Prometheus so that nothing can free him. Hephaestus chains the hands and feet of Prometheus to the rock with indestructible chains. How he now hates his art - thanks to it, he must chain his friend to long torment. The inexorable servants of Zeus watch his work all the time. - Hit it harder with the hammer! Tighten your shackles! Don't you dare weaken them! Prometheus is cunning, he skillfully knows how to find a way out of insurmountable obstacles, says the Force. “Bind him tightly, let him learn here what it’s like to deceive Zeus.” - Oh, how cruel words suit your entire stern appearance! - Hephaestus exclaims, getting to work. The rock shakes from the heavy blows of the hammer and the roar of mighty blows echoes from edge to edge of the earth. Prometheus is finally chained. But that’s not all, you still need to nail him to the rock, piercing his chest with a steel, indestructible point. Hephaestus hesitates. - Oh, Prometheus! - he exclaims. - How I grieve, seeing your torment! - You're slow again! - Strength says angrily to Hephaestus. - You are still grieving for the enemy of Zeus! Be careful that you don’t have to grieve for yourself! Finally it's over. Everything was done as Zeus commanded. The titan is chained, and a steel tip is pierced through its chest. Mocking Prometheus, the Force tells him: “Well, here you can be as arrogant as you want; be proud as before! Now give mortals the gifts of the gods that you stole! Let's see if your mortals will be able to help you. You will have to think about how to free yourself from these shackles. But Prometheus remains proudly silent. During the entire time that Hephaestus chained him to the rock, he did not utter a single word, not even a quiet groan escaped him - he did not betray his suffering in any way. The servants of Zeus, Strength and Power, left, and sad Hephaestus left with them. Prometheus was the only one left; Now only the sea and the dark clouds could listen to him. Only now did a heavy groan escape from the pierced chest of the mighty titan, only now did he begin to lament his evil fate. Prometheus exclaimed loudly. His laments sounded with inexpressible suffering and sorrow: “Oh, the divine ether and you, fast-moving winds, oh, the sources of rivers and the incessant roar of sea waves, oh, earth, the universal foremother, oh, the all-seeing sun, running around the entire circle of the earth, - everyone.” I call you as a witness! Look what I endure! You see what shame I must bear for countless years! Oh, woe, woe! I will groan from torment now, and for many, many centuries! How can I find an end to my suffering? But what am I saying! After all, I knew everything that would happen. These torments did not come upon me unexpectedly. I knew that the dictates of a terrible fate were inevitable. I must bear this torment! For what? Because I have given great gifts to mortals, for this I must suffer so unbearably, and I cannot escape this torment. Oh, woe, woe! But then a quiet noise was heard, as if from the flapping of wings, as if the flight of light bodies had stirred the air. From the distant shores of the gray Ocean, from a cool grotto, with a light breeze, the Oceanids came in a chariot to the rock. They heard the blows of Hephaestus’s hammer, and they heard the groans of Prometheus. Tears clouded the beautiful eyes of the Oceanids like a veil when they saw the mighty titan chained to the rock. He was related to the Oceanids. His father, Iapetus, was the brother of their father, Oceanus, and Prometheus's wife, Hesion, was their sister. Oceanids surrounded the rock. Their grief for Prometheus is deep. But his words, with which he curses Zeus and all the Olympian gods, frighten them. They are afraid that Zeus will make the titan’s suffering even more severe. Why such punishment befell him, the Oceanids do not know. Full of compassion, they ask Prometheus to tell them why Zeus punished him, what angered the Titan. Prometheus tells them how he helped Zeus in the fight against the Titans, how he convinced his mother Themis and the great goddess of the earth Gaia to side with Zeus. Zeus defeated the Titans and overthrew them, on the advice of Prometheus, into the depths of the terrible Tartarus. Zeus seized power over the world and shared it with the new Olympian gods, and the Thunderer did not give those titans who helped him power in the world. Zeus hates the titans, fears their formidable power. Zeus and Prometheus did not trust and hated him. Zeus's hatred flared up even more when Prometheus began to defend the unfortunate mortal people who lived at the time when Cronus ruled, and whom Zeus wanted to destroy. But Prometheus took pity on people who did not yet possess reason; he did not want them to go down unhappy into the dark kingdom of Hades. He inspired them with hope that people did not know, and stole divine fire for them, although he knew what punishment would befall him for this. The fear of a terrible execution did not deter the proud, powerful titan from the desire to help people. The warnings of his prophetic mother, the great Themis, did not deter him. The Oceanids listened with trepidation to the story of Prometheus. But then the prophetic old man Ocean himself came to the rock on a swift-winged chariot. The ocean is trying to persuade Prometheus to submit to the power of Zeus: after all, he must know that it is fruitless to fight the winner of the terrible Typhon. The ocean takes pity on Prometheus, he himself suffers, seeing the torment that Prometheus endures. The prophetic old man is ready to rush to the bright Olympus to beg Zeus to have mercy on the titan, even if by praying for him he brought upon himself the wrath of the Thunderer. He believes that a wise word of protection often softens anger. But all the pleas of the Ocean are in vain, Prometheus proudly answers him: “No, try to save yourself.” I am afraid that compassion will not harm you. I will exhaust to the bottom all the evil that fate has sent me. You, Ocean, be afraid to provoke the wrath of Zeus by praying for me. “Oh, I see,” Oceanus sadly answers Prometheus, “that with these words you force me to go back without achieving anything.” Believe me, O Prometheus, that only concern for your fate and love for you brought me here! - No! Leave! Hurry, hurry, get out of here! Leave me alone! - exclaims Prometheus. With pain in my heart I left the Prometheus Ocean. He rushed off on his winged chariot, and Prometheus continued his story to the Oceanids about what he did for people, how he benefited them, violating the will of Zeus. In Mount Mosche, on Lemnos, Prometheus stole fire for people from the forge of his friend Hephaestus. He taught people the arts, gave them knowledge, taught them counting, reading and writing. He introduced them to metals, taught them how to mine and process them in the depths of the earth. Prometheus humbled a wild bull for mortals and put a yoke on it so that people could use the power of bulls when cultivating their fields. Prometheus harnessed the horse to the chariot and made it obedient to man. The wise titan built the first ship, equipped it and spread a linen sail on it so that the ship would quickly carry a man across the boundless sea. Previously, people did not know medicines, did not know how to treat diseases, people were defenseless against them, but Prometheus revealed to them the power of medicines, and with them they humbled diseases. He taught them everything that eases the sorrows of life and makes it happier and more joyful. This angered Zeus, and for this the Thunderer punished him. But Prometheus will not suffer forever. He knows that evil fate will befall the mighty Thunderer. He will not escape his fate! Prometheus knows that the kingdom of Zeus is not eternal: he will be overthrown from the high royal Olympus. The prophetic titan knows the great secret of how Zeus can avoid this evil fate, but he will not reveal this secret to Zeus. No force, no threats, no torment will wrest it from the lips of proud Prometheus. Prometheus finished his story. The Oceanids listened to him in amazement. They marveled at the great wisdom and indestructible fortitude of the mighty titan, who dared to rebel against the thunderer Zeus. Horror again seized them when they heard what fate Prometheus threatened Zeus with. They knew that if these threats reached Olympus, the Thunderer would stop at nothing to find out the fatal secret. The Oceanids look at Prometheus with eyes full of tears, shocked by the thought of the inevitability of the dictates of harsh fate. Deep silence reigned on the rock; he was interrupted only by the incessant sound of the sea. Suddenly, a barely audible, barely perceptible groan of grief and pain was heard in the distance. Here again it came from the rock. This moan is getting closer and louder. Chased by a huge gadfly, sent by Hera, covered in blood, covered with foam, the unfortunate Io, transformed into a cow, the daughter of the river god Inach, the first king of Argolis, rushes in a frantic, crazy run. Exhausted, exhausted by wanderings, tormented by the sting of a gadfly, Io stopped in front of the chained Prometheus. Groaning loudly, she tells what she had to endure, and prays to the prophetic titan: - Oh, Prometheus! Here, at this limit of my wanderings, reveal to me, I pray you, when will my torment end, when will I finally find peace? - Oh, believe me, Io! - Prometheus answered, “it’s better for you not to know this than to know.” You will go through many more countries, you will encounter many horrors on your way. Your difficult path lies through the country of the Scythians, through the high snowy Caucasus, through the country of the Amazons to the Bosporus Strait, so they will name it in honor of you when you cross it. You will then wander around Asia for a long time. You will pass by the country where the death-bringing Gorgons live; on their heads, snakes wriggle, hissing, instead of hair. Beware of them! Beware of vultures*1 and one-eyed Arimaspians; and you will meet them on your way. Finally, you will reach the Biblins mountains, from which the Nile pours down its fertile waters. It is there, in the country that is irrigated by the Nile, at its mouth, that you will finally find peace. There Zeus will return to you your former beautiful image, and your son Epaphus will be born. He will rule over all of Egypt and will be the ancestor of a glorious generation of heroes. From this lineage will come the mortal who will free me from my shackles. This is what, Io, my mother told me about your fate, prophesying Themis. ___________ *1 Vultures are monsters with eagle wings and a head and a lion’s body, guarding gold mines in the far north of Asia; The Arimaspi are a mythical people who lived next to the vultures and waged an ongoing struggle with them. Io exclaimed loudly: “Oh, woe, woe!” Oh, how much suffering this evil fate still promises me! My heart trembles in my chest with horror! Once again madness takes possession of me, again a fiery sting has plunged into my tormented body, again I am speechless! Oh, woe, woe! Rolling her eyes madly, Io rushed away from the rock in a frantic run. As if caught by a whirlwind, she rushed into the distance. With a loud buzzing, the gadfly rushed after her, and his sting burned unfortunate Io like fire. She disappeared into clouds of dust from the eyes of Prometheus and the Oceanids. Quieter and quieter Io’s screams came to the rock, and they finally died away in the distance, like a quiet groan of sorrow. Prometheus and the Oceanids were silent, grieving for the unfortunate Io, but Prometheus exclaimed angrily: “No matter how much you torment me, thunderer Zeus, the day will come when you too will be reduced to insignificance.” You will lose your kingdom and be cast into darkness. Then the curses of your father Kronos will be fulfilled! None of the gods know how to prevent this evil fate from happening to you! Only I know this! Now you are sitting, mighty, on bright Olympus and throwing thunder and lightning, but they will not help you, they are powerless against inevitable fate. Oh, cast into the dust, you will learn what the difference is between power and slavery! Fear clouded the eyes of the Oceanids, and horror drove the color from their beautiful cheeks. Finally, stretching out their hands to Prometheus, white as sea foam, they exclaimed: “Mad man!” How are you not afraid to threaten the king of gods and men, Zeus, like this? Oh, Prometheus, he will send you even more severe torments! Think about your fate, have pity on yourself! - I'm ready for anything! - But the wise man bows before inexorable fate! - Oh, please, beg for mercy! Crawl on your knees to the formidable ruler! And to me - what is the thunderer Zeus to me? Why should I be afraid of him? I am not destined to die! Let him do what he wants, Zeus. He won't have long to rule over the gods! As soon as Prometheus uttered these words, the messenger of the gods, Hermes, rushed through the air quickly, like a shooting star, and, menacing, appeared before Prometheus. He was sent by Zeus to demand that the Titan reveal the secret: who will overthrow Zeus and how to escape the dictates of fate? Hermes threatens Prometheus with terrible punishment for disobedience. But the mighty titan is adamant; he answers Hermes with mockery: “You would be a boy, and your mind would be childish, if you hoped to learn anything.” Know that I will not exchange my sorrows for slavish service to Zeus. I'd rather be chained here to this rock than become a loyal servant of the Titan Zeus. There is no such execution, no such torment with which Zeus could frighten me and snatch even a single word from my lips. No, he will never know how to save himself from fate, the tyrant Zeus will never know who will take away his power! “So listen, Prometheus, what will happen to you if you refuse to fulfill the will of Zeus,” Hermes answers the titan. - With a strike of his lightning he will cast this rock and you together into a dark abyss. There, in a stone prison, deprived of the light of the sun for many, many centuries, you will be tormented in deep darkness. Centuries will pass, and Zeus will again raise you to the light from the abyss, but he will not raise you to joy. Every day an eagle will fly, which Zeus will send, and with its sharp claws and beak it will torment your liver; it will grow again and again and your suffering will become more and more terrible. So you will hang on a rock until someone else agrees to voluntarily descend in your place into the dark kingdom of Hades. Think, Prometheus, wouldn’t it be better to submit to Zeus! After all, you know that Zeus never threatens in vain! The proud titan remained adamant. Could anything frighten his heart? Suddenly the earth shook, everything around shook; There were deafening peals of thunder, and lightning flashed with unbearable light. A furiously black whirlwind raged. Like huge mountains, foamy shafts rose to the sea. The rock shook. Amid the roar of the storm, amid the thunder and roar of the earthquake, the terrible cry of Prometheus was heard: “Oh, what a blow Zeus sent against me to cause horror in my heart!” Oh, highly revered mother Themis, oh, ether, flowing light to everyone! Look how unfairly Zeus punishes me! The rock with Prometheus chained to it collapsed with a terrible roar into an immeasurable abyss, into eternal darkness*1. ___________ *1 This ends the tragedy of Aeschylus “Chained Prometheus”. Centuries passed, and Zeus again raised Prometheus from the darkness. But his suffering did not end; They became even heavier. Again he lies, stretched out on a high rock, nailed to it, entangled in shackles. The scorching rays of the sun burn his body, storms sweep over him, his exhausted body is lashed by rain and hail, and in winter snow falls in flakes on Prometheus, and the freezing cold shackles his limbs. And this torment is not enough! Every day a huge eagle flies, rustling with its mighty wings, to the rock. He sits on Prometheus's chest and torments it with claws as sharp as steel. The eagle tears the titan's liver with its beak. Blood flows in streams and stains the rock; the blood congeals in black clots at the foot of the rock; it decomposes in the sun and infects the air all around with an unbearable stench. Every morning an eagle flies in and begins its bloody meal. During the night, the wounds heal and the liver grows again to provide new food to the eagle during the day. This torment lasts for years, centuries. The mighty titan Prometheus was exhausted, but his proud spirit was not broken by suffering. The Titans long ago reconciled with Zeus and submitted to him. They recognized his power, and Zeus freed them from gloomy Tartarus. Now they, huge, powerful, came to the ends of the earth to the rock where Prometheus lay chained. They surrounded his rock and convinced Prometheus to submit to Zeus. Prometheus’s mother, Themis, also came and begged her son to humble his proud spirit and not resist Zeus. She begs her son to take pity on her - after all, she suffers so unbearably, seeing her son’s torment. Zeus himself had already forgotten his former anger. Now his power is strong, nothing can shake it, nothing is scary to him. And he no longer rules as a tyrant, he protects states and preserves laws. He patronizes people and truth among them. Only one thing still worries the Thunderer - this is the secret that only Prometheus knows. Zeus is ready, if Prometheus reveals a fatal secret to him, to have mercy on the mighty titan. The time is approaching when Prometheus's torment will end. A great hero has already been born and matured, who is destined to free the titan from the shackles. The inflexible Prometheus still keeps the secret, languishing in torment, but his strength begins to leave him. Finally, the great hero, who is destined to free Prometheus, during his wanderings comes here, to the ends of the earth. This hero is Hercules, the strongest of people, mighty like a god. He looks with horror at the torment of Prometheus, and compassion takes possession of him. The Titan tells Hercules about his evil fate and prophesies to him what other great feats he will have to accomplish. Full of attention, Hercules listens to the Titan. But Hercules did not yet see the full horror of Prometheus’s suffering. In the distance you can hear the sound of mighty wings - it’s an eagle flying to its bloody feast. He is circling high in the sky above Prometheus, ready to descend onto his chest. Hercules did not allow him to torment Prometheus. He grabbed his bow, took a deadly arrow from his quiver, called upon the arrow-maker Apollo to more accurately direct the flight of the arrow, and fired it. The bowstring rang loudly, the arrow soared, and the pierced eagle fell into the stormy sea at the very foot of the cliff. The moment of liberation has arrived. Swift Hermes came from high Olympus. With an affectionate speech, he turned to the mighty Prometheus and promised him immediate release if he revealed the secret of how to avoid Zeus’s evil fate. Finally, the mighty Prometheus agreed to reveal the secret to Zeus and said: “Let the thunderer not marry the sea goddess Thetis, since the goddesses of fate, the prophetic Moirai, drew such a lot for Thetis: whoever her husband was, from him She will have a son who will be more powerful than his father. Let the gods give Thetis as a wife to the hero Peleus, and the son of Thetis and Peleus will be the greatest of the mortal heroes of Greece. Prometheus revealed a great secret, Hercules broke his chains with his heavy club and tore out from his chest the indestructible steel tip with which the titan was nailed to the rock. The titan stood up, now he was free. His torment is over. Thus his prediction was fulfilled that a mortal would free him. The titans greeted the release of Prometheus with loud, joyful cries. Since then, Prometheus has worn an iron ring on his hand, into which a stone is inserted from the rock where he endured unspeakable torment for so many centuries. Instead of Prometheus, the wise centaur Chiron agreed to descend into the underground kingdom of the souls of the dead. By this he got rid of the suffering that was caused to him by the incurable wound inflicted on him by accident by Hercules.

The immortal gods living on bright Olympus created the first human race happy; it was a golden age. God Kron ruled then in heaven. Like blessed gods, people lived in those days

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The immortal gods living on bright Olympus created the first human race happy; it was a golden age. God Kron ruled then in heaven. Like blessed gods, people lived in those days, knowing neither care, nor labor, nor sadness. They also did not know frail old age; Their legs and arms were always strong and strong. Their painless and happy life was an eternal feast. Death, which came after their long life, was like a calm, quiet sleep. During their lifetime they had everything in abundance. The land itself gave them rich fruits, and they did not have to waste labor on cultivating fields and gardens. Their herds were numerous, and they grazed calmly on rich pastures. The people of the golden age lived serenely. The gods themselves came to them for advice. But the golden age on earth ended, and none of the people of this generation remained. After death, people of the golden age became spirits, patrons of people of new generations. Shrouded in fog, they rush across the earth, defending truth and punishing evil. This is how Zeus rewarded them after their death.

The second human race and the second century were no longer as happy as the first. It was the Silver Age. The people of the Silver Age were not equal in strength or intelligence to the people of the Golden Age. For a hundred years they grew up foolish in the houses of their mothers, only when they matured did they leave them. Their life in adulthood was short, and since they were unreasonable, they saw many misfortunes and grief in life. The people of the Silver Age were rebellious. They did not obey the immortal gods and did not want to burn sacrifices to them on the altars. The great son of Cronos Zeus destroyed their race on earth. He was angry with them because they did not obey the gods living on bright Olympus. Zeus settled them in the underground dark kingdom. There they live, knowing neither joy nor sorrow; people also pay homage to them.

Father Zeus created the third generation and the third age - the Copper Age. It doesn't look like silver. From the shaft of the spear Zeus created people - terrible and powerful. The people of the Copper Age loved pride and war, abundant in groans. They did not know agriculture and did not eat the fruits of the earth that gardens and arable land provide. Zeus gave them enormous growth and indestructible strength. Their hearts were indomitable and courageous and their hands irresistible. Their weapons were forged from copper, their houses were made of copper, and they worked with copper tools. They didn’t know dark iron back in those days. The people of the Copper Age destroyed each other with their own hands. They quickly descended into the dark kingdom of the terrible Hades. No matter how strong they were, yet the black death kidnapped them, and they left the clear light of the sun.

As soon as this race descended into the kingdom of shadows, the great Zeus immediately created on the earth that feeds everyone the fourth century and a new human race, a nobler, more just race of demigod heroes equal to the gods. And they all died in evil wars and terrible bloody battles. Some died at the seven-gate Thebes, in the country of Cadmus, fighting for the legacy of Oedipus. Others fell at Troy, where they came for the beautiful-haired Helen, and sailed across the wide sea in ships. When death snatched them all away, Zeus the Thunderer settled them on the edge of the earth, far from living people. The demigod-heroes live a happy, carefree life on the islands of the blessed near the stormy waters of the Ocean. There, the fertile land gives them fruits three times a year, sweet as honey.

The last, fifth century and the human race is iron. It continues now on earth. Night and day, without ceasing, sorrow and exhausting work destroy people. The gods send people difficult worries. True, gods and good are mixed with evil, but still there is more evil, it reigns everywhere. Children do not honor their parents; a friend is not faithful to a friend; the guest does not find hospitality; there is no love between brothers. People do not observe this oath, they do not value truth and goodness. People destroy each other's cities. Violence reigns everywhere. Only pride and strength are valued. The goddesses Conscience and Justice left people. In their white robes they flew up to high Olympus to the immortal gods, but people were left with only grave troubles, and they had no protection from evil.

Legends and myths of ancient Greece (ill.) Kun Nikolai Albertovich



Based on Hesiod's poem "Works and Days".

The immortal gods living on bright Olympus created the first human race happy; it was a golden age. God Kron ruled then in heaven. Like blessed gods, people lived in those days, knowing neither care, nor labor, nor sadness. They also did not know frail old age; Their legs and arms were always strong and strong. Their painless and happy life was an eternal feast. Death, which came after their long life, was like a calm, quiet sleep. During their lifetime they had everything in abundance. The land itself gave them rich fruits, and they did not have to waste labor on cultivating fields and gardens. Their herds were numerous, and they grazed calmly on rich pastures. The people of the golden age lived serenely. The gods themselves came to them for advice. But the golden age on earth ended, and none of the people of this generation remained. After death, people of the golden age became spirits, patrons of people of new generations. Shrouded in fog, they rush across the earth, defending truth and punishing evil. This is how Zeus rewarded them after their death.

The second human race and the second century were no longer as happy as the first. It was the Silver Age. The people of the Silver Age were not equal in strength or intelligence to the people of the Golden Age. For a hundred years they grew up foolish in the houses of their mothers, only when they matured did they leave them. Their life in adulthood was short, and since they were unreasonable, they saw a lot of misfortune and grief in life. The people of the Silver Age were rebellious. They did not obey the immortal gods and did not want to burn sacrifices to them on the altars. The great son of Cronos Zeus destroyed their race on earth. He was angry with them because they did not obey the gods living on bright Olympus. Zeus settled them in the underground dark kingdom. There they live, knowing neither joys nor sorrows; people also pay homage to them.

Father Zeus created the third generation and the third age - the Copper Age. It doesn't look like silver. From the shaft of the spear Zeus created people - terrible and powerful. The people of the Copper Age loved pride and war, abundant in groans. They did not know agriculture and did not eat the fruits of the earth that gardens and arable land provide. Zeus gave them enormous growth and indestructible strength. Their hearts were indomitable and courageous and their hands irresistible. Their weapons were forged from copper, their houses were made of copper, and they worked with copper tools. They didn’t know dark iron back in those days. The people of the Copper Age destroyed each other with their own hands. They quickly descended into the dark kingdom of the terrible Hades. No matter how strong they were, yet the black death kidnapped them, and they left the clear light of the sun.

As soon as this race descended into the kingdom of shadows, the great Zeus immediately created on the earth that feeds everyone the fourth century and a new human race, a nobler, more just race of demigod heroes equal to the gods. And they all died in evil wars and terrible bloody battles. Some died at the seven-gate Thebes, in the country of Cadmus, fighting for the legacy of Oedipus. Others fell at Troy, where they came for the beautiful-haired Helen, having sailed across the wide sea in ships. When death snatched them all away, Zeus the Thunderer settled them on the edge of the earth, far from living people. The demigod-heroes live a happy, carefree life on the islands of the blessed near the stormy waters of the Ocean. There, the fertile land gives them fruits three times a year, sweet as honey.

The last, the human race and the fifth century - the iron. It continues now on earth. Night and day, without ceasing, sorrow and exhausting work destroy people. The gods send people difficult worries. True, gods and good are mixed with evil, but still there is more evil, it reigns everywhere. Children do not honor their parents; a friend is not faithful to a friend; the guest does not find hospitality; there is no love between brothers. People do not observe this oath, they do not value truth and goodness. People destroy each other's cities. Violence reigns everywhere. Only pride and strength are valued. The goddesses Conscience and Justice left people. In their white robes they flew up to high Olympus to the immortal gods, but people were left with only grave troubles, and they had no protection from evil.

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Based on Hesiod's poem "Works and Days".

The immortal gods living on bright Olympus created the first human race happy; it was a golden age. God Kron ruled then in heaven. Like blessed gods, people lived in those days, knowing neither care, nor labor, nor sadness. They also did not know frail old age; Their legs and arms were always strong and strong. Their painless and happy life was an eternal feast. Death, which came after their long life, was like a calm, quiet sleep. During their lifetime they had everything in abundance. The land itself gave them rich fruits, and they did not have to waste labor on cultivating fields and gardens. Their herds were numerous, and they grazed calmly on rich pastures. The people of the golden age lived serenely. The gods themselves came to them for advice. But the golden age on earth ended, and none of the people of this generation remained. After death, people of the golden age became spirits, patrons of people of new generations. Shrouded in fog, they rush across the earth, defending truth and punishing evil. This is how Zeus rewarded them after their death.
The second human race and the second century were no longer as happy as the first. It was the Silver Age. The people of the Silver Age were not equal in strength or intelligence to the people of the Golden Age. For a hundred years they grew up foolish in the houses of their mothers, only when they matured did they leave them. Their life in adulthood was short, and since they were unreasonable, they saw a lot of misfortune and grief in life. The people of the Silver Age were rebellious. They did not obey the immortal gods and did not want to burn sacrifices to them on the altars. The great son of Cronos, Zeus destroyed their race

1 The poet Hesiod tells how the Greeks of his time looked at the origin of man and the change of centuries. In ancient times everything was better, but life on earth was constantly getting worse, and life was worst during the time of Hesiod. This is understandable for Hesiod, a representative of the peasantry and small landowners. During Hesiod's time, class stratification deepened and the exploitation of the poor by the rich intensified, so the poor peasantry really lived poorly under the yoke of rich large landowners. Of course, even after Hesiod, the life of the poor in Greece did not become any better; they were still exploited by the rich.


on the ground. He was angry with them because they did not obey the gods living on bright Olympus. Zeus settled them in the underground dark kingdom. There they live, knowing neither joys nor sorrows; people also pay homage to them.
Father Zeus created the third generation and the third age - the Copper Age. It doesn't look like silver. From the shaft of the spear Zeus created people - terrible and powerful. The people of the Copper Age loved pride and war, abundant in groans. They did not know agriculture and did not eat the fruits of the earth that gardens and arable land provide. Zeus gave them enormous growth and indestructible strength. Their hearts were indomitable and courageous and their hands irresistible. Their weapons were forged from copper, their houses were made of copper, and they worked with copper tools. They didn’t know dark iron back in those days. The people of the Copper Age destroyed each other with their own hands. They quickly descended into the dark kingdom of the terrible Hades. No matter how strong they were, yet the black death kidnapped them, and they left the clear light of the sun.
As soon as this race descended into the kingdom of shadows, the great Zeus immediately created on the earth that feeds everyone the fourth century and a new human race, a nobler, more just race of demigod heroes equal to the gods. And they all died in evil wars and terrible bloody battles. Some died at the seven-gate Thebes, in the country of Cadmus, fighting for the legacy of Oedipus. Others fell at Troy, where they came for the beautiful-haired Helen, having sailed across the wide sea in ships. When death snatched them all away, Zeus the Thunderer settled them on the edge of the earth, far from living people. The demigod-heroes live a happy, carefree life on the islands of the blessed near the stormy waters of the Ocean. There, the fertile land gives them fruits three times a year, sweet as honey.
The last, fifth century and the human race is iron. It continues now on earth. Night and day, without ceasing, sorrow and exhausting work destroy people. The gods send people difficult worries. True, gods and good are mixed with evil, but still there is more evil, it reigns everywhere. Children do not honor their parents; a friend is not faithful to a friend; the guest does not find hospitality; there is no love between brothers. People do not observe this oath, they do not value truth and goodness. People destroy each other's cities. Violence reigns everywhere. Only pride and strength are valued. The goddesses Conscience and Justice left people. In their white robes they flew up to high Olympus to the immortal gods, but people were left with only grave troubles, and they had no protection from evil.

Prepared according to the edition:

Kun N.A.
Legends and myths of ancient Greece. M.: State educational and pedagogical publishing house of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, 1954.

The immortal gods living on bright Olympus created the first human race happy; it was a golden age. God Kron ruled then in heaven. Like blessed gods, people lived in those days, knowing neither care, nor labor, nor sadness. They also did not know frail old age; Their legs and arms were always strong and strong. Their painless and happy life was an eternal feast. Death, which came after their long life, was like a calm, quiet sleep. During their lifetime they had everything in abundance. The land itself gave them rich fruits, and they did not have to waste labor on cultivating fields and gardens. Their herds were numerous, and they grazed calmly on rich pastures. The people of the golden age lived serenely. The gods themselves came to them for advice. But the golden age on earth ended, and none of the people of this generation remained. After death, people of the golden age became spirits, patrons of people of new generations. Shrouded in fog, they rush across the earth, defending truth and punishing evil. This is how Zeus rewarded them after their death.

The second human race and the second century were no longer as happy as the first. It was the Silver Age. The people of the Silver Age were not equal in strength or intelligence to the people of the Golden Age. For a hundred years they grew up foolish in the houses of their mothers, only when they matured did they leave them. Their life in adulthood was short, and since they were unreasonable, they saw many misfortunes and grief in life. The people of the Silver Age were rebellious. They did not obey the immortal gods and did not want to burn sacrifices for them on the altars; the Great Son of Cronos Zeus destroyed their family on earth. He was angry with them because they did not obey the gods living on bright Olympus. Zeus settled them in the underground dark kingdom. There they live, knowing neither joy nor sorrow; people also pay homage to them.

Father Zeus created the third generation and the third age - the Copper Age. It doesn't look like silver. From the shaft of the spear Zeus created people - terrible and powerful. The people of the Copper Age loved pride and war, abundant in groans. They did not know agriculture and did not eat the fruits of the earth that gardens and arable land provide. Zeus gave them enormous growth and indestructible strength. Their hearts were indomitable and courageous and their hands irresistible. Their weapons were forged from copper, their houses were made of copper, and they worked with copper tools. They didn’t know dark iron back in those days. The people of the Copper Age destroyed each other with their own hands. They quickly descended into the dark kingdom of the terrible Hades. No matter how strong they were, yet the black death kidnapped them, and they left the clear light of the sun.

As soon as this race descended into the kingdom of shadows, the great Zeus immediately created on the earth that feeds everyone the fourth century and a new human race, a nobler, more just race of demigod heroes equal to the gods. And they all died in evil wars and terrible bloody battles. Some died at the seven-gate Thebes, in the country of Cadmus, fighting for the legacy of Oedipus. Others fell at Troy, where they came for the beautiful-haired Helen, and sailed across the wide sea in ships. When death snatched them all away, Zeus the Thunderer settled them on the edge of the earth, far from living people. The demigod-heroes live a happy, carefree life on the islands of the blessed near the stormy waters of the Ocean. There, the fertile land gives them fruits three times a year, sweet as honey.

The last, fifth century and the human race is iron. It continues now on earth. Night and day, without ceasing, sorrow and exhausting work destroy people. The gods send people difficult worries. True, gods and good are mixed with evil, but still there is more evil, it reigns everywhere. Children do not honor their parents; a friend is not faithful to a friend; the guest does not find hospitality; there is no love between brothers. People do not observe this oath, they do not value truth and goodness. They are destroying each other's cities. Violence reigns everywhere. Only pride and strength are valued. The goddesses Conscience and Justice left people. In their white robes they flew up to high Olympus to the immortal gods, but people were left with only grave troubles, and they had no protection from evil.